#all systems red
milkymolle · 4 months
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yes btw i am catching up on murderbot. drew a poster for da first book for fun :^)
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l3viathanss · 5 months
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Thai editions of All Systems Red, Artificial Condition, Rogue Protocol, and Exit Strategy
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commander-diomika · 8 months
Rereading the first Murderbot book, had forgotten these absolutely Peak Relatable Murderbot moments
-when someone asks Murderbot why it won't make eye contact and it grinds its teeth so hard it loses performance reliability and
-when someone has an Incorrect opinion about its favourite show so it has to pipe up and correct them even though its in the middle of being interrogated.
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arsonwizard · 2 years
Book one of The Murderbot Diaries, All Systems Red, is a survival mystery as a small team of scientists are faced with an unknown threat while trapped on an isolated, hostile planet, with no hope but to trust their second hand, possibly murderous, robot security.
Artificial Condition, book two of The Murderbot Diaries, is about two robots in a trench coat pretending to be human for a job interview.
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Subtitles in English, Spanish, French, and German.
In early 2021, as talk of a Murderbot Diaries adaptation was underway, fans of the series started asking each other questions like, "What would we want to see from an adaptation of our favorite book series?" and "Wouldn't it be cool if this or that scene was animated?" and "Hey, don't YOU know some things about animation?" and "What if a bunch of fans got together to make a Murderbot fan animation?"
Two years of teamwork later, the Murderbot Diaries Fanimation Project presents our labor of love: a fully realized animation adapting scenes from the first four novellas into a trailer, dedicated to showcasing everything we love about the story of our favorite rogue SecUnit.
Make sure to leave a like and share the video if you enjoyed our animation! And tell us what you liked about the video on our social media:
Ask the team on Tumblr | Instagram | YouTube
TheSteelChimera @thesteelchimera - Voice of Murderbot, Production Coordination, Script
Alex from Mars @imaginariumgeographica - Voice of ART Kebi/SpiralofDragon @spiralofdragon - Voice of Mensah, Character Design
Verso - Voice of Ratthi, Social Media
Kes @kesbeacon - Voice of Gurathin
brokenRAmodule @broken-risk-assessment-module @contakaidigon - Production Coordination, Backgrounds, Animation, Script, Storyboard, Character Design, Editing, 3D, Sounds & Music
theash0 @theash0 - Production Coordination, Animation, Editing, 3D, Graphics & Effects
Cephei - Backgrounds
ChimaeraKitten @chimaerakitten - Backgrounds, Graphics & Effects
Jude - Backgrounds
Livyatan @groovyleviathan - Backgrounds, Character Design Lue - Backgrounds, Animation
Nirelaz @nirelaz - Backgrounds, Animation, Lighting, Sounds & Music
sometimesihaveideas @sometimesihaveideas - Backgrounds, 3D, Sounds & Music
TechnicalToad - Backgrounds
Vanessa - Backgrounds, 3D
Alex van Gore @alex-van-gore - Animation, Storyboard, Lighting, Sounds & Music
audzilla - Animation, Lighting, Graphics & Effects
Mar @souldagger - Character Design
Sound & Music References
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mockingnerd · 1 year
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Obsessed with these Latvian Murderbot covers by Andis Reinbergs
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For those of us who cannot comprehend big numbers (me) I have done the math. FOUR FUCKING YEARS. SECUNIT WHAT THE FUCK.
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tenowls · 1 year
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So, I’m awkward with actual humans. It’s not paranoia about my hacked governor module, and it’s not them; it’s me. I know I’m a horrifying murderbot, and they know it, and it makes both of us nervous, which makes me even more nervous. Also, if I’m not in the armor then it’s because I’m wounded and one of my organic parts may fall off and plop on the floor at any moment and no one wants to see that.
one last fancomic to finish off the year, from asr this time!!
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miartsix · 2 months
All Systems Red intro - comic adaptation
ENG/CZ (CZ under cut)
A comic adaptation I did for a school assignment.
Originally made for the Czech translation of the book, so I had to change the original English text a little to fit the finished comic.
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Original book All Systems Red by the author Martha Wells, I claim no right to the original work. This is only a fan adaptation.
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thereadingmoon · 6 months
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don't you love it when your gender nonconforming protagonist rages against the capitalist machine for the few people in the vast universe worth saving and caring for
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rosewind2007 · 4 months
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(Last night Gurathin had said this was a weak point, that this was where the plan would fall apart. It was irritating that he was right.)
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l3viathanss · 5 months
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different language editions of All Systems Red
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thetownsendsw · 7 months
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My staff picks shelf has ended up being VERY Gender at the moment…
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COMING SOON: The Murderbot Diaries Fanimation Project
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In early 2021, as talk of a Murderbot Diaries adaptation was underway, fans of the series started asking each other questions like, "What would we want to see from an adaptation of our favorite book series?" and "Wouldn't it be cool if this or that scene was animated?" and "Hey, don't YOU know some things about animation?" and "What if a bunch of fans got together to make a Murderbot fan animation?"
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Now, two years of teamwork later, the Murderbot Diaries Fanimation Project is the culmination of our labor of love: a fully realized animation adapting scenes from the first four novellas into a trailer, dedicated to showcasing everything we love about the story of our favorite rogue SecUnit.
A lot of love and thought went into this project that we can't wait to share with our fellow fans. We are expecting to upload to YouTube by the end of July, so keep an eye on this space. As we near completion, we'd like to give you some sneak peeks of what's in store, and invite you to come talk to us and share the hype for Murderbot. Follow us on social media for updates and behind-the-scenes:
Ask the animators on Tumblr | Instagram | YouTube
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staysaneathome · 1 month
I feel like if they make an All Systems Red movie, the opening scenes need to build up to it.
It should make you think it’s going to be a regular gritty sci-fi movie, with tracking shots of Preservation AUX moving around their harshly lit habitat and doing things in drab crew uniforms as they prep for Volescu and Bharadwaj going out to survey the surface…
And in the background of every shot, so unobtrusive as to be almost unnoticeable in the mass of activity, stands Murderbot. Unmoving. Armored. Faceless. Looming.
As it boards the cargo hold, we zoom in on its opaque helmet.
And then the voiceover tells us that rather than murdering everyone when it hacked its governor module, it decided to consume 35,000 hours of media instead.
Instant cut to The Rise and Fall of Sanctuary Moon.
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unbizzarre · 9 months
One-Esk and Murderbot meet in the waiting lobby for Robo-Therapy
(…specifically rage counseling )
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Probably two of my favorite robot/ai/construct protagonists in literature! Though I have a lot. (What’s up Culture shipminds…)
Creation notes:
A pattern I’ve been noticing is that a lot of these robots are very traumatized, very angry, and don’t like talking about their feelings. I was gonna originally make this short comic about One-Esk (aka Breq) and Murderbot on the first day of group therapy for rage counseling and it would just be a bunch of shots of them sitting in silence cuz neither of them like talking about their feelings but, uh…. the shots were just a lot and the series of events wasn’t really flowing right so I scrapped that idea in favor of not having to draw a zillion backgrounds. Still wound up taking a stupidly long time to create a product that feels… underwhelming. I really like how Breq turned out but I just couldn’t get the hair or costume design on MB to really fit the corpo-futuristic spacer asthetic I was going for, while still capturing that social-anxiety-comfort-hoodie energy. (Was originally contemplating having a shot of MB pulling hoodie strings closed over their face in one shot but wound up scrapping that idea as well.) Cannonicallly, MB should probably be in all dark blues and blacks, but the colors just weren’t working so I went with yellow instead. Idk. Maybe it’s a loaner hoodie from one of MB’s humans.
Here’s a shot I never wound up using:
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Anyways! I hope this made you smile if you like one or both of these series! 😊
Post script: if you like Martha Wells Murderbot Diaries, you should definitely check out Ann Leckie’s Ancillary Justice trilogy, or vice versa. More angry traumatized non-binary human-ai constructs for all! Mega-latestage-capitolist dystopia, or xenophobic -imperialist-socialist empire? Sentient space ships? C’mon. Just read both series u know you’ll love it.
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