#lu x reader incorrect quotes
[Name]: I had fun today. I don't know why we don't hang out more often.
Yandere!Legend: Because I refuse to leave the safety of my home and you keep selfishly declining my offers to stay with me and live in my closet like some adorable boogieman.
[Name]: Ah, right... Knew it was something.
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luxthestrange · 1 year
RoR Incorrect quotes#197 Life rules by you
Y/n: Here are my three life rules!
Human Fighters:???
Y/n: Number one! If you sleep with two people with the same name, They actually cancel each other out and lower your body count!
Raiden*Was gonna retort but is now thinking about his body count*...
Y/n: Number two! Being hungover is not a feeling, it is a state of mind Let it goooo~
Lu bu*Stop drinking*...
Y/n: Number three, IF YOU DONT SIN JESUS!-*Points at Jesus, Buddha, Socrates & Confucius*DIED FOR NOTHIN!?!
The four sages*Left speechless at the youngest human antics*
Brunhilde:...Someone get Adam or Eve please-
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trippygalaxy · 1 year
Reader, wiggling furry wolfie’s face while giggling: “You have a smoothhh brain! No ridges or lumps or valley or bumps. All Ideas slide right off, like a water slide! Smoooothh brain, smooothhh”
Cut to Time, Four and Wild desperately trying not to burst out laughing while the wolf stares up at reader, very displeased.
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lilithizhere · 1 year
Incorrect Quotes RoR #3
Shiva:*Is holding a kids leash/backpack* Where did they go?!?!?
Adam: I don't know you were supposed to be the one watching them!
Lü bü: *looking around for them*
Eve:*Same as Lu bu*
Y/n:*sitting in a tree eating Budda's candy they got (stole)* Hehehehe suckers! *Gremlin laughs*
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Y/N: How many children do you have?
Time: Biologically, legally, or emotionally? Because there is a difference.
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cminoko · 7 months
Change these to LU boys to whichever ones you see fit because I love incorrect quotes and think it’s funny. This is a conversation I heard passing by friend groups lol.
Person 1: Is a hotdog a sandwich?
Person 2: No!
Person 1: Yes it is!
Person 2: Ok explain!
Person 1: The bun is on both sides of the meat!
Person 2: That doesn’t make it a sandwich!
Person 1: Ok ok, Hey! Ashley! Is a hotdog a sandwich??
Person 3: No! It’s a taco!
Person 1: Omg Ashley! That’s racist!
It started small, and then I just didn't stop. Also, I've never done the weed because it just recently became legal where I live, so this probably isn't accurate. Should I try the weeds?
I'm under the impression that Time is still a little shit, he's just got more self control so he's not a shithead by physically annoying the chain but by bringing up these mind blowing thoughts (mind blowing to someone who's never encountered a hot dog before)
So I read this and thought, what if the chain was in modern!reader's world for the time being and they were introducing the chain to all kinds of modern foods. Tacos and hotdogs obvi, but also pizza, cheez-its, brownies.
Reader has entrusted Time with all things electronic while they work and shop. They even wrote an instruction manual on how to use the stove. What they didn't write down, however, is the difference between the brownies in the zip lock bag vs the brownies in the freshly baked pan.
Now the entire chain is high and reader comes home to Time asking if hotdogs are sandwiches.
Four: No!
Wars: Yes it is!
Time: Okay explain
Wars: The bun is on BOTH SIDES!
Both Wars and Four are screaming their arguments. Wild is trying to eat the hotdog in one bite. Wind is on the verge of tears because his brothers are fighting. Sky is staring at the ceiling like it's the most interesting thing in the world. Hyrule and Legend are watching their reflections in the TV. Twilight is the only one acting normal.
Time turns to Reader: Hey! Is a hotdog a sandwich?
Reader, who wants to see how far she can take this: No! It's a Taco!
Twilight, who's been trying to be as politically correct as possible since he got to Reader's world: Oh my goddesses! Reader, that's racist!
Thanks for reading! I know I took some (lots) creative liberty with this so if you don't like it please leave some CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. I'm still pretty new to writing on Tumblr so if you have ideas on how to make my writing better suited to the platform lmk 🩵
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cissa-calls · 1 year
Countdown to Coven of Chaos: Day 534
Wanda: *wakes up to an empty house* “Where in Salem are they? Across the multiverse AGAIN?!”
Agatha and Y/N, roller skating in the driveway: “AHHHHH”
Agatha: “I can’t see!”
Y/N, crashing into her: “I told you to turn on the light! Ooof” *wipes out on the ground*
Agatha: “No, that would have woken Wanda up!”
Wanda, having been definitely woken up: “And the screaming wouldn’t?”
Agatha: “Fuck”
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2sleepy4dis · 11 months
Hourly Thoughts:
Reader: Hey! Roolie!
Hyrule, who's having that sad day: Wha—? Yes???
Reader: You should hava!
Hyrule, panic: ... what's hava???
Reader: HAVA nice day! Haaaa, got'em! *high five Twilight who's sitting next to them with a smug on his face*
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the-moon-files · 10 months
Hi! Just wanted to say I love the LU x Masc Reader incorrect quotes thing you wrote. It was so wholesome, and funny and incredibly well written. I’m nonbinary, more masc leaning and it’s really nice to come across something with masculine pronouns in mind specifically. I hope you’re having an awesome day!
Omg Anonnnn 😭😭 i was hoping for maybe a single comment or some fun tags in a reblog but a whole ask??? 🤲💖 just take my heart already u already stole it-
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(^ get it lol? /ref)
Like im genderfluid and as much as im ok with they/them, maybe she/her frequently..
I cant even tell u where the nearest masc/he/him reader post is in the LU fandom 😃🥲
Like i have no fucking clue where they are, i feel like ive ran into like <5 posts, and theyre buried DEEP in there somewhere
Which gets hard to find when ur falling in love with Link like me ×9 over, so u scroll thru so much of the LU x reader tag its nearly impossible to reach a section you havent seen yet 💔
Theres not nearly enough gays and transes over here, so guess i gotta pick up the slack and do my duty like the first gay/queer friend in a friend group and start spreading the holy cunty Word 🙏🗣🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
I do intend to make snippets/take requests/or just write more masc!reader or add myself to the LU blogs!
So feel free to ever come back if you want a little more than just quotes lol
(I mostly did that to appease my gay soul's yearning)
Peace out Anon,
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neverchecking · 1 year
Random little images that have lived in my head for the past few days:
Reader: I want a puppy
Time: We have Twilight
Reader: But whos gonna snuggle with me when I go to bed?
The entire chain: ME!
Sky: *running after Reader* Its 3 in the morning! You need to sleep!
Reader who's refusing to sleep: YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE! *keeps running*
Wild: Wind does your pillow fort really need to be in the middle of the room?
Wind: Im sorry did you say something? Cause your authority is not recognized in Fort Kickass.
Reader: *pops her head out of the fort* Fort Kickass is eternal.
Wild: *surprised pikachu face*
The chain being straight up OFFENDED at the question KILLS ME-
Also Sky getting cardio he hasn't gotten since his adventure HOGBF
I love the LU Incorrect quotes x Reader typa beat sm <33
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[Name]: That's what we call a "traumatic experience."
*points at Wild* Not a "bruh moment."
*points at Wars* Not a "major L."
*points at Legend* And definitely not an "oof lmao."
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luxthestrange · 7 months
RoR Incorrect quotes#173...JAIL TIME
Acciently ...Adam drank Raiden's water bottle that was filled with hardcore...alcohol, Him and Lu bu, Qin Shi Huang wanted to see who noticed that they weren't drinking water and now...dadam was drunk, and...he was the crybaby drunk-
Cain, gesturing to Adam: Dammit RAIDEN, look what you did! You made Dad upset! 
Raiden: Dad, please don’t cry, we’re sorry! 
Qin Shi, somber: I’m sorry Father...
Adam*drunk out of his mind and near tears, Hugging you and Jack given you both were the nearest* -I DON’T REMEMBER GIVING BIRTH TO ANY OF YOU!?
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trippygalaxy · 1 year
Reader, squinting at their lover: “I don’t need to go to bed, I’m not tired, I’ll be fine.” Sky, laying in bed, arms out stretched to reader: “But, darling, I’ll be so lonely without you. Come curl up in my arms so I can feel whole again.” Reader, flustered, blinking rapidly: “O-oh. Well. Are you trying to seduce me into  healthy sleeping patterns?” Sky, smirking with a pleased look in his eyes: “Is it working?”  
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lonelyrosegold · 2 years
Warrior: So how's the prettiest person in the world doing today
Y/n: I dont know, how are you doing hyrule?
Hyrule: . . . .
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Twilight: Look, I know you think my judgement's clouded because I like Y/N a little bit.
Legend, holding Twilight's notepad: You doodled your wedding invitation.
Twilight: No, that's our joint tombstone.
Legend: my mistake.
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smallestapplin · 3 years
Four : everyone is always like ‘four how’d you bag a baddie, how’d you bag that baddie bro.’ I didn’t bag shit.
Four : y/n picked me up from my neck and threw me over their shoulder and I’ve been on it ever since.
Four : and I ain’t got no plans of getting off anytime soon.
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