#ONLY sometimes
cosmiicchaoss · 4 months
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do not think, do not speak, do not hope
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plasticsandwich · 6 months
girls can be naked sometimes
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emotinalsupportturtle · 6 months
Ty Tennant out-cunted and out-sassed the combined forces of Michael Sheen and David Tennant the king and queen of serving cunt and sass with a total screen-time of about 2 minutes
That doesn't just deserve recognition. That deserves 10 fucking Oscars
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koalapastries · 1 month
"we've lost valtteri bottas with engine issues and we've lost yuki tsunoda with what looks like kevin magnussen issues"
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vix-png · 7 months
been thinking about hugs ...
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they are so special to me... (a few thoughts in tags)
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mamalovedme · 22 days
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How I be feeling after he calls me ‘ma’am’ 🤭
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unholycanteloupe · 8 days
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notevengab · 1 month
happy 4/20 +8
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matchingbatbites · 5 months
sometimes I love writing dialogue
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sp00ky-scary · 1 year
Cranes turn, he's so baby girl coded <3
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Design rant time !!
Jonathan Cranes backstory is the one where he lived with his great grandma and she terrorised the shit out of him, especially with birds. And he got bullied and all that too, and it all just kinda fucked him up. Eventually he ended up killing both his bullies and his grandmother, the events leading him to pursue psychology and study fear. Also he's from the south, I still dunno if that's ever been canon but I know it's a popular headcanon if it isn't. So yeah he's southern, although he tries to hide his accent (don't ask what state I don't know enough about American States to pick one).
So blah blah blah he moved to Gotham after university and he eventually became a Professor of Psychology, he then used his position to run experiments on "consenting" university students (he tried to argue they agreed to it, he failed to argue his point but he still made an attempt). Over time he developed his fear toxin (he didn't actually use fear toxin for a good few years) and developed the Scarecrow persona. During this time he also got fired from the University but managed to become a psychologist at Arkham Asylum which gave him ample opportunity to run his experiments. Eventually he expanded his experiments, using fear gas on a crowd at a currently undecided event to test it at a larger scale and a diverse range of people instead of just uni students and the mentally ill. However he got caught by Batman and became a patient at Arkham which obviously also got him fired. Nevertheless he continued his experiments although over the years a variety of factors have resulted in the Scarecrow persona almost becoming a second personality (he doesn't have DID just to clarify, this bit is more of a made up disorder on my part that's unique to him because his fear gas/toxin had a big part in its development, he's not immune to his fear stuff and whilst he tries to limit his exposure it's just not possible to avoid it). The best way to describe it is basically as Scarecrow his personality becomes harsher and under extreme circumstances and/or over exposure to his fear gas/toxin, he'll often disassociate and act more violent, mostly just attempting to do what he thinks is best in order to protect himself, it's similar in a way to a fight or flight response type thing I guess. It's basically just his brain attempting to protect him, it's really hard to explain what I'm thinking.
As Jonathan Crane he's reclusive with very few personal connections to other people. he can be cold and lacks empathy (not totally he still experiences a little), and often doesn't display much emotion, despite this he's still somewhat considerate of others. He's skilled in psychology and chemistry, and lacks fighting skills. He's persuasive and his knowledge of psychology makes it quite easy for him to get in other's heads. As Scarecrow very little is different, although he appears to completely lack empathy, has more violent impulses, and is generally more sadistic. Depending on the circumstances he'll either be more controlled and calm (when he chooses to slip into the persona), or he'll be impulsive and reckless, his actions reminiscent of someone doing what they can to survive (when he's forced into the persona, or further into them intended). Anyway at Arkham he gets the straight jacket treatment, also the mask whatever, he's never actually bitten someone they're just scared of him, he doesn't always wear the mask. When he's brought into Arkham he will often be more violent before calming down after a few days, usually they put him in solitary confinement for the first few days.
He began his crimes in his 30s and continues them into his 50s so he's like middle aged. He's aroace, also he's autistic, why? Because I say so, his special interest is fear lmao. Anyway he's close friends with Jervis Tetch and friends with Poison Ivy, friendly with Riddler (they have their issues), other than that he's mostly neutral with the other rogues. Also a note his body is covered in scars from the whole Grandmother terrorizing him with birds thing, the worst of the scars are on his arms and his back. Also he knits as a hobby, I just think that suits him. One more thing, he's 6'6" I just thought y'all should know that, he's stupidly tall. And that is all I have to say about him.
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multitide · 1 year
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Sometimes You Just Can't Get Enough
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carrot-felisidad · 2 years
AKASHI AND MIDORIMA SLEEPOVER (kuroko is there somewhere, somehow)
Akashi: Shintarou, I'm your bestfriend, right?
Kuroko: *starts recording this convo*
Midorima: Well, no, Takao is.
Akashi: You can't have your boyfriend as your bestfriend. And we're childhood bestfriends!
Midorima: He's not my boyfriend, he's my bestfriend. We're always together now.
Akashi: Fine, but if he breaks up with you, who are you gonna cry to?
Midorima: First, we're not going to break up because he's not my boyfriend, second, if we were, we would never break up.
Akashi: But to whom are you going to cry, though.
Midorima: To you...
Akashi: See, I'm your bestfriend.
Midorima: If you ever break up with Furihata Kouki, would you cry to me?
Akashi: No, because I would rather use that time to get him back.
Midorima: No that's...
Akashi: It's winners' mentality, Shintarou.
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tea-time-terrier · 1 year
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Bestest friends.
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sunset-mp4 · 4 months
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imagine drawing doctor gaster- o h
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plutosring · 26 days
in a fic im reading they have new paragraphs every 2-3 sentences and im just sitting here like "did your teachers ever tell you that a paragraph was at least five sentences?"
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cultishbite · 1 month
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Hunt!! She's a Mightyena from a personal oc story i have about Pokemon who were abandoned by their trainers making their own civilization :3
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