nerdynikki94 22 days
Spencer Agnew: "That was the most homoerotic thing I've ever seen, and I watched Hannibal season 3."
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nerdynikki94 1 month
NO girl dont ruin your early 20s by staying home every saturday and lamenting the death of your childhood while also being afraid to even act like a 20 something year old bc you still feel so young yet so old and lost all at once haha you鈥檙e so sexy!
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nerdynikki94 1 month
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nerdynikki94 1 month
Im curious.
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nerdynikki94 1 month
I think Tumblr is trying to diagnose me with autism, lol. Honestly, valid (my parents are like anti-therapy & anti-behavioral assessment, so I've never been tested for anything. My aunt is literally diagnosed as bipolar, & my mom refuses to believe anyone else could have it, like I seriously don't think she understands genetics. And because she used to work with teens on the far side of the spectrum, nonverbal, immobile and such, she completely forgets that it's a spectrum.) Like, it's not a tag I follow, it's sometimes adjacent to my fandoms, but I never search for it. I just got served like a dozen posts back-to-back.
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nerdynikki94 1 month
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nerdynikki94 2 months
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nerdynikki94 2 months
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nerdynikki94 2 months
Debated back and forth all day if I should do another (probably my dozenth) rewatch of Hannibal, because it's the first 3-day weekend I've had in a while (perfect amount of time for a binge), kept wavering, wanting to get some cleaning done, but kept coming across Hannigram posts, and then I remembered that it is the year anniversary of my first time watching it. My sentimental ass can't say no.
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nerdynikki94 2 months
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nerdynikki94 2 months
so I got into grad school today with my shitty 2.8 gpa and the moral of the story is reblog those good luck posts for the love of god
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nerdynikki94 3 months
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Macdennis bingo card :)) I dont care what you do with it i just made it for fun
im gnna put this up against my fics and see how tropey i am lol feel free to use this as a prompt board or just see if you can get a bingo by reading fics
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nerdynikki94 3 months
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Mads Mikkelsen, Hugh Dancy, and Laurence Fishburne - Hannibal behind the scenes
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nerdynikki94 4 months
There are moments where I feel insanely guilty for having my own secret, internal RPF theories based on the chemistry of mlm ships portrayed by men who are close friends in real life. Then, I remember that it's literally only glob.
Like I love Ineffable Husbands so much, but David Tennant & Michael Sheen's chemistry in real life, though adorable, feels sincerely platonic. I'm obsessed with Murder Husbands, but Mads Mikkelsen & Hugh Dancy's friendship feels merely playful to me. I'm a sucker for BlackBonnet/GentleBeard because Taika Waititi & Rhys Darby's long-term friendship shows the deep affection, respect, and trust they have for another. I can literally lose hours watching all of these pairings in their interviews together and other projects they share (Staged was an absolute obsession of mine after finishing GO S2), but I don鈥檛 see them as their characters.
I love all of those mlm canon ships, but I never find myself thinking that these men are actually romantically/sexually entangled. Yet, the only ship, not technically canon (Macdennis), is the only one I can't help but think of as being rooted in reality (not even in a factual 'this happened' kind of way, more like 'that is some real life UST between those bros'). Like Rob McElhenney & Glenn Howerton aren't just the actors of IASIP; they are the writers, producers, and creators. They admit to putting parts of themselves into their characters; their chemistry and dynamic is completely paralleled in the way they interact out of character; their level of flirtation and jealousy is sus af. The little crush-like quirks their characters do, mirror how they act in interviews, podcasts, and premieres.
I'm not a person to write or perpetuate rpf, because I think it's messed up to make theories about people's personal lives/sexual identities and spout it as truth, when it's based off fictitious characters; but goddamn, Rob & Glenn, my brothers in Christ, you are never beating the allegations.
Like at this point, Macdennis is still trying to catch up to being as gay as Rob & Glenn's real-life anecdotes and interactions.
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nerdynikki94 4 months
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nerdynikki94 4 months
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nerdynikki94 4 months
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The Return of the Queen
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