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Finished felted loth cat Tech!
More photos +shenanigans under the cut
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Side and back
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Also freed Wrecker from his plastic prison so he could "help"
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He held onto the head while I was working on his tail lol
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wrecker--wRECKER NOO
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He be listening to some tunes
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So I've been getting Bad Batch merch slowly and just recently got the 1/7 scale figures (picked up Hunter and Wrecker last weekend). Today Tech finally arrived in the mail and I made a day out of putting all of them together
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Tech was up first (of course)
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I couldn't help but find it hilarious he has a second head. Idk why I thought the helmet would be removable hffyfh
Yes his decapitated head will sit at his feet
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I got Wrecker done a lot faster cause he has less parts than Tech
Okay so I got Hunter out and while trying to get the rest of his pieces out I sat him thoughtlessly set him on the dresser AND--
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(Off topic but Hunter's box smelled HORRIBLE on the inside?? Maybe Hunter was always the smelly one gfgygth)
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Btw Hunter comes with an extra hand. If it were the other hand you could say it's Crosshair's UTGUTHYH (I'll get Crosshair one day but seriously Wrecker and Hunter were expensiiiiive)
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The bois completed
I bought some lego minifigs at an antique store a few weeks ago. Someone already bought Crosshair and left Hunter, Wrecker, Tech, and Echo. Which ohhhh the irony. But something I realized is that-- Hunter has Crosshair's sniper rifle, Wrecker has a random second gun, and the gun Echo has isn't even his--
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Echo is now surrounded by a random assortment of guns
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WIP >:3
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Local cat-napper Rex at it again. As you can probably tell, Echo is his fave
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if anakin in the tookahsoka au had tiktok. this would be the content he'd make
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Some one remind me to draw this--
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For my tribute to the finale of the Bad Batch, here are references to the loth kitties of Cat Batch Cafe!
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More reference pics coming soon I couldn't fit them all in one post 🥲
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Happy May the Fourth!
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Don't worry, Plo is fine!
I had more I wanted to draw for this but I was up till 2am working on it 🥲
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Preview for my May the 4th post tomorrow
Can you guess who it is?
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I'm so glad you can edit posts on here cause I just noticed tumblr absolutely messed up where all the pics were suppose to go ;v;
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second part of the Cat Batch Cafe references! This time it's the humans! .... plus alien. I meant to post it right after the first reference post but I forgor
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second part of the Cat Batch Cafe references! This time it's the humans! .... plus alien. I meant to post it right after the first reference post but I forgor
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For my tribute to the finale of the Bad Batch, here are references to the loth kitties of Cat Batch Cafe!
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More reference pics coming soon I couldn't fit them all in one post 🥲
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From then on paint was banned from the cafe.
Introducing my new lil Bad Batch au called Cat Batch Cafe! I'll have more info (hopefully) on it on May 1 in celebration of the Bad Batch finale.
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Tech-cat be yapping
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Reblog to kill it faster
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Sadly I didn't get it :,) it was an auction and the price went too high
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Here's what it looked like. Has the same silver painted design a regular maiko obiage has
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And these are the listing title, both original and translated. Plus a closeup of the tag
For comparison, I have pics of 2 known genuine maiko obiage not worn
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This summer obiage was also for sale a few months ago. But unfortunately it was also way out of my price range :,) I actually saw a pic of a maiko wearing an obiage with this exact pattern in one of your posts!
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This one I actually own! I got it for $4 because of its condition. It's only half the obiage!
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That's a lot of damage
Maybe one day I'll get an obiage in good condition...
Hello! I found an obiage for sale online and it's both advertised and looks like a genuine maiko obiage. The only thing is that it's hot pink instead of the traditional red. Was wondering if it's possible a maiko could have a pink obiage? (I can send a pic in dm)
Hey there! It really depends on the city. Kyoto Maiko only use red-based obiage for their work outfits (red with silver embroidery, not sure if they use shibori obiage as well?). But hot pink might be possible for a Tokyo hangyoku, especially thinking of Mukojima's broad variety of colours... I'll check this tomorrow in greater detail. Edit: Ok, so - with Hikizuri, Kyoto Maiko's obiage is only red with silver embroidery. With their casual outfits, they wear other colours (pastel pink or white/red shibori), but not hot pink. Pastel pink is actually not uncommon (Gifu, Niigata, Akita, Tokyo Asakusa/Mukojima/Shinagawa). But as for hot pink... this is the closest I could find - Akita Maiko Kanofuji, April 2021:
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So, well, it seems that it's not as common as I thought.
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