#actually they were never given in the first place
jarofstyles · 2 days
Leather & Lace 2
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Hello my loves! Leather and Lace 2 is now yours. The next and last official part is available on our Patreon early, but I’m willing to write some more for them if you guys want 👀 they’ll be classified as ‘extras’ but oh well hehe
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Warnings- possessive H, kind of a dickhead
WC- 3.7k
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Things had shifted between Harry and Y/N.
He hadn’t been sure what to expect after she’d blown him, but she didn’t make it awkward at all. If anything? They were more comfortable around each other. Harry was less nervous to touch her, pulling her into his side as they sat on her new couch the next day or adjusting the hair from her face when the wind got it stuck in her lip gloss when they’d met for lunch. The way she reacted to his touch was much more noticeable to him now which made him feel particularly chuffed. Y/N was important to him before, but it seemed like the intimacy had elevated them to a different level.
It had only been a week since the night at her place where she’d given him the best blowie he’d ever received, but they hadn’t done much else. They had cuddled in bed that night, kissed a little bit, but he hadn’t had a chance to get her truly alone and it was driving him nuts. 
Y/N was popular and she had a lot of activities she liked to do. Paint n’ sip classes she helped run, volunteering at the library, at the animal shelter, helping her new neighbor with her cat, on top of her own workload. The closest he’d gotten to alone time with her was when she arrived at his place on wednesday to climb into his bed and pass out, which she’d done with a smeared kiss to his lips. She’d been asleep once her head hit the pillow. 
He’d gotten to see her out quite a bit as he was often wrangled into helping her. He used to pretend to be grumpy about it and huff and puff when she’d pat his head but he hadn’t even tried to do that this week. Instead he let his touches linger and watched her smiles grow, happy to get a few seconds to hug her before she had to move on to something else. It had been driving him out of his mind, and if they didn’t have the promise to go back to her place tonight he may have lost it. 
House parties weren’t something he particularly liked, but when Y/N called him on video chat and gave him her puppy eyes while asking him to help her set it up for Sarah, he couldn’t say no. He did like the other girl well enough and he knew how crazy Y/N was about birthdays, so he’d given up his friday night to the whole surprise party. 
Though he wasn’t feeling very generous with Y/N’s time anymore. For the first hour of the party he’d followed her around and lingered in the corners to make sure she was okay as she chatted to people, but this observing really did him in. She was so fucking perfect. 
It hit him again how much he actually liked her. The whole experience was odd considering he hadn’t considered being in a relationship in this point of his life, content with hooking up and never seeing the other person again, but that was pre Y/N. Now that he had her in his world, it was hard to imagine himself with anyone but her. Sure, she was his opposite in a way, but they attracted. That’s what all the books and movies said, anyways. He want content just observing her, ignoring mostly anyone else who would come up to him or give them one worded answers with his eyes on his girl, the pretty little butterfly fluttering around the room. 
The feeling had been so unfamiliar that the first time he’d felt it, he’d thought it was heartburn or something. 
Harry had already admired her before but it was a whole other level seeing how much she tried to make other people feel seen. She gave them attention, smiling and listening intently before gracefully getting her exit out only to be stopped by someone else. How a woman like that had been into him enough that she’d wanted to blow him and keep him around, he had no clue. But there was no taking it back, and he was feeling greedy. 
Cornering her in the kitchen, he narrowed his eyes at her as she looked at him with a giddy smile. “M’tired of sharing your attention.” he said it simply, placing his hands on her hips and backing her into the quieter corner. She squeaked as her back hit the wall, a nervous giggle leaving her throat as he loomed over her. “Barely got a lick of your attention all week, and m’not happy about it, pet.” His lip pouted slightly, the ring on it glinting at the motion. 
She frowned, wrapping an arm around his neck. “I know it’s been really busy, H, and I’m sorry. I just wanted to help people out.” She sighed, watching him look over her face. The girl looked a little tired, which he didn’t like. 
“I know you do, sweets, but you’ve got t’learn how to tell people no. You’re spreading yourself too thin and you barely have a moment to breathe. Yeah, m’greedy for your attention but I don’t like the idea of you being tired and running ragged because people ask you t’do shit. They know you’ll say yes.” It actually did piss him off. He didn’t think everyone had malicious intent, no, and he knew Y/N was a big girl who could handle herself. But sometimes he had to wonder why they were so comfortable asking such big things of her. 
“I do like to help, though.” She tried to protest but really couldn’t, because he was right. She was bone tired and despite her bubbly nature, she had been deflating slightly as the night went on. Their weekend together was the reprise they got to have where she knew she’d have time to breathe. Selfishly she liked that Harry was able to be blunt and a little mean. He wasn’t to her, but his protectiveness of her really showed. 
“Yeah, but it means I get less time with you. And m’a selfish man, Y/N.” Tipping her chin up, he lowered his face towards her. “Not to mention you’ve been too busy to let me properly fuckin’ kiss you. Like your little pecks darlin, they’re cute, but where’s the kiss you gave me with my load on your tongue? Hm?” 
Y/N sputtered, whining at his dirty mouth but he could tell she liked it. Her eyes had widened but she had no real heat to her scolding, instead leaning into him a bit more. “I didn’t know you wanted me to kiss you like that.” The admission followed a beat of silence. 
“Always want you to kiss me, are you fuckin’ kidding?” He grumbled. “Can’t jus’ give me the best blowie of my life and fuck off. Didn’t let me return the favor which m’dying to do, but even more you’ve been keeping this mouth from me. Don’t like it one bit.” His thumb brushed over the plump bottom lip, exhaling through his nose as he shook his head. “S’a fucking shame. Can’t get how good we tasted together out of my head. Not trying to pressure you if you don’t want to do that stuff, you can tell me to fuck off but.. I don’t think y’want me to.”
“No, I…” She stumbled over her words. “I do want those things. I just didn’t expect you to talk so dirty.” The tilt of her lips gave the clue that she liked it. “I didn’t want to assume it meant more than just that even though I wanted it to and - oh” 
His mouth cut her off. Catching her off guard her lips opened a little bit, letting him be selfish and slip his tongue into her sweet mouth. Humming at the taste, his arm leaned against the wall as he held himself over her while the other kept her jaw angled the way he wanted it. The kiss was just like him. Intense and hot and a little sweet at the end when he pulled back and pressed three more pecks to her lips, rubbing his nose against the side of hers. “None of that shit. Meant a hell of a lot to me, silly little thing. Want to do it all the damn time. So you’re gonna have t’take it easy with giving all your time away, hm? Think I need some more of your help soon… and maybe…” He released her jaw to slide his hand to the back of her neck, massaging it just a little. “Maybe you’ll let me help you, hm? Someone’s got t’take care of such a sweet little thing. It isn’t fair.” 
“H-Harry.” She felt her cheeks getting hot. Harry’s attention had always been intense and maybe that’s part of the reason she’s been so busy this week. Anxiety over being truly alone with him again in case he regretted it, if he didn’t like what they did and didn’t know how to let her down easy- but this was the ideal, she thinks. Regardless of how much he flustered her, or how he was the biggest energy in the room, she found herself preening at the attention he gave her. “It meant a lot to me too.” 
Her hushed voice made him smile, leaning in to press a chaste kiss between her brows. “Good. Can we get going, then? Or would y’let me lick your cute little cunt in one of these bedrooms?” Did he say it just to watch her squirm? A little, but only because it was really fucking cute. 
“We can go. I’ve just got to say goodbye to some people.” She sent him a shaky smile as he nodded, pushing off the wall to wrap his arm around her shoulders. It was a new feeling for her to feel so… claimed. They had been around each other pretty consistently for a while but she could feel people looking, considering Harry was usually the victim of her clinging to his arm instead. Open affection wasn’t something anyone had seen from him, let alone with a girl that was so clearly different than him, but something about that made her giddy. 
Harry was impatient in general, but he tampered it down as Y/N said goodbye to the people she knew here. It was just in her nature to be a polite little flower, floating around the room to wish everyone a good evening. Her manners, oddly enough, aroused him. He liked seeing her be so sugary sweet and knowing that it was 100% genuine. It was even more nice to see considering he’d had a glimpse of what a bold and filthy girl she could be. The blowie the night she’d moved in had completely taken him off guard and let him know then and there that her innocence wasn’t all encompassing. She had some shadows to her, and he planned to see how full they could extend. 
His arm was around her as she said goodbye, merely nodding when people acknowledged him and not bothered when they didn’t. All that mattered to him was they were polite to her- though one of the guys had been a bit too bold, especially considering he was right fucking there.
“Her eyes are on her face, not her tits.” He said lowly. “And if you’d like t’keep yours, I suggest you remember that.” There was no full aggression, only a promise that he intended to keep. It wouldn’t be the first time he’d go at someone for her. 
Thankfully the prick flushed, muttering apologies before dashing away so he could use this as an excuse to get them the fuck out of there. 
Harry didn’t love parties. He didn’t like lots of people. He went for 3 reasons only, and they depended on the night. To get a drink, to get a fuck, or for Y/N. Though now he supposed he’d have an excuse for not going to many others. The plan was to keep Y/N to himself and not have to deal with the people he’d fucked around with not getting the hint even after he stated what he wanted. For once in his life he wanted one person and one person alone, and she was under his arm. 
To his surprise, she didn’t say anything about his snarky reply to the guy they’d last said goodbyes to, instead leaning into his side as they approached his car. It was a bit nippy outside and he knew she ran cold, so he’d remedy that quickly. “C’mere.” He sighed, picking her up and placing her on the hood of his car. Stripping his flannel off, he motioned for her to splay her arms out, helping her put it on. “Wasn’t too bad when you left but it’s a little too cold out for you now, hm?” His voice was softened as he stood between her knees, face level with her as he slipped his hands under the new layer. 
“I never remember to grab a sweater.” She admitted, smiling shyly as she felt palms running over her back. This was different. The whole thing was, seeing as Harry’s treatment of her had considerably softened up. He’d always been nice to her, don’t get her wrong! He let her sit on him and mess up his hair and hold his arm but… feeling him be the touchy one for once really made her feel… validated? Appreciated? She wasn’t sure of what the right term would be, but she felt like he liked her more than she had originally thought. “Who’s place do you want to go to?” 
“Hm… maybe mine. I just did a grocery shop. I know you’ve been busy this week, so I don’t want to go and mess up your place.” Y/N would be a bit unsettled if it got messy and he was planning on seeing what exactly he could get her to do with him. 
It had been circling around his mind the whole week, how he wanted to make it up to her. How he wanted to take her properly and feel her cum around his cock and his tongue and his fingers- anywhere he could get it. He was a man starved, pathetically so, but he didn’t have any shame in it. 
“Okay. I like your place.” It was the truth. He had a nice place in her opinion. It was bigger than her own, but not cold. Darker in aesthetic, brick and dark colors and richer patterns. She’d helped him make it nicer after she had seen the state of it the first time, a real bachelor pad that made her worry for his comfort. Thanks to the sweet girl, he had a much more comfortable sectional couch, a coffee table- with coffee table books, no less- and some art. She’d helped pick out his bar stools for his island in the kitchen, too. Little bits of her were all over his place, but that’s how he wanted it to be. 
“I’d hope so. You helped make it.” He snorted, tugging her closer to him so their centers were flush. The silence happened again, this time a little heavier. “I missed you this week.” The sentiment was repeated as he dragged a hand from under the warmth of his flannel and brushed the hair out of her face. The breeze hadn’t been much of a help. “I sleep better when you’re around. Know I like to give you shit and call you a needy pup, but I love it when you’re like that.” Tipping her chin up, he sighed as he observed her soft features. The slope of her nose, the mascara on her lashes that had flaked just a little bit, the slightly faded lip stain. He couldn’t imagine not being obsessed with her.
“I’m glad. I used to think I was a little annoying to you.” She admitted, fingers fiddling with the hem of his shirt. “I’m sorry I was so busy. I didn’t think you’d mind.” Historically he’d get grumbly about it but he understood- and she’d usually pop over or invite him to her old flat. 
“Course I mind. Not that you have stuff to do but you overwork yourself and…” licking his lip, he debated on whether or not to say it. “Was just hoping that you weren’t avoiding me, is all. That I didn’t make you uncomfortable last weekend.” 
Her heart clenched in her chest as she saw his eyes dip to the side, for once in his life showing a bit of vulnerability. Harry never seemed anxious about much, his general setting being a blank stare or a smug smirk, so it wasn’t something she saw often. Sometimes when he was drunk he’d get a little mushy about things but he hadn’t had much, if anything tonight. “No. Of course not. I initiated it, remember?” Her hand lifted to his face, the skin slightly cool from the night air. “I wanted to do it. I promise. If I was uncomfortable I’d tell you. Listen…” adjusting slightly, she caught his eye. “I feel the most safe when I’m with you. Sure, sometimes it feels like I’ve got a guard dog, but I feel really secure. I know you’d never hurt me, you always are so careful with me even if everyone else thinks you’re all rough and tumble… I know you and I know you’d only even touch me in ways I like. I really was busy, but I was just nervous you’d regret it too.” 
Harry’s brows furrowed at her admission. While he was over the moon that she always felt the safest with him, he had no idea why she would think he’s regret it. “Never. I just kept thinking about it. I wanted to do it more. I don’t regret anything, and I feel like I’ve got t’make sure you know that I don’t think of you as one of those quick fucks.” Even if she hadn’t said it, he was sure that was a thought that had lingered around in her head. That was his reputation and he’d be stupid if he didn’t know better. 
“I.. I never thought of it as that, no, but I wasn’t expecting commitment.” She admitted back, eyes wide as he looked into his own. It squeezed his chest, the idea of just being with her sexually. That wasn’t what he wanted. 
“No. I want commitment.” He said lowly. “You aren’t just a fuck to me, Butterfly. Not in the slightest. I fuckin’ adore you, y’know that?” He sighed, rubbing his thumb over her bottom lip and tugging it slightly before letting it snap back into place. “You’re my girl. You’ve been my girl for a while. I’ve jus’ been a bit of a pussy in trying to initiate anything because the last thing I wanted was for you t’think that you were just someone else I went to bed with. M’tired of that.” All he wanted to do was crawl into bed with her at night and feel her kissing him in the morning or watch her sleepy little face as she dreamt. All the fluffy, mushy shit he used to feel sick from were the exact things he craved. “Couldn’t get it up for anyone else after a while. I was only able to thinking about you and… after a bit, I had no desire to be around anyone else. They didn’t smell like you, didn’t sound like you. My cock was set on you and I think my heart wants to follow.” 
Y/N had to laugh at his last words but also in shock. She’d heard herself at the beginning of their friendship how he’d scoff at the idea of a relationship, made fun of the romance movies she liked, heard about him disappearing at a party for a bit before coming back with messy hair and swollen lips, sometimes a fly undone. But slowly that had stopped, if she recalled. The hookups, the snarky comments about love. It dwindled. Snark still existed for other things but he seemed to be more lighthearted around her. “You… you want like, a relationship with me?” Her eyes rounded at the thought. 
“I’d say don’t act so surprised, but I get it.” He had to admit that, a smile on his face. It surely was a lot for her to process, considering it still had him in a tizzy and he’d had months to work over these feelings. “Yeah. Want you to be mine. M’not good at sharing, though, so you’re gonna have to tell some of these people that you have a boyfriend that wants to love on you a bit when they demand your attention.” There was another pause as his ears turned a bit red. “If, if that’s what you’d want, though. I don’t want to rush you into a label or anything, m’fine with jus’ figuring shit out but I’ve thought of you as mine for a while and-“ 
Her hand pulled him to her, shutting him up with her lips. 
The man, for all his dark demeanor and rough glances, melted under her touch. Hummed into the kiss in surprise, cupping her jaw and reciprocated immediately as her hands went to the back of his neck to hold on to him. That giddy feeling in his stomach was buzzing as she giggled against his mouth as he chased it when she pulled back to get a proper breath.
“C’mere.” He mumbled, nudging their noses. “Lips are cold. Don’t be cruel, little Butterfly.” 
Y/N couldn’t have that, could she? “Sorry, boyfriend.” She smiled against his lips, pressing them right back where they belonged. 
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mulloey · 2 days
first time • yunho
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warnings: first time (with yunho), mild dirty talk, big massive dick yunho, tight pussy reader i guess, a bit painful at first, holding you down, gentle yunho, dropping the L bomb at the end. much milder than i usually write
“This is going to hurt.”
Spread out on the bed, naked and at his mercy, you stare up at him with glassy eyes. Your boyfriend hovers above you, eyeing your pussy and running his hand up and down his dick. He looks concerned, worried about how you’ll take him, but above all he looks excited. Excited to feel you. Excited to ruin you.
“You’ll go slow, right Yunho?”
He smiles, laughing a bit and tilting his head. “Of course. I’m not trying to make it painful, baby, I’m just big and you’re… well, small.”
You giggle, staring up at him lovingly. You haven’t been dating long but you know Yunho is special. He’s extra careful, extra respectful, extra spontaneous and loving. Extra Yunho. But the one thing you haven’t done is have sex.
The first time you’d even actually felt his dick was an… experience for you. You’d been sitting on your couch a few days into your relationship, cuddled up and watching a movie. From the corner of your eye you kept sneaking glances at his crotch, wishing you could reach out and touch it, feel it for the first time. And you thought you’d been subtle, never moving your eyes from the TV for more than a second, but he’d noticed. One thing you’ve come to know about Yunho is that he notices.
“I know what you’re doing,” he’d simply said. He hadn’t even looked down at you, eyes fixed on the screen. “I see you looking.”
You hadn’t even bothered to defend yourself, just flushed crimson and bowed your head, trying to make yourself smaller out of embarrassment. Then he’d grabbed your hand, moving it towards his crotch and placing it on top of his dick. “I’m already hard,” he’d simply said. “So have a feel, baby.”
And fuck. Fuck he was big. Your mouth had fallen open slightly, heart racing at the feeling. He was long and so thick you thought he must have had something done to it. But no, as he’d insisted, he was au natural.
For weeks afterwards, as your sexual relationship began to develop, slowly discovering each others’ bodies, likes, and dislikes, the one thing he’d refused to do was penetrate you. He’d let you lick the tip (and only lick) or rub it through your wet folds to coat it in your slick before you jerked him off, but that was it. It was frustrating and maddening and you could practically taste your thoughts by the time he’d finally announced that he was ready to fuck you.
Which lead you here. Naked, spread out, vulnerable beneath him. Arms and legs tied to each corner of the bed to stop you from moving. He could do anything to you like this, but he’s chosen to be gentle and slow and patient while he eases you onto his cock for the first time. Fuck, he’s perfect.
It’s clear that Yunho takes your first time with him very seriously, especially given his size. He’d been adamant it would take you a while to fully get used to him — size training, he’d called it — but he reassured you that once you were there, fully stretched and comfortable on his cock, he’d do nothing but fuck you. All day and without mercy. You can’t wait.
You’re plenty wet from the teasing he’s been inflicting on you for what feels like hours now, but he insists on pouring a generous amount of strawberry lube onto his dick. You watch with an open mouth as he slowly, carefully coats it with it. He pours some more onto his fingers before slowly inserting one, two, three into your pussy. You hiss at the coldness, unconsciously pulling at your restraints and he smiles darkly. “Good thing we have those, huh?” He says as he massages the lube into you. He doesn’t look at your face, dark eyes focused on your pussy. “They’ll keep you pliant while I stretch you out.”
You moan involuntarily, pulling at the restraints again and fuck this is annoying. At least you know that if it gets too much, all you have to do is say red and he’ll release you.
Finally he seems to decide you’re ready, lining his dick up to your hole. “Are you ready?” He whispers. “You can still say no, baby. I won’t be mad.”
You almost laugh at the absurdity — how the hell could you say no when you’ve been waiting for months and you’re this close? — but you’re enamoured by how sweet and careful your boyfriend is. You can see he wants this, you see the desperation and barely restrained hunger in his eyes, but you’re his priority. Your comfort. You.
“I need you, Yunho,” you say. “Now shut up and fuck me.”
He laughs and furrows his eyebrows, deep in focus as he finally pushes himself into you and Jesus, Jesus he’s huge. It burns and stretches you deliciously, just bordering on this side of too much. You gasp and flail at the sensations, your hips lifting of their own accord to pull you close to him and his dick deeper into you. You groan, a strangled sound, as his dick finds its way into you.
While it pushes in further he presses kisses to your face, neck and chest, covering you. One hand presses down gently on your shoulder while the other gently strokes your face. It distracts you mildly, briefly from the pain of his cock burying itself in you for the first time.
“You’re doing so well, baby,” he says. He presses a kiss to your lips then keeps his head there; not kissing you, just touching his lips to yours and feeling the soft, plush skin. “You feel so good, honey. So good.”
You smile at him, full of love until the pain hits again and you cry out. He shushes you gently, reassuring you but doesn’t stop. He knows you can take it, you will take it, so the sooner he gets it in, gets you used to it, the better. And besides, he knows for a fact that once you’re used to the pain, the stretch, the feelings, you’ll learn to love it. And he’ll love breaking you in.
Once it’s all the way in you feel him falter for a second, lips parting. “Oh— fuck,” he cries. He hasn’t even moved yet and you can see he’s on the edge of losing it. “You’re so fucking tight baby, fuck.”
He stays in place for a minute before slowly and carefully starting to move. As he starts to thrust, a gentle and steady pace, the pain morphs into something more bearable, something pleasurable — something electric. You feel yourself melting into him, completely blissful under his touches. Even as he starts to speed up, getting a little rougher, you feel peaceful and protected. You can feel it in his movements, in his touches, in his eyes, Yunho is right for you.
“How does it feel, baby?” He asks. You nod, barely able to speak and he tuts. “I need to hear you, baby, c’mon.”
You exhale, a staggered breath. “G…good, Yunho,” you whisper. “So good.”
“Fuck, baby. Can I speed up?”
You nod desperately and he does. It starts slow, hesitant, and with every uncertain movement he’s scanning your face for any sign of discomfort. But when all he finds is pleasure, bliss and a yearning for more, he seems reassured, because as quickly as is safe, his thrusts get rougher, harder and faster, hitting you deeper and deeper every time. When you start to thrash he uses his forearm to press down on your chest, pinning you to the bed. “You’re so fucking good, baby,” he grunts, each word punctuated with a thrust. “So good and so fucking desperate for my cock.”
You scream when he hits the spot with particular brutality and he almost seems to growl in your ear. “You’re desperate for me, aren’t you?” He whispers. “Say it. Tell me you’re desperate.”
Fuck. This is the hottest he’s ever been, the hottest you’ve ever felt. You’re going to lose your mind. “I’m desperate,” you cry. “I’m desperate, Yunho.”
As you speak you unconsciously clench around him and he bucks, coming instantly and filling you up with a scream. His body shakes like he’s seizing as he drains himself inside of you. It’s the most beautiful sight, the most perfect feeling and it makes you come too. When you’re done he collapses next to you, panting wildly. He turns to face you, smiling warmly and reaching to tuck a sweat-soaked strand of hair behind your ear.
“Fuck,” he breathes. “I love you so much.”
You smile back at him, pressing a kiss to his lips. “I love you too, Yunho.”
thank you for reading, please reblog & comment if you enjoyed. requests are OPEN! love🖤🖤🖤
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Ethereal Embrace - Anakin Skywalker X Female Reader
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Title: Ethereal Embrace
Anakin Skywalker X Female Reader
Additional Characters: Random Queen very briefly (Mentioned) and Obi-Wan (Mentioned)
WC: 1,619
Warnings: Mentions of the Jedi Code, slightly suggestive, forbidden love/romance, italics, slight angst, and fluff
The setting of the double sun's rays bathed the desert in golden light. The large pine-like trees rustled as a cold breeze blew through them. The air was filled with the lovely scent of sweet flowers. All around the desert, lush green vegetation had spread across the sand. This desert was no ordinary desert, though. It was a special place where life flourished and was protected by the people who lived there. Zithara was the exact definition of an oasis in a desert. In the middle of this paradise, stood the city known as Euphoril. You and Anakin had been sent on a mission to help protect the city from the Queen's evil uncle who wanted to steal the throne. Though, he was easily defeated.
Anakin shed his robes, folding it and placing it upon one of the chairs in the room. The sleeping quarters that the Queen of Zithara had given both you and Anakin were very spacious and luxurious. They even included a private bathing pool inside the rooms. However, neither you nor Anakin required two rooms.
Anakin first met you when you started your Jedi training. Being around the same age, he was often paired with you for training and missions. Though there were rules against attachments and relationships, that didn’t really stop Anakin from getting closer with you, and vice versa. And what started off as just a fun, goofy friendship, ended up turning into a - fun and passionate - secret relationship.
It was fun, in the beginning, sneaking around and sharing forbidden kisses in darkened hallways. It was a bit hard to really spend time together in the daytime - unless you were on missions - but at night, you always left your quarters unlocked. Anakin would spend the night almost every night, but there was always that danger of leaving your room in the morning without being noticed. You and Anakin only got caught once - via Anakin leaving your room - thankfully only by Obi-Wan, who was actually supportive of the relationship.
Hearing your melodic humming, Anakin raised his head, his eyes landing on you as you emerged from the bathing pool in the joined room. Dressed in a soft, silk blue robe, you brushed your fingers through your wet hair, stopping at the open balcony. The golden light from the sunsets illuminated you in an ethereal glow, making Anakin sigh deeply. A Goddess, that was what you were; he was sure. You turned to look at him and smiled. Anakin could feel himself falling deeper in love with you with each passing moment, more so with each enchanting smile you sent his way and every gentle touch you bestowed upon him.
To have you in his life - as his best friend and love of his life - what more could he ever want or need?
A warm smile slipped upon his lips as he silently made his way over to you on the balcony. His strong arms slipped around you, pulling you back against his bare chest, before dipping his nose into the side of your neck; inhaling the scent of roses that lingered on your soft skin. You giggled lightly at the ticklish sensation - music to his ears - your hands coming up to grasp his forearms. As he continued to hold you, Anakin closed his eyes, savoring the feeling of your fingertips against his skin. He could never get enough of being near you - touching you.
A small chuckle escaped from your throat as Anakin pressed featherlight kisses along your neck and jawline; his one hand leaving your waist to brush your hair away, allowing him more access to your neck. Only then, did he hear you speak, "You seem to be in a good mood." Your voice was laced with amusement. 
Anakin paused his ministrations, nuzzling his nose into the space between your neck and shoulder. He paused, before his eyes opened, his gaze found the sunset; his chin moved to the top of your head. "I'm with you," He began, lightly tugging you impossibly closer into his chest, "Of course, I am in a good mood."
You hummed, the tips of your fingers brushing along the cool leather of his glove, "I would've thought it was because of how successful our mission was." You remarked before turning in his hold, your arms wrapping themselves around his waist; your fingers locking behind his back. "So successful, in fact, that we finished it early."
Anakin huffed, flickering his gaze away from ours briefly, "Don't remind me," He muttered, one hand brushing up and down your back soothingly, "I am glad that we finished the mission early, but I do not wish to leave this planet yet." The mere thought of flying back to Coruscant made his stomach twist; he wanted to spend as much alone time - away from the Jedi Masters - with you as possible.
"Really?" You murmured, glancing over at the last light before looking back up at him; your eyes searching his, "I thought you would've been overjoyed to leave this planet. Seeing as there is sand... Everywhere."
He hummed, gazing down at you - his hand coming up to brush your drying hair from your face before cupping your cheek, "Yes, there certainly is sand everywhere." Anakin breathed, his thumb moving gently across your flushed cheek, "But I am most happy, right here, with you."
Your smile softened, a short hum leaving you, "Me too, Ani," You leaned up to press a kiss to his waiting lip, but before Anakin could even think about deepening it, you suddenly slipped out of his arms; he followed your movements - amused and entranced - as you ran up to the large bed; an almost carefree laugh leaving you as you jumped and landed on it.
You sat up, propping yourself up onto your elbows, before flipping onto your side. Looking over at Anakin, you couldn't help but smile when you saw the content expression on his face as he gazed over at you. "Are you just going to stand there or join me?" You asked playfully, a coy grin stretching across your lips.
Anakin smirked in response, taking large strides over to the bed, and with a quick leap, he landed on the bed beside you; his arms instantly snaking around your body. For the next couple of minutes, everything was silent, except for the occasional breeze that fluttered through the air from the open glass doors of the balcony where you both once stood. 
You were both side by side, Anakin's one arm lying underneath your head as an additional pillow, whilst his gloved hand brushed up and down your spine. You played with the ends of his golden, dark blonde hair with one hand, your free hand caressed the contours of his face tenderly; mapping out the constellations of his freckles. The pair of you gazed lovingly at one another, completely oblivious to the world around you. Lost in your own little world, your own little universe.
With a sigh, he turned his head slightly into your hand, his lips brushing against your fingertips in a butterfly-esque kiss. "I don't want to go back," Anakin whispered to you, his grip tightened around you slightly; pulling you closer.
"I know, my love," You replied, "I also do not wish to leave. This place... It's magical." You said quietly, continuing to trace his features with your finger; down his forehead, down the slope of his nose, before ending at his lips. "But we are here, and we have this moment together. Just you and me. No Jedi Code, no rules, no expectations..." You trailed off, letting your words drift out into the quiet night air, "Just us." You sighed out.
There was a slight pause, as Anakin let out a sigh of his own; it was almost too good to be true. "Just us,” He repeated, his words came out barely above a whisper, but you heard him nonetheless. "I wish we could stay like this forever." His gloved hand slipped from your figure, cupping your cheek once more, "I love you, Y/N." Anakin murmured, leaning in close to nuzzle your nose with his.
Taking the hand from your cheek, you carefully removed the leather, revealing the robotic hand that replaced the flesh one that he had lost. Anakin watched, feeling as if his soul was melting as you pressed a soft kiss to the palm of the metal. "And I love you, Anakin." You replied softly, looking up at him with such love and adoration in your sparkling eyes. He swore that there were galaxies trapped within those eyes of yours.
Sighing deeply, Anakin reached for your face and brought you closer to his, capturing your lips with his. Your lips fit perfectly against his. Kissing you felt like home. The passion and longing that surrounded you both made Anakin forget everything that plagued his mind; every dark thought, every fear; every worry; every doubt. He loved you unconditionally. With you by his side, nothing could ever go wrong. 
Holding you in his arms, he let his eyes fall shut, hearing your steady breathing that matched his. Feeling the edges of sleep take over his senses, Anakin leaned forward and rested his forehead against yours. 
Upon waking, Anakin was met with a dark room. This room was unlike the one on Zithara. There was no balcony, no fancy chairs, nor a large comfy bed he remembered lying upon. And beside him, you were gone. Confusion wrapped around him briefly before the sound of the sliding door opening drew his attention. At the door, the cloaked figure stood, and with a deep voice, he spoke, "Darth Vader, it's time to start your training."
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cosmicluvcore · 21 hours
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To be human part 3
Rottmnt Leo x reader, gender neutral, friends to lovers, meet cute, apologetic Leo
Part 1, part 2
Summary: Leo has the biggest crush on you but he's afraid that you'd never date a mutant, so with the help of a clooking broach he plans to become your perfect human boyfriend!
Really struggled with this chapter I'm so so sorry if it's bad!!
Tag list!!
@lunaflyer @wings-of-sapphire @ssak-i @nessarolla-in-constant-flux @envyjmoney @leonardo-dabitchy @wookiesmiles-blog @sloppy-syrup
Leo had never actually been to this basketball court before, he knew of it, had maybe seen it in passing a few times but it was always too busy.
Too risky.
But today that wasn't an issue, he didn't have to worry about getting confused glances from others, today he was one of them. He had the cloaching brooch safely tucked under his hoodie, fidgeting with it from time to time from a mix of anxiousness and excitement.
He knew this was a pretty popular park for teens his age, it was mostly students who hung out here and it didn't take much for him to start making a friend or two. His basketball skills were flawless, using his best moves to win over a couple kids at the park was definitely helping his ego.
Though he made sure to keep an eye out for Y/N, knowing that they hung around here sometimes, they'd have to show up some time soon.
Meanwhile he could just keep embracing being a cool ass human. Lev was the name he'd given himself, it would've been insanely obvious if he'd kept his own name, he wasn't that stupid. It had felt weird at first, introducing himself as someone he wasn't. But he couldn't deny that it was beginning to grow on him as he heard other people use it.
Leo, or rather, Lev let out a satisfied huff as he confidently passed the ball, still riding this confidence boost. He looked amazing and his charms were working on everyone! Just wait until Y/N sees him now.
A basketball in the face.
That was the cherry on top of Y/N's crappy day.
As if they hadn't already regrettably slept through their alarm that morning, which made them miss their school bus and forget their lunch. Then once they had finally arrived to class, their teacher had decided to give them a surprise test that they knew they'd flunked. Now they had to suffer the embarrassment of a basketball being thrown their direction.
They cringed at the pain bringing their hands up to their face. The stray ball had hit them hard, but luckily no blood stained their hands.
"Oh mi gosh! I'm so so sorry- Are you okay?" A voice asked, from afar.
"Yeah... I'm okay just a bit-" Y/N hesitated as they finally met the concerned strangers gaze, "-dizzy..."
As they looked up to him he was giving them a sense of deja vú. His apologetic expression gave off a sort of familiarity but they couldn't exactly place it. Maybe it was the dizziness they were feeling from the impact of the ball, but the soft look of concern across his face made their heart flutter a little.
"Hey? Hello? Still with me?" He asked anxiously.
Y/N blinked realising they'd just been staring blankly up at the worried stranger, his voice snapping them back to reality.
"Yes- yep- I'm still here." They assured sheepishly in reply, glancing away.
He let out a relived sigh before chuckling softly, "Lost you for a second there huh? I don't blame you, that was a hell of a hit," His voice was calm with a friendly air to it, weirdly comforting though again that may have been due to the head trauma.
"You sure you're okay?" He asked again.
"I'm alright," They assured, the dizzy sensation leaving them for now, "Only thing bruised is my ego."
He let out a small chuckle, glad to hear them sounding alright.
"I'm sure your ego will recover soon enough," he smiled, "Luckily, I don't see a scratch. Phew, wouldn't want to hurt such a pretty face."
They blinked at the sudden compliment, the words echoing in their still slightly dizzy head, unsure if he was being serious or not.
"Pfft- are you trying to make me forget that you just almost gave me a concussion?"
"Me? I would never..." He hesitates, glancing away sheepishly as they call him out, "But, if I was... would it work?"
They roll their eyes in a playful manner and shrug, "Maybe try starting with an apology."
He chuckled, as they playfully chastised him.
"Right, right,"
He smiled sincerely, a mix of embarrassed and genuinely sorry, jokingly getting onto his knees.
"I humbly apologise to..." He glanced up to them, prompting for their name.
"I humbly apologise to Y/N, for accidentally launching a basketball into your pretty face," He finished, his tone light-hearted, though they could tell there was a hint of sincerity behind his humor.
"Seriously though, I am sorry, I'm not really used to playing basketball with such a large audience." He admitted gesturing to the court, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck as he stood up straight.
"Don't worry about it," They replied calmly, pretty charmed by his playful attitude.
As they looked back to him, something about his face felt weird. Like they'd met before, however as much as they tried Y/N just couldn't place him.
"You know... I don't think I've seen you around here before, what's your name?"
He looked surprised for a moment, a flicker of panic crossing his face before he quickly schooled his expression into a casual smile.
"Lev, I'm Lev."
"It's weird, I feel like I kn-" Y/N's words were immediately interrupted by a sudden hit of pain, apparently this concussion decided to have a delay, "Ow- ow!" They winced, clutching their heads.
Lev immediately took notice of Y/N winced in pain, his concern growing tenfold. "Hey, take it easy. You took a pretty hard hit."
He gently placed a hand on their shoulder, trying to steady them, "Are you okay? Should I go grab ice?"
Y/N bit their lip as they tried to deal with the pain. The world around them started to seem a little too bright and they squeezed their eyes shut.
"Y-yeah, yeah I'm fine-" They murmured, their voice shaking slightly, "Ice would be good."
Lev nodded, quickly standing up his mind racing as he did. What a way to make a first impression, 'Hey Y/N here's a bonk on the head, wanna go out with me?' he was such an idiot! He instinctively went to grab his odachi but paused as he realized it wasn't there.
Leo had the odachi, he wasn't Leo right now he was Lev.
Lev had offered to walk them home during the commotion, he figured it was just a headache from the impact but he wanted to be completely sure they were okay.
As well as take the opportunity to talk with them.
Y/N was steadying their breath, pressing cold bags of store bought ice against their forehead. The pain was slowly numbing while the pair took a seat on the steps outside their apartment block.
Y/N didn't understand why but Lev clicked so easily with them, they were always on the same page.
It was refreshing to actually relate to someone for once.
"And after all that, she decides to throw a surprise test at us! Last time I checked, surprises are supposed to be fun," They huffed angrily, "Ugh, I'm sorry for throwing all this your way."
"Hey, don't worry about it. Sometimes you just need to let it all out, y'know?" Lev offered, a gentle smile across his face, "Besides, I threw a basketball at you, you're just returning the favour."
"Pfft, I didn't think of it like that." They admitted with a chuckle.
A warm smile slowly started to form on their lips, this stranger had made them laugh today even after everything else that had happened.
Who knew that all it took was getting hit in the head with a basketball?
"You know, I'm honestly kind of surprised that you've been this patient." They noted with a light chuckle, "Most people don't like listening to whining."
"Well..." Lev hummed, hesitating a little before he finished his sentence, "I'm not like most people."
Y/N lifted an eyebrow, a curious look spreading across their face, "Oh? And how's that?" They asked, their curiosity piqued, "Are you a vampire or something, stranger?"
"Pssh, first of all vampires are a total scam," He replied with a laugh, "What's the point of being sexy for all eternity without being able to see your reflection?"
Y/N grinned, a laugh escaping as his response, "Sounds like someone talking from experience."
He simply rolled his eyes softly, "And second, stop calling me stranger my name is Lev you know."
"Well, you are technically a stranger."
"Come on, we're at 'basketball bonking' levels of friendship." He retorted with a playful tone.
"Ooh, nice alliteration." They teased smugly in reply.
Lev's expression brightened, smiling hopefully back at them, "Nice enough for me to be a friend?"
Y/N pretended to consider it for a moment, they hummed thoughtfully before finally shrugging and nodding,
"An acquaintance." They answered with a smirk.
"Ahh, there's no winning with you." Lev sighed in mock offence.
"What can I say," They grinned teasingly "I'm hard to please."
A bit of water began to drip down Y/N's face, the ice was melting quickly.
"Doesn't seem like that ice is going to last a while."
Y/N frowned as they noticed some of the cold water trickle down their face. They let out a slight huff, knowing that their source of comfort was quickly melting.
"Yeah, I guess not."
Another drop landed on their nose, and Lev couldn't help but chuckle at the way it made them blink in surprise.
"I should probably head inside."
"Right, you can get some ice that isn't melting." Lev nodded casually in an attempt to hide the wave of disappointment that crossed his face.
He genuinely wanted to talk to them, that was... cute.
"Exactly," They smiled in reply as they stood up from their seat and Lev followed, "Thanks for taking care of me."
"I mean... it was kinda my fault in the first place." He mumbled, the regret evident in his voice.
"Hey stop beating yourself up about that," Y/N scolded in a gentle tone, "I know it was an accident." They assured.
"Besides, I really enjoyed talking with you." They added honestly.
Lev's eyes lit up at that, their confession making a warm smile spread across his face.
"Really?" He asked, trying to bite back the eagerness in his tone, though it seeped through easily.
Y/N chuckled and nodded in reply, "Yeah, I'll see you around right?"
Lev nodded brightly, "I promise no basketballs will be involved next time." He grinned.
"Noted." They said with a small laugh, turning to open the doors to their apartment complex.
They gave him another soft smile, their eyes holding his gaze for a moment.
Lev smiled back at them, a twinge of relief and a hint of flattery on his face as he watched them turn to leave.
A part of them didn't want him to leave, they just wanted to stay and chat for a bit longer.
But another part was reminded of the pain in their head, yeah it was time to go inside.
They gave a small wave to their newly found friend as they entered the building.
"Bye Lev."
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sithbvcky · 2 days
As the adopted daughter of Tony Stark, your role becomes even more twisted and entangled when you meet and fall in love with one James Barnes. Unbeknownst to you, your world is about to flip upside down. Bucky x Stark!Reader Word Count: 2,146 Warnings: mentions of death, dead body *this was an anon request*
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Since that fateful meeting, you spent more and more time with James. You hadn’t booked a return flight from Bucharest, not until you found what you needed. You hadn’t pestered him anymore about his metal hand, which he had elaborated was actually his whole left arm. And he didn’t treat you any different after knowing of your powers. You simply started finding comfort in each others company. Daily coffee runs turned into shared dinners and discussions over tea. He had one more place he wanted to investigate that your mother might have stayed in and this time he conceded to your insistence on coming along. 
It was what looked to be an abandoned warehouse about an hour from the city. James had explained that some people used it as a halfway house on their way out of Bucharest. It’s roof was still intact and it was large and spacious, lots of places to hide if you didn’t wanna be found. 
“I’ll go first.” James said, which you appreciated. Even though you had what felt like the power of a nuclear bomb underneath your skin, this was unfamiliar territory and the last thing you needed to do was bring down a giant cement building. You could already see the headlines and the disappointed phone call you would be receiving from your father having to clean up your mess. 
You followed close behind James as he entered the warehouse. You weren’t expecting to find anyone here. Every other lead had been a dead end but you weren’t exactly ready to give up either. The main room of the warehouse was empty, nothing but abandoned tents and scraps left behind by whomever came before. You sifted amongst the trash with your foot, to see if there was anything of potential value. James wandered off into one of the adjacent rooms as you continued looking. A moment later, James returned looking as if he’d seen a ghost. 
“What’s the matter?” You asked, abandoning your search through the trash. 
“There’s a body in one of the rooms back there.” He started, looking down at his feet and shaking his head. “I didn’t look too closely at it but it seemed to be female.” His blue eyes met yours and they seemed to tell you “Don’t go in there.” or did you read his mind? 
You pushed by him and began marching towards the room he came from, 
“Y/N.” He called out for you, jogging to catch up with you. 
“I have to see. I have to know for sure.” You stated sternly and continued your momentum. When you entered the room, you saw a pile of blankets in the corner. James was right behind you, you could feel his soothing presence as you crept closer to the blankets. There was long brown hair sprouting from the top of the pile. Carefully you knelt down and slowly peeled back the blankets, revealing the still face of a woman. A woman who eerily looked like you. Same hair, same face. James stood a small distance behind you, giving you space but remaining close enough if you needed him. He was silent but observed your every move. 
As you looked at her, you noticed something that looked like the corner of a piece of paper sticking out from the jacket she was in. Carefully, you pulled it from the body and found your name written on it. With shaking breath, you unfolded the paper and read the handwritten note. 
“To my dearest Y/N, 
If you’re reading this that means he found me. I am so sorry for all the pain I caused you, I only ever wanted you to have a normal life. Last I heard you were adopted by a very important man who has given you everything I never could. I hope you are happy. All I ever wanted was for you to be happy, which is why all of this started. If he hasn’t already, he will try to come for you. He hates people like you but you are a miracle. A magnificent and beautiful creature with endless capabilities. Never forget that. 
 Please, protect yourself however you can. I will be watching over you, I love you. 
Your mother.” 
You paused for a moment after you finished reading, standing up to your feet. 
“Are you alright?” James asked softly. 
“Someone killed my mother because of me.” You said through gritted teeth, you could feel the power surging in your veins. In every fiber of your being. White hot and begging to be released. James took a step closer to you. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N.” 
“Sorry won’t bring her back. Sorry won’t change what I am.” You eyes were locked on your mothers body. 
“Y/N, it isn’t your fault. Don’t blame yourself for this.” James reached to place his flesh hand on your shoulder but you spun around pushing his hand away. 
“Don’t patronize me! Don’t try to understand how it feels to know you are the reason your mother is dead in a warehouse!” You shouted, red sparks emanated from your fingertips. Something was waking up inside you. 
“Y/N.” James called gently, as you fought the sobs trying to escape your throat. Let me out. The power within you cooed. Let me free. 
“Y/N, look at me.” James’ voice was stern but you barely heard him over the roar in your ears. You began to hyperventilate, as the power continued to grow within you looking for a release. 
“Y/N! Don’t!” 
James’s voice was the last thing you heard before a scream erupted from your lungs. A scream so anguished and broken. Filled to the brim with pain. Then everything went black. There were flashes as your mind flowed in and out of consciousness. Smoke and rubble. The feeling of strong arms wrapping around you. James’ muffled voice so close you could feel the vibration on your skin. 
When you came to, you were back in your apartment. James was sitting at the coffee table wringing his hands together. When he noticed you stirring he jumped to his feet to be at your side. 
“Y/N. Are you okay?” He asked, his eyes scanning your face anxiously. You brought a hand up to your head and winced, 
“I think so.” You mumbled. “What happened?” 
James looked down for a moment, 
“What do you remember?” He asked. 
“I remember finding my mother and her note and then feeling so much anger and pain and then nothing.” You answered, looking to him and seeing the worry in his eyes. 
“What did I do?” You asked urgently. He opened his mouth to speak but closed it again. 
“James, tell me, what did I do?” You insisted. 
“You brought half the building down on top of us. I pulled us out of the rubble.” He admitted. You let out a deep sigh, 
“Oh my god.” You winced, exactly what you didn’t want to have happen. 
“It’s alright, it was an old building anyways no one will think anything of it.” James assured. “What matters the most is that you’re ok.” He added. You began rubbing your forehead, racking your brain to put together those lost moments of time but it only started giving you a migraine so you gave up. 
“I’m sorry, James. I try so hard to keep it under control but-
“No, don’t.” He shook his head. “You don’t have to do that with me.” 
“Do what?” You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. 
“Don’t have to explain yourself. What you are.” He hesitated before pulling a crumpled piece of paper from his jacket pocket and handing it to you.
“I figured you would want to keep this.” He said, changing the subject. You took your mothers note from his hand and felt the tears welling in your eyes. James moved to stand up when you reached out and grabbed his hand, stopping him leaving. He looked down at you in surprise, after the events of today he assumed you’d be done. On your way back home and he’d go back to being alone. But something changed when you grabbed his hand, you felt it and you pushed that feeling through you to him. 
“Don’t go.” You whispered with a shaking voice. “I don’t like sleeping alone.” You felt vulnerable saying it but it was true.
“Neither do I.” He admitted but he made no move to join you in bed. “But I don’t think you’d want to share a bed with me.” He slid his hand from your grip and stepped back over to the coffee table. You sat up, propping yourself on your elbows as you watched him. 
“What are you talking about?” You asked, observing him intently. His body language had changed, he was stiff and you could feel him closing you out. 
“I’m not a good man, Y/N and if you knew everything I’d done.” His voice broke for a moment and he shook his head as if to collect himself. At this revelation you pushed yourself all the way out of bed and walked over to stand before him. Pulling his head up to look at you, 
“I may not know every thing about you, you’re right. But I know enough to know that you aren’t a bad man.” You said, gazing into his eyes. 
“No, I’m not. Not really.” He pulled his head away from your hold but you pulled it right back. 
“Listen to me.” You stated, holding his head between both of your hands. “I get to decide who I want in my life and who I want to share my bed. No one else. If you think I won’t still love you because you have skeletons in your closet, after I nearly killed us both. You are out of your mind.” 
His eyes widened at your accidental declaration. Love might’ve been strong but you felt something more than just affection for him. He didn’t try to pull away again so you released him, letting your hands fall to your hips. 
“If you want to leave because you don’t feel anything for me, I will understand. But don’t tell me it’s because you don’t think you’re worthy. That just isn’t true.” You swallowed hard, waiting for him to push past you and leave but he didn’t. He simply stood still. So you reached down and took his left hand, slowly slipping the glove off and throwing it the the floor. You held his metal hand in yours, inspecting it delicately 
“Is this why you don’t think you’re worthy?” You asked. James furrowed his brow and blinked as if recalling a painful memory. But he didn’t pull away. You interlocked you fingers with his, 
“Whatever you did before, whatever it is you don’t want to tell me. I don’t hold it against you. And I never will.” 
James blinked rapidly, holding back the tears you could see threatening to spill over. With your other hand you caressed his cheek and he leaned into your touch. 
“You saw the worst side of me and you stayed anyway. What makes you think I wouldn’t do the same for you, James.” You said, leading him to sit on the edge of the mattress. As you sat down, you helped him shrug off the jacket he’d been wearing all day. His mechanical arm was more exposed now, just a cotton sleeve protecting it from your eyes. 
“I’ve hurt a lot of people.” He spoke, his voice hoarse. He rolled up the sleeve to reveal more of his arm. “This arm has done nothing but cause pain until I met you.” He looked at you and the pain you saw in his eyes cut through you like a knife. Carefully, you placed your hand on the cool surface. 
“Did you have a choice? When you hurt them, did you have a choice?” You asked. 
“No.” James choked on the sadness in his throat. Once again you held his face in your hands, your faces inches from each other. 
“Than it isn’t your fault.” You started. “Whatever you’ve done, is not your fault, James.”
His head dropped in defeat and you held him close against your chest. Letting him cry if he needed or simply just feel the warmth of you. For a moment you sat there, holding him to you until he sat up. You flashed him a sympathetic smile, 
“Come, let’s lie down.” 
You both slid into bed, it was not quite big enough for two but you didn’t mind feeling the warmth of him next to you. In fact you curled yourself up against his chest and fell asleep almost instantly. James remained awake, watching you sleep until he couldn’t keep the exhaustion at bay any longer. That night was the most peaceful night either of you had had in a long time.
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666writingcafe · 2 days
The Ballad of A Homeschooled Prince
As MC and Solomon explain the details of what happened on their way to the castle, my heart sinks. The Devildom and Celestial Realm have never gotten along at the best of times, so I'm not exactly surprised that Mammon--and to a lesser extent Asmodeus--went through that kind of experience. But it's certainly not the future I want to live in. I believe everyone has value, regardless of race.
Most demons don't see it that way, though. They think themselves to be superior to angels, and therefore the Devildom should never welcome those of the Celestial Realm.
That's in large part thanks to my father. To say that he hates angels is an understatement. If he had it his way, he'd either exterminate every single one of them or, if he was feeling generous, enslave them for all of eternity.
So, he didn't take too kindly to six of them falling more or less on his doorstep. He wanted to send them away. I insisted that they stay. Once he saw that Lucifer bore my mark, he acquiesced, but not before snarkily telling me,
"If you want to act all high and mighty, then perhaps you should take my place for a while. That will get rid of all your silly ideas, and you'll finally start seeing sense."
And then he pretty much disappeared after assigning the brothers titles, so that put an end to that argument. If it weren't for Barbatos, I'd be doing this entirely on my own. Thankfully he and I are on the same page, and not just because he's subservient to me. He's never particularly agreed with my father's policies, but due to his position as butler, he had to keep his mouth shut or risk severe punishment.
Before I can start implementing any change, though, I have to figure out how to get the brothers acclimated to life in the Devildom, and fast. The normal method of assigning them mentors clearly isn't going to work, and with my additional responsibilities, I don't have the time to teach them much of anything.
That is why I wanted to talk MC and Solomon. Based on what Thirteen told me, they should have some insight that will hopefully help me resolve this issue.
MC develops a nervous look on their face when I ask the question, but Solomon manages to comfort them with a soft smile and nod.
"In our timeline, you had established a school," MC quietly answers. "It was called the Royal Academy of Diavolo, or RAD for short. There was a wide array of courses ranging from the standard fundamentals to more advanced, specialized topics. The school was successful enough that you were able to implement an exchange program across the three realms, and Solomon and I were among the first group of students to participate."
"You're not the only one that wants peace and unity between realms," Solomon adds. "I know it may seem that way right now, but there are other people in the Devildom that feel the same way about the future as you do. You just have to know where to look."
Well, this is rather interesting, to say the least. The fact that there's a future timeline where I'm actually able to make positive changes to the Devildom and prove my father wrong...the idea is simply too enticing to ignore.
But I can't do it on my own.
"Would either one of you be interested in being founding members of this school?" I ask.
"Well, it wouldn't make sense for me to, given that I end up being an exchange student later down the line," Solomon replies. "But MC should be able to as long as they use their alias." That makes sense. Wouldn't want to mess with their timeline too much.
I look over at MC, who takes a deep breath before responding,
"I'm in."
Taglist: @lost-in-time-wanderer, @fuzztacular, @dianedancer18, @sweetbrier2908, @flare-love, @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf, @thunderlightning351, @l3v1chan, @anxious-chick, @5mary5, @expressionless-fr
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vronism · 10 months
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What do you wish for?
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kosmo-mckogane · 2 years
im sorry but im still thinking about how pidge's gender reveal scene was framed as some kind of revolutionary trans moment when it was literally her coming out as cis
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piningprecussionist · 5 months
What's it even like at Ramona's place. Also is her cat cute and fluffy?
Well, it's not the most spacious place, for starters. Julie has us all beat on that I think, with Neil and Stephen's place coming second. Then maybe my place? I'm not really sure... DEFINITELY not Scott's.
But it's alright. Ramona knows what to do with the space she has, I think. And she just tucks whatever doesn't need out into her little bag that she's got, so there's never really any clutter, unless Scott's provided it. She's got, like, multiple stories to it? Like, one and a basement, or something- in addition to the ground floor, I mean. We've discussed playing down in her basement, sometimes, for practice? She seemed pretty receptive.
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It's nice being over there. I dunno. She hasn't done a whole lot with it, but it's nicer hanging out there than it is here, usually. Wish she was less busy so I could come over more... I mean, I could visit Scott when he's there I guess, but it's not really the same. Besides, I wouldn't want Ramona to come back from work and have to chase me off to get some rest or something?
*Kim sort of snickers a little.* Or she'd come back to me trying to hide Scott's body. She doesn't deserve to deal with that.
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Anway, more realistically, she's probably exhausted after running around all day, being the only Amazon delivery person in our area and all. Even if she was fine with me lingering, I'm not sure I want front row seats for the two of them being lovey-dovey or whatever. Gross.
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And Gideon... Gideon is probably one of the cutest cats I've ever seen. I didn't really like cats too much before now, but I think I've been converted or something. He's just the sweetest thing, sometimes, and Ramona's managed to get him nearly completely desensitized to being picked up, held, moved around- he just genuinely doesn't care, so long as you aren't hurting him.
He's a short haired cat, I think, but he's super soft- Ramona tells me it's because we're always petting him. Something about the oils in our hands making his fur softer? I think I get the general idea there. His fur is like... deceptively dense though? You can sink your fingers in a little and muss it up if you want.
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Heh. I don't recommend trying to mess with his stomach at all, though. Gideon's generally pretty forgiving, and doesn't really bite or scratch people from what I've seen at least, but one time Scott tried to give him belly rubs while he was all splayed out on the couch... the attack afterward was pretty tame so far as the initial strike went, but he got Scott good, and there was like... blood, everywhere. You'd think he nicked an artery or something, but no, it was just Scott doing what Scott does.
Is there some sort of like... thin-skinned or heavy bleeder debuff he's got or something? Or was it just him being a moron and splattering it everywhere? Anyway, Ramona had it handled pretty quickly, and tiredly, so that's probably something really typical for them.
#I'd actually really like it if we played over there I think#tormenting Hollie with my drums is fun but I'd rather everyone stay the hell out of my room#my friends are too nosy for their own goods. i dont need them going through my shit every week#we could move a couch down there or something... give Neil and Knives a place to sit and watch#and Ramona obviously! she just doesn't like our sound as much I don't think. or Knives for the matter.#she probably wouldn't be super keen on watching us... but if we were playing in her house weekly she'd have to sit in sometimes#Scott would probably cry a little if she didn't and that's never fun#pine.txt#asks#anon#rp#sp comic#spto#spvtw#kim pine#(ooc: tyssm for resending that so quickly! this is a wildly different but same veined answer than the original but I think I like it more +#(+ maybe. so it works out I guess!)#(ooc: hope you enjoy it also. especially given the first version just got Eaten. if it ever pops back up again somehow I'll attach a +)#(+ screenshot of the original answer for comparison or something!)#(ooc: oh! additonal note. I'm basic Gideon around my two cats. one is a shirt haired little lady and the other is a bigger fluffy gal)#(ooc: the fluffy one will tolerate me moving her around however I damn well please. she's even let me cuddle her like she's a stuffed +)#(ooc: animal before it's great. i love her so much)#(ooc: I also love my other cat a bunch I just don't hang around her as often I guess. she's sweet but also a bit of a bitch? she likes to +#(ooc: trip my roommate whenever he's trying to come back here with food. she also doesn't really vibe with other cats super well)#(ooc: I think she gets jealous. but if she wants to hang out with me more she needs to stop trying to knock over literally everything I own#(ooc: anyways! she looks sorta like gideonm she's like a grey/brown tabby with some green/yellow eyes- mostly green I think)#(ooc: basing. i am BASING Gideon.)#(ooc: wow actually there are so many typos in these tags. for me at least. oof. ah well. i did my disclaimer)#spvtwtg#drunk kim
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lionblaze03-02-art · 10 months
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the two cats i'm most obsessed with in my clangen save rn, Burnetpelt and Bouncemurk. They have a terrible relationship with one another but hey at least I love them both
#for context; Bouncemurk was appointed deputy without mentoring anyone#then given one of burnetpelts kits as a make up apprentice#who dies on her first patrol in the jaws of a wild dog. so.#yeah burnet blames bounce for that. fully. as the cat appointed deputy she DEFINITELY shouldve fucking known. not to send a baby into battl#even though its more complicated than that they were on a patrol and it showed up. what was she gonna do as the deputy? NOT lead it away?#try to fight it off?#a damned either way situation but the point is. burnet is the new deputy because hes the only man whos mentored anyone who made it#and bounce was demoted. took the immediate slaughter of her apprentice as a sign from starclan she was the VERY WRONG CHOICE#thus the. quote. she wasnt meant to be anything at all. not a deputy. not a mentor. not respected. no ones friend.#an internal realization. hot tears that she curses herself for letting fall. she doesnt DESERVE to cry. its HER fault.#HJJGGGGHGH I love her sm. shes super young shes like 2 years old tops she never shouldve been placed in this situation#this whole clan is fucked actually. Bitterclan is very interesting I like them enough to actually use them perhaps#warriors#warrior cats#clangen#warrior cats oc#digital art#lineless#colored sketch#btw burnets kits are secretly 'not' his kits. the mom was dying giving birth and he realized this (hes like. a midwife homebuilder type)#and spontaneously declared they were his#and he had been so scared and so nervous but seeing them now; oh theyre so beautiful. he cant wait to be a father...#and their eyes meet and hers look worried. like are you sure? and his are full of so much love and reassurance#and from then on those kits are his. his kits. as far as everyone else alive is concerned theyre biologically his kits. including them#NO ONE knows. and they wont. theyre his. what good would it do?
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rosemirmir · 1 year
Remembering the 3 week period where I was smacked with a frying pan about GiroriWin, and got unexpected brain worms over them. Only for Win to get exploded the next episode... following by Girori getting fired
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liinos · 9 months
saw a reel of some kids at an orchestra camp that looked suspiciously like the one i was forced to go to one year... worst experience of my life!!!
#when i tell you i think there are things stemming from that experience! my parents were actually so wrong for making me go...#my mom CRIED bc i kept insisting that i didn't want to do it bc i a) was never That into music especially not CHAMBER music#b) knew that i would not know anyone and would be stuck in the middle of nowhere with people who were already friends from previous years#c) was only even given an audition bc my teacher knew the staff and their other oboist wasn't able to go that year and they needed one#d) WAS THIRTEEN AND WANTED TO SPEND THE SUMMER WITH MY FRIENDS#i do actually think it caused me real psychic damage attending that like the fact that Everyone was already friends with everyone else...#i came with no friends and i left with no friends! and when i tried to talk to the other girls in my cabin i could tell they were like...#why are you trying to be in our friend group. there was a girl who was nice to me but i was not her friend very clearly#also i was soooo out of my depth there it was Rough for me fr and like i Knew i was out of my depth i had no illusions about that#i knew i would be which is why i was like yeah this is Not for me#i still cannot get over my mom crying about this like this wasn't some great life changing opportunity...#my parents really have and always have had these Ideals they place on me bc They think xyz would be nice#or they wish they could have done it like ??? okay why does that have anything to do with me#my dad keeps being like well *I* want you to go to grad school in mtl bc i like mtl and i want to visit 😁#like haha you're not funny actually 😁 first of all not a single damn thing is stopping you from going you can drive there whenever you want#secondly one of us does NOT want to be in mtl again 😁 and that one of us actually lived there before#also the way my parents constantly visiting me pissed me off to no fucking end... I'M NOT THE PROBLEM CHILD#worried that i just stay in my room like ???? okay??? but if i went out you'd flip bc what if it's unsafe. i LIKE staying home#and i HATED mtl so no way in hell was i going to go do shit especially not at night in the WINTER are you insane#like yeah i was super depressed. that was unrelated to me staying in my room like my room was my Space#anyway all this to say i'm setting the fuck boundary this time around like i actually dgaf i'm an adult and again#not your problem child so if you could stop projecting that onto me just bc HE fucked up when he was in school....#parents will be like why can't you be independent and then literally not let you be i 🫶🏻 it#i do also hold it against the boy child and my dad for this 'you can only go to schools within a 6 hour drive'#which is only a rule my sisters and i had and maybe if the boy child wasn't a fuck up i couldve not had it but you know#he ruined any chance of that but my dad when i was applying for college was like oh it can be anywhere :) and then was like lol no#and then was like well for grad school you can go anywhere and then when it was brought up last time went lol no :)#so i'm going to have to bring lol yes :) energy cuz...
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neuronspider · 1 year
call me a hater or smth idc anymore i'm just gonna say that i really, really fucking hate bonten timeline it's so overrated for a timeline that has only gotten like 2 chapters tops lmao you can't even call it an arc
(bonten gang-centric rant on the tags lmao i honestly can't remember much about the main characters during that time to even talk about it)
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crescentmp3 · 1 year
went outside today! was quite fun ^^
#we went to the place we've been going to for... about six(?) years now#its either five or six.#they recognize me by now!#my dad had gone there while going back from work and was waiting for us#while me and my mom were going she went into her little yarn store (shes in love with crocheting/knitting) so i went ahead of her.#when i went in they were like ''is your mother not coming?'' which was very flattering account of hehe im recognizable#i had chicken wings! which means i ate like a feral cat that hadn't eaten in two days#the only times i shimmy with joy when eating food is when i eat chicken wings. by god they're so good#only if its made like my favorite little places do it. i've gone to burger king once (1) and i absolutely refuse to try anything chicken#theres many of the mainstream english-speaking-country places in super markets but i will never go there. never#they could never do it like this tiny little place we've been going to for years that have an average of zero customers at any given time.#by god i love that place. hope i get to go there for my entire time in high school#we want to move to yenibosna after im done with high school...#we were actually living there when i was an infant! we had to move due to Landlord apparently.#which happened for most of my life.#honest to god i moved every year when in elementary#which means i got to experience four (4) different elementary schools! quite an experience.#the first one i went to elementary in was all the way over in acıbadem (near other side of istanbul on a metrobus)#ahh reminds me of my best friend in first grade. her name was sümeyye i miss her but at the same time i could not care less#it was fun! it was fun. we sneaked out of the elementary during break time to go to the adjacent primary school we used to go to#reminds me fourth grade! there was a primary school next to that one too#is it called a primary school? its not a kindergarden...#oh! sorry. preschool#what was i saying?#well only god knows i cant read my tags. goodbye forever#♚ — rambling !#oh i should talk about my day!#today in english class the teacher did a .. shoobadoowhatsit. can i stop forgetting words#is it called a verbal quiz? verbal exam? verbal something. you understand#hi i ran out of tags. i'll continue in a reblog
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fortune-maiden · 2 years
Thinking about Cold Steel and it’s many writing problems and one of the most baffling ones to me is how the ILF’s actions are just kinda swept aside after a certain point because their leader ‘is our classmate and we’re bringing him home’
The ILF literally tried to nuke Crossbell at one point.
They did a lot of other things, but I feel like that Class VII should find at least that one a little concerning
#don't mind me having a moment#maybe C wasn't personally involved in that one but pretty sure he still would have signed off on it#i can't remember all of his appearances but I think he was definitely aware of the plot (and possibly had a scene with G discussing it?)#actually no given who they were targetting he was definitely a-okay with it#i just can't remember if him faking an appearance was in that chapter or the next one ^^''#anyway there are a lot of things wrong with cold steel's writing but Crow's treatment in particular drives me a little nuts ^^''#his whole situation should have been complicated but it was really forgive and forget#or really just forget. forgive implies they were ever mad at him in the first place#one really interesting thing they could have done was make rean's obsession with crow purely his own thing#while the rest of class vii was a lot more divided about it#instead of just a hive mind#actually so much in general with the writing could be fixed if class vii stops being a hive mind#i feel bad about ranting about cold steel so much but honestly i invested so much time and love into this series#and every new installment just made me want to scream into a pillow more#just... 5 games of incredible buildup completely wasted on 4 (or i guess 5) painfully drawn out and dubious to terrible writing#i've heard kuro was better received but at this point i'm probably just going to stick to the sprite games and nayuta ^^''#unless i start hearing that kuro is on par with sky/crossbell or something#because nothing will ever take my love of sky away from me!#and i generally never hear anything bad about crossbell#or at least nothing that cold steel didn't do worse anyway#(relationship values cough)#i just need to get cold steel rage out of my system once in a while xD#one of these days maybe i'll turn it into something productive
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fierykitten2 · 11 days
Pokémon fans don’t understand that “event-exclusive” means that Wake and Leaves can’t (and shouldn’t be at least until the next time they appear in a game that isn’t SV) be found in the game outside events part 8000000000000000
#walking wake#iron leaves#pokémon#sorry it really annoys me when people say this#and I beat the event in both games even though I couldn’t beat the Venusaur event in either version afterwards (okay bad example but still)#my point is I don’t consider myself great at raids and I still managed to get them first run I participated in the event in either game#(as in first run I was able to try for Cherry/Leaves and the Christmas rerun for Blueberry/Wake)#despite them being exclusive to raid events#so “it’s too difficult they shouldn’t be in raids” is a poor excuse to me#and as someone with a passion for Tera Raid events (who knew they were gonna be disappointed this weekend with nothing big)#I will willingly take on a 5-star version of a 7-star raid for a Pokémon I have no other way of obtaining#I’m still waiting on a Zacian/Zamazenta raid event and a rerun of the Dialga/Palkia event#“oh but they can’t be shiny in raids bc of how raid events work” I had a whole rant about this irl yesterday#that just means the only members of the species that came through before all Paldean rifts to their home place closed weren’t shiny#and given how unlikely any Pokémon is to be shiny and how rare the Proto Beasts and Neo Swords likely are where they’re from#I’m not surprised#anyway as someone whose favourite Pokémon is Iron Leaves and whose second-favourite Pokémon is Walking Wake#I feel like the person best suited for deciding how “bad” an event distribution involving Tera Raid Battles is#for event-exclusives introduced this gen#to be fair the people who are actually best suited for this are arguably Game Freak I mean it’s their game they make the creative decisions#okay going back to the “I’m not good at Tera Raid Battles” I beat the Primarina raids with a Kingambit which is a shit idea don’t do that#I’m not trying to defend Game Freak#I just wish the Pokémon fandom didn’t need the “Mythical” title and a cutesy appearance to justify an event-exclusive being event-exclusive#plus people using Zarude as a counterpoint as much as I hate shitting on Zarude I agree#I’m sure if I had SwSh I never would’ve got a Zarude#also it sounds like half the people that could’ve got it didn’t for some stupid reason#so maybe the event-exclusive that got the most fucked over is Zarude not Wake and Leaves#though I will admit Wake and Leaves have got to be canonically(?) the rarest due to their additional version-exclusivity#anyway I look forward to the Shocks and Thorns event this weekend
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