#controlling whumper
jordanstrophe · 1 month
Whumpee wakes up, immediately realizing they can't move. They're gagged and blindfolded, their wrist and feet are tightly bound with duct tape.
Whumpee panics, muffling a series of scared noises. No one tells them to be quiet or to stop, so they keep getting more and more frantic-
Finally, a voice speaks in front of them "Don't make me regret not putting you in the trunk.
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whumpasaurus101 · 9 months
Whumper gently swiped their thumb along Whumpee’s cheek, smudging the tear against the other’s soft pale skin;
“I didn’t say you could cry yet, darling.”
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°Whumper asks Whumpee softly, playfully teasing, maybe pulling on their leash a little, they're nice right now, it's all in good fun
°their breath is hot and sticky against Whumpee's ear, they're so close to each other
°Whumper whispers into their hair from behind, maybe they're in public, they have to keep up appearances, don't they
°Whumper closes the door right after, leaving a crying Whumpee alone in a cold room, that'll teach them a lesson
°"Behave for fuck's sake!" Whumper shouts, yanking Whumpees head back by their hair
°Whumper winks, as they leave Whumpee at the mercy of another Whumper
°..., if you don't want to go for another round!"
I love simple phrases like this, so versatile
feel free to add more
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bilightningwhumper · 26 days
Stuck on a thing. I know I only have a few of the Mangst one-shots out right now. But writers block has me stuck on being able to finish the next few (ideas there; execution, not so much), plus this cold isn't helping.
Anyway, working on more worldbuilding while my brain clears up. Putting the poll first, context underneath. (Mild spoilers for New Eden Institution)
*seclusion not fully 100% for reasons below
So, I have Leslie (Rapunzel OC) and Rosalin (Odette OC). They're both in a similar boat.
Kidnapped young. Forced to look like pretty dolls for their captors. Find love (*love interest gets past the seclusion barrier) before being forced into the Institution because of their captors' jealousy. Kind of like the og fairy tales.
Now, either Leslie's first partner (one of two, in my version) either finds her in the big gated garden owned by Mama (real name Gaia/Mother Gothel OC) or they met in high school because Mama wants her to gain more skills to be "a perfect bride" (ie, Regency standards).
Then Rosalin, she's held in the same house as Teddie (full name Theodora/Odile OC) and Rudolf (Rothbart OC). So, being fully secluded from Teddie doesn't work, though Rudolf keeps her locked in a room when he isn't there and with him when he is. If she does go to high school, it's because Teddie convinced him to let her go.
Third option is they both go to a high school as a start to the New Eden pipeline. Either because of the love interests or they do have summer vacations, so authorities don't get suspicious and see said love interests in those time periods.
I might figure it out as the poll gets results, but it helps to ask to get unstuck, you know? And besides, if I don't go with what the poll wins, I can always do the idea with other characters in the New Eden universe. It's not like there's a lack of fairy tales out there.
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whumppmuhw · 7 months
Whumptober Day 29: Bargaining
tw: master and servant, isolation, electric collar, controlling whumper, conditioned whumpee
"Sir, I hate it here."
"I don't see why. You have everything you need, and I don't have to punish you if you do well, which has been happening lately."
"I want to go outside, and connect with other people, and have a hobby, or something to pass the time. I've done so much for you that your demands no longer take up the whole day." Whumpee wanted much more than that, but they knew they couldn't have it all. So, they started small.
"Well, I don't see myself bringing in other servants - like you said, you're comfortably on top of the work pile. Going outside might be feasible, but it'd be hard to keep an eye on you. And as for a hobby, that would be fine as long as you would drop it as soon as I asked you to do something. What do you think?"
Whumpee's heart sank when they realized Whumper would continue to keep them isolated, but maybe they could work something out with the other two requests. "I could try to do yard work, and stay within the yard."
"Hmm, alright. Though I'd have to find a way to keep you on the property - how do you feel about an electric collar?"
"I say let's do it. That way we'll both be happy, right, Whumpee?"
"...Yes, sir."
"About the hobby - may I take up painting? I used to do it all the time before...before I came here."
"I don't think so, that's a lot of materials I would have to get, and it would take up a lot of space. How about something else?"
"Reading? You have a large library, and I'm sure you're not reading all of those books all the time."
"Sure, but you'll have to get a book approved by me before you read it."
"Okay, sir."
"Is that good enough for you, Whumpee? I know you want to change things up, but you should be grateful for what you have already."
"I know, sir, and I am. Even without my requests, things are a lot better now than when I first came here."
"Good to hear. If you ever are ungrateful, Whumpee, I would hate to take away your privileges to teach you a lesson."
"Of course, sir. I promise I won't be ungrateful."
"What do you say for fulfilling your requests?"
"Thank you, sir, for letting me do the yard work and read."
"Do you really hate it here, Whumpee?"
"I...no. I don't, sir."
"Less hesitation next time, alright?"
"Okay, sir."
"Good. After I buy and set up your collar, let's take a look at the yard."
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starliight-whump · 6 months
Took a while but here it is! Not sure how canon it is, this feels more like an au where Rigel is specifically used as a weapon and not just used to fight for entertainment, but I think it works either way! :)
Requested prompt: “Perhaps you can. But not soon enough, I think.”
Additional prompts: @whumpcember day 9 - brainwashing. & @amonthofwhump winter whumperland day 10 - Conditioning
Contains: Brainwashing, conditioning, implied violence, pet whump.
“Why do you care so much about him? He’s nothing but a tool, a weapon.” Cordelia’s voice was cold, but there was a hint of a smirk on her lips. The look of someone who was so sure they had the upper hand.
Caretaker’s eyes went between them and Spencer who had an almost blank look on his face. A little hesitant, perhaps, but no sign of defiance or recognition. But he wasn't gone! Caretaker just couldn't believe that! “No, you- you’re wrong! He’s so much more than that! I can prove that to him, to you! I can fix… I can help him!”
Cordelia's smirk grew. “Perhaps you can. But not soon enough, I think.” she turned to Rigel. “Rigel, eliminate the enemy.” 
Caretaker could only watch in horror as they watched their friend’s eyes glaze over and begin to walk towards them. Despite being so sure that they were right about Spencer still being in there, they were scared. They had seen what he was capable of.  “Spencer, please y- you don't have to do this.” They pleaded in a shaky voice, eyes wide as they were glued to Spencer.
Cordelia laughed. “Not so sure about your friend anymore?” She mocked.
Caretaker didn't dignify that with a reply, they were too caught up with Spencer. “Spencer, please,” They begged, but there was no sign of recognition in Spencer's eyes. Right now, only the weapon, only Rigel, was present, perfectly obedient. Hurting Spencer was the last thing they wanted to do, but they knew they didn't have a choice. They had to defend themselves. And even though they tried, it hurt when their friend threw the first punch.
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whump3000 · 1 year
“Listen to me, Whumpee. From now on, I will be your ruler, and I expect you to treat me as such.”
“You hardly seem like royalty to me.”
“Don’t I? Am I not the one who holds all the power? Your well-being is dependent on my fickle whims, whether you want it that way or not.”
“Then I shall stage a revolt. I contest your power. You cannot control me.”
“Can’t I? Oh little Whumpee,” Whumper laughed elegantly, “I have my ways. Besides, if you really are so resilient, I have other subjects to rule. You are replaceable to me, Whumpee. If at any point I decide you are useless, you will be discarded.”
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redd956 · 1 year
Prompt 19
Content: Whump Prompt, manipulation, torment/torture, captivity, pet whump
CW: whump, manipulation, captivity, control, pet whump, violence
Whumper shimmied around their kitchen, humming some random vintage song that Whumpee couldn’t fully remember. Their obnoxiously pink apron swished about. It was matched by two oven mitts, which carried a still steaming plate of chocolate cookies to the table next to Whumpee.
They gave whumpee a sinister smile, and plopped down into the recliner next to them. Whumpee sat on the hardwood floor, their thin frame shaking underneath the looming threat of sweets. They felt their mouth fill with saliva. They couldn’t keep their eyes off of the plate beside.
A sickeningly sweet aroma of melting chocolate and sugary cookies kept wafting over to them. Whumpee stared depressed at the long finished bowl of oatmeal that they got almost everyday of the week, if Whumper felt so. They couldn’t count how long they had been hear. Or tell when was the last time they ate anything with flavor. They hated the thoughts crossing their mind. How much they would do anything for something sweet.
Whumper plucked one of the cookies off the plate, and blew against it. They made an audible ‘mmmm’ before obnoxiously savoring and finishing off the treat. Whumpee couldn’t take it anymore.
“Can I ha-”
“Did I say you could speak?”, Whumper interrupted as if waiting to say it.
Whumpee sat there dejected, shaking their head no, failing to notice that Whumper was still waiting for the “proper” response. They shuddered, glancing towards the empty bowl. Was it the cold or their weakness, they did not know. Whumper slightly scooted his chair closer to the fireplace, still keeping their eyes glaring upon their little “friend”.
After a moment they rested like always. Whumpee’s head perked up at the start of a snore. Their eyes locked onto the plate of cookies. Their frail hand cautiously hovered towards the sweets. I’ll just have one. They thought. They’re going to become stale anyway...
“23!!!”, Whumper shouted, the plate shattering against the wall, bits and pieces of glass scattering across the floor. They continued, “There were 23 cookies! Now there is 21!”
Whumpee flinched at every syllable, ducking at random, trying to hold back their tears. Whumper snatched them up by the hem of their shirt, bringing Whumpee intrusively close their face.
“You had one didn’t you?”, Whumper demanded.
“I- I was. I-”
Whumper shook Whumpee back and forth, before dragging them across the nearest coffee table, knocking everything off of it. They tossed Whumpee afterwards. Whumpee let out a sob, but stopped themselves as quickly as possible. Whumper hates it when Whumpee cries.
Whumper stomped over to them, waiting for an answer still.
“I...I had one.”, Whumpee wheezed.
“Did I say you could have one?”, Whumper followed in monotone without hesitation, insanity easily radiating from their unchanging expression.
“Nnn... No...”
“You know what that means, don’t you?”
“Mhm”, Whumpee forced out of sniffles.
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rizzoto-whump · 1 year
@amonthofwhump - Captivity, creepy captor
@whumpers-monthly - Ambushed
CW: Kidnapped, captivity, failed escape attempt, creepy whumper
He crept quietly along the dark alleyways, trying to stay out of sight. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he made his way towards the street. Finally, he emerged from the shadows and straightened up, ready to make his dash for freedom.
But just as he took his first steps into the street, something cold and hard pressed against the back of his head. "Not so fast," a voice growled.
James froze in terror. He knew he'd been caught, knew that his captor had somehow discovered his plan. He slowly raised his hands, knowing that any sudden movement could mean the end for him.
A hand grabbed the back of his shirt and jerked him backward. James stumbled, but managed to keep his feet. He turned to face his captor, expecting to see a face filled with rage and hatred.
Instead, he was met by the cold, unfeeling eyes of a man he barely recognized. It was Ronald, but somehow, he looked different. Harder. More dangerous.
"You thought you could just run away from me?" the man sneered. "You thought you could escape so easily?"
James tried to speak, to plead for mercy, but his throat was tight with fear. He couldn't form the words, couldn't make his mouth work. The man grabbed him by the arm and began to drag him away. James stumbled again, but this time he couldn't keep his feet. He fell to the ground, scrabbling desperately to get away.
But it was no use. His captor was too strong, too determined. He pulled James up roughly and pushed him towards the door of a nearby house. "You're going to learn not to defy me," he hissed. "You'll stay here until you've learned your lesson."
James felt a wave of despair wash over him. He knew that he was trapped, that there was no way out this time. He'd failed, and now he was going to pay the price. He could only pray that someday, somehow, he'd be able to escape for good. But for now, he was trapped, and he knew it.
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So like, the feel of a certain fabric (could be anything!)
Recovering Whumpee just can't handle it because it was the only thing Whumper would let them wear
Maybe they wake up in a hospital gown and they know they're safe but the papery feel of the fabric is taking them right back to Whumper's laboratory
Or they change into a tracksuit to go running before realising it was THIS brand of jumper they wore for five years and they get all tangled up trying to take it off
So many options!
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pigeonwhumps · 1 year
Brynn and Gemma
Immortal Cannon Fodder masterlist
@extrabitterbrain @wolfeyedwitch @actress4him
Brynn and Gemma's relationship over the years.
Brynn's supervillain whumper is now called Sovereign.
CWs: mentioned controlling whumper, broken ankle, muzzle, touch-starved, implied abusive parental figure/child abuse (no explicit minor whump), past parental death, mentioned betrayal, self-esteem issues, internalised ableism (courtesy of Sovereign)
"I am–am B–b–black D–d–d–death, and I wu–will r–r–raze your city to–to the g-g-ground an-and ru-ru-rebuild it as-as m-m-my n-new p-p-palace!" shouts the small figure squeakily, and Gemma bites back a laugh, grateful that the kid can't see her face properly. They have a mask made from black sugar paper and a black tablecloth as a cape. A hawk is hovering just above them.
"Isn't that Sovereign's line?"
The kid puffs out their chest. "It-it's m-m-mine n-n-now. I w-work w-w-with him. An-and y-y-you'll n-n-never d-d-defeat us!"
They kick forward sloppily, and Gemma backs up, dodging the blows easily. The hawk swoops forward, and Gemma pretends to fall.
"You're right, kid. You're very strong. I can't defeat you."
"Ha-ha! M-m-me an-and Ho-ho-horus are st-stronger th-than you!" The kids holds out their hand. "H-h-h-however, I-I am a b-b-benevolent v-v-v-villain an-and wu-wu-will not k-k-k-kill you."
Gemma takes their hand and pulls herself up, pushing off the ground slightly so they don't try and take all her weight. Well, that line isn't from Sovereign.
Speaking of the supervillain...
"Br- kid, what are you doing out here? Home, now. It's well past your bedtime."
"No buts. I'll play tomorrow."
Gemma can almost see the kid's pout under their mask as they stomp off. She has a million questions, none of which her nemesis will ever answer.
"My apologies for the child. Shall we get on with it?"
Brynn digs her hand between the bricks, scrambling to find enough purchase to keep herself upright. It doesn't work, and she can't put any weight on her ankle, dropping to the floor of the dingy back alley.
She needs to get back, but she doesn't want to crawl the whole way.
"Hey there. I saw your fall earlier. Do you need help?"
Bryan turns around to see a woman standing at the end of the alley, silouhetted by sodium-yellow streetlights. She narrows her eyes as the woman takes a step closer, hands in the air.
'Horus,' she thinks in her hawk's mind, 'investigate.'
Horus swoops forward, circling the woman, who watches him calmly. Brynn doesn't get any sense of imminent danger from him, and she doesn't really react, even when he perches on her head. Horus thinks she's no threat. A civilian, then?
"Can I help you?" asks the woman, and Brynn nods, watching warily as the woman approaches. She crouches in front of Brynn and pulls out a torch. In the light of it, she can see the woman putting the pieces together, realising who she is. Will she leave now? Swipe out in disgust and try to arrest or kill her?
To Brynn's surprise, she does nothing of the sort.
"You're Black Death, huh? Nice mask." Brynn flinches internally. It is certainly not a nice mask, but Sovereign doesn't trust her to stay silent without it. She can't correct the woman though, not without cutting her mouth open on the spikes – and even then, sound probably wouldn't come out. "I'm Gemma. What have you injured?"
Brynn points at her ankle, and Gemma examines it, wincing. "That's a nasty break. I'll splint it for you, but make sure you get it treated properly later, yeah?" Brynn nods, already knowing she won't. Gemma pulls out a first aid kit and cleans Brynn's ankle with antibacterial wipes, her touch gentle as she splints it.
The care brings tears to Brynn's eyes. The last time someone was this soft with her, she was much younger, Sovereign had just taken her in. He's not like that anymore, though, when he even bothers to treat her. And no-one else ever comes near.
She doesn't need care, she's not a baby anymore, but it's nice.
"I'm just going to find you something to use as a walking stick. Take some painkillers from the first aid kit if you need them." Brynn nods, and as Gemma strides off, pops two pills out of the packet, swallowing them dry.
She leans against the wall and watches Gemma for a while, stroking Horus absently. Who is this woman? Why is she so willing to help? Brynn's done terrible things, not at her own behest, sure, but nobody knows that. She still did them. Why's Gemma helping?
"Alright, this should do. Try it out."
Brynn takes the stick and levers herself to her feet, putting all her weight on the stick and her good foot. She doesn't fall this time.
She signs a quick, "Thank you." Gemma smiles.
"Glad I could help. Anything else?" Brynn shakes her head. "Okay. Well, take this, in case you ever need anything."
Gemma hands her a slip of paper, with an address and phone number on it. Her address? Why would she trust a villain with her address?
Brynn thanks her again and stows the paper in a secure pocket. She'll just have to make sure Sovereign doesn't find it.
It seems to burn a hole in her pocket as she limps off, and all through her meeting with Sovereign. As she collapses onto her bed, splint gone and a new pain in her ankle, she knows she can't leave. Sovereign would be sure to hunt her down if she did. So there's no point in keeping Gemma's address.
She does, though, slipping the little piece of paper under the mattress. She's not sure why she doesn't just throw it in the fireplace, let it go up in smoke, but for some reason she can't bring herself to get rid of the one piece of evidence she has that people will, occasionally, be kind.
Gemma resists the urge to get up as the kitchen window slides open further and a person drops inside with a small thud.
The little thief's back.
She hears rustling outside her bedroom, and knows that when she goes out in the morning, she'll see an empty plastic box that held snackd from last time they 'burgled' her, slightly rumpled bed clothes on the sofabed, and a wide-open window. Possibly a few feathers too.
She worries about Black Death, sometimes. They've gone from an excitable, dramatic small child to a wary young adult who barely talks. And who sometimes ends up in a near-stranger's house for food and sleep. She thinks Sovereign probably has something to do with it, given that they're his sidekick. It's worrying.
But she can't confront Black Death. She doesn't think they're ready to leave him, and she doesn't want to accidentally chase them out of the only place they're definitely getting food and rest from.
She just hopes they get the courage to ask for help sometime.
Brynn bites her lip as she hears the key turn in the lock. Gemma's here.
She was nervous enough about tonight anyway, but now she thinks this might be the same Gemma she's been stealing food from for years. The woman who helped her out, before she'd realised it was a bad idea to let anyone except Sovereign help. And now... she has to own up, right? To stealing? But what if Gemma hates her for it? The team all look up to Gemma, what would happen to her then?
"Hi Gemma," says Lian, out in the hallway. "Kai told you we have someone new, right?"
"Yeah. He and Aaron are still buying snacks, by the way, I came on ahead. She used to be a villain's sidekick?"
There's a glimmer of hope in Gemma's voice, and Brynn wonders who she's hoping to find. Can't be her. She feels a little guilty, for not being the person Gemma clearly wants.
"Yep. Sovereign's, as a matter of fact. Her alias used to be Black Death."
Gemma gasps. "She's here?"
Morfydd gives Brynn a knowing smile, and she squeezes further into Phoenix's side. She's not scared, far from it, she just... wants Phoenix. On Phoenix's other side, Santhiya groans as they fall onto her.
Gemma enters the room then, and Morfydd gets up, running to her and throwing their arms around the retired hero. Gemma chuckles lightly, stroking Morfydd's hair.
"Missed you too. Been a hell of a fortnight, I'm guessing?" Morfydd nods. "Do you and Lian want to come and stay over soon? Get away from it all." They nod again, clutching Gemma tightly. Brynn looks away guiltily, aware that it's her sudden move that's caused all this. And what Sovereign wants her to do will make everything worse.
Eventually, Morfydd pulls away and sits on Lian's lap, where she originally was before Gemma arrived.
"Why does no-one here ever use furniture?" she asks, sounding faintly amused, before turning to Phoenix and Santhiya. "Hey Phoenix, Santhiya. How are you?"
"I'm controlling my powers well, and me and Phoenix went on another date!" replies Santhiya excitedly.
"Finally," mutters Lian. Santhiya flips him off cheerfully, contentedly sitting partially under Phoenix.
Phoenix kisses the top of Santhiya's head, then gives Gemma an exhausted smile. "It was a good date. I think I understand why everyone was so concerned when they first met me now. I'm good, though. Kai says having someone to look after is good for me, and I agree. This is Brynn."
Brynn shies away as Gemma focuses on her. "H-h-h-hi."
"Hey there. You're the newbie then, I take it?" Brynn nods. "Please say you're the same little thief whose ankle I treated a few years ago."
"Y-y-y-yes. Y-y-y-you wwwww w-w-want me to-to be?" Brynn's perplexed. Why would Gemma want to see her again?
Gemma shrugs. "You vanished, I was worried about you. Did I have a good reason to be?"
Brynn shakes her head. "I-I-I'm f-f-f-fine. I-I-I'm s-s-s-sorry I st-st-stole f-f-from you."
"It's fine. I wouldn't have left the window half-open and snacks packed into tupperware if I didn't want you taking them, would I?"
Oh. Oh. Brynn's heart swoops. Sovereign was right. She really is thicker than two short planks.
"Oh. Of c-c-course. Sh-sh-sh-should've known I'm-I'm to-too stupid t-t-to b-b-b-break in." She takes a deep breath, trying to stop the incessant babble that comes out whenever she's upset. If she can't even speak properly she's not fit to speak at all.
"Hey. That wasn't what I meant, little thief. You broke in successfully the first time. The sofa was slept on and some food gone, and there were hawk feathers left behind. Deductive reasoning. It was only after that that I started leaving the window open for you. You're not stupid, far from it. You're just very brave."
"D-d-desperate," she corrects, heart in her throat. "I wu-wu-was d-d-desperate, n-n-not brave."
"Mm. You were both, I think. Do you want a hug?"
Brynn nods, ensconcing herself in Gemma's arms. She hasn't been hugged like this since her parents died, and she finds herself relaxing involuntarily.
That is, until Morfydd speaks, soft but amused.
"Does this mean that Brynn's the child you told us tried to fight you dressed in a sugar paper mask and a tablecloth?"
Brynn goes bright red as the others giggle, pressing closer to Gemma to hide her face. Damnit.
"Yep. That's Brynn."
Gemma looks up and covers Brynn's old mask with a tea towel when she walks into the room, wrapped in a green fuzzy dressing gown. Now Sovereign's in jail, Brynn's finally had a chance to collect the rest of her old things, and the mask is frankly horrifying. Gemma's not sure why she chose to keep it, given the obvious fear it inspires in her, but she doesn't plan on bringing it up unless Brynn does.
"Hey. Come and have some food." Brynn pours herself a small bowl of coco pops and takes a seat, the overlarge dressing gown making her look tiny. "How are you doing?"
Brynn nods. "Ffffff f–f-f-fine. I–I–I llllike th-th-the bu-bu-bu-bed." She inhales a spoonful of cereal. "Wu-wu-wu-when you ff-f-fixed m-m-my an-an-ankle, Ssssssss Sovereign re-re-re-rebroke it. I-I sh-sh-sh-shouldn't have g-g-got help f-f-from an-anyone bu-bu-but him. So-so I d-d-d-didn't kn-know h-h-h-how to-to lu-lu-lu-leave. I'm-I'm s-s-s-sorry."
Oh, god. She should've gotten Brynn out of there years ago, damn letting her make her own choices.
"Hey. It's okay, Brynn. Sovereign was my nemesis for years, and although I didn't know just how awful he was, I know you didn't have a choice. In fact, you're the one who defeated him in the end."
"It-it wu-wu-wu-wouldn't have b-b-been necessary if-if I w-w-wasn't a-a c-c-coward. C-c-can't I j-j-j-just h-h-hand m-myself in-in?"
"No. That's why you're staying with me, to stop you from doing that. It's why Phoenix tied you down at first. You're not going to prison, I don't care how much you think you deserve it."
Brynn squeezes her eyes shut, tears spilling out from under her eyelids. Gemma squeezes her hand gently.
"I m-m-miss them. Ph-ph-phoenix th-the m-m-most."
"You can call them if you like. You won't be disturbing them, if they're busy they just won't answer."
"I'm sc-scared," she whispers. "Y-y-y-you d-d-d-didn't see th-the others' ffff f-f-faces. Th-the b-b-betrayal. Wu-what if th-they– wu-what if Ph-ph-phoenix an-and San-santhiya are-are are-are-are-are–"
Gemma waits, but Brynn just slams her mouth shut and shakes her head, unable to go on. "You won't know until you speak to them, and you have to speak eventually. If it helps, I don't think Phoenix has it in them to hate you."
Brynn picks her phone up and unlocks it with shaking fingers. She stares at the screen, unmoving.
"Do you want me to give you some privacy while you call?" asks Gemma quietly. Brynn shakes her head, squeezing Gemma's hand in a death grip.
Eventually, she presses call, then puts it on speaker. The phone barely has a chance to ring before Phoenix picks up.
"Hello? Brynn?"
"Oh, thank god, you're okay. You haven't handed yourself in. How, um, how are you doing?"
Phoenix sounds exhausted but happy to hear from one of their partners, and Brynn smiles tentatively, loosening her hold on Gemma.
Gemma's relieved, and not just for the regaining of feeling in her fingers. It's good to see Brynn smile and talk. Gemma hasn't seen enough of that.
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jordanstrophe · 29 days
Amnesia whump:
it takes whumper weeks to "clear whumpee's head." Every day, whumpee loses more and more memories. Slowly, they go from constant defiance to a constant state of confusion.
Once whumper knows they have a blank slate, the next time whumpee wakes up, they're in a beautiful room with whumper lovingly by their bedside.
"You don't remember anything? Oh my poor darling sweetheart, I'll take such good care of you, just like I always have."
Whumpee has no reason to question this stranger;
-Unknowing it's their very brainwasher. 
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whumpasaurus101 · 1 year
“Why don’t you run?”
Whumpee jumped at Whumper’s voice right against their ear.
“N-n’h….g-good pets don…dont…hngg….pl-pl’se
“Say it, darling.”
“G-good pets don-…don’t- p-“
Whumper’s hand tightened against Whumpee’s shoulder, digging their nails in as they spoke, making the other whimper, “I’m running out of patience, love,” Whumper hummed.
“Mhngg- G-good pets don-don’t try t-to leave wih-without permmm…permission fr’m their owners.”
Whumper smiled, their iron grip lifting from Whumpee’s shoulder before patting- more like slapping- their face with a false smile, “Good good, but next time I expect immediate obedience and correct sentences.”
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honeybunny-og · 2 years
Some advice for fellow Whumpers:
One effective method of controlling your Whumpee is to get them addicted to you.
Well, they’re not really addicted to you, per se, they’re addicted to whatever drug it is you shoot them up with after every ‘session’ you two have together.
Whumpee will grow to depend on this drug, love this drug. They’ll crave, grovel, and beg for it — beg for you.
Because they only get it after you’ve had your fun.
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lonely-harts · 2 years
Thomas Pt. 3
Confused? Read parts 1 and 2 here. Aren’t required but there just in case.
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Content Warnings: Misgendering, trans whumpee, parent whumper, controlling whumper, emotional whump, noncon touch, blood, reopening wounds, nons3xual nudity
Thomas drew his legs up to his shivering chest as the cold water washed over his head and down his back. The water sought all the little cuts and found them swiftly, the icy cold now seemingly becoming Thomas’s very blood, flowing in and out of him.
Swirling red clouds of it drifted past Thomas which focused his eyes on, even as his mother began to speak. That was him, diffusing and useless.
“I don’t know why you’re acting like you’re ashamed or embarrassed. I bore you, I’ve seen it before,” tutted Thomas’s mother, just before pouring more chilly water over him. “Our bodies are exactly the same.”
Then Thomas felt a jolt course up through his back but his heart pounded in his chest like a warning. Don’t turn around, don’t turn around. As the dulling effect of the water eased, he didn’t need to turn, his brain knew his mother’s fingers prodding and poking the cuts they had ‘bore’ previously.
Thomas bit his lip as he felt the stinging pop of skin attempting to heal being pulled apart and then squeezed together again. 
“You aren’t healing very well, are you?” crooned his mother. “I think I know why though.”
Thomas began to pant with pain as the wound was not only reopened but continued, his mother’s dainty hands pulling the two sides further and further away from each other, the tear travelling both ways over his ribs.
“All you need to do is think better, purer and more gentle thoughts, more lady-like thoughts, darling,” hissed Thomas’s mother. “And all this pain will soon fade. You will wonder what this was all about one day.”
Thomas could barely hear his mother’s words as he closed his eyes and gritted his teeth. His chin trembled, the pain pressing against his mind, trying to force out a scream.
“It is good to see you so silent though,” whispered his mother, suddenly releasing Thomas’s raw skin. 
Thomas let out a small gasp, muffled by his knee.
“Finally, something desirable about you for your future husband.”
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bilightningwhumper · 18 days
“You've only ever been a disappointment.”
After the public post was made outing Sam, his parents corner him after dinner to talk.
Warnings for this one: transphobia, threats of conversion therapy, physical abuse from parent to child Characters: Sam- Little Mermaid Raelene- Huntsman Crystal- Beauty Hannah (mentioned)- Prince's fiance/bride Marianne (mentioned)- Maid Marian
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