#tony stark
enigmaris · 2 days
All Father Thor, King of Asgard,
A new ruler of Hel has been chosen, the fearsome King Phantom, defeater of Pariah Dark. It is time for Asgard to prepare to pay the dues required to keep peace between the realms of the gods and of the dead. Bring the terms of your surrender to King’s Phantom’s representative on earth, Daniel James Fenton of Amity Park.
The Noble Scribe of King Phantom,
Ghost Writer
“Okay so let me get this straight,” Tony Stark, Iron Man and Avenger said. “Ghosts are real.”
“Yes.” King Thor Odinson, Asgardian and god of thunder agreed.
“And they’re evil.”
“A bit of an oversimplification, but yes.” Prince Loki Odinson, sometimes villain and would be planet invader, answered.
“And the ghosts have had one ruler, the most powerful ghost in existence. And that new rulers are chosen by combat, meaning that every new ruler is more powerful than the last.”
“Yes, you’ve got the idea.” Thor said looking down at his knees for a moment.
“And since ghosts are so evil and so powerful, that means that their ruler is practically an unstoppable force of destruction.”
“Doesn’t it sound delightful?” Loki asked, to which he received a glare.
“So, for the past 10,000 years, at least, Asgard and plenty of other realms have been paying taxes to the ghost king to avoid a war. A racketeering scheme.”
“I don’t know what a racketeering scheme is but yes, the ghost peace treaty does require that Asgard pay the ghost king gold and magical weapons every century and if we fail to pay that price, then the peace treaty will be broken and Asgard will likely be forfeit.”
“That’s a racketeering scheme!”
“Well then yes.”
Tony pinched the bridge of his nose. It was clear the man’s headache was only growing stronger as he walked through the information the two gods had dumped into his lap this morning. Thor and Loki both had rushed into his lab and started babbling about world ending threats and how they might possibly be absolutely screwed.
“So, now there’s a new king. Which means a new peace treaty has to be signed.” Tony said the words ‘peace treaty’ in the same way he’d say ‘nuclear bomb’ or ‘Steve Rogers’.
“I thought you said it was a racketeering scheme?” Loki asked.
“Shut it.” Tony hissed.
“A new treaty must be signed.” Thor repeated, trying to keep the three of them on track.
“And since the last king Pariah Dark was so powerful that he made the entirety of Asgard tremble, you’re pretty sure this new king, Phantom, is probably worse.”
“Pariah Dark had the power to suck entire planets into the afterlife, destroying them,” Loki said looking at his nails. “Stands to reason that a ghost powerful enough to defeat him could do much, much worse.”
“Right. Fantastic!” Tony practically shouted.
“I don’t think anything about this is fantastic.” Thor admitted, he was ignored.
“And according to you Asgard has been paying the ghost tax for both their realm and ours since we were under Odin’s protection. And since Hela and Sutur destroyed your entire planet and your entire people are refugees, now we have to figure out how to keep an ultrapowerful ghost from wiping out our home without any way of paying him.”
“Technically we don’t know if Phantom is a ‘he’.” Loki pointed out unhelpfully.
“The letter literally says he’s a king!”
“Could be a title. What do the dead have need for gender?”
“This is not the point of this discussion,” Thor cut in before an argument about the usefulness of gender and the concept of a female king burst forth. “We’re here to figure out how to make peace with King Phantom without resulting in a war that would destroy our world and our peoples.”
“We don’t even have Earth’s mightiest heroes anymore.” Loki said, referencing the painful results of the civil war and the Accords.
“We’re fucked.” Tony decided.
“Yes,” Thor agreed. “We probably are.”
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heydocpotts · 1 day
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Couple days late but happy bday to my favorite iron guy! ❤️💛
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romanoffshouse · 3 days
Natasha: What time is it?
Y/N: I don't know, pass me that saxophone and we'll find out.
[Y/N blasts the saxophone]
Y/N: It's 3 am
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moonlit-imagines · 3 days
Headcanons for being an Avenger with a low social battery
Avengers x reader
prompt: anonymous: “Can I have the avengers with a reader who has a really bad social battery. Like they can be out in public and then they just disappear and are like “nah I’m done with these mofo’s””
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the avengers are quite the rowdy bunch
but you always as excitable as them
these guys were often in the public eye, always being asked all sorts of questions
but you just couldnt handle it a lot of the time
"y/n, can i get a picture with you? you're my hero!" -fan
"uh...yeah, sure. big smile!" -you, completely exhausted
you tried to be nice and not obvious that you were drained but boy was it hard
especially when tony threw his parties
you'd typically sit in the corner with a drink and try to make it through the night
but there were always some guests who were just dying to come talk to you
"hey! why are you hiding over here, there's a party going on! come, have some fun!" -clueless party guest
"oh, i'm okay over here, thank you" -you
"i'll keep you some company, then. why don't you tell me a story of one of your avenger missions"
some people just could not take the hint
but the avengers usually knew when you'd had enough
"wanna get out of here?" -nat
"please." -you
you'd recharge alone whenever you escaped the madness
dont even get me started on the news
they would do anything to get an interview with you
"y/n! could you comment on the recent events in [country] that you accompanied the avengers in?" -reporter
"we were there, we saved the day" -you, obviously exhausted
"is that all you have to say?" -reporter
"hey! don't you want to hear what i have to say? huh?" -tony
"thanks, tony" -you
"no problem, kiddo" -tony
wanda got it
you liked spending time with her because she liked to be calm and alone sometimes too
you'd read or watch tv or listen to music together in silence for hours
it was nice
it was funny because sometimes the team would all be socializing and then bam
"hey, where's y/n?" -steve
"i think they tapped out" -clint
"oh. i'll go check on them" -steve
"no, just leave them alone, they'll be back" -tony
after a lot of missions you'd just wait for the avengers on the quinjet while they spoke to authorities or SHIELD or whoever
"just forward me the mission report, i'll fill it out" -you
everyone just kinda let you do your thing
which worked out just fine for you
it drove fury crazy back in the day
"just why are we giving y/n special treatment? what? they're tired?" -fury
"i didn't say that, i said they were over your shit" -tony
"you better not have said that, i'll give you one last chance" -fury
and that is just another reason you were depleted
some days were better than others, and sometimes you could keep up! but once your battery died, that was it
"'social battery,' you say? any way i could be of assistance? maybe a small jolt from mjolnir to charge it back up?" -thor
"oh, no, just a figure of speech, no need for...that" -you
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @locke-writes // @sweetheartlizzie07 // @queen-destenie // @johnmurphyisqueer // @captainshazamerica // @ravenmoore14 // @canarypoint // @procrastinatingsapphictrash // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @petersgroupie // @summersimmerus // @scarthefangirl // @bad4amficideas // @sheridans-dynamos // @simsrecs // @prettysbliss // @skdkdkckfk // @simp-legend // @wild-rose-35 // @nekoannie-chan // @evilcr0ne // @v0idl1nq // @ruvaakke // @thedarkqueenofavalon // @amirahiddleston // @beth-gallagher22 // @brutal-out-here // @rqmanoff // @elenavampire21 // @mymelodymia // @pheonixfire777 // @deanzboyfriend //
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Tony: Are you gonna do anything productive today?
Peter: [on week 4 of summer vacation] I think I’m gonna try to run so fast at a chain link fence that I come out as cubes
Tony: Let me know how that goes
Peter: Will do
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Tell me I'm wrong in any way?
@tonystark-official @clintbarton-thearrowguy @white-wolf-actually @blackwidow-nat-official2 @official-pietro-maximoff @definitelynot-peterp4rker @whatarethooseshuri @probably-steve @bisexualswordlady
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vbecker10 · 6 hours
Today's randomness... enjoy 💚
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Vision: What does the phrase 'take out' refer to?
Bucky: It's when you go on a date
Thor: I thought it was when you got your food to go?
Loki: *sighs* It is clearly when you kill someone
Vision: This was not particularly helpful
Tony: Actually... they're all right
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I hope you liked this!! Please like, share and comment if you did 💚💚 Please let me know if you want to be added to my taglist!
@soubi001 @mochie85 @lokiswife-dark-fox-queen @animnerd @cabingrlandrandomcrap @icytrickster17 @lokisgoodgirl @mischief2sarawr @stupidthoughtsinwriting @mjsthrillernp @holdmytesseract @lulubelle814 @goblingirlsarah @alexakeyloveloki @siconetribal @lokidokieokie @kneelingformyloki @jiyascepter @eleniblue @loreniscrying @muddyorbsblr @alyeskathewave @loz-3 @firedrakegirl @javagirl328 @princess-ofthe-pages @morally-grey-variant @soulpiercing @km-ffluv
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Steve + text posts pt. 4/?
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jetblackfeeling · 2 days
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for @cap-ironman rbb 2024. thank you so much to ItsMayBiTheWay and capneverever for writing amazing fics for my submission! i had a lot of fun collaborating with them for this event! pls check out their works linked below!
Red Strings of Fate (Tying Me to You) by ItsMayBiTheWay Situationship by capneverever [link tba] caught red-handed by wingheads (me)
thank you so much cap/im mods for another fun rbb year!! :D
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avengerscompound · 3 days
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Tony Stark & Scott Lang Avengers: Endgame
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themculibrary · 2 days
Stony Sharing A Bed At Clint's Farmhouse Masterlist
As Subtle As An Earthquake (ao3) - heartsandmuses T, 1k
Summary: The rest of the Avengers try to set Steve and Tony up during their stay at Clint's farm.
If only the team could get their heads out of their asses long enough to see that the two are already going out.
Before the Storm (ao3) - pensversusswords T, 1k
Summary: In which they get assigned the same room at Clint's farm. Cuddling and feelings ensue.
Come All You Young Lads, and Lay Me Down (ao3) - laudatenium E, 5k
Summary: It wasn't easy, feeling like this for someone he was barely friends with.
But it wasn't like life had ever been kind to him.
Feeding the Fire (ao3) - ghostlands M, 5k
Summary: Look, there’s different types of crushes. Steve is no stranger to them. You get a crush on the barista because she makes your latte with a cute picture of a cat in the foam. You get a crush on the delivery guy because he drove all the way out in a storm with twenty boxes of takeout for the tower (he was also pretty cute). You get a crush on someone when they flawlessly fire off multiple, tiny missiles right against your shield.
Crushes are supposed to be fun and fleeting, gone as quick as they come.
Heat (ao3) - gracerene E, 1k
Summary: Steve and Tony share a bed and end up getting more than they'd bargained for.
Hysteria When You’re Near (ao3) - StarSpangledBucky E, 8k
Summary: Tony has been pining for Steve for a while, calling off his relationship with Pepper. After their first encounter with Ultron, they're at the farmhouse and Tony can't help but want Steve more. It isn't until night arrives when Natasha tells Steve to stop by Tony's room, where he finds the brunette in need of some comfort. Steve's right there with him. Feelings are confessed and comfort sex ensues. By morning, the team can finally relax when they see that the pining has been resolved.
Insomnia for Dummies (ao3) - miss_whimsy G, 739
Summary: Set during Avengers: Age of Ultron. Tony can't sleep. Steve can't sleep. They talk instead.
In the Early Dawn (ao3) - starspangledsprocket M, 3k
Summary: Steve and Tony have to share a bed. They use this as an opportunity to talk. Talking leads to more.
Love Shack (ao3) - owltype E, 3k
Summary: Steve and Tony have to share a room. They share feelings, then they share themselves.
Morning Wood (ao3) - avengersincamphalfbloodstardis E, 2k
Summary: Steve wakes up on Clint's farm, with his arms around Tony, and a problem in his pants.
Spend a night (ao3) - MystikSpiral E, 1k
Summary: Tony and Steve have to bunk together, both of them need a way to sleep.
Tony Stark is a Blanket Stealer (ao3) - Heartithateyou G, 532
Summary: Tony and Steve are forced to share a bed at Clint's farmhouse and Tony has never been good at sharing.
Wake Up, Lovebirds (ao3) - Sampika G, 898
Summary: “If they’re going to be staying here, some of them are going to have to double up,” Laura pointed out.
Clint let out a chuckle, already seeing the looks on the other Avengers’ faces. “That’s not going to sell.”
That time Steve and Tony had to share a bed.
Waves you bring (ao3) - babesrgrs M, 2k
Summary: Of course, it was Steve and Tony who had to bunk together.
What Happens at the Farmhouse (ao3) - Heartithateyou G, 1k
Summary: When Tony and Steve are forced to share a room at Clint's farmhouse, certain secrets come to light.
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why-i-love-comics · 3 days
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Avengers Twilight #6 - "The World is Watching" (2024)
written by Chip Zdarsky art by Daniel Acuna
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Hey so I don't usually request so sorry if this is a mess but can you do how Peter Parker would deal with you being dusted right in his arms and the aftermath of how he'd cope. (Even better if your starks daughter and they share the grief)
okay so i wrote this with you and peter getting dusted and how tony would cope, but pt. two will be how you and peter cope with tony’s death🤭🤭
i promise it’s still angsty!
WARNINGS – gory, angsty asf, rewriting the ending of infinity war so if you watched it recently it might feel repetitive, i forget if there’s swearing but here you go just in case<3
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You knew it was risky to follow Tony and the wizard that morning. God, you knew it was risky. It’d been like any other morning–out for a run with your dad: talking about projects, talking about his engagement to Pepper, watching the immediate protective shift he had when a portal appeared on the shoreline path in front of you.
The grave look on his face said it all.
And you knew the risks. You’d signed up for these kinds of dangers when you were born with the Stark name. It was a target sewn to your back by DNA. The same genes gave you the stubborn spirit to sneak onto an alien spacecraft to help your dad; genes that made you look like the spitting image of him when you’d found out Peter Parker also had the same idea.
In hindsight, you were glad your boyfriend made the trip. It made you feel better protected.
Especially seeing as you lost.
If someone were to tell you on your run that morning that you’d take a punch to the gut and a dagger to the thigh by later that evening, you would stand speechless. If someone were to have told you that you’d lose this badly, and nearly lose your dad in the process, you wouldn’t believe them.
Laying on the dry–graveled surface of whatever planet this was, you pushed yourself up as high as you could. Your upper thigh screamed with blood and the burn of a fresh cut. It was the deepest one you’d ever received. A hushed whimper forced a response out of you at the feeling, making your father turn his attention towards you.
You regretted even being there the second it all happened.
With his head turned to his left, toward you, Tony lost his footing, meeting the fatal kiss of Thanos’ dagger right to the stomach. You watched the blood instantly choke out through his lips, and the way he stammered back as the purple giant shoved him harshly into a rock.
“NO!!” You shouted, as if your cry stop it. As if it would save him. You couldn’t lose your father. You couldn’t live without him. You didn’t even want to think of the possible outcome.
One of your arms gave out, shoving you face–first back into the ground beneath you. Your eyes welled with tears, and you tried to fight against your own pain to make your way over, to say goodbye. To try and fix this. You had to fix this.
“Stop!” The world stilled as Dr. Strange spoke up “Spare his life..” Dr. Strange sat up, pained. Pained and protesting, but willing. The tone of his voice gave you chills. “And I’ll give you the stone.” It wasn’t a request, nor a bargain, rather than a demand.
“No tricks?” The single drop of blood glistened off Thanos’ temple in the several setting suns of the planet, highlighting how little patience Thanos had left, too. Highlighting just how much Tony Stark bled out at his mercy beside him.
Without a word, Stephen maneuvered the air and the Time Stone appeared between his thumb and his first finger.
And thus, Thanos agreed.
In a manner of moments, you’d pressed yourself off the ground, standing. You used some tech your father lent you to spray some sort of temporary stitch–up over your wound for the time being. Looking up, you met your father’s eyes and saw the stabbed indent disappear. Dr. Strange handed the stone over with a white flag and a twinge of regret. You felt the world shift as it happened, the gravity of it growing heavy.
Everything you knew was changing.
Thanos vanished, leaving you all to sit in the feeling and process what had happened. You felt it in your gut that this loss would be horrendous, but the only thing that ran through your mind was making sure your dad was okay.
Limping, you rushed over as quickly as you could, hugging him with all the strength you had to muster. You didn’t care that you were crying. You didn’t care that your body was lined with dirt and blood and bruises. You held him tightly, and kept yourself from processing what the hell happened. Kept yourself from the distraction of Peter Quill blasting the space that Thanos just stood in.
“Did we just lose?” He asked, misery and frustration and denial clear in his voice.
But you and Tony ignored him. Your father held your face in his hands, taking you in with the fear that it might be his last time ever doing so. “Whatever happens, I love you.” He told you, and the words tattooed in your memory and stood alone among anything else he’d ever told you. You cling to them with every ounce of energy you had left.
“Whatever happens, I love you too.” You repeated back to him, ignoring the trembling in your lip.
Peter rushed over to the two of you, hugging both of you tightly. Both your dad and Peter helped you stand upright, but Tony handed you off to Peter while he confronted the wizard.
Tony looked at Strange with a look of both gratitude and confusion. “Why would you do that?”
Dr. Strange took a few shaky breaths, his expression unreadable. “We’re in the endgame now..” Was the only response he allowed, the universe allowed.
“Uhh, Mister Stark!” Peter called out, his grip morphing on you. The way he held you suddenly got tighter, more secure, more protective; as if you slipped through his fingers, or you would, or you were dying. His breath quickened, like something grave was happening. “Mister Stark!! Something’s happening!”
Tony didn’t waste a second before he walked over to the two of you, watching as Peter lowered you to the ground, cradling you in his arms. Nothing was happening, as far as you were aware, you didn’t feel anything. And Tony didn’t see anything.
But the sweat that traced Peter’s temple wasn’t something unnoticed. The way he held you, the way he looked at you, Tony knew Peter was sensing the state of their loss. “Kid?” Tony asked, sitting beside you two, grabbing one of your hands and squeezing Peter’s shoulder with the other. “Kid, what’s happening?”
Peter was between hyperventilating and being entirely speechless. His head shook rapidly, glancing from you and Tony. “I’m not–” Tears lined his eyes, quick to run down his face. “I’m not sure.. But I don’t–”
“Something’s happening.”
Each of you turned to Mantis as she spoke, soon obliterating, turning to dust on spot and dissipate into nothing. She was simply gone.
Panic. Pure panic flooded the air.
Drax’s focus went to his hand as it started in his fingers, his hand disappearing. “Quill?” His tone was nothing but concernment, uncertainty. Then he was gone, too.
“Steady, Quill.” Your dad quipped, watching the space where Peter Quill stood.
It started in his legs, traveling up his body as he turned into the same textured substance. “Oh, man..” And his face lingered, imprinting the dust before blowing off with the breeze.
“Tony..” Stephen spoke up, seeing the look in your dad’s eyes. Seeing the thoughts as they ran courses, miles, laps in Tony’s head. “It was the only way.” His tone was apologetic as he, too, fractured into immeasurable pieces. His body turned to molecules, fading into the air.
Peter swallowed thickly, beads of sweat dripping from his hairline. His knuckles were white around your hand as you brought them to your lips and kissed it. You weakly squeezed your father’s hand, smiling up at the both of them. “I love you guys.” And as if you knew what was happening, spouting from your legs and spreading to your fingers, you turned to dust, too.
Your father tried to catch it, squeezing his fingers tightly around the space your hand had just been. He felt tears sting his eyes as you vanished in front of him. His whole world, his daughter, gone in a matter of seconds.
“Mister Stark..” Peter broke the deafening silence. “I don’t–” His eyes studied the hand that had just held yours, eyes glossy with grief and denial. “I don’t feel so good..”
His breaths were choked, ached, agonized as his legs gave way. Tony watched the way he turned to dust just as everyone else had. He kept hold of Peter’s shoulder, speechless. Tony couldn’t comprehend what was happening.
Peter looked to him, panicked. Completely and utterly panicked. “I don’t wanna go.” He repeated the phrase like it was all he knew, “I don’t wanna go. I don’t wanna go, I don’t wanna go–” And when the pain became immeasurable, undeniable; when his fate was sealed, he took a final breath, clenching his jaw to try and keep himself from breaking in his final moment. “I’m sorry..” And just like that, he was gone.
He was gone, and Tony was alone. He stared at Nebula, nervous that if he looked away, she’d disappear too. The two didn’t know each other well at all, but her company was something he grasped onto like water. He clung to anything and everything she had to offer, hoping to God they’d make it out of this.
He wasn’t sure how he was going to live without you, but knew he needed to. If there was any shot or hope or reality of getting you back, Tony needed to get to it. He had to find it, and he wouldn’t rest until he did.
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minimarvelh · 2 days
Peter: mr. Stark, the mood ring says you’re my father so you should adopt me. (*gives him adoption papers and flies out the window*)
Tony, tearing up: fuck, I love this little shit so much. *signs the papers*
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marvel-lous-guy · 2 days
Tony: *pours hot coffee into a car engine*
Tony: shit, thats not my mug
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Tony : you're grounded! No more spider-man-ing!
Spidey : Nuh uh, I ain't getting grounded
Tony : What do you mean "ain't getting grounded" ? There's no option in here!
Spidey : Nuh uh
Pepper : Go to your room
Spidey : I am sorry ma'am ill respect your words and listen to you and repent my actions
Tony : HoWwWw!??!
Pepper : Tony you're going too soft on the kid. Yesterday he was out all night! And you didn't tell him anything?
Tony : Well what do you want me to do? Put him in a timeout?
Pepper : yes, at least for four minutes!
//I saw this on pinterest and had to bring it here. GOLD//
@tonystark-official @spidey-official
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