#all the firefam will be totally cool with it and happy for Buck
stagefoureddiediaz · 1 month
I personally think it is categorically hilarious that Buck is seemingly gonna rock up to his sisters wedding with a boyfriend having not told his parents of this development in his life.
It is peak trolling payback to drop that bomb on them in an environment where they have to play nice after all they’ve done to him. This is baby box the revenge and I am here for it
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matan4il · 2 years
Hey so I’ve had these thoughts about all these “shovel talk” fics/posts in which Bobby, Maddie (tbh, I understand it with her, she’s off the hook), and firefam warn Eddie not to hurt Buck…but each of the firefam has something in common with Eddie that should make them protective of him as well: Bobby’s a widower, Hens a parent, and Chimney had a partner leave him with little warning. Idk, I just don’t find it as cute as some people that they would only think about little baby Buck. Eddie’s a single father of a special needs child, and there’s no doubt that Buck loves them, but I think somebody needs to have a talk with him about what that kind of commitment really means, and how much it would harm the Diaz boys if he really wasn’t ready for all of that. Maybe it’s just me, but even if I was friends with both of them, knowing their histories, Buck should be given at least one shovel talk from the firefam on Eddie’s behalf!
Hi Nonnie, thank you for your ask!
OK, so I have two parts for this, one about this specific scenario and the other in general about fics. Just keep in mind, this is my opinion only. I have no monopoly on the truth, I’m just sharing my own thoughts.
Regarding this scenario, I tend to agree with you, I can't see the 118 giving Eddie alone the shovel talk. They absolutely all have something that makes them identify with him and his situation. But it's also that they're all a family. All of them. 'Shovel talks' are usually reserved for family members to conduct with strangers (or at least outsiders to an internal circle of a chosen family), and Eddie just... isn't a stranger. Which is why I also don't see them doing the opposite, having a 'shovel talk' with Buck alone. The 118 love and care about both men, and I believe they would want to be there for both of them and not do anything that might be interpreted as choosing sides. Also do think the 118 see both Eddie and Buck as capable of handling their romantic business. If no one gave Taylor the ‘shovel talk’ in spite of knowing what she was willing to do to Bobby in 206 because they trusted Buck can handle himself, and Eddie is a much better human being than she ever was...
Now admittedly, this is considered a 'cute' thing for people to do because TV has used it that way. It's been repeatedly used on many shows as a way of saying, "we love our family member and we are protective of them" as well as a way of demonstrating that the person conducting the shovel talk is aware and/or accepting of their family member dating this person (a fact that they were either opposed to or unaware of in the past). So it makes sense to me that people have grown to like it and want to recreate it for their own characters. I don’t judge people for wanting to see or for writing the ‘shovel talk,’ whether for Eddie or Buck. Whatever makes you happy is what fan fiction is for in my book. I also keep in mind that just because IMO something isn’t ‘in character’ - it doesn’t necessarily mean I’m right, and also, even if I am right, who says fic has to be in character? If people wanna see what they think of as cute, and it’s not actually harmful for anyone, I don’t mind at all. Or if it fills a need... Like maybe the author identifies with Buck, and the author needs to feel loved and cared about by their friends, and they get to experience it through Buck, I’m totally cool with it. Life is hard enough, I’m ok with fics giving people whatever they need.
There is that exception of stuff being actually harmful. I remember years ago, I did an AO3 search and came across a fic in a fandom I was not active in, but it was a historic AU set during an event with significance in Jewish history. The ship wasn’t cast as Jews, but Jewish people were a part of the setting for this fic. So as a Jew, obviously I wanted to read it. The author’s notes stated she really researched this event, so in I went, actually excited to read this fic. It was awful. Every single action taken by Jews was interpreted in the most negative light possible. The Jews did X? It’s because they’re bloodthirsty. They did Y? It’s because they’re bigots. Just. Everything was horrible. It started out bad and just kept getting worse. And it’s exactly the fact that the author clearly did do their research and did know the facts that made it worse. It made it evident that the awful interpretations weren’t a result of ignorance, they were a choice. It left me understanding that I, as a Jew, can’t get away from antisemitism, not even when I turn to fic. And maybe that’s a part of what shaped my very chill attitude towards everything else. Like, unless people are being intentionally harmful, I really am ok with people using fic to make themselves happy whether it is in character or not... 
Which is to say, whatever I think is in character for the 118, I am totally cool with those writers who want Buck to have his teammates be protective over him with a shovel talk, and I am totally cool if you wanna write your own version where they do it for Eddie! Whatever makes you happy, is what I want for you! And if venting to me about those fics that irk you helped, then I’m also happy about that, you can always come rant to me! *LOTS of love* xoxox
(and if anyone’s looking for it, here is my ask tag! xoxox)
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kingbuckley · 4 years
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Alright you guys this turned into an absolute monster of a fic rec. It’s organised by word count in descending order, and ALL FICS HAVE A HAPPY ENDING!! i don’t read fics that don’t end happy so even if a fic seems scary you can rest assured it ends fine if it’s here.
Special shoutout to @thisissirius (same ao3 handle) and @getbvcked (attolians (annber) on ao3) i have all their fics bookmarked so i didn’t include them individually in this list but you should check them out because every fic they put out is amazing. 
the rest is under the cut:
Breaking and Entering by AngelCuttingOnions (g/1k): Have you ever been terrified to lose something that isn’t even yours? Digging helplessly at the mud with your bare hands, so determined not to let go, not to give up. Your heart going so fast you think it might just beat out of your chest.
in any place you'll allow by barelyprolific (m/1k): Cleaning duty has never looked as good as Evan Buckley waxing floors.Or, Eddie Diaz finally makes his move.
Care and Keeping by BlackRose (m/1k): Eddie's alive, but he almost wasn't. Buck's determined to keep him safe now more than ever. Eddie, wants Buck to feel seen.
Cool for the Summer by Onlymystory (e/1k): Buck comes over to apologize to Eddie. It's a very good apology.
fireworks have nothing on you by inkandella (nr/1k): Buck’s tears had dried not too long ago, but his hands still shook as he wrung them. Bobby had just left to deal with, well, everything, but Buck remained by the truck, refusing to drag his eyes from Eddie for even a second. Eventually it was just Hen and Chim that remained, and Buck could finally see Eddie clearly. The man’s face was streaked with mud, dirt, and blood, his shoulders were bowed and eyes stared blankly off somewhere ahead of him. Buck bit his lips, but it didn’t really help him from asking again. “Is he okay?”Or; Buck finally does something about it.
Hotel Complaints and Grievances Raised by asexual-fandom-queen (m/2k): After a night out with the 118, Eddie wakes up with Buck naked in bed, and a barrage of feelings to face.
fight so dirty/love so sweet by homewrecker (m/2k): Buck and Eddie go for the title.
YOUR MOUTH IS HEAVEN by AgnesClementine (t/2k): A tongue piercing. Buck has a tongue piercing. Which is fine. Totally fine. Eddie is absolutely not going to lose sleep because of that information.
Zoom Into My Heart by Shaniamr (m/2k): Buck didn't know that zoom shared your private chats at the end of the meeting, but he's about to find out.
collisions in the dark by Marcia Elena (marciaelena) (e/2k): Eddie and Christopher spend the night at Buck's. Coda to 3x09.
What do you need? by RealOrFiction (e/2k): Buck has needs. Needs that haven't been met in a while.
Great Game by LovelyLittleGrim (e/2k): Buck’s watching him, waiting for some type of response. “Scared, Diaz?”“I don’t have any reason to be scared, Buckley.” He meets Buck’s eyes, lips quirked and murmurs, “I always come out on top.”
Buck Wild by Ithinkwehaveanemergency (m/2k): Eddie accidentally finds out that his best friend, coworker, and secret crush has done gay porn.
no greater joy by elisela (g/2k): When he wakes again, he finds Buck and Christopher out in the backyard, snuggled into the hammock that Buck had brought over months earlier, the day after Christopher had offhandedly mentioned that he’d been in one during a camping trip once and liked it. Buck was fooling no one when he said he’d happened to find it in storage, and Eddie had helped him set it up immediately, basking in the second-hand glow of Buck’s complete adoration of his son.
No Rest for the Wicked by Wassereis (e/2k): Eddie gets home early. What he finds wasn't what he expected.
people who love the same by templemarker (t/2k): Buck was just reheating a plate for Eddie when he heard a very familiar snort behind him."Okay, what now," he said expectantly."So," Hen drawled, "you have one plate on the counter, steaming, already had a couple of bites. And now you've got a second plate," she gestured at the microwave to the reheating lasagne, "and we all know who that plate's for."Buck looked at her, tilting his head. "I mean, I always make a plate for Eddie," he said, confused.
One Week by elisela (g/3k): Christopher's week revolves around Buck.
wherever I'm with you by anonymous (g/3k): In which Buck can't settle down in his own apartment until he realizes the true meaning of the word home.Or; Sleeping is easier when it's with Eddie.
To Be Whole by mansikka (t/3k): They say that when you and your soulmate are ready to meet, whatever they write on their skin will appear on yours, and vice versa. Which Buck thinks is bullshit. Right up until words start appearing on his arm.
Pull The Pin by islandgirl (g/3k): Everything they've been feeling and not saying is like a grenade between them and damn it all, Buck is ready to pull the pin, let the explosion happen and for everything to fall into place.
Long Overdue by mansikka (m/3k): Eddie realizes his feelings for Buck are more than platonic; what's he supposed to do now?
you could write this love in stone by chocolatebirdie (nr/4k): "Whatever happens, after tonight, I just want you to know that your friendship has meant everything to me. You’re my best friend, Eddie. You and Chris are – are like family to me. And I’m really grateful to have met you both.”“Why does this sound like you’re breaking up with me?” Eddie asks. The confusion-amusement ratio has started to skew towards the former, with an added dose of concern. Well maybe if he’d shut up and let Buck talk, Eddie wouldn’t be so puzzled.Did he have to use the phrase “break up,” though? Buck’s not sure he can stand the implication.
you can always be found by chocolatebirdie (nr/4k): Abby's back in LA, and she keeps trying to get in touch with Buck. The only problem? He's literally always with Eddie.
Until the Dancing Ends by suyari (g/4k): It’s been the strangest day of his life to date.Or the one where everyone's seen the footage of the rescue but Eddie.
when the hardest part is over by Anonymous (g/4k): “It’s okay,” Buck rasps out, tight against Eddie’s ear. “We got you back. We got you. You’re safe.”It sounds like he’s reassuring himself as much as Eddie – might even be saying it for Christopher’s sake even though the boy is blissfully unaware of what’s happened tonight. A mantra spoken to the night like a victory speech, a reminder that it could take nothing away from them.
Not Done by red_to_black (nr/4k): Buck volunteered to get into the ambulance with him, knowing the risks. He's pinching the guy's skin and saying, "Take it out," and Eddie, for the first time since leaving the military, feels it - a connection. A kindred spirit. A purpose that tethers him to reality. A person relying on him to get the job done.(or - a list of things Eddie Diaz couldn't give up on, including himself.)
Talk About It by DoneInLove (e/4k): You want to send me your dickpic?Just to see if it looks okay. Buck starts sending Eddie his dick pics before he sends them to other people.Eddie doesn't know why he decided this was a good idea.
Guessing Game by Arsenal (t/4k): Buck overhears Eddie telling his mother that he has feelings for someone and drives himself nuts trying to figure out who is possibly could be. aka yet another oblivious Buck fic
Happy Buck Day by Jecari (g/5k): After pushing the balloons tied to Christopher's crutch away, Eddie finds his best friend frowning, mouth agape. Buck looks adorable."It's not my birthday," Buck points out after shaking his head."We know," Christopher laughs.
Buck Is My Warrior by elisela (g/5k): “We’ll be filming a special edition of American Ninja Warrior,” Troy announces after the introduction to the current contestant ends, “focused on our brave first responders. Go to our website to find out more details and how to submit your videos.”Oh.“Buddy,” Eddie says, “I don’t really know if that’s my thing.”Christopher looks at him, then down at his feet and mumbles something.“Didn’t catch that, kiddo,” Eddie says, reaching out and pressing two fingers under Chris’ chin to tilt his face back up.“I said,” Christopher says, “I want to nominate Buck.”
Eddie Diaz and the Cat-astrophe at the 118 by SquaresAreNotCircles (g/5k): It’s Chimney who rescues her from the tree, but it’s Bobby’s arms that she curls up in on the drive over to the vet to get her checked out. Right from the start, it’s as if she knows who she needs to cozy up with to secure her spot at the station.“Come on, that’s crazy,” Buck says, but he does so while laughing not at Eddie, but at the grey tabby cat trying to get her claws on the fake mouse on a string that Buck bought with his own money, so Eddie doesn’t put too much stock in his opinion.Or: The firefam adopts a mascot and Eddie has a minor crisis about it.
Evan Buckley and a Series of Unintended Consequences by Shaniamr (e/6k): Buck has been hurt on the job and has lost the ability to use his hands while they heal. Eddie jumps at the opportunity to help Buck with anything he needs. Anything.
Love Language by red_to_black (nr/6k): The one in which there's too much pollen around, Eddie pines, and Buck is oblivious.Or - Eddie's love language is acts of service, and Buck doesn't totally get it.
The Other Woman by MomentsOfWeakness (t/6k): Buck has been unlucky in love lately and he can't figure out why. It takes a phone call from Eddie and an interrupted date for him to finally put the pieces together.
My Favorite Place Is Inside Your Hug by Lopithecus (e/7k): When Eddie gets stuck in a hole while trying to rescue a kid, he remembers Afghanistan and how many people were lost. Luckily he has Buck in his corner to help him get through the memories.
give me strength so i can see by see_addy_write (t/7k): After the tsunami, Buck is sure Eddie won't want him anywhere near Christopher -- or himself. Both of the Diaz boys have something to say about that.
haircut to the heart by itsmylifekay (nr/8k): 5 times Buck cuts Christopher’s hair and 1 time Christopher helps cut his.
In the Aftershock by hideeho (t/8k): When Eddie is injured on the job, Buck is forced to face the fallout.
Slow Your Thinking by an_alternate_world (e/10k): Eddie has the itch to fight, the discomforting unease of needing to release all his negativity again making it difficult to concentrate on the calls. Buck suggests an alternative: surrendering his need for control to Buck for a while.
Just For This Moment by suyari (m/10k): “Take your time,” Carla said sternly. “Don’t rush this because you’re worried, Buck, do you hear me? Any change in your scent could just set him off.”“Yes, thank you, I know how to deal with Alphas,” he drawled.“Yes, but Eddie’s not just another Alpha and I think it’s time we acknowledged that.”
You Are Safe (With Me) by BabylonsFall (g/10k): Or: 5 times Eddie waltzed into Buck's apartment like he owned it, and 1 time Buck tried
you waltz through my bloodstream by wayfarer (t/2k): Buck gets a boyfriend and Eddie is totally fine with that. Really.
can't fight that feeling by Anonymous (e/11k): “We have to keep this quiet,” he realizes.“That’s,” Eddie starts, his eyebrows tilting inwards adorably. “I mean, yeah, if that’s what you wanna do, then—”“Not for long,” Buck protests. “I’m thinking until tomorrow.”The eyebrows rise with interest; the eyes beneath get their spark back. “Yeah?”“It’s Maddie and Chimney’s wedding day,” Buck says, slipping his hands down the last bit and entwining them with Eddie’s. “Today should be solely about them, about their love. You and I can have tomorrow. All the tomorrows.”
Just Hold Me Well by Lobotomite (m/11k): It was meant to be a fun little trip with his 118 family; no stress, no drama, and certainly no sexuality-redefining fumbles that make him realize his more than platonic feelings towards his best friend. But, well, when has anything ever gone according to plan for Buck?
a leaf falls on loneliness by iimpossible_things (nr/11k): Buck doesn’t think that if he were to say, “I’m in a bad place”, that anyone would turn him away. Really, he doesn’t. The 118 has too many good, kind people for that.But every time he wants to open his mouth, to say something, to reach out to Eddie or Bobby or Hen or Chim, he hears Eddie yelling, “you’re exhausting.”—you’re exhausting, you’re exhausting, you’re exhausting—So each day he does his job and he laughs and he jokes and he pretends he’s the care-free goofball he’s always been. And each day he packs away his bruises and his worries, takes them home to his empty loft with its quiet rooms, and licks his wounds in silence.
Darling It's Better (Down Where It's Wetter) by Onlymystory (e/20k): "Who the hell is that?" asks Buck. Like he doesn't know exactly who that is. Like a week ago he wasn't enjoying one of the best fucks of his life with Eddie Diaz. Or the reason for Buck's surprise at the new recruit isn't quite for the reasons everyone thinks.
i think i might've inhaled you by ariquitecontrary (m/20k): How do you tell your best friend that you're actually in love with them? If you're Evan Buckley, you don't.
dancing under red skies by dayswithout (g, 30k) Buck hates Eddie Diaz on sight.aka, a soulmate au. (Eddie’s POV; g/15k)
dancing under red skies by dayswithout (g/30k): Buck hates Eddie Diaz on sight.aka, a soulmate au.
The Education of Eddie Diaz by mansikka (e/30k): Eddie doesn't really know how it happened. One moment the 118 are drunk in a bar after a hard shift, confessions slipping from his mouth as he playfully kisses Buck on the cheek. The next he is on Buck's couch, taking up Buck's offer of an education that could be asking for trouble. But it's just sex, and they're just friends; it doesn't mean anything to either of them. So why is his time alone with Buck the highlight of his week?
Guess We'll Just Have to Adjust by CocoBadShip (m/30k): No, Buck does not have a damn crush on Eddie fucking Diaz. No, Buck is not thinking about Eddie's stupid smile or his stupid hair or that obscene sound he made when he pushed the couch the way he did.Having a crush would be weird. And dumb. And the last thing Buck needs in his already fucked up life.
tagging those of you who requested @lafdbuckley @casscent @googoodreamers
and some mutuals because why not @eddiediazs @judsonryder @fierydeans @buckleystrand
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theboardwalkbody · 3 years
OK Just hear me out here...
1. Evan “Buck” Buckley should not apologize to his parents. He did, but he did not need to. He did NOTHING wrong, ever, at any point to them. THEY were the ones who literally conceived him as a Hail Mary play to save their dying child. THEY ignored him and emotionally neglected him as he grew up because all they saw when they saw him was their failed attempt at saving a son they lost. 
2. “We always loved you”. Come off that bullshit. Not once ever, not in that entire flashback episode, any previous flashbacks, previous episodes, or previous mentions was Loving Buck and Mr. and Mrs. Buckley in the same sentence. Hell, it wasn’t even in the same dictionary. 
3. Buck let out his bottled up emotions last week. He told Eddie. Eddie LITERALLY told him he has nothing to apologize for. LITERALLY TOLD HIM THAT. He was 1000% right. 
4. I am very angry that we got an “we always loved you” from people who clearly didn’t but nothing from the Firefam. Like, they had Eddie just BE OKAY with the Buckley’s showing up???????????????????? Like... what? Like.... EXCUSE ME EDMUNDO DIAZ WHAT THE FUCK? After everything he said last week?????? Just totally cool with them showing up????? Yeah, OK. Hen and Athena were sweet to him but Bobby was all *crickets*???????????????????? ROBERT NASH YOU LET THESE PEOPLE INTO YOUR FIREHOUSE????????????? AFTER EVERYTHING THEY PUT BUCK THROUGH????????????? AND YOU DIDN’T EVEN OFFER DAD-ADVICE TO HIM, DIDN’T HUG HIM, DIDN’T TELL HIM HE’S GREAT???????????????? WHO ARE YOU?
I get that TV loves a happy ending. Loves to make everyone happy. But this is aggravating. It is a complete 180 to the end of last week’s episode. Maddie made mistakes, Maddie could have (and tried to tell him) sooner. Maddie was in a very, very dangerous situation and despite wanting and trying to leave it when Buck offered she couldn’t. It’s understandable Buck is upset about her hiding it from him (as he said - he can’t feel betrayed by their parents because they were never there for him anyway, BUT he felt betrayed by Maddie because she always was there for him). So yes, them reconciling this thing between them is good, it’s lovely. They need each other. And they do love each other. And Maddie was between a rock and a hard place and it’s not her fault. So yes, they need to be OK together. Them healing with each other is good. But his PARENTS? No. They literally don’t deserve it. 
(personal note below)
As someone who grew up in an abusive family situation and 100% understanding of Buck’s emotions regarding his parents and some of the issues it caused him I was SO happy with the ending of last weeks episode. It was so relieving to hear Eddie tell Buck that he didn’t have to apologize. I am so tired of the narrative of children (adult or not) having to forgive their parents/abusers in order to “heal themselves” or whatever. You literally do not have to do that. So last week to hear it said point blank on primetime TV was so powerful. 
And yet the end of this episode... back to the “forgive them so you stop hurting inside” rhetoric. Ugh.
1. Buck did not need to apologize. His parent’s are not worthy of sympathy.  2. I want to hug him and never let him go.  3. I want the Firefam to tell him how much they love him and not treat this as a Bad Day™ 4. Eddie Diaz and I are going to run the “Support Buck” fan club and our first order of business will be to make T-shirts, posters, stickers, etc. saying “You do not need to apologize for your feelings to the people who hurt you”. 5. Eddie Diaz and I are going to hold Buck and wrap him up in us and never let him go.  6. EXCUSE ME, BOBBY PLEASE COME TELL YOUR SON YOU LOVE HIM!  7. Full names means Big Mad. 
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racoonsa · 3 years
This or That 9-1-1 Edition
Thanks for the tag @novemberhush 😊
Jinx or Treasure Hunt • Bathena or Madney • Buck Whump or and Eddie Whump • Begins Episodes or Firefam Centric Episodes • Natural Disaster or Fire • Turnout Gear or LAFD Hoodies • Short Sleeve Uniform or Long Sleeve Uniform • Athena’s House or Station 118 • Eddie’s House or Buck’s Loft • Season 2 or Season 4 • Season 3 or Season 4 • Season 1 or Season 2 • Season 2 or Season 3 • Diaz Parents or Buckley Parents • Bobby and Michael Friendship or Buck and Albert Friendship
Treasure Hunt, because overall fun plus pouty Eddie and defenseless Buck (and I can’t really tolerate cardboard Ana); then Bathena is the backbone relationship, but Chim and Maddie are the happy story; also Buck AND Eddie whump, they are always mutually affected, even if subtle but intense; I chose fire simply for sweaty and sooty, but natural disasters are cool too; Cuddly hoodies 🤷🏻‍♀️; short sleeves for obvious reasons (tattoos and muscles); Even though I love the Athena’s house scenes, I chose Station 118 as it’s the home of all of them and there’s always such impactful scenes that takes place there; I got lost in the Seasons selections, but each has it’s own importance, so I can’t choose any one above the other; then at least the Diaz parent’s showed some support, even if in the totally wrong way but the Buckley parents are rubbish; lastly, the purpose of Albert…
Tagging one or two folks as many have already been tagged, but no pressure 😊 and anyone who sees this is ofcourse most welcome to participate
@christopherismybuddie @ginsteer @loveyourownsmiilee
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