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happy pride month bowsario people
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luminesparkz · 9 months
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dat-1-slime · 1 year
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It was rlly good and in celebration here is a funni lil comic
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felis-rach · 1 year
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Ok you know what. I'm 100% loyal for mareach but I've ALSO come to the conclusion that this ot3 ROCKS and deserves more content.
(And I know in the original photo the woman is giving the finger but I couldn't do it man mario characters are too rated E for me sorry😞😞)
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istadris · 22 days
Bowser: Yes, I know, claiming Peach was Junior's Mama was a bold move.
Bowser: BUT
Bowser: in my defense, I DID lay an egg after sleeping with a human. Happened after that Mario Kart after game party where we all got completely smashed on homemade Kremling booze.
Bowser : all I remember is bright blue eyes, soft pink skin and a cute, round little butt bouncing off my-
Peach: I think we got the idea, thank you very much.
Bowser: so do you see why I was convinced it was you!? Who else would I sleep with?!
Mario & Luigi: *share completely panicked glances*
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istadraws · 1 month
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Let's say he's singing "Hit Me Baby One More Time" to the blue-eyed human of your choice.
Heavily referenced from a Super Mario RPG cutscene, but damn if I'm not proud of it :)
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churroshi · 1 year
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Had to do the meme with them cause its just very fitting
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eggcats · 4 months
We need a Bowuigi (or Bowsario if that's more your jam) fic where it's revealed that Mario and Luigi kind of take it easy when fighting Bowser (and ESPECIALLY his kids, they would never hurt a child) because at the heart of it Bowser is like a Sunday morning cartoon villian and these 2 dudes from Brooklyn, who know what Real evil looks like, know this
Except Bowser legitimately thinks that's as tough as they are, and so BOWSER makes sure to not actually hurt them because of the "significant difference in their strength," and while he doesn't intentionally lose, he also doesn't intentionally go full strength to actually cause lasting damage to the bros
And then one day a REAL villain appears, who like decides to not only attack and attempt to kill Bowser, but also his children (perhaps as a vigilante "hero" to stop Bowser's "violence" for extra drama)
(maybe a scene where one of the bros tries to talk to this villain (maybe because they originally teamed up with them since they were a hero, except suddenly they're taking everything too far) -
something like "THAT'S A CHILD!??" "a KOOPA child!!!")
And then suddenly, neither Luigi nor Mario are holding back when fighting, and Bowser has a sudden revelation that he wasn't the only one holding back in their fights (imagine the scene in atla when Zuko discovers Katara can bloodbend)
(If you want real drama, one of the bros straight up murks the guy because attacking children is a significant step way too far)
And Bowser is like "?????why did you help me I'm Evil I kidnap Peaches all the time???" And they're like "oh yes, so Evil kidnapping her on a schedule so it doesn't interrupt her work and then never even doing anything to hurt or touch her, sure Mister Bad Guy uh-huh" and Bowser is like "oh."
Anyway Bowser gets a new crush watching (whichever bro you want this fic to be) kick ass and help him/protect his children, and maybe they even coordinate fighting together extremely well because they've known each other for so long they know how they fight and move
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jowbokitten · 6 months
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Dear, rich Bowsette, HOW I LOVE HER!!!
(father's money)
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kenconffetti · 1 year
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pocketlad · 8 months
I hadn't played Bowser's classic mode in a long time so I completely forgot about this amazing photo
He could've kidnapped Peach but he kidnapped Mario instead lmao. He's in his wedding outfit while Peach is not in anything remotely similar. What does this mean Bowser
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assorted ships~
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luminesparkz · 6 months
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Cats 🐈🐈 (Drawings from late October)
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echoeternally · 3 months
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I think this is the missing fan art from Chapter 25 of my Mario fanfic? Kinda browsed my files quickly and this was under a gift folder.
The artist was previously known as "solublix" on Twitter, but they left, so now I'm not sure if this is the right one or not.
If anyone happens to know about them or if I've got the wrong artist, would you mind updating me? I'd like to put this in the fanfic if it was art for the story, but if it's not (or if I have the artist wrong), then I'll need to re-credit this and try again.
This won't appear in the story unless I can confirm it as art for the fanfic, but I'll keep this post for the time being, in case that artist returns or this is discovered elsewhere.
Oh, I'll also take this down entirely if the artist would prefer that as well! It's a nice piece, but if they'd rather not be online anymore and want all of their work removed, I can do that too.
(Obviously, not my art, since I can't draw, lmao)
UPDATE: The first pic is a gift art from @batidoflan that they gifted to me! And I'm pretty much a dumb one lol
Not the missing art/artist, but, that's ok! It's a lovely piece that I can look at again.
UPDATE 2: I have no idea what art I've found now, and it's in a folder labeled for ENY, so now I'm more confused with where it goes...or if it's even meant for the fanfic? (I did try reverse image search, and that doesn't even show Mario in the results, lol)
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drops-of-moonlights · 2 months
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a lil dance
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istadris · 11 months
There's several fan works floating around with the concept of Bowser going into a nesting mode in certain circumstances (heat, mate/kids in danger, spells, triggers, etc...) and gathering his kids + loved ones in the nest and not letting anyone out as long as he's in a feral, not quite sentient state.
I love this concept from the bottom of my heart but also hear me out :
Bowser gathering his kids (logical), Peach (makes sense as well), Luigi (raises some eyebrows but it's not like he's a threat) AND Mario (????) inside the nest.
Everyone is very confused about that last one and no one will ever let Bowser live it down.
Anyway, this leads to the weirdest sleepover the entire gang ever had to endure.
Many heavy snorers were exposed that day.
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