shanarra-story · 3 days
We always discuss how fears in the TMP are not exactly fears from TMA, but it such a powerful writing move. We still assume that we know something about fears after 5 seasons and then comes the new episode and our thoughts are going:
oh "mother always says", this should be The Mother of spiders - the hause filled with spiders, so Web checks out - wait, the house that has "too many rooms" - spiral? weird architecture? - she looses her mind, so that's also could be it - "no-one's here now. No-one ever will be" that's some Lonely vibes - "I wander lonely"
And just like that we aren't sure anymore. We still don't actually know what's happening
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fishnapple · 2 days
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CRYSTAL READING : Shine the light on your hidden fears and give them a hug.
This is a general reading meant for multiple people. Take only what resonates and leave out the rest.
Book a personal reading for you.
Reading for each group below :
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1. Strawberry quartz
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I keep seeing the troupe in movies and books about the pairing of an innocent child with a jaded, big grown-up who ended up travelling together through some fateful encounter, like the series Sweet tooth in Netflix (recommended)
Your outer appearance and the image that everyone sees may not fully reflects who you really are inside. This is a subconscious fear that you yourself not really aware of.
A fear of letting your vulnerable side, your childlike, innermost pure part of yourself out into the open. Some part deep within you yearns to let go, to be able to just exist without fear, worries and restrictions, to feel as one with people, to be soft and be taken care of. Somehow you find it’s hard to accept it, to act in that way would be considered as ‘weak’ by you. So you try to drown out that inner voice by speaking in a louder voice to the world.
In the eyes of the world, you show no trace of fear and insecurity. A confident, secured, friendly image. Your words hold weight, people listen to you but sometimes your communicating style would be perceived as rough and forceful. The repressed part in you would somehow find some ways to sneak out, to be expressed. If you ever have had some sudden emotional outbursts, some hurtful words blurted out unconsciously, take a deep breath and think carefully about what is the cause of it. Anything that is perceived as restriction coming from others would trigger a lash out, like a challenge to your unshakable confidence. Your inner-self has been already under so much restrictions by yourself, any outside force would just put more oil into the fire.
Just your acknowledgement of this part about yourself would help tremendously. Instead of always trying to be strong and powerful, being more open to the tender part of yourself would bring a wave of awareness to other people also. You have the potential to be a great teacher that can bring changes. You can show to others that sometimes it’s okay to be weak, it’s okay to just float, to feel lost sometimes. Let the child walks with you side by side, not fearfully hiding behind.
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2. Flourite
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The stone that represents you landed right on the center of the chart. Somehow whatever fear you are having, there is this part of you that is just immovable. The lesson is to always find the way back to that center place.
You have a very open aura that is warm like sunshine. Others could see your optimism clearly. You express what you believe in without reservation and judgment, the same is applied for other’s belief and opinions also. But then later on, you would sometimes have doubts about how would your way of living your life and your beliefs are perceived by other people.
You stay true to yourself. Your authenticity is shining, because it’s so visible, there are bound to be some clashes with others. Not everyone can agree with your way readily.
Your fear would be about saying something that is considered outlandish and then be judged harshly for it. Would your closed ones and people around you accept your authenticity with open arms? Would their affection decrease when they are not agreeing with you? Would you be considered weird if you speak the truth? Those would be some doubts that you have.
But there is something that you need to consider. Would a clash in opinions or the way you live really would bring estrangement? Of course, you will always be judged by someone. You can’t control other’s judgment, but not everyone is like that. Some will embrace your quirks lovingly. Maybe you can’t charm the mass, but there will be some crowds that will appreciate what you have to offer, your insights, your compassion, your generosity, your authenticity.
If you seek a sense of belonging in people, just find the right people for you. Know that differences don’t have to mean solitude.
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3. Amethyst
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So scattered and distant. I sense a fear of hopelessness, that life would one day becomes bleak and empty without meaning.
Loneliness and solitude.
Fear of having the loved ones going away, of having the love in your hands to offer but don't know whom to offer that love.
Fear of losing control of one's life, being pushed around by outside forces. That would be some twists of fate, sudden change and lost that make you feel helpless and can't act against them.
I get so many fears in this group, it feels so heavy, I wish you peace and love. I don't know your age but the energy feels young, a young heart having to pass a mission from the early days, have to endure so much and carry a burden on the mind so that the a resilient spirit can be forged. Imagine a story about a young one going on a quest to gather lost treasures and making friends along the journey, there would be both loss and joy. I think that the treasures that the main character, you, seeks and need to bring back home is your inner child, the guiding light within you. By having that light back, even when you travel alone in the dark, you won't feel lost and powerless.
In the face of confusion and loss, keeping a light and tender heart, talking with friends, making something, cook your favourite dish would help you feel more connected with life. Keep your faith in the joy of life, there is always something worth living for.
If you feel that life is moving too slowly for you and crave some changes, think very hard about what you really need from that change, maybe you have been holding that treasure all along.
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4. Citrine
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I'm seeing a Torii gate of Japan (image below) with the sun rising behind.
Venus stone is standing in front of it, small and distant. I feel a certain fear concerning learning, self-worth and life enjoyment.
There is a gate being open in front of you but you are afraid to cross over, the light of the sun is calling you but you are hesitant.
Is there anything you long to say or to learn but couldn't find the right time or opportunity for it ? Something you enjoy learning but fear that it would take so much time and works, that it would take you away from your safe and familiar environment.
This is the hurdle that you need to pass. Always keep the inspiration steady, follow it and don't look around, you will find you self passed the gate already.
You may have a fear of facing changes, big one, both with relationship with people and in your career, people's perception of you would change if you make some big changes.
This is a call to focus on finding more about what you want to learn, what you are taking in to form your own life's philosophy, finding the "meaning of life". It needn't be something grand, the meaning lies in each step you take.
You may find yourself becoming more interested in spirituality, being fascinated by other cultures. There would be some hidden force at play here, nudging you toward the gate.
Take one step at a time, you may find help and abundance along the way, with so much opportunities to connect and trading thoughts with new people.
*The Torii gate*
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5. Obsidian
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A kite is flying. There is some kind of fear concerning relationships. Once a relationship has taken off, you fear that it will be scrutinized and judged by everyone around you, maybe you even fear that it goes against the moral code of your society.
There is a desire to be free of restrictive rule and the fear of being overshadowed by some authority figure deep within you.
I sense a lot of overbearing and harsh energy around you. Maybe they come from your teacher, some kind of mentor, someone you look up to, a feminine figure close to you or someone in the role of a nurturer but their nurturing style is quite dominant and smothering. They may mean well but their words are sharp and cold that could deal a heavy blow to your sense of self worth and shaking your confidence. Making you stay behind them under the name of protection.
The message for you would be about finding your voice, be the authoritative voice for yourself, step out of the shadow. Especially in relationships. Whether it is romantic or platonic, relationships with families and authority, be aware of any imbalance in the power dynamic at play. Be mindful of the role as "helper", who is serving whom, who is getting served.
Maybe you would develop some kind of obsessive routines or perfectionism in how to carry out your job to counter-balance the feeling of passivity and the lack of freedom.
Having control of your daily life to strengthen your sense of autonomy, from the small decisions such as what to eat, when to sleep to big decisions like how to do your job, what habit and routine to practice and adopt.
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muffinpines · 6 months
New and refined needle fear poll in honour of me getting my flu shot today. I did not realize needle fear was so varied. I thought everyone just feared the pain like me...this is so interesting...
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deep-dark-fears · 17 days
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Little nipper. A fear submitted by Emma to Deep Dark Fears - thanks!
You can find original and commissioned art in my Deep Dark Fears shop!
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philosophybits · 11 months
People lose the day in expectation of the night, and the night in fear of the dawn.
Seneca, On the Shortness of Life
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artofmaquenda · 4 months
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I will face my fears
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yeesiine · 1 month
Your dreams deserve more faith than your fears.
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Love Her 💙
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goldenpinof · 7 months
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DON’T SCREAM - If You Scream You Lose!
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tsubaki94 · 8 months
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8 Panic Attack
Ai-less Whumptober
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skidtheperson · 23 days
Not everyone is brave. And that's ok. Everyone has fears, some just have more than others. Like a certain chicken. Out of a slew of things that scare the "cool" bird, thunderstorms are one of them. But he's not alone all the time.
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deep-dark-fears · 7 months
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The window to the soul. A fear submitted by melimimissa to Deep Dark Fears - thanks!
Looking for a unique gift for the holidays? Check out the original artwork in my shop! CLICK HERE!
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mockerycrow · 1 year
of course it doesn’t fit them, being scared of the dark ? or water ? spiders ? oh so (not)funny to think about big strong 141 having such normal fears. Suddenly they feel more atteignable. What do you think?
141 Fear Headcanons
Multi-Character Masterlist
This can be interpreted as phobias, but I didn’t explicitly say so as phobias and regular fears are different! This is also quite short, I apologize.
-> John Price
Fear of the Dentist.
I headcanon that he has a fear of the dentist. Maybe he didn’t go to often in his youth, so he never got used to the sounds of the tools, the close in proximity—he also hates the lack of control!
-> Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
Fear of Bats.
Kyle is petrified of bats. This man who actively goes into highly dangerous situations, is shaking in his boots at the sight of bats. He always rambles about the possibility of rabies, and he knows how unlikely it is, but he’s convinced every single time.
-> John “Soap” MacTavish
Fear of spiders.
High-pitched screaming, scrambling to get away from the spider, claws onto the highest surface if it’s on the ground, etc. He says shit in Scots as he points to it. When he’s on mission, he’s more calm, but he wordlessly switches spaces with someone else so he doesn’t have to be near the spider.
-> Ghost
Fear of germs/illness.
It’s more subtle than anything and wearing gloves all the time helps him, but he hates when he has his gloves off. Active hand washing, he’s the type to carry mini bottles of hand sanitizer, prefers pre-packaged food, etc. Ghost doesn’t like germs because they make him sick.
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wopfedra · 3 months
Consider this: The Protocol!verse does not have the FEARS, but OBSESSIONS.
As a seasoned TMA fan, I have come to automatically try to classify what I hear by the Fears, and while there are clear indicators at times, I always find at least like, two per statement. Of course, matching is not at all impossible, but the statements we heared were often less about a confrontation with something and more about some strange drive urging the person to go further. Like they were obsessed with it, getting themselves deeper and deeper into it. We even see it in Sam, who seems quite obsessed with the Magnus Institute.
Just me rambling though, PLEASE share your thoughts on that with me!! Am I totally off or onto something?
Think about it. No, seriously, do. I'm just not good at lore analysing, take this and turn it into something...
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elitadream · 4 months
apologies if you’ve already answered this question🫣
what do you think mario, luigi and peach would be most afraid of?
No worries! 🤗 I did answer a similar inquiry a while back, but I was having trouble finding the post again, so here goes!
I would say it depends on the type of fear. If we're talking about simple things, I imagine Mario as having stage fright, Luigi as being terrified of beasts (as well as pitch darkness), and Peach as being quite wary of storms.
From an emotional standpoint, Luigi's biggest fear is to let his brother down, Peach is petrified at the thought of making a mistake that would have catastrophic consequences for her people and her friends, and Mario... Mario has frequent nightmares in which he finds himself completely stuck and unable to save his loved ones. 😣💔
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thatsbelievable · 11 months
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