#anti sjm
hugevanserrass · 2 days
reread the solstice scene from acofas and was surprised at how pleasant nesta was the entire time. from the way people talk about it, and from Cassian's reaction after she leaves, you'd think she was hissing and insulting everyone in the room. but no.
nesta wishes feyre happy birthday, she thanks elain for her gifts, and sits quietly, allowing them to continue with their presents. meanwhile mor gives cassian silk boxers that match the lingerie set he got her. nesta even kisses elain on the head before she leaves. she is 100% polite.
the next chapter is Cassian's pov and it starts with "he'd had enough. enough of the coldness, the sharpness. enough of the sword-straight spine and razor-sharp stare that had only honed itself these months"
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wingsdippedingold · 2 days
@theladyofbloodshed made a wonderful post examining the usage of “bastard” in the ACOTAR series (with data!!!)
And to that I’d like to add my own two cents. Bastard’s technical deffiniton is an illegitimate child, and while that is heavily looked down upon in medieval/fantasy settings and is used with a negative connotation, the world itself is a classification.
Now the world is also used as a general way to describe a distasteful man. Aka just a general insult, a (less severe imo) male equivalent of bitch.
What I find curious is that Nesta never uses bastard towards Cassin in its actual definition, or even in reference to being an Illyrian, but merely as an insult:
Bastard in ACOWAR - defending him
“arrogant bastard” - ACOSF - Cassian wouldn’t let her go
Bastard in her training - ACOSF - he was forcing her to train
Cass & Az as bastards -AcOSF - they were chasing the obstacle courses
Who does use it within its actual definition/ to refer to birth status?
Rhysand & Feyre regarding Cass and Az, and initially Lucien, (a lot, it’s getting concerning)!
The IC! Its literally always them! Non-ic characters use it about 9 (vs the ic which is over 80) times throughout the series, and only 4 times is it possibly referring to a birth status
And… drumroll please… even though we all know the answer… Cassian! He uses it towards himself and Azriel to derogatorily refer to his birth and heritage as an illyrian. He quite literally calls himself a “bastard-borne brute” and says Nesta has called him that many times before, which she hasn’t. She never implied anything more than her distaste for him and his actions in general when using the word “bastard”
Nesta is not responsible for his feeling of inadequacy. Cassian himself views himself as unworthy and a “bastard”. Those are his own issue to work through, not ones that are imposed by Nesta.
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1800naveen · 20 hours
When I walk into the culture appropriation competition but Feyre is already there (So cooked😭). TAKE YOUR HENNA AND ILLYRIAN WINGS OFF!
When I enter the leaving women and children to suffer at the hands of men competition but Rhysand is already there (I'm fucked y'all😭) OVERTHROW THIS MAN!
When I walk into the being leaders of your country but not doing anything to help and letting many people suffer, and being practically useless even though I have lots of power competition but Feysand and Donald and Melania Trump are there.
When I walk into the pick me, fake feminist competition but Mor is handing me a glass of wine for my arrival (So screwed😭) I'm getting her arrested for giving a minor alcohol.
When I walk into the incel competition but the bat boys are already there😱. I gotta call in Andrew Tate, let's see who wins.
When I'm at the short competition but I don't see anyone (I looked down and saw Amren😮‍💨)
When I walk into the baddest bitch competition but Nesta is there (I'll help her win🫶🏾)
When I enter the being treated like a little kid but Elain is there (Free this woman PLEASE)
When I walk into the seeing the struggles and pain of POC and taking that shit, letting the white main character of my series go through it but SJM is there.
When I enter the ACOTAR hater for good reasons but I'm the first person here (Anyone else who joined this competition won, we're all winners🏆)
I would like to give my thanks to SJM because if she didn't write ACOTAR, I wouldn't be the hater I am now🙏🏾.
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spacerockfloater · 3 days
The High Lords forgave Rhysand way too quickly. I don’t know about them but I’d consider the man who did Amarantha’s bidding to save his OWN skin, her bidding being torture and murder of innocents, my fucking enemy for LIFE. Him occasionally trying to damage control the situation slightly, but not as much as to endanger HIM or HIS people, would have never been enough of a sacrifice for me. Like, killing my circle and torturing them to protect HIS circle would definitely not make me feel like I owe him in the slightest.
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olenvasynyt · 24 hours
I have always been uncomfortable with the SF scene where Cassian takes Nesta on the hike, but I didn't fully understand why until my most recent reread. And it is one of the reasons why I am anti-Nessian.
This is a summary of my tiktok video, feel free to check it out, and follow me over there as well if ya want.
So this hike was right after Nesta lashes out and tells Feyre that the baby was going to kill her during the birth, and this was because of her frustration and hate towards Rhys and the IC and how she has been treated.  
Chapter 46 of ACOSF: “Is it respect that she offers you?” Nesta spat.  “Is it respect that your mate offers you?” Feyre went still. … “What do you mean?” “Have any of them told you, their respected High Lady, that the babe in your womb will kill you?” “…I do know that your mate ordered everyone not to inform you about the truth.  Did you all vote on that too?  Did you talk to her, judger her, and deem her unworthy of the truth?”
It broke something in Nesta—broke that rage, that roaring—seeing those tears begin to fall, the fear crumbling Feyre’s paint-smeared face.   She had gone too far.  She..oh, gods.
But as Feyre and Cassian both point out, she saw the parallels between Feyre’s situation and her own, and decided to avenge both of them.  Rhys and Amren were hiding the truth about Nesta’s powers, she knew that a lot of them did not trust her to know the truth about her own body.  
Chapter 47 of ACOSF: I think she saw the parallels between your situations, and, in her own way, decided to avenge both of you. That’s my feeling too.  Rhys disagrees.
I think Feyre’s situation was much more serious than Nesta’s powers being kept from her, but that is also why it was good for Feyre to find out the truth even if the situation was upsetting.  
Cassian was like oh "I’m sorry you found out the baby could kill you" and Feyre was like "I’m not.  I’m mad at you guys for not telling me.  Nesta was the only one brave enough to."
Chapter 47 of ACOSF: “I’m sorry you had to learn of it.” “I’m not.  I’m furious with all of you, I understand why you didn’t tell me, but I’m furious. Well, we’re furious with Nesta. She had the courage to tell me the truth. She told the truth to hurt you. Perhaps.  But she was the only one who said anything. — I wish you’d found out a different way. Well, I didn’t.  But we’ll face it together.  All of us. — I want you to come back home.  Both of you.
I love how Feyre, who is the one was the victim in this moment, was like “I’m not sorry this was how I learned about the baby but I’m glad someone told me.  Rhys overreacted, I calmed him down and I want both of you home.”
Rhys overreacted.  He completely and utterly overreacted. — Rhys had no right to chase you from the city, or threaten Nesta.  He has realized that, and apologized.  I want you to come back home.  Both of you.  
Now kind of going off topic with Rhys threatening to kill Nesta: people get mad at Cassian for not standing up for his mate.  And I can understand that, I also think that’s frustrating and Cassian not standing up for Nesta is something we see often, including the Ember and Randall bonus chapter in HOFAS.  But it can be complicated because a lot of people will defend Cassian like this: Rhys is high lord and it will be very hard to stand up to him as someone who’s not on his level, so of course Cassian couldn’t do anything to defend his mate in this situation.  And yes this is true, and we see a very similar situation between a High Lord and their superior with Tamlin and Lucien in ACOMAF. Lucien tried to stand up for Feyre but couldn’t, and was shut down and abused. 
But if people are going to use this idea to defend Cassian, that he couldn’t stand up and fight his high lord, we have to make this comparison between  Rhys to Tamlin.  And a lot of pro-Rhys people don't like that conversation.
But anyways, this argument cannot be applied to this hiking situation at all, because Feyre mindspeaks with Cassian and says that Rhys overreacted, she isn’t mad at Nesta, all of those things I talked about before.  Feyre says that she wants both of them home but Cassian still brings Nesta to a hike and says he’ll call it a punishment to sort of appease Rhys because he knows Rhys is still mad about the situation.  “Tell Rhys it’s a punishment.”  Rhys was not the victim in this situation, Feyre was, and she was like fuck Rhys!  He was wrong for overreacting!  Nesta was braver than you guys and I want her home.  
Where did you even head off to? The wilderness.  I think we’ll stay out here for a few days.  We’re going on a hike.   Nesta has never been on a hike in her life.  I guarantee she will hate it. Then tell Rhys this is her punishment.  Because Rhys, despite apologizing for his threats, would still be furious.  Tell him that Nesta and I are going to hike, and she’s going to hate it, but she comes home when I decide she’s ready to come home.
But Cassian still brings Nesta on the hike.
And he was definitely doing it for Nesta and to help her work out her thoughts and not solely because of Rhys, but this hike is a terrible way to help a suicidal person work out their thoughts.
This hike pisses me off so much. The way the IC decided to “rehabilitate” Nesta in general pisses me off.  I liken Nesta’s “rehab” to those therapy wilderness camps where people get kidnapped and brought to the middle of the mountains for.  Those rehab camps revolve around forcing people to get to their lowest to rehabilitate, to acknowledge their mistakes, and it is a horrible, abusive system and very often results in resentment at best and death at worst.  And I think Nesta being locked up was the same thing and this hike is the same thing.  One of the several things those rehab boot camps do is force their patients to go on strenuous hikes for multiple days, and when it’s beyond their physical capacity.  It can lead to exhaustion, dehydration, injury, and death.
And one of my least favorite things in this entire book is that when Cassian realizes that Nesta is suicidal, he continues the hike up the rocky cliffs of the Illyrian Steppes with barely any food and even less talk.  He doesn’t look at her or speak to her in days.
It is to force Nesta to get to her lowest moment so she’ll break down.  Exactly like what happens during those rehab camps.  It is forcing her into this breakdown in an unsafe place with no professional help. 
Cassian knew that Nesta often hated herself.  But he’d never known she hated herself enough to want to…not exist anymore. He’d seen her expression when he mentioned the threat of falling. And he knew going back to Velaris wouldn’t save her from that look.  He couldn’t save her from that look, either. Only Nesta could save herself from that feeling.
When I read SF for the first time I was so weirded out by this hike and I couldn’t figure out why.  I do not find these chapters moving or inspiring, I thought they were toxic and sad and I still very much do.  And if I’m going to be honest I felt like I was also being manipulated into getting emotional like how Nesta was.  
And this is where I’m going to get into my criticisms for SJM.  
I don’t know if she realizes this comparison between Nesta’s rehabilitation in general and the boot camps and just, bad, toxic therapy in general.  I wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt because I think a lot of Silver Flames is about how the Valkyries helped heal Nesta and SJM and their hike during the Blood Rite was so much more inspiring at least for me and was definitely the climax and resolution to Nesta’s healing journey.  SJM illudes to the IC’s biases very often in SF and I thought she was making Nesta’s rehab toxic on purpose, but the reason why I struggle with giving SJM the benefit of the doubt is because she said in an interview that that hike Cassian took Nesta on was inspired by a hike she and her husband went on during a vacation.
I also hate how she adds the idea that the mountains are healing, and there is a voice telling Cassian to keep pushing Nesta forward, “just one more mountain”.  Like no.  This again adds to the comparison of the fucking bootcamps because that is also a tactic they use.
Chapter 48 of ACOSF: The peaks weren’t as brutal and sharp as those in Illyria, but there was a presence to them that he couldn’t quite explain.  Mor had once told him that long ago, these lands had been used for healing. Perhaps that was why he’d come.  Some instinct had remembered the healing, felt this land’s slumbering heart, and decided to bring Nesta here.
This is fantasy, of course, so I am fine with this element of a higher presence that is healing to the characters who are struggling.  And there is the symbolic element of climbing your mountain.  But I need people to stop saying that this is a realistic way to treat people with actual problems in the real world, not only with this hike but also with all of the rehabilitation the IC made her do by locking her up.  I might make a whole other video on that but if Nesta was in the House of Wind because she was addicted to alcohol and fucking strangers and spending money, this is not the professional way to go about it.  
I like a lot of parts during this final breakdown where they talk about forgiving yourself, leaving the past behind.  But I did not like the journey they made Nesta take to get to this point.  Nesta could have very well had this breakdown not on this hike.  
And this part ends with Cassian comforting Nesta. 
“I’ll be with you every step of the way,” he whispered into her palm.  “Just don’t lock me out.  You want to walk in silence for a week, I’m fine with that.  So long as you talk to me at the end of it.”
Like I appreciate this sentiment.  
But, another thing that annoys me is Cassian’s conclusion after this scene
Chapter 50 of ACOSF: “She’d been suffering, and he’d had no idea how much it consumed every facet of her life.  He’d seen her self-loathing and anger—but hadn’t realized how much she’d been aware of it.  To know she’d hurt this much, for so long.
First of all, how would Nesta not know she was aware of her self-loathing and anger?  She had actively talked about it before this moment??? She fucking has. And how did Cassian not know that she had been hurting this much for long long?  I thought he was her mate who understood her?  He talked about her traumas before in ACOWAR.  Plus, I thought she was being rehabilitated.  Helping her get not addicted to alcohol and spending money and having sex?  
There is such a lack of awareness when it comes to the IC and this situation and I get frustrated when readers don’t understand it.  People say that Nesta’s rehab was very serious and complex but no.  It wasn’t.  It is a terrible way to help anyone.  
I think Nesta and Cassian still have to work on a lot to be an actual healthy relationship.  And we saw the issues they still have in the Randall and Ember bonus chapter so I am very curious to see how SJM resolves their issues in future books, if she does so at all.
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shadowqueenjude · 1 day
If you’ve noticed a decrease in my anti posts, it’s because I’ve decided to block the pros and give myself peace. I’m dedicating most of my time to writing my fics where I portray the IC like the trash they are and fixing the series/giving it more depth. I think I’ve said all there is to say when it comes to anti material.
DW though I respect the grind of all the antis still churning out posts and I will reblog the ones that reveal some new bs to me that I hadn’t noticed before.🫡
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the-future-is-fowl · 2 days
I do not understand how people who adore the Bat Boys, condemn Tamlin and Lucien for believing the worst of them. It’s canon that Rhys made these rumors up to protect his court and Velaris or whatever (forgive me, I read these books after undergoing surgery and was throwing up every other chapter from reaction to the Anesthesiac.), but does nothing to prove them wrong. Tamlin is justified in his belief that Rhys the villain because of those 50 years, and Lucien is sure as hell justified because of what Rhys does in ACOTAR in Spring court, and for torturing him UTM. And then not only does Rhys actively portray himself as the villain to Spring Court in ACOMAF, but he doubles down on threatening Lucien when Lucien goes to find Feyre. NOT ONLY THIS: but when Lucien and Feyre show up to the Night Court, the IC does nothing to change his mind or welcome him into the NC. Rhys also does not apologize for hurting Lucien and does nothing to make him feel safe inside of the IC. Lucien was constantly uncomfortable, it was practically a godsend for him to go on that quest, the only thing tying him there was his loyalty to Feyre (which was misplaced based on how often she wrongs him), and Elain (who he was perfectly respectful towards the entire time, I will accept no slander on his treatment towards Elain).
Long story short, Tamlin and Lucien are justified in their views towards the Night Court, because up until the battlefield, there had been nothing to prove their heroics.
I would just appreciate if SJM Tok could understand that. That would be wonderful.
SIDE NOTE: I still don’t understand thirty years old GROWN women calling characters names like Tampon. It’s still very middle school behavior to me.
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litnerdwrites · 1 day
Okay, so, I'm looking for a fic about Nyx joining a rebellion in Illyria, but I'm struggling to find it. However, I'm coming across a lot of similar fics, where Nyx + the Next gen are fighting in rebellion after seeing the error of their parents' ways. So I figured I'd start listing them. So, I'm going to start putting them here, and I'll update whenever I find a new one.
The one fic I'm looking for that started all this, is about Nyx meeting the daughter of Spring, who opens his eyes to the injustices of the HC and Illyria, leading Nyx and Tamlin's daughter OC to take part in the Illyrian rebellion. So if anyone knows which one it is, please let me know. I think I saw it on AO3 but can't, for the life of me, find it.
A Witch A Warrior And A Reckoning by @achaotichuman
Reputation by flamesandshadows (I think her whole collection on Acotar Next Gen is worth reading though)
When Night Bloomed by ennawrite
Tag: @thelandswemadeofpaper
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littlefeltsparrow · 2 days
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I was thinking about @lainalit ‘s post about the contradictions between this Feyre quote and the scene in ACOSF where this exact thing happens but with Rhysand. I might be missing something, but was there ever a point in ACOMAF where Tamlin brought up the possibility of children or heirs to Feyre? Or anyone else? Because here, Feyre clearly chafes at the idea of being objectified and having her reproductive abilities be flaunted to a crowd, but I’m not remembering any instances in the text where that is specifically brought up or shown to the reader.
She espouses feminist messaging here, only for that exact scenario to happen to her with Rhysand and contradict her stance. She’s trying to say that she’s liberated herself from the patriarchal culture of the Spring Court (even though the textual support for it was lacking) but it comes off as hypocritical when she is literally paraded around in ACOSF with her pregnant “ womb” on full display. Gaaaahhhh these books are so…😭
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Me having a maladapive day dream about my op self insert taking the woman of hewn city under the mountain and re-perposing perposing to be a castle and living the rest of our days as the fae equivalent of Tolkien Dwarfs.
New crib yall
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Me and my homies at the forge:
(Bad bitch and her baddie friend)
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Hot girl shit
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Me trying to impress the hewn city baddie
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Us in our Sunday best
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Lord Thanatos daughter be like:
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Us when we become an independent nation that surpasses the night court in economical value and decide to demand reparations and expose Velaris because of the hundreds of years of abuse has been allowed to happen and the fact that they're a mass meat shield for Velaris
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starborn15 · 2 days
- One of my SJM pet Peeves -
I was recently listening to ACOSF on my walk today because ya know; I don’t always enjoy music and it was there.
“We are doing this because we care about you Nesta.”
Now, I’m not one to be all “books need to represent reality!” Because they don’t they’re books. Especially fantasy or science fiction, they sometimes have aspects of our world but they’re not of it, or a distorted version of it.
So if we are trying to say Chapters 1 & 2 of ACOSF was an intervention; it was. At its base
It was a planned meeting, unknown to Nesta until the day, they provided her with examples of her destructive behavior, the goal they had, and what would happen if she did not comply.
What was not successful: Elain not being present, they did not discuss their concern for Nesta only really belittled her behavior, having Rhysand there (someone Nesta knows does not like her which is not helpful.)
- The story itself: Cassian’s internal monologue is empathetic towards Nesta to a degree…but it is littered with fear of her. Fear that she will attack Feyre, fear that she will lash out. Fear that he will have to defend Feyre against her, that he “didn’t know” if she was capable of such a thing.
- Amren: Initially Amren being there makes sense, they were friends and Amren could have expressed concern for Nesta. Now when it comes to “addiction” is it important to highlight how these individuals can burn bridges? Sure I suppose. Although you could’ve have Amren be invited but refused to come, which would’ve been equally as impactful. (Especially when you find out Amren told Nesta on the barge she had been a waste of life or something to that effect when Nesta expressed insecurity in their friendship.) 😬
- Feyre: Honestly, Feyre handled this the best if you look at an intervention the way it’s supposed to be handled, she laid out the plan. Expressed concern for her, discussed the issues with her financially and emotionally.
- Cassian was silent, aside from “it’s not some moral failing.” Which is also…..cmon SJM really?
My main thing is yes, Nesta is a bitch. She is, she always has been. This wasn’t new in ACOFAS or ACOSF, so why all of a sudden was it a problem? Why all of a sudden was Cassian cold? Not wanting to speak his mind? Or be open?
Cause ✨tension✨
- Cassian can slaughter an entire village of people when he found out his mother was unalived.
- Cassian Rhys and Azriel can do….lord knows what to Azriel’s brothers.
- Feyre can destabilize an entire court.
- Mor can kill her parents whenever she wants to (has free rein).
- but Nesta…who was kidnapped; gagged and bound and dragged and thrown into the cauldron that she described as “tearing her in two” and turned Fae against her will, watched that same king m*rder her father, and now she’s burdened with power she doesn’t understand. She can’t drink and f*ck and do what she wants? Cut her off, stop giving her money.
I don’t know, I don’t like the use of this trauma as a moral short coming for a forced proximity plot point.
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wingsdippedingold · 17 hours
I feel like SJM’s gonna pull a house elf with Nualla and Cerridwen
“No they enjoy working for the ic and being at their Beck and call to fulfill whatever service they need! 😆“
@ofbreathandflame @hrizantemy got me thinking about how SJM literally just made them poc (in fact the first think like “poc” despite being dark due to wraith heritage) servants
They have no characterization beyond the service they perform. We don’t know their hobbies, though I doubt they have any, likes, dislikes, or anything.
They are barely even “friends” with Elain, they just do stuff for her and keep her occupied. They’re literally her glorified babysitters.
And the fact that they’re always together? Makes the issue worse
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hunnyy-bunnyyy · 3 days
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alicentsaegon · 7 hours
In light of Pride Month i just want to point out that SJM is such a bad writer and her rep is so poorly handled that people still think that Morrigan is bisexual
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spaceshipkat · 3 months
mmkay so the words sjm is apparently trying to trademark are: Fireheart, Sarah J Maas, Lunathion, Velaris, Feyre, SJM, Aelin, ACOTAR, Rhysand, Hunt Athalar, Throne of Glass, Illyrian, Nesta, Suriel, Bryce, and Umbra Mortis
genuinely. what the fuck.
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copypastus · 6 months
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Feyre's selective hearing is the origin of my villain arc.
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