#captive wumpee
jordanstrophe · 7 months
Whumper keeps trying to touch and hold their delightful new captive, but whumpee fights and yanks away. So whumper tries punishing them if they so much as shy their neck away.
Whumpee now associates friendly touch with brutal pain, magnifying whumpee's reaction even worse.
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fern-writes-whump · 11 months
Thoughts on the "used as bait" trope? Basically, a Whumper kidnaps a Whumpee to use as bait to lure a loved one into a trap.
Love it so much, and it appears in almost every story I wrote that contains a kidnapping 😆
-- @whumperofworlds
ok, hi, yes
First of all, I love angst and especially a very-last-second rescue. This is a trope that I love to see from caretaker's perspective because - the gut-wrenching anxiety they have to be in the whole time??? delicious
this also a terrible great time for caretaker to realize they have feelings for whumpee. The second they make eye contact, no matter how far away they are, and they see them tied up, with a black eye and a bloody nose? That's when they realize that there is the most important thing in their life, and. God. why did even whumper see it before them?
Maybe that's when they loose their temper, when they're blinded by rage and lay waste to anyone who's laid a finger on their precious whumpee
Or maybe. The odds aren't so much in their favor. They weigh their options, and they decide the only priority is getting whumpee out of there alive. With or without them.
Imagine how scared whumpee already must be. They're trying their best to hold back tears. They need to look strong and stay calm, no need to make things harder for caretaker. They trust them. They'll get them out safe and sound. They know it.
So now imagine the bone-deep terror when they see caretaker drop their weapon and raise their hands.
Caretaker mouths "I love you." and says something to their captors. Not that whumpee hears any of it. Someone is screaming. It's too loud. It kind of sounds like them.
Thanks for the ask!! This is fun :D
again, feel free to send me your favourite tropes to hear my thoughts on them <3
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CW: past abuse
I can just imagine a Whumpee who was held captive in a Whumper's basement/cell for so long that when they finally get rescued by a Caretaker they don't/won't sleep on normal beds, or even on a carpeted floor.
And when the Caretaker first brings in Whumpee he offers him a cozy bed to rest on and the Whumpee just seemed so confused and is like "No, no thank you? I don't really need a bed, but thank you for the offer, sir?"
Caretaker would be so confused at that point and is like "Where are you going to sleep then?"
The Wumpee would just so nonchalantly be like "the floor,"
Tldr; Caretaker has a lot in store for them with having a Whumpee in their care.
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whumpshots · 2 years
Whumptober #26
Trope of the day: rope burns / “Why did you save me?”
Team leader looks at whumpee, their wrists finally free from that damned rope, but looking messy and bloody. He’s been restrained for only the gods know how long, but the burns show a lot of his struggle against it. Against being held captive by whumper. Whumpee has always been strong-willed, but that must be some kind of horrible pain, only getting worse and worse every time he struggled against it.
Now it’s finally over and he can see wumpee’s eyes going in and out of focus. He’s probably still in that basement, still tied to a chair … still in whumper’s hands. But once their eyes meet, whumpee’s flash up with some kind of recognition and team leader steps closer to the table.
“Hey. I’m here,” he mutters and grabs one of the hands stretching out to touch him. Whumpee holds onto him for dear life, still fighting against the sedatives. Still struggling despite finally being save … it breaks his heart to see him like this, but he keeps his calm and sits down next to the bed.
“Why … why did you save me?”, whumpee croaks and team leader furrows his brows in confusion. “He … he said you wouldn’t come. You … you wouldn’t be able to find me,” he slurs and blinks his tired lids, which are begging to be closed and stay that way, but he fights them open again, still holding onto team leader’s hand.
“No one can keep us from finding you, whumpee. You’re part of our team … of course we would come to save you,” team leader manages to rasp and fights the knot in his throat. Whumpee shakes his head softly.
“No … no, why? You … you could’ve been injured.” The rest of his sentences get lost in unintelligible muttering which comes to a halt when his eyes finally close. Team leader lets out the breath he has been holding the entire time. Whumpee needs to realise he is worth so much more than he believes …
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obsessedwithegos · 2 years
What would Kira do if one of it's wumpees managed to escape?
It depends! They might just let their whumpee go and face the horrors of the fae realm all by theirself. They know from experience that the fae realm is pretty traumatizing! Maybe they'll run a timer to see if the whumpee comes back themself or it'll be for them to go look to see if they're dead or alive. (Hopefully alive.)
If they managed to escape out of the fae realm, well it all depends if Kira was done with them or not. If Kira doesn't think it's done enough damage, it'll track it's whumpee down and bring them back.
If it thinks it's done plenty of damage, it'll let them go.
Kira's goal for it's whumpees isn't permanent or extremely long term captivity, it's goal is to traumatize it's whumpees and then let them go and let them struggle. Just like it did :)
Now Past Kira? It'll either let them go, as they just aren't bothered. Or track them down just to kill them. That Kira didn't really care that much about 'second chances.' (Unless the whumpee begged enough to entertain them.)
General: @emmettnet @thebluejaysworld
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whump-mania · 3 years
Okay, I don’t know if this has been written about or asked at all, but I REALLY like the idea of the whumper telling their whumpee that “they have the day off tomorrow” after a particularly brutal day of torture. So when the whumpee wakes up (in whatever sleeping situation they have, sleeping on the floor in chains/a cell/if the whumpee is more affectionate-a bedroom of the whumpee’s own) and opens their eyes, they see their caretaker brutalized and/or dead right next to them (on the floor, tucked in bed beside them) and the wumpee FREAKS OUT. They start screaming & crying because their whole reason, their light at the end of their dark tunnel, has basically is disappearing/has disappeared. Then whumper comes in, “Aw, you think I didn’t know about your little savior here? That’s absolutely adorable that you thought you could hide them from me. I OWN YOU. YOU BELONG TO ME. It’s time you know that.” And whumper either finishes caretaker off or just leaves caretaker’s body with whumpee. PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE, BABEYYYY. (Sorry if this is long, I couldn’t figure out a way to condense it lol)
(YES this is heartbreaking, i love it. gonna use it with my ABC characters if ya don’t mind)
(tw: noncon kiss (pretty explicit so 18+), death, a lot of blood, kidnapping, stress position, restraints, whipping, very intimate whumper and overall creepiness)
Ben sobbed as he was finally let down from the ropes holding him up. He’d been hanging from the ceiling by his wrists and ankles for hours: a new method of torment Aaron had come up with since he was “feeling experimental”.
His whole body ached. Not only from the stress position, but from the whip marks that laced his whole body. When Aaron had gotten bored. The blood had dried hours ago.
“Aw, baby, it’s okay.” Aaron began to untie Ben from the ropes on his limbs, caressing the reddened flesh carefully. “You were so good for me, Benny. Always so good.”
Ben continued to cry. He’d given up on trying to hold it in. Either way, he knew Aaron liked it when he cried. Anything to stop the pain.
Aaron chuckled and brought Ben’s wrist up, kissing the wounds there softly. “Maybe I shouldn’t have used such rough rope, hm? I must’ve left you up there for five hours. Poor little thing.”
“S-Stop,” Ben croaked, shaking his head. “Please just…j-just stop…talking…” He buried his face in the ground, clenching his eyes shut.
Aaron’s face dropped and his hand went to grasp at Ben’s curls. He played with them, not tugging too harshly, but enough to establish a sense of power.
“I’ll let you off the hook for that one.” His tone was soft, dangerous. “You’ve had a long day. But you don’t need to worry…you have the day off tomorrow.” Aaron’s smile returned. “I have a special something planned for you tomorrow. No pain.”
Ben groaned, hiding his face even more. A day off did sound nice. Ever since he’d been kidnapped the pain had been nonstop. This was the only time he’d been given a break.
“All you need to do…” Aaron rolled Ben onto his back and leaned over him. He loved the tired fear in his pet’s eyes, the terror clouded by exhaustion. “…Is let me kiss you. Then tomorrow is pain free.”
Ben grimaced. Of course there was a catch. But compared to a whole other day of pain after what he’d endured, a kiss was nothing. He closed his eyes and nodded.
Aaron grinned hungrily at his captive and leaned down, claiming his lips and exploring his mouth. Ben was his, his to play with and break and build up again. He moaned at the soft whimper that escaped Ben’s throat, kissing him harder until he was satisfied.
Aaron finally pulled away, laughing a little at Ben’s weak attempts to catch his breath. “You’ll get your surprise tomorrow. You were so good for me, Benny.” He planted a kiss to his forehead before standing up and exiting. When his captor was gone, Ben weakly crawled over to the bucket kept in the corner of the room and vomited his lunch into it.
Ben woke up to the smell of blood. No…no, today was supposed to be no pain. Was he just bleeding again? Did his cuts open up? Why was the smell so strong?
He blinked his eyes open, groaning and rubbing at them. Something was in front of him, and the smell of blood on it was overwhelming. Ben cringed and pushed himself away from it, sitting up as his eyes focused fully. He looked back down at what was in front of him.
And when he saw what it was, Ben screamed.
Chloe. Chloe was on the floor, covered in bruises and leaking blood from her throat. Her eyes stared forward, devoid of life and filled with frozen pain. She was dead. Chloe was dead.
Ben was reduced to screams and heartbroken sobs. No, this wasn’t happening, it was a dream, please let it be a dream, no no no no—
“Surprise!” Aaron’s voice appeared from behind Ben and all he could think was get away he killed my sister Chloe is dead GET AWAY.
“I did promise I wouldn’t hurt you today.” Aaron walked around to Chloe’s body, placing his boot on her head and leaning down. “So I found another outlet.”
“No,” Ben muttered, hyperventilating and tugging at his own hair. “No no no no no no…”
“Don’t think I haven’t heard you screaming for her at night. The walls aren’t very thick, you know.” Aaron laughed and pressed his boot down harder. “So I thought I’d answer your wishes and bring her to you myself.”
“Chloe…no, Chloe, please,” Ben cried weakly, collapsing on the floor. The smell of his own sister’s blood was making him dizzy. He barely registered Aaron kneeling in front of him and lifting him by his hair.
“You are mine, Benny,” Aaron said lowly. “And I think you’re forgetting that.” He tightened his grip and lifted Ben’s head to expose his neck. He leaned in and kissed the nape, sucking a dark bruise into it as Ben cried.
“Mine. All mine, forever and always,” Aaron growled, letting Ben go and letting him slump back onto the hard floor. “Spend some time with your darling sister. Learn your place.” The door slammed closed.
Ignoring the blood, ignoring the smell, and ignoring how cold her body was, Ben cried himself to sleep as he embraced he sister he had lost.
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jaffacakerebellion · 3 years
keeping whumpee waiting
oh the power of suspense
- whumper tells whumpee they’ll let them out in 3 days, and after three days are up claim that they never said that, or that it was actually 3 weeks, continually gaslighting them
- whumpee’s pay keeps getting reduced and reduced, meaning they’ve had to ration their insulin more and more. Their boss, who keeps reducing their pay, calls them into their big fancy office to complain about their performance dwindling, when whumpee passes out then and there, not for the first time today
- whumpee losing their mind inside their cell, no idea when they’ll get out, or if they ever will, counting the droplets of water they can hear leaking from the window
- whumpee jumping on a train/ boat which feels like it’s never going to start, as members of a gang they pissed off track them down and try to board, looking to end wumpee for good this time
- whumpee waiting for a cut on their leg to heal, but it just starts to look worse and worse, and they need to be in peak health for the triathlon they’re taking part in
- whumper preparing whumpee for torture, standing behind them with a whip, and watching whumpee squirm and squirm, anticipating the first blow. It’s only when they stop struggling and the whumpee shows their confusion that whumper starts laying into whumpee
- whumpee was kept in the same cell as another captive, who said they would come back for whumpee as soon as they could when they managed to get out (maybe this person actually works for whumper, trying to crush whumpee’s hope)
- whumpee is going into bloodloss shock, resigned to their death, waiting almost in hope to feel the pain finally go away to be replaced with the warmth and comfort slightly before death
- whumper has given whumpee some sort of drug, and they don’t know what, but they’re waiting to see what the side effects are
- caretaker said they’d be right back, where are they?
- caretaker/ whumper said that they were driving to the hospital, but whumpee didn’t recognise the route, it feels like they’ve been driving around for hours, and caretaker/ whumper is saying something which whumpee no longer understands, but it sounds like a promise
- whumpee executively dysfunctioning so hard they can’t go and get the medical supplies/ food/ call the hospital/ do anything for themself even though it’s an emergency, repeating to themself ‘You need to do this! What’s wrong with you? Get up!’
- whumpee hasn’t told anyone they need help, they’re just waiting patiently for their friend to finish doing somehing trivial, and at this point they’re not sure how to tell them that they’re about to be in serious medical trouble
- a horrible teacher has told whumpee that they can only take their medication after class, and when class ends, she tells whumpee that if they haven’t finished the last exercise, they can’t go and take their meds. Naturally, whumpee can’t concentrate anymore, and their diabetes/ athsma/ allergy/ epilepsy/ narcolepsy gets the better of them. The teacher, the last one left in the classroom, claims that whumpee is faking
- autistic whumpee can’t go and get a hair cut for a while, because money is tight or the pandemic prevents it or because they’d have to go a long way to get it done properly, but the texture on the back of their neck is sending them into serious overdrive and preventing them from being able to function
- undiagnosed dyslexic whumpee is told that they’re not getting any food until they’ve finished their work, and they live at a boarding school where the teachers are strict. This happens often, and Whumpee’s beaviour gets more and more erratic. When the hunger finally causes them to pass out, nobody will help whumpee because they think whumpee is just stupid or acting out or both. When they get sent home for their ‘behaviour’, they’re in an absolutely terrible way mentally and physically
- whumpee has been waiting for urgent surgery for months, but didn’t want to worry the rest of their family/ friends by telling them, so when whumpee can’t function anymore, it comes as a complete shock to whumpee’s loved ones, who feel hurt, betrayed, and helpless
- whumpee got a concussion, and they’re not allowed to sleep yet, or they might go into a coma. They plead weakly with caretaker(s) to just let them rest, let them fall asleep in their arms, and it breaks caretaker’s heart to be so strict, watch the bags get darker and darker under whumpee’s eyes
Going nuts for this trope atm, please add any you think of :)
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