#lewis pullman
likearolloftape · 2 days
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turnnblurb · 3 days
Oooo maybe Rhett teaching you how to ride a horse? And he gets frisky? Anything you write will be amazing!!! :)
yes!!!! thank you love!!
rhett teaches you how to ride a horse properly
warnings: soft!rhett, smooching, so much fluff, drinking, yearning
you had only been living in wabang for about a year when you met rhett abbott.
a lonesome day had led you to your first lonesome night at the handsome gambler. work was shit. your apartment was shit. you hadn’t made a single friend in the whole year due to the fact that the whole town seemed to be a bit wary of new arrivals. but, thankfully a certain cowboy was intrigued by what others deemed a little different.
“ya’ alright?” you felt that unwavering presence of his before the words slipped out of his mouth. the barstool next to you shifting under his weight and your surroundings being suddenly filled by the scent of leather.
“hm?” you were a bit drunk. nearly more than a bit, choosing to sip on the beer in front of you instead of shooting back another whiskey. his eyes crinkled when he allowed himself to chuckle at your tipsy state.
“i said are ya’ alright?” he crossed his arms on top of the bar-top, “couldn’t miss the way you’ve just been starin’ a hole into that neon sign for the past thirty minutes.”
he didn’t mean to notice you, not at all. he also couldn’t help the way his eyes were being consistently drawn to the pretty girl he’d never seen before sat at the bar with an awful frown on her face. he figured you were from out of town, just visiting for the night. maybe expecting a shitty date that would never show up because not even he trusted half the men in wabang.
“oh, yeah sorry— um just a rough day, didn’t mean to cause any worry.” he took in the way your eyes scrunched close as you answered his question, as if you were reliving some horrible memory that he should feel bad for bringing up.
“so ya’ drove to the middle of nowhere wabang to get wasted?” his brow quirked at the confusion on your face. you were something, not being able to control your facial expressions with the amount of liquor in your system currently. undeniably cute.
“no! i mean just from my apartment..” for a moment you both looked at each other quizzically, him putting the pieces together before you could figure out that he didn’t know you were now a resident in his home town.
“ya’ tellin me you live here? never seen or heard of you before.” he tilted his head some, the slight movement filtering his words better for you to hear.
“have for about a year now, not much to see or hear i reckon.” you took another slow sip from the bottle in front of you. you let him ask you where you’re from after that, then for your name. the name he gives you in return is one you immediately recognize.
“ah, so you’re that bull rider they keep interrupting my hank williams channel to talk about?” the connection brings a smile on your face, it’d be a lie to say that you didn’t turn up the radio when you heard his name with a tinge of intrigue in your emotion.
“fraid’ so,” he laughs into his own beer bottle. “sorry about that, ma’am.” he’s everything you expected him to be. cool and collected as he speaks to you with such air that the people around you must think that you’re life long friends.
“i’ve always wanted to do something cool like that actually, used to beg my mom to put me in horse riding lessons.” you aren’t too sure what drawls the confession out of you. the alcohol or the pretty smile resting on rhett’s lips as he looks at you kinder than anyone had for the last year.
“ya’ still interested?” for a second you are not entirely sure what he’s asking, you have to pause for a moment.
“i mean— pshh.” you blush under his thoughtful gaze. “might be a bit too late for my cowgirl days to start now.” you look down at your cardigan and platform boots, the only thing wabang about you might be the wranglers form fitting to your legs.
“nah, don’t think so,” he narrows his now mischief glimmered eyes at you. “why don’t ya’ come to the ranch sometime. i’ll teach ya’ how to be a cowgirl.”
you think he’s fucking with you, he has to be. you hadn’t made a single friend in the town and all of the sudden cowboy casanova is offering you tutoring lessons with the sweetest look on his face.
“where’s this ranch of yours?” it seems that his tense shoulders relax some at your words, he pulls out a pen from his breast pocket and writes something on the back of a tab receipt that you hadn’t noticed him receiving.
he even drives you home. guiding you to his truck with an appropriate, but burning hand on your back. opening your door and giving you a hand to help you in. he stifles laughter as you drunkenly give him directions to your place. finally, he walks you to your apartment door despite your insistence that its unnecessary.
that’s how you make your first friend in wabang. that’s also how you end up at the abbott ranch on a well-tempered friday morning.
you had called the number scrawled onto the back of the receipt alongside the unfamiliar address after you gathered your bearings of that night. the deep voice on the other line had you deeply blushing, how on earth you had not managed to buckle under the intense stare you recall is a mystery to you. the meeting time and date was set and the call was ended with a ‘see you then, might want to buy some better boots.’
you did end up taking his advice on the boots. brown leather now cladding your feet up to your shins, making them near unbearable to wear at first try. at least the dragonfly design was cute.
he was already on the front porch waiting for you when you arrived in your little hatchback car. he knew it was you immediately because no girl, even person drove anything but a pick up in wabang. it made you all that more endearing to him. he found himself making his way down the steps to open your car door for you before you could even place it in park.
“fancy seeing ya’ here, cowgirl.” he offered his hand to you to distract you from how his eyes were flitting down your figure. you were gonna kill him. his obituary would surely read, ‘heart attack induced by city girl wearing cowboy boots and flared jeans.’ no one would think to mention that the white tank you had on underneath your brown cardigan was the final straw for him.
“hm, you are rick talbott, right?” you joke through a smirk, not expecting him to have to clutch his chest at how funny he found it. you were thankful that it gave you a moment to admire him in the daylight. scruff and sharp lines that you weren’t able to see under the dim bar lights.
“close enough.” his laughter died off and left you two in a moment of comfortable silence as he shut your car door and led the way with a nudge of his head. he still had the dark denim on that you recognized from the bar, but his button up was replaced by a form fitting long sleeve white tee. what a sight. he even replaced his stetson with a navy blue ball cap.
“now, m’ gonna take it easy on ya’ today, but give it a week and you’ll be barreling like a pro.” you watched his hands as they undid the lock of the barn door, opening them to what you could only imagine was your childhood dream.
four horses, bells of hay, just born calves. the smile on your face was irreplaceable. he turned to you at your silence, wishing he hadn’t when the wind was nearly knocked out of him at the sight of your beaming face.
“everything you ever hoped for?” he smirked with his large hands on his hips, damn him for teasing you when he looked so good.
“so much more.” you sighed, taking in your surroundings. he didn’t miss the way your eyes softened when they landed on their newest baby calf lucy, he’d have to remind himself to let you bottle feed her.
“that’s probably jus’ the smell of horse shit making ya’ all delusional. the wonder will pass when ya’ step in it.” he spoke as he reached forward to place a soft grip on your bicep, leading you further into the barn with the soft fabric of your thin cardigan warming around his hand. he liked the way you laughed for him at his poor attempt at a joke. he wasn’t much for whimsy and humor, but you sure did already know how to pull it out of him.
“oh, they’re beautiful!” you exclaimed when you finally got close enough to the horse stalls, a hand resting on your heart. so in awe that you almost disregarded the strong one still on your bicep. it was disappointingly removed when he noticed your soft eyes on it.
“i’m sure they appreciate that,” he was so soft with you it had him wondering who the hell he even was. he sure didn’t feel like a bull rider in that moment, and he definitely didn’t feel like the town slut everyone made him out to be.
“which one is yours?” he took you down two stalls further. giving himself a moment to run his hand down the tall black horse’s nose.
“ this ‘s doc.” he turned to you, silently reaching over to grab your hand and bring it to where his was on the horse seconds before. he let you pet doc at your own accord. “we’re gonna take him today, only one i trust with ya’.”
you aren’t entirely sure of what he means by that, but it has your heart fluttering nonetheless.
“big tombstone fan?” you gave the horse a few final pats before turning back to the man beside you with a smirk on your face.
“who isn’t?” he shrugged and stifled a huge smile at your uttered ‘fair.’
one thing for certain. if you had known that your first ‘lesson’ was going to be spent with both of you on the same horse, you would’ve worn a much thicker cardigan.
the kindness, deep voice, and eerily soft hands were enough to have you in a downward spiral. but, the warmth of rhett’s chest pressed to your back as he’s reached around you to guide doc out into the pasture has you standing firm in the fact that you now have a horrible crush on the cowboy.
“sorry ‘bout the close quarters, but seeing as you’ve never ridden before, think it’s for the best.” his voice was all too close to your ears for it to not send a shiver down your spine despite the glaring heat of the mid-day sun.
“s’fine, thought you would smell a little worse than you do.” the lighthearted joke was fleeing your lips before you could correct your city-like rudeness. he took no hurt in it, finding it quite funny as he let his head roll onto your shoulder in laughter, the brim of his hat peaking out over your left. no, he definitely wasn’t doing anything to dim the crush.
“i’ll take that as a compliment, sweetheart.” he didn’t miss how your breath hitched over the gallop of the horse. he was a little too content to know that he had the same affect on you as you did him.
when he deemed you two far enough out, he gently placed the reins in your hands.
“alright, i’ll let you take the reins now,” he waited for you to laugh at the pun before he continued, “you’re gonna want to sit up a little straighter, good. make sure your feet stay in the stirrups. relax a little..”
you weren’t sure how you were supposed to relax with his large hands placed firmly on your hips, but you did your best, earning yourself a sweet praise.
“as much as ya’ have to trust doc here, he has to trust ya’ just as much. take it easy at first, i’ll set him into a trot n’ if you feel ya’ wanna go any faster just give him a solid nudge with your foot.” he did exactly that, giving you enough time to feel out the reins in your hands and the slight pull of doc’s tall stature through the field.
it was light work. the handsome man leaning into your back was only a slight hindrance. it got a little hard to focus every now and then with him breathing down your neck, but you managed.
time passed with you guiding doc through the gorgeous acres of land that you still couldn’t believe were home to rhett’s front yard. you’d egg the horse on into a faster pace every now and then, relishing in the sickeningly sweet ‘there ya’ goes’ spoken into your ear. at some point you grew bored of the slow trot. you found your head turned slightly back at rhett, silently jumping out of your skin when you found his eyes hard set on you. a gulp could be heard.
“would it be okay if i went faster?” you weren’t sure of doc’s capabilities, but if he had enough in him to haul around a bull rider, he should be in well enough shape. rhett’s lips upturned into a smirk.
“go ahead, doll,” he nodded at you reassuringly, hands loosely at his sides, not quite prepared for just how fast you were willing to go. “woah— jesus, cowgirl!”
with two sturdy taps into doc’s right side he had immediately switched gears, all but launching rhett into your back. he had to steady himself on your hips with a tight grip. you swore his surprised laugh could’ve been heard from a satellite.
your hair was blowing back into rhett’s minimal space, he didn’t find himself minding the smell of your shampoo. he also didn’t find himself with a negative emotion in his soul. not a single one could be found when he had the sweetest girl he had ever met right in front of him, on his horse. said girl controlling doc perfectly at a gallop only rhett can handle him at. he figured he’d be safer with his hands glued to your hips, no other reason. definitely not because he couldn’t get enough of your body in his grasps.
the laugh coming from you was so genuine that you didn’t even recognize it. you hadn’t laughed from pure joy like this in years, it felt.
once you had your fun you pulled the reins firmer, hauling doc back to a slow trot, and eventually a full stop when you met the middle of the pasture. mountains encasing a moment only dreams recognize. with a heavy breath out, you shook your head in disbelief.
“wow, i could get used to that.” you still had a soft laugh in your voice, and rhett found he still did as well. for a moment, you allowed yourself to take in the all encompassing beauty that you had missed when gliding through the field. “i think that’s the most fun i’ve had in a good while.”
“me too.” his soft confession had you peeking your head back at him, the discomfort of your neck melted by the cowboy blue in his eyes. his breath heavier. “‘didn’t ever tell you how pretty you are at the bar the other night.”
“i’m glad, don’t think drunk me could’ve withheld kissing you. oh—” your cheeks flooded with heat, not preparing you for the deep silence to follow. your ears started ringing. why the hell did you just say that?
“oh.” his voice deep with the short phrase, his own cheeks blushing a deep shade and aching at the smile forming on his lips. it’s hard not to stare at them. his right hand that he forgot to take off of your hip is raising towards your waist.
“well, what is sober you thinkin’?” he asks with a hum, leaning in before either of you realizes. he has to balance his weight slightly more to the left for him to be able to see your face fully.
“that even now, i’d still kiss you.” you say it before thinking, there’s no reason to take it back. the evidence that he wants it just as badly as you do is written on his face. in a quick movement his reaching for the hat on his head, pulling it off of his slightly curly mused hair, just so it doesn’t interfere when the time is right. he places the right hand that is now holding the hat in a firm grip on the back of your head gently.
“nothing stopping ya’ cowgirl, i sure ain’t.” and with those final words, all you have to do is lean towards him maybe an inch to place your soft lips to his. and you do just that. his hand flexes around both the hat and the back of your head, pushing you into him more.
the kiss is gentle, but it hints at so much more. you can feel his smile without having to see it. he has to stifle it from its full extent just so he can keep kissing you. with a slight tilt of his head he has you sighing into his open mouth, giving him more reason to trace your bottom lip with his tongue. the motion has a barely audible whimper escaping you, but he hears it all too well.
“gonna kill me, sweetheart.” he pulls back too soon for your liking, resting his forehead on the top of yours. his chest heaves with desire and your breaths thread into his.
“i hope not, would have to find another hot cowboy to give me free riding lessons.” you giggle, pressing a sweet kiss to his chin. “and i don’t think they would be able to make me feel like this.”
“wouldn’t want that, would we?” his stare is intense, but only gentle. it holds a promise.
in that moment he forgets everything and everyone else in the world. every duty, every dumb hook up. all he knows in that moment is you.
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nurse-sainz · 1 day
PEGGING RHETT PEGGING THAT BOY (shush you have no idea who this is you don't know me and we definitely haven't talked about this)
TOTALLY HAVE NO IDEA WHO THIS IS?? WHAAAAT? This man FUCKS and we both know it.
Ride a Cowboy
Warnings: This is pure filth. Absolute total porn with 0 plot. Please don't read if you're under 18 or if this shit grosses you out.
After seeing Rhett riding his bull, you want to show him just how proud you are of him...
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You always got a little hot under the collar when you watched Rhett ride. The Stetson on his head, the way his biceps tensed in that tight shirt and he clung onto the bull. He’d just completed another successful ride and you were the first person he looked for in the crowd. You ran down to him, practically colliding with him as he wrapped his arms around you and placed his Stetson on your head. You knew what that meant. Knew that he was always in the mood after a good ride and knew that that night was going to be spent in each other's arms. Little did he know that you had something planned for him to show exactly how proud you were of him for that ride. 
Later that night, Rhett found himself naked beneath the sheets with you straddling him. Your hands roamed over the muscles of his chest, softly tracing the lines of his bull rider tattoo. 
“Gonna show you just how proud I am of you baby,” you whispered. 
That elicited a moan from his lips, his cock twitching in anticipation, “fuck, yes,” he breathed, completely and utterly surrendering to you. You leaned in closer, biting his ear before whispering, “I love seeing you like this, knowing I’m the reason you’re all worked up.” Your hand trails lower, beneath the sheets teasing his entrance. “So beautiful for me baby,” you murmur, causing Rhett to let out a moan. 
With slow and deliberate movements, your fingers worked him open. You let out a smile as you feel him pushing back against you, desperate for more, “please…” 
“That’s it baby,” you encourage, “take what you need. Tonight is all about you.” 
Finally you knew you’d worked him up enough and you positioned yourself to tease his hole with the tip of the strap on. With a gentle thrust, you entered him, your eyes locked on his as he squeezed them shut and let out a low groan you could feel rumbling deep within his chest. 
“Fuck…” he let out at the pressure and fullness of you inside him. 
You started to rock gently back and forth, slowly building up to a quicker pace as your hips snapped against his. You fucked him good and hard, getting pleasure from his moans and how gorgeous he looked sweaty and worked up beneath you. 
“You like that baby?” you teased, knowing he was close by the way his rock hard cock slapped against his stomach with each thrust from you. “So pretty. Such a good boy taking my cock like this.” 
You altered the angle slightly, reaching for that sweet spot inside him. You knew you’d found it when he let out a cry of pleasure, “fuck, there! Right there. Don’t stop,” he begged. His voice cracked as he let out more expletives, completely undone. 
You knew a few more thrusts and he’d be done. You grab his cock, your hands stroking him in time with your thrusts as you utter the words he’s been waiting for, “come for me, baby.” 
He didn’t need to be told twice as he came harder than he’d done in a long time, letting out a hoarse cry as he split all over himself. His body shook uncontrollably beneath you and his ass clenched around your strap on. 
Your thrusts slowed as you gently pulled out, earning a whimper from him and discarded the strap on, feeling your own needs. You lean in and capture his mouth with your own. Rhett, ever attuned to your needs flipped you over in one easy move and was between your legs before you could catch your breath. “My turn…” 
With practiced skill and driven by his own arousal, he licked and sucked at your sensitive clit, his fingers digging into your thighs as he pulled you closer to his lips. You let out a cry of your own as his tongue skilfully glided over your sensitive area. It didn’t take long before you were chasing your own orgasm.  
You fell back against the pillow, glistening with sweat as Rhett joined you. It was gross and sticky and you knew you both needed a shower but for now you were content to catch your breath and have Rhett hold you against him, whispering how much he loved you into your hair.
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luckydiorxoxo · 2 days
Lewis Pullman looks good to me in Outer Range. What is happening to me? 😩
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hangmanbob · 6 hours
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hederasgarden · 3 days
Lewis Pullman Characters Masterlist
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Outer Range
My Favorite Mistake (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Explicit l 1.8K)
Half the reason you’re in the middle of nowhere Wyoming is because you’ve always been bad at choosing men. You expect Rhett Abbott will be no different.
Show Me The Ropes (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Explicit l 1K)
Rhett’s talents with roping and knot tying translate well in the bedroom.
The Trouble With Books (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Explicit l 1.2K)
You and Rhett discover a surprising new kink together.
I’ll Be Your Fantasy (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Explicit l 2.4K)
Sequel to The Trouble With Books. Rhett helps you play out a new fantasy.
Can’t Keep My Hands To Myself (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Explicit l 1.5K) Rhett’s a handsy drunk, not that you mind.
Cowboy Trouble (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader x Rip Wheeler | Explicit l 3K)
When your boyfriend loses a game of poker, Rip Wheeler claims a night with you as the reward. 
Take The Weight of Me (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Explicit l 570)
You go to Rhett when you don’t want to think anymore.
I get on my knees, but it ain’t to pray (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Explicit l 700)
In the darkness behind the bar, you find yourself on your knees, ready to take everything Rhett has to offer.
Learning to Ride (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Explicit l 300)
Rhett teaches you the proper way to ride a bull (and him).
Oasis (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Gen l 650)
When you reach your limit, Rhett’s there to help.
Need You Now (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Explicit l 650)
After the rodeo, Rhett shows you how much he wants you.
Take Me to Heaven (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader x Arvin Russell | Explicit l 700)
If heaven’s a place you’re certain it can be found between Rhett and Arvin.
Take a Breath (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Explicit l 250)
You and Rhett experiment with breathplay.
Hiraeth (Rhett Abbott x OC | Gen | 400)
A strange hole on the Abbott farm upends Mae Collin’s whole world.
Stand By Me Masterlist (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Ongoing | Explicit)
When a local ranch hand’s attention evolves into something more sinister, Rhett Abbot becomes an unlikely source of comfort and protection for you.
Small Mistakes New Beginnings Masterlist (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Ongoing | Explicit)
After you fall pregnant from a one-night stand with Rhett Abbott, both of your lives change forever.
Jealous Rhett
Rhett and Cowboy!Jake Crossover
Being Rhett’s Housewife
Teasing Rhett
Top Gun
One Shots
All The Right Moves (Robert “Bob” Floyd x Reader x Natasha “Phoenix” Trace | Gen l 1.8K)
Your day takes a turn for the better when you meet not one but two cute Navy Pilots at the hospital. 
Follow the Leader (Robert “Bob” Floyd x Reader x Natasha “Phoenix” Trace | Explicit l 883)
You and Bob love it when Phoenix takes charge.
Eager to Please (Robert “Bob” Floyd x Reader | Explicit l 400)
You learn pretty quickly that Bob is eager to please, but he still manages to surprise you with a request. 
Catch a Fallen Star (Robert “Bob” Floyd x Reader | Mature l 350)
Mermaid!reader x Sailor!Bob. He’s the only survivor from the ship that broke apart on the rocky shores of the island last night. Well, there were others, but your sisters took care of them all too eagerly.
The day Bob earns his call sign
A night of absolute devotion and attention with Bob
Bad Times at the El Royale
Little Games (Miles Miller x F!Reader l Explicit l 1.4K)
Miles knows it’s wrong to watch you but he just can’t help himself. 
Saving You (Miles Miller x F!Reader l Mature l 1K)
Miles has done a lot of bad things in his life but saving you isn’t one of them.
You Can Check Out Any Time You Like (Vampire!Miles Miller x F!Reader | Explicit | Ongoing)
Your life changes the night a mysterious stranger rescues you, but you'll soon learn that salvation comes at a deep cost.
Sleeping Beauty (Miles Miller x F!Reader l Explicit l 820)
Sometimes it’s easier for Miles when you’re quiet.
Press Play
The Small Things (Harrison Knott x Plus Size!Librarian!F!Reader | Mature | Ongoing Series)
A chance encounter on the first day of your new job leads to something wonderful and unexpected
♡Main Masterlist♡
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vivwritesfics · 5 hours
I need rhett or jake to teach me how to ride a horse
I feel like you already sent me a jake one (which i wanna save for my princess au) so I've gone for Rhett (this could be read as Waiting For The Sun Reader but I'm not specifying)
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Horses weren't supposed to be scary. Rhett had never thought so, but, then again, he'd grown up around them. His girl, though, she hadn't grown up around horses.
She looked so cute, in her jeans, white shirt (that said Cowboy Pillows over the tits), and his Stetson. Rhett wore one of his caps as he tacked up Pumpkin. Pumpkin, who acted like she didn't know him when he walked up in his cap. That was his lovely, overdramatic mare.
Her ears were pinned back as he brushed her back. "Seriously?" He asked and pulled his hat off, revealing who he was. She calmed down after that, ears moving forward as she realised it was his dad. "Are you gonna be nice for my girl?" He asked and fed her a treat.
Pumpkin snorted.
He placed her saddle on her back and cinched it. As soon the girth tightened around her belly, Pumpkin put her ears back went to bite him, but he just pushed her away.
She was all talk. Rhett knew she was gonna be the best girl for his girl. He placed his cap back on his head, grabbed her reins, and walked her out of the barn.
That was the thing about Pumpkin. As soon as she had her tack on, she was like another horse. She was calm, almost like she was high.
And there she was, thumbs hooked around her belt loops as she watched him with Pumpkin. Rhett sucked in a breath. He placed the reins over Pumpkins neck and walked towards her.
"Cowboy pillows, huh?" He asked as he grabbed her hips and pulled her into him.
She licked her lips, keeping on hand on the back of the Stetson as she looked up at him. "Yep," she said, popping the p. "You can lay on them once you teach me how to ride.
"Darlin', I already know you can ride."
She rolled her eyes, but kissed him anyway. "C'mon, introduce me to your noble steed."
Noble steed. Pumpkin had never been called that before. He took her hand and led her over to Pumpkin. Rhett was so calm and patient with her, telling her where to put her hands. He helped her get her foot into the stirrup (something he knew he'd have to adjust as soon as she was sitting) and helped to lift her into the saddle.
"Sit straight, Darlin'," he said as he took her foot from the stirrup and made them shorter. She did what she was told, sitting so pretty for him. Rhett held her leg as he placed the stirrup back on her foot and patted her knee.
He looked up at her. "Fuck, c'mere," he said and pulled her down to kiss him.
"Rhett!" She cried, slipping slightly. But he got her back into the saddle and passed her the reins to hold.
It was only her first time on a horse. Rhett led Pumpkin around the pasture as she sat there in the saddle. "You're doing so good, darlin'," he said to her. "My two girls together."
"Can we go faster?" She asked.
Rhett had her let go of the reins. He placed her hands on the pommel. "Just sit as best you can, Darlin'," he said and stepped back.
He waited until she gave him a walk before he began running. Well, it was more of a jog really, with Pumpkin trotting behind him. Periodically he looked back, make sure she was still with him and that she hadn't slipped from the saddle.
They slowed back to a walk and Rhett had her pick up the reins again. He had her walk back without his assistance, hands shoved into his pockets as Pumpkin followed her back to the barn.
As soon as they were there, Rhett helped her to jump down into his arms. "You did so good, pretty girl. A regular cowboy out there," he said, hands around her waist as he pulled her closer.
She swapped their hats, placing his Stetson on his head and his cap on hers. "You go take care of Pumpkin, and I'll get the cowboy pillows ready," she said, reaching back to unclasp her bra through her shirt.
(Welp now I wanna write a fic about Cowboy Pillows)
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gayzing-away · 8 months
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Lewis Pullman in Lessons in Chemistry (1x01)
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stevenrogered · 7 months
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LESSONS IN CHEMISTRY | 1x07, "Book of Calvin"
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floydsglasses · 1 month
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(I mean it won't fix everything but it might fix something)
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criston-cole · 6 months
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LEWIS PULLMAN & BRIE LARSON as CALVIN EVANS & ELIZABETH ZOTT | Lessons in Chemistry | 1.2 Her and Him
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likearolloftape · 1 day
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turnnblurb · 2 days
idk lew knowing ethel is just really sexy to me
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these two slayed every scene they were in
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boysappetit · 8 months
Lewis Pullman showering
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peacefxlmyko · 28 days
I need friends like the TGM cast so badly I mean LOOK AT THEM
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