#erik lehnsherr x oc
countrymusiclover · 7 months
Battle of the Mind and Heart
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Addison Shaw, as in the daughter of Sebastian Shaw. Yes, you heard me correctly... Erik Lehnsherr is on the hunt for who he calls his creator. He seeks revenge and hates him for what he did to him. Yet along the way, he can't hide that he feels something for the daughter of the man he wants to kill.
One - The Man Who Can Control Metal
Two - We’re not Alone
Three - We Can Actually Have Trust
Four - Second Chances Can Happen
Five - Our Own Release
Six - The Day before Cuba
Seven - Cuba Beach
Eight - Cuba Beach pt 2
Nine - 50 Years From Now?
Ten - Erik and JFK
Eleven- Reunions and the Pentagon
Twelve - Intense Plane Conversations
Thirteen - My Life with Charles Xavier
Fourteen - Still On Different Sides
Fifteen - Professor X and Mystique
Sixteen - The Future War
Seventeen - Changing the Future
Eighteen - The Lehnsherr Family
Nineteen - The X Gene
Twenty - Simple Life Gone Wrong
Twenty One -
Comments really appreciated ❤️
Tag list - ask to be added (in my ask box please) @aintinacage @hiraethrhapsody @mostlymarvelgirl @importantgalaxyrunaway
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Made you me(n)tal
Erik is living in a small town, with no one none the wiser. Or they don’t really care since he’s a good member of society and they’re not polish police. His closest neighbor is some girl. She’s the mc
She once accidentally finds out he’s magneto. One night he has to go to her house to get something. He’s been at her house before.
She opens her door and she’s in a robe. She still lets him in. He helps himself inside to get to wherever he needs to go. She stutters and all, that she wasn’t expecting guests or whatever and he says she chose to open the door.
She watches him in the kitchen as she’s standing against the wall. He notices she’s also wearing a thick necklace. He figures she knows.
Is that for me? He asks as he stands up from the floor cabinet.
Her hand immediately goes to her neck. She stutter. “What? No? Like I said, I wasn’t expecting anyone.”
He smirks. “I didn’t say you were expecting guests.” He walks towards her and floats a spoon behind him.
Then why would you think this is for you?
Would I be wrong in thinking that you’re thinking of me?
He’s standing close to her
“Yo- are you magneto?”
Erik chuckled. “Yes. But normally people don’t have this reaction to that knowledge.”
What reaction?
He tightens her necklace a little and leans in as she chokes on a breath
This. He kisses her jaw.
Things escalate and he turns the dip of the spoon into a ball and uses it on her. She falls in his arms and he takes her to bed
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tomanyhusbandz · 2 months
Chose me
Magneto x Oc
Summary: Magneto and Rogue have had a very long going relationship and Isis has been in the background waiting for Magneto to chose her despite all her efforts of doing everything and anything for him he still chose Rogue whenever he had the chance but today was the last straw from Isis and he was going to chose her.
Authors note: i’ve seen so many people talking about magneto in the X-Men animation, and I was thinking the same thing when I saw him and this idea just came to me so here you go. Hope you enjoy it!.
Magneto x fem,Oc,non canon,almost smut,minor age difference,kissing,hickeys,biting,exposed female
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“You go back to her everytime …” she says standing in the doorway in her lace satin gown and robe with her fists clenched trying to swallow her anger but not doing to good at hiding it
“I thought you were sleeping my beloved..”He says under his breath his back still turned holding his helmet in his hands reflecting on the past,there past all of it the things he lost and the things she had given up to be with him, to follow him no matter what he was doing,he admired her willingness to please him but that was a weakness and he didn’t like weakness but he’d be lying if he said she wasn’t one of his.
“ Thats the problem being connected to the earth the wind tells me everything, when are you going to decide ? she may have know you longer than I but we have more in common and you know I would do anything for you .. you remember that don’t you ?” She says now fully coming into Xaviers old office scanning the room she starts to remember were it all started meeting Erik for the first time
When she was eighteen..
Erik was about twenty and falling in and out with Xavier while also being in a relationship ship with Rogue at that time he was more rebellious and quick to react to things that upset him but thats what Isis liked most about him that edge he had it excited her. It had been just another day in the mansion/school and all the children where in class and the former X-men where on a save mission. Destroying Mr sinister lab and finding a young Egyptian girl strapped to a table and tubes all over her Isis’s was an experiment a clone but different Mr sinister’s last clone, identical to Ororo, who had found her repulsive, an a abomination of nature but beyond her feelings the X-men brung back to the school for further examination. Xavier was fascinated after unlocking Isis mind seeing her past and the things she’s been through she felt familiar she reminded him of Magneto.
“Well Charles what is it ?” Erik says his hands held neatly behind his back coming up to brush his short hair unconsciously
The room was quite waiting for his answer but he only continued to scan her mind further lost in her thought he didn’t even realize tears falling from his eyes until he quickly let go holding his ears if someone was scratching a board with there nails.
“What what is it spit it out Charles!” Erik says agitatedly screaming as the others step back to give Xavier room to breathe
“Sh-She she’s been through terrible things Erik things possible similar to what you’ve been through we can not kill her … she need us” Xavier say staring sadly at the table Isis’s was lying on motionless
“We can not keep THAT thing around she is still connected to Sinister for all we know he could be listening through her right now!” Scott says stepping forward with his hands on his hips and a growing face
“Let us all calm down .. i do believe she could be a danger to us all but as much as i agree with Scott we should not discarded her it would be best to keep her on our side” Ororo says stepping up behind Scott with her hand neatly on his shoulder trying to calm his angered demeanor 
As the others discussed if Isis should stay around Erik was standing over her admiring her golden brown skin and hieroglyphic tattoos on her arms not knowing what they meant he still found them fascinating only wondering how strong she was he then caught himself tracing her skin, his eyes wonder lower down to her long black hair some pieces braided with gold clippings some not it was sprawled across the floor she was goddess like in every way. Before he could pull away from her skin Isis’s eyes shoot open and she breaks free of her straps grabbing Erik by the throat and lifting him from his feet the room erupts in shouting and everyone stands in there fighting poses ready to attack on Xaviers command but he does nothing but raise his hand for them to stand down approaching silently in his chair.
She launches Erik across the room turning her attention to the man in the wheelchair while Rogue runs to Eriks aid ting to help him up Isis was in raged and confused about where she was, who they were, why some man was standing over her like she was a spectacle again. Quickly Xavier calmed mind taking to her gentle in her thoughts explaining that they where her saviors not her captures.
“Do you understand now ? We will not harm you we are just like you .. we are here to help” Xavier explains taking Isis hand in his she flinches a little but proceeds to take it in a curious trance at there hands touching Xavier knew from her mind it had been a long time since she felt the warmth of another
Further into the flashback
Due to the hard work Xavier put in Isis was speaking English better before she only spoke Egyptian and it made it hard for her to communicate verbally, she also was being taught by storm to control her powers due to them both having similar talents it was easy and storm was beginning to warm up to her a bit everyday she was also given the name phsyclone by the students they enjoyed her company and her knowledge on history due to growing up in Egypt. And Erik as usual, was always battling with choosing to be good, or choosing to be an enemy to the human race. He had been planning to leave again, and find his own group of mutants to resolve this issue they’ve been dealing with for so long with the human race. Currently standing on the balcony with rogue, he was speaking with her about taking off and bringing her with him she refused, and they exchanged words that they couldn’t take back rouge ran by with hot tears in her eyes.
Iris stood silently watching Erik sulking at the balcony her bare feet padding against the concrete making Erik turn around and lean back on the railing the wind howling between the too as Iris closes the gap.
“What … didn’t anyone ever tell you that it’s rude to stare or are you here to try and kill me again ” he say with a scowl on his face
“I am ..sorry I was beside myself I do not wish to harm anyone undeserving” she says now standing beside him leaning over the railing she puts out her hand swaying it in the wind it began so balance around her sway
“ Hm .. I see and who do you think is deserving ?” He says watching her hand dancing with the wind it was enchanting something storm must have taught her
“Of death ? No one” she said dropping the swirl of air and turning her attention back to the brown haired male taken back when she noticed he was staring her down already with this intense look in his eyes
“I’ve heard about all you’ve been through … the things you’ve faced .. and what was done to you by that fool and your standing here telling me that you think there’s no one in this world deserving of death .. he treated you as if you were nothing and you’re OK with that ?” He says seeming more upset about the situation than she was. He folds his arms over his chest, waiting for her answer, impatiently
“That is what I am saying a part of me sees that there is no use in slaying others, because of my own feelings towards what they’ve done to me .. it doesn’t mean that they will do it to others .. there are those that you cannot ward off with kind words sometimes you have to use force .. that I understand” says, standing up straight now her head held high as she spoke to him, speaking like royalty with elegance.
Erik was standing there with his mouth, a gap quickly, closing it and regaining his composure. She was beautiful, like nothing he had ever seen before, and she was the only person for a long time that knew where he came from felt how he felt and understood what he went through to be where he was. Maybe she wasn’t she was meant to be here with him Maybe he could use that if he just got to understand her more gaining her trust, but there was something about her that he didn’t want to use, it made him feel warm in the center of his chest was this love.
End of flashback
“ of course I remember my beloved, and I also do remember that you still don’t like wearing shoes” he says chuckling lowly to himself before placing his helmets on the desk the moonlight bouncing off his long white hair he took a seat on the front of the desk, not sitting on it all the way as his arms facing her fully noticing pout on her perfect lips
“ Don’t change the subject. How long will you continue to string me along in this cat mouse game? It doesn’t matter how many times she walks away from you you continue to find a way back to her without even looking for it, and then it comes to me … you’ve never tried that hard” she says, looking down sadly at her bare feet, her perfectly painted golden toenails shining in the dark she didn’t dare walk over to where he stood because she wouldn’t be able to stop herself. They’d be in here all night
“ Because you make it so easy for me, but that’s the best thing about you. It’s easy to love you, but I can’t simply walk away fro- from someone I’ve been dealing with for so long .. you understand that don’t you?” he says, waving his hand, gently the necklace on her neck lifts, dragging her gently over to his direction pulling her right into his chest
And there she was flushed against his chest she placed her hands against him, nervously, staring down at her feet still locking eyes with him will only change her mind making her forget for in just this moment that he can’t chose between her and rogue making Isis feel useless like a pet she hates herself very time he calls she comes running and it doesn’t come unnoticed. Xavier has tried his best to discourage her from getting to close to Erik but they had this unspoken connection only making it harder for her to stay away like a rebellious teen, she knew he couldn’t love here they way he loved rogue if he said so to her he was only faking it but the desperate part of her didn’t care she just wanted him.
“No I don’t I can’t keep playing second to someone Erik someone who can’t love you the way that i can .. and you know it I knew coming back here after Xavier died was a bad idea not for us .. but for me i can t do this anymore .. if you choose her again ..” she says now looking him in the eyes with tears welling up
“Liebchen… don’t think for a moment that i would ever put you second to someone, i do love you more than you ever know but you also know that professing my love has never been my strong suite” he says grabbing her chin in between his fingers as he whispers the words into her lips there breath mingling together in the silence of the room
She balances here eyes between his lips and eyes then swallowing her thick saliva before speaking …
“ Then show me ..” she says waving her hand behind her summoning the wind and slamming the office door shut
Erik put on an amused face before slipping his hands under her short nightly and grabbing her waist tighter into his body his skin tight suite advancing the sensation of his excitement of her words and her curves against him pulling her so close that it hurts but they didn’t care. Isis slams her mouth against his roughly one of her legs sliding up to his side he takes that as a sign to lift her grabbing both of her thighs he turns and lays her across Xaviers old desk, she threads her fingers through his white hair as his lips pepper kisses along her neck leaving hickeys and bite marks.
Soft moans fill the room and echo through the empty halls of the mansion Erik makes it down to her gown slipping it off of her completely as she slipped his suite down to his waist taking in his well formed physique her hands ran over his chest as he stood between her legs staring at her as if she was the most beautiful thing in the world to him.

“W-what ..”she says in a breathless moan trying to catch her breath her hair was out of the ponytail and her breast where evenly covered by it and bite marks and hickeys litter her golden brown skin she looked like a goddess his goddess how could he ever think to live without her to breath without her or chose someone over her would be the biggest mistake his ever made and he can’t gain to lose someone else that he cares so much for
“Y-you .. i chose you” he says grinning for ear to ear before hovering over her completely closing the gape before she could answer he kissed her wanting this moment to last forever forgetting all about rogue Isis now she was his forever.
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smallbutplucky · 10 months
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"Dress up" Shiloh decides to raid her big sister's closet while she gets ready for the Gala. I'd like to believe that despite the age gap, if given the chance, Lorna would try to be the best big sister she could to Shiloh. Inspired by my own childhood where I'd pester my big sister in her room while she tried to get ready.
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curse-of-orion · 30 days
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mostlymarvelgirl · 1 year
Erik Coming Out To You As Bisexual
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• Erik isn’t the most affectionate or kind or open boyfriend and person, but he can always talk to you about his problems and he’ll ask without his usual sass and try to be a good boyfriend.
• He does love and care about you, after all.
• You kind of get worried about him when he sits you down with a serious and no-nonsense face because usually making jokes which are the dad jokes. Historically, it always meant he had bad news. Like that one time he accidentally destroyed one of Charles's office (though it wasn't really an accident). 😉;)
• When he comes out to you, you can see the fear of judgement that he think you'll give him, and he sort of gets pissed off as you have a smirk.
• “You’ll think I’ll treat you any different because you’re bisexual?”, you ask him.
• You don’t give a damn about that. You’re still you. That’s all that matters to him.
• You knows different sexualities exist in the world. Did he think you were so close-minded that you would condemn him for something he's born with? Something he has no control over?
• He thought you would hate the fact that he was so scared and worried coming out to you. From then on you would make sure to let him know how you support him.
• You would definitely try to help him come out to the rest of the xmen, only if he wants to. And of course smack Alex in the head and throw him off the window if he comments anything snarky.
• And you being you, would make him comfortable and teach him about the entire LGBTQIA+ community (which listens to very carefully) and teach him the memes to use once he's comfortable enough. (cause you're a GENZ)
• You being you, aka being dirty minded, would teach him to kinky in bisexual ways.
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ourspaceshipedits · 1 year
Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier (Star wars AU)
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Erik: Peter, I’ve got something to tell you.
Peter: what?
Erik: Charles and I are dating.
Peter: yeah, I’m not emotionally equipped to process this information.
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that-nerdy-vertherav · 2 months
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Yaaaaaas dance, Babe!
The Mistress is my oc Miranda Chuma aka Bloodmist who was transformed to a half-blood vampire in 1922 by Mr. Sinister.
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countrymusiclover · 7 months
Two - We're not Alone
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Battle of the Mind and Heart
Part 3
Tags - send me a ask to be added @aintinacage @mostlymarvelgirl
Erik and I had left and traveled to another spot where he had gotten information on some more Nazi’s that were still alive. I didn’t agree with what he was doing but I somewhat understand why he was so frustrated and wanted blood. Walking through the hot streets he opened the door and let me inside first. “How much longer are we going to do this, Lehnsherr?”
“You can leave anytime you want.” He responded reaching for the door handle not saying another word until we were inside the bar.
“Afternoon, gentlemen. Hot out there.” Erik sat down on a barstool hanging his white hat and jacket on a hook. “Beer, please. German bear. Of course.”
“Yes, it’s bitburger. You like it?” One of the men that was wearing a yellow shirt responded by eyeing me with a smirk on his face. “You got yourself quite a fine lady there.”
Shifting around on my barstool I corrected the man. “Oh no. We’re not together.”
“Well then maybe I can buy you another round.” He suggested with a cocky smile.
Erik turned around putting one hand on my hip and I could tell that his grip was more intense than it should have been. “Don’t lie to the men, darling. She’s just trying to be nice, gentleman.”
“I-“ I started to say something but decided against it.
“What brings you to Argentina?” Erik picked up his beer, drinking it slowly before he asked the two men sitting at the table.
“The climate. I'm a pig farmer.” One guy wearing yellow drank his beer.
The other guy in a white shirt spots up. “Tailor. Since I was a boy. My father made the finest suits in Dusseldorf.”
“My parents were from Dusseldorf.” Erik got to his feet and went sitting down at the table with the pair.
The white shirt man asked. “Ah. What was their name?”
“They didn't have a name. It was taken away from them…” The mutant who could control metal raised his beer glass and clinked it with each of theirs. “By pig farmers...And tailors.”
Raising my glass to my mouth I took a long drink being able to feel the tense that was in the bar. The bartender stared at me silently while I tapped the fingers of my freehand on the table. “Three…two…one.” I mumbled under my breath glancing over my shoulder seeing him turn over his arm and show the pair the nazi numbers they gave him.
The man that wore a yellow shirt moved his freehand downward where I clicked my tongue. “Tsk not smart dude.” He attempted to stab Erik but he managed to grab the blade and hold his arm down on the table with his other hand.
“Blood and honor.” Erik glared at the man, reading the words engraved on the blade. “Which would you care to shed first?”
The man whispered back. “We were under orders…”
Erik declared stabbing the man in the hand and he screamed, alerting the bartender to rush to the back and come back with a handgun. “Blood then.”
“Freeze, asshole.”
The other guy got to his feet telling the bartender. “Come on, shoot.”
Downing the rest of my beer I quickly moved behind the bartender who didn’t have enough time to stop me. Raising my hands to the sides of his head my hands turned red and he winced sharply. “Argh!”
Erik used his power making the guy move the handgun and pulled the trigger on the other guy who was standing. “Nice trick, Shaw girl.”
“You know my name, Lehnsherr!” I grumbled removing my hands from the man’s head when he still held his head and lowered himself to his knees while I stood behind him.
He didn’t respond at first and rather focused on the men. The knife left the guy's hand and stabbed the bartender in the gut. Then it came back into Erik’s hand and he stabbed the blade into the Nazi’s hand again. The man screamed, whimpering. “Who... what are you?”
“Let's just say I'm Frankenstein's monster.” Erik ran a hand through his hair getting up and standing in front of the picture of my father before he turned around and shot the guy still alive at the table. “And I'm looking for my creator.”
Bending myself down on a knee I noticed the handgun that had fallen to the floor. Picking it up the bartender was crying with blood before I held the weapon out for Erik. “Here you do it. I’m not going to kill somebody.”
“You’re infuriating, Addison.” He takes it from my smaller hand compared to his larger one.
He turned slightly to the guy with the knife in his hand and he fired the trigger causing me to cover my ears when the weapon went off. “Say that about yourself - ah!”
Heading towards the door I ran my hands over the fabric of the gray short sleeve shirt I wore. I had paired it with some Jeans and some brown boots. Tying my hair up in a ponytail since it was so hot there. Exiting the bar I almost made it to the car trying to open the door but it shut the second I got it opened. “Seriously, what are you five or something?”
“I’m the same as you. But you seem to be acting like one right now. You refuse to accept that you aren’t cut out for this and you won’t tell me what your power truly is.” He rolled his eyes.
Throwing my arms away from my sides I snapped. “Maybe because you haven’t proven you are trustworthy!”
“I have been letting you tag along with me this whole time who could have killed you a long time ago.” The German man snapped at me. “So what are you bringing to this partnership?”
Flaring my nose I huffed not wanting to hear another snarky remark from him. “How about you tell me, Metal man cause from where I stand I haven’t been much help to your mission.”
“I would say it’s because I enjoy your company but that wouldn’t be true.” Erik smirked down dryly. Yet unknown to either of them at the time that would be so close to the truth that we wouldn’t believe it later down the road.
Showing him the finger I just started stomping away not being able to stand his face anymore. “Goodbye Erik Lehnsherr. Hopefully your revenge plan is worth it!”
“What if I helped you find out why your mother left.” He blurted out causing me to halt in my boots. Slowly focusing my attention back to him I formed my hands into fists at my sides just staying still for a brief moment.
My father would never talk about my mother. I just knew that she left when I was younger. So finding out why was really important to me. She was just as valuable as Erik’s mother was to him, so how could I refuse. “If I help you find my father then you’ll find out what happened to my mother.”
“Yes, I will.” He vowed with those deep eyes of his that I sometimes found myself getting lost in. All the while I had to fight myself and not imagine what it would be like to kiss him or how attractive he was.
It was a few weeks before we had traveled to the most current location that my father was supposed to be at. It was a boat somewhere in America. Erik had slipped on a diving suit and I had one on as we snuck onto the boat. Hiding around the corner Erik drew a knife moving around the corner about to strike my father until there was a blonde woman with him that turned to glass and he held his head in pain. “Little Erik lensherr.”
The blonde declared. “He's here to kill you.”
“What kind of a greeting is that...After all these years?” My father tilted his head upwards, being able to sense that someone else was there with them. “It's rude to join a conversation, Addison.”
Slowly coming around the corner I clasped my hands together in front of me. “Hello father.”
Erik grabbed the knife from inside his suit and launched it towards Shaw's chest. But the blonde that quickly turned her body into crystal grabbed it. She ran forward and threw him over the side of the ship. “Erik!”
“Emma. We don't harm our own kind.” My father taunts her.
Emma glanced in my direction. “What about her?”
“She's my daughter. I'm surprised to see you after all this time. How have you been-”
He went to touch my face but I snagged his wrist harshly in my nails and he winced seeing my hand turn red taking some of his power. “Don’t pretend like you care about me now.”
“Ah! What the…you're like me.” He gasped and I could see amazement flash through his eyes until we heard a boat horn coming towards us. “Ah! Now it's a party.”
“This is the US coast guard. Do not attempt to move your vessel. Stay where you are.” Someone from the guard ships called out. There was another mutant working with my father who used wind and drowned some guys on smaller boats who were coming towards our boat.
Noticing the knife on the ground I quickly pick it up seeing Emma and my father have their backs to me. “You can do this, Addi.” I whispered to myself attempting to run up and press the blade to my father’s neck.
Yet the blonde spun around holding me by the throat and I dropped the knife clawing her arm for breath. “Nice try. Which would you prefer? My way or the water.”
“Urgh!” I croaked through the discomfort.
My father grabbed her shoulder. “Let her go, Emma. We need to go.” She launched me over the side of the ship and I hugged my knees to my chest before I got merged into the cold water.
Blinking my eyes open I held my breath hoping someone would figure out that Erik and I were in the water. Looking around I almost gasped seeing a sub coming out the bottom of the ship meaning that my father was getting away. Yet the sub wasn't going far and then my eyes shifted to the end of it and saw Erik swimming and using his power to hold the sub from leaving. Swimming over to him I could see he was having a hard time right before someone jumped down into the water right behind him. “You can't. You'll drown. You have to let go. I know what this means to you, but you're going to die. Please, Erik, calm your mind.”
I held in a gasp hearing someone’s voice inside my mind before he managed to drag Erik up to the surface. Kicking my legs and arms I released a sharp gasp getting my head above water. “Get off me! Get off!” Erik pushed the stranger off of him.
“Calm down! Just breathe. We're here!” The stranger hollered clearly back to the coast guard ships.
Erik gasped, splashing to keep his head above water. “Who are you? “
“My name is Charles Xavier.” The man with brown hair and bright blue eyes introduced himself.
Kicking my legs I eyed Charles as he called himself in awe. “What made you think it was a good idea to jump into freezing water like that?”
“I couldn't let either of you drown. Especially when there was something I could do to rescue you.” He explained with a smile.
The man who said he hated me questioned the man. “You were in my head. How did you do that?”
“You have your tricks, I have mine. I'm like you. Just calm your mind.” Charles said seeing the guard getting closer to the three of us.
Erik breathed out. “I thought I was alone.”
That sentence made me both sad and annoyed at him. ‘What am I invisible or something’ I thought to myself not caring if Charles could read my mind.
“You're not alone. Erik, you're not alone.” Charles declared shifting his attention over to me. “What's your name, love?”
I thought about saying my full name but decided not to. “Addi…Addi Shaw.” The guard ships finally reached us and we all got back on the ship and into some dry clothes. I changed into some dark jeans, some black boots and white sweater. I finished tying only two strands of my hair back with a clip and left the rest down. Charles had introduced me and Erik to a CIA guy and girl. He also had a sister who said her name was Raven but I didn't know her mutation yet. “Welcome to my facility. My mission has been to investigate the application of paranormal powers in military defense.” The CIA man explained when we all got out of the limo car.
Erik corrected the man walking beside Charles. “Or offense.”
“This guy Shaw, schmidt, whatever you want to call him,
He's working with the Russians.” The man kept explaining why he had called us in. “We might need your help to stop him.”
Charles clasped his hands together. “Marvelous. So we're to be the CIA's new mutant division, yes?”
“Something like that.” The CIA responded, leading the others inside and leaving the three of us outside for a moment.
Erik passed, eyeing me silently before Charles raised a brow in my direction, curious. “Addi, I was just wondering what relationship do you have with this guy Shaw?”
“He's my…He’s my father.” I sucked in a breath seeing Charles part his lips in shock, and we didn't say another word and headed inside with the others.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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kind-hufflepuff · 5 months
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Erik is her stepfather.
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blankdblank · 5 months
Guess whose written a new New Years centered chapter to kick off my 1950’s book of Brother Dearest?!
All to help the flow of the start glide along better than jumping right into when the second semester was swinging again.
So ya, new chapter and if possible I’ll have it up sometime this week and see if people like the new start to the next decade. :)
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citrus-wall-paint · 2 years
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some X-Men lineups for universe 406 :))
(reminder that my pay-what-you-can commissions are open!! PLEASE SHARE!)
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bellarkeselection · 2 years
She's my World
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Trask managed to capture the reader but Erik rescues her making them regret it. Check out She's Human or Weapon if you haven't yet
I release a scream but I can't hear it over the level of pain that followed with it. My brother Charles and I were born with the ability to read minds. Except we don't believe about the world the same. He believes that we can co exist with the humans but I don't see how. Twisting in an attempt to free myself from the machine the guards watching me and Trask by the door suddenly fell to the ground. The men were wearing metal which could only mean my boyfriend Erik was responsible for it. The doors bursts open for me to see Erik clutching his hands into fists at his sides tightly. "I've never seen someone like you with the ability to control metal." Trask spoke in awe of him as I groaned getting zapped in my brain tracking every time I read a person's mind.
Erik waved his left hand removing metal from the wall wrapping it around Trask's body. He shoved him against the wall rushing forward to free me. He twisted his right hand crushing tha metal restraints until they break dropping to the floor. My body started collapsing onto the ground luckily Erik catches me into his strong arms. He lowered himself to the stone ground feeling my hands weakly gripping his jacket. "Y/n, look at me. I'm here...you're safe now." He reassuringly spoke tilting my head up so I'd look him in the eye. Burying my face into his chest I felt my eyes starting to get heavy from all the hours long testing they did on me. At some point he lifted me up right before I passed out into his arms exiting the lab.
Blinking my eyes opened I felt a soft bed underneath me where I looked around the room recognizing it as my room back in the house my brother and I lived in. Moving my gaze around the room I saw Erik laying with his head on my bedside sleeping in a chair. Using my power I entered his mind since he wasn't wearing the helmet. "Erik, I'm okay now." He rubbed his eyes waking up immediately crying happy tears. He climbed into the bed wrapping his arms around me. Wrapping my arms around his neck I stained his shirt with my tears. "I thought I'd never see you again...I thought I was gonna die!" Erik cups my face with his freehand kissing my forehead. "Don't worry sweetheart. I won't let anyone harm you again." Laying my head against his chest he eyes my brother sitting in the doorway with his wheelchair. Smiling at his friends vow to protect his little sister always.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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smallbutplucky · 11 months
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Is this just a Roguneto blog now? Oh well, I'm loving the art I'm creating with this muse! And what sort of a shipper would I be if I didn't come up with an OC kid for them? Name: Shilo Eisenhardt Alias: Joule (pronounced: Jool) which is a unit of energy Classification: Mutant Powers: Strong Force Generation and Manipulation -Atomic Transmutation -Energy Absorption -Flight -Superhuman Physiology: Nigh-Invulnerability, Enhanced Speed, Strength, Stamina, and Reflexes -Matter Generation -Self-Sustenance -Quantum Field Manipulation -Energy Absorption, Projection, and Alteration.
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fandom-friday · 3 months
Pound the Table by An_October_Daye (https://archiveofourown.org/works/32633056/chapters/80950963) X-Men. "There is an old adage among lawyers that says: If you have the facts on your side, pound the facts. If you have the law on your side, pound the law. If you have neither the facts nor the law, pound the table." – Martin A. Davis, Jr. Mutant law is an emergent filed, more or less the wild west of the legal profession. And when your list of recurring clients are the Weilder of Cerebro and the Master of Magnetism? Well… suffice to say, there is plenty of pounding the table to be done. A 90’s era Self-Insert where she is a lawyer. This is really well done and the I love how the world is fleshed out! One thing I love when I read this is to try and catch all the Marvel references. As someone who loves Marvel and grew up with the 90’s cartoons, this is great!
Look, you had me at "90's Era X-Men" because as a child of the 90's, that's just ALL OF THE NOSTALGIA. And the tag "Law & Order But With Mutants"? CHECKING A LOT OF MY BOXES hahaha. Thanks so much for sending this one in! it seems super fun!
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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