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i dunno, suddenly i said yes when a friend asked me to bring her to hike. and gladly they're happy
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How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others
How to stop comparing yourself to others:
1. Don’t listen to the voice inside your head that tells you that you are inadequate.
2. Don’t hang out with people who look for the flaws and can’t see the best in the people in their lives.
3. Recognise that each person is different and unique. There is no-one like you - and you have great attributes.
4. Take note of your efforts, and the progress you have made. You’ve already come far. You should celebrate that!
5. Appreciate others, and what you gain from them. Don’t see them as people who undermine you.
6. Remember that NO-ONE is perfect at all - and that other people struggle with the same stuff as well.
7. Go after what matters the most in this life: being loyal, and thoughtful, and caring, and kind.
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I do get tired of humans.
Audrey Niffenegger, The Time Traveler's Wife
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Self rewards
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never thought that i would attend taynew concert or event
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my life is such a mess, but anyhow..concert first.
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Summer means Songkran
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Kalo misalnya ku nantang diri sendiri seperti orang-orang bisa ga ya? Yg menantang 100 hari menjalankan habits goal. Berhubung sudah sebulan Ramadan berarti bisa tuh kalo dilanjutin sampe 2 bulan berikutnya; kira-kira abisin aja sampe akhir Mei. Berhubung pertengahan Mei mau proposal defense, mudah-mudah ngurangin overthinking menjelang waktu tersebut.
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day by day, 1% to 1%
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a.k.a menstruation? 555+
experiencing female hysteria (iron deficiency)
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manusia memang tempatnya salah, termasuk diri sendiri. sakit hati sama manusia itu biasa. makin sekarang, udah mulai latihan buat ga mendem lagi kekecewaan, tapi belajar membuang itu semua pada akhirnya.
kayak, ya udah, if it not meant to be it will never be. lanjutkan hidup.
sedih sih, oh ya, satu lagi, lagi latihan nih buat putting trust to Allah in everything. kalo tiba-tiba kepikiran kenapa gw failed lagi, failed mulu...again, ya udah, pasrahin aja ke Allah. doain lagi aja kalo masi menginginkannya. doain pake doanya Nabi Yunus.
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at the time of my depressed phase, but i choose to buy myself flower, have tasty foods, and keep on journaling. i need to release this stress.
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one day i was so excited about my life, the other day i almost gave up. but, above everything, i should be grateful for the life that i live. because out there, some people are not as lucky as me to live life without a war.
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Little things but makes me happy
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Gw keren banget ga sih wkwkwk. Lagi belajar meromantisasi kehidupan biar gak apapa dipikirin tapi dikerjain.
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