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Morning losers💕
9:40am EST
Sorry I’m late morning was crazy will check in later
Love you
You are loved
You are wanted
Drink your water
Take your meds
Be kind to yourself
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incognito-melancholia · 5 months
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muzgozjeb · 1 year
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bluedragonflydream · 1 year
Mental illness took so much away from me, sometimes I wish it would have taken my life as well
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narcissism-positivity · 2 months
You can answer whether you have any of these conditions or not, and please reblog for larger sample size! I will NOT tolerate any harassment towards any condition on this or any other post I make. The social harm you might’ve experienced is valid no matter what the results say.
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k-llforme · 4 months
what do u mean by Bipolar Barty "I will burn anyone who dares to lay a hand on you and accept my descent into insanity without you" Crouch Jr and BPD Evan "I'm going to rip my flesh apart to gift you my heart and beg Death to let me stay with you" Rosier are not codependent?
Like girl, what do you mean?
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borderlineangelic · 6 months
life stressors are a huge contributing factor in psychotic and or symptom breaks in general. life stressors include
death of a family member or close loved one
moving into a new home
sickness illness injury
leaving or being fired/laid off from a job
abuse and or DV
money deficiency
those are just some of the examples that life can throw at you causing immense stress and triggering psychotic symptoms and even mood disturbances as well. it’s very important to know your triggers so once and or if the psychosis comes back there’s a safety plan in place for you and or a loved one.
it’s believed that 70% of those with sz spectrum disorders are likely to have a second psychotic disorder relapse within 5-7 years.
so in a sense it is imperative those who happen to have or suspect to have sz or related disorders have a safety plan with triggers stated and warning signs of when and how and why a psychotic episode could occur.
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gazniet · 2 months
idk who needs to hear this but your manic episodes are valid even if you don’t think you’re actions were “crazy” enough
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spaghettiisgross · 5 months
girls after saying “it is what it is” for the 6039277292 time
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intersex-idiots · 2 years
am i fake or do i actually have this trauma and all of these weird disabilities that have completely changed my life
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thoughtsfromb4 · 27 days
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When I Am Up (for Mental Health Month)
When I am up, every sky is a boundless, cloudless expanse of brilliantly blinding blue.
When I am up, I am William the Conqueror and William Shakespeare and William Jennings Bryan all in one.
When I am up, life is an eternity of perfect days punctuated by soul-shaking truths at every turn.
When I am up, every person I meet is a fount of infinite expectations.
When I am up, my momentous happiness is so moment-to-moment that if I look away for but an instant I might miss it all.
When I am up, I cannot turn away. I am a moth to the flame. I am Icarus. I am entranced by my own fire’s burning ballet. I am ablaze.
When I am up, I feel the gravity of every instant, weighing me down with the weight of it all as I struggle not to fall back to reality.
When I am up, I am alone. I am adrift on my sea of ideas — in search of my white whale, trying to stay within the white lines, staring into the glaring white light — without hope of rescue.
When I am up, I must come down…
-- @thoughtsfromb4
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✨night check✨
Omg only one more sleep and workday until the weekend. This has been the longest week ever…I think that happens the closer a vacation starts to get
We are getting a new horse at work Saturday. I’m pretty excited I just really hope he’s not a pig in his stall 😂and I hope the owner is nice
Going out Sunday with a friend and I’m so looking forward to girl time
Im off to start my night routine and go to bed
Love you!
You are loved
You are wanted
Take your meds
Drink your water
Be kind to yourself
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incognito-melancholia · 5 months
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muzgozjeb · 1 year
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bluedragonflydream · 1 year
You know these moments where everything is good and suddenly you just get this sinking feeling. Don't know where it came from, don't know how to get rid of it. Why does this keep happening?
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amateur-scribbler · 2 months
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I want you to hate me. Because I truly love proving myself right.
I love satisfying the sick whispers of self loathing and controlling the narrative of how this love will end, in time.
Because I know how to hurt you and sometimes I do it without even trying, I’ve got this bitter guilt and this ever-quick poisonous bite.
I am not loveable or cute or the girl everyone wants to fawn over, I am the girl people compare to hurricanes because it’s a promise that I will destroy everything in sight.
It’s an imposter, a facade, some type of trick of the light, this version of me you love has never aligned with the one that whispers harsh truths to me late at night.
No, I’m not her, and I don’t deserve any of your love, because given the chance I’m still that sharp tongued snake always ready to poison the ones who take a selfless step in the murky waters to try to hold my head above.
So I’ll push you so far away, to the point that you stop understanding why you ever even contemplated fighting to stay.
Because honestly, I truly love being right.
Letting you think I’m a monster means you’re finally meeting the dark voice who’s been whispering words of hatred to me every night.
The self fulfilling prophecy - t.k.o
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