#gates of hell
aloneinthehellfire · 19 hours
Chapter Eighteen: "Safe"
Gates Of Hell
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Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: angst central, mentions of death, guilt, needles, mentions of a hospital
[A/N: Part Three is going to be the biggest part of the story yet, just you wait (as told by the exhausted writer who just handed in her final degree project ahhhhhsbsjsksbsklak and must now sleep for 3 years to catch up) but I am so excited to be able to write whenever I want without the looming threat of a degree! let's goooo]
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Don’t forget me.
Don’t forget me.
Don’t forget me.
Don’t forget-
Steve runs his hands down his face, straightening back up from where he had been hunched over the table, eyes bleeding onto the map from the intensity of his stare. He takes a glance to his right, the young boy he called a friend stood anxiously in the doorway.
“We’re, uh…” Dustin shifts on his feet, sneakers barely crossing the barrier of the door frame. “We’re all worried about you. You’ve been up here for hours.”
Steve blinks, turning to the window to be met with his reflection against the pitch black sky. The darkness outside was no match for the circles under his eyes. When was the last time he slept?
“And you look like shit.” Dustin comments, a hint of a smirk twitching his lips when Steve looks back at him, attempting a smile. He hadn’t managed one of those for a while now.
“Thanks, buddy.” He drawled off sarcastically with enough conviction to earn himself a toothy grin. “I just got distracted, I’ll be down in a minute.”
Dustin seemed wary but satisfied with that answer, giving him a nod before he disappears down the staircase. When he heard the last echo of descending footsteps fade, Steve returned to the map and placed his head in his hands, frowning.
Not one gate had opened since he left the Upside Down.
He and Hopper had been waiting for one to appear for weeks now. Five weeks. And three days. 38 days of sitting in what little patience remained, hoping and praying for once in their lives that a gate to a supernatural dimension would open in Hawkins just long enough for them to find you and bring you home. Just like you wanted.
“Don’t come back from me.”
Your voice had been haunting him for weeks, reminding him of the bitter lies that spewed from his mouth every day since.
He told Hopper and the others that you wanted them to find you, that you were very much alive. Maybe they’d be thankful he had spared them the tormenting truth, though Steve very much doubted it.
The worst part was that they believed him. They had hope. Every single one of those people currently sat downstairs positioning their next mission into the apocalyptic ruins of Hawkins will, and do, believe anything he says. Because they trust him.
All but one, however.
El had doubts. Steve saw it on her face any time she pulled the fabric away from her eyes and shook her head at the others, wiping her bloody nose with a suspicious look sent his way. She had been searching for you in ‘the void’ Dustin so ominously named.
At first, she agreed with Steve; “Maybe because the gates are closed, you can’t find a connection.”
But each day her wary eyes grew sharper, almost seeing right through him the longer it took to find you. And if anyone was going to call out his lies, it would be the girl with a superpowered mind.
What happens then? El tells their friends of his deception and he would have to watch each one of their faces drop into utter disbelief, disappointment.
Even if he does find you- no, when he finds you- would he be able to live knowing he had betrayed the people he loved?
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Another 20 minutes passed him by before he begrudgingly left the solace of his own torture, entering a brand new means for internal torment. Steve wasn’t sure if he could handle normality in this head-space he’s cornered himself into. Although, with this particular group of people, nothing would ever be normal.
“Woah, hey, you can’t cast fireball!” Mike crosses his arms in objection, brows furrowed.
“Why not? You want them gone? I give you a ball of fire.” Lucas counters, leaning across the table with a pointed stare.
“We are in an enclosed space.” Dustin offers, surrendering under the glare he was shot.
“I. Cast. Fireball.” Lucas throws his hand down on the table and Mike groans.
“Fine. Fine. You cast fireball and…” He gives a dramatic pause, clicking his teeth. “Oh, wow, look at that. You all burned up because of how small the room is. You failed.”
“What?!” Lucas stresses and Dustin shakes his head.
“You burnt to a crisp.” Mike enunciates. “You died.”
“Fire and small spaces, dude.” Dustin sighs, burying his face in his hands.
“Great, so we lost the campaign?” Lucas pouts at his friends. “Now what do we do?”
“How about you join the real world and pretend like you aren’t losers?” Max’s voice calls from across the room and they all turn around to face her. She smirks. “Just a suggestion.”
The boys were sat around the large wooden table in the corner of the room, the surface covered in dice and figurines. They start packing up, ignoring Max’s giggles from the other side of the room. She was sat in an armchair braiding El’s hair, who sat cross-legged on the floor in front of her, staring down at an old picture book found from the forgotten bookcases scattered across the house.
Steve still wasn’t used to the sight, entering a room in his own home and it not being completely devoid of life.
Since Hopper found Steve practically in a pool of his own blood and tears in the motel 6 basement, their town had only gotten worse. Beasts from hell were terrorising what little population remained, vines were growing with no source and crushing the buildings that made Hawkins so historic in nature. The military had quarantined the area, at least that’s what Steve heard. Anyone who hadn’t managed to escape were trapped, it seemed, and Steve was just thankful he wasn’t a lost soul out on his own.
He still remembers the ride to the ‘safe house’. Steve beside Hopper in his nostalgic jeep, sat bruised and bloody with a forlorn attitude. He watched the father’s grip tighten on the wheel every so often, resisting his urge for tears. When it was finally revealed where the others had been living over the three weeks you were stuck in the Upside Down, Steve had his doubts.
The Harrington household was the best option for them to set up base of operations in Hawkins. It was big, it was empty, and it was just far enough out from the centre of town to be safer from the monsters still crawling around on the surface. Someone had fixed the garage door, the windows had been covered completely in either wood or fabric. But no matter how much they changed, Steve would never be able to forget it was his childhood home. One he assumed he would reside in until the day he died, even against all his efforts.
That possibility was looking more and more likely.
The usual parlour of the house was now ‘communications’. Dustin and Mike had set up a radio system, not unlike their equipment from the AV Club, and had a running list of all the stations still playing something other than nauseating static. Every now and then a brief interruption of a person’s call for help would come blaring through and Hopper would take a team to go rescue them. Unfortunately, no new residents ever found safety in the Harrington home.
The lounge Steve would spend most his evenings sinking into the couch was now filled with D&D boards, comic books, and many blankets. It was a space for the kids to hang out, and it was probably the only room Steve found himself smiling in. If he could find the energy to smile, that is. Even if they couldn’t remove the kids from the dangers of the forbidden world, they could at least try to let them be kids. Play fights, campaigns, board games. Steve sometimes would peer into the room and wish he was 13 again. Part of him knew his younger self would have no chance dealing with the apocalypse, much unlike the younger friends who had more tenacity than he ever could.
Upstairs had four bedrooms, but none of them were designated to any particular person or group. The kids generally preferred sleeping in the lounge unless instructed otherwise. And with everything happening on the other side of the boarded windows, there was never any time to sleep longer than 4 hours at most. Everyone had different sleeping times and shifts, meaning if a bed was free, it was yours.
Steve, however, had been using one of the bedrooms to study the maps Hopper had brought. It was just another guest room before he had dragged in a desk and shifted the bed over to the corner. His own room was too big for one person, he realised. And with how selfish he had been lately, he didn’t want to feel guilty for anything else. The adults usually slept in there, and Steve made no attempt to question their sleeping arrangements. It wasn’t any of his business.
And lastly, there was his father’s study. Hopper had been using it for the exact same reasons Steve had redecorated the guest room; to find you. He spent most of his time cooped up in there, only ever leaving to announce a new plan or to walk out on a new mission. It makes Steve’s stomach lurch anytime he thinks about how miserable the father must be.
A father who was doing everything in his power to get you back, taking the operation seriously. All the while Steve was simply barrelling head first into gut feelings, almost ruining everything.
The first week Steve was back was the busiest. He and Hopper had made detailed plans, taking care and consideration into their next actions. The beginning was fine, Steve almost felt at ease knowing he was doing something. But he grew tired of the wait.
After that week, he started to lose his mind. He found himself running all over town looking for another way back to the place he had so longed to escape, praying for another gate, and trying every signal point in Hawkins for even just a glimmer of communication to reach you. Hopper almost had to physically restrain him when things got messy, telling him to pull himself back into reality before something bad happened. He should have listened.
“See? I told you he’d be here.” Dustin grins as he spots Steve stood in the doorway, an array of eyes shifting to him.
“You missed a wild campaign.” Lucas states and Mike throws a look, shaking his head in silent disappointment.
“Oh, yeah. I was on the edge of my seat.” Max mocks, “Thought I was gonna have to come rescue Lucas from invisible fireballs.”
“Why do you hate me?” Lucas asks bluntly, and Steve clears his throat before anything can escalate further.
“Where’s Will?” He suddenly realises the loss of a head count, frowning at the spare chair pulled up to the table.
“He… he hasn’t come out of that room.” Mike’s face falls, shifting on his feet. “He hasn’t really spoken much. Not since...”
A moment of silence plagued the room. Nobody really spoke about what happened a few days ago, a mission gone horribly wrong. The task was simple: get to Weathertop and use the ‘Cerebro’ Dustin built to break through the static of the Upside Down. Yet, it was far from simple in the end. It left a thick lump in Steve’s throat to even think about it. They had all become somewhat experts on ignoring the reality, Steve especially.
He couldn’t imagine how Will must be feeling.
“I, uh… I’ll go speak to him.” Steve says, surprising himself. “Just in case he needs anything.”
Dustin squinted his eyes ever-so-slightly, gazing right through Steve’s attempt at misdirection, knowing his older friend was nervous about socialising after the week they had. Yet, he didn’t comment on the matter. He just shrugged and mumbled something about bringing Will food later, fiddling with the small wizard statue on the table.
Satisfied with the silence, Steve takes his leave.
Not before clocking El’s eyes as he headed back out the room. It sent a chill down his spine to see her face like that, a red stain on the cuff of her jumper explaining all he needed to know. She was watching him. Studying him. He wondered if she was sharing her disbelief to the others, or if she was waiting for the right moment.
No, Steve thinks, leaving the room and turning to face the stairs, stop being so paranoid.
He was fiddling with the sleeves of his jumper when he made it to the top of the staircase, staring down the corridor to where Will was currently residing, holding his breath. He wasn’t sure what he should say, if he could say anything at all. The lump in his throat was building into a boulder, a telling sign that he wasn’t ready to talk about it.
A quiet speech of his name being called from behind him made him retreat from the original plan. He would be grateful for the interruption if door number two wasn’t another fear he needed to face.
As he approaches the study, he can just make out the figure through the three inch gap of an open door, pushing it further ajar.
“Did you want to speak to me?” Steve peers his head through, praying he had misheard.
“Yeah, come in.”
The man was leant back in his chair with a weary expression, running a hand down his face. If anyone was looking worse than Steve, it was Hopper. The father had barely eaten or slept for weeks, his every hour dedicated to locating his daughter and bringing her home. It made Steve’s stomach twist whenever he thinks about how his words were torturing him. Hopper only knew what Steve had told him; you were healthy and alive, waiting for a saviour. Two of those were lies, and the other unknown, but Steve had said them anyway in a moment of agony and recklessness, and now… now it had gone too far to take it back. The longer it took them to find what Steve had promised, the more damage it had procured to Hopper’s health, mentally and physically.
Staring at the thinning chief of police, Steve waits in bated breath for some kind of lecture. He had been expecting this for days now.
“Have you spoken to Will?” He questions and Steve is surprised, blinking through his answers.
“Uh… no. No, I- I haven’t yet. I was just on my way to-”
“It’s not your fault, Steve.”
A hitch in his throat was louder than anticipated in this quiet room, causing him to cough it away like it had simply been a mis-breathe of air. Hopper sent him a knowing look, leaning forward as Steve finally takes a seat.
“None of us could have seen the shapeshifters coming.” Hopper sighs, running a hand down his face. “It looks like more and more are appearing.”
Steve scrunches his face, trying to remove the bloody image from his mind. “Have you spoken to the military? Are they actually doing anything?”
“Well,” Hopper leans back again, clicking his jaw, “I’ve got word that they’re slowly minimising the quarantine. Which, unfortunately, could mean two very different things. They’re either killing these monsters, or they’re driving them directly into the town centre.”
“So, just as useless as ever, then.” Steve grumbles, met with a tired nod.
“I know how you feel, kid.” He says, glancing back down at the map with a mournful expression. “I… I want to find her just as bad as you do. She-”
His voice catches and Steve looks up to see him quickly wipe a tear away, sniffing with the intent of driving it away.
“She needs me. Us. And… and it’s killing me to know she’s waiting in that god awful place while I try and hunt down gates that don’t exist.”
Another jolt of guilt to his gut, and Steve grips the arms of the chair. “I’m sorry. For not… for not bringing her back. She- she was right there. I-I could have-”
“You did everything you could, Steve. Don’t ever think that you didn’t.” Hopper’s gaze is unwavering, ensuring Steve heard him loud and clear.
Steve knew better than to argue. Instead, he meekly nods and pulls in his lips, looking anywhere but at the familial reminder of what he lost.
“I just hope she’s okay.”
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The repetitive imitation of a heartbeat was the moment that drove you to consciousness, irritated by the relentless noise against your growing migraine.
Beep… beep…
Two more tick by by the time you feel a twitch in your fingers, your whole body feeling sore and numb all at the same time. You’re trying to drag your eyes open, blinded by a piercing blur of light to your pupils.
Everything was white. The walls, the beam of a lightbulb, the sheets covering your body. It took 5 more heartbeats to realise you were laying in a bed.
You suck in a struggled gasp of air, becoming all too aware of the needle sat below the skin of your wrist.
Why were you here? How did you get in this bed? What happened?
You don’t remember anything at all.
“Help.” You say. Or, rather, you try. Your voice was so hoarse, the word didn’t even sound from your lips.
You try and move your body, but it starts to become clear that it wasn’t ready to be moved. How long had you been asleep?
Some memory starts to form back into your mind, one of a boy. Standing in front of a boy. And he was behind a wall. Why were you stood there? How was he behind a wall? The gap was closing, and some shadows were behind you. What were they? What happened-
“Steve.” You gasp, blinking back to reality. This time, the word echoed perfectly into the dull white room.
You didn’t recall learning the name, nor could you make sense of the blurry face that came with it, wisps of brunette hair. But you can remember standing in front of him, you can remember the feeling of guilt and heartache overcoming you. The rest was a mere mirage.
A tear rolls down your cheek, unbeknownst to you. Whatever the memory was, your body reacted to it like it was better to be forgotten.
The monitor beside you starts to beep quicker, a noticeable thump in your chest matching its rhythm. Was this… were you in a hospital?
As you try and shift your body one more time, you spot the object in the corner of the ceiling abruptly move to face your direction. With your eyesight returned to normal against the bright lights, you can just see a security camera pointed at you, a red light blinking ever so small.
A sudden click of a door merely a few feet from your bed catches your attention, a wave of panic flooding your body. This didn’t feel like a hospital.
This wasn’t a hospital.
And yet, the person who walked into the room was wearing a white coat, looking clean and kind as they came to your side, smiling.
“Where… where am I?” You struggle to speak, swallowing nothing. “Who are… you?”
“Y/n, you don’t need to be afraid.” A male voice soothed, pulling up a chair and reaching to a bedside table you hadn’t even noticed, picking up a plastic cup. “You’re safe here.”
He brings the cup to your lips and you can only take a sip of the water before its taken away from you and set back at your side. Your throat started to soothe, and you took care to practice the detail of this man’s face. You didn’t recognise him. He was an older man with white hair and a few cosy wrinkles, looking sympathetically at you with a stare that instantly pacified.
As your lips move to form a question, he beats you to the punch, introducing a name you’re sure you’ll never forget.
“My name is Dr Martin Brenner.” He smiles, tilting his head. “We have so much to talk about.”
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@toomanyfandomsimfanvergent . @sheisjoeschateau . @kthomps914 . @curled-hair-red-lips . @nix-rose .
@palmtreesx3 . @kryztalglear . @sattlersquarry . @hey-barnes-stole-a-jeep . @sadslasher13 .
@iliveonteaandbooks . @innercreationflower . @newyorkangelbaby . @totally-bogus-timelady . @pansexualhoor .
@kitdjarin1 . @chiliwhore .
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sleepy-bebby · 1 year
Oh god, why didn’t you just let him through?
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At the Gates of Hell
Giacomo del Pò (1708)
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𝔇𝔬𝔬𝔯𝔰 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔈𝔳𝔞𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔩𝔦𝔠𝔞𝔩 ℭ𝔢𝔪𝔢𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔶 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔄𝔲𝔤𝔰𝔟𝔲𝔯𝔤 ℭ𝔬𝔫𝔣𝔢𝔰𝔰𝔦𝔬𝔫 𝔦𝔫 𝔚𝔞𝔯𝔰𝔞𝔴, 𝔓𝔬𝔩𝔞��𝔡
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aloneinthehellfire · 1 month
...incoming signal...
...from the uʍop ǝpᴉsdn
Gates Of Hell: Chapter Seventeen
"Don't Forget Me"
April 26th
the final chapter for the second part to this series and I'm eternally grateful for all of your love and support. it's gonna be a hefty chapter and i am so excited to finally share it with you
taglist: @toomanyfandomsimfanvergent . @sheisjoeschateau . @kthomps914 . @curled-hair-red-lips . @nix-rose .
@palmtreesx3 . @kryztalglear . @sattlersquarry . @hey-barnes-stole-a-jeep .
@sadslasher13 . @iliveonteaandbooks . @innercreationflower . @newyorkangelbaby . @totally-bogus-timelady
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𝔊𝔞𝔱𝔢𝔰 𝔬𝔣 ℌ𝔢𝔩𝔩!! 𝔄 𝔣𝔦𝔢𝔯𝔶 𝔤𝔞𝔰 𝔠𝔯𝔞𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔱’𝔰 𝔟𝔢𝔢𝔫 𝔟𝔲𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔣𝔬𝔯 𝔡𝔢𝔠𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔰 𝔦𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔗𝔲𝔯𝔨𝔪𝔢𝔫𝔦𝔰𝔱𝔞𝔫 𝔡𝔢𝔰𝔢𝔯𝔱
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