#Truce au
somegrumpynerd · 2 months
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Thinking about how Nightmare has 4 mortals and 3 of them are so so bad at taking care of themselves
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abhainn35 · 2 months
Sans AUs Playing Catchphrase
(This is all based on a game I did with a group, so all of these quotes actually happened. We broke the rules and did a strange mix of the set rules and charades.)
(Suggestive warning)
Blue: Ink, get up here and sit, I need you to be my dog.
Ink: Why me?
Blue: Because you're short, come on. *yanks him by the arm* Now do you want to go solve a mystery, Scoob?
Horror: *walks up to the front and takes off Dust's slipper*
Dust: Wha- hey!
Horror: I need it. *flips the slipper over in his hand, pointing at the end.*
Blue: A shoe?
Killer: A slipper.
Dream: Flipping slipper . . . oh, flip flop!
Horror: Yeah. *very delicately slides the slipper back on his foot. Dust is still baffled.*
Cross: This is a hard one . . . *begins to twirl in circles*
Everyone: A STRIPPER?
Nightmare, scrunching his face: How did you all guess stripper at the same time?
Dream: Mm, I don't know about this. It seems inappropriate to have in the game.
Dust: I just did a hate symbol, you're fine.
Dream: Right . . . *rubs his fingers together to imitate sugar.*
Killer: Drugs? Drug dealer?
Dream: No, um . . . *pulls up Cross and gestures to him, still doing the sugar motion.*
Ink: Oh, it's a sugar daddy!
Dream: You're right!
Horror: How do you know what a sugar daddy is?
Ink: I have one.
Killer: It describes me.
Ink: Gay?
Killer: No, it's a food.
Ink: Fruity.
Blue: That's not a food!
Killer: Ugh, you eat it with cheese.
Dust, barely looking up from his phone: Crackers?
Killer: Yeah, that's it!
Nightmare: Hm . . . *stands up and walks to the door.*
Dream: Is it leaving?
Nightmare: Correct.
Dream: Brother, you have to come back-
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sockman3314 · 5 months
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bluebirds-37 · 7 days
please read before you vote :3
Okay so i have a few ideas for ask blogs but i cant decide
1, FNAF; An ask blog centered around the missing kids basically the askers are allowed to ask anything but are encouraged to try and solve the mysteries of the fazbear line. OR something security breach centered OR Sister location (i love sister location)
2, Bendy and Boris Quest for the Ink Machine Rewrite; this would follow the base idea of the original comic however with the twist of the more cannonized personalities and environments of the five source materials (Villainous, Felix the cat and its 90's adaptation, Cuphead, Disney universe, and Batim of course), rewritten in my style to be a bit more horror centered and the askers have direct influence on all the characters
3, Poppy Playtime; A smiling critters ask blog where every critter has been essentially revived and reset in some way; they all hold varying amounts of their memories like of their deaths or of what happened to the kids in Playtime's home sweet home. The askers watch and aid the critters and protagonist of the game *hc version of protagonist since we know nothing about them* in rebuilding the factory and helo protag leave(?)
4, pokemon; askers follow the protagonist of pokemon X/Y/Z
5, Undertale; Askers follow the Stars and Bad guys as they try to navigate a truce aswell as their own seperate issues in general. Dream sans centered and angst heavy
6, Batim; A blog centered around Riely from Secrets of the Machine :3 OR something Alice Angel centered, taking place first game
7, Cuphead; something following the brothers and the Casino during the events of the game aswell as the DLC
Thank you!! (I'll link the blog here after the vote ends in a week, or when voting slows down)
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cakesmelons · 6 months
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scary dogs privledges
me and my friends had been talking about bsp + dream and i love them <3
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(was torn between who i wanted showing up for this but my friends voted for nm so nm it is XD)
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deuynndoodles · 5 months
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[ID: A colored, digital two page comic featuring Danny and Jazz from Danny Phantom. Danny wears a baggy hoodie over a shirt and jeans. Jazz wears a v-neck sweater and shorts.
Fentonworks, after curfew: Danny reaches for the doorknob to his bedroom, breathing out and gripping his shoulder.
"Where were you?" says Jazz, hands on her hips, making Danny jump. "Look, I know that Mom and Dad don't really care, but I do. You can trust me." She looks sad. "What's going on with you?"
"None of your business, Jazz." He looks irritated. He reaches for the doorknob again, muttering, "Just lemme sleep."
"Wait!" is written in all caps. Jazz reaches out, pulling at the hood of his jacket. Danny turns and raises his arm out of his hoodie, revealing an ectoplasmic injury. "Fuck off!" he yells.
Jazz pulls her hand away, startling backwards. Then, she looks sad as she says, "Oh, Danny…"
Fade out. They now stand in the Fentonworks bathroom, with Danny sitting on the toilet and Jazz hovering over him, cleaning a wound on his left shoulder. He's now in a binder and the original ectoplasmic wound has been treated. She scolds him and he grins nervously, curling in on himself. End ID.]
happy holidays @torscrawls !
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sixtyune · 1 year
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Hear me out: Toppin Peppino
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spookberry · 1 year
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@saxonroa Happy Holidays! I was your gifter for the holiday truce this year, all of your prompts had a lot of potential interest but I wound up going with the tucker and sam focused angst lol
Hope you like it!
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tsubaki94 · 1 year
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Space AU Holiday truce gift
Happy holiday @bibliophilea.
Your promps were inspiering. I wanted to do all of them but settled on this one. I wanted to write but couldn’t think of anything si I turned to art. I was not going to do a comic, just a drawing of the gang. I drew the frames for the picture and then I was doing a comic strip. So here it is.
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five-rivers · 1 year
Buried in the Woods
@snops Hello! I'm your Truce gifter this year! I went after your 1st and 3rd prompts. Cryptid vibes and Corpse AU. Enjoy! >:)
They’re waiting for him, this time. 
They don’t, always.  Usually, he’s faster than they are, and sometimes they can’t make it at all.  A few, very harrowing times, he couldn’t make it. 
But here, now, they’re waiting, each one leaning against a tree trunk.  The hillside below then is dotted with charred and broken tree stumps that rise straight from the ground like monuments.  The moon is high, white, and sharp, cut from the sky with a razor.  Everything is cold, still, quiet. 
Sam raises cupped hands to her mouth and blows through them, ignoring the dirt on her fingers and under her nails.  It’s not any worse than digging in her garden.  The shovels are a bit bigger, that’s all. 
Tucker has taken out his PDA again.  He shouldn’t.  Not here.  The screen is bright, and someone might see it.  But he can’t help but check the time, again, squinting through the fog of his breath to see the numbers.  It’s late.  But that’s not going to change in a hurry. 
Almost as one, they look down the hill, their attention drawn taught.  Something is moving down there. 
Surreptitiously, Sam puts a boot on the blade of her shovel, levering it up and into her hand.  Tucker reaches out for his, fingers brushing the smooth wooden handle, not yet pulling it free of the ground. 
They wait, still and cautious.  No matter how many times they do this, they’re never entirely at ease.
Then two spots of green, bright and alien, flare up at them from the dark.  If either of them had been carrying a flashlight, the green could have been mistaken for an animal’s eyeshine. 
They weren’t.  It wasn’t. 
Slowly, the thing in the dark comes up the hill.  It walks slowly, ponderously, its gait uneven.  Every once in a while, that green flashes again. 
The clear cold light of the moon provides a silhouette, eventually.  A black hole in the night.  A human-like figure, a body thrown over one of its shoulders, a shovel propped on the other.  It is stooped, slightly, under the weight, but the way it moves could tell anyone it had done this before.  Its eyes are flat, green coins. 
Sam blinks once, twice, three times.  Tucker just waits, still as stone.  Reality shifts.  No longer is the thing in front of them a shadow cut from nightmare, but their friend, Danny.  Normal, human, puny, blue-eyed Danny, who, for some reason, thinks it’s acceptable to wear a t-shirt in this weather and at this time of night.  He looks exhausted, and perhaps a little embarrassed.  Nothing frightening here.   
Other than the fact he’s carrying his own corpse over his shoulder. 
“You didn’t need to bring your own shovel, man,” says Tucker, compulsively pulling his PDA out again.  “We already got everything dug.”  He sounds worried. 
Danny cringes.  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you wait that long.”  He drums his fingers on the shaft of his shovel and adjusts his grip on the body. 
“It’s fine.  Let’s just get under cover.”  Sam turns and walks back, into the less-burned part of the forest.  She can hear Tucker following her.  Danny is, as always, silent. 
“Oof,” says Danny. 
“Huh?  Something wrong?” asks Tucker. 
“Just walked over my own grave, that’s all.”  Danny offers them a smile that could have been made from the same fabric as the moon – although with a far less steady hand. 
The response is a groan, as loud as they dare. 
“We’re going to have to change locations, soon.”
And isn’t that the truth?  Accidentally digging up one grave was one grave too many, and it isn’t as if they could mark them.  What they are doing is illegal, both in the ‘this is literally against state, federal, county, and municipal law’ sense, and the more metaphorical ‘this is an affront to the laws of nature’ sense. 
They reach their handiwork of the night before much longer.  The grave isn’t nice and rectangular, but they gave up on that early on.  It’s deep, and big enough to take what Danny’s been carrying.  That’s enough. 
Danny promptly drops his corpse into the hole.  The sound of a corpse hitting the ground like that—It isn’t exactly indescribable, and it isn’t exactly unique, but…
It sure is a sound. 
They stare at it, for a long moment.  It feels, even after all this time, that they should say something, do something, to commemorate the moment, to lay the body to rest. 
But they don’t.
Danny hefts his shovel and starts the work of pushing the dirt back in.  Shovelful by shovelful, the body is hidden from view.  Covered up.  Tucked in. 
“Well,” says Danny.  “That’s that for tonight.”
 They go back, down through the trees.  Sometimes, when he steps into the shadows of the trees, Danny goes dark again, his eyes green and glowing, but those moments become fewer and further between as they leave the fresh grave behind.  As they leave Danny’s latest death behind.  As Danny becomes more alive.
“Who was it tonight?” asks Tucker.  “Or was it more of a what this time?”
“Ember,” says Danny.
“That was fast, for her.”
“She wasn’t here for a fight, this time.”  Danny shrugs.  “Convinced her to ride my death back across the line pretty easy.  It’s almost as if—”
He stops, tilts his head to one side.  Shadows strobe across him. 
“Danny?” asks Sam. 
“Something’s here,” says Danny, his voice flat and empty, and then he's gone.
If there is one thing that is impossible for Sam and Tucker to get used to, it is the sight of their friend dropping dead. 
Sam hisses through her teeth and crouches down.  “He couldn’t even tell us who it is first?”
“It can’t be anyone too strong,” says Tucker.  “He wouldn’t risk wasting a death.”  He thumbs open the timer on his PDA.  Six minutes.  On average, a human death held a viable door open for six minutes. 
Sam shoots him a skeptical look and he winces.  There is, on occasion, a wildness in Danny's eyes beyond the green. 
But it’s too late to talk about that now.  The moon-cast shadows undulate across the ground, twitching and fluttering like living things.  It's ink and blackness and the trees bending away from the sky to reveal stars that were both too close and too green. 
The dark isn’t the only thing there.  There's something artificial, a presence the forest resists.  An intruder.  An outsider.  A predator, stalking, hunting, not looking for them, but it doesn’t care about collateral damage. 
Sam curses under her breath.  “Skulker.”
The two ghosts clash and writhe, dead, unmade things in a place they should not exist.  They give the body, the corpse, a wide berth, Skulker not willing to get close enough to the body and the door for Danny to push him through, and Danny clearly not wanting Skulker to get too close to Sam and Tucker. 
The problem with Skulker is that he’s always been out for blood.  Danny is his current prey, but that isn’t a good thing to count on. 
“Do you think Vlad let him through again?” whispers Tucker, his words standing stark against the silence. 
It’s probable.  There aren’t enough human deaths in Amity Park to justify how often certain ghosts return.  Any death can make a door, even a plant’s, even an animal’s, but those doors are usually too small and too brief for ghosts like Skulker to get through, if they aren’t called to them specifically.  But someone like Vlad or Danny can die again and again, as many times as needed. 
Tucker sees Danny’s body twitch and he yelps, putting a tree between him and it.  Sam is more proactive.  She brings the flat of her shovel down on its head.  The ghosts that leak out are stripes of neon against dark grass.  The light is swallowed by the empty places between the trees. 
“How much time?” she asks Tucker breathlessly. 
“Three minutes,” he says, holding up his PDA.
“We need to get out of here.”
“What?  But—”
She grabs his wrist and hauls him into the dark.
It isn’t only black in there.  Star-flashes and moonlight twinkle and strobe as they run.  There are eyes, green and uncountable.  There is sound – gunfire swallowed by snow, the twang of bowstrings, the last gasp of prey, devoured.  The trees slide by them, studiously avoiding their path.  Soft mounds of earth flicker with gentle stars, the ground beneath them a mirror of the sky above.  It is like running between two mirrors.
This landscape, Sam realizes, a little late, does not favor Skulker very much at all.  Not here, in Danny’s own personal graveyard.
And the shadows retreat, pulled away like ink being absorbed by a napkin. 
Sam and Tucker look back, over their shoulders.  Two green eyes stare at them from what isn’t, in retrospect, very far away at all.  Danny’s body lies on the ground below, barely visible.  The eyes do not leave them, even as the shadow they are in stoops to pluck the shovel from the limp hand of Danny’s body and start digging. 
The shadows beneath the trees don’t seem very dark anymore.  The moonlight is almost blinding. 
The timer on Tucker’s PDA goes off, loudly.  He hisses at it, annoyed that, somewhere along the way, he’d turned the volume on. 
“Heck,” says Sam. 
“Yeah,” agrees Tucker, vehemently.  “Where’d my shovel go?”
They find it before too long.  There aren’t too many places it could have gone.  They join Danny in digging.  Two graves in one night are really too much, but they’ve done more, and they’ve done worse.  They aren’t like Vlad, can’t just let them build up until it’s efficient to dispose of them, or whatever he does.  Something tells them that whatever is probably worse than they’re imagining. 
Between blinks, Danny is himself again, and the grave is finished before the moon starts to set. 
It is late.  It is early.  It is time to go home. 
The thing about three teenagers with shovels walking the city streets at night is that they’re noticed.  Amity Park isn’t New York, but any city worth its name stirs in its sleep.  Midnight flights to the airport, inadvisably long bachelor parties, late movies, insomnia, homelessness. 
Tucker’s been monitoring the ghost hunting and cryptid forums for a while, and he’s emailed Danny links to each one that mentions him.  Sam has clippings from the paper about calls to animal control about something with green eyes, about something that couldn’t possibly be human.  Then, of course, there are the calls to the police about something dragging or carrying bodies from all sorts of places. 
There had been an investigation at one point.  There had to be.  But nothing had been found.  There hadn’t been anything to find.  No missing bodies, no mysterious disappearances, no deaths.  Just a green-eyed shadow and its mysterious companions. 
Sam knows her parents, at least, think the whole thing is a prank.  Tucker’s think it is people seeing things when there was nothing there, like bigfoot.  The less said about what Danny’s parents think about it, the better. 
Sam’s house is furthest from the center of town, and they drop her off first, the shadows on the trellis giving her a boost when she climbed.  Tucker and Danny then have the typical argument about whether it’s better to bring Tucker or Danny home first.  Danny, Tucker argues, has just fought not one, but two ghosts.  Tucker, Danny argues, cannot come back from the dead.  Danny wins, as usual. 
That leaves Danny, real and not, alive and not, to wander home.  He waves cheerfully at a drunk who watches him pass with wide eyes and turns onto his street.  He breathes in, deeply, tasting the ash that still flavors the air all these months later.  He opens his eyes just in time for the winter sun to beam through the skeleton of one of the buildings that bracket the crater that was once Fentonworks. 
No one lives here anymore. 
No one is waiting for him.
Danny walks down into the darkness and disappears. 
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lisa972kdlz · 5 months
(Il y a une version française juste en dessous: Bonne lecture !)
Have you noticed it too?
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That soul, there...
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TheeeeeEEEEre !
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Have you ever wondered who it might belong to?
When I was listening to the song "Broken Truce", my eyes glided over this soul without lingering on it. I told myself it was just a slightly strange heart like so many others you find with the different OC's the Creators come up with... But the day my brain finally twiged that it wasn't normal, it made me wonder...
Huh, that's strange... A weird soul covered in black in an image illustrating a song in a web series that has a habit of playing on words and images to imply clues... shown directly in the foreground, blurred what's more, interesting, isn't it? I've checked the series and I've never found in Error's cables any souls other than the normal ones; monster souls and red Determination souls. Not even human souls like Kindness, Patience, Justice, etc. Jakei is a person who pays attention to detail. Given that she animates her series on her own and that it's a mammoth task, she's got into the habit of not cluttering up her plans with unnecessary details. So why would she stick a random soul in there?
That's when I said to myself: no. This soul has a meaning. But whose could it be? And why would it be in Error's possession?
There are lots of characters whose souls are gloomy and a bit odd... Error, X-Gaster, Fatal Error, Fresh, Nightmare...
Firstly, even if it looks like one, it can't be Nightmare's because his soul is an apple. Anyway, Error's cables have no effect on him, and then, well... It simply wouldn't make any sense or be of any interest to the story.
Error's then? After all, he's a corrupt being in a way, and we're talking about an appearance in a song about his relationship with Ink. But even if he had one... It would be glitchy and certainly not that different from basic monster souls. Same goes for Fatal.
Gaster has his soul in his possession and it doesn't look like that anyway...
Fresh, his soul is directly the parasite...
Gee, who could that be?
Ink 🤔?
No, I'm such an idiot! It can't be Ink's soul because Ink has no soul ^^ !
INK HAS NO SOUL (⁠┛⁠◉⁠Д⁠◉⁠)⁠┛⁠彡⁠┻⁠━⁠┻ !!!!!!
Here's my theory: the soul in Error's threads is Ink's soul. Let's look at it: it's covered in a kind of blackish liquid with bluish tints. Black liquid is often associated with hatred or suffering. And if not, it's simply covered with ink. And blue, whether in general or in Underverse 0.7's context, is associated with sadness. So: sadness and suffering, in a concentration so strong that it had an impact on the very appearance of the soul... The emotions Ink must have been feeling when he was stripped of his essence! Ink suffers from severe denial in relation to the emotion represented by the blue, since it's the only one that's always full, so it coincides. And whose soul would it be otherwise? Why would Jakei have drawn it in THIS video specifically? A song about Ink and Error? Why in the foreground, showing that it's important, and blurred, showing that it's a hidden element that will be revealed in the near future?
And why would the soul have ended up in Error's threads? It's not hard to imagine, Error has a whole gallery of souls in his Anti-Void. He'd clearly be able to wander into an empty AU at random and find it on the floor, going, "Oh, that's a pretty one, why don't I add it to my collection?"
But what I like most about this theory is everything it would involve:
It would mean that Ink could get his soul back at the end of Underverse, bringing to a close his character development. See him finally come to terms with his feelings and get his soul back so that he can feel for himself, freely, accepting what that involve and facing once and for all the suffering he has ostensibly been running away from...
It would mean that finally, there's a reason why Ink live even without a soul in his body, because well, that's something I've always wondered about his character! His soul has been extracted from his body, but his body is still moving, and lives only on the emotions provided by the ink in his vials, like Kris in Deltarune when he rips out his soul.
It would mean that, come on, he might be able to recover a viable memory?
And above all... It would mean that Error had the opprtunity to kill Ink for good FROM THE BEGINNING and that he was incapable of doing it just because he didn't know it was his 🤣 !!!! And THAT is handsome!
Error at this moment:
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An hilarious polt twist–
Unless he'd simply forgotten he had it, which is... Clearly possible coming from Error.
The only problem with this theory is that, in Ink's comic, he doesn't just rip it off his body... He's tearing it apart. The soul completely crumbles to dust. So canonically speaking, it's impossible.
That said, it's a detail that can easily be overlooked if you're keen to incorporate the idea into a story, especially as Underverse never set out to make complete canon.
So why not?
In any case, if this theory is wrong in Underverse, I think it's still a great Headcanon ^^
Vous aussi vous l'avez remarquée ?
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Cette âme, là...
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LÀ !
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Vous ne vous êtes jamais demandé a qui elle pouvait appartenir ?
Quand j'écoutais la chanson "Broken Truce" mon regard avait glissé sur cette âme sans m'y attarder. Je me disais que c'était juste un cœur un peu bizarre comme tant d'autres qu'on trouve avec les différents OC's qu'imaginent les Créateurs... Mais le jour où mon cerveau à enfin tilté que c'était pas normal, elle m'a beaucoup interrogée...
Primo : tiens, c'est bizarre... Une âme étrange recouverte de noir dans une image illustrant une chanson dans une websérie qui a l'habitude de jouer sur les mots et les images pour sous-entendre des indices... montrée direct au premier plan, floue qui plus est, intéressant, non ?
Segundo : j'ai vérifié dans la série et je n'ai jamais trouvé dans les fils d'Error d'autres âmes que les normales, des âmes de monstres et des âmes rouge de Détermination. Même pas des âmes d'humain comme Gentillesse, Patience, Justice, etc.
Tertio : Jakei est une personne qui fait attention aux détails. Étant donnée qu'elle anime toute seule sa série et que c'est un travail de titan, elle a pris l'habitude de ne pas encombrer ses plans de détails inutiles. Alors pourquoi elle fouterait une âme bizarre LÀ ?
C'est là que je me suis dit : non. Cette âme a un sens. Mais à qui pourrait-elle être ? Et pourquoi serait-elle en possession d'Error ?
Il existe plein de personnages dont l'âme est sombre et un peu bizarre... Error, X-Gaster, Fatal!Error, Fresh, Nightmare...
Premièrement, même si elle y ressemble, ça ne peut pas être celle de Nightmare vu que son âme est une pomme. De toute manière les câbles d'Error n'ont aucun effet sur lui, et puis surtout bah... Ça n'aurait aucun sens ni aucun intérêt scénaristique qu'elle serait là.
L'âme d'Error alors ? Après tout c'est un être corrompu d'un certain côté, et puis on parle tout de même d'une apparition dans une chanson parlant de sa relation avec Ink. Mais en admettant qu'il en aie une... Elle serait glitchée et très certainement pas si différente des âmes de monstres basique. Pareil pour Fatal.
X-Gaster a son âme en sa possession et de toute manière elle ne ressemble pas à ça...
Fresh, son âme est directement le parasite...
Mince, qui ça peut être ?
Ink 🤔?
Bah nan, qu'elle idiote je fais ! Ça peut pas être l'âme de Ink vu que Ink n'a pas d'âme ^^ !
INK N'A PAS D'ÂME (⁠┛⁠◉⁠Д⁠◉⁠)⁠┛⁠彡⁠┻⁠━⁠┻ !!!!
Voilà ma théorie : l'âme qui est dans les fils d'Error est celle de Ink. Observons la : elle est couverte d'une sorte de liquide noirâtre aux reflets bleuté. Le liquide noir est très souvent associé à la haine, ou la souffrance. Et sinon, à l'encre tout simplement. Tandis que le bleu, que ce soit de manière générale ou dans Underverse 0.7, est plutôt associé à la tristesse. Tristesse et souffrance, en un concentré tellement fort que ça a eu un impact sur l'apparence même de l'âme. À savoir les émotions que devait ressentir Ink au moment où il s'est destitué de son essence... Ink qui souffre d'un gros déni par rapport à cette émotion représentée par le bleu vu que c'est la seule qui est toujours pleine, donc ça coïncide. Et à qui serait cette âme sinon ? Pourquoi Jakei l'aurait-elle dessinée dans CETTE vidéo spécifiquement ? Une chanson qui parle justement de Ink et d'Error ? Pourquoi en premier plan, montrant que cela a de l'importance, et floutée, montrant que c'est un élément caché qui sera révélé dans un futur proche ?
Pourquoi l'âme se serait retrouvée dans les fils d'Error ? Pas compliqué à imaginer, Error possède une galerie entière d'âmes dans son Anti-Void. Il serait clairement capable de se balader dans un AU vide au hasard et la trouver par terre en mode : «Oh, tiens, elle est jolie celle-là, et si je l'ajoutais à ma collection ?»
Mais ce qui me plaît le plus avec cette théorie, c'est tout ce que cela impliquerait :
Ça voudrait dire que Ink pourrait récupérer son âme à la fin de la série, concluant en beauté son développement de personnage qui le poussait à assumer enfin ses sentiments et récupérer son âme pour ressentir par lui-même, librement, en acceptant ce que ça implique et en affrontant une bonne fois pour toute la souffrance qu'il a ostensiblement fuie...
Ça voudrait dire que finalement, il y a une raison pour laquelle Ink est encore vivant même sans âme dans son enveloppe corporelle, parce que bon, c'est quand même quelque chose que je me suis toujours demandée sur son personnage ! Il a son âme extraite de son corps mais son corps est encore en mouvement, et ne vit que par les émotions procurées par l'encre de ses fioles. Ça s'est déjà vu dans des éléments canons, quand Kris de Deltarune il s'arrache l'âme.
Ça voudrait dire que, allez, si ça se trouve, il pourrait récupérer une mémoire viable ?
Et surtout... Ça voudrait dire qu'Error avait DEPUIS LE DÉBUT l'occasion de tuer Ink pour de bon et qu'il était pas fichu de le faire parce qu'il était pas au courant que c'était la sienne 🤣 !!! Et ÇA, c'est trop fort !
Error :
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Un retournement de situation hilarant xD
À moins qu'il aurait tout simplement oublié qu'il l'avait en sa possession, ce qui est clairement possible venant d'Error.
Le seul problème qui vient à l'encontre de cette théorie, c'est que dans le Comic de Ink, il ne fait pas que se l'arracher à son corps... Il se la déchire. L'âme tombe complètement en poussière. Donc canoniquement parlant, c'est impossible.
Cela dit, c'est un détail qui peut être facilement négligé si on a envie d'intégrer cette idée à une histoire, surtout qu'Underverse n'a jamais eu la prétention de faire du canon complet.
Donc après tout pourquoi pas ?
Dans tous les cas, si cette théorie est fausse dans Underverse, je trouve que ça reste un super Headcanon ^^
Ink belongs to @comyet
Error!Sans belongs to @loverofpiggies
Underverse belongs to @jakei95
"Broken Truce" belongs to @nyxtheshield
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somegrumpynerd · 5 months
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Dream is still getting used to the way they play
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lets-try-some-writing · 10 months
Oh god the vampire au you posted really scratched my brain in all the good ways!!!
But what if the decepticons took the kids? It's funny how they're after the three under the autobots care and doesn't bother with other humans I wonder why? I'd definitely want to see which decepticon each kid would be assigned to!! And how would they behave during their conversion!! Specially megatron there's no way he doesn't want one of his own
Arachnid would definitely be a spark eater! I mean do you see how destructive she is! She definitely prefers newly formed sparklings spark!!
Mwhaha, I do love the vampire AU and this ask. It gives me more concepts to play with. Oooh and yes Arachnid as a sparkeater makes a ton of sense.
And of course, ANGST (with a healthy dose of fluff)
Previous part here.
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It is a natural part of any Cybertronian's nature to feel the urge to bring more into the fold once their bloodline stabilizes and they find themselves mature enough to undertake the task. The Decepticons are no exception to this, but even with the number of Cybertronians falling into near extinction levels, they still have standards. Regardless of faction or frame type, Cybertronians are picky when it comes to their choice of who to bring into the fold. Bringing in adults is too risky due to their biological parts having settled and being unwilling to accept new components. Attempting to take in weak young is a waste of effort since they would not pass the aches and pains phase of the changes anyway. And then of course every frame type has their own unique specifications regarding what they are looking for in young as well.
Its such a hassle to the point where despite being on an organic world with millions to choose from, the Decepticons simply can't find it in themselves to sift through the countless young spawn. They have a war to win, trying to set up trials to find the perfect young is something they do not have the time or resources to do. Thus until the human children made their presence known, the Decepticons abstained from attempting to fold any human young for fear of having it backfire horribly. Soundwave was making valiant efforts to hunt down potential suitable young, but the going was slow with how much Decepticon forces needed to be focused on the war effort.
Potential sparklings needed to have certain traits in order to be worth the effort of attempting to fold. Not to mention every single mech on the Nemesis had certain parameters they needed to have met in order to even consider a candidate. It was simply too much work to meet the needs of every mech willing and wanting to bring more into the fold. But then the Autobots had to bring the human children into the mix and make the selection process FAR easier.
The children were intelligent enough to be of use to the Autobots during combat. They were strong enough to survive even amongst fighting giants and dangerous relics and substances. They were wise enough to learn and adapt, sticking to their partners and working as well as they could with their fleshy frames. Most importantly, each of three human young presented traits that matched the specifications of every frame type on the Nemesis. Any frame type that wanted the children would find success. They met all the parameters.
They were perfect.
Of course it took a degree of convincing on Soundwave and Starscream's parts to get Megatron to even agree that the idea was reasonable. However once confirmation was given to retrieve the children for the purpose of bringing into the fold was complete, those who wanted young readied to act. They were no fools, they could see that the Autobots had already laid down their claim, but there was still room to act. There would be no stopping the CNA contribution of the Autobots from sticking, but they could most certainly attempt to drown out as much of it as possible with their own bloodlines. And of course there were still rules to be followed.
Knockout and Breakdown had wanted to have a sparkling of their own since the very beginning and long before the war. The time for a journey to find worthy young simply never came before and during the conflict. Now though, there was a chance, and neither were willing to lose it. They needed an organic child who matched their grounder specifications, one who would be stable and level headed. With that thought in mind, they took one look at Jack and decided he was the one for them. But of course, they couldn't just snatch him. That would cause increadible damage to him during his development and earn them the ire of Arcee. No, such things happened on Cybertron too when different mecha took an interest in the same organic. There were protocols and rituals to handle such affairs, and while they were indeed on opposite sides of things, Knockout and Breakdown were going to follow the old rites regardless.
In accordance with tradition, Breakdown and Knockout sent a transmission to the Autobots and Breakdown covered up his Decepticon faction marker. Arcee was incredibly skeptical, especially with her boy still not knowing he was undergoing the first stages of the changes. However the rules have almost always been honored, and Breakdown at least was long known to be honorable. Thus with a great deal of apprehension and accompanied by most of the team, she went to speak with the duo on neutral ground. The discussion was... tense to say the least. But with neither of the Decepticons having earned Arcee's direct anger, an agreement was settled on despite the protests and arguments that went on amongst the team for over an hour.
Oaths were made, pacts agreed upon, and the rules set in place. There were a few quips and a few instances were discussions nearly fell through, but all those present were long since sick of the war. They wanted new sparklings, and Jack having additional caretakers would increase his chances of survival and developing well. As such the path was set and it was agreed upon that once the changes began in earnest, Arcee would allow Knockout and Breakdown to serve as secondary Sires. They offered her energon samples of their own, and as soon as the moment presented itself, she began offering Jack their energon alongside her own. He would still be HER boy first and foremost, but Knockout and Breakdown would feel the beginnings of the tie and slowly gain sway too.
As Jack's changes progressed and the time to take him away from his mortal family drew nearer, Arcee prepared to begin sharing as required. A carrying chamber was installed near her spark so that her young ward could be kept near to her and her Decepticon co-Sires were allowed to begin coming to visit their young charge when he was sleeping at base. Until he forgot his mortal life he could not be allowed to see them while awake, but their presence eased Jack enough that it was clear Knockout and Breakdown had a claim on him too.
Arcee tended to him during the day, but when he slept, Knockout and Breakdown were allowed to come and sing to him, holding him gently as he fell into deeper and deeper sleep with every passing cycle. Everything they did had to be overseen by Arcee and she was higher on the hierarchy of Sires tending to Jack, but so long as they listened, they were allowed to care for him. There were rules, and both Decepticons were obliged to offer Arcee deference regarding Jack in any capacity unless they were willing to fight her for for the right to be his main Sires. But neither saw the need, Jack was their too and that was all that mattered. And while they did sneak the boy a few gifts and run their digits along his small frame whenever they could get away with it, they kept to the rules and didn't make a fuss. When Jack forgot his mortal life they would be given more freedom to treat him with the affection they both wanted above all else to offer. June may or may not have found herself with more offerings she didn't understand in response to two additional Cybertronians taking an interest in her only son.
But of course it was not just Knockout and Breakdown who wanted a sparkling. Starscream saw the chance to have a sparkling and he was willing to do anything to take it. Soundwave too considered it, but he stepped aside the moment he saw Starscream's optics linger on Miko. He was not desperate in the way Starscream was and he saw no need to fight for the right. He could have a sparkling of his own in due time, and thus he did not interfere when Starscream watched Knockout and Breakdown somehow manage to make a deal and proceed to plan to do the same.
However unlike Knockout and Breakdown, Starscream was completely unwilling to take on a secondary role when it came to Miko. He was upfront when he landed before the Wreckers on the battlefield and made his intent known. Bulkhead and Wheeljack were of course unwilling to make a deal at first, but with how much care Miko needed, there simply wasn't much room to reject the seeker's offer. He raised dozens of sparklings with his trine prior to the war and was familiar with the Vosian methods of handling little ones. He had experience, a trait which both Bulkhead and Wheeljack lacked, especially when faced with the fact that Miko was quite likely to be a rather difficult sparkling to handle during the aches and pains phase of the changes. They hated offering any sort of leverage to Starscream, and Optimus was not at all pleased when they brought a slumbering Miko out for the seeker to see since neither were willing to allow Starscream into base.
Despite the numerous instances of Miko very nearly beating him into scrap with the Apex armor, Starscream was not at all malicious the moment he sensed that she was undergoing the changes. Bulkhead and Wheeljack kept a blaster aimed at his helm the whole time he cooed at Miko as she slept. However Starscream merely softened his voice and sung quietly to the sleeping child, running his digit through her hair to feel the faint resistance that came from flesh being turned to metal. There was an urge to take her and run, but Starscream abstained. She was tied to the Wreckers whether he liked it or not. It was best to wait until she forgot and then involve himself fully. So instead of fighting, he offered some of his energon and took to the skies with Bulkhead's commlink line. Starscream received pictures and updates regarding Miko's development from that point forward and he eagerly counted the cycles until she would be ready for him to become part of her life.
Seeing three of his inner circle begin making deals to have sparklings of their own, Megatron's carefully hidden desire for one to raise began to rise. Two of the three were already claimed, and while he could hunt down another human to bring into the fold, there was a more malicious part of him that was determined to try and take Optimus and Ratchet's little pride and joy for his own. Rafael was bound to them, that could not be changed, but Megatron might be able to gain leverage as well as a sparkling if he played his cards right. Optimus would never agree to share, not with him anyway. But the Prime allowed Breakdown and Knockout to associate with his team and begrudgingly offered updates regarding Miko. Who was to say that Megatron couldn't extend his own influence to gain a bit of a foothold?
It was not difficult to convince Knockout to bring a vial of Megatron's energon with him during his next visit to see Jack. The medic was downright terrified at the concept of trying to sneak Megatron's energon into Rafael's supplements, but he did not dare disobey when the threat of being kept from Jack was shoved in front of his face. Megatron could only smile in mixed joy and malice when he began to feel the faint pulls of a tie to Rafael blooming within him after around a month or so of having Knockout slip his energon into Optimus and Ratchet's contribution. He only grew more and more pleased when he received a message from the Prime demanding to know what he'd done.
Optimus: Megatron, what have you done to my sparkling?
Megatron: Nothing much Prime. I have simply assured that you will now have to agree to come to some sort of truce with me.
Optimus: I will do no such thing, not while you threaten Earth.
Megatron: Who is to say I will threaten Earth? This world is filled with young organics ripe for bringing into the fold. It would be foolish to destroy it.
Optimus: You have tried before.
Megatron: I have, but now I have an investment here. That sparkling of yours now has my energon flowing through his veins. He needs my aid too now.
Optimus: That is an egregious breech of sparkling developmental laws-!
Megatron: You and I both know those laws have been obsolete since Cybertron fell. Besides, what's done is done. Your sparkling is now also mine. If we do not come to some sort of agreement, he will die or end up like Arachnid.
Optimus: ...
Megatron: Well Prime? Do you wish to talk on equal ground or continue this game and risk the life of your young charge?
Optimus: How much do you wish to be involved in his life?
Megatron: I want to be a Primary Sire.
Optimus: That is too much.
Megatron: Is it? You still have Bumblebee do you not? You and your lapdog medic may have the sparkling for half of his development and I will have him for the rest.
Optimus: You are a monster.
Megatron: So what if I am? Our whole species has been regarded as such since the beginning. We steal the young of others to make into our own. How is what I am doing any different?
The team were quick to pinpoint Knockout as the one who put Megatron's energon into Rafael's supplements, but by that point there was nothing to be done. The changes were underway, the children were nearly ready to be collected and their mortal families fully compensated. The time for debate was over, now they needed to make some sort of truce or possibly lose the first sparklings brought into the fold since the height of the war.
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endercreep25 · 24 days
I wrote a little something :)
It's Dream and Nightmare with my interpretation of their truce!
You can read it here.
Might make art based on it later... Idk yet
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imagionary · 10 months
So since Dave and Prester are both eldritch creatures, do they know about each other?
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Eldrich creatures? What ever do you mean? They're both totally normal cogs uwu
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In all seriousness, though, I think the both of them didn't know each other until they met; and when they locked eyes, they learned everything about each other. To make sure they both keep quiet about their secret, they've become pals over the years, me thinks; but they only talk or do anything together in private. They've found it to be kinda fun using their eldrich abilities to do things in secret.
(Pics are better quality if you click them)
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plazmawulf · 1 year
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Happy Truce @abrielarnold! Sorry for the delay, hope you had a nice holiday!
Have you ever seen the film wolfwalkers? While trying to brainstorm for this prompt (danny is half-[something else] (whatever intrigues you the most)) I kept thinking of the way wolfwakers turn into wolfs as the human body sleeps and Danny's Ghost sense so I kinda meshed those concepts together. I was thinking to still have ghosts involved somehow he's able to track the scent of each ghost and track them down. Everyone is very confused why there is a wolf running around the town that keeps taking down these ghosts. Since he tracks them as a wolf, despite sleeping as a human he's still quite tired. Danny also has the factor of having to deal with his human body and protecting that since it's asleep and coming up with more absurd excuses for passing out. Anyways, that was the little train of thought I had, and I hope you like it!
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