#Tbb spoiler
ladyzirkonia · 2 months
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I know everything is pretty depressing, so take this beautiful clone babies with icecream as compensation. 💗
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happyecho · 2 months
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Can we talk about Deke putting his hand on Omega to comfort her and what it means? It means that Omega DID get to meet and befriend the three baby clones Hunter rescued and they have developed good relationships offscreen. And Deke trying to comfort his big sister? So cute.
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zaana · 3 months
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I love drawing this trio!
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rebekadjarin · 2 months
Crosshair, a gentleman
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aka-lorterian · 3 months
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donut assassin
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nahoney22 · 3 months
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cloned-eyes · 1 month
that crosshair line over tech hit way to hard. that was the energy i craved the entire season
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clu-ven · 1 month
sooooo it's canon now that Hunter retired to Pabu and became a professional DILF, right?
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ffdemon · 2 months
Evolution of Omega and Echo relationship : Weapons
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Start with the "nope, not touching the sharp weapon kid"
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To jumping to help her train : "You have to learn to tune out distractions, which comes with practice. Again." Still more a soldier in his way, but that Echo way to showing his care. Give Omega a way to protect herself.
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Then trusting her enough to keep training and keep the other three out of trouble . "It's not forever. I'll be back. Keep up with your training while I'm gone. Huh? Understood?" "Yes, Sir." "Keep an eye on them."
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And now, Echo giving Omega her own weapon. Make me realize he probably this prepares even before she was back. "You better head inside and, uh, keep them in line." Love how that just sound like : Here is a weapon, you are allowed to shot our brothers if they act like morons. Your in charge. Don't tell Hunter. XD
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smw-on-kamino · 2 months
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The Sad Batch + Text Posts pt 1 | pt 2 | pt 3 | pt 4 | Crosshair special
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frost7077 · 2 months
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Also can we please talk about the animation in ep. 13?????? It’s just sooooo beautiful
This new perspective of Tantiss was a surprise but a welcomed one
Also these two shots show really well how the kids are literally in the middle of the whole base
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ladyzirkonia · 3 months
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Rex just straight up badass for throwing this explosive out. 😎
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bronzebraids-art · 1 month
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The Bad Batch wip
its gonna be a huge piece but i really need to make this😭😭
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zaana · 3 months
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just a small scene i'm adding to episode 5
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rebekadjarin · 3 months
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The Bad Batch S03E07
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snotbuggle · 2 months
Omega when she gets to jail and realizes that she now has to big sister four other children. One of which is nowhere near her age.
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Going to try and condense some more serious thoughts about these episodes down below so I can avoid spoiling someone as much as possible and not post a dozen times. I don’t want to miss tag any one of those.
Jex/Jek?? I can’t completely remember his name, but the mirialan kid is for sure not going to trust her at all. Can’t say much for the pantoran kid since they haven’t shown much of them so far, but Eva is going to love her.
I think the mirialan kid is definitely going to be skeptical of Omega’s prior knowledge of the facility, Emerie, and why they’re there. Although he might overlook these things hanging on her promise that her brothers will get her, and in turn them, out of there. I can’t help but wonder what Omega and the others will think after about a week and there still not being a rescue. (These two are assuming that she will be placed with the other force sensitive children. Although she may be moved since her blood actually works for project Necromancer)
Crosshair is definitely going to hear it from Hunter. ESPECIALLY after he threw Hunter’s past failure to keep her out of Tantiss in his face. What I think will weigh on his conscience more though is the fact he thinks she’ll be alone this time. In a way she definitely will, but I have no doubt that he realizes he was probably the highlight of her day. He was probably the one thing that kept her hopeful even if he tried to talk down on her and get her to leave. Yes, she had hope that Hunter and Wrecker would find her, but she also needed someone there with her. A familiar face and not someone who just revealed they were your sister out of the blue. Her situation has changed, but Crosshair doesn’t know that. The Crosshair guilt is going to be so real in these last episodes.
Switching gears, CX agents are always a cool and interesting topic for me. While the identity of CX-2 isn’t usually as engaging, I have to say that I’ve drifted from the standpoint of “there’s no way that’s Tech” to “it’s a possibility” over the course of the last two episodes. I’ve seen some fun ideas for who it is otherwise. Personally, I think that they’re probably just another copy paste man with no autonomy anymore.
ANYHOW! I haven’t seen anyone talk about it much, but the scene with Hemlock reviewing the CX agent data and the capsule has me thinking a little harder on their creation/conditioning. The way Hemlock talks about the other operatives as well. “The others aren’t ready to join you” (paraphrasing) seems to show that after the mental conditioning through obviously brutal means, it takes a load of time to physically condition the agents. Seeing as CX-1 was most likely initiated around the same time as Crosshair (I choose to believe that they were near each other’s tables which is why they’re familiar), that took around five months to half a year. In that time span there had to be a lot of soldiers who Hemlock saw fit to be “reprogrammed” but we see very few operatives throughout. This means that if they make it out of mental conditioning, physical conditioning is most likely very dangerous and often times fatal. I’d like to draw attention to the capsules as a part of that physical conditioning. There were several capsules that Hemlock was observing, along with the foggy one that is most likely that new Huyang-lookin-ass operative. If these capsules are the final stage of physical conditioning, it adds meaning to CX-2’s first line, “Why have I been activated?” (Once again paraphrasing). Although the capsules could be for something else entirely.
Also a bit of a gripe, why in the world do you need a new secret-secret operative, Hemlock? You have the commandos, and then the first X troopers, now the CX’s, and what? You wanted a new one? I can’t tell if this man is an overachiever or just way too absorbed into the advanced trooper rabbit hole. Also for you Tech theorists, it’s kinda suspicious that he makes a new version of agents isn’t it? Almost like there’s something…deviant about him?
Completely side tracking here, I really like Phee’s awareness in the station. Yeah she didn’t hear the blaring alarm, but she was in a room where it’d be hard to hear anyways. However, when she got back she felt something was off about the ramp. We’ve seen how slick CX-2 is, so her noticing something is up was a nice touch imo. Also was very appreciative of her caution and readiness with her knife. I love when female characters get to be aware of their surroundings and ready to throw hands if things go south.
In conclusion, thank you for listening to my dump-rambling. I’ve been trying to keep my lips shut so I don’t miss tag anything and spoil it for someone (because I know that I’ll forget to tag everything right). I hope Wrecker is okay. And even if I’m not a Tech CX theorist, I have to admit that I’ve been seeing some fairly strong parallels.
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