#happy hogan
usermischief · 2 months
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gunsandspaceships · 2 months
Billionaire Tony…
Doesn’t have:
A chef
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A nanny
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A maid
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Despises bodyguards
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And drives his chauffeur himself
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Y/N catches Natasha by the arm stopping her.
Natasha: "What's wrong?"
Y/N: "You were wearing a dress when you left the party."
Natasha lets out a sigh as Y/N does the calculation in her head: "Now is not the time, babe."
Y/N eyeing Happy with suspicion as he rounds the corner out of breath.
Happy pauses under your glare glancing at Natasha nervously.
Y/N: "You changed in the car"
Natasha: "Yes, it was the only option. Can we go now?"
Y/N: "Did he look?"
Natasha: "Y/N please"
Y/N releasing her arm to walk over to Happy her eyes narrowed.
Happy: "No, I wouldn't do that. I'm a gentleman."
Y/N raises an eyebrow at him.
Happy: "Fine fine okay I took a quick small little peek, that's all I promise"
He jabs a finger at Natasha: "She corrected me. I'm sorry, OW."
Y/N punch him square in the nose knocking him back into the wall.
Natasha: "Y/N"
Y/N shaking her hand: "Sorry Nat, but no one gets to see you undress but me. Now we can go."
Y/N continues on with the mission.
Happy gives Natasha a thumbs up nursing his bloody nose with the other one: "Go on, I'm fine, I'll catch up."
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cinemapix · 4 months
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Spiderman: No Way Home dir. Jon Watts | 2021
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thatsolacegirl · 5 months
Screenshot from Avengers Tower Yule Log released by Marvel.
This is the cutest thing ever. It's like, I'm transported to the 2012 Avengers era. Look at the stockings! 😭
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Names on the stockings: Maria, Darcy, Clint, Thor, Tony, Pepper, Nat, Rhodey, Steve, Happy and Bruce.
(Also, Bruce's stockings😭😭😭😭)
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ikarakie · 11 months
tony calls both peter and harley ‘kid’ and happy only ever knows who he’s talking about because for harley he’ll say ‘the kid’ and for peter he’ll say ‘my kid.’ him and pepper have a bet on who out of the three will realise first
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literaryavenger · 6 months
Summary: after Civil War you meet and bond with Bucky Barnes. You want to help him, but do you really realize how hard it's going to be?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Warnings: Minimal use of Y/N. Hints to eating disorder. Language probably, for now just fluff and innocent and broken Bucky. My poor attempts at being funny.
Word Count: 2.7K
A/N: This is my first story, and it's taken me a long time to even decide to post it. As of now I honestly have no idea where this story is going, the idea just popped in my head and I ran with it. I do have the first three chapters ready and I'm starting the fourth, I hope I find a plot at some point, we'll see how this one does and go from there.
Also, this is a reader version of a story I have on wattpad with an OC, if anyone wants to check that out the name's the same :) I had to rewrite it accordingly so if there are any mistakes that's why, feel free to point them out so I can fix them thanks.
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You enter the kitchen of the Avengers tower and saw two people sitting at the counter, immediately recognizing the one closer to the door.
"Stevie!" you practically yell, running towards the blonde man who stands up and opens his arms in time for you to jump on him, hugging him tightly while he raises you in the air and spins a little.
"Good morning, koala bear." he says while chuckling lightly.
"When did you come back?" you ask excitedly after a few minutes of hugging, not letting go just yet.
"Last night." he answered "Nat said you had just gone to sleep, I didn't wanna wake you."
"Steve, what's happening? Is she hurting you?" a voice you've never heard says.
You let go just enough for him to be able to put you back on the ground without letting go of you.
"It's okay, Buck, it's just a hug." he say to the other man as you turn a little to look at him better. He has a confused look on his face, at which Steve adds "It's just a way to express affection, it's fine."
At this you're a little confused yourself so you look at Steve who gives you a look that tells you not to question him, so you don't.
Instead you let go of Steve, turning completely towards his friend and stepping a little closer.
"Hi," you say looking at him and introducing yourself.
He doesn't look very comfortable so you don't try to shake his hand, choosing to wave a little with a smile.
He answers with a quiet "Bucky." while looking at the ground, like he's quite sure if he's even allowed to answer.
You tilt your head to the side, considering him for a second before saying "Do you want a hug, too? I promise I won't hurt you." you add quickly after he raises his head a little and you notice a slightly worried look on his face.
He thinks about it before just shrugging and nodding his head slightly.
"Okay. Do you... want to get up?" you hesitantly ask and he raises his head a little more, still not looking at your face but slowly getting up from his chair.
You glance at Steve who seems very interested in what's happening and is watching intently without making a sound. Your eyes meet for a few seconds and he raises an eyebrow and motions slightly towards his friend as if to tell you to keep going. You nod and get closer to Bucky until you're right in front of him.
You watch him for a couple of seconds and when his head stays lowered you decide to take the lead and move to put your arms around his neck, slowly so as not to startle him.
After several seconds of you gently hugging him while he stands with his arms to his sides, you're about to pull away when you feel him slowly move his arms to your lower back and keep them there lightly, being very careful like he was afraid of hurting you.
You smile a little into his shoulder and wait a couple of minutes before pulling away.
"Now that wasn't so bad, was it?" you tease, your hands still on his shoulders.
He gives you a little smile and finally looks you in the eyes for the first time and, as soon as his eyes meet yours, you're transfixed by how blue they are.
You're not sure how long you two stay looking into each other's eyes, but you're brought back to reality by Bucky's voice.
"Are you okay?" he asks, seeming genuinely concerned.
"Yes? Um... if you ever want another hug I'm always up for it... I love giving hugs." you say smiling and taking your hands off his shoulders as he drops his arms to his sides again.
He drops his gaze to the ground again, while your eyes stay on his face and you see a small smile and a slight nod.
After a few more seconds of looking at him you turn around and start walking towards the fridge, passing Steve and noticing a weird smirk on his face.
"What?" you ask him with a confused look but still smiling.
"Nothing..." he says, still smirking.
"Okay, weirdo." you say back laughing a little.
"Okay, weirdo. Breakfast?" he asked.
"No, I'll just drink some water." you say casually, avoiding his eyes.
"Y/N..." he says warningly.
"It's fine, Stevie, I'm just not hungry." you say, still not looking at him and grabbing a water bottle from the fridge.
As soon as you turn around you're met with the slightly disappointed face of Steve and the confused face of Bucky.
"Besides I don't have to train until this afternoon..." Steve's worry doesn't fade, so you add "I'll eat something later, I swear." you don't know if he's convinced, but his face softens and he lets it go.
"How about you fill me in about what happened while I was gone?" he says, changing the subject with a sympathetic smile.
"Sure, I'll just take a shower first, is that okay?" He nods and you run to your room to take a quick shower.
After you come out you put on some sweatpants and a sports bra just to not have to change until after training.
You grab a hairbrush and run back downstairs where you find Steve waiting for you alone while sitting at the table.
"Hi koala, that was a quick shower." he says with a smile when he sees you.
You lean with your back to the counter in front of the table he's sitting at and start brushing your still damp hair.
"Yep, you know me it's either 5 minutes or 50." you say smiling while he chuckles. "Where'd your friend go?" you ask casually while concentrating on brushing away a knot in your hair.
"He went to take a shower. Last night he was so tired he practically passed out in the guest room."
You humm a response before asking "So, is he gonna live here now? You know, be a part of the team and all? Tony refused to share any details with me..." you add with disappointment, which you're sure he notices because of his answer.
"Tony's still not 100% okay with it, but he's getting there. You know how he is, he doesn't talk about things until he's finished processing them... anyway yes, he'll live here and eventually be part of the team, I hope."
You look up and think about his words before nodding and waiting for him to speak again, but when he doesn't you try to sound as casual as you can while asking questions about his friend. "Why did you have to tell him what a hug is?"
He doesn't look you in the eye and you know he's getting uncomfortable so you don't really expect him to answer. But he does nonetheless
"Buck's not really been himself for the last 70 years... he hasn't been shown a lot of kindness or humanity. That's why I was surprised that he let you hug him so fast. Don't get me wrong I'm happy about it, it's real progress I just wasn't expecting it so soon..." You let him talk without interrupting, pretending to be more concentrated on your hair than his word so as to not make him even more uncomfortable.
You know stories about Bucky in the 40s from Steve and you have seen photos of him, only in black and white, but it was nothing compared to having him in front of you. Something about him just made you want to know more, like you were drawn to him.
You guess Steve picked up on this because, after a little pause, he adds "Look, I know you want to know more, but it's not my story to tell. If and when he's ready, it's up to him who he wants to tell." damn him for knowing you so well.
Of course you understand what he was saying and you know he's right, so you nod and say "You're right... I won't push it, I promise." before he has time to reply though Bucky enters the kitchen with different clothes and wet hair.
To not let him know you were just talking about him Steve quickly says "So, tell me, what have I missed around here?"
You thought about it for a moment as you watch Bucky make his way through the kitchen and sit at the table next to Steve.
"Um, well, Tony made a new addition to the team. It was very abrupt and it's weird that he's so young, but he's a nice kid. His name is Peter, he's 15 from Queens and apparently he's this Spider-man that's been all over youtube. What?"
As you talked you could see a bit of guilt on Steve's face. "We've met him... didn't know he was a kid though..."
"Well, what happened?" you ask, getting more and more frustrated that no one will tell you anything.
You're part of the team after all, and, even though you don't have powers or are a super soldier, you think you have a right to know why everyone suddenly disappeared one day on some mission that you weren’t allowed to know anything about, and why it took half of the team a couple more weeks than the others to come back.
It's not that it was uncommon for you not to know details of a mission you weren't assigned to, but, since Fury chose you from the SHIELD agents to join the Avengers several years ago, it's never happened that a mission required the WHOLE team except one single person.
What pissed you off even more it's that you're not the youngest in the team, nor are you the newest or the least trained.
You started as a SHIELD agent right before Natasha, granted you were a teenager, but both of you trained a lot together with Clint and you fought alongside the other Avengers in the battle of New York.
You also fought together against Ultron, where you united forces with the Maximoff twins, Wanda and Pietro, (the latter had to spend a lot of time in the medbay after, having almost died) and then also Vision, which is still a little weird since you still have Jarvis controlling the tower.
In all of this time you developed family-like bonds with the whole team.
You honestly consider Tony a father figure, him and Pepper treat you like a daughter and you love them for it. Rhodey, Happy and Bruce are like uncles.
Natasha is like a big sister and Wanda is like a younger one. Clint, Thor and even Loki (since he's been made to spend his exile with you as punishment for New York) have been like big brothers to you, Vision and Pietro are kind of like younger brothers, and now even Peter the last few months.
Scott is another new face that's quickly becoming a chaotic best friend. Sam is like a best friend that still shamelessly flirts with you, after years, obviously knowing nothing is going to happen.
And Steve is your absolute best friend, your favorite brother. He's overprotective (to be fair they all are when it comes to you) and caring, can't really say no to you, spoils you a little and you love every minute of it.
They are your family, and having them keep what feels like a very serious and important situation from you, and only you, not only makes you extremely angry, but it's also very sad to think they don't trust you enough.
Or at least that's what it feels like even though they keep telling you that's absolutely not the case.
You can see how uncomfortable Bucky is getting, while Steve is looking more and more guilty by the second, but neither is saying anything, so you just give up.
"Fine," you say, a little disappointed. "Don't tell me. I guess I'll have to wait on Tony to know."
You don't wait for them to answer as you bring your attention to Bucky.
"Can I?" you ask him while pointing to his hair with the brush that you just finished using on yourself.
He gives just you a confused look, so you explain. "Your hair is pretty long, it would be better if you brushed it before it dries otherwise it hurts like hell to do it later."
He looks at Steve with an uncertain expression, and, when the blonde just shrugs in response, Bucky looks back at you and nods.
You go around the table and position yourself behind Bucky. "I'll be as gentle as I can, but I'm sorry if I hurt you. If you want me to stop, just say so, okay?"
He nods again and you start to slowly and carefully brush his hair while telling Steve all the things you did with the others while he was gone.
The mysterious mission happened about 3 months ago, half of the team came back after a day, the others a couple of weeks later, while Steve and Bucky were the only ones to come back just now.
You tell Steve how you bonded with Peter over being "Tony's children", how Scott became something of a girlfriend and the time you spent with him and his daughter, Cassie, who was just adorable.
You tell him about the weird best friend-like friendship that Peter and Loki developed, much to Tony's annoyance, but that you find very cute and funny.
You tell him about all the pranks that you pulled with anyone and against everyone, specially with Sam, Scott and Loki and against Happy, Clint and Thor.
Steve knows everyone in the team is very quick to forgive you, he always jokes about how you have everyone wrapped around your finger, especially Tony.
And you have to admit, he's not totally wrong. Nobody really stays mad at you for more than a couple of days, and sometimes you're definitely treated like the kid of the family. The golden child.
Even Fury has a soft spot for you, which is very rare, to the point that you're the only one allowed to call him Nick.
You also tell Steve of all the "family time" he missed, which is essentially a whole lot of movie nights, game nights and things like that.
You tell him all the jokes you can remember being said, all the funny moments, all the missions and all the times when you missed him like crazy.
By the time you're done telling him everything you could remember, he's crying laughing and you're almost done with Bucky's hair.
"Are you okay? Am I hurting you?" you ask Bucky, as Steve tries to compose himself, still laughing at the prank you and Sam pulled on Clint where you turned his whole room into a giant bird's nest.
Bucky shakes his head and says a quiet "I'm okay" that you're sure Steve doesn't even hear over his own laughter.
You gently finish brushing his hair, then sit in the chair next to him leaning in and gently turning his head towards you so you can check you did a complete job.
At this point his hair is dry and falling down both sides of his face. You push his hair behind his ears to see his face better and smile, his eyes scanning your face.
Neither of you take notice that Steve has stopped laughing and is watching you with the same smirk he had after you hugged as you're both too intent in taking in each other's appearances.
"Is that better?" you ask after a few minutes of silence.
"What?" he ask, a little confused, which makes you giggle.
"Your hair. Is that better?" you ask again.
"Oh. Yeah, thank you." he says blushing, his voice still very quiet.
"You're adorable." you said with another giggle that makes Steve laugh too, while Bucky blushes even more.
You smile at him again before getting up, giving Steve a kiss on the side of the head while you pass him and going towards the door. "I'll see you guys at lunch. I'm supposed to meet Scott and Cassie in 10 minutes. Bye, Stevie."
"Bye, koala bear." Steve answers.
"Bye, Bucky."
"Bye." he says, still kind of quiet but loud enough for you to hear.
You turn around and give him one last smile before going through the living room to the elevator and to the floor that Scott's now living in and where Cassie spent the night.
part 2
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spidergrotto · 7 months
peter parker who gets grounded for the millionth time decides that sulking around was not the best way to spend his time.
so he invests in beads and colourful string, and starts making stupidly complicated beaded bracelets, he got the hang of it pretty quick— and out of nowhere, making bracelets turned into a hobby, and a way to cope.
it didn’t take much to realize just how much anxiety sat in peters bones, aunt may would jokingly call him a walking ball of anxiety— his spidey senses only worsened it.
but for some reason— his senses, the anxiety, would calm down whenever he started making bracelets, it reminded him of working in the lab; the world would go quiet for a few hours a week and peter could finally breathe.
maybe it was because of the focus he puts into it, the attention to detail— he wouldn’t settle for a subpar bracelet, or maybe it had nothing to do with making them at all, he didn’t know, but it worked, and who was he to complain?
so he carries his bracelet kit with him wherever he goes, he pulls out beads and string when he feels a panic attack come on, or when his senses decide to drive him insane. but it was embarrassing, he was how old? making beaded bracelets instead of working on homework, or going to class, so he kept it to himself— it was a secret.
but when ned found him hiding in the schools bathroom stall— mid panic attack, hand shaking while he very carefully pulls a bead into the string, he sat down next to him and started making his own.
and when MJ see’s neds arm decorated with three new beaded bracelet, she demands her own set— and forces peter to teach her how to make the more complicated designs.
somehow, the new spreads within his inner circle ( was it that obvious how much it calmed him down? ) and all of a sudden may’s arm was covered in bracelets made by peter, happy has a few littered around his house ( he wears one, keeps it hidden under his sleeves because he loves it but, he was embarrassed. )
so peter shouldn’t have been surprised when at his next lab session, tony stark had a table full of beads and strings— demanding to know why he was being left out, and the two spend hours making different bracelets.
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fotibrit · 7 months
Peter Parker, one day, used the “you didn’t say i CANT <ridiculous thing that nobody would think to forbid> so i thought it was fine!” line.
Since then, Tony, Pepper, Aunt May, Happy, and even Uncle Rhodey have taken to forbidding things fro Peter without any context.
Some of the more memorable ones:
“Hey Pete, would you mind swinging by for pizza before lab night? And do not, under any circumstances, make friends with the sewer rats on the way here. Thanks, Kid!”
<call at 3am, waking Peter up> “Hello?” “DO NOT EVER SWING WITH A SUSPECTED BROKEN ARM” <click>
“Peter, honey, make sure not to crawl through the vents at school today. Not above them either, please.”
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nerdbrazil · 2 months
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artofcereal · 3 months
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ouyyyy my hurt/comfort fics….. ily hurt/comfort fics……..
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usermischief · 1 month
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gunsandspaceships · 3 months
Billionaire Tony…
Likes simple things:
Cheeseburgers from Burger King, pizza and donuts
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T-Shirts from Walmart, t-shirts of his favorite heavy metal bands
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$5 Bottles from Dick’s
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His father’s old robe
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Paper books
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Minimalistic interiors
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Cooled down coffee
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He doesn't really care what kind of coffee he drinks
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Physical labor
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Friendly relationships with his employees
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Wooden cabins by the lake with chickens, alpacas and a garden
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marvel-lous-guy · 11 months
*on a phone call*
Pepper: Tony,  you have a board meeting in 30 minutes. You better be there
Tony: I'm not going.
Pepper: Yes you are. I cleared your schedule and made FRIDAY lock you out of all rooms in the tower except this meeting room for the next 4 hours
Tony: I won't go. Happy is taking me far away from the tower as we speak
Pepper: Actually, I already spoke to him and he's taking you towards the tower
Happy: Sorry boss! No can do!
Tony: *rolling down his window* I am not above crawling out of this car window to avoid the meeting!
Pepper: TONY NO!
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buckypascal · 5 months
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What If... the Avengers Assembled in 1602? - Uniforms & Outfits
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joelmchaleit · 7 months
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IRON MAN ( 2008 ) dir. Jon Favreau
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