artfight · 3 days
'Art vs Fight' theme when???
This is just what happens when you're trying to update your character references.
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infamous-if · 2 days
Isn't Seven just like, objectively correct though? MC and band DID stab them in the back, did try and cut them out of the band they started for money purposes and semi-legitimise it by having a vote where a majority pre-agreed to vote to demote so Seven had no chance of winning? Like, in what way are they wrong about the events of the past? Honestly I don't think MC and band deserve to win and even if they did, MC would probably be out on their ass the second 3/5 had the opinion they were a liability
well I wouldn't say objectively but yeah in some ways. that situation is all about perspective and even I don't have a clear stance on it because my opinion of it changes depending on my mood ! but I think public opinion is pretty split down the middle between the band being right and Seven being right. there's a lot of context missing so I guess we'll see the way the tides shift as we get deeper in the story!
and noooo have more faith in MC and the band! hahahaha
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fatliberation · 3 days
fat white person compares body shaming to racism. more at 12
This ask tells me you don’t believe that systemic fatphobia is a real issue. It goes so, so much deeper than body shaming. I don’t compare fatphobia to homophobia, racism, etc to say that they are the same, they’re not, although they absolutely do intersect - I compare it to those things because it’s discrimination and we should treat it as such. people should be called out on it like they should with any other ism.
Although I would never equate the two, fatphobia is a form of anti-Blackness. Its roots are in white supremacy. The ideal thin body was constructed as a marker of Whiteness and ‘purity’ before any of this was ever made to be about health. Read Fearing the Black Body: The Racial Origins of Fat Phobia by Sabrina Strings. Read Belly of The Beast: The Politics of Anti-Fatness as Anti-Blackness by Da’Shaun L. Harrison.
This is the only ask like this I will answer. I’m not interested in playing oppression olympics.
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zephyrus-moonlight · 17 hours
I bet you can draw 9I op hm?
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➢ 100 faces meme
I greatly appreciate the excuse to cover him in blood
bonus because i also like it without said blood:
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yeah i agree with the last asker , you should totally check out five nights at freddy’s/j
*spends nearly 5 years of my life making fnaf content* who is this Frederick McFazbear
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tendercherie · 3 days
Sick of you? I'm going through withdrawals.
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ok Anon, I don’t want you to suffer so here’s an oldie that Idk if I ever posted <3
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linked-maze · 2 days
any of your Lu Links smoke?
first of all, this is not an LU blog tho I can do LU requests if my LM boys are involved as well ^^ (you may have misspelled, which in that case is completely fine! ) also, I'm against smoking. so no, none of my Links smoke. have a very nice day!!
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happy pride month!!!
Happy Pride Month!
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 24 hours
hii, do you have any help for job hunting? I've been unemployed for so long I've kind of forgotten what I /did/ before in job hunting and now I'm scared with the huge gap years and my lack of skills because I couldn't be a good unemployed person doing formations and classes I really just only gotten obsessed over my garden 😑
Hi there,
I found some sites that have listed some jobs.
I hope these have jobs that interests you. Thank you for the inbox. I hope you have a wonderful day/night. ♥️
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i’d like to request tenma and grimmer getting some well deserved rest and cuddles 😳
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Yes, absolutely what they need 💞 ;_;
It’s a bit different than how I usually sketch since I was using a different program/tablet than my usual drawings so I may revisit this later in my more comfortable setup to do it more justice TuT
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emwheezie · 3 days
u need to put tw and cw when u post cats
Are you serious? It's a drawing of a cat.
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artfight · 3 days
In the future, will there be an option to search for characters that don’t have any attacks against them yet?
There may be! A new search system called "Discovery Page" (that will replace the old search system) is a Tier 1 goal. Some of the types of new search functions mentioned are users who are new to the site or who have a low battle ratio.
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infamous-if · 23 hours
What will Cory and co do if the MC ends up being nice to Blake, Seven, and others, just refuses to play the role of angry rival or something? Even has nice things to say about them and their music? Is that a route we can take thatll force the producers to change the story they're trying to sell to viewers? Or is mc just shit out of luck?
Cory will find a way dont worry lmao she's good at her job (unfortunately? fortunately?)
but yes, you can work hard to make Cory's job as difficult as possible. I mean, I encourage that!
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I think the "Queerest character" is going to be a bit of a popularity test at the same time cuz ofc fans are going to make their faves queer, it's a compliment!!
For the record, I have no problem with this, but I can't believe any of the dwarf miners under Gillin are straight, they're just naturally less popular than the characters they go up against bc they aren't fleshed out in canon.
Yeah, true. Even when the tournament isn't explicitly a popularity contest, it still ends up partly a popularity contest.
Then again, last year the results of the Queerest Character Tournament were quite different from the Favourite Character Tournament, so who knows.
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i have a similar situation - i'm struggling to make my own correspondences, and i'm trying to draw from my pagan practices as well as my ancestral asian practice. i'm having a bit of difficulty with systematically going through a small dictionary, but maybe this can provide some ideas (and of course, if you have any critiques, i'm totally open to that as well!)
I usually just pick up any reference book and choose whatever I like the sound of and can get my hands on. I have a copy of The Encyclopedia of Natural Magic by J.M. Greer which I use a lot because it has minimal tangential waffle and is neatly laid out. I like Llewellyn's Charms, Spells and Formulas for the same reason.
For culturally relevant things, I like chinasage which has a symbol index of various flora and fauna. I'm not aware of similar resources for other parts of East Asia, apologies.
While I do think that different materials are endowed with particular virtues, I also think this is another area of magic where people get a little obsessed with categorisation.
It's not like Pokemon where lavender has +10 sleep magic points and chamomile has +12, or roses are exclusively for love and attraction and black pepper is only for cursing and banishing, and so on... It's a little more like cooking where there are many possibilities of creating a satisfying meal and yet it still depends on the individual tastes of who's partaking in it.
Cypress, yew and asphodel are strongly associated with the underworld; mugwort and wormwood are associated with night-time and dreams, but these plants will still die without the light of day. Sunflowers and oranges are very solar, but they still have roots that reach into the earth to anchor them. Chilli peppers are incredibly fiery, but they still die without water. Yarrow is for youth, love and beauty, except when you're allergic to it.
Every herb is a herb for protection, and wealth, and attraction, and fertility, and banishing – and so on, because every plant has its own strategy to survive, thrive and proliferate.
(And that's just plants, not even touching on the properties of minerals, animals, elements, colours and so on.)
They do have their specialisations, yes, and I wouldn't use mint to call on the element of fire, nor would I use coffee beans in a sleep spell... What I'm trying to say is: they're all multi-faceted, so set aside the reference books now and then, and just observe and make connections intuitively.
Reference books might tell you that basil or cinnamon or citrus (or whatever) have wealth-drawing properties.
But grass, plain old common grass, completely dominates the greenery of the earth. Crops like rice, wheat, barley and corn are staple foods that support the world's population. And dandelions, with their solar and ouranic qualities and how quickly they proliferate across an open field, are oft overlooked.
These never get listed in books, yet their literal and symbolic powers are undeniable.
Put these – grass seeds, rice grains and dandelion seeds – into a wealth working with a simple prayer. "Bless me with as much wealth as there are blades of grass on this earth, as there are grains of rice that sustain humanity, as there are dandelion seeds that fill the air in spring."
Correspondences are only part of what makes magic work. There's also your own ability and experience, the spirits you call and the relationship you have with them... I strongly favour the relationship part because reference books become less and less important, when you can just ask and the spirits will tell you what to use. Or even better when you don't have to do a spell at all, because you have spirits to take care of it in exchange for some cake.
It took me a long time to open myself up to receiving that kind of inspiration, but... honestly, don't overthink it. You know a lot of correspondences already because you interact with the world every day.
Good luck 🌿
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You ever seen Five nights at freddy's? I think you might like it
i legit can't tell if this is a genuine question /lh
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