shadow4-1 · 3 hours
Would the 141 team ever spank reader as punishment???
You know, this is an excellent question! Here's what I think:
Price - I think he'd only spank you as a serious punishment. His reasoning would be along the lines of "this is going to hurt me more than it's going to hurt you, but you need to learn that your actions have consequences". I don't think he'd get much pleasure out of it. But if he must, he will! Definitely uses his bare hands to soften the unfairness of it.
Ghost - Definitely uses it as a punishment as well as to suit his own needs. You think you're so smart sometimes, and you get too damn mouthy for your own good. He gives you good spankings to humble you. Sometimes he gets off on the power and trust dynamic you guys have. Much prefers using his bare hands but doesn't mind using a belt. Will never admit it but he likes to see you cry and knowing that it's because of him. Absolutely gets off on pussy/clit spankings (but he knows that'll push you past your limit, so he's very careful).
Soap - For him its just a step above a good grope. When he spanks you (always bare-handed), it's always for the fun of it. To him it's not only a joke but he likes to see the way your ass shakes and moves under his touch. If you're ever uncomfortable with when he does it (has no qualms about it in public) then he'll calm down. He couldn't imagine spanking you as any kind of actual punishment.
Gaz - He'd never spank you under any circumstances (unless you asked, then of course he'll oblige). Even then, the only time he'd swat at your backside is during foreplay. He much prefers to leave hickies than straight up bruises.
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shadow4-1 · 19 hours
I'm not a huge fan of outright non-con either. I much prefer the reader to be like a feral kitten who's being fed/touched by a human for the first time. Like, hissing and spitting and gnashing their teeth until they realize, "hey wait this is food" or "hey wait I like being pet".
Truce for now.
my perfect fic recipe is not outright noncon, but the FMC is very much like "jesus christ what is wrong with this guy + i need to get the fuck out of dodge + i hate your stupid ugly mug but i need you to make me come"
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shadow4-1 · 1 day
An Impromptu Punk Concert with Ghost
(What if you and Ghost managed to get into a punk concert last minute?)
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"Why not?" You whined at Ghost from the passenger seat.
He chose silence, which you knew he knew annoyed you. You pushed at his arm, barely even jostling the limb splayed comfortably over the truck's center console.
"We've got a job to do." He mumbled, eyes ever diligently on the road.
"Yeah, I know! But it's on the way!" You huffed. "Please! I know they're your favorite band too!"
Ghost flexed his arm in a display of annoyance, and you flopped back into the passenger seat dejected. You sighed and looked out of the window at the passing landscape.
You were in the middle of nowhere, passing through little podunk towns without stopping. You'd forgotten that a certain band was touring and had gleefully squealed after cheking the map of your route. Your trip was already going to take two days minimum. What was a couple hour break?
"How're you plannin' on gettin' in?" He asked.
With pure delight, you shot up in your seat and squealed. If Ghost had really meant "no" he wouldn't have brought anything more up about it.
"Oh thank you thank you thank you!" You giggled, leaning over the console and his arm. He eyed you with a sideways glance but made no effort to move. "I've always wanted to see them in concert! This is a once in a lifetime chance!"
Ghost scoffed, but his posture was still entirely relaxed. Try as he might to fool you. You knew he was equally as interested in the concert.
"Oh don't pretend like I don't know your little secret." You teased, letting your body flop back into the passenger seat.
He scoffed once again, but you noticed the slight raise of his brow.
"I've seen those raggedy old t-shirts you were to bed sometimes. They're band shirts."
There was a long beat of silence save for the hum of the truck. You narrowed your eyes at your lieutenant, a smirk forming on your lips.
"...yes..." He sighed.
"I knew it!" You giggled and kicked your legs slightly. "This is gonna be so much fun!"
Ghost's usual worried expression became visible in the set of his brow. For what, you weren't sure. He'd seemed relatively relaxed a second ago.
"What's wrong?" You hummed.
He didn't reply. You knew better than that. You frowned.
"Hey, if something's wrong..." You trailed off, showing your concern by placing a hand on his bicep. "We don't have to go. I just figured-"
"We'll go." Ghost nearly snapped. He'd seemed to realize his sudden change in demeanor and decided to walk it back by clearing his throat. His voice was smoother and gentler than before.
"We'll go. Pull up the address."
"Of course." You tapped his arm before pulling away. You flashed him a sweet smile just to let him know you weren't offended.
After a moment of fumbling with your phone, you pulled up the GPS instructions on how to get to the venue. It was actually a bar, but it didn't really matter. You read up on all the information (including the dress code). You giggled some more, knowing it would catch his attention. Sure enough, he glanced at you out of the corner of his eye.
"Hey. It says here masks are allowed!" You grinned. "And with how big you are you'll blend right in!"
"Mm..." He hummed.
"Okay, well, the GPS says to take a right turn in about half a kilometer..."
The moment you got there, you were nearly kicking open the truck's door. It'd been hours since you'd last stretched your legs. Despite the very uneven gravel parking lot, you groaned in relief as you popped every joint in your body.
"You never answered my question." Ghost murmured, walking around to your side of the truck. He'd pulled up the hood of his jacket over his head.
"What question?" You groaned out, loving the way your back burned from a particularly good stretch.
"How're ya plannin' on gettin' in?" He asked.
You stopped stretching for a moment. You glanced up at him with a devilishly bright grin.
"Me?" You laughed. "Oh, girls get in for free. You've gotta figure out you're gonna get in."
Ghost narrowed his eyes at you. "Are you fockin' serious?"
You scrambled to get your phone out and unlocked. With a quick flash you showed him the rules of the event. Sure enough it was written out in black and white.
Girls get in for free!
A low growl formed in Ghost's throat. He glared down at you, but he didn't say anything. He looked upwards, breathed in deeply before exhaling slowly. He then looked back down at you.
"Fine." He huffed, turning around and walking towards the building.
"Hey! Wait up!"
It took you a short sprint to catch up with his long-legged stride. You fell in beside him. A warm, zing of excitement swirled around in your chest. The closer you got to the pair of black double doors the more the feeling grew.
Luckily, the line out front was short. They had two bouncers (who were not nearly as large as Ghost) checking the men's tickets. Women were easily bypassing the line, as long as they looked old enough. A woman just beyond the door was haphazardly checking their IDs.
"Here." Ghost grumbled, tugging his hoodie over his head. He threw the garment at you, blinding you for half a second.
When you managed to tug the jacket off of your face, your eyes widened at the uncharacteristic display. Ghost always had on a a jacket, or windbreaker, or long-sleeve. To see him in his soft balaclava, jeans, and a t-shirt felt wrong, too...casual.
You opened your mouth to say something but Ghost had already started walking towards the entrance at a decently fast pace. The appearance of a huge, masked man put everyone on edge. You were pretty sure one of the bouncers went a tad pale.
"Hey man, what are you doing?" The other bouncer asked, bless his heart.
Ghost gave him that look.
"Security." He barked.
And that was that. It seemed none of the bouncers were interested in telling Ghost anything. They simply went back to what they were doing.
You nearly gasped when you forgot you needed to follow him. Thankfully, Ghost'd provided enough of a distraction that you managed to come up behind him and sneak in by his side. You were getting in for free anyway, and it didn't matter if the lady hadn't checked your ID since you weren't going to drink.
The first thing you noticed was that the entire building was stuffy. The difference in the outside temperature versus the inside was intense. You wordlessly offered Ghost back his hoodie but he shook his head. It felt strange getting to see his shorn short blonde hair beneath the dingy lighting. He looked...almost like a different person.
So you didn't lose it, you tied his hoodie around your waist. You had to double knot it to keep the large amount of fabric from falling off your hips. Ghost watched you fuss through half-lidded eyes and made no attempt to help you. You scoffed up at him.
There was no way for him to hear you though. An opening band was already noisily playing on the stage at the back of the building. A decent amount of bodies were already crowded around the pink hued platform. They weren't a very good band in comparison to the lead act, but a few of the notes they hit piqued your interest.
For a moment you watched the stage from where you stood at the back of the venue. Out of the corner of your eye you caught Ghost nervously glancing around. His demeanor was off. You'd never visibly seen him uncomfortable like this.
"You alright?" You asked him, although the sound of your voice was drowned out. Ghost's attention snapped to you immediately but he narrowed his eyes.
"You alright?" You asked him again, voice lough enough to nearly strain. Still, he cocked his head. You huffed with slight frustration before stepping up closer to him. He bent his head down, angling his ear towards your mouth.
"You alright?" You tried even louder. This time he seemingly heard you. He gave you a nod, but you weren't convinced. His eyes were flicking from person to person that milled around the two of you.
"We can go?" You offered.
Ghost shook his head.
He then nudged you towards the bar. You didn't want to go but it was obvious that he needed a drink to withstand the stimulation of the place. You admired his commitment despite the fact he knew this outing would make him uncomfortable from the start.
He ordered two drinks. The bartender looked at you nervously, as if he wanted to card you but seemed to think better of it. Ghost lifted up his mask then swallowed down the first drink in one gulp. He half-heartedly offered you the second one, but when you refused, he downed it too.
You sighed at him but finally took a glance around the place. It was surprisingly nice for being out in the middle of nowhere. The bar went around nearly half of the entire atrium's perimeter. There were a few tables and chairs set up in the back for those wanting to rest their feet. But what really shocked you was the amount of men and women alike dressed in dark clothing.
Girls wore tall platform boots with buckles, latex, and black velvet. The guys wore harnesses and tight shirts with steel toed boots. Countless people donned masks of varying sizes and macabre shapes. The way they looked was eerie...yet beautiful.
You were so caught up in a pretty girl with huge wig and glitter for tears that you didn't realize the actual band was getting set up. Their crew fumbled around on stage, moving equipment and strumming the guitars to tune them. People began to crowd the stage, some squealing with excitement. You crawled up onto an empty barstool and sat in a way that gave you a decent view of the stage. Ghost just stood behind you, leaning up against the bar top.
The headlining band finally came out to a roar of excitement. Girls squealed, men whooped, and people whistled. A large group of guys stomped on the floor which, soon turned into nearly the whole building. The lead singer thanked the crowd for coming out before counting down. They started their first song.
You were so enraptured you almost didn't notice how close Ghost had gotten to you. You felt a warm presence against your back, and when you glanced up you were met with his flighty gaze. You noticed his hand tapping nervously on the bar top. You gestured at him to come closer. He angled his head down again for you to speak.
"Are you sure you're okay?"
He nodded.
"I wanna get closer." You pointed a thumb at the crowd.
He didn't move as his eyes swept across the sea of people.
The band started on their second single. It was one of their most popular songs but part of it was extremely loud and a bit grating. The fast paced drums and screaming guitar echoed hard throughout the venue. The main singer began to scream and you could feel yourself grit your teeth. You loved this band but the acoustics were just a little too good here.
It seemed Ghost was feeling a similar sentiment. He tried to covertly cover an ear with a palm but it didn't seem to help. You could tell something was going wrong. The guitars began to chug. The sound of it made Ghost wince hard.
You tapped on Ghost's shoulder to get his attention. He jumped a little but leaned down, angling his uncovered ear to you. You tugged on his arm, shaking your head.
"C'mon, let's go." You huffed. "You're not having fun."
Ghost shook his head no again but you knew better.
The song evened out into something smoother and less grating. Ghost's shoulders seemed to sag in relief.
"Seriously. Let's go."
"No." He shook his head once more, letting his hand fall away from his ear. "Just gotta get used to it."
"No you don't. Ghost let's-"
He pressed a finger to your lips as the best part of the song began. The lead singer burst into a sultry ballad that immediately grabbed your attention. You grabbed onto Ghost's hand, jerking it away from your face, squeezing his fingers tight in your palm. He shuffled closer, his head hanging next to yours as he listened intently with closed eyes.
The song soon ended with a roar of applause. This time Ghost didn't seem as uncomfortable with the volume. You placed a hand on his shoulder.
"'M fine."
Another song started. You looked up at Ghost with concern. He looked away, trying to listen. The drums kicked in and the guitars soon after. The singer began to growl about his worship to his lover.
When you looked up at Ghost again he was staring down intensely at you. You quirked a brow but he didn't say anything. He tugged on your palm that was surprisingly still in his. You jumped off the barstool and began to follow him.
Instead of walking you to the doors he lead you deeper into the crowd of people. A fourth song began to be played. The song was softer than the rest. Once again it was about devotion but also the hunger the lead singer experienced for his lover. The guitars began to chug again. Ghost grimaced but he gestured for you to come closer. He moved your body to stand in front of him. He placed his hands squarely on your hips.
Before you could even process what he wanted, he scooped you up onto his shoulders. You gasped in shock as you were hoisted up on top of him. It took a moment of your body squirming to find your new center of balance but eventually you righted yourself. You huffed, finally getting a good look over the crowd of people. You got a view that no one else in the venue could ever get.
In stunning clarity you could see all of the band members. Their instruments glittered in the low lighting. The sight of the lead singer's mask and rings made you swallow hard. You gripped tight onto Ghost's shorn short hair. The music seemed to swell in time with your heartbeat. Obviously uncomfortable earlier, Ghost seemed to have relaxed some. You wondered why for a moment then realized how tight your thighs were clamped around the sides of his head...
The bastard was using you as ear muffs!
You almost slapped the top of Ghost's head but the last chorus of the latest song began. The lead singer growled and huffed, squirming his body in a way that had women in the crowd squealing. Just when you were thinking about how childish that was the lead singer seemed to notice you thanks to your extra height.
He shook his hand out in your direction, grasping at the air as he sang his words of devotion. He rocked back and forwards, eyes locked on yours. Some people took notice and gasped. Girls beneath you glared at you with envy. Men's eyes around you sparkled with mischief. Hoots and whistles added to the lead singer's hungry tone.
Just as you began to feel deeply uncomfortable from the attention, Ghost pulled you off of him. You squealed as you fell over a yard towards the sticky floor. He caught you mid air, cradling you. There were a few laughs and jeers thrown your way but the crowd turned back to the stage. Ghost let you down at the way. Your legs shook a little from the adrenaline and also having been pressed hard around his head.
Ghost seemed even more uncomfortable than earlier. He rubbed at his ears through his mask. He looked around at the crowd with a frustration you couldn't identify. You tugged on his hand, forcing him to lean down to listen.
"We're leaving."
He didn't shake his head or protest this time. Instead, he dutifully followed you to the double doors. You walked outside and the two of you were greeted with cooler, quieter air. The people straggling in gave the two of you odd looks as you walked past them hand in hand.
Ghost didn't let go of your hand until you got to the truck. He opened your door and helped you up. He then got into the driver's seat himself. He didn't move to turn on the vehicle though. The two of you just sat there in the quiet, ears still buzzing. While you couldn't hear the music anymore, you could still feel some of its vibrations even at the end of the parking lot.
"You okay?" You asked, this time at a normal volume. "Better now?"
Ghost nodded, leaning back against the headrest. He huffed out a breath it seemed he'd been holding for the longest time. His eyes rolled softly in his head. You felt kind of bad. You didn't realize that maybe a concert wasn't the best idea for him. You'd only been thinking about your own enjoyment.
"I'm sorry, ya know..." You sighed. "We shouldn't hav-"
"Not your fault." He breathed, cutting you off. With that he cocked his head, looking down at you through his mask. His eyes had that half-lidded look you were starting to get used to.
"Had fun, actually."
(A/N: I might make a second, spicier chapter. We'll see how I feel. But trust me when I say this has been in my WIPs for months! The band being alluded to is of course, Sleep Token. But you could honestly imagine any punk band in their place. Also, spot the Chappell Roan reference lol.)
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shadow4-1 · 2 days
(This one is pretty dark folks, just a heads up!)
I'm imagining being Ghost's wife and being entrusted with Soap's care while he's away on active duty.
As a now ex-medic, and the love of his life, you're the only person Ghost can truly trust to help aid Soap. If it weren't for you, Soap would've certainly died anyway. You were the first to respond and stabilize him for evac despite your own life-threatening injuries. Both of you were discharged together weeks ago.
Ghost would much rather help nurse both you and Johnny back to good health, but Makarov is still free. And as long as he's free, both you and Soap are in danger.
At first, you have no qualms with looking after Soap while Ghost's away. But after a few weeks you start to realize something awful. The doctors warned you that Soap's brain chemistry had been altered forever by Makarov's bullet. You didn't want to see it at the time, but now...you have no choice.
Soap has changed.
He takes to standing in your bedroom doorway with nothing in his eyes. When he does talk, which is now rare, he's no longer a charming prince. He's abrasive. He openly admits to the thoughts that he's having about wanting to "fuck you bloody raw". He shows no hesitation or remorse for his actions, even when you try to tell him off.
He knows you're Ghost's wife. He doesn't remember much anymore, but he does remember being the best man at your wedding. Mentally though, he doesn't have the capacity to care anymore. The only thing he seems concerned about now is keeping you quiet when he fucks you hard on your marital bed. Your squealing cries make his perpetual headache worse, but when he cums inside you the pain disappears completely for a few, merciful seconds.
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shadow4-1 · 3 days
I'm just imagining Ghost having a non-existent love life due to his past trauma. After much prodding, Soap convinces him to hire an escort to fulfil his needs. Not just any escort, either, but one of his old schoolmates who specializes in "the complete girlfriend package". (She's also plus-sized.)
"She's a right classy bird. Chooses her Johns real carefully." Soap admits, leaning against the bar top. He pulls out his phone and begins to scroll through his Instagram feed. "She's a lil' pricey, but look. She's got a private villa that she'll keep ye in the whole weekend."
Soap swipes through clusters of photos. The villa is beautiful and the interior has a rustic, home-y vibe to it. It doesn't look like a manufactured place, but like someone actually lives there. Ghost is intrigued just by that fact alone. He's never really had a place to stay when on leave. Well, he doesn't count his shithole flat as much of anything.
"She'll cook fer ya too. N' I think she's some type of masseuse?" Soap prattles on, flicking through even more pictures. It seems he was right. In one of the extra bedrooms there's a massage table set up.
"What she look like?"
Soap smiles sheepishly.
"She's not the type of bird I've seen you go for in the past." He admits before pulling up a folder of pictures on his phone. "But she's bonnie, Lt. A right knockout, I swear."
He scrolls towards the bottom of the folder, looking for a more recent picture. Ghost notices the the skin colored thumbnails as they pass by in a flurry. He already knew, didn't really care, but decides to press on it for his own amusement.
"You one of her Johns?"
Soap nearly chokes. He stops scrolling and looks up at Ghost.
"Well, um...yeah." He admits. Ghost taps on one of the juicy thumbnails. It opens the video. Despite himself, Soap blushes.
Neither man say anything else for a minute. They quietly watch the screen as a pretty cunt is being stretched out by a cock they both know the owner of. She's wet and dripping and glistening in the phone's flash. Her cunt is visibly softer, rounder, with thick outer lips and even cushier looking inner thighs.
Ghost is instantly intrigued by the sight of this woman's body. He'd always found himself in situations with toned or muscular women. He never thought much of it at the time. Ghost was rarely around civilians, and even then he never frequented places a soft girl like her would be seen. Now, in the rec-room, watching a video of Johnny fucking open this girl he realizes he's been going about things all wrong.
Johnny's not being very nice to the girl in the video either. Its apparent he's putting his whole weight and stamina into his thrusts. Ghost couldn't remember ever fucking a woman like that. He'd always had to go slow, angle himself just right to avoid hurting himself or his lovers. A tinge of jealousy shoots up his spine when he notices how the soft pudge of her thighs cushions Johnny's much sharper hipbones.
"You like 'er?" Johnny asks. "She told me she's looking for 'new clients' if yer interested."
Ghost taps through even more of the photos and videos. They're mostly of her pretty cunt being fucked out but there's a few of her looking cute and relaxed in lingerie or nothing at all. She's got a decent face. Better tits though. Ghost doesn't think he's ever seen a set that fucking soft or suckable.
The last video in the folder is of her bare ass. She looks over her shoulder, smiles flirtatiously, then proceeds to shake her body in a way that makes her ass bounce rigorously. Johnny's hand comes into frame. He grips roughly at one of her cheeks and spreads her apart. A thick glob of cum spills from her slightly gaping, inner lips. The video ends.
Ghost raises his brow at Soap.
"She lets you cum in 'er?"
"Ya know I don't like rubbers, Lt. Can't stand the wee fucks." Soap laughs nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. "I jes' get a copy of my physical from the doc. Send it over t' her 'fore I drop by."
Ghost huffs.
"Here, lemme give you 'er number."
Ghost doesn't try to stop him when Soap fishes his hand into his jacket pocket. He already knows the security code.
"I'll let 'er know yer a friend 'o mine. 'F I vouch for you she'll take ya in no problem." He nods. "I think you're gonnae thank me after all this s' said n' done, Lt."
For good measure Soap texts her a simple greeting from Ghost's phone. She replies within a few seconds. Ghost's eyes glint at the little notification flash.
"We'll see..."
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shadow4-1 · 3 days
I'm just imagining the moment that Ghost's sexual urges get the better of him.
He's been through a lot, and he's repressed even more. He's forced himself to feign disinterest in sex at a detriment to his own sexual health. And of course some pretty young thing has to waltz into his life and test his resolve. But he knows he's strong enough to resist your temptation. He did it with Soap, he can fight it again.
Except he was wrong. Years and years of pent up sexual frustration eventually come bubbling to the surface. He wants to swallow you whole. He wants to turn you inside and out. He wants you screaming in both pleasure and pain.
The moment you're both introduced for the first time you can tell there's something off about him. You immediately put up your walls and check your locks nightly. That's alright though. You're already satiating the first of his his most deep-seated hungers.
He wants to chase you.
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shadow4-1 · 4 days
I just listened to "3" by Britney Spears for the first time in years.
Now I can't help but imagine getting fucked up wasted at a bar that has karaoke. And the 141 watches as you drunkenly sing to an excited crowd about asking for a threesome (or foursome).
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shadow4-1 · 4 days
I'm imagining being an intimacy coach with a full roster of clients. Well, eventually one of your slots open up. After weeding through potential candidates, you settle on a file with a sad looking blonde man.
"Military background. Thirties. Obvious undisclosed trauma."
He just looks so lost and defeated. He has no idea where to start when it comes to love. He seems like a challenge...
You can totally fix him.
Besides, he's cute enough. He should have no issues finding a partner once you're done with him!
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shadow4-1 · 5 days
Overstimulating him so hard that his lower body starts twitching 👀
you asking simon if you feel good and he slurs out that it's better than anything he's ever had 😵‍💫
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shadow4-1 · 5 days
(Warning: Dubcon, voyeurism, exhibitionism, etc. Ghost is large and in charge!)
When Ghost commands all three of you to step onto the gym's sparring mats, you feel a deep sense of unease.
When he tells you to drop to your knees you know you're terribly fucked.
You, Gaz, and Soap share nervous side glances. The jig is up. Why else would Ghost put all three of you in this position? You feel your face burn with embarrassment.
The word punches all the air out of your lungs. Strip? Your thoughts reel and you look to your team. They're just as lost as you.
"I said strip. All of you."
His tone is dangerous. He's mad. Your tongue is dry. You want to look at Gaz, try to feel some semblance of his usual poise. If all three of you defied his order, maybe you could take him together in a fight. But that'd be a mutiny, and any punishment you're already going to receive would be multiplied tenfold.
Despite yourself, you begin to undo your fatigues. Your fingers are shaky as you undress. You can feel the fiery eyes of three men in the room. After a moment you can feel the others following after you. The sound of fabric rustling, zippers being tugged makes you swallow hard. When you get down to your boots Ghost makes a noise in his throat.
"Leave those n' your tags on. Everythin' else comes off."
More unease spreads across your skin. You follow his orders to the letter. You peel off your skivvies. You know its unnecessary, but you fold your clothes neatly into a pile before you. Instinctively you hide your underwear underneath. In your peripherals you see Gaz copy you.
Soap's clothes stay in a messy pile, his face is red and pinched with ire. Your eyes glance over the chord of his neck, down the bare slope of his collarbones and pec muscles. Just when you get down to the ridges of his abdominals do you force your gaze away.
"You had no problem with lookin' at 'im before." Ghost huffs, stepping forward towards you. His heavy boots compress the mat beneath him. You refuse to look up at him and instead take in the glossy sheen of his shoes.
"Isn't that what you told me, Johnny? She loves to watch?"
Your mouth feels like sandpaper. You can look over at him. Suddenly his upset expression made sense.
"You told him?" Gaz gasped over your head.
"I...I told him c' we were-" Soap cut himself off. "I thought- I jus' thought maybe-"
"You'd get away with it?" Ghost offers up. "That there wouldn't be any consequences?"
The two men beside you immediately went silent. You could feel them shift nervously. There was no denying where this was. Maybe you deserved what was going to come next. Maybe if you took the blame-
"It's my fault!" You blurt out, shame coursing through your skin. "I'm the one who started it. I...I'm the one who couldn't control myself."
Soap tried to say something but Ghost put his hand up. There was a brief pause of silence before the same hand slipped down underneath your chin. He was gentle with how he forced your neck to crane back to look up at himm.
"S' not your fault." He sighed, thumb stroking your chin too sweetly.
"It is! I-"
His sweet touch on your chin turned to a full handed grasp on your throat. He didn't squeeze, just applied enough pressure to force you to stop talking.
"S' not your fault, Care. 'S 'n your nature to be a good girl. Yer always doin' what you're told." He nodded appreciatively. "You jus' follow the pack."
Ghost tsks at Gaz, who was sitting still, also filled with ire. You watched the deep inhale and exhale of his chest. His brow was set hard.
"You can't do this. This is wrong." He huffs, chest puffed out in indignation. "If this gets reported, we'll all be in a world of trouble."
"Report what? To who?" Ghost honest to God chuckles. "Price? You think 'e doesn't know already?"
Your heart drops into the pit of your stomach. Price knows too? All of the wind was ripped out of Gaz's sails. You watch him deflate. A disgusting part of you feels vindicated. He was always the favorite, elevated over you, and now he's been dragged back down to your level. You swallow that twisted part of you back into the depths of your psyche.
"What'd you tell him?" Gaz's nose crinkles in anger and disgust up at Ghost. He then glares over at Soap, showing his teeth. "What did you tell him?"
"Relax, Garrick." Ghost sighs. "Price thinks the two've you 'ave been pickin' on Ms. Care. You've been leavin' 'er with bumps and bruises."
With that Ghost let his hand at your throat gently rub at a few of your healed hickies. He dug his thumb into a sensitive one, causing you to wince in discomfort. At the sound of you, both Gaz and Soap straightened. You didn't have to see their angry gazes. You could feel their heat.
"You two mutts'd do well to remember your own strength." He nods. "So I told 'im you need some conditionin'. Teach you a lesson in pickin' on someone your own size."
"We've never hurt Care!" Soap all but growls.
"I'd rather-" Gaz tries.
"They made me feel good, Lieutenant!" You blurt out again. "I asked for it! They never hurt me!"
"I know." He nods. "Heard ya in the act."
You blanch.
"You get off on gettin' used. It's just th' way you are, sweetheart." He mused. "Nothin' wrong with that. 'Cept we've got a couple of dogs here who're willin' to take advantage."
"I am not a dog." Gaz spits.
Soap looks at him nervously. He seems to know something neither of you do. Ghost removes his gloved hand from your skin. He steps in front of Gaz. You think that maybe he's going to hit him or step on him. Instead, grasps him by the chin like he did for you. Gaz tries to jerk his head away but Ghost's grip doesn't falter. He forces eye contact.
"You're a dog alright. A spoiled one who's always used to gettin' his way. Well, Daddy ain't here." He says directly into Gaz's ear. "N' you're not gettin' over this time, pup. You're gonna sit right 'ere n' watch 'til you're ready t' learn.
He releases Gaz from his hold. Gaz jerks his head back but it's obvious he's thrown off. He's still breathing heavily, but this time his eyes are wide, and his throat bobs with nervousness. You've never seen Gaz so unsure before.
"Lean back." Ghost commands you.
You jolt at the sudden order, but do as you're told. Its an awkward shift to lean back on your arms while still kneeling. Your legs have no real choice but to part a bit. Ghost nudges them open further with his boot. You feel your body start to heat up with shame and excitement.
"Hm." He grunt, staring down at your exposed body. You can't tell if he's appreciating you, or judging you. Your toes twitch in your boots.
Ghost then nods at Soap to do the same. Soap's blushed face grows shades redder. Unlike you, he pauses for a second before doing what Ghost wants. He leans back on his arms and spreads his thick, hairy thighs apart. You bite your lip at the sight of his cock thick and twitching.
"Such a glutton fer humiliation." Ghost tuts. "Bet you want me to step on ya, huh boy?"
Soap was stunned into silence, something you'd never seen before. His blush was traveling down his neck and across his collarbones. His cock jumped hard, the wet tip tapping just below his bellybutton.
"Eat 'er out, Johnny."
You jump again and Soap's expression perks up. He can't be serious? You figured you were in for a punishment, but not to this degree. Was this even a punishment?
"Ya said y' were horny, Care. Couldn't control yourself." Ghost taps at Johnny's thigh with the toe of his boot. Soap begrudgingly flips over to his knees and crawls into position between your thighs. "Well, we're gonna fix that for you. Make sure you never go without again."
You'd had Soap like this enough to not feel self-conscious, but the audience of both Ghost and Gaz added a lot more nuance to the situation. He eyes you apologetically before diving in. You can't help but gasp. Soap's tongue has always been a little too thick and a little too rough.
(To Be Continued...Maybe)
(A/N: I know I'm being a lil' mean to Gaz in this one, but I wanted to explore the skewed hierarchy of the 141. We all know Gaz is Price's favorite, so I'm surprised I've never read a fic that gets into the friction that'd occur between him and Ghost over that. Ghost doesn't seem like the type to get jealous over that favoritism, per se. But if Gaz is more (platonically/romantically) involved with the Sergeants (aka Ghost's favorites)?? Yeah, he's not going to take very kindly to that perceived threat.
I might continue this, I might not. This is definitely a drabble.)
I'm just imagining being a Sergeant and having screwed around with both Soap and Gaz on the side. None of you take your arrangement seriously as it's just an easy way to blow off some steam.
But when Ghost finds out he realizes he needs to whip the three of you back into shape. You guys want to fuck around and be unprofessional under his nose? Well, now you're going to find out why Ghost is such a damn good Lieutenant.
He's always been excellent dog trainer first.
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shadow4-1 · 6 days
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shadow4-1 · 6 days
I'm just imagining Soap throwing his entire body over you to keep you safe from a barage of enemy bullets.
While you lay there under him, panting and huffing with adrenaline, he buries his face into your neck. You think maybe he's been hit. You pat at him, asking him if he's broken. You can't hear anything but the whizz of ammo overhead.
Something hard taps against the curve of your ass. A thick palm wriggles between your kit vest and shirt. It cups at your chest in a way that's much too friendly. Soap exhales against your ear with a deep groan.
"M' better than alrigh', Love."
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shadow4-1 · 7 days
I know you mean good but fat girls can also break easily. I also don’t mean to sound rude or offend you but it’s rare for fat girls to be 6 foot, I know you might be fat and 6 foot but it’s pretty rare. I think most people stick to petite girls in cod stories because it would be scary and horrifying if they gave reader their sweater and all the sudden reader fits or barely fits in it and it only works as a crop top on them. And please try to remember just because their fat doesn’t mean they aren’t clean fat girls bathe too and do their eyebrows too they aren’t slobs. Fat girls can break when they get laid and yes I believe they also will jiggle around in the process so please try to be mindful when bringing up cod guys with a fat girl
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fat girls writing your COD porn? It might be likelier than you think
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shadow4-1 · 7 days
I'm just imagining being a Sergeant and having screwed around with both Soap and Gaz on the side. None of you take your arrangement seriously as it's just an easy way to blow off some steam.
But when Ghost finds out, he realizes he needs to whip the three of you back into shape. You guys want to fuck around and be unprofessional under his nose? Well, now you're going to find out why Ghost is such a damn good Lieutenant.
He's always been excellent dog trainer first.
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shadow4-1 · 8 days
Hi! ^w^ I really like your writing, and I was wondering if I could give a story idea of mine? You don't have to acknowledge this, btw
It involves the 141 having a phat crush on the reader and pining after them. Maybe they all having a friendly competition with each other to see who'll get a chance to date her, only to find out one night while at a bar or something that she's a lesbian/or just has more of a lean towards femme people :P
Haha oh my gosh! This idea is actually in my brainstorming pile! This is the way a scenario like that could go in my mind (I'm going to take this from a lesbian and/or bi angle - I'm bi so this idea checks out lol):
You openly admit you like girls around the 141. And when you get a chance to flirt or engage with a girl, duh, you do!
At first some of the guys are skeptical. Are you really just gay? But as time goes on you show no visible interest in men...so yeah. You officially turn gay in their books. It's not a big deal. It's none of their business and it doesn't really matter who you're attracted to. Well, maybe to Johnny it does a little bit.
If you're bi, eventually they figure it out. It just makes them more confused than anything.
They've been there the whole time! So why do you always have to go out looking for a cute bf/gf?
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shadow4-1 · 9 days
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I don't think I ever posted my year old MS paint doodle of Soap here - what a cryin shame haha
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shadow4-1 · 9 days
Imagining Makarov getting his hands on Price's cute, innocent daughter. Price only knows she's been taken when he gets a video of her choking on his cock.
I've always loved the Price's daughter angle. It's cute and has such great ideas this this ^
However, my heart absolutely adores the kidnapped but treated "well" 141 medic!
Like, you're snatched up by Makarov (or Valeria) and you're forced to wear exquisite clothes and be next to them at all times. You're a pretty bullet shield. A pretty lil' pet to show off and boast about. They'd never hurt you, not really. It'd ruin your appeal. No matter how hard you strain against your golden collar and leash you can't get away. You're trapped and at their mercy.
The 141 has to watch as you're shown off in tapes and CDs that are left behind as breadcrumbs. No matter what they do they're always one step behind.
They need to start realizing you're not theirs anymore.
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