cowboysandpilots · 1 month
Okay, yeah, I'm gonna go. I don't know when or if I'll be back. I appreciate everyone who has ever read and interacted with my writing. It really means so much to me, and hopefully, that means I'll be able to feel better about what I do here and come back.
If you would like to stay in contact with me, you can add me on Discord. ❤️ @/kianisaac. (With the period on the end)
I wanna delete Tumblr because the validation of gaining or not gaining followers and checking it incessantly for interactions on my writing is affecting my mental health, but I'm so lonely, and posting on here is the only interaction I get besides rps, so I don't know what to do.
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cowboysandpilots · 1 month
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Top Gun (1986) // Top Gun: Maverick (2020)
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cowboysandpilots · 1 month
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cowboysandpilots · 1 month
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cowboysandpilots · 1 month
Craving Tommy as their son’s coach for Little League
Wearing some tight pants and a hoodie with Coach Kinard on it
And Buck just on the stands watching his husband and son having their fun while he pull homemade snacks out of a cooler for their break
Taking pictures and videos to send to Bobby and Maddie
And he’s also watching moms ogling his husband and trying to get his attention
Just a soft moment of their life every Saturday
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cowboysandpilots · 1 month
big dick energy + icemav
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cowboysandpilots · 1 month
Too Late
Everything in Eddie's life seems to come too late. He comes home too late from his tour to save his marriage. He's too late to save her, no matter how badly he wants too. Even after all that happens, even after he thinks he's got it all figured out, he's too late to realize that he's in love with his best friend and now Buck has a boyfriend— a boyfriend that he considers to be a good friend. It would be so wrong for Eddie to confess his feelings now, it's not Buck's fault that he took so long to figure out that his feelings were more than friendly. It's not Tommy's fault either, even if Eddie is kicking himself a little for not noticing how close they were getting. Then he starts to have more feelings he doesn’t understand. He’s jealous of Buck. Not because the younger man is now out and proud, something that Eddie never even thought he could be, but because he gets to kiss Tommy.
Eddie talks himself out of it. There’s absolutely know way that he has feelings for Buck and Tommy. One, because they’re now both taken which means he’s late yet again, and two because that means wishing that two of his best friends would break up so that Eddie gets to be with one of them. He’s not that awful is he? Maybe he should’ve taken Bobby’s offer to see his priest. There has to be something fundamentally wrong with him and the universe is punishing him for it. Eddie doesn’t have time to talk himself out of that ‘the universe hates him theory’ because he thinks about it on the way to Buck’s house for a beer and what he opens the door to has really cemented the idea in his head.
He has a key to Buck’s apartment, so naturally he just let himself in. What he really should have been thinking about was how Buck was no longer single and he shouldn’t have been taken so far off guard by the way that they’re laying across the sofa, the sofa Eddie helped Buck pick out, and Tommy’s got his tongue in the blonde’s mouth and Buck’s shirt is riding up while his hands are groping Tommy’s ass from beneath him. Eddie cringes as the door slams shut behind him and Buck tilts his head back against the arm of the couch to look at him upside down.
“Sorry— sorry, I thought… we were hanging out today,” Eddie frowns, looking around the place like it might show the date and tell him he got it wrong.
“We are,” Buck answers, both men getting up and straightening out their clothes. “I thought… my place might be the best place to breech this suggestion,” He says, shrugging shyly.
That doesn’t help Eddie’s confusion.
“Sorry we got started without you,” Tommy smirks, “Buck is hard to resist.”
Eddie isn’t going to argue. This must be some kind of fever dream. He knows what Tommy is suggesting. “I… I thought I was too late,” Eddie murmurs with a frown.
The other men both give him genuine smiles while Tommy holds out his hand to bring the third man in. “You’re never too late, Eddie.”
Thanks for reading! 💕 Donate to my food fund if you want. 🥰
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cowboysandpilots · 1 month
I wanna delete Tumblr because the validation of gaining or not gaining followers and checking it incessantly for interactions on my writing is affecting my mental health, but I'm so lonely, and posting on here is the only interaction I get besides rps, so I don't know what to do.
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cowboysandpilots · 1 month
hi i need everybody to stop and see this selfie that lou ferrigno jr took with maurice the chicken from bobby begins again (+ bonus bts photo)
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its unreal how much i need this man
anyways thank you for your time enjoy your day
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cowboysandpilots · 1 month
Y'all are amazing. Reblog to hug the person you’re reblogging from.
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cowboysandpilots · 1 month
tommy likes the way buck's wrists feel in his hands.
he can feel buck's heartbeat pick up when he holds him down, up above his head, pressed deep into the too-soft mattress. buck writhes and struggles a little bit, tests the hold, but doesn't really try to get away. it makes tommy laugh into his mouth, kiss deeper and bite at buck's already swollen lips. buck sighs, rubs up against him like a desperately needy cat. tommy smiles against the slick softness of buck's mouth, moves his face lower, dives right into the hollow of buck's throat. the life here pulses even harder than his wrists. tommy puts all of his weight down on buck, let's his own hips hitch up a little bit, just so buck can feel how happy their proximity makes him.
buck's heartbeat stutters. tommy squeezes his wrists tighter, grinds his hips one, two times, bites at buck's jugular. kisses the pink skin.
he's going to devour this beautiful, sensitive man. and then he's going to marry him.
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cowboysandpilots · 1 month
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incorrect 9-1-1 36/?
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cowboysandpilots · 1 month
Secrets of a 30-Year-Old Flyboy — ch. 3
Fake Roonix, Secret Hangster | Words: 780 | Warnings: Blood, medical stuff, sickness, miscommunications, and boys being stupid.
"They said he had a dangerously high fever, and his appendix burst. That's all I got before they rushed him into surgery." Tears had gathered in the blue eyes behind glasses but he was trying to hold them back, keeping up appearances. Bradley had looked so similar to after the accident, blood on his face and unconscious.
Stepping closer, Mav wrapped his arm around Ice’s waist and leaned into his side. He held him tightly. Mav knew what Ice was remembering. “It’s not like that this time,” he murmured to him. “Appendixes happen all the time. It’s routine surgery.” Maverick didn’t voice that he was worried about the fact that Bradley had been in the air. He’d been sustaining G-force pressures with a bad appendix. What kind of damage did that do? He knew it was normal for the average person, but this wasn’t normal. Because, of course, nothing had to be normal about Bradley.
Phoenix shooed the squadron to take seats. She focused on them to give her something to do while being sick with worry. The least she could do was make everyone give Bradley’s Godfathers some privacy. She felt awful because she had teased Bradley in the locker room instead of asking how he was doing. She’d seen that he didn’t feel good.
While everyone else took a seat, Jake hadn’t been able to do so. He stood off to the side, with his back pressed against the wall. He couldn’t stop the fine tremors that were running through him or the waves of dizziness. "It's not like last time." Ice repeats with a nod, exactly like Bradley would do when he was trying to convince himself of something. A mannerism that he must've picked up from the other man.
"What happened last time?" Bob asks, clearly listening and not reading the room.
Phoenix tried to shush Bob, flapping a hand in his face. “Not now, dude,” she hissed. She knew a little bit about the accident, just a few things Bradley had said or that she figured out.
Maverick turned his glower to Bob. All of his sour attitude from earlier returned full force and once again focused on the entire squadron. “There was an accident,” he said, voice clipped. “Now keep your noses to yourself about it.”
"Sorry," Bob says softly, immediately backing down and looking away like a little kid getting scolded by their father.
It's about 5 minutes later when they're all sitting in the waiting room. A nurse makes his way to Ice and pulls him off to the side. "Sir, your son came in with these on around his neck. We had to remove them for the surgery and want to make sure they're kept safe." She explains, handing two sets of dog tags to the admiral.
Accepting both sets of dog tags, Ice frowned and looked down at them in his hand. He rolled them until he could see the stamped text. Bradley’s and…Seresin’s? He frowned as he turned his attention back to the nurse. “Thank you,” he said, glancing down at the tags again. “He was wearing both sets?” Ice can’t help but ask, not understanding what was going on with this at all. It was bad enough that Bradley was in surgery. He couldn’t focus on much beyond his worry.
"Yes, sir. They were both around his neck when he came in." She places a gentle hand on his arm. "I'll be back to give you updates on the surgery when I have them."
Nodding, Ice looks back down at the tags in his hand before he steps away. “Thank you,” he says again before he returns to Maverick’s side. Sitting heavily in the chair next to his husband, Iceman stares at the tags in his hand for a moment longer before he shifts and slides them into his pocket. He glances at where Hangman is leaning against a wall on the opposite side of the room before he turns his attention back to Maverick. “No update yet,” he said with a heavy sigh. “She just wanted to give me his tags, for safekeeping. And Seresin’s as well. Bradley was wearing them.”
Maverick turns and blinks at his husband. "I'm sorry... what did you just say?" He frowns.
“You heard me,” Ice said dryly as he leaned back in his chair and took Maverick’s hand in his own. There was a fine tremor in Ice’s hands that he was trying to hide from everyone else. “He was also wearing Hangman’s dog tags.”
Maverick is absolutely stunned, speechless. "But he... they..." He clears his throat a little. "Are you sure they're not Phoenix's dog tags?" He asks quietly.
I wanted to make this one longer but I forgot about Tumblrs stupid text limit. 😭 Thanks for reading! 💕 Donate to my food fund if you want. 🥰
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cowboysandpilots · 1 month
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some Tommy smiles (and then some) in 9-1-1 → 2x16
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cowboysandpilots · 1 month
Oh god, I'm almost to the lawsuit plotline noooo 😭
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cowboysandpilots · 1 month
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cowboysandpilots · 1 month
The fact that Chim and Maddie say they aren't the only people they know with no kids because Buck doesn't have any, and then the next scene is Buck taking Christopher to the pier. Maybe I'll cry.
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