#art teacher obi-wan au
tennessoui · 2 years
i love the art teacher au so much 😭😭 its so cute and sweet, anakin is out there fighting for his LIFE because this man is beloved by children and is incredibly flirty/hot. how do you think anakin goes about introducing obi-wan to the kids as his boyfriend instead of as their art teacher? do they ever fight when obi-wan gives them a sticker that means anything less than "this is a masterpiece"? i think of them near constantly lol
Anakin never stood a single chance against art teacher! Obi-Wan, that man is a deadly mix of raunchy and suggestive and charming and clever, attractive AND good with children. Meanwhile, Anakin is a perfect mix of flustered, hot, endearing, earnest, and also good with children so that’s a dangerously enticing combo for Obi-Wan too
I think Anakin invites Obi-Wan over to dinner on Saturday night to introduce him to the kids as his partner, but the kids have been out sick for Thursday and Friday (they’re not sick anymore tho), so they see obi-wan and they’re like !!! 😮😮 “Mr kenobi!!! Have you come to give us the art class lessons we missed!!!” and Obi-Wan is like ah er uh—but the twins are so excited because they love Mr. Kenobi so instead of eating dinner with his boyfriend and telling the twins about their relationship, Anakin sits on the couch and watches mr kenobi, full on teacher mode and collared shirt hastily buttoned up all the way again, teach his kids how to do hand turkeys.
Then the next plan is that they will casually meet up in the park with the kids (over summer so no teacher mistakes can happen) and tell them then (after mr kenobi has bought them ice cream to soften them up), but the twins see mr. Kenobi on a bench sitting quietly and they sorta freak out because they didn’t realize teachers could exist outside of school, and Anakin regretfully tells obi-wan this way won’t work either because if they’re just now realizing Obi-Wan can exist outside of school, it feels like a bit much to add in “and he kisses your dad sometimes in his spare time”
What finally works is that actually the twins put it together themselves: the beginning of the year project is a collage of things you did over the summer, and Obi-Wan makes his as a demonstration and includes a lot of things he did with Anakin on dates because he’s a simp in love <3 and the twins are super smart, right, so they’re like “wait that’s the play that dad saw over the summer and loved so much he spent the night at the theater and that’s why we had a baby sitter!” and they’re like “wait dad took us on a day trip to the beach too!” “wait that’s dads favorite color!!” “That’s the art gallery dad took us to!”
and during recess they take all this new information and they huddle and they start scheming because well. They really like Mr. Kenobi. And their dad and Mr. Kenobi seem to have so much in common….what if they can set their dad up with mr kenobi?
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journen · 2 years
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Yeah. Take Procreate away from me lol.
(Wanted to draw Cody in a matching Hawaiin shirt to Obi, and after some discussion in the Mustache Cody™️ discord this drawing was spawned. 😩 I imagine these two went out for the night, and somehow Cody managed to convince Obi to wear the shirt. Unfortunately, they ran into Quinlan, who insisted on taking their photo, and Obi is like oh God no bc he knows Quin will never let them off the hook for this lol and he doesn’t want his photo taken. Cody is just running with it tho lol.)
Mustacheless versions under the cut!
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Double Mullet Single Stache: The Roller Skating Incident
Inspired by art (and Teacher Codywan/Mustache Cody AU ideas) from journen and sunflowersinheaven! 
My gift to y’all for this delightful AU @journen @sunflowersinheaven
Cody bumps into Obi-Wan while roller skating in the park– literally.
High School Teachers AU! where Cody and Obi-Wan are on summer break and find each other regardless.
Word count: 2,292
Ten days. 
It was down to ten days before he would be back at school with all of the high school brats that he equally loved and hated. Every year the same feeling returned, the simultaneous dread and excitement that came with the beginning of a new school year. 
Cody had walked to the park from his job at the coffee shop in town where he spent his slow summer days as a barista, and as he walked, a bit of anxiety tugged at his stomach.
Of course, he had been planning for the upcoming school year all summer with his notepad and laptop tucked into an empty space on the counter when there were slow days at the shop, but he couldn’t help but feel unprepared. Each year brought new challenges, new kids, and an endless supply of phone calls with angry parents who were convinced he wasn’t doing his job right. 
With a sigh, Cody tried to clear his head and sat heavily on an empty park bench that overlooked the sidewalk.
It was a hot day, but not hot enough to keep people inside their houses. The sidewalk was filled with bikers, teenage skateboarders, and families watching the ducks swim around in the river. 
Cody planned to join them.
Fingers trembling a bit as he wished away the remnants of anxiety, Cody pulled his socks and orange roller skates. A small smile crept onto his face as he put them on and stood on wobbly feet to straighten his matching orange shorts. 
Here we go Cody, no more stress today. 
Tossing his bag behind a bush, hoping no one would think to steal an old, dirty gym bag, Cody set out onto the busy sidewalk and pushed to the edge closest to the river away from most of the crowd. 
Though he skated once a week, if not more, his first few minutes were always unbalanced and Cody held his arms stiffly at his sides as he propelled himself slowly along the edge of the river. 
After a few minutes, he felt himself finally start to relax. His muscles untightened and the tightness in his chest seemed to loosen just a little, especially as he began to watch a group of swans float along the very edge of the water. 
He had taken his eyes off the sidewalk for just a second, but that was already too long and he heard a man’s voice ring out from right in front of him–
“Watch out!” 
Cody barely had time to rip his eyes away from the swans before he saw a flash of auburn hair and yellow and suddenly he collided with something– someone. 
Toppling backwards to the side and landing with a loud thud, he thanked his lucky stars that his head had just missed colliding with the pavement, and instead bounced against the grass. His calves and elbows, however, met a somewhat worse fate and scraped against the sidewalk.
That will hurt tomorrow.
Taking a moment to collect himself and catch his breath, Cody stayed on his back, eyes trained on some oddly shaped cloud in the sky. He blinked a few times, pressing a hand against the back of his head to find that it just felt a bit sore; the hit likely hadn’t been bad enough to cause a concussion. 
Suddenly, just as he was about to sit up and make sure he hadn’t caused too much damage to the other skater, a head appeared in front of his eyes hovering just above him. Well– at least he thought it was a head; his eyes produced a blurry image of something floating above him and he tried to focus his eyes. 
For a moment he started to think he might have a concussion after all. 
“Are you–?” The image above him became clear just as the man above him began to speak in a English drawl that sounded so very similar to–
“O-Obi-Wan?” He asked as his eyes widened. The man leaning over him certainly looked like Obi-Wan, and sounded like him too, but his hair was styled as a mullet– a goddamn mullet, and his facial hair was a little bit less well-kept than he usually left it. Not to mention, Obi-Wan usually wore glasses, and the man above him had no glasses but those same ocean blue eyes. 
“Mr. Fett– I mean– Cody!” His hunch had been correct judging by Obi-Wan’s raised eyebrows and the concern– then shock– that curled over every feature of his face. He had always been so expressive. “I-I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean…” Obi-Wan looked nervous, especially when his cheeks slowly developed into a pronounced red and he shut his open mouth with a snap. 
“That’s okay– could I sit up?” Cody asked awkwardly under Obi-Wan’s piercing gaze; he felt his own blush begin to stain his cheeks. 
For a moment, Obi-Wan stared at him and Cody could not help the pit that settled into his stomach. Obi-Wan looked… good. Stunning. 
His lips were the same rosy red that had always been, and his beard almost looked better unkempt, but the mullet– the mullet suited him better than the side-parted, neatly organized look he had taken to wearing for the past year at school. It lined his face and jaw so perfectly and made him look much more– well… hot.
To put it simply. Not that he didn’t look hot in his button-ups and khaki pants and goddamn sweaters; Cody loved Obi-Wan’s sense of style. Perhaps it was the contrast from his usual attire that made Cody’s heart beat just a little bit faster. 
Normally kept his athletic form hidden beneath a well-tailored pair of slacks, but now, it was all on show. 
Cody swallowed as Obi-Wan extended a hand to him to help him to his feet. 
Cody was surprised by how strong his grip was and how easily Obi-Wan seemed to pull him onto his unsteady feet. Cody wobbled on his skates, barely maintaining his balance, but Obi-Wan caught him with an arm curled around his side and smiled gently as Cody finally seemed to stop rolling out of control. 
It was certainly Cody’s turn to be embarrassed. 
“Sorry, I should be better at this.” He murmured before catching sight of Obi-Wan’s yellow, half-zip top. The zipper had been pulled down far enough that the red curls of Obi-Wan’s chest hair were peaking out– chest hair that Cody had no idea Obi-Wan possessed, but it made the entire situation that much worse. 
Fuck him and his hot fucking chest hair and stupid fucking mullet. 
Cody wanted to say that, but instead, he tore his eyes away and tried to blink away the image. 
“Oh– oh… Cody you’re bleeding.” Obi-Wan’s English accent rang out again and Cody looked back up at him, not noticing any blood himself, “Here on your elbow– I think on your leg too.”
Cody twisted around to find that indeed, blood seemed to be dripping down onto his forearm and down the back of his leg. Shit. 
Cody was about to say goodbye and head back to his old gym bag with a hope that it contained some sort of bandage when–
“I’ve got some plasters in my bag just over there. It’s my fault we bumped into each other anyway– at least let me bandage you up.” Obi-Wan stared at him expectantly, eyes soft and lips curled into a slightly guilty smile. 
Who was Cody to say no to that face?
So he agreed, notably without hesitation, to go with him.
He let Obi-Wan guide him across the busy sidewalk and up the hill until they reached an old oak tree where Obi-Wan had left his own ratty gym bag. Next to the old tree was the edge of the road where Obi-Wan told Cody to sit while he rummaged through his bag. 
“Here they are.” He murmured as he knelt in front of Cody, shorts riding up on his markedly well-muscled legs as he ripped open the packaging of the first bandage with his teeth. 
Fucking hell–
“I didn’t know you were a skater, Cody.” Obi-Wan said, concentration painted across his features. "I would have invited you to gym class when we started that unit. The kids could always use a little extra instruction."
“Oh– I’m really a beginner. I only started this summer– it gives me something to do.” Cody said, realizing it made him sound slightly more lonesome than he meant it to. Not that he hadn’t been just a little bit… well– lonely, he just didn’t want to give Obi-Wan that impression. 
He followed up with a big smile and then a little frown as Obi-Wan’s shoulder nudged against a bruise on the inside of his knee as he tilted Cody’s calf to an angle where he could reach the small, bleeding cut.
The little wrinkle that formed between Obi-Wan’s eyebrows as he concentrated on placing the bandage on Cody’s calf was unhealthily attractive– Cody could barely tear his eyes away.  
Before Cody could say something he would regret later, Obi-Wan had already sat up a bit and was beginning to search through the small first-aid kit for another bandage. 
“Looks like we had the same idea then.” Obi-Wan said as he pointed a finger to Cody’s head after a moment of sifting through his supplies. For a moment, Cody was confused, before he realized, embarrassment leaking into his cheeks, that he had also chosen to grow a mullet over the summer. He had figured it would match the mustache he had managed to maintain during the last half of the school year. 
The same mustache Obi-Wan had complimented. Twice. 
“I think it looks better on you.” Obi-Wan said with a hint of an embarrassed smile, “I was planning to cut my hair again for the new school year anyhow.”
“No!” Cody said much too quickly, “Sorry– I just meant… It looks good on you. I think you should keep it– the students will probably love it.” That made Obi-Wan smile widely, the blush on his cheeks ever-present and so adorable that it made Cody want to reach out and caress his face with the pad of his thumb. 
Instead, he kept his fist clenched at his side.
“Oh I’m sure they would. I can hear it now– ‘Look! Mr. Kenobi’s trying to be fashionable!’” Obi-Wan said with another large grin as he placed another bandage across Cody’s elbow and moved upward to sit next to him on the curb. 
“At least the two of us together will single-handedly stop the kids from latching onto this trend. We can keep it to ourselves.” Cody said with a shrug and attempted but failed to avert his eyes from the skin of Obi-Wan’s thighs that were left exposed to the ungodly shortness of his shorts.
And Cody had thought his own shorts were short.
“I suppose you’re right, Cody.” Obi-Wan said with a hearty chuckle and absently stroked a hand through the longer hair on the back of his head. 
There was a momentary pause in conversation, though it wasn’t quite awkward, just filled with a familiar tension that Cody swore he could feel in the air. It was the same tension he felt every time he passed by Obi-Wan in the teacher’s lounge. 
Cody cleared his throat. 
“Um– thank you for the bandaging Obi-Wan.” Cody murmured and suddenly noticed he was copying Obi-Wan as he ran a hand across the curls on the back of his own head. 
“My pleasure– again, it was my fault, really. At least I have a lot of practice bandaging up arms and legs. Gym class can get a little rowdy sometimes!” He smiled brightly and Cody allowed himself a nervous chuckle. 
“Are you ready for the school year?” Cody asked, “I’m sure as hell not.” He added for good measure. 
Obi-Wan nodded enthusiastically, much to Cody’s surprise. 
“Don’t get me wrong, teaching can be exhausting, but this summer has been rather… boring.” Obi-Wan shrugged and played with the zipper of his top with nimble fingers.
Cody resonated with him; his own summer hadn’t quite been one for the books. The thought was accompanied by an immediate urge to say something– anything really– to ask Obi-Wan out on a date. 
Would that take it too far? Was it a good idea to do that just before the school year began? Would it be awkward if Obi-Wan said no?
Cody tried to think.
“I can’t say my summer was much more interesting.” Cody said with a lopsided smile that he meant to look much more natural, “I became a barista– just for something to do.” He added with a shrug and Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow.
“Really? That’s quite impressive. Have you perfected your latte art?” Obi-Wan asked with a touch of sarcasm in his tone and a wide grin that simply lit up his entire face.
“I have– I make a pretty damn good heart.” Cody drew a heart in the air with the tips of his index fingers. 
Then an idea– one more natural than asking Obi-Wan out on a lousy half-assed dinner date– struck him. 
“Hey– what if you stopped by the coffee shop sometime? I owe you a free latte– foam art included– after this one. Maybe we can go for a skate after?” Cody’s heart pounded loudly in his ribcage as he watched Obi-Wan’s facial expression for any indication of his feelings.
Please for the love of god, let him say yes.
Obi-Wan’s grin grew even wider, “How about tomorrow? Say– ten?” 
Cody could have cried.
“It’s a date.”
Don’t forget the booty shorts, Cody wanted to add, but he figured it was better to save special requests for the second date.
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codywanweek · 4 months
PROMPTS 2024 (aug 4-11)
Thank you all so much for voting!! I hope you like this year's selection of prompts 🧡����
Two notes: Firstly: ✨✨This year Codywan week will be 8 DAYS! On day 8 we celebrate our fifth year of codywan week.✨✨
Secondly: Like last year the overall top 7 of all prompts have been marked orange*. If you prefer having just one set of prompts, you can use these seven!
Alternate Universe: Day 1. No/Different Order 66* Day 2. Aro/Ace Codywan (how to write aro/ace codywan) Day 3. Soulmate AU* Day 4. Video Game AU Day 5. Original Kenobi Series Script* (see: here) Day 6. Crèchemaster Obi-Wan Day 7. Modern AU: Teacher/University/Academia AU*
Broad: Day 1. Lightsaber/ Lightsaber training Day 2. “There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.” — Patrick Rothfuss - The Wise Man's Fear Day 3. After the war Day 4. “Subtle” witty banter during the war* Day 5. Hurt/Comfort Day 6. Quiet Love Day 7. Courting
Specific: Day 1. Truth Spell/Serum Day 2. Beating rival suitors off with a stick* Day 3. Take me instead/saving each other Day 4. Raising kids/padawans/kidfic Day 5. Only one bed Day 6. Touch starved* Day 7. Dimension travel (by one character)
DAY 8: 5TH anniversary
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Alternate Universe: Day 1. Rebel Husbands AU* Day 2. Crèchemaster Obi-Wan Day 3. WLW Codywan Day 4. Meet as kids/young Obi-Wan and Cody/Padawan Obi-Wan and Captain Cody Day 5. Celestial Beings AU/(Celtic/Scottish & Māori) Mythology AU* Day 6. Soulmate AU Day 7. Modern AU: Rural type jobs (farmer/cowboy/homesteader)*
Broad: Day 1. "I love you like the sun" Day 2. Growing Old Together Day 3. Kyber Crystals* Day 4. Red string of fate Day 5. Pets and animals (tookas, Boga) Day 6. Touch starved Day 7. Battle couple
Specific: Day 1. Beating rival suitors off with a stick Day 2. Cody with a lightsaber* Day 3. Scars Day 4. One of Cody's antennae is linked to a tracker in Obi's lightsaber* Day 5. Comfy clothes vs. slut attire (a ho never gets cold!) Day 6. Force Sensitive Cody* Day 7. Long hair, hair cutting/trimming
DAY 8: 5TH anniversary
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NSFW (below the cut)
Writing: Day 1. Bottom Cody Day 2. "Good boy" Day 3. Sex Pollen Day 4. Praise kink Day 5. That's not how the Force works Day 6. Gasping/Begging/Moaning Day 7. Service top Cody
Art: Day 1. Kneeling Day 2. One naked/one clothed Day 3. Gasping/Begging/Moaning Day 4. Piercings Day 5. Wedding night Day 6. Shower sex Day 7. Lingerie
DAY 8: 5th anniversary
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anxiousotters · 14 days
Last Line Challenge
Rules: In a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or however many you like)
I got tagged twice over by the wonderful @cookiemonsterv3 during a stint of art/ writers block, so y'all get two codywan week WIPs now that I'm back
I believe my last line was somewhere around the puppy paw in this sketch for the rural jobs prompt
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And this snippet is for the Teacher/University/Academia prompt in an AU where Obi-Wan and Cody are engineering students working on their capstone project together
Ben's gaze narrows from across the table, his eyes as blue as the hottest part of a flame, and just as dangerous. Cody keeps eye contact with him, unfazed, knowing this impromptu staring contest is akin to putting his hand on an hot stove. He’s dauntless in the face of it. Burning his fingers is a small price to pay to get under Kenobi's skin.
Tags: @thenookspace, @friendlyneighbourhoodelf, @ferretrade, @meebles and anyone else who wants to play!
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drawingdroid · 6 months
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Drawing Droid’s chaotic Masterlist
Hi, I’m Terry, a Spanish Illustrator & Art teacher who is too obsessed with a space dad and his green child. I love writing fics of them as well as doodling anything Star Wars-related. I take drawing requests at the moment, so drop a message in my inbox if you want a treat. Thank you for sticking with me on this adventure, see you around. 🩵
General info of interest idk
🩵 You can find all my art under #droiddraws and my writings as #droidwrites
🩵 I update on AO3 here
🩵 This is my first year on Tumblr and I still don’t get things 100% here please be patient with me also I’m autistic and a lot of new social cues I don’t get!
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One Shots
To be taken care of 🍾 Bounty Hunter Reader | Smut
Sweet Potato 🍠 Modern AU | Neighbours | Fluff
The Unknown Regions 🪐 Plus Size Reader | Adventure, Fluff and Smut 🗓️ Ongoing
Melting Point 🌋 Modern AU | Sculptor Din Djarin | Art PhD Reader | Slow Burn 🗓️ Ongoing
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Vader under the suit red and blue
Anakin and Padme
Revenge of the Sith Happy Ending AU
Agent Whiskey and Grogu
Grogu Doodles here, here and here 💚
Silly Thanksgiving Din
Bento Box Grogu
Cowboy Grogu
Menstrual cup Din
Confused Din Djarin
Side profile Din
Finished Pieces
Too lazy to finish anything RN
Gifts, Commissions & Requests
Obi-Wan Kenobi x OC
Count Dooku x OC
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Here I put all my fav fics and art from other creators I love! Don’t wanna have that gems lost in the vastness of the internet!
Fav Art
That amazing comics of Din and Grogu that make me cry @abigaillarson
Best SW comics in the galaxy @stealingpotatoes
Supreme Din Djarin Art @immarocketman
Din an Grogu being cute & chaotic af by @wwapich
Maul x Obi-Wan Comics I didn’t knew I needed! @milkcioccolato
The cutest SW chibis @nikkigam
Fav Fics
Sweetest Modern Din Djarin AU @604to647
All my fav Pedro Boys by @fuckyeahdindjarin
The cutest Din!!! By @thefrogdalorian
Everything by @beskarandblasters honestly
The dividers we can’t live without from @saradika @saradika-graphics
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sith-obikin · 1 year
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OFF WE GO ❤️‍🔥
We are thrilled with the submissions and we’ll be posting them anonymously in batches in the upcoming days!
Here’s the first round of AO3 works, together with our heartfelt THANK YOU 🙏🏻
Little reminder for all the artists: don’t forget to tag us so we can promote your work here as well!
• (✦థ ェ థ) by Anonymous (comic screenplay)
Reverse Master Padawan AU
Darth Vader is in need of an apprentice. His former Master and the Emperor pressuring him to raise a new generation of powerful Sith. 
But it's not only him that seeks Vader's attention. An initiate, a young student, asks him to become his teacher. 
Obi-Wan Kenobi has great potential. He is cunning, strong, fine swordsman and a very talented little boy. Most of Sith are very eager to snatch him, but Obi-Wan refuses them all because he wants Vader.
DW: Obi-Wan being a model student, basically your Ferus Olin from the Jedi Quest, but also very star-struck by Vader, who he adores. Bonus points if you can write the impending doom of apprentice killing their Master at the end as something both Vader and Kenobi contemplate. 
Bonus bonus points if you can make it sort of Obi-Wan trying to seduce Vader in hopes that if they'll sleep together, Vader would be more receptive to taking him as an aprentice.
• Even if I Fall, I'll Protect You by Anonymous (comic art)
Qui-Gon dies but Obi-Wan doesn't get to train Anakin, he is given to another Master. Years pass and without the help of taking care of his young charge Obi-Wan is not dealing well with his grief and emotions.
So when during a mission to investigate Kamino he is approached by his grandmaster Dooku, there isn't much holding him in the Jedi Order.
What Obi-Wan doesn't know is that young Anakin harboured a massive crush for him and now will do anything to bring his beloved Obi back to him.
DW: Anakin being obsessed over Obi-Wan, finding ways to seek him out and confront him, getting angry and jealous when Kenobi fights or flirts with other Jedi. Obi-Wan secretly trying to protect the boy from Sidious grand plan.
DNW: Infidelity. Obi-Wan or Anakin openly engaging in any sexual or romantic activity with someone else (past mentions of flings are fine).
• will you give in to me? by Anonymous
Sith Suitless Vader and Jedi Padawan Obi-Wan in a fuck or die situation. Padawan Obi is reluctant, Vader is impatient. Things get heated. Obi starts enjoying it too
DW: Smut, Bottom Obi, Top Ani, Non-Con Elements, Angst, bittersweet or happy ending,
DNW: Top Obi-Wan, Bottom Anakin, Scat or waterworks, bad or ending, Obi or Ani hating each other, anidala
• Look of Ruined Desperation by Anonymous
Emperor Obi-Wan loves to attend meetings in his office, with his dear husband warming his cock.
Don't want: rape/non-con, others participating in the obikin sex, open relationship, unhappy ending, unhappy relationship, watersport, scat, emeto, pet play, age play
• by the fires of the sun by Anonymous
Jedi Anakin (any era is fine!) is in the clubs of Coruscant looking for a no-strings-attached one night stand to take the edge off before he leaves for a mission that could take months. It's in the clubs that he meets "Ben" and it's lust at first sight.
For Obi-Wan, what started as him luring a Jedi into his bed in order to try and sneak information out of him, quickly turns into a obsession with Anakin and a need to make him his forever.
Bonus points for infidelity where Anakin is sneaking around behind Padmé's back by seeking a one night stand with someone else.
DW: NSFW (prefer top!Obi for this, but either dynamic is fine), dominant!Obi, Anakin being enamored enough that he ignores/misses a ton of red flags about Obi-Wan being a Sith
DNW: Obianidala, piss, scat, vomit, mpreg, heavy pet play, major character death
• you'll never know, dear by Anonymous
Yoda doesn't send Obi-Wan to deal with Vader on Mustafar.
Instead he sends someone else and they return with the news that Skywalker is dead. Obi-Wan is inconsolable.
It feels like the half of him has perished, his heart withered and died. His soul darkened.
He falls into a deep depression, before slowly starting to blame everything and everyone for the death of his beloved boy, the light of his life.
He iz convinced that had he gone to Mustafar, he could've talked Anakin back to the light. Which causes him to Fall in the end, driven by desire for revenge.
He starts haunting down Inquisitors and occasional Jedi who cross his path in his attempts to get to Sidious and kill him for what he did to his boy.
DW: Obi-Wan being extremely distraught, almost catatonic before he spirals. It's up to you whether Vader lives or indeed dies at the end.
DNW: Palpatine killing Obi-Wan.
• They won't know Mustafar by Anonymous
-Do you remember this moment, Vader? Just 9 days before your discovery.
-How to forget it Darth Ben
Obi-Wan and Anakin find two people identical to them, apparently they are from another galaxy.
• Disintegration by Anonymous
ROTS AU where Obi-Wan Falls instead of Anakin
• i've done dark things (in these shadows) by Anonymous
Obi-Wan as a Sith apprentice of Dooku and is Dooku's chosen heir but seeing as Dooku is just from a part from an external branch from the Bane line of Sith, his line of Sith Lordship isn't well liked or favored by either the wide known Sith Empire or Sidious himself (the current Sith emperor).
Because of this, Dooku cautions his apprentice to hide his talent so others will not know their plan to overthrow Palpatine, so they can usurp the throne and establish Obi-Wan as the new Emperor.
Palpatine's chosen is Anakin and the moment Anakin and Obi-Wan meet, Anakin knew he wanted Obi-Wan for himself, cue dangerous flirting game and Obi-Wan trying to navigate having both Anakin and Palpatine's attention on his back.
DW: Bottom Obi-Wan Kenobi, Top Anakin Skywalker, Kinks of all kinds, Gore, dead Dove, it doesn't matter, anything goes.
DNW: Top Obi-Wan Kenobi, Bottom Anakin Skywalker, Major Character Death (Only Anakin and Obi-Wan, if others, it's fine idc)
• I would burn the stars to protect you by Anonymous
Whump with sith Obi-Wan + jedi anakin.
They haven't known each other for long but actually long enough for them both to develop feelings to each other despite their differences. The context on how they meet is up to you. It can be because of a mission the council assigned to Anakin, but yeah you decide.
One day Anakin gets seriously injured by one of Lord Kenobi's inquisitors. Obi-Wan goes feral and fully in protective boyfriend mode (The guilty inquisitor is immediately killed of course).
DW: The more angsty and whumpie the better!, Blood loss injury
DNW: major character's death (it can be temporary tho), smut
• A song to keep us warm by Anonymous
Dyad AU.
Obi-Wan Kenobi was renounced by Qui-Gon Jinn after the battle on Naboo and had chosen to leave the Order.
Anakin gets to be Qui-Gon's new padawan instead.
Years later, Obi-Wan resurfaces again, on the battle of Geonosis, as a Sith Lord.
Shortly after that Anakin begins to have visions of him, the Force somehow connecting them and Anakin is forced to confront the man who might have been his older brother his friend but now turned his enemy.
DW: Sort of Reylo Force connection vibes, with Anakin being angry and guarded, while Obi-Wan is curious and calm. Maybe they slowly learning about each other.
DNW: Major Character Death, Unhappy Ending, Anidala (could be in passing but ultimately obikin is the soulmate endgame)
• i'll help you fall down with me by Anonymous
Rako Hardeen Arc (or a similar style mission), but rather than faking his death, Obi-Wan fakes a fall to the Dark Side for the mission. In his distress, Anakin falls (for real) and follows after his Master to find and rejoin with him.
DWs: Angst, Established relationship for obikin, Dubcon or noncon when Vaderkin finds out Obi-Wan was faking his fall
DNWs: piss, scat, vomit, mpreg, heavy pet play, major character death
• 'eat your young' by Anonymous
Sith Lord Kenobi and his acolyte Skywalker have a grueling training session.
DW: sexual tension, sweaty bodies, bloody sparring relationship might be established or not.
DNW: go crazy! no limits
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a-random-pillow · 8 months
Star Wars DND AU
Sidious is the DM, he is a forever DM and has never been a player. He is a teacher who started a D&D club there first year at a high school which spirlled widely out of hand. Spends more time planning DnD then actual lessons. (Forever DM)
Yoda is another teacher who can do really funny voices and helps Sidious with actual lesson plans. (Only played Yoda)
Dooku is a university student who is Co-Oping Sidious, he is also fencing champion. After his Co-Op ended, he would show up from time to time. (Also played Wolf Yularen, Cassian Andor, Hera, and Paz Vizal)
Qui-Gon was brought in by Dooku. Qui-Gon would bring up random kids who were having a bad day to play with them. ( Also Played, Zeb, Hunter and Din)
Obi-Wan was brought in by Qui-Gon after he found Obi crying in a stair well. Obi-Wan can be a bit of rules lawyer but chills if you just tell him you are rule of cooling it. (Also played Tech, Kannan Jarrus and Eli Vanto)
Anakin was found hiding in a bush by Qui-Gon, the kids enjoys making random machines and Min-Maxing his characters. He is Sidious's favorite since Anakin helps him design comat encounters. (Also played Wrecker and Sabine)
Thrawn is one of Dooku's friends who stopped by to stay hi and was dragged into DND. Thrawn is a art history major. (Also played Mon Mothma, Maul, and Commander Cody)
Ezra is Thrawn's little brother who came with Thrawn one day. ADHD little man who is very nice. Is one of the few people who can get Thrawn to smile and laugh regularly.(played Ezra Bridger, and Savage Opress)
Luke Skywalker was a kid who Padme(Anakin’ girlfriend) tutored. Anakin pretty much adopted Luke and his sister Leia. Luke is a good boy who normally hide a behind Leia.(played Luke Skywalker, Cal Ketsis and Fives)
Leia Skywalker is Lukes older twin who is a terror. She is very smart and gets along great with Palps. (played Leia Organa, Rex, and Ahsoka)
More of the things
The closet in the classroom is just supplies for D&D
Sidious is very rich (Old money) and sometimes pays for the whole group to go to conventions.
Obi-Wan runs a restaurant
Luke, Leia and Ezra are bffs
There are constant jokes about Padme and Anakin’s future wedding (‘You aren’t invited to my and Padme’s wedding’) (‘When you get married you better make me your best man’)
All the characters have backstories and trauma and help each other through it. They are a very messy hodgepodge group but they are think as thieves and will always be their for each other.
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0lemon-and-lime0 · 3 months
So I was bullshitting with my friends and BOOM au idea! I thought I’d share it with y’all! :D
Ok so this is a Star Wars modern au at an high school. Anakin is Ben (obi-wan’s) student teacher and the both of them also help coach the fencing club. The “clones” are a family of pretty identical jocks. Most play (American) football. They are aged down to late teens ish. Ahsoka is a prodigy student who’s placed in Ben and Anakin’s homeroom and ELA class.
There are quite a few major changes. Example: Ventress is aged down to be a rival student at the “dark side school” (I have yet to pick a name) additionally the original 3 Star Wars movies exist as movies in this au. Unfortunately this caused me to change some names like Skywalker that appeared in canon. The last names are changed to their actors last names. While some prequel only characters can get away with it.[the exception: one side of the “clone family” have the last name Fett.] OH and Padme is on school board, palpatine is mayor. Yay politics-
If you have any questions please ask! ^-^
I’ll probably post more art and stories from this au.
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obikin-events · 1 year
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Welcome to our 2023 Valentine’s Day Gift Exchange!
What is the Obikin Events Valentine’s Day Gift Exchange? 
Well, it’s much like any holiday or fandom exchange where a person will sign up to create something fannish for someone else who signs up, and in turn will be given a gift created just for them! 
We do ask if you’re thinking about signing up for this, that you keep our minimums and schedule in mind, as these dates and requirements are for everyone, so no exceptions will be made.
The Schedule:
Signups will open on: January 1, at 12:00AM US EST.
Signups Close: January 8, 11:59PM US EST.
Assignments will be out by: January 10, 11:59PM US EST.
Works are due by: February 9, 11:59PM US EST.
The Pinch Hitters will be contacted and given assignments on: February 10, 11:59PM US EST.
Gifts will be revealed on: February 14, 12:00PM US EST!
Authors will be revealed: February 21, 11:59AM US EST!
What are the basic rules for this Valentine’s Day Gift Exchange?
You must have an Ao3 account to sign-up for this exchange, as that is where we will be running this. Please contact the mods if you would like help getting an invite if you need one.
Works will remain anonymous until the reveal date, so please do not share or talk about what you are creating for your giftee until after the creator reveals have happened.
You must be 18+ to sign-up.
YOU MUST TAG APPROPRIATELY – while something may not bother you, that is not the same for someone else, so please, please ensure you tag appropriately or leave a note at the top of the fic letting people know that ‘x’, ‘y’ or ‘z’ thing is going to appear within your creation.
While we have no maximums for this exchange, these are our hard minimums you must meet:
Fic: 500 words.
Art: a clean sketch that is at least 500x500 pixels.
How does the Valentine’s Gift Exchange work?
When you sign-up you will list at least 3 prompts, likes/do not want’s – please be thorough when filling those out to ensure you receive what you want and not something that is a no for you – in your requests.
(example prompts: 1, Obi-wan meets Anakin by spilling coffee on him; 2, Sith Anakin tries to court Jedi Master Obi-wan; 3, Anakin helps his twins make up valentines cards for their second grade class, while hopelessly pining for their teacher and wishing he could give the man his own.)
(example likes/dislikes: likes - bottom Anakin, soft dom Obi-wan, canon verse, fix-its, happy endings | dislikes: bottom Obi-wan, modern AUs, no happy endings, mentions of Anidala or Quiobi)
In your offers, you will list what you are comfortable creating for and what you are not.
(example: I’m comfortable writing canon verse/compliant/divergence, fix-its, Sith/Never a Jedi AUs, etc… | I’m not comfortable writing reverse or age swap fics, modern AUs)
Please note if you are open to receiving treats or not.
Treats are a bonus, not something creators need to fill!
Once you receive your asignment, you begin creating!
What happens if I don’t like any of the prompts I receive?
While mods will be double checking that 'do not wants' do not conflict with their matches requests, the prompts are meant to inspire you. As long as you do not write something which a person has marked 'DNW' and suit the spirit of the exchange.
Can my work be multi-chaptered? 
Absolutely it can! But it must be a completed work when you fulfil your assignment by the deadline.
What kind of art can I make? 
While you may opt into receiving nontraditional art for treats – such as gifs, fanvideos, fanmixies, podfics, graphics/manips – we do ask that you stick to the more traditional fanart/writing for filling the main assignment.
Do we have to fill out all prompts when signing up?
No, you simply need to fulfill one of the prompts given. 
I’m excited to talk about my prompts, can I?
No. This exchange is meant to be a secret, so please do not discuss who you’re creating for in a public setting. If you have a trusted friend you talk over ideas with, that is alright but please don’t publicly speak about it. 
I’ve signed up but life has happened and I don’t think I’ll be able to finish my gift. What should I do?
Please contact the mods as soon as you realize this so that we may contact a pinch hitter and give them the maximum amount of time to work on the gift. 
I’d like to sign up as a pinch hitter, how can I do that?
If you’d like to sign up as a pinch hitter, please DM the mods with your Ao3 handle and the best way to contact you and we’ll add you to our list!
I know I won’t be able to fulfill my gift but a friend has said they could, can I just give them my assignment?
No. Please do not do this. If you know you will not be able to finish, please contact the mods and not just give your assignment away to a friend.
Can I only list 3 prompts?
No, you can absolutely list more, but the minimum we ask for is three. 
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to send in an ask on Tumblr, a DM on Twitter, an ask in the discord server or even an email to [email protected].
May the Obikin Be With You.
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kanansdume · 2 years
AU where Reva ends up wandering around the galaxy for a while after the events of the show and ends up accidentally getting taken in by a motley crew made up of a bunch of people who don’t have a home left to go to for one reason or another and are used to taking in misfits with a dark past and secrets to keep.
The Ghost Crew knows Reva’s force sensitive, but Kanan doesn’t recognize her as a Jedi youngling and none of them face Inquisitors until long after she’s left, so they don’t completely understand who and what she is.
She’s never gotten another lightsaber after she left her red one back in the sands of Tatooine, but Kanan and Ezra invite her along when they go to the Lothal Temple and Reva’s SO CERTAIN she’s going to be rejected by the Temple because of her past, but she isn’t.
Reva having her own vision in the Temple to help her come to terms with herself, maybe speaking to Yoda and getting his wisdom again for the first time in 15 years. Reva coming out of that Temple with a crystal of her own, just like Ezra. Because she never got to go on her Gathering expedition, she’d been just a little too young, set to go within the next few months when Order 66 happens. She never got to prove herself a Jedi and face her fears. It’s yellow, the color of a protector, a guard.
Reva not really knowing how to react to Ahsoka, Anakin’s Padawan, yet ANOTHER connection to someone she’s trying to forget and leave behind. It’s not Ahsoka’s fault, she knows that, any more than it was Obi-Wan’s, but she was TRAINED by him, so she’s always just a little wary around her just in case something rubbed off on her. She’d left the Jedi, after all. Reva didn’t totally know the details of what had happened to Ahsoka, but she remembered that Ahsoka had chosen not to come back to them. It had been all the younglings could talk about for a while.
Reva being the first to go out and search for the Force Sensitive kids because she won’t fail any more of them the way she had been failed. She won’t let any more die if she can help it. 
The Ghost Crew listening as Reva explains who she was, that she’d been a survivor of the Temple Massacre, that she’d joined the Inquisitors to try to take down Vader, that she’d failed and nearly fallen but made the choice not to be like him in the end. She leaves out the things Obi-Wan had asked her to leave out, for his own safety and for Luke’s, even though a part of her wants Kanan to know, to know there’s another Master out there, she knows how difficult it was for him to agree to train Ezra, how hard he searched for a more qualified teacher and how much he would love to have a teacher to lean on the way he SHOULD’VE had. But she won’t betray Obi-Wan’s confidence again, she won’t put Luke in danger again. And the Ghost Crew chooses to understand, to accept that she made mistakes, and that she’s long made amends for them. They know who she is NOW, and that’s enough.
Reva training with Kanan and Ezra, neither Kanan NOR Reva having received completed training, but doing their best to try to figure it out on their own, together. Reva bonding a lot with Chopper which everyone finds a little terrifying. Reva learning from Sabine that a good creative piece of art can be just as satisfying as blowing up an Imperial factory, and reconnecting with that piece of her past as a Jedi. Reva learning how to loosen up and play games with Ezra and Zeb, learning how to just PLAY again. Reva learning to be something of an older sister figure on the ship, probably one of the more responsible ones Hera learns to trust to send out on errands because she’s the least likely to get completely distracted and the most likely to keep some of the more rowdy of the crew in line if they DO get distracted.
Reva joining the mission to Malachor and facing her worst fears, the worst of her past, and refusing to fall a second time, refusing to be baited by the Inquisitors or by Anakin. Reva helping out Ahsoka when she goes up against Anakin because she’s a lot better now than she used to be the last time she tried this and this time she isn’t alone. Reva getting Ahsoka OUT OF THERE when that Temple starts to go down, refusing to let Ahsoka die for someone who wouldn’t do the same for her.
Reva and Ahsoka having to have a LONG talk afterwards about how Reva knew and hadn’t told Ahsoka. How Reva had known from the way Ahsoka spoke about Anakin that telling her the truth would’ve just brought her pain and it wouldn’t really have changed anything. Ahsoka still isn’t happy Reva dragged her away from Anakin in that temple, but Reva refuses to apologize for it. The Rebellion needs Ahsoka more than Vader does, they can’t afford to lose her because she got overly sentimental, because she was too attached. Reva reminds Ahsoka that that’s exactly what led her Master to what he’s become now and she should make sure not to follow him down that path, lest she become just yet another monster in the Empire’s line-up they had to defeat. 
Reva and Kanan overcoming the way they feel about the clones, striking up friendships with Rex and Wolffe and Gregor. Reva protecting Gregor in that last battle on Lothal because when she was a youngling, she’d known about the clones, she’d known it was a Jedi’s duty to protect them, and she’d been awaiting the day she was allowed to go out into the field as someone’s Padawan and help. 
Reva following Ezra to Tatooine, because she knows what he’s going to find out there and she CAN’T fail Luke or Obi-Wan again, it’s her duty to stop him before he goes too far. Besides, it’s an obvious trap being laid by Maul and Ezra is a youngling, she swore not to let any more Jedi younglings die if it was within her power to do so. She doesn’t quite manage to find Ezra before Obi-Wan does, but she arrives around the same time as Maul, who doesn’t even realize she’s there so she’s able to sneak up behind him and stab him through the heart before he does any more damage to her remaining family. She makes sure to remove his head for good measure, just in case. She and Ezra have to have a long talk later about the fact that she never told him he was RIGHT about Obi-Wan being alive. 
Reva and Ahsoka now being able to accompany the group that goes to Lothal and things going a little better there with two extra Jedi around. Kanan gets to survive, but Ezra still disappears. But Reva realized what he was up to and had followed him onto Thrawn’s ship, so he’s not alone with Thrawn when it goes into hyperspace. 
Reva getting incorporated into this rag tag family of people who’d lost their homes, lost their families, had their own dark secret pasts to face and overcome. Reva getting a new family after the loss of her last one, learning to love again. The Ghost Crew aren’t the Jedi, the Ghost is not the Jedi Temple, but that’s okay.
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tennessoui · 2 years
KIT i hadn’t seen the art teacher au before and now that i have i am CHANGED i love it, it’s exactly what i needed as a pick me up on a Monday 😭😭😭 i hope someday to read these painting follow up lmao i LOVE your bumbling anakin who is struggling to keep up with a charming, flirty obi-wan (but happily horny about it)
thank you thank you yes objectively a bumbling anakin who is flustered by a cool and confident and flirty art teacher obi-wan is just delicious, 100%
Their second date, right, they go out for food and then obi-wan asks anakin to come back to his place to help him with a painting, and anakin is like “oh absolutely because that has to be code for sex and I would love to have sex with you.”
But then they go back to obi-wan’s place and there’s a very large canvas on the floor, tarps spread out beneath it, and obi-wan starts pouring different paints on it???
Imagine how flustered this anakin gets when obi-wan is like “great let’s have sex on this canvas for my art show 🥰”
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merlyn-bane · 6 months
11, 15, 16, and 21 for the unwritten/unpublished ask game? :)
Hello @meebles my beloved 😘😘
11. Is there any scene you can't wait for people to react to when reading? Why?
Oh, always! The only thing coming, like, immediately to mind right now though is actually from the next chapter of Foelu. It's less like a whole scene and more a piece of dialogue, but I think it's one of the funniest things Cody says in the whole thing, and it's a bit I'm planning on doing some art for as well. Let's just say that Cody has very little patience for reporters :)
15. Do you have any unwritten scene that you think about a lot?
There's a few different reunions that take place for Ari over the course of Traveling Song, but there's one more in particular that I haven't written yet that I think about all the time and just wanna cry and squeeze the nearest plushie.
16. Is there any written scene that you think about a lot?
I do think about Cody and Obi-Wan's introduction in the teacher AU quite a bit, as well as the next time they see each other afterward 😏😏😏
21. Is there any unwritten fic that you don't know if you ever will write?
There are so many. My WIP graveyard is vast and distinguished. There are a few that I think I'll just be working on forever, and there are a few AUs that I probably won't actually get to or just like to think about. I never want to super commit to not writing something, though, because I am a slave to the muse and she is a fickle mistress.
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heaven-s-black-box · 7 months
Notes- Modern Star Wars pt.1
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- the jedi all go to the same temple, in this au the jedi religion is no different then being Jewish, Muslim, Christian, ect.
- Caleb and Cal are neighbors, they've been besties since kindergarten (I refuse to separate these two, they are now a pair)
- Caleb's nickname is Kanan
- masters= parents (adopted or bio, a few exception cases like Ahsoka and Ani, Obi wan and Ani, ect.)
- obi wan is qui gon's bio kid, Anakin was adopted
-Ahsoka is adopted by plo koon
- while I would love to include all clones, last time I tried that I fried my modern AU, so here's a more edited list with my faves
- Jango had Boba and Omega
- Rex and Cody are brothers, they're boba and omega's cousins
- the bad batch(quintuplets) + domino twins are brothers and are boba and omega's first cousin once removed (so Jango's aunt/uncle's kids)
- pretty much everyone in the fett family joins the military to some degree
-Bd-1 is Cal's small dog, C3P0 is a golden retriever (or possibly a service dog for Ani due to childhood trauma) and R2 is a cat (maybe a tuxedo), Chewwie is one of those big super fluffy dogs, Chopper is a ginger cat, and Jar Jar is Padme's overly excitable yippy dog (couldn't decide on a breed)
- Hera and Kanan eventually adopt a wolf dog they name Dume, Chopper hates sharing attention
- Kanan adopts Ezra
- Sabine is related to Bo-Katan and Satine (somehow, I know she's the same clan so extended family!)
- After meeting clan Wren (I am writing this as I watch Rebels) I have decided Ursa was Satine and Bo-Katan's adpoted first cousin once removed
- Hera is totally Airforce, like I feel like that's the closest to her role in rebels, her and Kanan met in highschool
- their song, which later became their first dance at their wedding, is "Ain't no mountain high enough"
- Zeb is another friend of theirs from highschool, he was a year or two younger
- Zeb is a security guard, Ezra is an animal conservationist (see him and Loth wolves), his parents had a radio show where they talked about endangered species
- Kanan is a firefighter (because irony) and Cal is an elementary school teacher who is in charge of his school's fencing club
- in this au Kanan's injury comes from a job, once he's blinded he joins Ezra in his work
- Cere is a highschool music teacher, Merin is a history teacher who also has an elective cultures course, and Greez is a freelance pilot who's business is definitely totally 100% legal(/s aka he takes some shady jobs)
- Cere and Greez are neighbors, Merin works at the same school as Cere, and she meets Cal through her
- Din obviously adopts Grogu at some point, and Luke volunteers at the temple's Sunday school which is where he meets them(???)
- I feel like Luke would own a martial arts school, Leia becomes a politician like her mum, Anakin would be a robotics engineer
- Satine is prime Minister of Mandalore, Bo- Katan is either military or lawyer (she strikes me as the lawyer type), Sabine was going to join the military but ended up pursuing an artistic career, Korki wants to go into politics like his aunt
- Mandalore works like the u.s where it's a bunch of small countries a trench coat, except they're more functional... mostly
- Obi wan is either a social worker (helping other kids like Anakin) or some kind of diplomat, he only became a diplomat cause he took a few classes to spend more time with a cute international student *cough* Satine *cough* and found he was good at diplomacy
- Plo Koon and Ahsoka are body guards/ security, Plo has his own company, Ahsoka started as being in charge of marketing (I consulted my mom for Ahsoka's job and she suggested marketing because she's so bubbly)
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carolina-star · 2 years
🌟Star Wars AU
🔷Star Wars Modern AU
Has his own Masterlist (with timeline and eveyrthing), so just click here
Main ships: Anidala and Codywan
🔷Boba and the 212 Cody finds Boba after the battle of Geonosis
Cody finds Boba
The 212 and Boba
Obi-wan and Anakin meet Boba or a little comic with Boba, two jedis and Cody
🔷Pizza Planet AU One night Obi-Wan and his friends meet a little Anakin
Pizza, pizza
🔷Anakin and Vader the Lilo and Stitch AU where Vade is Stitch and Codywan
Send a friend
An evil koala
Badness level
Fancy hair
🔷Teenage General and Commander Clone Wars AU where Obi-Wan and Cody are teenagers. Also Codywan
Has it own masterlist here
🔷Hey Jude AU set in 80s Obi-wan is the new teacher in a crappy high School (in the USA) where Boba, Din, Han and Lando attend. Has his own list, click in the tittle.
🌟X-Men AU
🔸X-Men Monster AU
The comic
The skecth
🔸X-Men Edited line (basically my own X-Men timeline) This are just some of the important part, but every time I draw about the X-Men this is the timeline where it belongs. So just click in the xmen tag i guest.
Wolverine and Jubilee meet
Back to the X-Mansion
Wolverine is a dad
Ororo and Logan
Generation X   part1       part2
Concept art and other AU
⚡Harry Potter
🔹Harry and Teddy: I draw a lot about Harry taking care of Teddy, so maybe this could be some kind of semi AU. I´m not sure.
Teddy Lupin
Teddy Lupin part 2
Harry and Teddy
Teddy gives flowers to Harry
Teddy and his frog cards
When Harry meet Teddy
Harry and Teddy in Andromeda´s garden
Bath Time
🔹The cat AU where they´re cats.
🔹Nanny Barty so... yes... this is weird, just like it sounds. You have Barty Crouch Jr, Regulus Black, Harry Potter and Hedwig as a snake.
🔹And in general i have some other draw about Harry Potter, you can check it if you want. Just click in the tag.
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pkg4mumtown · 2 years
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Supreme Family x Star Wars AU crossover
So, I was on IG and saw a Mando!Tony Stark art and then a Padawan!Peter Parker art done by @osheeparts . And you know me, this bitch loves a crossover. SO, I'm like, well what about a Star Wars x Supreme Family (Stark/Strange with Peter and/maybe America as their "kids") crossover.
The AU is basically this:
Stephen Strange is raised as a Mandalorian Jedi (pau’an ancient one is his master) and regularly visits Mandalore because of culture. Attachment is either very loose in this AU or Strange ignores that suggestion (since he's a defiant bitch). He ends up falling for another Mandalorian from a different clan, Tony Stark. He's knighted, they marry, and the council would rather not fight him on it because he's good at what he does, plus two Mandalorians fighting are more effective than one (even if Tony isn't a jedi). Eventually they give Stephen a padawan (and he's NOT happy about it, which amuses the hell out of Tony) and it's Peter. Tony assumes dad position immediately and Stephen takes longer to warm up especially because he has to be a teacher/role model as well. They become super close like a family and it's cute as hell. When Peter is knighted, Tony and Stephen are super proud dads and gift him a piece of mando armor. They don't make the mistake of giving Peter a padawan when he's a new knight (*cough cough* sorry Obi-Wan) and instead give Stephen a new Padawan (America Chavez).
Tony: Mandalorian Human. Heavily scarred on his right side due to (unknown at the moment) and has a cybernetic arm up to his shoulder. Also has a cybernetic eye. He built both and his cybernetic eye works with the targeting system in his helmet (think JARVIS)
Stephen: Mandalorian either mutant or non-human (hes going to be paler/more gray than humans). He has 3 eyes, a little ponytail, and a big dick. Green lightsaber. He carries around one of the ancient one’s kyber crystals after they were killed (the eye of agamotto)
Peter: human, not much different than regular Marvel Peter. Uses VERY acrobatic lightsaber styles (duh). Blue lightsaber. Ps. Tom Holland's likeness is incredibly hard to get down.
Ancient one: I’m thinking a non-binary pau-an with two sabers (one yellow, one green). Overall badass. They were able to convince Stephen’s clan to let him become a Jedi to reforge the relations between Jedi and Mando.
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