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Designer meme 😅
Leave a comment if you find yourself in this meme, and in what position? 💬👇
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yourdailyqueer · 4 months
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José Carlos Malato
Gender: Non binary (he/him)
Sexuality: Gay
DOB: 7 March 1964
Ethnicity: White - Portuguese
Occupation: Presenter, journalist, copywriter, teacher
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L'illusione dell'ombrello.
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klavskronbergs · 16 days
Ghostwriter meme
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writerupdated · 6 months
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Understanding the nuances of different copywriting styles will empower you to tailor your message to specific audiences and achieve your goals more effectively.
(via Explainer: 9 major types of copywriting (infographic))
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biancaplume · 20 days
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ciaralavelle · 1 year
New gigs on Fiverr!
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oramicurcu · 5 months
Oggi a lavoro mi hanno condiviso il questionario conoscitivo di un nuovo cliente. Dovrò scrivere i testi per il suo sito.
Ho sorriso perché 7 anni fa ho realizzato una locandina con logo e illustrazione per un’associazione di cui questo cliente stesso faceva parte.
Mi stupisco dei giri immensi che facciano le cose, o forse è un segno del destino. Pezzi sparsi qua e là negli anni che pian piano compongono un quadro di insieme.
Tra linee semplici, colori e parole.
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writethrough · 1 year
To any of my mutuals/anyone this applies to: if you are or have been a content writer or copywriter, what type of writing sample did you submit and how long was it?
I’d appreciate any tips you have! Feel free to message me if you don’t want to comment!
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junos-office-drama · 2 years
From fanfic to paycheck: Finding gigs as a freelance copywriter
All right, you've decided you want to be a copywriter. You know the pros and the cons of the job, and you've decided you're not interested in a corporate gig. Instead, you're determined to earn money your way: as a freelancer.
Let's talk about what it means to be a freelancer, the ups and the downs of the freelancer lifestyle, and how to find work as a freelancing copywriter.
Overall, there are four main types of freelancing, and we'll work through them from easiest to hardest.
Part-time contract freelancer
If you're looking to dip your toes into any type of freelancing, copywriting or other, this is one of the easiest routes to take.
You'll start by selecting a staffing agency to work with. There are a ton out there! Well-known creative services staffing agencies include Aquent, Creative Circle, Vitamin Talent, Artisan Talent, iCreatives, Sparks Group, etc. Do some research -- consider not just the large, national agencies, but any smaller regional agencies that might be in your area. If you're just starting out, smaller agencies may be more willing to take on junior copywriters and help you grow in your career.
How should you pick your agency? Start by reading reviews (Glassdoor and Google reviews can be helpful), browsing their websites to learn about their policies and processes, and seeing what kind of roles they are looking to fill.
If you want to know more about an agency, look them up on LinkedIn. See if you can find someone who works for them with the title like recruiter, talent acquisition, sourcing, etc. Then send a message expressing your interest or asking a question! Keep it short and professional, but these people are always looking for new talent. They will likely respond to your inquiry, especially if you have a nice LinkedIn profile that showcases your abilities (use the same resume tips from my last post to build your LinkedIn profile).
Once you've picked an agency (or agencies), there are typically two routes to finding work:
Some agencies will simply let you register as available talent, upload your resume, and fill out a survey about your skills, interests, and availability. As with corporate copywriting roles, it's best if you have a portfolio you can share (better still if you have a professional website to host your portfolio). Then, if they have any jobs that look like a match, they'll reach out and contact you.
Other agencies will have a website listing all the jobs they currently have open, and you can apply to any openings you find interesting. In general, even if you don't get the job you applied for, they will keep your resume in their database and contact you if they have any similar roles open up in the future.
Note that certain agencies will ask you to sign an exclusivity contract, meaning that you will only accept jobs through that agency; other agencies will allow you to be on the books of multiple agencies simultaneously.
The nicest part about a staffing agency is that they will find clients for you, handle invoicing, taxes, etc. Many will even take care of scheduling interviews for you; all you need to do is show up and shine! Depending on how many hours you work, your agency might also provide benefits like health care, dental care, paid time off, etc.
Another benefit of agency work is that you can get work not available to independent freelancers. Several large companies (like the Fortune 500 I work for) will not hire independent freelancers for any projects; all their freelance work goes through staffing agencies. In my role, I actually have three freelancers contracted through my preferred agency who handle various projects for me. The projects they work on were never publicly posted -- I just went to my preferred agency, told them what I needed, and the agency connected me with matching freelancers.
The downside is that your staffing agency will take a cut of your hourly rate, so you might not take home as much money per hour as you would if you were an independent freelancer. However, most agency roles still pay very well (for example, the agency might charge $45 for an hour of your time; you might get paid $35 per hour -- that's still about $70,000 per year if you're working 40-hour weeks).
In addition, contract freelance work can be quite unstable. Sometimes I have no work for my contractors, or as little as 15 minutes of work for the whole week; sometimes I have 45+ hours of work in one week for a single contractor. Now, all of my contractors have multiple clients, so if I don't have work for them, it doesn't mean they're not working at all. I've even had my contractors turn down projects because they had so much other work from other clients. So, although these contracts are "part-time" for me, they are mostly working "full-time" when they consider all their projects from all their different clients.
Full-time contract freelancer
This is almost identical to the "part-time contract freelancer" role, except this freelancer works for only one company at a time. All the work is still routed through a staffing agency, but you only have one client who provides you with a steady stream of work (typically 35 or 40 hours per week). Often contracts with clients are for specified periods of time, with 6 months and 1 year being the most common.
Part-time independent freelancer
If you already have a full- or part-time job and don't want to make the career change to being a full-time copywriter, then the part-time independent freelancer can be a great way to build your skills, reputation, and portfolio without making your finances entirely dependent on your ability to secure work as a copywriter.
Many part-time freelancers take on freelancing as a "side hustle" in addition to a full-time job, schooling, stay-at-home parenting, or other full-time occupation. This can be a way to boost your regular income, or to save up for a special project, trip, or purchase.
If you do have a full-time job and want to freelance as a part-time copywriter, make sure your current job allows you to have a second job. Some companies have zero restrictions about freelancing on the side. Some companies will allow it, but only if you are not freelancing with competitors or other companies in the same industry. Some companies do not allow it at all and will discipline (or even fire) you for violating policy.
As an independent freelancer, you will be responsible for finding your own clients -- and negotiating your rates, tracking hours, creating and sending invoices, managing projects and timelines, chasing after unpaid invoices, etc. Note that you only get to charge clients for the hours you spend working on their projects. All those other tasks? That's "unpaid" administrative work that eats your time and doesn't make you any money. Plus you'll have to pay self-employment taxes on any income you do make from your copywriting projects.
The toughest part about this role will be finding work, especially if you want steady work. Unfortunately, I don't have a magical solution for this dilemma.
Here are some tips for finding clients:
If you're already working, you can casually mention to colleagues that you freelance. Do not try to sell your services in your workplace; this will likely violate your company's policies. This is more like, if someone asks what you're up to this weekend, you can mention that you're planning to work on your freelancing gig. The idea here is that if your colleagues move onto other companies that need freelancers, they might remember your name and recommend you (this is how I've gotten the majority of my clients).
Be sure to list that you freelance and are accepting clients on your LinkedIn. Another option is to make posts to your network advertising what services you're offering.
You can also look into listing your services on an online talent marketplace, like Fiverr, Upwork, FreeUp, Freelancer.com, etc. Truthfully, I've never used any of these websites to advertise my own work (I get almost all my clients through word of mouth), but they are options for beginning freelancers.
Network with other freelancers. For example, I don't do graphic design, but I know several freelancers who do. When I have a client who asks for graphic design services, I will recommend one of the freelancers in my network. Frequently, when those graphic designers get requests for writing services, they'll recommend me and I get a new client! I also know several other writing freelancers. When I'm too busy to take on a new client or a new project, I'll recommend another writer, and they will often recommend me in return when they're too swamped.
Another option is to reach out to creative service agencies and/or businesses you're interested in working with. Creative agencies often take on more work than they can actually complete, and they use freelancers to manage the excess. Look on LinkedIn to see if you can figure out who might be in charge of hiring, and see if you're able to connect and send them a brief message outlining your services. However, don't be surprised if you get very few replies, as you are essentially cold calling. (I get LinkedIn messages like this all the time; I ignore most of them, but occasionally I do respond.)
How much you earn as a part-time independent freelancer will depend on how much you work. For example, I cap my freelancer work to 10 hours per month, since I already have a full-time job, and I don't want to spend all my time working. This puts a limit on my freelance income, but helps me maintain my sanity.
Especially for your first few jobs, it can be really hard to figure out what rate you should charge -- or how you should set up your "rate card."
What's a rate card? It's a document that shows how much you charge for different services. For example, on my rate card, I have a flat hourly fee. This is what I charge for consultations and ad hoc work. Some clients also prefer to pay by the hour for my writing, in which case this is the hourly rate I charge.
However, my rate card also has per-project based pricing. I have a flat price for a medium blog post (between 600-1,200 words), for a long blog post (1,200-2,000), for a one-sided advertising flier, for a double-sided advertising flier, and for a basic campaign landing page. Some clients to prefer to pay by the project, because then they know exactly what their costs will be.
How much you charge is going to depend a lot on your specific skills, experience, and overall demand for your services. When you're setting your rates, don't think about how much you "should" charge. Think about how much your time is worth. If you get the project, but earn less than minimum wage completing the project, was it really worth it? You likely could have made more picking up a shift at your local fast-food joint.
Remember, as you grow as a freelancer, you will be able to increase your rates over time (I typically revise my rates every 1-2 years). The rates you set now don't have to be your rates forever.
Full-time independent freelancer
This is your classic, self-employed small business owner where their primary source of income comes from their freelance work. Full-time independent freelancers are often one-person businesses, where that one person has to do all their own marketing, accounting, project management, etc. Most individuals who choose this route have prior experience copywriting in a corporate role, either as part of a in-house team or in an agency, and have an extensive network of existing clients.
Working as a full-time independent freelancer is essentially the same as working as a part-time independent freelancer, except freelance becomes your sole source of income.
If you have never worked as a copywriter before, it will be exceptionally hard to jump straight to being a full-time independent freelancer.
One of the biggest risks that comes with being a full-time independent freelancer is that your income is not stable or guaranteed. You could have a ton of work, or you could go months without a client. Some years you could make a lot of money, and some years you might barely make any.
However, the biggest reward is that you're in complete control of your work. Want to take two weeks for a lengthy vacation? Don't feel like working today because you have a headache? Prefer to work in the wee hours of the night, rather than during the standard 8 to 5? No worries: You are your own boss, and you get to decide what you do, when you do it, and how you do it.
After reading all of this, if you're convinced that freelance work is what you want to do, you might still have one question -- what type of work do you want to do? What type of work can you do?
The reality is that most clients are not looking for fiction writers.
Luckily, there is one type of copywriting that's in high demand and that most fanfic writers should be able to pick up easily: SEO copywriting.
Previously: Getting a job as a copywriter
Next: How to apply your fanfic writing skills to SEO copywriting
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infotrabajo · 9 months
¡Explora el mundo del Community Manager! 🌐 Descubre funciones clave y un práctico calendario 2024 en nuestro último artículo.
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digitalsoftware · 4 months
GeminAi Review 2024 - World's 1st True Google's Gemini Powered App
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GeminAi Review 2024
Introduction :-
Bringing You Instant Answers Across Text, Images, Audio, Video, and Code. This High-tech App Outshines ChatGPT-4 And Making Real-time Multimedia Responses Easy and Faster Within Seconds..!
Say Goodbye to Hefty Monthly Fees with an Advanced AI Alternative to ChatGPT & OpenAI!
Everything You Knew About Your Work, Life, and Work-Life Balance Is About to Change Forever.
What Is GeminAI ?
Geminai is not just another AI; it's a leap into the future of technology.
Built from the ground up, Geminai excels in multimodal reasoning across text, images, video, audio, and code, making it incredibly versatile and powerful.
Imagine an AI model that not only understands your language but also interprets and creates multimedia content based on your input.
With Geminai, you get context-aware, human-like interactions, offering a personalized experience that feels natural and intuitive.
Its image interaction capabilities take multimedia engagement to new heights, seamlessly recognizing and generating visuals that align perfectly with your needs.
Geminai is a pioneer, surpassing the limitations of other AI technologies, making it an accessible gateway to harnessing the full potential of AI for your personal and professional growth.
Unleash Limitless Possibilities with 3 simple Steps :-
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It's Features ?
World’s First True Google’s Gemini™ Powered Ai Chat bot.
Unlimited usage without any restriction.
Elevate Content Creation: Transform the way you create digital content, making it more engaging and effective.
Simplify Coding Efforts: Accessible, efficient coding for all skill levels.
Enhance Multimedia Interaction: Advanced Ai for superior image and video conversation with the Ai bot.
Start making money by charging your clients.
No need to pay any monthly fees to any Ai apps again. 
100% beginner-friendly, with no coding or technical skills required.
Get a Free Commercial License.
Pay one time and use it forever.
World Class customer support. 
Enjoy 24/7 expert support for whatever you need
30 Day Money back guarantee.
Get Results or we will pay you $500 in return for your troubles.
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With GeminAI App You can Replace, Various Freelancers or employees.
content writer
Graphic designer
Revolutionize Your Business with GeminAi App
Unleashing Cutting-Edge Technology to Skyrocket Your Success Instantly – Experience the Future Now!
GeminAi Can Interact With Multi Format: (Images & Videos Too)
AI Content Creation:
Advanced NLP Technology Processing
Cost-Efficient Transcription
Simple 3-Step Process
Multilingual Content Generation
100% Cloud-Based Convenience
Efficient Team Management
Limitless Templates
No Monthly Fees
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What You Can Do With The GeminAI App!!!
Create a Content Agency
Develop Cutting-Edge Apps
Build and Sell Chatbots
Write A-List Copy
AI-Driven Graphic Design
Video Production and Marketing
E-Commerce Optimization
Automated SEO and Content Marketing
Data Analysis and Reporting
Personal Branding and Influencer Marketing
Struggle that you have to facing....
Trapped in Unfulfilling Work
Struggle for Work-Life Balance
Financial Constraints and Uncertainty
Overwhelmed by Technological Advancements
Desire for Meaningful Work
Need to pay Hefty monthly charges for expensive Ai Apps.
Burden of paying expensive copywriters.
Struggle with time-consuming manual copywriting.
Face challenges in maintaining consistency in writing quality.
Encounter difficulties in generating creative and impactful content.
Invest significant time and effort in refining and editing text.
Experience limitations in adapting to diverse writing styles and tones.
Reason For that You have to Go With GeminAI App....
No need to pay any monthly fee for lifetime.
Replace all the copywriters with GeminAi.
Generate compelling and engaging copy effortlessly.
Enjoy a time-efficient content creation process.
Experience a boost in productivity with AI-generated text.
Achieve consistent and high-quality writing across various projects.
Seamlessly adapt to changing writing styles and tones.
In Order To Make This Even More Profitable And Easier For You,Here Are Some Big Bonuses:
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Q:   Will I get Support for this software?
A: Yes, our 24*7 support team is always available to solve your issues and help you get the best results from GeminAi.
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A:  No, currently we are offering a one-time price for this tool. So, get this best deal before reversing to a Monthly subscription.
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A: Yes, we are offering 30 days money-back guarantee. So there is no risk when you act now. The only way you lose is by taking no action.
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A:  Yes, we always maintain our product and improve with new features.
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A: Click the below button to grab this at an early bird discount.
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Here's A Recap Of EverythingYou're Getting Instant Access To!HURRY! Price Rises Again In...
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GeminAi can Interact with Multi Format = $9990
Create Unlimited Ai content & visuals in minutes = $1590
High-Quality Training Included for making three Figures a day = $490
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isbahstudio · 10 months
My Vision Board
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🌸 Challenging myself to achieve my goals, 2023 - 2024. I have already been working on them for a few months.
🟣 Get a wfh job as a copywriter / content writer
🟣 Boost my blog & make more revenue
🟣 Scale my copywriting business further
🟣 Scale my socials & linkedin profile
🟣 Complete my paralegal certificate
🟣 Enter the legal field & setup a stable career
🟣 Read more books & invest in my hobbies
🟣 Glow up, become a better me, get healthier
Putting it out there into the world to hold myself accountable.
Will keep updating my progress.
Things keep getting better and better 🙂.
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pimadigital · 2 months
Khi bước vào thế giới của Content Marketing, không ít bạn phải đối diện với ngã ba đường: Content Creator, Content Writer và Copywriter. Việc hiểu rõ vai trò của từng vị trí này rất quan trọng trong việc lựa chọn hướng đi phù hợp với sự nghiệp của bạn.
❓ Vậy sự khác nhau giữa 3 loại content trên là gì
Tham gia thảo luận cùng Pima Digital qua phần bình luận bên dưới nhé 🤗
Nguồn: https://bit.ly/49qDozB
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📍 Địa chỉ: Tầng 3, NCC Office, 139/37-39 Nguyễn Văn Lượng, Phường 10, Gò Vấp, TPHCM
📞 Hotline: 0363 740 739 - 0973 463 486
📧 Email: [email protected]
🌐 Website: https://pimadigital.vn/
📘 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pimadigitalvn
🐦 Twitter: https://twitter.com/pimadigital
📸 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pimadigitalvn/
💼 Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/pimadigital
📌 Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/pimadigital/
📚 Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/pimadigital
📰 Blog: https://pimadigitalvn.blogspot.com/2023/02/trang-mang-xa-hoi-cua-pimadigital.html
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Massimizza il Tuo Impatto con un Copywriter Freelancer
Visita italia sito per scoprire come un copywriter freelancer può rivoluzionare la tua strategia di contenuto. Esperto in SEO e marketing digitale, questo professionista crea contenuti che catturano l'attenzione e stimolano l'azione, elevando la tua presenza online.
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I wrote a piece on 27 things I’ve Learned as a Writer for on my blog ‘Mad Seasoned’. Give it a read 💖 • Film shot by IG: getchamans 💫💫
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