#bald eagle count
quortknee · 2 months
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my arisen bull and his pawn friends; bear, eagle, and uh... the elf
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west-coast-baby · 8 months
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justaballoffluff · 6 months
my brain has been almost entirely consumed by knitting and crochet the past few weeks and I don't really know what to do about it. plus I've been working on my term paper for Ancient Egypt, which has taken up a lot of my brain space as of late
went to the Museum of Natural History today and I got a mammoth plush!
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her name's Lana since it means "down, soft fleece, wool". plus it follows Tullia the Leopard Shark that I got last year for my birthday
#Ryn rambles#she's so soft I love her so much!!!#just stick my face in her head and neck fluff when I'm upset#or pet her ears because WOW both are SO SOFT#if you don't wanna hear me ramble about my plushies that's fine just ignore the rest of the tags#I just love them all very much okay#so far I have:#Bruna the sea otter (meaning 'brown')#Inverness the African wild dog and her pup Princess (named for a documentary I saw on them when I was in high school)#Tullia the Leopard Shark (because I think it's funny to name her after Cicero's daughter given their territory includes Cataline Harbor)#Nebula and Strawberry the dragons (it's just their appearances)#the lung dragon my mom got me from Vegas is probably gonna end up as Ch'en because I need at least one plush named after Arknights#Aurelia the bald eagle (Aquilla is a bit too on the nose for me)#a tiger I just realized doesn't have a name whoops I should fix that#and now Lana the mammoth!#oh! almost forget William who's a replica of the famous faience hippo on display at the MET#technically there's also Rainbow the build-a-bear rabbit; Marie from Aristocats; a special edition Winnie the Pooh#a bear named Snowflake and a knock off Jiji plush#but they're up on top of my bookcase so I don't count them as being fully accessible#I've got a whole box full of plushies in my closet including: a Colonial Williamsburg dress up doll; a Angelina Ballerina; a buffalo#Kanga and Roo; a whole bunch of Beanie Babies (plus one my mom needs to give me but that's not the point)#and an assortment of random plushies like Bijou and Hamtaro#I know I have a mini neopets plush I got from McDonalds in elementary school in my bag at all times#and a little cream and pink bunny named Marshmallow
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jellyfishjulie · 8 months
A bald eagle flew right past my office window this morning which is fun bc means my cat just got a lifer
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countbassd · 5 months
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Napoleonville [Chapter 9: Clarence House]
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Series Summary: The year is 1988. The town is Napoleonville, Louisiana. You are a small business owner in need of some stress relief. Aemond is a stranger with a taste for domination. But as his secrets are revealed, this casual arrangement becomes something more volatile than either of you could have ever imagined.
Chapter Warnings: Language, sexual content (18+ readers only), dom/sub dynamics, smoking, drinking, drugs, Adventures with Aegon (ft. Sunfyre the Ferret), Willis Warning, infidelity, kids, parenthood, and no more hints for you, start reading!!!
Word Count: 8.9k.
Link to chapter list (and all my writing): HERE.
Taglist: @marvelescvpe @toodlesxcuddles @era127 @at-a-rax-ia @0eessirk8 @arcielee @dd122004dd @humanpurposes @taredhunter @tinykryptonitewerewolf @partnerincrime0 @dr-aegon @persephonerinyes @namelesslosers @burningcoffeetimetravel-fics @daenysx @gemini-mama @chattylurker @moonlightfoxx @huramuna @britt-mf @myspotofcraziness @padfooteyes @targaryenbarbie @trifoliumviridi @joliettes @darkenchantress @florent1s @babyblue711 @minttea07 @libroparaiso @bluerskiees @herfantasyworldd @elizarbell @urmomsgirlfriend1 @fudge13 @strangersunghoon @wickedfrsgrl
Only 1 chapter left!!! 🥰🧁
He returns in an afternoon of inescapable golden sunlight, hot and muggy, bumble bees and ladybugs wheeling lazily above tall grass, cumulus clouds like tufts of cotton in a sky the color of Aemond’s eye. You hear him talking to Cadi—she’s out in the front yard making mud pies, earth for sugar and sprinkles of stray pelican feathers—and then the weight of his footsteps on the sinking, sloping porch. He opens the door, never locked, and walks through the living room into the kitchen. From behind, his arms circle around your waist; and you’ve missed him so much—dreaming of waves and storms, chains and blood—that you have nothing for him but softness, gentle smiles and a voice hushed with relief.
“How was Norway?” you ask as you roll out dough on the counter. You’re making a buttermilk pie.
“Fine,” Aemond says, resting his chin on your shoulder. But he sounds tired, low.
You turn around to look at him, raising your fingertips to his unscarred right cheek; he won’t tolerate you touching the left. You leave a dusting of flour across his skin like snow, which you have never seen in person and likely never will. The air conditioner is humming. The little pink Panasonic boombox is playing Africa by Toto. “Did something happen?”
“I just missed you.” Then he brightens. “But I was greeted by some very welcome news when I got back to the house this morning.” He’s wearing his neon teal duffle bag. He drops it to the floor and unzips it; inside you glimpse several Nintendo game cartridges, presumably for Cadi. And you think: I’m always here making things, he’s always bringing them from far away. Aemond takes two small dark blue booklets out of a pocket in the inner lining of the duffle bag and gives them to you. On the front of each is embossed in gold lettering, along with an emblem of a bald eagle: Passport, United States of America.
“There’s one for you and one for Cadi. I submitted the forms a month ago, but even with expedited processing it took this long. Ridiculous. What does the government do all day besides hunt down social programs to defund?”
“But…but…” You open one of the booklets. A photograph of your own face gazes back at you, serious and serene, taken against the white wall of your bedroom before you knew about Aemond being a Targaryen, or Christabel, or Amir’s exodus to San Franscisco, or the profound futility of everything, it seems. “How…?”
“I took the pictures, obviously. The rest was easy enough to find. You store birth certificates and social security cards the same place where you keep the business records that Amir showed me. Typically people have to go to a passport agency in person, but Criston and I have ways around that. Your signature might have been forged on the applications…but I suspect you won’t be filing any police reports.” Aemond grins, pleased with himself. “I wanted it to be a surprise.”
“It’s definitely surprising.” You stare down at the passports, amazed. “Aemond…this is a lot. But you already know that.”
“The whole time I was gone, I was wishing you could be there too. And now I can take you anywhere.”
Your heart is pounding, helpless childlike exhilaration. “Where are we going?”
“Clarence House in London.”
London: it’s another world, a distant planet, a constellation whose name you don’t know, the lost city of Atlantis.“Clarence House? Is that a hotel?”
“It’s a royal residence,” Aemond says, amused. “It’s officially the home of the Queen Mother, but the whole family goes to Balmoral in Scotland every summer, and while they’re gone they often rent out one wing to guests, not just anyone, trusted people like distant cousins or longtime, aristocratic friends. And the Targaryens…”
“You’re marrying Christabel, and she’s nobility. So you’re basically nobility now too.”
“Yes,” Aemond admits, a little guiltily, perhaps. “But you’re the person I’m inviting.”
“And Cadi.”
Now he’s genuinely puzzled. “Of course. We couldn’t leave her behind.”
Maybe I can handle this. Maybe I can make this work.
And you climb onto your tiptoes to circle your arms around the back of his neck, embracing him, thanking him, thinking: Christabel will have his ring, his last name, his family’s mansion, his acquiescent kiss at the altar of the Chapel of Saint Honoratus of Amiens…but I have what he’s made of, dreams, soul, bones in the abyss of an ocean of blood. Maybe that’s enough.
First class, cheerful stewardesses, an array of magazines purchased from a gift shop in New Orleans International Airport: the National Enquirer and Food & Wine for you, The Face and Smithsonian for Aemond, and National Geographic Kids and Zoobooks for Cadi. The Zoobooks animal this month is the eagle, how quintessentially American. You are served antipasto Italiano, shrimp cocktail, Perrier, and champagne (Cadi gets a Shirley Temple) over the Atlantic Ocean. Aemond shows you and Cadi how to chew gum to pop your ears as the pressure builds to pain. When there is turbulence and he leans in close to tell you everything is fine, Aemond smells like Wrigley’s Doublemint, cologne, Marlboro cigarettes like the logo on his red and white jacket. You press your palm to the cool window, and clouds float by through the gaps between your fingers. The world is older than anything you could fathom; the world is brand new.
There is a black limousine waiting outside Terminal 3 of Heathrow Airport. The driver gets out to load the sparse luggage: Aemond’s teal duffle bag, a frayed and battered rolling suitcase that you borrowed from your mother, a Super Mario Bros. backpack that you found for Cadi at Kmart. Aemond doesn’t have much time to spare, only 4 days, practically a long weekend; but it feels like an eternity stretches out in front of you as the limousine zooms through the narrow, winding streets of downtown London, Starship’s We Built This City piping from the radio. You have never had more than a few uninterrupted hours with Aemond before. Now you will have a hundred.
The London air is cool, grey, misty; fresh rainwater bleeds into puddles, dark pools of mirrorlike reflections. With the windows rolled down and clean slate-colored air unfurling in your lungs, Aemond points to the landmarks you pass: Gunnersbury Park, Chiswick House and its gardens, cathedrals, museums, shopping districts, centuries-old cemeteries, stations of the London Underground, the River Thames, Hyde Park, the Ritz Hotel, Buckingham Palace, Saint James’ Palace, and at last Clarence House. It is a boxy white four-story townhouse with columns at the entranceway that remind you of the Targaryens’ estate on the shore of Lake Verret, the beautiful yet temporary home they call The Last Desire.
Aemond says that the entire first floor will be yours for the duration of your stay. There is the Lancaster Room, red and gold, and the Morning Room of creams and weak watery blue. There is the Library, the Dining Room, and the vibrantly pink Horse Corridor named for its ample equine paintings and sculptures; Cadi immediately proclaims this to be the best part of the house. She lingers in the hallway examining the art pieces as you and Aemond proceed to the Garden Room, which looks out upon a sea of lavender and shrubs meticulously shaped into a maze no higher than your waist. It has a golden harp and a grand piano, and a vast bed large enough for at least five people, in your estimation. I wonder if Aemond has ever tried that, you think distractedly. I wonder if there are temptations I can’t satisfy for him.
“You and Cadi can have this room,” Aemond says. He keeps wincing and bringing his hand up to the left side of his face; you doubt he’s even aware of it. “I’ll sleep on one of the couches.” Of course he will; Cadi thinks you’re just friends, and she’s aware he’s getting married to someone else. He knew exactly what it would mean when he bought a passport for her. “Queen Elizabeth and her husband Philip lived here before she ascended to the throne. They loved it so much that at first they refused to move to Buckingham Palace, which is the traditional residence of the reigning monarch. But their insolence was worn down. No one gets to break the rules.”
I shouldn’t be in this place, you keep thinking as you gaze around at the portraits on the wall, the stiff unnatural photographs of royals, the vases, the chandeliers, the fireplaces, the plush intricate rugs, the garden on the other side of the windows. People like me don’t belong here. “Aemond, are you alright?”
“It’s my eye,” he confesses with an uneasy, apologetic smirk. “Sometimes flights…the altitude changes…it aggravates the nerve damage. It’s like needles in my skull. But I’ll be okay.”
“You fly a lot for work, don’t you?” You hurt yourself for Viserys, in body and soul.
“I do,” he agrees. He unzips his duffle bag and produces a bottle of Percocet. “Why do you think I carry these around?”
“Take one,” you say. “Lie down, rest. Cadi and I can entertain ourselves for a few hours.”
He’s relieved, he’s grateful. “Are you sure?”
“Absolutely. You can even borrow the bed.”
“Back between your sheets, huh?” Aemond says, in pain but smiling through it. He draws a semicircle from the part in your hair down to your chin, a weightless sweep of his fingertips like a kind breeze. “You are incurable. You can’t resist me.”
“I have my own scheme in mind.”
“Do you?”
“Yes.” You grab the front of his Marlboro jacket, appropriate for the overcast London weather. He belongs here, this house, this city, this way of life. He wasn’t made for the primordial heat of the swamplands. You fold into him, close enough to tease, to quicken his heartbeat and momentarily clear the wounded furrows from his brow. “I want my pillows to smell like you. I want to breathe you in all night. It’s how I sleep best.”
“I’ll try not to disappoint,” Aemond says, a little stunned; but he’s elated too. For a moment, you’ve distracted him from his suffering entirely. “I’ll roll around all over them. I will mar the bedding irrevocably, the Queen Mother will never invite me back.” And he watches as you leave, his gaze transfixed and meditative and—more than anything else—hopeful.
“Hey, honey,” you say when you find Cadi in the Horse Corridor, poking a 100-year-old oil painting that she is definitely not supposed to be touching. “Let’s go explore and grab some dinner. Aemond isn’t feeling great, but we’ll hang out with him later.”
“Is it his face?”
You are startled. She knows so much. “Yeah, actually, it is.”
“He showed me,” Cadi says casually, still peering up at the horse; and you remember the day when he took her out to the front yard after she said she wished you were more like her friends’ mothers. “He even let me touch it. Radical, right? It’s so gross, but super cool too.”
Aemond couldn’t stand for me to see how he was maimed, but he forced himself to endure it for Cadi. “What did he tell you?”
“That I should appreciate having a good mom, because not all parents treat their kids right. He said his dad let his eye get crushed. And he told me he’d bet $1 million that you’d snap someone’s neck if they hurt me like that.”
You reach out to skim your fingers through her dark disheveled hair, smiling faintly, fondly. Cadi doesn’t seem to mind. “He wasn’t wrong.”
“Can we get fish and chips?”
“Totally. I have 50 British pounds in my wallet, I assume that’s enough for dinner.”
“Wow! How much is 50 pounds in dollars?”
“I have no idea,” you say. “Let’s go spend them.”
In the evenings, you, Cadi, and Aemond gather around the television in the Lancaster Room and help yourself to the extensive VHS collection stocked for guests. You let Cadi pick: Raiders Of The Lost Ark, The Terminator, Firestarter, the Karate Kid, Aliens. You make popcorn in the extravagant kitchen in the basement of Clarence House and the three of you devour bowlfuls of it as you giggle on the couch, engulfed with throw pillows and playfully kicking at each other beneath the blankets. One night at Cadi’s request you bake Betty Crocker’s Party Rainbow Chip cupcakes with mix purchased at a Tesco down the street; on another you make hot chocolate to sip from antique tea cups. Each day, Aemond has new destinations picked out to tour. You ride the Underground like true Londoners to the Hampton Court Palace, the British Museum, Westminster Abbey, the Natural History Museum, Big Ben, Trafalgar Square, Tower Bridge, the National Gallery, the Kew Gardens, Imperial College where Aemond received the petroleum engineering degree he never wanted.
As he shows you the classrooms where he attended lectures and seminars—you aren’t sure what the difference is, though you can sense that there is one—Aemond doesn’t talk about math or oil drilling. Instead, he tells you and Cadi about the people he learned about in the history classes he managed to slip into his exacting schedule like splinters into flesh: Sir Harold Gillies who pioneered plastic surgery in his treatment of World War I veterans, Phillis Wheatley who was enslaved as a child and became a renowned poet and abolitionist, Boudicca who led a rebellion against the Roman invaders and upon her defeat succumbed to some tragic, enigmatic doom. Aemond loves stories like this, you can see the light that sparks into the crystalline blue of his right eye. There is nothing he deems more heroic than people who took circumstances beyond their control and made something worthwhile out of them.
The night before the flight back to New Orleans, you’re staring at the crown molding of the Garden Room as Cadi snores softly from the other end of the massive bed and silvery moonlight covers the world. You can’t stop your thoughts from roiling like the North Sea; you can’t stop thinking about desks and chairs and books and clever blue-blooded girls jotting down in their notebooks not cake orders but mathematical equations or dates of conquest. When you breathe in the smoke and cologne Aemond left on your pillows, it tastes dark and forbidden. You climb out of the bed, roomy Bob Dylan t-shirt, pink cotton shorts, hair loose and wild, bare feet.
He is outside pacing around the sundial in the center of the garden, puffing on a Marlboro cigarette and pondering the full moon. “Can’t sleep?” Aemond asks, exhaling smoke as he glances over at you.
“You must think I’m stupid.”
“What?” He stops pacing. “Why?”
“Imperial College,” you say. “And the sorts of people who go to places like that. You must have known a lot of women who could recite Shakespear and name all the kings of England, all of Jupiter’s moons. Things I never learned. Things that I have no use for. I don’t write books or design machines or study the secrets of the universe. I bake cupcakes.”
“And they’re brilliant,” Aemond says, smiling. “I don’t think you’re stupid.”
“No,” Aemond insists. “I think that if you’d been born where I was, you would have done far more with it.”
“Aemond…” You walk across the wet cobblestones to meet him by the sundial. It’s been raining again. The night air is chilly, foggy, painting you with goosebumps. “You still have time to become who you want to be.”
“No. I don’t.”
It’s coming from somewhere, distant but still audible, a parked car or a nearby building: Kyrie by Mr. Mister. Aemond chuckles, flicks the end of his cigarette into the lavender bushes—surely against the rules—and takes your hands in his.
“I remember this,” he says as he dances with you slowly, clumsily; you don’t know the steps. Still, you don’t want him to stop. “In your kitchen.”
He remembers everything. “Right before we went to Olive Garden for the first time.”
He sighs, pretending to be exasperated. “Of course that’s the part you committed to memory.”
“I’ve held onto a few other details too.”
“Yeah. Like how small the back seat of your Audi Quattro is.”
“A limousine would be far more comfortable. I should invest in one.”
You laugh as he twirls you and you trip over your own feet; he pulls you upright before you can fall to the slick cobblestones. And you think: This is real. No matter what happens between him and anyone else, what we have is safe and extraordinary and real.
“I’m glad you’re here, Cupcake,” Aemond murmurs through your hair, holding you without seeking more. “You and Cadi.”
You want him again, or you’re so close to wanting him that the line is less of a boundary than a quagmire, indistinct edges and quicksand that can drag you down to drown in it. “I never knew that this was possible. Thank you, Aemond.”
“It can be like this all the time.”
Not all the time, you think, knowing that there will always be Jade Dragon, the Targaryens, the stock market, the world, the past and the future, Christabel. But some of it.
Is that enough?
Willis agreed to you and Aemond taking Cadi out of the country on one condition: that you return her to him the second you arrive back in Napoleonville. It’s late Tuesday afternoon when the plane’s wheels hit the runway and squeal to a halt. Aemond has left his red Audi in the Park-and-Ride lot. You collect the car and soar west on Route 10 into the red-gold horizon, chasing the setting sun.
“Daddy!” Cadi bellows when she throws open the front door of the Assumption Parish Sheriff’s Office, waving his gift bag excitedly. Inside is a refrigerator magnet, several packages of McVitie’s Digestives in different flavors, and a miniature red-coated Queen’s Guard to keep on his desk, perpetually covered with disorganized papers and crumbs from innumerable desserts. From her poster on the wall, Heather Locklear simpers at you. At the center of the dartboard, poor Tommy Lee is impaled in four different places.
“Comment ca va, cherie?!” Willis opens his arms to hug Cadi when she barrels into him. He guffaws, his eyes are shiny; he has missed her. “Ya had a real good time, I reckon?”
“It was totally tubular. But I’m glad I’m home now. Can I get a horse? His name is Patches and I love him.”
“Huh? What the hell ya need a horse for?” He peeks around Cadi to look at you, a curious blue gaze beneath the thick dark bangs of his mullet. “What’s she talkin’ ‘bout, sugar?”
Beside you, Aemond groans irritably. Then you hear a voice from one of the holding cells, almost always empty: “Hey, cake lady.”
“Aegon?!” you and Aemond say at once, and sure enough, when you check the last holding cell there he is: unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt, blue shorts, rainbow flip flops, hair like he’s been in a hurricane, a new eyebrow piercing.
Aemond asks Willis: “What did he do?”
Willis picks up a clipboard from his cluttered desk and begins reading. “Possession with intent to distribute cocaine—”
“I told you, I wasn’t distributing anything! It was for me!”
“Aegon, shut up,” Aemond pleads.
“Possession with intent to distribute marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of methamphetamine less than 28 grams, operatin’ a vehicle while intoxicated, possession of MDMA, possession of alcoholic beverages in a motor vehicle, operatin’ a vehicle with a suspended license, resistin’ an officer…” Willis flips the page. “Speedin’, reckless drivin’, disturbin’ the peace while in an intoxicated condition, possession with intent to distribute Xanax, theft—”
“What the hell did you steal?!” Aemond demands.
“Burritos. I forgot my wallet at home.” Now Aegon is indignant. “But I saidI’d get them back! They didn’t need to call anybody about it!”
“Aegon, Taco Bell does not offer payment plans!”
“I can release him to ya, I guess,” Willis tells Aemond in a slow drawl.
“I really appreciate that. I’m so sorry about him, I’m absolutely mortified, I’ll pay whatever fines you want—”
“Wait, no,” Aegon says, panicked. His hands are gripped around the iron bars. “I don’t want to leave.”
Aemond stares at him. “You’re asking to stay in jail…?”
“I can’t go home. Stephanie’s there.”
“Of course she’s there. You knew she was flying in for the wedding.”
“Please let me stay here until she goes back to Monaco.”
“Definitely not. How’s everything else?”
“There’s something wrong with one of the Lake Verret rigs. Viserys mentioned a…a…I don’t remember, a dirt dump or something.”
“A mud pump?!”
“Yeah! That’s it. That’s what he said. It exploded.”
“Fuck,” Aemond hisses, then remembers that Cadi’s still there. She gives him a sly grin. You messed up, she means. Aemond looks to you, apologetic, disappointed. “I’m going to have to drop you off and then head straight home. There are messes to be mopped up.”
“No,” Aegon moans as Willis unlocks the holding cell and then wrestles him out of it when Aegon resists. “No, I’m a felon! I’m a danger to the public!”
“Don’t,” Aemond snaps, and this time his brother listens.
You say goodbye to Cadi—she barely notices—but as you go to follow Aemond and Aegon out of the Sheriff’s Office, she has a question. “Aemond?”
He stops. “Yeah, Cadi?”
“Can I go to the wedding?”
“Weddin’?!” Willis exclaims. “Already?!”
“Not mine,” you say.
“You really want to go?” Aemond asks Cadi with some reticence. But he seems to be considering it.
“Well, yeah. Mom said she and Amir are going. You’ll be there. Lots of cake will be there. And I’ve never been to a wedding before. I want to see what it’s like.”
Aemond turns to you, then to Willis, searching for permission. “It’s alright with me,” Willis says. “As long as someone there is keepin’ an eye on her.”
“It’s your choice,” you tell Cadi. “If you’re interested, I have no objections. But you have to be nice to Christabel.”
“Christabel?!” Willis says.
“That’s Aemond’s fiancée.” And there is a collective uncomfortable silence: Willis nodding slowly as he squints at you, Cadi chewing on her thumbnail, Aemond looking down at his Adidas sneakers, Aegon staring vacuously at the Heather Locklear poster on the wall.
With Aegon squeezed into the back seat, Aemond drops you off at the home Cadi calls the Fall-Down House. The new house hasn’t closed yet, but probably will in the next week. The adolescent gator is sunbathing in the last of the daylight in one corner of the yard; you can hear the pink Panasonic boombox inside playing Another One Bites The Dust.
“Ho, you’re back!” Amir cries, jubilant. He hugs you energetically, staining you with the flour on his hands; he’s been watching the bakery while you’ve been gone and keeping every cent of the profits in recognition of his labor, as agreed upon. “How was London?”
You give him his souvenir: a purple t-shirt with Princess Diana’s face on it. “Rainy. Wonderful.”
“Did you have any kinky sex in the royal grandma’s bed?”
“No,” you say, laughing. “But it was…I don’t know how to describe it. Calm. Normal. Easy. Like we could live that way forever.”
“So you’ve decided to be his Camilla.”
“Some moments I have. Other times I haven’t. But more and more, I just…” You try to decide what you mean. “The thought of giving him up feels impossible. And Christabel…they’re so distant with each other, so disconnected, so platonic. Their relationship doesn’t feel real. Maybe I can ignore it. Maybe this is the best I can hope for.”
Amir pushes his tortoiseshell glasses up the bridge of his nose and raises an eyebrow. “It might feel more real in three days.”
The rehearsal dinner is on Friday; the wedding is only 24 hours later.
“You really should consider writing a cookbook, dear,” Alicent says from where she sits across from you. The dining room table is covered with flickering pink candles, bouquets of wildflowers, drinks garnished with cotton candy and Pop Rocks. Balloons bump against the ceilings, their long ribbons streaming down like the tentacles of a jellyfish. The stereo is thumping out Caught Up In You by 38 Special. Everything is pink and red: the colors of love. Yet just like at the engagement party, no one is talking about the couple getting married tomorrow. You could almost forget that there’s going to be a wedding. That makes it easier; and if denial is the terrain you live on now, so be it. That is far less agonizing than the alternative.
“Oh, no,” you demur, taking a sip of a cotton candy cocktail. You exchange a glance with Aemond, sitting several seats down from his mother. He is in a suit—black and white, fitted, faultless—and smiling, proud of you. “A book?! I couldn’t. Not in a million years.” I never even finished high school English.
“But all of my friends from home are captivated by your recipes, darling, and it would be so much easier if I could simply send them a copy of a cookbook rather than trying to describe every dish to them! Please consider it. Do you promise?”
“That I’ll think about it? Not too taxing a commitment. I suppose so.”
“Good,” Alicent chirps, then turns to whisper something to Criston, who drapes an arm briefly across her shoulders and gives her a reassuring little embrace. Amir is chatting with Aemond about San Franscisco. Christabel is talking to Helaena, who has been forced into a voluminous, magenta taffeta dress that she clearly despises; her chameleon Dreamfyre lurches around the table, occasionally stealing tastes of people’s food. Daeron, with Tessarion perched on the back of his chair, is trying to discuss something called seismic testing results with Viserys but getting ignored. Viserys is deep in conversation with Christabel’s father, the marquess, a large loud man whose booming voice drowns out everyone else. The two of them seem delighted, celebratory, very much in their own world. Their schemes have come at last to fruition. Christabel has several younger sisters in attendance—her bridesmaids—but no mother. You gather from pieces of dialogue you’ve overheard that her mother died when she was a child, a terrible and irreparable loss. Otto is so bored he’s flipping through a picture book about Kiribati. Aegon’s wife, Princess Stephanie of Monaco, is a headstrong, charismatic, and rather critical woman with short dark hair. She notifies Aegon each and every time he fails her, which happens frequently: You’re using the wrong fork. You missed a button on your shirt. You haven’t fucked me properly in over two years. You didn’t send flowers to my grandma’s funeral. This is evidently Aegon’s worst nightmare; he has disappeared upstairs in an effort to escape her.
Dinner is finished, and dessert has been brought by the servants. It turned out more like a crepe cake than a Napoleon cake—the layers of puff pastry didn’t want to fluff up as much as they should have—but no one seems to notice. This time, you and Amir knew the dress code expectations. You are both wearing black to fade into the backdrop like shadows, like distant memories. You are invited guests, but you are also locals, inferiors, recipients of charity.
“Where’s Aegon?” Helaena says. “He has to try this cake, it’s delicious! The cherry jam cuts the heaviness of the cream and pastry dough and makes it a perfect dessert for summer! And the color is delightful! It looks just like blood!”
“Where the hell is he?” Viserys demands, looking around, twisting in his chair. “It’s his brother’s rehearsal dinner, for Christ’s sake. One night of this importance and he can’t handle it? I swear to God, if he’s snorting or smoking anything up there I’ll have him committed to an institution—”
“I’ll find him,” you offer as you stand from the table. You have to visit the bathroom anyway, too many glitzy pink cocktails; two birds, one stone. You depart from the table and Aemond’s gaze follows you, a low heat that is building towards incineration, a baiting promise of dark euphoria that you can no longer pretend you don’t want desperately, defenselessly. Christabel gives you a sweet little wave. She is dripping in gold—dress, heels, jewelry—and seems happier tonight, more self-assured. Perhaps with the wedding so close, her trepidation concerning Aemond’s commitment has evaporated. Surely it is too late to call off the ceremony now. Tonight they feast, tomorrow they recite their vows, and then…
But no, you don’t think about the honeymoon. You will not allow yourself to. It can’t exist to you, and that is how you’ll survive this. Christabel will be in one universe, you in another, two timelines that never cross like something out of Star Trek. And the way she and Aemond interact is so impersonal, so untactile, that it is not so difficult to treat anything beyond chaste pecks on cheeks as an impossibility.
At the top of the staircase, Vhagar is lurking. She wags her long twiglike tail when she sees you and licks the knuckles of your left hand. You give her a pat on the head—and then several more when she whines as you try to leave—then at last she lopes off down the hallway.
Aegon is exactly where you’d assumed he’d be. He’s in his bedroom hunched over his computer and hammering furiously at the keyboard. There’s white powder on his fingers and in his thin mustache. On the screen, bizarrely, is what appears to be neon green grass and an ox-drawn wagon like the ones from the pioneer days. Sunfyre the ferret is stretched out across the bed napping, his angular face resting on his paws.
Aegon whirls around to face you. He is wearing a lime green satin suit but has forgotten to put on a shirt under it. “What? What? What do you want? I’m playing Oregon Trail. I have dysentery.”
“You have what…? Never mind, it’s not important. You need to come downstairs and eat some dessert. People are wondering where you are.”
“I’m busy.”
“If you don’t make an appearance on your own, Viserys will come looking for you. Also there are some Cap’n Crunch treats I left on the kitchen counter that you might be interested in.”
“Consider me tempted. I’ll be down momentarily.”
“You better be,” you tell Aegon, then retrace your steps back to the kitchen. Amir and Christabel are both there getting cans of Pepsi from the fridge and making very cumbersome small talk…or perhaps only Amir thinks it is that much of a burden. Christabel is chattering blithely away about different types of wildflowers. He gives you a look like Oh thank God, an excuse to escape and wastes no time heading back to the dining room.
“Did you notice what’s playing now?” he asks you just before he vanishes, then points towards the stereo in the grand foyer. You listen; it’s Money For Nothing by Dire Straits. “You think they know this song is about class warfare?”
“You should tell them,” you joke.
“Yeah, if I want to end up on Unsolved Mysteries.” Then Amir is gone.
“How are you doing?” you ask Christabel to be polite. You open the refrigerator and start hunting for your own can of Pepsi. “Excited? Nervous? You seem a little more relaxed than the last time I saw you. Are the wedding jitters finally dissipating?”
“They are,” she says, and when you glance back at her she is wearing a bashful sort of smile. It’s not an expression you can read. You resume digging through the refrigerator for a can of Pepsi; Amir and Christabel might have taken the last ones.
“That’s good,” you say noncommittally, hoping she’ll leave. But Christabel doesn’t leave. She seems to have something she needs to say. Just as you spy a lone can of Pepsi at the very back of the refrigerator and lean in to grab it, she proceeds to unburden herself.
“Well, you know, I was so concerned about me and Aemond before. I had no conviction that he especially liked me, and we never had anything to talk about, and he was so dreadfully undemonstrative…I was just beside myself, truly. I didn’t know what to do. But I feel much better about everything now. Norway was so good for us.”
You close the refrigerator, your ice-cold Pepsi can clutched in your hand. You’re going cold all over. Slowly, you turn towards Christabel, glittering in her gold dress.
“He took you on the North Sea trip.” You hear the words, but it doesn’t feel like you’ve said them. They sound flat and dazed.
“It’s a bit of a secret,” Christabel says; and again, her smile has no cruelty or sharp awareness in it, but her cheeks are pink. She’s blushing. What does she have to be embarrassed about? “My father doesn’t know. He wouldn’t approve. But I just felt…I felt ready, you know? I’m sure you understand what I mean. You aren’t so clinical and aloof about everything. I had to know if Aemond and I really had something between us before we got married.”
“You felt…ready?” Ready for what? Ready for WHAT, Christabel?
“I asked Aemond to take me with him. I begged, actually.” She giggles. “I won’t try to be proud about it! And finally he said yes. We stayed at a lovely hotel in Bergen, and during the day he would have to fly by helicopter out to the rigs, but at night…”
You’re staring blankly at her. You can’t believe what you think she’s going to say. Surely it must be something else, anything else—
“It wasn’t my plan to ever be intimate with a man before marriage, but sometimes…things change. Minds change, circumstances change. And I knew I wanted it. And it went so well! Now what do I have to be nervous about? All the uncertainties are resolved. Now we just sign the paperwork and start our lives together.”
He took her to Norway.
He slept with her in Norway.
“I hope it was just as good for him,” Christabel muses, a compulsive sort of oversharing. But she has had a few cocktails and she thinks you’re nonjudgemental and there’s probably not a single other soul she feels she can be truthful with…so why not the girl who got knocked up at prom and had a baby at seventeen? Surely she’s in no position to judge. “It’ll be even better once we can…you know. When we’re officially trying for a baby and there’s no need to worry about any precautions. I want Aemond to enjoy himself as much as possible. I want to be a good wife to him.”
You feel dizzy; you feel violently ill. And now you see everything: Aemond kissing her with his mouth open and ravenous, his hands between her legs, his hips pressed to hers, peeling off her clothes and learning how to make her moan, make her wet, make her come, and you think of how careful he must have been with her, a girl with no past, no ex-husband, no childbirth that nearly killed her, no stretchmarks and no baggage, just a smooth pristine rivulet of flesh that was so pure and uncontaminated it was weightless, and you can hear—though you don’t want to, though it feels like it will kill you—how tender he was, how encouraging, not a dominant who drinks down fantasies like a vampire sustained by blood but just a man, and a man who has at last found a woman he doesn’t need to grab, bite, bruise, handcuff to a bedpost to feel satisfied with.
He took her to Norway and he never told me.
You are saying something, and Christabel is nodding appreciatively, accepting the sage wisdom of a tarnished life. Your words don’t matter. They are folktales and charms, the croaks of bullfrogs, the whispers of the wind through Spanish moss, the Morse code of ripples in the water of the bayou. You are a novelty and your counsel is a souvenir; one day when she is living in California or Argentina or Australia or Alaska or her ancestral castle back in the U.K., Christabel will tell Aemond’s children: Once I met a nice single mom from Napoleonville Louisiana, and she told me to follow my heart and not let anyone shame me for wanting to be close with my soon-to-be husband.
Vhagar trots into the kitchen and begins nudging her massive head against Christabel’s bare knees. “Hi, big girl!” Christabel coos as she pets the blue merle Great Dane, clearly accustomed to this. “Who’s a giant gorgeous girl? You are!”
What did I expect? I knew they were getting married. I knew they were going to sleep together.
Yes, you knew it, but you hadn’t felt it, and now you have.
I can’t do this, you realize. I thought I could but I can’t.
“Christabel?” Alicent is calling like a windchime. “Darling, there are just a few more things we have to discuss before tomorrow, will you come back to the table please?”
“On my way!” Christabel replies obediently, and she gives you a quick, impulsive hug before vanishing.
I’m going to be sick. I’m going to have a heart attack. I’m going to drop dead right in the middle of this fucking kitchen.
Leaving your can of Pepsi forgotten on the countertop, you escape to the living room and then out the French doors into the garden. You run past the pool all the way to the pond full of multicolored fish you once hadn’t known were koi. You drop to your knees, then lie down on the cold cobblestones, and when it hits you again—Aemond touching her, Aemond loving her—you rupture into sobs that are breathless and shuddering. You try to stifle the noise with your palms; you clasp them over your mouth and smother your wails. It feels like you’re being ripped apart; it feels like you’re in labor, but there is no end, no consolation of a new life, no point at which your body chooses whether you live or die. It is only a razored wheel that turns in you again and again and again, shredding muscle and splitting bones.
There is a hand on your shoulder; someone is patting it awkwardly. You look up to see Aegon standing there. “Sorry,” he says. “You look…not good.”
“I’m really not good. I’m fucking terrible.” Your face is soaked and stinging with tears, your voice is strangled.
“Do you want some coke?”
“No, Aegon.”
“Do you want a ride home?”
“From you? Yeah, for sure, getting impaled by a stop sign would be a great next move for me.”
“I’m totally fine to drive.”
“Can you just pull Amir aside without anyone else noticing and tell him to say his goodbyes and then meet me in the driveway, please? He drove me here. I need him to take me home.”
“Okay,” Aegon says, and then: “Thanks for the Cap’n Crunch Treats. Thanks for remembering something I like and caring enough to bring more. No one really does that around here.” And he’s gone before you can think of a reply.
To get to the driveway without going though the house, you climb over a 5-foot wrought iron fence swarmed with rosebushes and ivy, no easy feat in a black Kmart dress and matching ballet flats. You acquire a dozen shallow gashes on your hands and forearms, but make it to the Ford Escort just in time for Amir to meet you under the full, cloudless moon, tossing his car keys from one hand to the other.
“What did—?” Then he sees your face. He gasps, knowing how bad it is. He’s never seen you like this. He didn’t know it was possible for you to look like this. He unlocks the Ford Escort and joins you inside, turning the key in the ignition. “What the fuck did Aemond do to you?!”
“I have to go home. It’s over, it’s over, I can’t do this.”
Amir is spinning out of the driveway. “Did he hurt you, did he—?!”
“He fucked Christabel in Norway,” you say, sobbing uncontrollably. “And I know I have no right to be jealous, I know we don’t have a conventional relationship, I thought I could handle this but I can’t. I can’t stop picturing him with her, and hearing it, and I…I…I don’t understand why this hurts so goddamn bad.”
“Babe,” Amir says gently, a palm on your trembling thigh. “You’re in love with him. That’s why.”
“This is killing me,” you whisper. You’re shaking all over. You feel like you’re battling for every breath.
Your best friend—your only friend—is quiet for a long time. “Don’t go tomorrow,” Amir finally says. “You don’t need to see the wedding. You shouldn’t put yourself through that. I’ll go, I can handle the cake alone, especially if Cadi’s with me to help with carrying plates and stuff.”
You don’t say anything. You stare out the nightscape window and mop tears from your face with McDonald’s napkins you find in Amir’s glovebox.
“Did you hear me? I don’t think you should go to the wedding tomorrow.”
“I won’t,” you agree hoarsely. “I can’t watch them have my wedding.”
“Willis is dropping Cadi off in the morning, right? I’ll pick her and the cake up from your house and bring her back when it’s over. You can tell her whatever you want…you have another cake order to work on, you’re sick, you’re injured, your mom needs a ride to the doctor, whatever.”
“Okay,” you whimper.
“Hey, look at me.”
You do, sniffling, shivering, in agony.
“You don’t deserve this. You deserve better than this.”
I don’t think I do. I think if I did, it would have happened by now. But you know Amir will not accept this answer. “Okay,” you say again, trying to make yourself believe it.
In the gravel driveway of your sinking house, Amir asks if you want him to say. You tell him no, you want to be alone, you have to think, you have to plan. Really, you just don’t want anyone to see you this shattered. It’s humiliating, it’s like you’re an animal, like something less than human needing to licks its wounds in a dark place. You walk into the Fall-Down House and flip on the kitchen light, artificial yellow luminance. You don’t start the air conditioner. You don’t touch the Panasonic boombox. You stand there mindlessly in the sounds of the bayou: cicada screams, owl hoots, the far-away hissing of gators. The wedding cake is in the refrigerator, banana bread, cream cheese frosting, a kaleidoscope of wildflowers painted by Amir’s expert hand. He’s leaving. Aemond’s leaving. Everyone is leaving.
There are tires crunching on gravel in the driveway, there are footsteps on the sloping porch. He is able to yank the door open because you never lock it. He blows in like a storm that kills.
“What the hell happened?!” Aemond shouts. “Why did you leave?! You didn’t even have the decency to say goodbye to me—”
“You took her to Norway.”
Aemond’s face goes from furious to lost. “Why would she tell you that?”
Not That’s not true, not Let me explain, not It didn’t mean anything. Your stomach sinks, a basket full of stones. “Because she thinks I’m her friend.”
“It wasn’t…” Aemond sighs. “It was a last-minute thing, and it was her idea. She really, really wanted to go to Norway, and I figured…you know…what’s the difference between the wedding night and a few weeks before it? So yeah, it happened—”
“Oh God,” you whisper, starting to sob again.
“And then I came home to your house, to your doorstep, because I missed you the entire time. The entire time, every hour, every minute, and there are no exceptions, okay, are you listening to me? I took her to Norway because I had to. I took you and Cadi to Clarence House because I wanted to. What I do with her is a reflex, an obligation, I’m on autopilot, I’m thinking of you to get myself hard, I don’t know how else to express to you how completely different these situation are in every single goddamn way.”
“She said it was good,” you say huskily, tears snaking down your cheeks that are raw from trying to dab them dry.
“Of course it was good for her!” Aemond flings back. “I’ve had a lot of casual sex, I know how to make women come, it’s a math equation, it doesn’t mean we’re soulmates!”
“I know I have no claim to you, but I…” You gaze out the kitchen window, dark and still, nothing to see but stars and lighting bugs. “I can’t do this.”
Aemond asks, kindly now: “What do you want?”
I want to not have to beg you to choose me. “I want this to be over.”
“No,” he says, panicking. “No you don’t.”
“I do.”
“You’re going to give this up as soon as it gets painful? I’m not worth fighting for, what I can do for you and Cadi isn’t worth a little pain? Because I’m no stranger to it either. You think I’m not hurting, you think nothing ever keeps me awake at night?”
“You could leave your prison any time you want to. But instead you built a brand new one around me.”
“You don’t understand what the kind of responsibility I’m beholden to feels like.”
“Yeah, a town named after Napoleon is the right place for you,” you seethe, enraged. “You’ve felt so fucking small your whole life that now you’re starving for what it tastes like to be in control. But I can’t let you destroy me. I can’t let my daughter grow up watching me settle for less than I need from a man. She’ll learn to live the same way.”
“I can’t believe you’re doing this.”
“Aemond,” you say, and you wait until he looks at you. “Do you really want children?”
When he answers, his voice frayed and his right eye misty. “I love Cadi.”
“That’s not what I asked. Do you want children of your own with Christabel?”
“I have to,” he says, miserable.
“No,” you plead. “You cannot have a baby with that girl. You can’t, Aemond. You are going to ruin so many lives, not just your own.”
“I have to,” he says again.
“Then get out. Viserys owns you, and Viserys wouldn’t want you here. He would want you back at the mansion impregnating your child bride.”
“She’s a legal adult, she’s 19, and she wants me, she begs for me, I’m not twisting her arm—”
“Then go!” you roar, striking him hard, both palms to his chest. Aemond doesn’t budge. “Get out, go home, go have kids you won’t give a fuck about just like Viserys never cared about you. Go repeat the cycle all over again. I’m done. I can’t be a part of it.”
“I won’t be like him,” Aemond swears.
“You will be. You already are.” You shove him again, but still, Aemond doesn’t move. You know what he’s waiting for, you know the right word to say. But you can’t get it to launch from your lips; it catches in your throat like a blade through the windpipe. “Get out!”
Your fingers hook into the lapels of his black suit jacket and stay there; you can’t let go. You’re both breathing heavily; you can hear it, you can feel the heat in the air. You keep his jacket gripped in your hands, he can move no closer, no farther away. When he leans into you, you breathe in his smoke and cologne; when his hands cradle your face, you feel the benevolent power that once gave you peace.
I want him. I need him. Not forever, no, I understand that’s not possible. But just for right now.
You look up at him and Aemond kisses you, his lips and tongue claiming you like untouched land; he puts down roots, he slits the jugulars of trespassers.
Here. Now.
You drag him down with you. When you drop to the floor, you strike the back of your skull against the scuffed, sloping wood and bite back a yelp.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Aemond says, though it isn’t his fault; he reaches for your head and cushions it with his right hand. “Are you okay?”
“I’m okay.” You’re tearing open his white shirt; tiny translucent buttons go flying in every direction. Your palms glide over his chest, up to his throat, to his jaw, to knot in his hair. He reaches beneath your dress to slide off your panties, then buries his fingers between your legs. You moan helplessly, needfully, spreading your thighs wider for him. No man has ever been able to do this to you before: to make you forget everything, to make you feel—if only for a moment—beloved, worthy, chosen. He’s kissing you like he knows this is the last time. You’re touching the left side of his face and he doesn’t even notice, he won’t realize until later that there was a time when he was cured.
Aemond pulls his wallet out of the pocket of his suit pants, flips it open, and roots through it until he finds a condom. He starts to rip it open, moving with desperate speed, dire impatience.
“No, don’t,” you say. “Please don’t. I want all of you.” And I won’t get another chance.
He exhales in deep, ecstatic relief; he wants it too. You’re soaked, you’re ready, you’re aching for him like mending bones. He eases himself into you, gasping, and you are stunned by how good it feels already, how close you are, every rope of nerves and muscle glimmering with an opening heat that builds higher and higher, the reverse of a tornado finally touching down on earth. His hands are linked with yours and pinned to the floor above your head; he’s kissing you, he’s moaning into you, he thrusts deeper and harder when you beg him to do it.
Aemond untangles one hand from yours and reaches low to stroke you. Your fingers find his again and catch him, capture him, bring his hand back to the floor where it can be entwined with yours and his weight can hold it to the scraped wood. “I don’t need it, I’m close. Stay here. Stay with me.”
“I’m here,” he whispers, panting; and the friction of his body against yours overtakes you, and when you come it is blinding, bone-breaking, a whirlpool that traps you for what feels like over a minute, soaring highs punctuated by the illusion of fading over and over again until you think you can’t stand it, and only then does it end, Aemond collapsing on the floor beside you covered in your sweat and your wetness, you feeling the remnants of him bleeding down your bare thighs.
You drag yourself upright—muscles sore in your belly and back and thighs—and roll onto your knees so you can stagger to your feet. You tug on your panties so he doesn’t drip out of you onto the floor. Then you straighten the skirt of your black dress, turn on the little pink Panasonic boombox—it’s a U2 song, Where The Streets Have No Name—and begin washing a muffin tin that was left in the sink.
Aemond stands up and runs a hand through his hair, getting his bearings. He looks down at his pants and fixes his zipper and belt. He tries to close his shirt and then remembers you tore off the buttons. They lie scattered across the floor, useless.
As you scrub the muffin tin, you hear Aemond’s footsteps behind you. His palms begin at the small of your back and then skate around your waist to encircle you.
“Stop,” you tell him; and immediately his hands fall away. Aemond waits for you to say more, but you don’t. You don’t even look at him.
He walks to where the kitchen becomes the living room—you can tell by the creaks in the floor—and again, he waits. After a while he says: “I’ll call you when the new house is ready.”
“No. Have Criston handle it. I don’t ever want to talk to you again.”
“You get that I’m in love with you, right?” Aemond forces out, and when at last you turn to him there is the metallic glistening of tears on his right cheek. “I never feel this way about anyone. I don’t know how to handle it, I didn’t even know it was possible. But it’s true.”
“It’s not enough,” you say simply, and resume scrubbing the muffin tin.
He waits in silence, thirty seconds, a minute, two minutes. Then the door opens and shuts—like the jaws of a beast—and he’s gone.
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llovelymoonn · 9 months
favourite poems of august
marge piercy circles on the water: selected poems of marge piercy: "for the young who want to"
marilyn chin fruit études
lisa olstein radio crackling, radio gone: "the hypnotist's daughter"
elizabeth willis address: "the witch"
jana prikryl the after party: "to tell of bodies changed"
diane seuss backyard song
alison c. rollings original [sin]
gerard malanga cornelius...cornelius gurlitt
todd boss rocket
beyza ozer to summarise a galaxy
john foy night vision: "woods"
clodagh beresford dunne ford galaxy
dorianne laux smoke: "heart"
anthony madrid like a cloud above the ravine
pascale petit swamp deer
frank o'hara maurice ravel
adonis selected poems: "desert" (tr. khaled mattawa)
sonja johanson three deer in oquossoc
melissa stein terrible blooms: "lemon and cedar"
w. s. di piero having my cards read
thomas hoagland bible study
peter campion big avalanche ravine
alberto ríos the smallest muscle in the human body: "rabbits and fire"
lena khalaf tuffaha water & salt: "mountain, stone"
josephine miles desert
jeanne murray walker invocation to convince a baby already more than twelve days overdue to come out of the womb
andrew hudgins the imagined copperhead
robert carr stargazing while sedated
mary ruefle among the musk ox people: poems: "blood soup"
jack collom red car goes by: selected poems 1955-2000: "bald eagle count"
mahmoud darwish to a young poet (tr. fady joudah)
310 notes · View notes
How to Plant Snapdragons (pt. 4)
Task Force141 + König + Keegan x Female Criminal!Reader (except Captain Price, because he'll be like a father to the bunch, and König and Keegan won't appear until later on in the story)
CHAPTER SUMMARY: Captain Price confronts you but he ends up wanting to cut off his eardrums instead.
You are currently reading Chapter 4. Here is Chapter 3 and the Masterlist!
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CONTENT WARNING: Strong Language, Mentions of violence and smut (if you squint) WORD COUNT 3.1K
Your forehead was planted on the wall before you, slanting your whole body underneath the running shower. Warm water unraveled your skin and you watched the drops fall to the white tiles beneath you, eyes following the flow until the drain.
Then your eyes shifted to the annoying fucking beeping monitor around your ankle. It beeped and lit repeatedly, as though mocking you that you had nowhere to go and the bald eagle had his shackles on you.
You grumbled, raking your fingers on your wet locks and pulled. "Fuck you, Shepherd. I hope your pinky toe hits a table and you die in pain!" You exclaimed, throwing punches in the air until you extended too far and slammed your fist on the wall.
You whimpered in pain and held your hand, crouching down on the floor. "Ah, shit. You fucking dumbass," you cursed at yourself.
You winced as your knuckles throb. You gazed at it, furrowing your brows and scrunching your nose at its redness. It didn't look like you broke a bone, but they surely would bruise later.
You sighed at your stupidity and remained crouching on the floor, eyeing the fallen strands of your hair coiled on your toes.
Was it necessary for Shepherd to humiliate you in front of the Task Force? Then again, your decency had long been thrown to the sewers and never to be seen again. Eh, maybe the scary fucking shit of a clown was taking care of your decency while he was taking a bath with the water mixed with piss and diarrhea from people's toilets in those canals, just like how he took care of children.
The General was merely a sadistic son of Gollum with a God complex. Seemingly a good guy but would throw his soldiers on the battlefield like chess pawns and replaceable toys he had gotten on Target on a Tuesday night in a bob cut wig, a cow onesie, and platform heels while taking a swig from the bottle of Bourbon he stole from the shelves.
Then, he’d play with them like a kid throwing toy tanks around, an awful whirring sound coming out of his throat like a goat going 'BLEEEEEEEAAAUGHHHH RATATATATA RATATATA!' as gun noises, lining up his green plastic soldiers like from Toy Story to go on war with Barbies and dinosaurs he stole from his neighbors.
Then, on his prissy little walk, he found another toy on the road.
The bitch-ass scoundrel of an egghead caught you, only to throw you out and let his lap dog handle you (at least, his dog was better).
You were sure Gaz had noticed your hands and Soap had felt the way you shuddered earlier today. Price had kept his gaze on Shepherd, eyes narrowing the whole time, and Ghost, with the way he went around the table so he could observe every inch of you.
It would be more surprising if these people said to be dangerous as hell, failed to notice your stiffness the whole time you talked with the old man.
But that was the plan.
You wiggled your toes to remove the hair and stood up, a smile appearing on your lips as thoughts hit your mind.
You began to remember some scenes in BL manhwas you had read before, specifically taking place in the shower, where the top would be running his hand on the bottom's thighs and—
And . . .
You turned the shower off. "Shit." You grabbed your towel and wrapped it around you. "Shit, shit!" You hauled another towel and wrapped it on your head.
You rushed out of the bathroom, almost slipping on the floor because of the water droplets, then padded towards your closet. You only had a few pairs of clothes with you, most of them were bought by Kate when she was looking after you.
You slipped on a hoodie that you had to fight Laswell to let you bring and cargo pants, but the ankle monitor was a bitch and wouldn't let you tuck in your pants. In the end, you just folded up the hem of the pants above the monitor and did the same to the other.
If only you weren't going to the Captain's office, you would have worn shorts that you were required to wear for physical training. But rules were equally a bitch and you weren't allowed to do it. Because bruh, they didn't know the struggles of someone with a bigass ankle monitor that would go wee-woo wee-woo! like goddamn ambulance whenever you set foot outside the building without Soap slamming on you as if you were in a bloody wrestling match.
But then again, people here weren't criminals (or maybe they had already committed a crime, but no one caught them doing it), and you had no right to complain about how things go.
You slammed the door open and screamed at the person before you. "Jesus!" Before you knew it, your palm planted on the person's face, making them stumble back upon impact. Only when a hat landed on your feet and the person brought their hand to their cheek, did you realize it was Price, who stared at you with an open mouth and wide eyes.
"AAAAAAAAAAAA—" You dropped to your knees and clasped your hands. "Oh my god, sir, captain, I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" You cried and dipped your head low. "Please, don't bring me back to Shepherd!"
"That's not . . ." His low voice trailed off as he gazed down at you, frowning at how you didn't even hesitate to kneel before him, as though you had done this before.
What the fuck did Shepherd do to you?
He sighed and reached down to you. "Get up, young lady—"
"Didn't know ye were into havin' someone on their knees before ye, sir," a deep voice in a thick Scottish accent echoes from the hallway.
You and Price turned to where the voice came from, and in a blink, the captain dashed towards the sergeant, giving him a good knee on the stomach.
A couple of flashes went off as Soap coughed in pain. Behind him, Gaz and Ghost had their phones out.
Aye, ladies and gentlemen, the dangers to be reckoned with, Task Force 141!
You cupped a hand beside your mouth and shouted, "Well fucking deserved, macrooster!"
"Hah?!" Soap whipped his head in your way, eyes bulging out. "What'd ya call me?!"
"I said, do better, Mactavish!”
"That's not what ya said!"
“Why are you three here?” Price questioned, pulling Soap back up to his feet.
“We’re going to ask her to play Uno with us,” Gaz answered, walking past them and sauntering towards you. You flashed him a soft smile, which he returned and extended a hand to you. You grabbed the Captain’s hat by your feet and clasped Gaz’s hand, letting him pull you up as though you weighed nothing. You put Price’s hat on him, tilting it down to hide his eyes, making a low laugh leave his lips. “C’mon now, hun.”
Ey, wadafak?
Did this guy—dead-ass beautiful guy, who was definitely the Captain’s favorite son, one who still hadn’t strangled the shit out of you, which you wished he would do already so you could feel his thighs and biceps and pecs—called you hun? Oh, you’d suck his dick right now, leave kisses on every inch of his body like your life depended on it, moan his name, and let him have you in the way he wanted until all the walls were white.
But that would be bad. Real bad. Because: One, Shepherd would lock you up again. Two, Shepherd would paint the room red with your blood. Three, you’d be Phillip Grave’s slave again. Four . . . 141 would hate you.
You were used to being told flattering words and getting cat-called, and most of the time, it didn’t end well. For them.
But Gaz, well, he could get away with it, and Soap.
Price raised a brow. “Where’d you get . . .”
“Confiscated it from the rookies.” Soap rubbed his stomach and frowned at the reddened spot shaped like a hand on the older man’s cheek. “What happened to yer face, Cap’n?”
You averted your gaze, which Gaz noticed as he fixed the hat on his head. A small smirk appeared on his lips, knowingly eyeing you.
"Nothing." Price cleared his throat and marched back to you, followed by Soap and Ghost, who you realized was holding a small cardboard box.
Was that filled with Uno cards they confiscated or something?
Pushing the thought back, you looked up at the Captain. "Uh, I apologize, sir, but may I ask what brings you here?"
"I want to have a word with you," he replied immediately, causing his soldiers to raise their brows in question. "Preferably in private." He nodded at the dark, empty hallway behind him.
“Oh, if that’s an order coming from you sir,” you nodded, “then of course.”
Price shook his head. “Not an order, but I deem it more important.”
You calmly nodded, keeping your eyes at the intensity of his gaze. “Of course, sir.”
Price turned to the rest of his team and patted Soap’s shoulder. “You can play Uno later. I won’t keep her too long.” With that, he glanced at you as a sign to follow him and marched away.
You shot a smile at the three, before jogging after the Captain. He kept a steady pace, not fast to let you keep up with his big steps yet not slow, so it wouldn’t take long to where he wanted to lead you which was definitely not his office. Only your footfalls could be heard in the hallway, whereas in the daytime, it was usually bustling with soldiers. You stared at his broad back and heaved out a sigh. Somewhat, you had a feeling of what the conversation would be.
“Frankly, I don’t trust you,” he said, deep voice echoing in the hallway along with your footsteps.
You couldn’t help but smile at his back. Goddamn, straight to the point.
“We do not know where you’re from, you have a criminal record, and we’re not sure why Shepherd put you in my Task Force.” He halted before a door, turning to you in a blink that you almost bumped into him if you hadn’t reacted fast enough. “But there must be a reason why he called you a ‘tool’.”
You pursed your lips, sighing again. You shook your head and met him directly in the eyes. “I’ll also be frank, sir. I hate being called a ‘tool’. I am human, just like the rest of you, although I may be different from the kind of people you were used to being around. I can’t blame you for being suspicious and untrustworthy. But I assure you, I am here to work.”
His eyes narrowed. “Work?” He repeated. “Work for Shepherd as his spy? Work to foil our missions? Work to assassinate the Task Force?”
You simply stared at him. “No, sir. I’m here to help you.”
“Oh, but the Task Force is enough without you,” he said, watching your unwavering gaze. During the past week, he had observed you from the sidelines, not getting as close as the three did but still laughed along with the rest of you at the right times. Your laid-back demeanor, smiles and laughs seemed genuine, yet he couldn’t see what your eyes had beheld and couldn’t discern what circles in your mind. But he was sure of one thing, those weren't the eyes of a mere criminal.
“I . . . I mean, if we do the math, five is better than four in quantity—but I guess, you’re talking about quality and yeah, I’ve heard enough stories about why Task Force 141 is dangerous,” you rambled, shrugging.
He almost pulled a face had he not remembered this was technically an interrogation. Why on earth were you talking about math?
He leaned down a bit. “If I happen to know you’re here to bring harm to us, I’m telling you now,” he paused and pointed at you, “you’ll wish you’re dead.”
He then swiftly turned and opened the door, a range welcoming your sight.
You had heard of threats like that a few times before. It was certainly overused, but it never got old, because either it became true or it became a laughable warning to those who couldn’t make it true.
You had heard Shepherd and Graves state that while you were on a chair, hands, and ankles bound in chains on a chair in the middle of a small, dimly lit room with roaches and spiders partying around. You could remember the screws, pliers, and other tools scattered on the floor, creating clangs each time they were dropped, splattering blood on the floor. And every time they did, all they could hear after was a wheezy laugh from your lips, commenting on how cheap they were to use those tools.
But this time, you couldn’t laugh.
Because this man just let you stand before him and let you walk behind him as if he didn’t even consider you could stab him in the back. He didn’t back away when he had a pocket knife peeking out of his pockets that you could simply grab and drive to his throat, then go for the rest of his team.
It should have been laughable, and yet, you admired him for not keeping you restrained for not knowing what you knew and could do. You admired him for being head-on, instead of making you hear a bland-ass monologue that could make you sleepy like some kid.
You admired him for his words that meant he'd kill for the safety of Gaz, Soap, and Ghost.
Now this was a gamble you were willing to take on.
“By the way, sir,” you followed him in, “are you going to make me your target? I don’t think I can dodge all the bullets you’re going to fire at me. 
He pulled a face, his nose scrunching. “No.”
“Are we having a competition? I like competitions.”
“. . . No.”
“I thought you said this won’t take long, sir. It’s been eight minutes and forty-nine seconds, fifty seconds, fifty-one—”
For the first time in his life, Jonathan Price wanted to slam his head on a concrete.
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The plane descended on the runway and brought harsh, cold winds slashing in every direction, beating the falling snow out of the way.
You sat on the hood of the jeep Price used to bring the group, feet swinging back and forth and watching the plane turn. You gathered your hair in a couple of French braids, before tying them into a bun. You had worn a headset, given by Captain Price, but that wasn't enough to keep your ears from the cold, unlike the rest of your body covered in layers of thick clothes, but still light enough to move around swiftly.
You kept your gloved hands in the pocket of your jacket, pursing your lips as the blades of the plane came to a stop. A stair was placed in front of the door before it slid open and a familiar man climbed down.
Phillip Graves, the Shadow himself.
Blond hair parted from the left as usual, but instead of a shirt, he had worn a jacket under his vest to fight off the cold. He still had the fucking collar microphone thing around his neck, though. Like a good dog.
Price walked forward, meeting the commander halfway, and extended a gloved hand towards him. "Graves, good to work with you again."
"Likewise, Captain." Phillip gave his hand a shake, before quickly taking his own back, and shot a glance at you. "Hope someone isn't making your life a living hell."
Price chuckled, his breath coming out as white puffs. "No, not really."
"Well, don't expect it to last." The Shadow scoffed and walked over to your direction with the Captain. Without batting an eye this time, he greeted the Sergeants and Lieutenant, shaking their hands, patting their shoulders as though they were brothers-in-arms.
You huffed at the friendly smile on his face, kind of glad to have a new person (not really) to annoy around, and shifted your gaze at the men in black following out of the chopper.
You grinned, eyes turning crescent, but just as you hopped down from the hood to run towards them, a hand grabbed your arm. You faced Ghost, who stared at you in silence, but that was enough to tell what he wanted to say. "I'm just going to greet the Shadows," you said.
"I don't think they like to talk with ya," Ghost claimed, his eyes shifting to the contractors who all remained standing at the bottom of the stairs. He let go of you. Or maybe, they didn't want him to talk to them. Could be both, though.
"Your sinister face is enough to greet them," Phillip declared, swiveling to you with a serious face.
You turned, mirroring his expression. "Nice to see you too, Phillip," you responded and raked your eyes from his face and down to his boots. You painted a smile on your face, bringing your gaze up to his face. "Have you been working out? It seems you've gotten bigger." You stepped forward and put a hand on his arm. "Can't wait to have you under me again."
The Task Force and Graves simultaneously furrowed their brows upon hearing your words, a question going in their brains. Wadafak?
Soap couldn't help but stare at your condescending smirk with his lips slightly parted in disbelief. What the actual fucking fuckity fuck? Did he hear that right? Did you actually shag this American? Well, not that he was concerned, but it seemed you didn't have a good relationship with him considering the way you tensed up before Shepherd and Graves' mere pictures back at the meeting a couple of days ago. Wait—were you actually into Graves instead but the man was so devoted to the General and you hated that? Bloody steaming Jesus.
Graves shook off your hand and stepped away, narrowing his eyes. “Don’t touch me."
"Okay." You backed away to Ghost's side, waving a hand and pulling a face. "Sensitive."
"Are we boarding the same vehicle?" Gaz questioned, turning the attention to him.
"Yes, General Shepherd said it would be better if we discuss the mission more thoroughly," Graves immediately answered, gesturing at the plane. "Currently, one of mine is piloting it.”
"Good," Price nodded in acknowledgment and walked away. "Let's get going, 141."
It was nice to hear him refer to you as part of the group, but you knew it was just a facade he decided to keep after the gamble you took a couple of nights ago.
And he made one thing clear, share the prize or pay the price.
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The Chapter 5 is here!
You can also read the series on AO3 here!
Taglist: @yyiikes, @the-faceless-bride, @sae1kie, @sarahedwards16
Note: EARLY UPDATE FOR Y'ALL CUZ IT'S MY BDAY!!! Ngl, I'd let Gaz rail me because it's Gaz (look at Elliot Knight, guys, man's fucking beautiful). Also, we're adding Keegan.
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360nw · 6 months
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Near Higgens Point
Lake Coeur d' Alene Eagle Watch - November 2023
Each winter from November through February a migrating population of bald eagles visits the Lake Coeur d' Alene area to feed on spawning kokanee salmon. The BLM began counting bald eagles around Wolf Lodge Bay in 1974. The number of eagles returning to this area varies from year to year. Text Source BLM.GOV
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acotarfrustrations · 6 months
An ongoing list of acowar grievances I'm keeping track of while I read (because there's too many to make a post about all of them)
1) Feyre's constant edginess. It's such a bizarre and ham-fisted shift in the voice of the character from the previous book. Too much tell, not enough show
2) "that they thought Rhysand could ever force someone . . . I added that to the long list of things to repay them for.".........lol OK girl
3) Feyre all of a sudden knowing how to use every power she has despite her very limited "training"
4) constant mention of Lucien and Elain's mating bond. Not only do I not give a damn, I REALLY wish it wasn't a thing all together
5) CAN SOMEONE EXPLAIN THE IMPORTANCE OF THE MORTAL QUEENS TO ME? WHO TF EVEN ARE THEY?? It's so stupid that they don't get brought up until feyre is a fae like we have no clue the humans even have an overarching government until she's not human anymore. Why are they turning them Fae? What possible advantages can they grant the fae that they don't have already? How tf are there so many queens when the human territory is so small? For that matter, why tf is Hybern going to war over a tiny handful of humans? Why involve this convoluted plot with turning the mortal queens into Fae when it seems like the humans don't even know of their existence so they wouldn't listen to or follow them in the first place
6) this should be dual pov. I would LOVE tamlin's perspective or even lucien's
7) I need WAY more information about the cauldron because it makes no sense
8) this isn't a gripe but I just have to mention how bad I feel for lucien
9) somehow ianthe became 10x MORE boring as a villain. Like you could replace her woth Regina George and the book would be more interesting
11) this whole spying on the spring court thing is stupid, inefficient, and childish. The NC is risking the lives of all the courts doing this shit when they could easily just ACTUALLY TELL THE OTHER COURTS WHATS GOING ON TO GIVE THEM A CHANCE TO RALLY TOGEYHER AND DEFEND THEMSELVES, form an alliance, and reason with tamlin or attack him if he refuses to listen to reason. Most information they stand to gain from what they're doing is useless in light of how many fae and human lives stand to be lost or displaced
13) that entire ridiculous summer solstice scene in chapter 4
15) the whole situation with using Lucien to make tamlin jealous is just....icky, idk
16) I almost regret wanting more political intrigue In these novels as it is by far Sarah Janet's weakest suit
17) framing jurian a villain is one of the dumbest decisions ever. Wish he had more screen time though
18) feyre's badass scene w/ the children of the blessed makes me wish that after she became fae, she returned to the human lands, killed/overthrew the mortal queens, said fuck you to tamlin and rhys, and just became queen of the mortal realms, having to earn her people's trust as a fae, protect and defend them, and come to terms w/ her loss of humanity. That would have been so EPIC
19) the entirety of chapter 8
20) the fact that acotar was written. If the series started w/ acomaf I would have a lot less problems. All the constant retconning and inconsistencies in canon and worldbuilding just keep pissing me off, idk I can't look past it
21) I'm losing count and I'm only on chapter 9 so I'm just going to keep reading for now. Might make a part 2 idk
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dailymothanon · 1 year
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this is something I made cuz I saw a generated pic of a president skating tbh. But yknow what last time drew Cali with a skateboard yall seemed to like it 😼 also I think skateboarding originated in California or something because of surfers so his skating culture goes crazy
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For every Punk Ny there is an unnecessarily Patriotic Alaska (he serving cuz he knows he getting paid that PFD for existing 😋) but there are reasons for this strange thing that exists that I love for a joking reason, also Alaska has the biggest population of bald eagles in the nation, I’m sure this counts for something
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Alaska was also the most patriotic in other articles but listen patriotic Alaska is comical. I believe the other top 5 patriotic states in order are Virginia, Montana, North Dakota and Maine (how fitting for those two)
If you guys want more unnecessarily Patriotic Alaska please tell me cuz I think it’s very funny since I doubt he even remembers who the president is or even the fact the country has one (I know this cuz I forget all the time and Alaska is always behind on like everything going on in the lower 48) in fact he probably just searched up what Americans are like and went off of that
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whatsthebird · 6 months
What's the Bird?
Location: Posey Count, Indiana
Date: February
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We ask that discussion under questions be limited to how you came to your conclusion, not what your conclusion was.
Happy Birding!
Keep the game alive! Submit a bird HERE
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ghostoffuturespast · 3 months
8 March 2024 - Friday Field Notes
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VIBs (Very Important Birds) - Juvenile Red-tailed Hawk, Western Meadow Lark, taxidermied Great Horned Owl. It's that time of year again when strange things start appearing in my car...
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Things on the prairie are very slowly starting to wake up. Got the chance to spend a good chunk of time out of the field this week and not at my desk. Which is my favorite part of the day job. Got to do a bird count earlier in the week and explored for three hours along the creek with a couple of coworkers yesterday to scout for spots to put game cameras. Saw four Northern Harrier Hawks, the Bald Eagles, heard all the Western Meadowlarks, Pronghorn, Prairie Dogs, spiders, one lone grasshopper, and spooked a Coyote out of the Coyote Willow. Also met a couple of new plants too.
I found many treasures; I know what a Willow Pinecone Gall Midge is now, American Licorice reminds me of little Korok maracas, Pronghorn bones, a lovely pink rock. Trying to see if I can actually nature journal more regularly this year too and I've got a couple pages in already!
I'm ready for spring. I've got too many wild gardening schemes.
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stranger-chichka · 1 year
Mike is a character who we associate with the blue color the most, right? Also, blue is kinda associated with the Upside Down and Vecna because of that blue light we see there.
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Blue is the basic color of mlm pride flag. It was created in 2019. And you know what? In russian slang голубой (which is translated as “blue”) means “gay" and it originates from the '60s.
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Almost every outfit Mike wears in s4 is blue.
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credits to @lesbianmindflayer from your fellow subscriber who try not to miss any video analysis! <3 Also, I feel you'll be quite excited about the following thing, which is the origin and usage of that slang in relation to the gaybirdgate too.
The phrase “fly, doves, fly” used to warn gay men in russia reminded me of the moment when Dustin navigates Murray in s3. “Fly right, Bald Eagle. Fly right.”
The phrase “fly, doves, fly” used to warn gay men in russia reminded me of the moment when Dustin navigates Murray in s3. “Fly right, Bald Eagle. Fly right.”
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Mike is also associated with an eagle because of the poster he had in his basement and later gave to El.
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Eagle is a symbol of America. America -> Mike. I don't want to go in-depth here, because that's the whole other thing, but I'm adding the links on Nintendo and Americantendo theory, which I wrote based on @nadia-zahra 's observations and my posts about Erica ("you can't spell America without Erica") for those who're interested what is the connection. BUT the gaybirdgate is not closed yet.
Nintendo theory;
Nintendo 2.0 (Americantendo);
@doriandrifting 's post, connected to that theory.
Erica will take Murray's place in s5;
Erica is level 14 in D&D;
Erica & the spaceship;
Erica & "I Want To Break Free" easter egg;
Erica & opening the door;
Erica & Tina's Apple Jack's party (+Murray's The Bald Eagle poster analysis);
The phrase голубая мечта (translated as "blue dream") caught my attention. The expression appeared under the influence of the famous play (with a very fairy-tale-like setting -> "It looks like a fairytale") "The Blue Bird" written by Maurice Maeterlinck in 1908. The blue bird is a symbol of happiness that has been in the home all along; the children simply have not recognized and valued it.
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As we already know, dreams are one of the key themes and focus in ST, especially in season 4 with “Dream a Little Dream of Me”, but let’s not forget about “Never Ending Story.”
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Not only has it a line "fly a fantasy," but "dream a dream, and what you see will be." What is Mike’s blue dream? Of what is he dreaming secretly? Or better say, of who? It’s a rhetorical question for bylers. But the GA will find out too, with the help of Vecna and his mirror (aka the visions he shows to his victims of who they really are). The answer is upon a rainbow. Literally.
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In the picture of Mike's room I pinned above, you can also notice a heart with a heart, cloud, rainbow and something written on it.
"Rhymes that keep our secrets will unfold behind the clouds, and there upon a rainbow is the answer to a neverending story." "Without heart, we'd all fall apart." Will's words rhyme and Mike is Will's heart.
@angelwithnightmares 's guess is it may say If you can dream it, you can do it" (Walt Disney's quote) and doesn't it connect the dots? Taking into account @madwheelerz manifestation theory and how Mike (the writer and the DM) & Will (the artist) -- the duo with huge imagination manifested the events in ST because of their dreams nightmares feels very real to me.
PLUS, I'm tagging @there-was-a-hole-here-itsgonenow and adding links to her Disney’s Figment the dragon posts here and here, because HE IS IMAGINATION. We can spot him in the Bingham house below Suzie’s window. When we hear the birds are singing outside. Behind the yellow & blue curtain.
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What made me do this post may you ask? Listening to Mike's playlist. There are two songs with the word “blue.”
#12: “Can’t Shake That Feeling” by Grum
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#33: “Blue Monday” by New Order
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And plenty of songs about the dreams too. I counted seven of them.
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snowed-leopard · 8 days
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Team Birdtress Two: 2/9, SOLLY!
Soldier: A red tailed hawk, dark morph, with said color morph making him him appear closer to a bald eagle. The red tailed hawk, to me, is a more quintessentially American bird than the bald eagle, it’s range is larger, and it’s screech is often used in place of the bald eagle in media (bald eagles have kinda weak ass screeches, comparatively). Which I thought fit soldiers history with ww2 and overall personality well the all American man gets the all American bird to me. Red tails have a massive variety in color, including letting them be nearly black, and could reasonably let soldier pass as simply a smaller and stouter bald eagle. His feathers are just redder because of how much of a red blooded American he is, at least according to him. The pattern just helps mark him as an individual. Soldier firmly believes himself to be a bald eagle, it’d probably hurt him to realize otherwise, he doesn’t want to think about why his wings are shorter, why the pattern is so different to the matte of a bald eagle.
Sources and ramblings below the cut :3
Next one’s gonna be done when I’m done 👍
I know there’s a lot of birds that perhaps looked closer to a bald eagle, zone tail hawks, wedge tail eagles, golden eagles, etc. but red tails have always just been what I envisioned. Soldiers whole thing is he wasn’t really a soldier, but he’s intensely loyal despite it, and I wanted to also give him that little depth of character where he so desperately sees himself as the perfect soldier, a paragon of America, that he’d deny himself the acknowledgement of the true self for it. And something so easy pass off as a baldy to a degree just worked. And again, I’ve seen one baldy in life but more red tails than I can count. I don’t know I’m back to late night incoherent posting again
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alex51324 · 4 months
Big White Birds Day
Today's adventure was, I drove to the Wildlife Management Area to see the snow goose migration!
Every spring, flocks stop by our area on their way back to their summer homes in the arctic! These include vast numbers of snow geese, and smaller numbers of tundra swans. Dedicated birders come from far and wide to see them, and since the place is pretty near my house, I decided to go look at them.
This morning when I got up it was cold and I was very sleepy and I almost didn't go, but I'm glad I did! My pictures don't really do it justice, but here goes anyway.
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We started off with a drive around the lake, and saw this flock of swans resting near the shore. The smaller birds are the left are Canada geese, so if you're familiar with those, that gives you an idea of how big the swans are! They pretty much just hung out there the whole time I watched; every now and then one would stretch out its neck a bit and get comfy again.
Then I drove to the Willow Point parking lot, which is Snow Goose Migration Central. There were maybe eight or so cars there, in early afternoon on a Wednesday--the best times for Snow Goose viewings are dawn and dusk, and of course the weekends are very busy. They had a whole row of a dozen extra port-a-potties in for the Snow Goose crowds.
From the parking lot, you walk about half a mile to the viewing spot, along this nice paved trail:
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The viewing spot has a pavilion and some benches, and--on this day--eight or ten well-bundled-up senior citizens, who have settled in for long-term viewing with their binoculars and tripods, and a rotating cast of other visitors like me, with dogs and strollers and such, who have stopped by to see what all the fuss is about.
The official count this morning, apparently, was 23,000 snow geese (along with 105 tundra swans, and some Canada geese). During the day, the giant flocks break up and smaller groups fly off to look for places to eat, but some stick around. So this is the small, partial flock that was on the water this afternoon:
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Here's a group that was off feeding, coming back in to join the main flock:
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They approached in in a somewhat-disorganized-but-recognizable version of the classic V formation, but then scattered as they got close, with the returnees filling in seemingly wherever there was a free spot amid the flock.
A little while later, something really neat happened, which was that something spooked them, and the whole flock took off and swirled around for a few moments--I didn't try to get any pictures of it, because I knew they wouldn't turn out, and I wanted to see it. They took off in a body, like you'll see flocks of starlings doing from a field, and there was a sound like a rainstorm on a tin roof, from all of their wings going at once. They came right at us, in the viewing area, and passed overhead, and wheeled over the lake for a turn or two, before settling down again a little to the left of where they started:
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I didn't get the necessary landmarks in the picture to make it obvious, but basically now the rightmost edge of the flock is about where the leftmost edge was before they all got up and moved.
A little while later, it looked like they were getting ready to do it again, and I got this picture:
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But they only a fraction of the flock took off that time--maybe a quarter?--and when the rest didn't follow suit, they all landed again, shifting the overall flock a little bit back to the right.
This tree across the lake had a Bald Eagle in it:
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Which the birders suggested was probably what had the geese all riled up. After a bit more watching, I decided I was cold enough--and I wasn't going to see anything to top what I already had--and started back to the car. While I was walking back, I heard the flock take off again, and from that distance, it sounded like a waterfall.
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