jarofstyles · 2 days
Leather & Lace 2
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Hello my loves! Leather and Lace 2 is now yours. The next and last official part is available on our Patreon early, but I’m willing to write some more for them if you guys want 👀 they’ll be classified as ‘extras’ but oh well hehe
Check out our Patreon for early access and 170+ exclusive writings
Leather & Lace masterlist
Warnings- possessive H, kind of a dickhead
WC- 3.7k
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Things had shifted between Harry and Y/N.
He hadn’t been sure what to expect after she’d blown him, but she didn’t make it awkward at all. If anything? They were more comfortable around each other. Harry was less nervous to touch her, pulling her into his side as they sat on her new couch the next day or adjusting the hair from her face when the wind got it stuck in her lip gloss when they’d met for lunch. The way she reacted to his touch was much more noticeable to him now which made him feel particularly chuffed. Y/N was important to him before, but it seemed like the intimacy had elevated them to a different level.
It had only been a week since the night at her place where she’d given him the best blowie he’d ever received, but they hadn’t done much else. They had cuddled in bed that night, kissed a little bit, but he hadn’t had a chance to get her truly alone and it was driving him nuts. 
Y/N was popular and she had a lot of activities she liked to do. Paint n’ sip classes she helped run, volunteering at the library, at the animal shelter, helping her new neighbor with her cat, on top of her own workload. The closest he’d gotten to alone time with her was when she arrived at his place on wednesday to climb into his bed and pass out, which she’d done with a smeared kiss to his lips. She’d been asleep once her head hit the pillow. 
He’d gotten to see her out quite a bit as he was often wrangled into helping her. He used to pretend to be grumpy about it and huff and puff when she’d pat his head but he hadn’t even tried to do that this week. Instead he let his touches linger and watched her smiles grow, happy to get a few seconds to hug her before she had to move on to something else. It had been driving him out of his mind, and if they didn’t have the promise to go back to her place tonight he may have lost it. 
House parties weren’t something he particularly liked, but when Y/N called him on video chat and gave him her puppy eyes while asking him to help her set it up for Sarah, he couldn’t say no. He did like the other girl well enough and he knew how crazy Y/N was about birthdays, so he’d given up his friday night to the whole surprise party. 
Though he wasn’t feeling very generous with Y/N’s time anymore. For the first hour of the party he’d followed her around and lingered in the corners to make sure she was okay as she chatted to people, but this observing really did him in. She was so fucking perfect. 
It hit him again how much he actually liked her. The whole experience was odd considering he hadn’t considered being in a relationship in this point of his life, content with hooking up and never seeing the other person again, but that was pre Y/N. Now that he had her in his world, it was hard to imagine himself with anyone but her. Sure, she was his opposite in a way, but they attracted. That’s what all the books and movies said, anyways. He want content just observing her, ignoring mostly anyone else who would come up to him or give them one worded answers with his eyes on his girl, the pretty little butterfly fluttering around the room. 
The feeling had been so unfamiliar that the first time he’d felt it, he’d thought it was heartburn or something. 
Harry had already admired her before but it was a whole other level seeing how much she tried to make other people feel seen. She gave them attention, smiling and listening intently before gracefully getting her exit out only to be stopped by someone else. How a woman like that had been into him enough that she’d wanted to blow him and keep him around, he had no clue. But there was no taking it back, and he was feeling greedy. 
Cornering her in the kitchen, he narrowed his eyes at her as she looked at him with a giddy smile. “M’tired of sharing your attention.” he said it simply, placing his hands on her hips and backing her into the quieter corner. She squeaked as her back hit the wall, a nervous giggle leaving her throat as he loomed over her. “Barely got a lick of your attention all week, and m’not happy about it, pet.” His lip pouted slightly, the ring on it glinting at the motion. 
She frowned, wrapping an arm around his neck. “I know it’s been really busy, H, and I’m sorry. I just wanted to help people out.” She sighed, watching him look over her face. The girl looked a little tired, which he didn’t like. 
“I know you do, sweets, but you’ve got t’learn how to tell people no. You’re spreading yourself too thin and you barely have a moment to breathe. Yeah, m’greedy for your attention but I don’t like the idea of you being tired and running ragged because people ask you t’do shit. They know you’ll say yes.” It actually did piss him off. He didn’t think everyone had malicious intent, no, and he knew Y/N was a big girl who could handle herself. But sometimes he had to wonder why they were so comfortable asking such big things of her. 
“I do like to help, though.” She tried to protest but really couldn’t, because he was right. She was bone tired and despite her bubbly nature, she had been deflating slightly as the night went on. Their weekend together was the reprise they got to have where she knew she’d have time to breathe. Selfishly she liked that Harry was able to be blunt and a little mean. He wasn’t to her, but his protectiveness of her really showed. 
“Yeah, but it means I get less time with you. And m’a selfish man, Y/N.” Tipping her chin up, he lowered his face towards her. “Not to mention you’ve been too busy to let me properly fuckin’ kiss you. Like your little pecks darlin, they’re cute, but where’s the kiss you gave me with my load on your tongue? Hm?” 
Y/N sputtered, whining at his dirty mouth but he could tell she liked it. Her eyes had widened but she had no real heat to her scolding, instead leaning into him a bit more. “I didn’t know you wanted me to kiss you like that.” The admission followed a beat of silence. 
“Always want you to kiss me, are you fuckin’ kidding?” He grumbled. “Can’t jus’ give me the best blowie of my life and fuck off. Didn’t let me return the favor which m’dying to do, but even more you’ve been keeping this mouth from me. Don’t like it one bit.” His thumb brushed over the plump bottom lip, exhaling through his nose as he shook his head. “S’a fucking shame. Can’t get how good we tasted together out of my head. Not trying to pressure you if you don’t want to do that stuff, you can tell me to fuck off but.. I don’t think y’want me to.”
“No, I…” She stumbled over her words. “I do want those things. I just didn’t expect you to talk so dirty.” The tilt of her lips gave the clue that she liked it. “I didn’t want to assume it meant more than just that even though I wanted it to and - oh” 
His mouth cut her off. Catching her off guard her lips opened a little bit, letting him be selfish and slip his tongue into her sweet mouth. Humming at the taste, his arm leaned against the wall as he held himself over her while the other kept her jaw angled the way he wanted it. The kiss was just like him. Intense and hot and a little sweet at the end when he pulled back and pressed three more pecks to her lips, rubbing his nose against the side of hers. “None of that shit. Meant a hell of a lot to me, silly little thing. Want to do it all the damn time. So you’re gonna have t’take it easy with giving all your time away, hm? Think I need some more of your help soon… and maybe…” He released her jaw to slide his hand to the back of her neck, massaging it just a little. “Maybe you’ll let me help you, hm? Someone’s got t’take care of such a sweet little thing. It isn’t fair.” 
“H-Harry.” She felt her cheeks getting hot. Harry’s attention had always been intense and maybe that’s part of the reason she’s been so busy this week. Anxiety over being truly alone with him again in case he regretted it, if he didn’t like what they did and didn’t know how to let her down easy- but this was the ideal, she thinks. Regardless of how much he flustered her, or how he was the biggest energy in the room, she found herself preening at the attention he gave her. “It meant a lot to me too.” 
Her hushed voice made him smile, leaning in to press a chaste kiss between her brows. “Good. Can we get going, then? Or would y’let me lick your cute little cunt in one of these bedrooms?” Did he say it just to watch her squirm? A little, but only because it was really fucking cute. 
“We can go. I’ve just got to say goodbye to some people.” She sent him a shaky smile as he nodded, pushing off the wall to wrap his arm around her shoulders. It was a new feeling for her to feel so… claimed. They had been around each other pretty consistently for a while but she could feel people looking, considering Harry was usually the victim of her clinging to his arm instead. Open affection wasn’t something anyone had seen from him, let alone with a girl that was so clearly different than him, but something about that made her giddy. 
Harry was impatient in general, but he tampered it down as Y/N said goodbye to the people she knew here. It was just in her nature to be a polite little flower, floating around the room to wish everyone a good evening. Her manners, oddly enough, aroused him. He liked seeing her be so sugary sweet and knowing that it was 100% genuine. It was even more nice to see considering he’d had a glimpse of what a bold and filthy girl she could be. The blowie the night she’d moved in had completely taken him off guard and let him know then and there that her innocence wasn’t all encompassing. She had some shadows to her, and he planned to see how full they could extend. 
His arm was around her as she said goodbye, merely nodding when people acknowledged him and not bothered when they didn’t. All that mattered to him was they were polite to her- though one of the guys had been a bit too bold, especially considering he was right fucking there.
“Her eyes are on her face, not her tits.” He said lowly. “And if you’d like t’keep yours, I suggest you remember that.” There was no full aggression, only a promise that he intended to keep. It wouldn’t be the first time he’d go at someone for her. 
Thankfully the prick flushed, muttering apologies before dashing away so he could use this as an excuse to get them the fuck out of there. 
Harry didn’t love parties. He didn’t like lots of people. He went for 3 reasons only, and they depended on the night. To get a drink, to get a fuck, or for Y/N. Though now he supposed he’d have an excuse for not going to many others. The plan was to keep Y/N to himself and not have to deal with the people he’d fucked around with not getting the hint even after he stated what he wanted. For once in his life he wanted one person and one person alone, and she was under his arm. 
To his surprise, she didn’t say anything about his snarky reply to the guy they’d last said goodbyes to, instead leaning into his side as they approached his car. It was a bit nippy outside and he knew she ran cold, so he’d remedy that quickly. “C’mere.” He sighed, picking her up and placing her on the hood of his car. Stripping his flannel off, he motioned for her to splay her arms out, helping her put it on. “Wasn’t too bad when you left but it’s a little too cold out for you now, hm?” His voice was softened as he stood between her knees, face level with her as he slipped his hands under the new layer. 
“I never remember to grab a sweater.” She admitted, smiling shyly as she felt palms running over her back. This was different. The whole thing was, seeing as Harry’s treatment of her had considerably softened up. He’d always been nice to her, don’t get her wrong! He let her sit on him and mess up his hair and hold his arm but… feeling him be the touchy one for once really made her feel… validated? Appreciated? She wasn’t sure of what the right term would be, but she felt like he liked her more than she had originally thought. “Who’s place do you want to go to?” 
“Hm… maybe mine. I just did a grocery shop. I know you’ve been busy this week, so I don’t want to go and mess up your place.” Y/N would be a bit unsettled if it got messy and he was planning on seeing what exactly he could get her to do with him. 
It had been circling around his mind the whole week, how he wanted to make it up to her. How he wanted to take her properly and feel her cum around his cock and his tongue and his fingers- anywhere he could get it. He was a man starved, pathetically so, but he didn’t have any shame in it. 
“Okay. I like your place.” It was the truth. He had a nice place in her opinion. It was bigger than her own, but not cold. Darker in aesthetic, brick and dark colors and richer patterns. She’d helped him make it nicer after she had seen the state of it the first time, a real bachelor pad that made her worry for his comfort. Thanks to the sweet girl, he had a much more comfortable sectional couch, a coffee table- with coffee table books, no less- and some art. She’d helped pick out his bar stools for his island in the kitchen, too. Little bits of her were all over his place, but that’s how he wanted it to be. 
“I’d hope so. You helped make it.” He snorted, tugging her closer to him so their centers were flush. The silence happened again, this time a little heavier. “I missed you this week.” The sentiment was repeated as he dragged a hand from under the warmth of his flannel and brushed the hair out of her face. The breeze hadn’t been much of a help. “I sleep better when you’re around. Know I like to give you shit and call you a needy pup, but I love it when you’re like that.” Tipping her chin up, he sighed as he observed her soft features. The slope of her nose, the mascara on her lashes that had flaked just a little bit, the slightly faded lip stain. He couldn’t imagine not being obsessed with her.
“I’m glad. I used to think I was a little annoying to you.” She admitted, fingers fiddling with the hem of his shirt. “I’m sorry I was so busy. I didn’t think you’d mind.” Historically he’d get grumbly about it but he understood- and she’d usually pop over or invite him to her old flat. 
“Course I mind. Not that you have stuff to do but you overwork yourself and…” licking his lip, he debated on whether or not to say it. “Was just hoping that you weren’t avoiding me, is all. That I didn’t make you uncomfortable last weekend.” 
Her heart clenched in her chest as she saw his eyes dip to the side, for once in his life showing a bit of vulnerability. Harry never seemed anxious about much, his general setting being a blank stare or a smug smirk, so it wasn’t something she saw often. Sometimes when he was drunk he’d get a little mushy about things but he hadn’t had much, if anything tonight. “No. Of course not. I initiated it, remember?” Her hand lifted to his face, the skin slightly cool from the night air. “I wanted to do it. I promise. If I was uncomfortable I’d tell you. Listen…” adjusting slightly, she caught his eye. “I feel the most safe when I’m with you. Sure, sometimes it feels like I’ve got a guard dog, but I feel really secure. I know you’d never hurt me, you always are so careful with me even if everyone else thinks you’re all rough and tumble… I know you and I know you’d only even touch me in ways I like. I really was busy, but I was just nervous you’d regret it too.” 
Harry’s brows furrowed at her admission. While he was over the moon that she always felt the safest with him, he had no idea why she would think he’s regret it. “Never. I just kept thinking about it. I wanted to do it more. I don’t regret anything, and I feel like I’ve got t’make sure you know that I don’t think of you as one of those quick fucks.” Even if she hadn’t said it, he was sure that was a thought that had lingered around in her head. That was his reputation and he’d be stupid if he didn’t know better. 
“I.. I never thought of it as that, no, but I wasn’t expecting commitment.” She admitted back, eyes wide as he looked into his own. It squeezed his chest, the idea of just being with her sexually. That wasn’t what he wanted. 
“No. I want commitment.” He said lowly. “You aren’t just a fuck to me, Butterfly. Not in the slightest. I fuckin’ adore you, y’know that?” He sighed, rubbing his thumb over her bottom lip and tugging it slightly before letting it snap back into place. “You’re my girl. You’ve been my girl for a while. I’ve jus’ been a bit of a pussy in trying to initiate anything because the last thing I wanted was for you t’think that you were just someone else I went to bed with. M’tired of that.” All he wanted to do was crawl into bed with her at night and feel her kissing him in the morning or watch her sleepy little face as she dreamt. All the fluffy, mushy shit he used to feel sick from were the exact things he craved. “Couldn’t get it up for anyone else after a while. I was only able to thinking about you and… after a bit, I had no desire to be around anyone else. They didn’t smell like you, didn’t sound like you. My cock was set on you and I think my heart wants to follow.” 
Y/N had to laugh at his last words but also in shock. She’d heard herself at the beginning of their friendship how he’d scoff at the idea of a relationship, made fun of the romance movies she liked, heard about him disappearing at a party for a bit before coming back with messy hair and swollen lips, sometimes a fly undone. But slowly that had stopped, if she recalled. The hookups, the snarky comments about love. It dwindled. Snark still existed for other things but he seemed to be more lighthearted around her. “You… you want like, a relationship with me?” Her eyes rounded at the thought. 
“I’d say don’t act so surprised, but I get it.” He had to admit that, a smile on his face. It surely was a lot for her to process, considering it still had him in a tizzy and he’d had months to work over these feelings. “Yeah. Want you to be mine. M’not good at sharing, though, so you’re gonna have to tell some of these people that you have a boyfriend that wants to love on you a bit when they demand your attention.” There was another pause as his ears turned a bit red. “If, if that’s what you’d want, though. I don’t want to rush you into a label or anything, m’fine with jus’ figuring shit out but I’ve thought of you as mine for a while and-“ 
Her hand pulled him to her, shutting him up with her lips. 
The man, for all his dark demeanor and rough glances, melted under her touch. Hummed into the kiss in surprise, cupping her jaw and reciprocated immediately as her hands went to the back of his neck to hold on to him. That giddy feeling in his stomach was buzzing as she giggled against his mouth as he chased it when she pulled back to get a proper breath.
“C’mere.” He mumbled, nudging their noses. “Lips are cold. Don’t be cruel, little Butterfly.” 
Y/N couldn’t have that, could she? “Sorry, boyfriend.” She smiled against his lips, pressing them right back where they belonged. 
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jarofstylesaesthetics · 8 months
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queenofgraveyards · 1 year
Hello we love ur fics 😚😚😚 thank you for writing and sharing
omg thank u!! i’m so happy ppl like them 🥰🥺
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hsjazebel · 1 month
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Fic recommendations 💞 (3)
A list of my personal favourites, please let me know if anyone would like to be added/removed <3
All you lovely talented writers!! ❤️
Mutually beneficial @cherryjuiceblues
Ex-boyfriend’s dad!Harry @gurugirl
Complicated freak @lukesaprince
Teach me @freedomfireflies
The favor @jarofstyles
Solace @justlemmeadoreyou
Sex tutor @gurugirl
Sunlite @alisonfelixwrites
Silent treatment @harry-styles-obsessed
Fill @1800titz
Stacy’s mom @jarofstyles
Tension @heartateasee
Delight @harryhoney-bee
Something to gawk at @cherryjuiceblues
Overdrive @freedomfireflies
Yes, Mr. Styles @smuttyaf
Silk and rope @cupid-styles
Psycho for you @harrysonlylover
Daddy does it better @lukesaprince
Kindergarten crush @gumballavocadoharry
The best interruption @musicforastylesrestaurant
Water bug @signoferoda
You before me @bunnyteetharry
Marriage life @bunnyteetharry
His forever valentine @musicforastylesrestaurant
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mafiaswitch · 24 days
Favorite H.S. Stories
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My idea is to use this post to keep track of my fav authors and stories on here, also as an appreciation for all their hard work! <3
by @lukesaprince
🏆Complicated Freak🏆
Best Friend's Brother
Daddy Does It Better
by @freedomfireflies
One For The Money
by @stylesharrys
All That You Are
by @fkinavocado
Daddy Issues
by @gurugirl
Don't Stand So Close
The Arrangement
The Unicorn
Ex-Boyfriend's Dad
Best friend's Dad
by @jarofstyles
The Favor
by @cupid-styles
by @smuttyaf
The Business
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cupid-styles · 3 months
cupid-styles recent reads :)
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hello !!! it's been awhile since I've put out a fic rec post so here are some things ive recently read that I've absolutely adored!
(there's so much great fic in this community and I wish I had time to read everything so pls always feel free so self-promo in my inbox too!
** = smut!
bandmates!harry x y/n by @sparkrls
caught** by @jarofstyles
the favor** by @jarofstyles
little bunny** by @wrongplacerighttime
harry and y/n make up** by @haaarry
ride the tiger** by @1800titz
slip** by @1800titz
overdrive** by @freedomfireflies (yes she literally just posted this.....yes im already recommending it..........I don't wanna hear a thing about it !)
yes, mr styles** by @smuttyaf
on one condition** by @bottlesofrouge
you painted me golden** by @daydreaming-laur (on wattpad but masterlist is on tumblr too!)
soulmates pt 1 by @jawllines
rosemary check-in** by @moonchildstyles
this is all I have for rn but im going to try to do these on a monthly basis so I can shoutout all the amazing things I read on here !! as always thank u to the writers who share their work w us!!!!!!!
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yourhsficsplug · 2 months
Fic recommendations
As of March 2024
>sorted in order of reblog date
*=contains smut
You can find all fic recs under #fic rec
Series / multiple parts
Y/N wakes up craving blood and Harry‘s there to help (reluctantly) by @jawllines *
The devil is a gentleman by @1800titz *
404 by @freedomfireflies *
IFall for Harry by @freedomfireflies *
Teach Me by @freedomfireflies *
Ophanim by @stylesloveclub *
Harry and Y/N are in the same ballet class, and they hate each other by @jawllines *
Harry is Y/N’s new bodyguard and Y/N’s sure they’ve met before by @jawllines *
The Young Dad!Harry Universe by @avatar-anna
Harry is a young professor and Y/N has never felt this kind of attraction before by @novelistrry *
Stand alones / short stories
No loss by @adorebeaa *
Earning it by @adorebeaa *
Desire by @enthusiasticharry *
Feathery by @moonchildstyles
Soft by @moonchildstyles *
Shy by @moonchildstyles
Previous Recs
January Recommendations (2023)
Includes works by @jawllines, @gurugirl, @s-brant, @jarofstyles, @itslottiehere, @gucciwins, @harryssweatcreaturee
Fic recs 2022
Includes works by @moonchildstyles, @watchmegetobsessed, @mixed-with-intellect, @helladirections, @harrys-titties, @tobesobri, @stylesloveclub, @goldensstateofgrace, @groovybaybee, @stylesunchained, @songbirdstyles, @harryforvogue, @softforcal, @h-styles-babes, @wroteasongabouther, @talesofstyles, @1dffexchange, @havethetimeofyourstyles, @gucciwins, @nationalharryleague, @lovemesomeharry, @sunflowervolvimp3, @finelinevogue, @jawllines, @harrystylesgotmefuckedup, @theasstour, @songbirdstyles, and more but i’ve reached my mentions limit. Open the link!
Happy reading! Don’t forget to support the writers! Reblog, like, comment 🩷
I highly, highly recommend you check out each writer‘s masterlist. There is something for everyone!
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gurugirl · 2 months
i need some good thigh clenching worthy smut. any recs 😁
I am so behind on so many fics I'm just gonna name drop and you pick what you want. Read the warnings to find out if there's smut - and if so you are guaranteed a good ride! Also check out my #hs fic rec tag!
@0nlythrowharrybeaux @1800titz @cherryjuiceblues @cupid-styles @finelinefae @fkinavocado @freedomfireflies @harrysonlylover @jarofstyles @justlemmeadoreyou @lukesaprince @smuttyaf @stylesharrys @swiftmendeshoran @sykostyles @watchmegetobsessed @wrongplacerighttime
There are TONS of amazing writers out there! I can't name them all but do go through my fic rec tags and check out everything there.
Enjoy love!!
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stylessbean · 4 months
Harry Styles Series Fic Rec Masterlist
------------ ˗ˏˋ ꒰ 🍓🍒🍄 ꒱ ˎˊ˗ ------------
(Last Updated: 2/02/2024)
only angel masterlist (tattoorry/plugrry) by @cupid-styles
spare parts by @around1302
flame by @jarofstyles
no strings attached by @lilystyles
the assistant by @0nlythrowharrybeaux
Enticing by @unabashegirl
Reluctant Hearts by @duhstyles
Even when the night changes by @be-with-me-so-happily
a favour by @harrysbabycherry
housemates by @harrysbabycherry
Harry and Y/N are in the same ballet class, and they hate each other by @jawllines
Assistant! Reader by @avatar-anna
you’re my last shot by @cupid-styles
Love island Harry universe by @finelinevogue
Jamaica Me Happy by @for-fucks-sake-h
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tinyhrry · 11 months

untitled (@avatar-anna)
Grief Pt 2 (@avatar-anna)
The Maid of Honour & The Best Man (@musicforastylesrestaurant)
Why Dont U Love Me? Pt 2 (@alltheloveflowerh)
The Boxer Pt 2 (@ever-since-kiwi)
I wish you were the one who told me (@meetevieinthehallway)
Commitment Pt 2 (@harry-writings)
Friends before fans (@finelinevogue)
Take my money (@gucciharrywritings)
Destiny (@freedomfireflies)
Thick and Thin (@theonewiththefanfics)
Reconcile (@talesofstyles)
High (@harryisalrightig)
Champagne Problems (@allyouneedisbuck)
Love you goodbye (@atharryshouse)
Canyon moon (@gucciwins)
She can see we're lonely down here (@violetsandfluff)
A small phone call (@twohearts-hs)
Trust (@shroombloomm)
Pull me in (@hunflowers)
Just called to say I love u (@avatar-anna)
Better Man (@avatar-anna)
In sickness and in health (@talesofstyles)
Failure (@avatar-anna)
to love someone (@ineffablywriting)
Second (@missmielyhoran)
you are the love of my life (@finelinevogue)
worst daddy ever (@whitemancumslut)
future gf (@avatar-anna)
rivals (@avatar-anna)
interesting (@goldsainz)
birthday boy (@finelinevogue)
drive my car (@mulledcherrywine)
No guarantee (@allofurlove)
Girl Gone Live (@avatar-anna)
When in Rome (@finelinevogue)
Drama Queen (@sunflowerkiwis)
Wardrobe Malfunction (@watchmegetobsessed)
Drunk on a wedding (@harryyskiwii)
Favorite Holiday (@tsumtsumrry)
Puppy Love (@watchmegetobsessed)
Highschool Lovers (@haaarry)
Class Buddies (@ever-since-kiwi)
Waiting for you (@watchmegetobsessed)
Chubby Cheeks (@jarofstyles)
Bo Peep (@haarrrys)
Anything for his girls (@flwrsforu)
Shoot ur shot (@finelinevogue)
Wouldn't it be nice (@ill-be-your-honey-bri)
Where the world takes you (@havethetimeofyourstyles)
Princess Jasmin (@harrysmimi
New York streets & dreams (@sweet-creature101)
What dreams are made of (@flwrsforu)
Sick on tour (@musicforastylesrestaurant)
At the brits (@hes-writer)
Times you were at Wembley with harry (@harrysfolklore)
Lots of loving (@daaydreamy)
Finally Free (@be-with-me-so-happily)
Before the show (@avatar-anna)
Home (@musicforastylesrestaurant)
Childhood Friends (@harryyskiwii)
In your rainbow paradise (@anabsolutetrainwreck)
Instagram Live (@astranva)
Good job (@daaydreamy)
Love at the coffee shop (@gucciwins)
Interesting enough? (@finelinevogue)
Brother's best friend (@watchmegetobsessed)
We're really funny (@mosh-4)
asking for her hand (@ameliaskdr)
GQ couples quiz (@glitteredrry)
worth the risk (@gucciwins)
No more games (@watchmegetobsessed)
Better now (@bopbopstyles)
Pregnancy Series (@avatar-anna)
Our Story (@daisyblog)
Songs of hers (@chaoticloving)
Kiss me in the dark (@finelinevogue)
Young dad!harry (@avatar-anna)
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hsficrecommendation · 6 months
Hello everyone! This is masterlist #4, #5 and #6 (Cont. Of June, then Sept, and Oct 2023!) for all the fics I have reblogged on this side blog I hold super close to me. Remember to leave feedback and reblog all the writings below!
Also, a huge thank you to all the writers mentioned, I adore you so very much and I hope you keep writing for yourselves <3
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••• JUNE (Part 2!) •••
Stablehand!Harry x Princess!Y/n | Part 2 | Part 3 | Harry loathes Y/N and she's just a little tease. - @angelsanddaisies
Poetry In Your Mailbox | Part 2 | Part 3 | Y/N and the rest of her nosy neighborhood friends ogle at the man who just moved in next door — a man of mystery, silence, and someone who seemingly doesn’t want anything to do with his neighbors… until Y/N begins to receive anonymous mail. - @episkystyles
Changes | ♡♡ Harry returns home. Based on- Changes by Cam. - @hes-writer
Prince!Harry x Princess!Y/n | Harry is a prince, Y/N is a princess, and Harry is insufferable. - @novelistrry
A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes | Every Rose has its Thorns | Petals and Prompts | Harry’s a prince looking for his princess… but perhaps she isn’t inside the ball. Includes: flowers and gossip and promises and true love’s kiss. - @jarofstyles
Out by the Docks | Underneath the Stars | ♡ A story of clandestine meetings, conspiracies, and stolen glances by the sea. (Princess!Y/n x Spy!Harry) - @fishnets-fingers
Dentist The Bad Boi | ♡ Harry’s a med-student and Y/N’s an art student, being neighbours with Y/N was already a living hell for Harry but when she fusses over his cat getting her cat pregnant – he mighty looses it. - @muffindaddystyles
The Empowering Hearts | ♡♡ In which you're a lonely model until you meet a baker. - @havethetimeofyourstyles
Say It | in which a new relationship sparks up in the restaurant. - @havethetimeofyourstyles
The Joker and The Queen | In which Harry is a florist, has a crush on the baker next door and dreads his Birthday. - @harrysonlylover
Breaking the Ice | It's no secret that as a figure skater, you're fed up with the local hockey team being treated like royalty... and your ex's status as a player isn't helping much either. - @purplekiwis
Harry is a young professor and Y/N has never felt this kind of attraction before - @novelistrry
••• OCTOBER •••
Stop Thinking so Much | In which Harry teaches english and some poetry is hard to pick apart. - @meetevieinthehallway
Dog Days are Over | ♡ In which Y/n and Harry walk their dogs in the same park. Though, over the course of time, buying each other coffee turns into something more. - @nationalharryleague
The Witching Hour | ♡ Despite Harry being the witch in this situation, maybe his crush on gemma's new friend was going to be the most bewitching thing he ever encountered. - @moonchildstyles
Nest | Harry is y/n's best friend. He also happens to be an alpha. Spending a week at his place has her brain doing weird things. - @moonchildstyles
Pebbles and The Scarecrow | ♡ In which Harry doesn’t like Halloween until a certain pair of trick or treaters knock on his door. - @havethetimeofyourstyles
Banana Pancakes | Nanny!Harry falls in love with his little girl, and the mother of his little girl. - @ill-be-your-honey-bri
Golden | In which Y/n's life is dark but the Harry, The Fae King, sees she's golden. - @angelisverba
Better man - Harry and Y/n are famous and dating. Now, Harry is attending a party just 'cause he knows that Y/n would surely be there, and Y/n seems to be escaping her date so hard that she meets Harry outside the bathrooms. - @bopbopstyles
Masterlist for more recs! My Writing account - @0oolookitsme
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jarofstyles · 14 hours
Can we see a little blurb with soft but kinda mean dom???
Yes indeed we can! It’s a shortie but cute n spicy
Check out our Patreon for early access and 170+ exclusive writings
“Aren’t you just precious?” The coo was quiet as fingers tapped her messy chin, slick with saliva- a result of his cock being pulled from her mouth- as she peered up at him with big eyes.
“Whining for my cock back in that pretty little mouth even still. I gave you plenty of time to suck on it. S’not my fault you’re a cockslut with a bit of an oral fixation.” The dark chuckle made her cheeks burn hot as fingertips pressed against them, making her lips pout out as he observed her on her knees. There was no hiding how deeply he got to her. She couldn’t get away with it even if she tried her absolute hardest. Sitting pretty with her eyes glazed over as she tried to catch her breath from being deprived from it. He’d fucked her throat so well and she misses the feeling of it choking her. Yeah, her throat would hurt and her voice would be hoarse tomorrow as she answered calls at her desk, but it didn’t matter. Her day would be fucked regardless because her brain would be wired to think about him, how she pleasured him and made him proud. The grunts and groans he let out mix with the filthy praises as his cock curved down her throat and his hand smoothed her hair back so he could see the tears on her cheeks.
“God, look at you, baby . You really are gagging for it.” He hummed, using his grip to shake her head from side to side. The man knew what the manhandling did to her. “I could ask you to do anything for me right now in exchange for my cock and you would. I don’t think I’ve ever met someone so hungry for dick in my life. it’s a good thing you found me, hm? I take such good care of you.” His hand released her face, cleaning up the mess on her chin before urging her up towards him.
“That’s it- climb on my lap and give me a kiss.” His words softened her significantly, legs straddled over him as he dipped his hand under her panties to get a handful of her ass. Gentle kneading had her leaning further into him, the kiss slow and deep and all in his control. “Thank you for letting me touch you, sweetheart. You’re the perfect girl, hm? Never thought I’d be this lucky.” His smile broke apart the kiss, letting him lean back onto the armchair. “If you’re still needy, you can ride me right here. Nice and slow, use my cock to get off. I’ll take care of myself afterwards, but I think you deserve to do something fun for being so sweet.”
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jarofstylesaesthetics · 8 months
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freedomfireflies · 6 months
hi baby! Could you possibly recommend some good Harry reads, both series and one shots! Sorry I'm in a bit of a reading slump and you're my fave writer so would love to see what you read :)
Omg of course!! I already know I’m not gonna remember everything but I will add on as I go!!
Anything by @moonchildstyles, @jawllines, @harryforvogue, and @songbirdstyles! Absolute legends and I cannot believe we get to read their works 😭💞💞
@gurugirl, @cherryjuiceblues, @fkinavocado, @0nlythrowharrybeaux, and @1800titz have some ADDICTIVE series that I eat up like a rabid animal AKSKAS
@cupid-styles, @justlemmeadoreyou, and @wrongplacerighttime have just started a few new stories that I can already tell are going to be BEASTS!!!
@1d1195 is just 🥹 wow!! I cannot say enough amazing things about Sam! She’s got SOOO many incredible stories to go through and each one has such a unique but sweet hook! A beautiful new take on a trope you might already know but will re-fall in love with!!
And of course @lukesaprince and @jarofstyles are ICONS!! They’ve got such extensive lists and it literally feels like Christmas morning to go on their page because I find something new every time and it’s AMAZING!!
I’m about to start going through @watermelonlovershigh, @justmystyles, and @justmeinatree lists and I’m SOOO excited! I kind of want to start a book club HAHA
I WAS GOING TO TELL YOU SPECIFIC STORIES but truly, I cannot pick just a few to recommend when they’re all SOO good?? So absolutely check them out and then we can fangirl over them together HAHAH 😭💞💞💞
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hsjazebel · 9 months
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Fic recommendations 💞 (2)
A list of my personal favourites, please let me know if anyone would like to be added/removed <3
All you lovely talented writers!! ❤️
Rich @lukesaprince
The arrangement @gurugirl
Lupus noctis @avocadoguru
Ceo!harry @harrysonlylover
Oh baby, baby @jarofstyles
Ruin @harryistheonlyoneforme
One for the money @freedomfireflies
Curvy secret @swiftmendeshoran
The big tease @gurugirl
Primal @skullsuited
Wake up call @harryistheonlyoneforme
Lesson @teaspoon-full-of-sugar
Focus @harryistheonlyoneforme
Little freak @harryistheonlyoneforme
A good fit @0nlythrowharrybeaux
Deal or no deal @freedomfireflies
Cuore mio @meetmymouth
Breakfast in bed @justlemmeadoreyou
Personal pillow @tpwkwriter
Anything for his girls @flwrsforu
Shower prank @finelinevogue
Lost n found @finelinevogue
Forever @mydearesthrry
Home @watchmegetobsessed
Debriefing @mydearesthrry
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cupid-styles · 6 months
cupid-styles recent fav reads
hi :D there's been sooo much amazing fic going around lately and while I haven't had a chance to read everything, I did want to highlight some of my favorites !!!!!
sail my ridges (wattpad exclusive) by @1800titz — recently posted chapter 2 up on wattpad and im just 🤭🤭🤭🤭 always so enamored by their writing!
knockout by @freedomfireflies — obviously. (no but actually soooo so good, boxer!harry with kind of dark vibes but so interesting and well-written!!!!)
could you live with just a taste by @frioamor — the smut............... jaw-dropping.
get over here by @adore-laur — so fun and cute and had me kicking my feet
snooze by @avatar-anna — OBSESSED with this pairing (hockey player!harry x figure skater!yn) and this was such a fun and sweet snapshot of their life together :)
this blurb by @jarofstyles — had me feeling absolutely insane in the best way possible
short straw by @adorebeaa — frat!harry has my heart and this take on it was just perfect
this smutty blurb by @moonchildstyles — I was just a mere puddle on the floor after reading this
loved, seen, heard by @fkinavocado — I've never read a trope/coupling like this before and really enjoyed it!!!! I can't wait to read more about them :)
one night only (part two) by @harrysbabycherry — absolutely adored the first part of this and the second one did not disappoint!!
part two of vampy y/n and harry by @jawllines — DUH.
book lovers by @mydearesthrry — so cute and sweet, but especially bc I'm a chronic smutty book reader and my partner is always teasing me for it
please you by @adorebeaa — bea literally uploaded this morning and I haven't stopped thinking about them for hours. if you love a silly harry/yn pairing this is top-tier, especially bc it's spicy/smutty throughout!!!! so good!
tysm as always to all the writers in the harry fic community for sharing their talents!!!!! sending you all sm love <3
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