#rottmnt fanfiction
sugarpasteltmnt · 2 days
Gues what I reread today~ 😭
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cosmicluvcore · 20 hours
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To be human part 3
Rottmnt Leo x reader, gender neutral, friends to lovers, meet cute, apologetic Leo
Part 1, part 2
Summary: Leo has the biggest crush on you but he's afraid that you'd never date a mutant, so with the help of a clooking broach he plans to become your perfect human boyfriend!
Really struggled with this chapter I'm so so sorry if it's bad!!
Tag list!!
@lunaflyer @wings-of-sapphire @ssak-i @nessarolla-in-constant-flux @envyjmoney @leonardo-dabitchy @wookiesmiles-blog @sloppy-syrup
Leo had never actually been to this basketball court before, he knew of it, had maybe seen it in passing a few times but it was always too busy.
Too risky.
But today that wasn't an issue, he didn't have to worry about getting confused glances from others, today he was one of them. He had the cloaching brooch safely tucked under his hoodie, fidgeting with it from time to time from a mix of anxiousness and excitement.
He knew this was a pretty popular park for teens his age, it was mostly students who hung out here and it didn't take much for him to start making a friend or two. His basketball skills were flawless, using his best moves to win over a couple kids at the park was definitely helping his ego.
Though he made sure to keep an eye out for Y/N, knowing that they hung around here sometimes, they'd have to show up some time soon.
Meanwhile he could just keep embracing being a cool ass human. Lev was the name he'd given himself, it would've been insanely obvious if he'd kept his own name, he wasn't that stupid. It had felt weird at first, introducing himself as someone he wasn't. But he couldn't deny that it was beginning to grow on him as he heard other people use it.
Leo, or rather, Lev let out a satisfied huff as he confidently passed the ball, still riding this confidence boost. He looked amazing and his charms were working on everyone! Just wait until Y/N sees him now.
A basketball in the face.
That was the cherry on top of Y/N's crappy day.
As if they hadn't already regrettably slept through their alarm that morning, which made them miss their school bus and forget their lunch. Then once they had finally arrived to class, their teacher had decided to give them a surprise test that they knew they'd flunked. Now they had to suffer the embarrassment of a basketball being thrown their direction.
They cringed at the pain bringing their hands up to their face. The stray ball had hit them hard, but luckily no blood stained their hands.
"Oh mi gosh! I'm so so sorry- Are you okay?" A voice asked, from afar.
"Yeah... I'm okay just a bit-" Y/N hesitated as they finally met the concerned strangers gaze, "-dizzy..."
As they looked up to him he was giving them a sense of deja vú. His apologetic expression gave off a sort of familiarity but they couldn't exactly place it. Maybe it was the dizziness they were feeling from the impact of the ball, but the soft look of concern across his face made their heart flutter a little.
"Hey? Hello? Still with me?" He asked anxiously.
Y/N blinked realising they'd just been staring blankly up at the worried stranger, his voice snapping them back to reality.
"Yes- yep- I'm still here." They assured sheepishly in reply, glancing away.
He let out a relived sigh before chuckling softly, "Lost you for a second there huh? I don't blame you, that was a hell of a hit," His voice was calm with a friendly air to it, weirdly comforting though again that may have been due to the head trauma.
"You sure you're okay?" He asked again.
"I'm alright," They assured, the dizzy sensation leaving them for now, "Only thing bruised is my ego."
He let out a small chuckle, glad to hear them sounding alright.
"I'm sure your ego will recover soon enough," he smiled, "Luckily, I don't see a scratch. Phew, wouldn't want to hurt such a pretty face."
They blinked at the sudden compliment, the words echoing in their still slightly dizzy head, unsure if he was being serious or not.
"Pfft- are you trying to make me forget that you just almost gave me a concussion?"
"Me? I would never..." He hesitates, glancing away sheepishly as they call him out, "But, if I was... would it work?"
They roll their eyes in a playful manner and shrug, "Maybe try starting with an apology."
He chuckled, as they playfully chastised him.
"Right, right,"
He smiled sincerely, a mix of embarrassed and genuinely sorry, jokingly getting onto his knees.
"I humbly apologise to..." He glanced up to them, prompting for their name.
"I humbly apologise to Y/N, for accidentally launching a basketball into your pretty face," He finished, his tone light-hearted, though they could tell there was a hint of sincerity behind his humor.
"Seriously though, I am sorry, I'm not really used to playing basketball with such a large audience." He admitted gesturing to the court, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck as he stood up straight.
"Don't worry about it," They replied calmly, pretty charmed by his playful attitude.
As they looked back to him, something about his face felt weird. Like they'd met before, however as much as they tried Y/N just couldn't place him.
"You know... I don't think I've seen you around here before, what's your name?"
He looked surprised for a moment, a flicker of panic crossing his face before he quickly schooled his expression into a casual smile.
"Lev, I'm Lev."
"It's weird, I feel like I kn-" Y/N's words were immediately interrupted by a sudden hit of pain, apparently this concussion decided to have a delay, "Ow- ow!" They winced, clutching their heads.
Lev immediately took notice of Y/N winced in pain, his concern growing tenfold. "Hey, take it easy. You took a pretty hard hit."
He gently placed a hand on their shoulder, trying to steady them, "Are you okay? Should I go grab ice?"
Y/N bit their lip as they tried to deal with the pain. The world around them started to seem a little too bright and they squeezed their eyes shut.
"Y-yeah, yeah I'm fine-" They murmured, their voice shaking slightly, "Ice would be good."
Lev nodded, quickly standing up his mind racing as he did. What a way to make a first impression, 'Hey Y/N here's a bonk on the head, wanna go out with me?' he was such an idiot! He instinctively went to grab his odachi but paused as he realized it wasn't there.
Leo had the odachi, he wasn't Leo right now he was Lev.
Lev had offered to walk them home during the commotion, he figured it was just a headache from the impact but he wanted to be completely sure they were okay.
As well as take the opportunity to talk with them.
Y/N was steadying their breath, pressing cold bags of store bought ice against their forehead. The pain was slowly numbing while the pair took a seat on the steps outside their apartment block.
Y/N didn't understand why but Lev clicked so easily with them, they were always on the same page.
It was refreshing to actually relate to someone for once.
"And after all that, she decides to throw a surprise test at us! Last time I checked, surprises are supposed to be fun," They huffed angrily, "Ugh, I'm sorry for throwing all this your way."
"Hey, don't worry about it. Sometimes you just need to let it all out, y'know?" Lev offered, a gentle smile across his face, "Besides, I threw a basketball at you, you're just returning the favour."
"Pfft, I didn't think of it like that." They admitted with a chuckle.
A warm smile slowly started to form on their lips, this stranger had made them laugh today even after everything else that had happened.
Who knew that all it took was getting hit in the head with a basketball?
"You know, I'm honestly kind of surprised that you've been this patient." They noted with a light chuckle, "Most people don't like listening to whining."
"Well..." Lev hummed, hesitating a little before he finished his sentence, "I'm not like most people."
Y/N lifted an eyebrow, a curious look spreading across their face, "Oh? And how's that?" They asked, their curiosity piqued, "Are you a vampire or something, stranger?"
"Pssh, first of all vampires are a total scam," He replied with a laugh, "What's the point of being sexy for all eternity without being able to see your reflection?"
Y/N grinned, a laugh escaping as his response, "Sounds like someone talking from experience."
He simply rolled his eyes softly, "And second, stop calling me stranger my name is Lev you know."
"Well, you are technically a stranger."
"Come on, we're at 'basketball bonking' levels of friendship." He retorted with a playful tone.
"Ooh, nice alliteration." They teased smugly in reply.
Lev's expression brightened, smiling hopefully back at them, "Nice enough for me to be a friend?"
Y/N pretended to consider it for a moment, they hummed thoughtfully before finally shrugging and nodding,
"An acquaintance." They answered with a smirk.
"Ahh, there's no winning with you." Lev sighed in mock offence.
"What can I say," They grinned teasingly "I'm hard to please."
A bit of water began to drip down Y/N's face, the ice was melting quickly.
"Doesn't seem like that ice is going to last a while."
Y/N frowned as they noticed some of the cold water trickle down their face. They let out a slight huff, knowing that their source of comfort was quickly melting.
"Yeah, I guess not."
Another drop landed on their nose, and Lev couldn't help but chuckle at the way it made them blink in surprise.
"I should probably head inside."
"Right, you can get some ice that isn't melting." Lev nodded casually in an attempt to hide the wave of disappointment that crossed his face.
He genuinely wanted to talk to them, that was... cute.
"Exactly," They smiled in reply as they stood up from their seat and Lev followed, "Thanks for taking care of me."
"I mean... it was kinda my fault in the first place." He mumbled, the regret evident in his voice.
"Hey stop beating yourself up about that," Y/N scolded in a gentle tone, "I know it was an accident." They assured.
"Besides, I really enjoyed talking with you." They added honestly.
Lev's eyes lit up at that, their confession making a warm smile spread across his face.
"Really?" He asked, trying to bite back the eagerness in his tone, though it seeped through easily.
Y/N chuckled and nodded in reply, "Yeah, I'll see you around right?"
Lev nodded brightly, "I promise no basketballs will be involved next time." He grinned.
"Noted." They said with a small laugh, turning to open the doors to their apartment complex.
They gave him another soft smile, their eyes holding his gaze for a moment.
Lev smiled back at them, a twinge of relief and a hint of flattery on his face as he watched them turn to leave.
A part of them didn't want him to leave, they just wanted to stay and chat for a bit longer.
But another part was reminded of the pain in their head, yeah it was time to go inside.
They gave a small wave to their newly found friend as they entered the building.
"Bye Lev."
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tervaneula · 2 days
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Guess who has yet another new WIP!!!!!! Yes it me. Anyway. Communication my beloved<3
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Donnie angst..? Something to go with this
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Someone let 2012 Donnie build a bomb in a shed without judgement, he deserves it.
This is from the latest chapter of Too Many Turtles! In which 2012 Donnie builds a bomb, Mutant Mayhem Splinter adopts everyone, and 2003 Mikey commits homicide at the back of a pizza joint at 4am.
(Also 1987 Mikey gets his very own version of Chompy, because I love the idea of him having a little turtle pet too much)
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bambiraptorx · 1 day
Not Quite Hidden AU: Part 6. Word Count: 430. Readers chose: Snoop around.
Leo hums on the way home, planning where to start his vest-a-gate-shin.  Dad's usually grumpy and tired after shopping, so asking him right now wouldn't be the best option.  None of his neighbors know the goat-man, as far as Leo knows, so asking around might not get him much.  And anyway some of them are weird.
That leaves one option—snooping around himself.
Easy enough, he just needs to do it without getting in trouble.  The last time he left their apartment without Dad knowing, Mikey tattled on him and Dad was so angry he'd almost started crying.  So maybe he wasn't really angry then at all, but anyways Leo can't get caught this time, not when he's trying to find out something so important. This goat guy acted like he knows them, or like he wants to know them, and that's odd enough for Leo to get curious.  
He waits until they get home and all the groceries are put away to disappear.  Dad yawns as he puts everyone down for a nap on the mattress they share, and for once, Leo lets his brothers snuggle closer to Dad without fighting it too much.  He loves to get cuddles, but he’s got importanter things to think about today.
He waits until everyone's breathing slows, then counts to fifty-seven, the biggest number he can reach before getting bored.  Only then does he roll out of bed, his feet hitting the cold wooden floor with muffled thumps.
Not quite muffled enough, given that Raph cracks open an eyelid and turns his head in Leo’s direction.  “Leo? Where’re ya going?”
Leo blinks as innocently as he can.  “For a walk.”
He could say he's going to the bathroom, but then Raphie’s gonna stay up waiting for him, and it’ll only give him a few minutes’ headstart anyway.
Raph huffs.  “Nuh uh.”
“Nuh uh?  You can't say nuh uh, Daddy didn't say not to leave during nap time!” Leo whispers back triumphantly.  “That means it's okay to do it!"
Raph wrinkles his snout in consideration.  “Dad’s gonna worry if he sees you not here, though.”
Huh.  Leo didn't think of that.  “If you don't tell him, I'll share my candy stash with you.”
Raph’s eyes widen, and his tail thumps against the mattress. “Deal.” Mikey sneezes in his sleep, and Leo takes advantage of the way Dad's ear twitches at that to slip away.  He's really good at moving fast and quiet when he wants to be.  He has a mystery to solve!
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albaqae · 9 months
So I’ve noticed that in this fandom it’s common to include Deaf/ASL-using-characters into stories, which is honestly AMAZING and makes me SO HAPPY TO SEE, but many of us aren’t deaf we rely on resources, therefore:
My ASL teacher gave us this website cause it’s updates constantly (ASL evolves lots) and it’s a lot more accurate and reliable than just google :))
To work it- type the word, and a word bank will pull up, click on the term u want and a video/description of the sign and word will appear!!!
It’s rlly simple and has most words and if it doesn’t it’s bc it’s finger spelled probs!!!!
If u want more in-depth good grammar, search up ��five parameters ASL”, “glossing in ASL” and watch a few videos to see “how sentence structure differs in ASL”
As always, remember it’s ok to make mistakes/notice a mistake, just be mindful and kind :D most of us aren’t out for malice and if someone is it’ll probs be very obv 😭
Happy Creating!!
Edit: A THANK U SO MUCH FOR THE REBLOGS :)) if anyone ever needs any help drop a comment or look at other reblogs!! There’s lot of other resources/tips there!!!
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tangledinink · 3 months
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new cover art for i'm sorry, teenage mutant what now? btw :3c
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intotheelliwoods · 1 year
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If @dandylovesturtles will not give Leo a hug anytime soon then I will. Take that.
I may be invisible, but I still look good will be the death of me. Chapter 10 already gave me a stab wound.
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turtleinsoup · 6 months
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I drew somthin
I hope I can update my Lemonade Leak fic soon again ^^
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heck-theo · 9 days
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So I know this doesn't exactly happen like this, but this is where my brain went. Donnie go weeeee. Look at him go, he loves it in there :>. Really awesome chapter!
The Neon Void fic by @sugarpasteltmnt (hope it's ok to tag you for fanart? I'm not sure if that's a faux pas)
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sugarpasteltmnt · 2 days
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why is he in my chem homework. take him back
(ignore the shit drawing & quality and pretend it’s good, it’s easier if ya squint)
shhhhhh no i LOVE HIM THANK U AH 💕🩵💗
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phoebepheebsphibs · 10 months
The votes are in...
Hide and Seek: A Collection of Turtle Tots Stories has WON!
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Here are some sneak previews of what the story will include!
Also holy truffle mac and cheese, so much artwork went into just the cover like heck why am I such an overachiever???
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tervaneula · 2 months
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let us catch you this time
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watercloud7 · 2 years
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To the mf out there making my baby suffer like this… do it again it’s great content
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mossy-box · 3 months
Drew some stuff from @remedyturtles ‘s fic, Firefight.
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I definitely recommend giving it a read <3
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