#yeah kite what if lmao
benetnvsch · 11 months
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wow,, this really was our bungou stray dogs,,,,
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vaguely-concerned · 7 months
the way garak looks at bashir as he puts all the clues together at the end of cardassians. the sheer 'look at that little twink go (affectionate, sexual overtones)' energy he manages to convey in the background there as bashir passionately does the presentation of their group project that garak did 80% of the actual work on. immaculate
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stanlunter · 4 months
Bi erasure in the fandoms
There are many types of biphobia among people, but I wanna talk about the least noticable type of it, which is super common and barely gets called out. "Headcanoning" canon/implied bisexual characters (mostly female, for some reason) as lesbians.
Usually they don't even portay it as a "headcanon", but just state that they are and make everyone believe this. And when they done, people even start call you lesbophobic for calling bi erasure our, bc It's suddenly you're the one who "erase" lesbians. And the funny thing is that a lot of those who state so, haven't even watched these shows and just have "heard" that these characters are "lesbians" and the continue misinformate everyone else. And that's awful and very harmful for bi community
Let's take some examples
1. Asami and Korra
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Both are bisexual women who were in love with the same man and then broke up with him and started dating each other. Prolly the most heavily implied bisexuals ever. But what do people have problems with? Oh, they think that if a bi girl has broken up with a man, it means only that she realized she's lesbian. Not that her ex was a cheater, not that their relationship was toxic. No, they can break up only bc she had a comphet. There are no other options. And if a girl dates another girl, she's also 100% lesbian, bc bi girls are just "straights who wanna invade lgbt", right? Oh, yeah, also Korra is strong and muscle "lesbian stereotype" and Asami is "cold and lady-like" "lesbian stereotype" so yeah, It's absolutely makes them lesbians! — another example of why the stereotypes are actually harmful.
2. Poison Ivy (both in the show and in the comics)
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Absolutely the same thing as with Korra and Asami, but is also a "mean lesbian stereotype" which is basically the strongest stereotype, so yeah. Ivy dated Kite man and was actually attracted to him. She liked kissing me and enjoyed his company. The only thing that made her break up with Kite man is that he wasn't someone she saw her future with. He didn't fit her and she knew who did - Harley, her girlfriend. Even when Ivy knew she was attracted to Harley (bc she litterally cheated with her), she still knew she is attracted to Kite man and even so planned their wedding, but being attracted ≠ being soulmates, unfortunately. People also for some reason think that just bc Ivy hates men, it means she has to be lesbian. Ig they don't know there are bi or even straight girls who hate men. Like febfems (bi girls who refuse to date men for political reasons and their safety) don't exist. Like you can't be attracted to someone you hate.
And after all, Ivy dating Kite Man (and Dan Back) isn't even the main reason she's bisexual. Besides it, she was confirmed to be bisexual multipe times by many different authors. She's canon bi in almost every universe. And the way some new authors are trying to change her sexuality is a clearest bi erasure. And It's also funny, cuz if someone ever dared to turn a canon lesbian character into bisexual, everyone would immidiatly lose it. But when they do the same with bisexuals, It's suddenly being ignored. Wow.
3. Sasha Waybright
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Thankfully the last time I don't see this so often (mb bc the fandom is dying tho), but just when everyone's favourite "mean lesbian" was confirmed to be bisexual, everyone went wild... Yeah, their favourite stereotype was broken. Does it mean they started to understand that stereotypes don't define sexuality and that even mean girls can like men? Ofc not! They obviously started to say that she was confirmed as bi bc: 1. Disney didn't want to let her be lesbian 2. Mate did it only to make the fandom mad
Lmao. They really gonna believe anything but that a character can just be...bisexual. And even so, they keep "headcanoning" her as lesbian. I've even heard people who were saying she had a "comphet" and will realize she's lesbian in the future. That's not even funny, but it does make me laugh
4. Princess Bubblegum
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Oh, I love the way the whole tik tok fandom suddenly started to call Bubblegum "canon lesbian" just bc someone has said so and others have spread it up. Ig I should be thankful, that they at least recognize Marcelin being bisexual, huh?
Anyways, the thing is that Bubblegum, just as much as Marcelin was heavily implied to be bisexual. She litterally had an ex bf and for those who love calling every bi character with ex bfs lesbians with comphet, besides that Bubblegum was also in love with Finn in the episode when she turned 13. She litterally kissed him there and has said she wishes she could stay this way with him. It was directly shown throught the whole show that's the only reason why Finn's feelings are one sided is that Bubblegum is way older than him. And in the episode "Too young" it was directly confirmed. But people are still gonna call her lesbian just...bc? I don't even know why, she doesn't even fit stereotypes that much. Mb they decided to "ruin stereotypes" by it? Or mb they just decided that since6she rejected Finn (a litteral child) it means she can't be attracted to men at all? This logic is even worse. But God only knows what is in their heads
5. Yang Xiao long
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Oh, yeah, this one is usually super objectionable bc she was showing interest in men basically only in v1 and then started dating Blake. And if Blake being bi was so clear that there are basically no people denying it or bc she fits bi stereotypes, who knows, however we should remember that bisexuals don't have to have equal attraction to everyone (like Blake, who had 2 male and 2 female love interests) and they don't have to date all genders to prove their attraction.
But there are many evidences of Yang being attracted to men too.
In the whole Yellow Trailer Yang actively flirts with a man
In ep3v1 she happily gazas on shirtless men and then, when Ruby says "father wouldn't approve it" she answers (I know, I fo) – which already would be enought to confirm her attraction to men
But in the same volume, when the team decorates their room, when Yang hangs a poster with a male band of the artists she's attracted too, it was shown that she liked men as well.
Yeah, I got that both the fandom and Roosters really love to forget everything that was in v1-2, but It's a fact that Yang is bisexual as well as Blake. But wait, she's a "strong lesbian stereotype", right!!! So let's ignore a bi representation, sure!
6. Sunset shimmer
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Here's a girl, who canonically has dated a man and was officially confirmed to be bisexual by the author in Twitter. So why do people keep "headcanoning" her as lesbian? Oh, bc she's SUNSET and has flags of lesbian colors. Like "Sunset" was invented by lesbian flag, yeah. And what's the funniest thing in this perfect argument is that Sunset Shimmer was created even before the sunset lesbian flag designed!
And, yeah, I could take the "she has said that she didn't like Flash so it was a comphet/pretending" thing, but the problem is that it still litterally was confirmed by the author himself that Sunset is bisexual. And in the further show and even movie we can see clear signs of them still having a thing for each other. Like Sunset winks to him and many of their other interactions, but they can be read in a friends way as well ofc, which doesn't make her any less of canon bi!
7. Clawdeen Wolf
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Her situation is exactly like Yang's. Since not so long time ago Clawdeen was confirmed to be lgbt and there was announced a comic about her and Toralei's romantic relationship, everyone started yelling that she's "canon lesbian" now. However it was only confirmed that she's wlw, not lesbian. And wlw includes these little unknown people called bisexuals.
But why do I say she's bi, but not lesbian? Well, bc it was clearly shown in the show and the movies that she's attracted to men. Yeah, she's a bit less obsessed with them than others and doesn't have a bf, however her feelings for many of them were obvious. And it was no where near a comphet. No, she was exactly attracted to them, that's a fact. So for now, she's a heavily implied bi character who had feelings for boys and who is dating a girl, just like Yang. And calling her lesbian is kinda biphobic
8. Kagami Tsurugi
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A canon bisexual character, who's love to both Marinette and Adrian was confirmed in official synopsis for s5 and official show bible. She was shown to have a clearest attraction to Adrian and Felix, 2 men. Even if after she has broken up with Adrian (and no, not bc she realized she was lesbian, but bc he has fucking lied to her face and has broken up her heart) some people got an idea of her being a "lesbian with a comphet", this idea was destroyed again by her new attraction to Felix, another man.
However people are still gonna ignore her canon sexuality and call her a lesbian, by using "comphet" as a justification, or even by turning Felix and Adrian into transwomen, which isn't a justification to erase bi representation either anyways!
It's especially hurting since she's my favourite character I strongly relate to tho
9. Sayaka
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Omg, Madoka Magica is an anime that includes girls who like girls. Almost all of the main characters are implied to be lesbians. But you know who's being headcanoned as a lesbian the most?? That's right! The only girl that likes boys too! What an irony, yeah? Sayaka has a huge romantic tension with Kyoka and has a canon crush on her male childhood friend – Kyosuke. So we can have the only bi rep out of 5 wlw girls. Ofc this rep was taken from us, bc some people wanna headcanon (or even impose it as canon) that the only bisexual girl is a lesbian with a comphet! Sure, yeah. Again, my favourite excuse for bi erasure, nothing's new, lol
10. Utena and Anthy
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Another bisexual couple, who's coded sexuality is always getting erased. Uthena and Anthy love each other and even shared a kiss in one of the endings. The status of their relationship wasn't directly stated in anime, however everyone who has eyes can see their clear romantic and not only tension. Utena's another love interest is Touga, who was her childhood love who she was shown to have super clearest attraction throught the anime, and this attraction has no platonic explanation, so yeah, Utena ia attracted to both men and women and It's canon. The same goes for Anthy: she had strong feelings for Dios. Both characters are bi-coded and comphet was never there. People are just trying to use it as an excuse to bi erasure bc they want all wlw characters to be lesbians, that's all.
So, if someone is gonna say that I'm "denying comphet" or any other shit like that, no, I know it exists and I know a lot of lesbians go throught it and it deserves a representation too, but in such cases the difference between comphet and an actual attraction to men is so clear and you know that.
There are also examples of the characters who had or could have comphet:
Like Apple White, who thought she supposed to like Daring just bc he's "her destiny", but she never liked him (and even in her bio she says that just bc they have to marry, it doesn't mean they're dating) and her actual "true love", who's kiss made Apple wake up was Darling, his sister. And It's an actually good example of comphet bc of the society pressure. Or Yuzu (even tho for some reason some people still think she's bi) who was said to never be in love with anyone untill her step-sister, she even lied to her friends about having boyfriends bc she thought there was smth wrong with her since she isn't attracted to men. Also Velma and etc. Unfortunately there aren't that many examples, but even with these ones the difference between a lesbian with a comphet and a bisexual girl is obvious, so yeah, you just want an excuse to erase bisexuals and turn them into lesbians and it will never be okay
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piratefishmama · 8 months
Rahhhhhhshdhdhhdhsd sorry Abt the like spam I just. Love birds. Anything birds and wings. So Winged People have Birdlike Tendencies? Because if so oh boy the infodump I can do <333. From the sound of it based on the wing description he would be a raptor of some kind, absolutely. Perhaps a golden eagle or a Mississippi kite? Golden eagle probably, Kites are on the smaller side.
I was even thinking the Eurasian Eagle Owl, but their wings are on the lighter side. So yeah, in my head he has the wings of a golden eagle or something similar! ^-^
THEY HAVE SOME BIRD TENDENCIES YES, AN TRUST ME I CAN BIRD INFO DUMP TOO, I OWNED A BIRD LMAO, the flight instinct is one of them, displaying plumage in threatening ways, and sometimes to flirt, grooming is a partner kind of thing, they like shiny things, collecting stuff, they like to be high up where possible and staying indoors for too long can stress them out. they do have some silly bird traits here and there, some more obvious than others.
i think the golden eagle is probably the closest to Eddie's wings in my brain though, pattern wise thats kind of what i'm picturing.
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mooneln0ne · 6 months
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LUFFY WANTS TO FLY A KITE AU QnA!!! Thank you for supporting my mini comic, as a ty I compiled a bunch of questions below.!
it’s a long one, so beware!
Q (Anonymous): What inspired you to write this comic? Outside the horrors what are you trying to tell?
A: Inspiration would probably be the frequent hallucinations I have and my longing to go back in the fields... I miss my cows 😭 As for the story i’m trying to tell.. It’s a bit hard to explain without spoiling the story….
Q: (@oddity-txt): For your kite au- what do ace and sabo see when they look at luffy?
A: Clearly something that isn't Luffy, but it looks like Luffy
Q: (Anonymous): Since Vivi is introduced would she play a key role or would she appear for like just a few parts, would she have a blog like Sabo?
A: She's important to the story!! She's child of the pastor in this au-- Sabo and Ace used to be Altar servers for his church so they have history of working with her before... As for a blog.. No not really. Though if you look close enough you'll find that you can contact Vivi just before the events of the story to pry information.. But unfortunately whatever happens to her is set in stone •ᴗ• Q: (@washingmachineonfir ): Can you elaborate in religion topic in the city? About the house, why its like this? How many kids disappear?
A: The religion in ASL's neighborhood is simple, you know it already. Now about the house? You don't wanna know. As for the kids... hm.. Depends on how many kids can fill a school bus Q: (@courtroomac3): Hi
A: Get outta here boy Q: White boy Flavor of the month...
A: idk Q: (@humoofsegsual) Is there a possible ending in which everyone dies?
A: nods nods, when that happens everything disappears . Don't forget to say goodbye before it happens!!!! Q: (@plastirk): What kinds of trigger warnings are we gonna see?
A: everything in this list
Q: (Anonymous): Why does Nika go after Ace and Sabo?
A: Because Luffy wants to be with them . But Nika doesn’t want to let go of Luffy.
Q: (Anonymous): Does Nika hate Ace and Sabo?? all their interactions with them are with malice 😭
A: I wouldn’t say malice I suppose… I’d say maybe frustration?
Q: (Anonymous): Where are other characters in this? Like Garp, Dragon, and etc
A: They’re living their normal lives somewhere else!! Koby and Helmeppo are employees at the store Sabo often goes to. Vivi is a librarian, her father is a priest in the town’s church, she met Ace and Sabo a lot because they were altar servers back then! Law is one of the brothers’ neighbors, he frequently leaves though. (Copy pasted from my discord)
Q: (Anonymous): Is it true that one of the brothers might die ☹️
A: . Yes! Im cheering for their downfall! but you guys aren’t 😞
Q: (Anonymous): Are ASL biologically related here?
A: …No
Q: (Anonymous): What does the kite have to do with this au?
A: It’s something Luffy owns!!!! Don’t worry about it too much ;]
Q: (Anonymous): Is there a symbolism with the ghost costume? It makes me wonder what was it for other than to scare A and S
A: It’s by far the biggest hint in the first part 😵‍💫 I wonder if anyone caught it at first
Q: (Anonymous): Are Luffy’s friends going to appear? (Zoro, Nami, Sanji, and Ussop?)
A: mhm! You’ll see one or two of them sooner or later
Q: (Anonymous): What wouldve happened if we chose the other option in the first two parts?
A: The first poll would’ve decided on who runs the ‘blog’ ^w^!!
the one who wasn’t pick was cursed to run a tumblr blog lmao
Last Question:
Q: (Anonymous): Why are Luffy’s friends here if Nika just wanted him?
A: Luffy treasures his friends.!!
Q: (Anonymous): Will Detective Chopper have the same horror elements as the Kite au?
A: Yeah, but I suppose it’s more drama oriented
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miasmaghoul · 1 year
what about mountain and dew high together and dew gets the courage to top mountain. but mountain thinks it's adorable (but he doesn't let dew know that) and he let's dew top him
oh hell yeah
(this is maybe not exactly what you asked for but uhhhh just go with it lmao)
That's the word Mountain would use to describe his current state. Sprawled on the floor of the greenhouse, high as a kite and basking in the scent of turned earth and humid air. Watching early spring rain pour over the angled glass roof, accompanied by the low rumble of distant thunder and the rare flash of lightning. His favorite sort of weather.
The press of a small body on top of his own has him purring, and it's loud enough to drown out the thunder.
"You're so high," comes a light voice from above him, and Mountain chuckles.
"Like you aren't," he murmurs, sluggishly lifting his head. Dew is definitely at least as stoned as he is, red-eyed and twirling a lock of silver hair around an elegant finger. It's a good look for him.
"Maaaaybe," the little ghoul sing-songs, resting his chin on Mountain's chest and giving him a goofy grin. "You complaining?"
"Never," Mountain rumbles, wrapping long arms around Dew and giving him a squeeze. It wrings a chirp from those pretty pink lips, a sweet sound that hits Mountain in all the right places.
They've been here for a while now, long before the rain started. Dew is a frequent visitor in the spring, happy to finally be outside again without the wintery chill biting into his flesh. The hazards of being a water ghoul, Mountain supposes. Dew is a different person in the greenhouse - soft and quiet, tapping into his power to help him mist the plants and re-pot overgrown foliage. They fall into a routine, and it's the only time Mountain has ever seen Dew content to attend to something like a chore.
Maybe that has something to do with what always happens after they finish work. When Mountain breaks out his secret stash of the good shit and they end up in just this spot, loose and comfortable and lost in a decidedly purple haze.
Mountain drags broad palms over Dew's back and the little ghoul hums his appreciation, mirroring the motion along Mountain's sides. Casual touches, the pair of them tactile and blissfully caught up in simple sensation. Mountain watches Dew's face as they feel one another, watches his eyes darken and his smile gain a lascivious tilt. He licks his lips, and Mountain's stomach gives a delightful little swoop.
"Come here," he says, and Dew needs no further invitation.
He shimmies up just enough to catch Mountain in a languid kiss, slow and decadent in a way Dew only gets when he's stoned. His long fingers thread into Mountain's hair at the same time Dew licks into his mouth, thumbs grazing the tender place where his horns meet his skin, and Mountain can't hold back his groan.
His own hands stroke over the little ghoul's back, rippling his already wrinkled shirt and tracing the ridge of his spine. Subtly lifting it, exposing the soft skin of Dew's lower back to his wandering fingertips. Mountain drags them along Dew's waistband while Dew busies himself sucking on his tongue, and the sound he makes when Mountain's callused digits sneak into his jeans is simply divine.
"Grabby," he accuses, tugging at Mountain's lower lip with playful fangs. "Lookin' for somethin'?" Mountain hums, leaning up to lick a drop of saliva from the corner of Dew's mouth.
"Could ask you the same thing," he replies, pressing against Dew's ass. It forces the little ghoul to rut against his stomach, and the press of his stiff little dick into his belly has them both groaning. Not that he's alone there, Mountain's been chubbed up against his zipper since Dew took up residence on his chest.
Dew catches him in another kiss then, but there's a new hunger in it. An eagerness matched by the way the little ghoul rocks his hips, grinding into the slight softness of Mountain's belly. He can feel the wet spot on Dew's jeans already, the sea-sweet aroma of his arousal mixing with the heady floral scent surrounding them. If Mountain slipped curious fingers between his cheeks, he knows Dew would be all wet there too.
But when he tries to do just that, Dew chitters and pulls away.
"Wait, wait," he huffs, resting his forehead against Mountain's and giving him a perfect view of bloodshot seafoam eyes and pink cheeks.
"Something wrong, droplet?" He gets both hands on Dew's ass, gives it a solid squeeze. "I can tell you want it." He tugs those slim hips against him once more and relishing the little shiver Dew gives in return.
"Yeah," he breathes, low, "yeah, but not - I don't -"
He fiddles with Mountain's hair, carding his fingers through think auburn strands while he stumbles over his words. Mountain rubs his nose against the little ghoul's, affectionate and encouraging. It's interesting to see Dew hesitant, he's not usually one that has trouble saying what he wants.
"What is it, angelfish? Is there -"
"I wanna fuck you."
He says it in all in a rush, and Mountain's words catch in his throat. His hands still as the gears in his head turn, processing Dew's request. The little ghoul searches his face for a moment before he leans back down, nuzzling Mountain's jaw and giving his earlobe a nibble. He sighs, stretching his neck as Dew starts to kiss his way down it. Wet and filthy.
"You...you what?"
"Wanna give it to you," Dew mutters, the words soft but insistent. "Wanna...wanna stick it in, can I?"
The way he asks could almost be called innocent, but the nasty little hump he gives Mountain's stomach is anything but. It makes his head spin, makes his cock throb where it's trapped against his hip. It's something Dew has never asked for, something he didn't even know the little ghoul would want. It's rare that anyone asks Mountain if they can fuck him, and Dew being so blunt about it is doing funny things to his insides.
Or maybe that's just the cool slide of that skilled tongue along his pulse point. Hard to say.
Either way, he knows the answer.
"Yeah," Mountain says with a sigh, hands slipping up Dew's shirt to hold him close. "Fuck, yeah you can."
Any slowness gets thrown out the window the moment the words are out, Dew wriggling out of Mountain's grasp and sliding down to kneel between his legs. It only takes a moment for the little ghoul to divest Mountain of his pants, and even less time for Dew to wrap his lips around the ruddy head of his cock and give it a firm suck.
"Oh, oh -" Mountain gasps as Dew takes him deeper, reaching down to lace his fingers into long, silver hair. "D-Dew, shit..."
The little ghoul works him purposefully, bobbing his head over the first few inches of Mountain's thick cock, one hand working the rest while his other fumbles with his own belt. Mountain groans low in his throat while he watches the show - watches Dew drool down his shaft and dip down to lick at his balls, watches him kick off his own jeans and boxers. Watches him pull back to kneel between his spread thighs, that hand still wrapped around the base of his wet length, lips slick and swollen.
Dew's own cock juts out from his lap, pink and shiny and so hard it's curved up towards his stomach. Mountain's mouth waters at the sight of it, and when he licks his lips he has the pleasure of watching it spit a blob of pre that dribbles down his short, slender shaft. If he were in a teasing mood he'd call it cute, but the look Dew gives him - starved and needy - helps him keep the thought to himself.
Dew gives him one last tug, long and slow, rubbing over the frenulum long enough to make him hiss before letting go. It falls against Mountain's shirt with a wet slap, makes him grunt, but all his attention is focused on Dew. On the hungry look in his eye, the flush of his cheeks and the tension threaded through his slim form. He grips Mountain's thighs, spreads them wide, and when the rough tips of two fingers graze his hole Mountain shudders.
"S'nice," Mountain slurs, his own hands idly running over his own chest. Fiddling with his nipples through his shirt for something to do. "Keep going. Get me ready."
Truthfully, Dew could probably fuck him with no prep. Could slide that sweet little stiffy of his right inside with no trouble. Sure, it might sting for a second, but beyond that?
But saying it is worth it for the moan Dew gives him, tight and pained and paired with a strong kick of that small cock. Makes it hit his t-shirt, leaving a cute little wet spot behind. He gets a hand on himself immediately, giving it a firm squeeze.
"Hold your legs," Dew says, shaky and thick. "Lemme see it, wanna see it."
His voice cracks at the end, and Mountain obliges. Hooks his hands behind his knees and pulls those long legs to his chest. Holds himself open, exposes the most secret part of himself in a way that would have him blushing if he were even a little bit more sober.
Now, though? Now he's too caught up in the way Dew's brow furrows at the sight. In the way he sucks his lower lip between his fangs when Mountain clenches.
"Pretty," Dew breathes, wiggling a fingertip over wrinkled skin just enough to tickle. To make it wink against the pad of his finger. Dew's slight shoulders hunch with it, he makes a strangled sound, and Mountain leaks onto his own shirt.
"Gonna stretch it out?" He feels breathless already, and he really doesnt know why. Must have something to so with the stunned look Dew wears. "Fill me up?"
"Uh huh," Dew says, slack jawed and staring at the way his hole twitches. He sounds so adorably stupid like this, and Mountain can't resist pushing just a little bit further.
"Gonna make me take it?"
The little ghoul's face crumples as he gives a frantic nod, and then he's moving. Pulling back the hand that was teasing Mountain's hole and using two fingers to polish the sticky head of his cock. Smearing pre over the digits and getting them nice and slick. There's always so much of it, a leaky tap thanks to his water ghoul nature. Mountain rarely has to use lube when he carves a place for himself in that tiny body, and he's ever so pleased to see that it works both ways.
Dew spreads the mess over his entrance, presses a spidery finger inside, and oh it's good. Better that it should be for how little stimulation there is, helped along no doubt by the high and the anticipation. By the way Dew's already panting as he pumps that single digit in and out, crooking it on each slide in until he finds the spot that makes Mountain's thighs quiver.
"Yeah, right there," he groans, letting his head thump back against the floor while Dew massages him just right. Presses against his prostate and makes his cock spit more fluid onto his already damp shirt.
Dew sounds lost, somehow. Like he can't believe this is happening. Mountain grunts his assent and Dew pulls his finger back, sliding in with two this time. It's enough of a stretch to really feel now, a tingly burn that lights up Mountain's nerves and has him moaning deep in his chest.
Dew whimpers at the feel of him clenching around his fingers, hunting again for that sweet spot. He finds it quicker this time, and when he puts blessed pressure on it Mountain goes boneless on the greenhouse floor.
"Dew, oh fuck, Dew -"
"Is it...good?" Poor thing sounds so unsure. So needy for reassurance. Who is Mountain to deny him?
"So good," he mutters, rocking his hips in an effort to take those wonderful fingers even deeper. "You're doing so good, don't stop, oh -"
His back arches when Dew curls his fingers just right, and he can hear the moment the little ghoul loses his patience. It comes in the form of a stuttered whine and Dew's other hand flying to Mountain's thigh. Holding on for dear life. The one inside him goes still, and Dew's breathing is so harsh you'd think he'd been running a marathon.
"Mount...Mount, can I?" He pulls those talented fingers back, lining himself up and nudging the flared head against that hole instead. Prodding at it. "Please, I gotta - gotta feel you, please -"
He wants to watch. To see the undoubtedly shocked look on Dew's face when he finally pushes that slippery little dick of his into the hot clutch of his body. Wants to drink down the hurt cries of pleasure that he can already imagine filling the room, to lose himself in the filthy slap of skin on skin.
But he can't. Can't lift his head. Can't take his eyes off the sheets of rain washing over the roof. Can't focus on anything but the ache in balls and the gentle press of Dew's cock at his entrance. Waiting for permission.
He'll have to be less high next time they do this.
"Go on," he encourages, hitching his knees higher, "put it in. Give it to me."
Dew digs his claws into Mountain's thighs, presses forward, and Mountain doesn't know which of them is louder. He slides in so easily, so smoothly, further and further until their hips meet and they're both left gasping.
Dew's babbling, he can hear it, but there's no sense to the words. A reaction to sheer overwhelm, to heat and pressure and the newness of it all. His hands stroke feverishly over Mountain's skin, from his ass to the backs of his knees. Self soothing more than anything else. Mountain can feel him pulsing inside, so very hard, and to his utter delight that little cock is just long enough to nudge perfectly at his prostate.
"You feel so good," he sighs, and Dew throbs. Mountain clamps down around him, and Dew sobs. He forces himself to look then, and it's enough to have the knot of pleasure in his stomach tightening.
Dew looks beautiful, flushed right down his throat. If he didn't have a shirt on, Mountain knows he'd be painted pink right down to the nipples he can see poking though thin cotton. He's sweaty at his hairline, silver strands plastered to his cheeks and forehead. His top lip is curled back, exposing the chipped, crowded fangs that everyone finds so charming. His chin shines, slick with drool that has dripped down to soak into his shirt. He's wrecked already, and Mountain can't resist clenching again just to see him wince.
"C'mon, droplet," he coos, "be a good boy and fuck me like you mean it."
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cringelordofchaos · 3 months
Disability + Queer headcanons for some South Park characters i like
(warning: u might not agree w everything i have to say !!! :shocked emoji:)
(also sorry if im inconsistent w some characters pronouns ill probably refer to a character with their canon pronouns in the show and then when i remember trans hcs of said characterr suddenly ill refer to the w different pronouns)
Craig Tucker
- gay (no fucking shit sherlock)
- level 1 autistic, low empathy, difficulties communicating and understanding emotions, yada yada u get the gist
- some form of anxiety? idk probs not to a disordered amount but its there.
Kenny McCormick
- Chronic pain (everywhere)
- Epilepsy
- dude LITERALLY got a seizure from simply playing a video game (in thepokemon episode) this dudes physical health is so bad prolly cuz his constant deaths still leave an impact on him even after he gets revived?
- autism !? (idk im not 100% sure just yet)
- selectively mute
- probably some form of (complex?) PTSD from the constant traumatizing deaths he endures though again like im not sure
- but yyeah ok i just remembered thispost is about disability AND queer hcs so uhm kenny. I like the genderqueer hcs but he could also just be really gnc and i love that for him too. either way likes women a lot and i cant exactly imagine him liking a dude? like idk maybe but nah i dont see it
Tweek Tweak
- im sorry but i personally dont view him as having adhd cuz his parents tell others hes hyperactive bc of it but really its because they keep drugging the fucking eight year old so idk. like idk he could possibly have it but i cant decipher cuz we dont know what tweek would be like if he wasnt drugged and a coffee addict at such a young age. and causes of symptoms matter
- but yeah he def has GAD and panic disorder bc of the drugged coffee
- oh also gay
eric cartman
- NPD (i know hes a really stereotypical and harmful portrayal of it and there should be better representation of it but theres no way he doesnt have it im sorry)
- sexuality and gender are whatever benefits him at the moment
(ok but if ur actually wondering abt my hc hes probably gay)(in extreme denial obviously though)
Butters Stotch
- has some form of disorder related to trauma and if he doesnt hell get one when he grows up because like dudes been through SOME FUCKING SHIT. (and he canonically falls asleep to and wakes up to the sounds of his own screams so like. uhm)
- seems like hes straight? like could be bi though idk. he DID have a crush on princess kenny though? take it as you will lmao
- SHIT i forgot about marjorine. yeah just like w kenny either genderqueer or gnc, love both hcs
- may i suggest aroace butters though
- or no sexuality butters (he doesnt have a sexuality :broke heart:)(dont aks me how that works it jst does)
Stan Marsh
- Major depressive disorder
- literal alcoholic at age 10 thats bound to mess him up for life one way or another
- canonically diagnosed with asperger's syndrome but it was his obvious depression being misdiagnosed
- bi but like only gay for specific chars. but yeah confused abt sexuality
- gender questioning too and its pretty canon as shown in 'the cissy'. though then again stans really empathetic so u could say stans confused feelings of gender identity were just being influenced by cartman and wendy recently telling the school theyre trans. idk WHICH way stans trans though and neither do they
- emo
kyle broflovski
- im gonna hes say asexual cuz of human kite's character chart thingy and also bc why not
- have got zero clue as to what his sexuality is like. im a style shipper (big surprise ik) so u might think i think he likes dudes but idk. ive never seen anyone hc him as aroace before but i think it could fit him. he does seem like he could just be cishet too. or maybe bi? ive also seen gay hcs of him. idk man i think multiple fit depending on how u interpret his character?
Tolkien Black
- his roleplay character chart thingy said ther character was gender neutral so im going w that hc
- likes girls (canon as shown in cartman finds love)
Bradly/Bradley (the one from the conversion therapy episode)
- canon wheelchair user (whats the term again i forgor) and also intellectually disabled (but also there was one point where it was revealed he was actually a genius i think?? so maybe hes not intellectually disabled but rather he lacks the capacity to express or communicate his inner world? idk)
- timmy
thas all i got for now im too lazy to continue but yeah pls dont kill me for these
EDIT 11/JUNE/2024: forgot to say this but also kenny has more physical disabilities than listed and also Cartman is dyslexic in my hc
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travalerray · 8 months
Chengxian for the ask game?
thanks for the ask!
Well you know. This goes without saying.
What made you ship it?
Since I started with the donghua, I would say the hyperspecific scene in the Xuanwu Cave right after Wei Wuxian has gotten branded and everyone's going "fuuuuck", and Chengxian exchange a very meaningful look and Wei Wuxian says, "I have gotten hurt in Lotus Pier before too. When have I not swim the fastest?". The way they looked at each other altered my brain chemicals <3. (Also yes, lmao, the donghua is very funny because it decides to make Jiang Cheng this mega softie in the first flashback and even adds this extra dialogue during the Waterborne Abyss where they are fighting the water ghouls where he tells Wei Wuxian "we have got it" when in the novel Wei Wuxian's narration is like "as usual, Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian were competing". Heartbreaking how they completely dropped the ball after the XiYao conversation in S2 E1). The one that did solidify my stance is the famous choking-crying scene because......yeah, I won't say it. It is always heart breaking to see children lashing out in the moments of grief, especially this one that highlights how they deal with it—Jiang Cheng angry and lashing out, Wei Wuxian putting a hand over his eyes, both not wanting to show that they are crying, the rain starting—the cinematography is beautiful.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
*gestures* Everything.
It's about the grouchy "why do you have to always play a hero (for the others, just be mine)" as an act of love, it's about walking away as an act of protection (duty is the death of love, honour is the death of love), it's about the mourning for thirteen years, it's about missing your home no matter where you go, no matter who you are with (because it can never be enough—it's always a convenient excuse), it's about acts of self sacrifice as a love language, it's about the "raging ecstasy" and "vengeful wrath" when faced with your childhood "sweetheart", it's about broken promises, it's about childhood dreams and always wanting to stay together and failing always. But most importantly, it's about a lot of yearning disguised as angry barking (Jiang Cheng) and joking around (Wei Wuxian).
It's also about how no matter what Wei Wuxian is narrating, Jiang Cheng filters into his thoughts. Oh, the kids are flying a kite? Jiang Cheng is there. Wei Wuxian is eating? Jiang Cheng is there. The reverse is true too—they are too intimately connected and impossible to be separated.
Above all, it's about Jiang Cheng bringing Chenqing to the Guanyin Temple in perfect condition and throwing it to Wei Wuxian. Above all, it's about Jin Ling being threatened and in that brief moment of confusion, they start yelling at each other, using "the same voice they used as children".
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I don't think I know enough about the popular opinions to say? Considering the popular opinion people have going on half the time involves arguing on how much Jiang Cheng's actions were justified (what did he do. He didn't do a single thing until Jin Zixuan died and we see him at the Pledge Rally and he doesn't even get REALLY upset until Jiang Yanli dies. Is the problem with the fake duel??? Which is admittedly something you would only see these two come up with, because yes, the only way to avoid a problem is to publicly fall out with your martial brother. But I have never seen anyone express a problem with this detective novel levels of drama, so maybe it's the first siege???) but I don't think most of the shippers have a problem with that? But if this question means unpopular opinion in general, well—Chengxian is an unpopular opinion in general, I think. But otherwise, I will leave this line here:
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[there's so much he could be talking about here. Come back Wei Wuxian. Why is it so purposeful. Hello. "I don't want to"? Wei Wuxian????]
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cookinguptales · 1 year
frank discussion of gynecological issues and frustrations with OBGYNs (especially re: chronic illness) under the cut, but I guess also potentially useful information for people who want to hear about it
so... some of you might remember when I was going to OGBYNs a little while ago. I have endometriosis and PMDD diagnoses, so going to OBGYNs isn't exactly unusual for me, but I ended up going to see more than I usually do.
this was largely because the hormonal therapy that I was taking for those disorders was starting to fail and I was bleeding a lot. like... for weeks at a time over a period of months. I had to deal with some... frustrating OBGYN advice in this time (such as the rage-inducing "well, women have to bleed") but I also discovered that like... I mean, I think I always knew that I had more vaginal pain than other people I know, but a lot of things hurt me so I just kind of... ignored it?
but they tried to put me on the nuva ring for a little while during this period and my body just... straight-up rejected it. it hurt like a bitch to put in, it kept coming out, I could feel it in there and it hurt, etc.
I ended up comparing notes with some other people I know and realized that my problems with insertion were probably more severe than I'd thought. like, it is not unusual for me to cry during pap smears and have cramping for days afterward. I cannot use tampons without massive pain. your body is not really supposed to physically expel something like a nuva ring several times a day. tmi I guess but I have not found penetration of any kind pleasant.
so I talked to... I want to say four or five different OBGYNs in this period, and none of them gave me a real reason for this. the prevailing attitude was mostly "oh yeah, that happens sometimes. lmao."
the best I could get was a diagnosis of "vaginismus" on my chart, and when I pressed for more information, they basically told me it was a psychological thing where your body is afraid of penetration so it clenches up and won't unclench. they literally grilled me on my history of sexual abuse to see if they could find the source of my dick phobia.
now... not to get too into it, but I do have a history of CSA -- but my pain problems predate it. I got my period relatively early and I've never been able to use tampons or anything like them. every time I've tried has ended in literal tears. again, cramping pain for days, even after the period itself has stopped.
so I get the dick phobia diagnosis from two different doctors, but one of them says she can do a transvaginal ultrasound if I'm really worried. we do this and it is uh. excruciating, honestly. thank god it was in California and they let me get high as a kite.
in the end, they can't find anything "physically" wrong with why I'm in pain and they send me on my way, dick phobia dx in hand.
today. today. YEARS later. I am googling tips on how to try a menstrual cup if you have vaginismus (prep for the trip abroad; I don't like Japanese pads) and I see someone saying "oh, I'm glad that treatment worked for you, my problems are because of ehlers-danlos syndrome."
you know, one of the chronic illnesses I have and one that I divulged to every OBGYN I saw.
paging Dr. Google!!!
I come to find out that folks that have EDS, because of their connective tissue issues and extremely brittle skin, sometimes deal with extreme gynecological pain. it's partially pelvic floor issues, partially the fact that the skin in your vagina is breaking.
so all those times that I said "it feels like it's cutting me" or "it feels like knives" were probably because it was fucking cutting me. all those times I said I felt scraped raw for days was probably because abrasions take a long time to heal when you have EDS.
I cannot believe. I cannot believe. that I went into so many different OBGYNs who told me that my pain issues were because I had a psychological fear of dicks and when I told them I was a lesbian were like "oh well then problem solved" when actually my body was physically tearing. I had even seen blood sometimes and it had always been dismissed as spotting.
the anger I feel rn is indescribable, tbh. I never bought that my problems were all in my head (probably because doctors used that line on me so often when I was a kid and getting other chronic illnesses diagnosed) but the fact that gynecological health science is still so fucking awful that we shrug off pain that is the symptom of dangerous chronic illnesses as "well that happens sometimes" or "have you considered that maybe you're afraid of sex?"
this reminds me of when I had to find out from a fucking tumblr post that vaginal secretions are made from blood rather than glands, so if you have bad blood pressure/flow it'll often cause itchiness/dryness/pain. bad blood flow like... idk... maybe POTS.
so again, it was actually one of my known chronic illnesses causing gynecological issues, not any of the other bullshit reasons doctors were giving me, like age or stress.
I hate that I'm fucking 33 years old and I still have to learn stuff like this from google searches. I still don't know how my shitty body works, and it's largely because of stuff like this. what the fuck. I'm so mad. why do doctors still treat vaginas like a fucking scary mystery?
I'm well aware that Dr. Google doesn't always know what the fuck it's talking about, but apparently neither do my doctors! which is why, yet again, I'm up all night reading medical journals in the vain attempt to figure out how to actually live my life!
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ruporas · 1 year
i've been wondering- what do you think of vash and ww's relationship to pain? do u have any thoughts on it??
cuz i was just thinking like. obviously they're both extremely resilient and don't care much if they get hurt in the process of achieving whatever, but like... as for the pain specifically, i have to wonder.
cuz i'm reading trimax for the first time and toward the end of the sand steamer mess kite basically asks if vash even feels pain. and i mean... he has to, since not that long ago he just hit the floor with a dramatic blood splatter lmao. but like.
is he just suppressing visible reactions? or does he just not feel pain unless it's above a certain level?
and i wanna know about ww too if you have thoughts, i just haven't gotten that far in trimax :')
forgive me if my wording is all over the place, i havent been very elegant in my words Lately, but i am always down to talk about specific shit involving vash and wolfwood,
if we're just talking physical pain, yeah, i think they feel pain normally!
For Vash, he is the master of repression throughout Trimax, so I think naturally, he keeps a strong face no matter the level of hurt, whether on the outside or inner. It's just in his nature to not allow others to worry about him by pulling through with a fake smile or in some cases, he feels like he deserves the pain inflicted on him so even if he's getting pulverized to shit or threatened against his life, he'd default to a silence as opposed to screaming in agony that might make people think he isn't feeling anything. It's probably also second nature for him to no longer yelp or cry at pain after the amount of years he's spent getting hurt, but i think this only applies if he isn't emotionally involved in a fight (which is rare, but it happens in ch. 38).
In terms of physical pain, he seems to feel it like how regular humans do. I've thrown together some examples where he goes owchie owchie owchie that aren't too spoilery:
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The Emilio scene is kind of why I don't think he's just playing up the theatrics of feeling pain, though I do think he would on some occasion, especially since he roleplays with children all the time. Verbally saying "ow ow ow" could potentially be an instinctive reaction too or maybe a source of comfort. But yeah!! I think Vash has always been able to feel pain and it's not like being a plant has lessen his ability to do so. Any resilience built is tacked on due to him being alive for 100 years and being a guy with a clear painted bullseye on his entire figure that ends up getting him shot and scarred.
In the end, the pain that gets to Vash the most will always be on an emotional level rather than physical, but Vash is such a genuine person and so present when it comes to other people that even if it's a pain he can take, it'll still hurt him terribly in more ways than one.
For Wolfwood; I think in general, those under the Eye of Michael have a strong resilience to dealing with pain due to the regen potions and the amount of training forced on them. I don't think we ever get the full description of what exactly those in EoM endured throughout their younger years, but we saw WW get shot at an early age in chapter 12 and we can assume it happened more than once. Over and over again until he won't even flinch against it just like how killing without hesitation was attempted to be drilled into him. I don't really know how it works scientifically… but I fully believe that he's mostly numbed to the physical sensation of it and it's the psychological part that gets to him more. Wolfwood himself is a naturally skilled fighter too, not that that really has anything to do with his dealing with pain, but I think his focus and attention on a battle and his stubbornness to win kicks an adrenaline that allows him to ignore the pain.
Though, his body also gets sore and tired just like any regular human does and there's this instance where he goes owie too:
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(While NOT as much as Tristamp WW does where he's cracking a cold one every goddamn minute, I do think Trimax WW has gotten used to taking regen pots and thus, can afford to be careless and not give a damn.)
So, physically, technically in canon, they don't really have anything that specially makes either of them unable to feel pain, but just as you said, they're incredibly resilient. And ultimately, the both of them are affected emotionally/psychologically that hurts them more than the physical aspect of it, considering how physical pain is almost a daily chore for them to deal with (Vash being hunted for sport for majority of his life + Wolfwood being involved in experiments/killings for majority of his life.)
I think Trigun in general, while showing physical pain being a strong factor of hurt for regular people like us constantly seeing civiilians get beat up or shot, it tends to boil down to the multiple varieties of pain when it comes to those who deal with physical pain often (Gung Hos, Vash, EoM members).
I didn't know where to put these comments but here are extra thoughts:
They're both evidently really good at hiding their pains or any mark of vulnerability. They both could have a hole in their chest and go days without anyone else noticing so long it isn't killing them.
They're both pretty reckless during battle, but I think for Vash, he already tries to avoid violence at all cost and thus, do in a roundabout way lessen his own chance of getting hit in hoping to not stir that violence against another. As a result, I think Wolfwood can be way more reckless and ends up getting hurt more unnecessarily as a result of it.
They both are capable of healing at quick rates so I'm sure that allows the pain to feel more temporary, less of a risk to sustain, and to further hone in not caring too much about getting shot. That only applies for themselves individually though because every time they see each other get hurt, they're always so so worried despite knowing the other will be fine.
i'm pretty sure i repeated myself like 800 times, but i hope this Answered the question SFGMSDKGSMDKH i also tried to be vague enough in my wordings and focus only on the beginning-ish of trimax so to not spoil! i hope u enjoy ur reading of it!!
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benetnvsch · 1 year
ur wishing he would explode just cuz u accidentally thought about him while I'm trying to meow more cutely cuz my first meows weren't cute or emotional enough for his standards - we are not the same
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amostfoolishgold · 9 months
Lazuli cannot deny she's curious. A few days ago, a ship docked. This is not an unusual event. However, on that ship was someone who, according to Joanna and Inigo, Finneas was waiting for because they're friends. Joanna had been very insistent that the two of them be given time to reconnect and catch up which, ok fine sure Lazuli's fine with that, but it's been days and she's seen neither hide nor hair of this mystery friend. So she's heading into the Kite pub.
Desperate times.
In her defense, she did try the main pub first, it just didn't contain Finneas and whoever-the-fuck. Here, however, Finneas glances up at just the right time to see her heading right for it. Whatever face it makes is enough for the person sitting opposite to turn around. And Lazuli recognises that face.
The pirate's eyes stop scanning the room and lock onto Lazuli. There's confusion as xe looks her up and down. Lazuli tuck her hair behind a pointed ear and recognition sparks.
Xe scrambles to xer feet, hand immediately going to xer sword. Lazuli smiles and gets a suspicious look in return. She glances at Finneas who appears to be having every regret it's possible to have.
"This your mysterious friend, Finn? I approve."
"Oh well if you approve." Said mysterious friend loosens xer grip on the sword to turn a Look on Finneas. "You know this clown, Finn?"
"Yeah this is, that's Lazuli, she's a friend. Lazuli, this is Adalwulff, xe's also a friend. You...know each other?"
Adalwulff scoffs and Lazuli laughs before making her way over and flinging herself into a free chair.
"'Know' is a strong word, but we have met. Fucker decided that the best way to stop a siren hunt was to jump in the ocean and start throwing hands."
"You were trying to eat my crew!"
"And you stabbed me!"
"Blatantly self defense!"
The worry on Finneas's face has very much not been clearing up over the course of this. Lazuli waves a hand dismissively.
"Eh it was fine in the end, xe fought well."
"And her lot didn't actually get any of my crew."
"And I swam you back to your ship so they could fish you out because you'd jumped in the ocean."
Adalwulff rolls xer eyes.
"You were hardly going to crawl up onto the ship to get punched, I stand by my decision."
Lazuli laughs and the last of the tension seeps out of Finneas.
"So you two are...okay? With each other?"
Adalwulff shrugs and Lazuli laughs again.
"Why wouldn't I be? Gotta respect the tenacity! Hey Adalwulff wanna see the scar you gave me?"
Finneas is immediately distracted from any and all concerns about its friends getting along by preventing Lazuli from stripping in the middle of the pub. Which is good, because that's what she was aiming for.
Finneas and Adalwulff borrowed from the fantastic @finnified! I was thinking about how Lazuli would meet Adal on the Isles and my brain gifted me with the concept of "what if they already met" so here we are lmao
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theclearblue · 6 months
This seems like a fun ask game... https://www.tumblr.com/theclearblue/745775598702592000/hello-can-i-ask-from-this-ask-game?source=share
Can I ask about Yona of the Dawn, Hunter x Hunter and Mob Psycho 100?
Favorite character: Hisoka Did y'all hear something? Sounded like someone said Hisoka but not me ahaha. Uhhhh Killua and Komugi are my answers, honorable mention to Kite as well (guess I just like the white haired characters lol. Oh and really all of the Phantom Troupe but especially Chrollo is so much fun.
Favorite arc/episode/scene: Favorite overall arc probably is York New but a lot of my favorite moments come from the Chimera ant arc, so I would tie them. Fave episode/scene I think is Meruem and Komugi dying together, I cry every singe time lmao
Character I think is underrated: Ikalgo is the guy of all time, I love that stupid ass octopus so much lmao. I don't know why but I find him so heartwarming and I want to cheer him on in every scene
Character I think is overrated: Hmm I'm really struggling to answer this actually. I feel like I'm on the same wavelength with the general consensus of the characters. Maaaaybe Kurapika just a teeny tiny bit? I'm doing a slow rewatch with a friend though and she is a fierce Kurapika hater lmao so I feel like I'm being influenced.
Fave ship/pairing: Going to be basic but Killugon, honorable mention to Hisoka/Illumi
Something I love about the series: I think the character journeys and parallels are so so so cool, and it's a great example of character development where it's more of a regression (with Gon, specifically). The parallels between Meruem and Gon where they start on opposite ends, and by the end Meruem has gained humanity and Gon has lost it? Gets me every time. Also just such a great cast of characters, picking a favorite is kind of hard when I think almost every character, even the hateable ones, are just so solidly written.
Yona of the Dawn
Favorite Character: Hmm three way tie I think between Yona, Soo Won, and Jae-Ha (wow now thinking of it, he's kinda like Sanji huh....I was set up lmao)
Favorite arc/episode/scene: Gosh I need to reread because my memory is god awful but off the top of my head, Zeno's backstory is obviously the best in the series, and I think was animated in an OVA so that's my fave episode lol. Also love when Hak and Yona FINALLY get together, and Soo Won reuniting with Hak as well.
Character I think is underrated: You know what, I'm saying Jae-Ha!! Everyone's fave dragon is either blue or yellow (which, like, I GET it) but nobody gives enough love to green dragon :( People hate him for flirting with Yona but it's so obvious to me that he's just doing that to tease Hak lmao. But he has SUCH a big heart and loves and wants to protect all of them, again I need to reread to really elaborate properly but!! He needs more love!!!
Character I think is overrated: Hmm. I don't think I have an answer for this one actually.
Favorite ship/pairing: Yona/Hak....are we surprised...I'm not....
Favorite thing about the series: I feel like I give the same answer for all of these lmao because I'm such a big character reader, but yeah the characters absolutely. They are (well, most of the time) the ones pushing the plot, not the other way around. Everyone says it but Yona's arc as a character is just so so so good, especially for a female character. I would also say I really love how the worldbuilding goes so hand in hand with the characters developing and also understanding where they come from in decisions. It's a pretty simple fantasy world but it just does everything right.
(I'm a fake fan and haven't finished MP100 Season 3 :( And my memory is the worst on this series but do know that my fave character is both Mob and Reigen)
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fandxmslxt69 · 10 months
poetry + the moon 📜🌙
hi cutie <33
ugh poetry and the moon my loves
The Moon: What’s your favorite thing to do at night?
I love to read and listen to music! It's my favourite way to cool down and get ready for bed! Tragically, most of my nights now are spent studying until the ass crack of dawn, but when I am free, i'm usually found cuddled up in bed reading or watching TV with my parents. Idk. I just like chill mindless activities!!
Poetry: If you have one, name a favourite book or poem.
we'll try okay !!!
okay this is a rather long-ish poem by Nizar Qabbani, it's REALLYYY GOOD!! its not my ALL TIME favourite but it's my favourite currently !! It's the last poem in his 100 Love Letters poems, they are SO GOOD!!! I love this one bc its really tragic- the poem collection starts off with madly, sickly, crazy in love poetry but as each poem passes that madness and love slowly starts fading and by poem 100....there's none of it left!! ITS A RELATIONSHIP FALLING APART AND ITS SO GOOD!!! BC MIDWAY THE POEMS BECOME CRAZED AND DESPERATE AND UGHHH okay let me share
my favourite excerpt (cuz its long):
This is the last letter of madness The last letter of childhood After me you will no longer know The purity of youth The beauty of madness I have loved you Like a child running from school Hiding birds and poems In his pockets With you I was a child of, Hallucinations, Distractions, Contradictions, I was a child of poetry and nervous writing As for you, You were a woman of Eastern ways, Waiting for her fate to appear In the lines of the coffee cup
How miserable you are, my lady After today You won't be in the blue notebooks In the pages of the letters In the cry of the candles In the mailman's bag You won't be Inside the children's sweets In the coloured kites You won't be in the pain of the letters In the pain of the poems You have exiled yourself From the gardens of my childhood You are no longer poetry
LIKE UGH. THIS IS SUCH A GOOD POEM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT MAKES ME SO !!!!! there's i think another verse before it. BUT ITS LONG LMAO. BUT UGUUHHG YEAH THIS ONE . it hits something in me !! "You are no longer poetry" JUST STAB ME IN THE HEART.
Okay favourite book now. UMMM myyyyyyy favourite book.....currently, my favourite series has to be Playing For Keeps by Becka Mack. Its a really fun hockey romance series....its spicy and fluffy and it just has all good feels!!! ummm. idk. That's what my fav right now is for romance....tho my favs are mostly organised by author cuz im hopeless and cant make choices :/ My favourite FANTASY is probably....Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros was really good...OH THE SECRET SHANGHAI BY CHLOE GONG + OUABH BY STEPHANIE GARBER!!! SOOO good
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dannystheone · 1 year
What are you working on rn?
Hello! I actually have a few things in my drafts atm
Part two of Marjorine fic with the girls taking revenge on the boys
Dikinbaus fic with Lee Butters and Ler Kenny
I have an idea with Lee Human Kite and Ler Toolshed
And lots of requests in my inbox I haven't touched LOL
I have a request for Lee Pete (which I would LOVE to flesh out but to be honest my brain no work) I just don't have any ideas right now for that so if anyone does let me know!
And Jersey Kyle and Goth Stan tickles are also on my mind if I had an idea for a plot :/
But yeah! Lots of things on the table! Part two of the Marjorine fic will be the 40th fiction on the site for you guys, so I'm excited for that!
Thanks for asking! Seeing how much work I have to do kind of keeps me accountable lmao
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mooneln0ne · 1 year
Ooooo alright here goes my love letter for the Luffy kite ARG! Hope that this isn’t too long/hope this doesn’t cause you stress! You don’t gotta answer or read it if you don’t wanna. I just wanted to get this out of my system.
(( Hope it isn’t weird to write so much, I write paragraphs for everything that I enjoy! ))
At first when I came across the art, I didn’t know that it was an ARG. Eventually when more and more answered asks of yours appeared on my page, I found out it was an ARG. I really loved the style and it just felt so...ominous. But ARGs weren’t really for me (I’ve never tried one out and was too lazy to lmao) so I just admired the art and laid back for a few weeks.
It wasn’t until today that I decided “Y’know what? I’m bored! Screw it!” And saved all of the frames in my phone to study. I turned up all of the settings of my phone like the exposure and brightness and sharpness etc.
After like a second of looking at this cool asf hidden text I was like “Yeah okay I need to record this!” So I pulled out the closest notebook I had and started writing down my thoughts and other stuff! Now I’m in love with this ARG—
I have a picture (I took one to show my friends my new obsession—) but I don’t think I’m allowed to post it since it’s all of my thoughts through combing through most details. Still though! Just know that your series has a whole entire page in a notebook dedicated to it because it’s just that good PFT—
So much cool stuff is in this story and I cannot wait for more! But please, take as much time as needed Moonel!
P.S. I couldn’t help but see some...codes around the story. Are these codes supposed/able to be to be scanned or should I be taking out some hidden tools to do so? I’m gonna be honest I took like an hour of my time to try and figure out how to make those damn codes work 💀 my dedication is infinite when I like something and I wouldn’t mind taking the extra step to figure it out but I would like to know if they’re viable first!
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IM GLAD I INTERESTED YOU... oughh I love to see people try their best to decipher my post.. I love it when a person not usually interested in something becomes interested on the very thing they'd usually not be into!!!
The codes are decipherable, QR codes are scannable, and some hints are askable if you know where to look!!!!
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