#martha wells
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BSOD (Do you need me?)
I usually draw SecUnit a bit more muscular but I was thinking about the visual contrast of SecUnit in vs out of armor, as well as the fact that it's just hauled itself out of a cubicle from extensive healing, all marinating in the Dungeon Meshi bit about losing fat and muscle from resurrection spells because it's consumed as fuel....anyway, have an uncomfortably scrawny SecUnit white-knuckling its way through its first interpersonal communication efforts with PresAux
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arsnof · 3 hours
My absolute least favorite trope in sci-fi is the planetary monoculture.
Vulcans come from Vulcan, Thanagarians from Thanagar, Martians from Mars. Kryptonians speak Kryptonian and are science people while Klingons speak Klingon and love to fight. The entire population of Cybertron either picked sides or left.
Meanwhile, we are Humans from Earth with thousands of languages, religions, cultures, ethnicities...
I hate it in fantasy, too. You mean there are no dipshit elves that walk with a limp because they tripped on a rock? If all fairies are tricksters, who's doing the accounting? Jreph the daytime troll who wears sunscreen.
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mockingnerd · 13 days
Murderbot TV show tidbits from a recent book signing event have me feeling — dare I say it — optimistic??? Cheers to RealisticMail on Reddit for sharing this
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Martha Wells’ personal stamp of approval
“Skarsgard gets Murderbot’s physicality/physical acting exactly right”
Internal dialog voiceover
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fox-bright · 3 months
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Here's something I really appreciate about being here, versus being on other social media; who the fuck here doesn't get this already? It's right in the goddamn books.
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moggettt · 7 months
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"If I wanted to take over the station's systems and kill everybody, I'd have done it by now."
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bi4bihankking · 3 months
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The Locked Tomb Series Summary:
The “Lesbian Necromancers in Space” book series
The Murderbot Diaries Summary:
In a corporate-dominated space-faring future, planetary missions must be approved and supplied by the Company. For their own safety, exploratory teams are accompanied by Company-supplied security androids. But in a society where contracts are awarded to the lowest bidder, safety isn’t a primary concern. On a distant planet, a team of scientists is conducting surface tests, shadowed by their Company-supplied ‘droid--a self-aware SecUnit that has hacked its own governor module and refers to itself (though never out loud) as “Murderbot.” Scornful of humans, Murderbot wants is to be left alone long enough to figure out who it is, but when a neighboring mission goes dark, it's up to the scientists and Murderbot to get to the truth.
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torpublishinggroup · 8 months
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Murderbot is MurderBACK in the next installment of Martha Wells’s NYT bestselling Murderbot Diaries series System Collapse 🤖🚀
Following the events of Network Effect, our favorite lethally cybernetic television fiend has done the previously unthinkable: agreed to accompany the sentient spaceship Perihelion (dubbed ART by Murderbot, short for Asshole Research Transport) and crew on its next mission. 
Unfortunately, they’re not going to get too far. 
Having failed to harvest dangerous artifacts from their target planet by way of Murderbot misadventure, the Barish-Estranza corporation is much angered and determined to recoup their considerable losses. And when you’re a lethally opportunistic space corp, blood and muscle are valuable currency. 
Murderbot, ART’s crew, and the Preservation humans have planetside work to do as Barish-Estranza seeks to claim the planet’s beleaguered colony as a conscripted workforce. 
But for Murderbot, the challenge is as internal as it is external. Something is deeply, deeply wrong with it. Normal operational parameters are unmet, but with the corp’s SecUnit-heavy persuasion teams en route, Murderbot needs to resolve its issues, and fast!
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Me watching tv: it’s what murderbot would have wanted
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Subtitles in English, Spanish, French, and German.
In early 2021, as talk of a Murderbot Diaries adaptation was underway, fans of the series started asking each other questions like, "What would we want to see from an adaptation of our favorite book series?" and "Wouldn't it be cool if this or that scene was animated?" and "Hey, don't YOU know some things about animation?" and "What if a bunch of fans got together to make a Murderbot fan animation?"
Two years of teamwork later, the Murderbot Diaries Fanimation Project presents our labor of love: a fully realized animation adapting scenes from the first four novellas into a trailer, dedicated to showcasing everything we love about the story of our favorite rogue SecUnit.
Make sure to leave a like and share the video if you enjoyed our animation! And tell us what you liked about the video on our social media:
Ask the team on Tumblr | Instagram | YouTube
TheSteelChimera @thesteelchimera - Voice of Murderbot, Production Coordination, Script
Alex from Mars @imaginariumgeographica - Voice of ART Kebi/SpiralofDragon @spiralofdragon - Voice of Mensah, Character Design
Verso - Voice of Ratthi, Social Media
Kes @kesbeacon - Voice of Gurathin
brokenRAmodule @broken-risk-assessment-module @contakaidigon - Production Coordination, Backgrounds, Animation, Script, Storyboard, Character Design, Editing, 3D, Sounds & Music
theash0 @theash0 - Production Coordination, Animation, Editing, 3D, Graphics & Effects
Cephei - Backgrounds
ChimaeraKitten @chimaerakitten - Backgrounds, Graphics & Effects
Jude - Backgrounds
Livyatan @groovyleviathan - Backgrounds, Character Design Lue - Backgrounds, Animation
Nirelaz @nirelaz - Backgrounds, Animation, Lighting, Sounds & Music
sometimesihaveideas @sometimesihaveideas - Backgrounds, 3D, Sounds & Music
TechnicalToad - Backgrounds
Vanessa - Backgrounds, 3D
Alex van Gore @alex-van-gore - Animation, Storyboard, Lighting, Sounds & Music
audzilla - Animation, Lighting, Graphics & Effects
Mar @souldagger - Character Design
Sound & Music References
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ghostcashewart · 4 months
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another murderbot comic- this time, one of my favorite bits with Three! it's truly out here doing its best.
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Do you know this queer character?
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Murderbot is Agender, Aromantic, and Asexual and uses it/its pronouns!
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miartsix · 2 months
All Systems Red intro - comic adaptation
ENG/CZ (CZ under cut)
A comic adaptation I did for a school assignment.
Originally made for the Czech translation of the book, so I had to change the original English text a little to fit the finished comic.
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Original book All Systems Red by the author Martha Wells, I claim no right to the original work. This is only a fan adaptation.
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mostlyghostie · 3 months
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New commission!
I had started this in good time, then impulsively peeled off my screen protector because it got too dirty, not realising that I’m now so used to drawing with one on that I was incapable of continuing without ordering another, so I just got finished in time to retain my coveted Etsy perfect shipping record. Stressful!
Which of these have you read?
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functionalasfuck · 6 months
I love how system collapse solidified the idea that while Mensah is Murderbot’s favorite human and ART is its favorite bot, Ratthi is its best friend
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vashti-lives · 1 year
The new Martha Wells book-- Witch King-- is fucking delightful if you like slightly complex fantasy that doesn't hold your hand. This is a book that never ever commits the sin of explaining stuff to a character that should already know about it for the sake of the audience. Exposition only happens in ways that are natural and logical, which sometimes means stuff just isn't explained.
It's not as obviously accessible as The Murderbot Dairies is-- it's plot is a little more opaque, there's more moving pieces, it's less directly comedic-- but man I like it and Kai is in someways a similar protagonist to Murderbot. Powerful but vulnerable and often just a little out of his element. Lonely in the face of a lot of people who are afraid of him.
Its very much a found family story. Like, literally. The book goes back and forth between the past and the present. The parts of the narrative that are set in the past are about Kai meeting the people who become his family, and the parts of the narrative set in the present are about him going to find members of that family that have gone missing. Family is a theme that's always there.
In spite of the swap in narratives there was never a moment where I was listening to one half of these stories wishing I could get back to the other one-- they were woven together very well and I found them equally compelling.
Anyway I am very certain there are people who saw there was a new Martha Wells book, then saw it wasn't Murderbot and decided to peace out. Some people probably won't but I think it's worth trying. Tor released enough excerpts that you can get a feel for what it's like and decide if you'll like it or not. The mystery is fascinating and, like Murderbot, it's casually queer in a really good way. Martha Wells clearly loves her a lesbian power couple.
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rosewind2007 · 4 months
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(Last night Gurathin had said this was a weak point, that this was where the plan would fall apart. It was irritating that he was right.)
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