helloliriels · 10 hours
I felt bad but then i watched ASiP and now i feel better.
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helloliriels · 10 hours
i'm thinking about the other day when me and my bf were watching sherlock (s1ep3) and i was getting massive cute aggression for watson bc he's just so,,,,, small. and cute in his little sweater with the collar poking out and his neat hair and square face. his accent and way of speaking and moving. his entire personality and way about him. just. like. everything about him is so attractive and cute. and when he was trying to solve the case on his own :<
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helloliriels · 11 hours
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An Edit a Day ⚜ Benedict Cumberbatch ⚜ [306/?]
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helloliriels · 12 hours
Intuition - May Prompts 25
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10
11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19
20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24
Intuition ringing, Reigate dove into the Thames, a duck to water, moments before the flash, bang and horrible hushed roar began.
They clove into the darkness, thrusters taking them deeper, deeper. A massive shadow at the bottom came into view: a ruined container ship, its cargo a child’s castle of blocks abandoned to the muck and weeds long ago. A remnant of the worldwide fleet of trade and commerce that once graced the Thames, in another time, another world, long lost.
As they pulled themselves behind a curtain of rusted freight, the concussive force above pressed down into the water, a hand into jelly, then scooped out a depression of river and shore beside, annihilating all where they had just stood.
“Hayter? Report!”
“Sirs, we’ve taken cover. I’m sure the Blaze is gone. Oh God, what are those things?”
“Holmes has some theories. Your job is to get to safety. The Hound is evacuating the rest of the team.”
“Yes, sir. Wait, there’s something…”
Maneuvering through the water with their hands, the Ghast crew monkeybar-climbed down the face of the container pile. Within a depression holed out from the shifting of the shipping cargo, there was a violet glow.
Flesh, quivering. Mounds, moving. A new-born limb extending, feeling. A distended shape blorping out—now apart from the unformed body that had spawned it.
As the Ghast's shadow fell on the pulsing mass, another tendril formed. It lurched, extending, reaching out towards the watching Ghast and crew. From the depths of the broken vessel, the conglomerate shuddered. They could see a fleshly rainbow of hues – bruise purple blue veins, molten fire red arteries, the tawny gold of an eye appearing – filling the entirety of the jagged, emptied hull.
It was coming for them.
Reigate wheeled aft. Pushing off with hands and feet, all thrusters at maximum burn, they put distance between them and this quanta of nightmare genesis.   
“Central—central!! Vatican cameos. Spawn breach confirmed beneath the Thames!”
Just a brief entry, but we continue! So many thousand kudos to all who've done their May Prompt stint! It's lovely that we can keep the creative lamps burning and the spirit of May alive as long as we want/need! *hugs* to @calaisreno and all the wonderful Prompts of May crew!!! You are amazing!!!
@meetinginsamarra @totallysilvergirl @lisbeth-kk @weeesi @naefelldaurk @stellacartography @peanitbear @kettykika78 @chinike @marta-bee @solarmama-plantsareneat @gregorovitch-adler @loves-to-read-fanfic
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helloliriels · 12 hours
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Edit - Benedict Cumberbatch - Just Hanging around whilst filming ‘The Empty Hearse’ -
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helloliriels · 12 hours
And it was such a gorgeous story!!! had me on the edge of my seat each day!!! xoxo
May Prompts (1)
Thank you for doing this @calaisreno! This year I am endeavoring to write a single story using some (most?) of the prompts. Consider it a creative writing exercise. Will I write everyday and use every prompt? Unlikely! Will this be a coherent story in the end? Possibly! Do I know where this story is going? Hells no! So ... enjoy, I hope?
“Open your eyes.”
His brain may be foggy, but the words come through clear. The voice saying them sounds pained. Pleading. He knows that voice—it’s comforting—but he’s far too confused to place it. He’s far too confused to place much of anything.
Now someone is retching. And crying. Sounds he’s all too familiar with. He must be in Afghanistan; something must have gone wrong. Which means the chaos is coming. He should prepare.
He doesn’t want to prepare. He wants to sleep.
There’s arguing now, hushed but angry. Machines are beeping. Have they been beeping the whole time? Why is he so tired?
He hears the soft click of a door opening and closing. Is he alone now?
No, there’s another voice. Familiar. Not the slightest bit comforting.
“Do wake up, Dr. Watson. He won’t survive if you don’t.” A pause. “Forgive me the double negative.”
Another click. He knows he’s alone now.
He sleeps.
Day 2 here.
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helloliriels · 12 hours
Why is my dash showing me things from 2022? No idea.
Do i mind? Absolutely not.
I know it’s 2022 but here’s a link to my John Watson playlist to accompany my Sherlock Holmes playlist
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helloliriels · 12 hours
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For the @fluffbruary in June Prompt: bookshop
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helloliriels · 13 hours
“Ah,” John understood now. “Mycroft requires. He’s being a paranoid arse about this.” “Yes.”
John and Anthea (chp. 1)
He’s Not Paid Enough to Deal with This Shit by janonny (AO3) Sherlock (TV) – Teen – Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Mycroft Holmes/Anthea #Alternate Universe #Canon Divergence #Humor #First Meetings
One of the first things John did was to write up step-by-step instructions on how to conduct a proper job interview before handing it over to Mycroft for his perusal. There were no kidnapping, deserted car parks or stolen therapy notes anywhere on that list.
(Or the one where John returned from the war and ended up working for Mycroft as his personal assistant slash doctor on retainer. Everything was fine, until he was sent to post bail for one Sherlock Holmes.)
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helloliriels · 13 hours
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You love it. Love what? Being Sherlock Holmes.
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helloliriels · 13 hours
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happy pride month.
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helloliriels · 14 hours
i think it is important to recognize the ways in which your favorite thing sucks. i think it keeps u normal
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helloliriels · 14 hours
unaired pilot sherlock made me feel some type of way
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helloliriels · 15 hours
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sometimes only the hurt can heal each other by Abby S
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helloliriels · 15 hours
Sherlock, in his surprise at the sudden intrusion and the mental speed bump, drops the pipette into his lap like a child fumbling a moment too late for a plummeting lolly.
This is an 8-hour speed writing fic, brought to you by a prompt by @sherlohomora !!
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helloliriels · 15 hours
squid’s laws of fic (not inclusive)
first law: write the fic you wish to see in the world aka goddammit do I have to do everything myself around here
second law: it’s going to be longer than you think. much longer. hahaha so long. why are you crying 
third law: the time spent writing is inversely proportional to the amount of smut present, dammit
fourth law: flesh out your secondary characters. make them real people. have them take over. oh god. put them back. somebody please help 
fifth law: the time spent researching canon is directly proportional to the amount of time you’ll spend altering your plot. that one person on the internet 
sixth law: the time spent researching in general will eclipse the time you spend writing. the nsa agent monitoring your internet search history is curled up in a corner. his boss wants to know if you’re a threat. “I don’t know,” the agent sobs. “I just really don’t know.” 
seventh law: at some point, someone will ask what your favorite hobby is. you will feign a heart attack to get away
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helloliriels · 15 hours
you have to stay alive. you're going to be such a beautiful middle aged freak. young freaks will see you in the street and know that things can be okay.
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