nms-nomainstreets · 1 year
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To counterract being a hater earlier I became a lover and drew my favorite OC <3
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nms-nomainstreets · 1 year
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nms-nomainstreets · 1 year
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If I can get the effort to do more I think I can finish the game. Wehhh I just want a machine to put what's in my head on paper bc it's hardd. The script is the easy part, drawing all the assets and sprites is what kills me wehh
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nms-nomainstreets · 2 years
Which OC takes pleasure in being unnecessarily cruel/violent?
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nms-nomainstreets · 2 years
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Lil wipy wip of one of my favorite boys.
Kyle Asher Hare, 21
-The character I am the most horrible to and I apologize.
-He is burdened with the curse ™ no not even I have a clue what the curse ™ is. It all started with his birth. His mother died in childbirth (the bracelet was hers). He grew up with absolutely atrocious luck. His dad was very protective of him due to this but not overly (not bubble level).
-He tried his best not to do anything too dangerous until he met [] who got Kyle to go out more and take risks. Hanging out with [], Kyle learned that despite his horrible luck, it never really was fatal, and it also never affected anyone but himself. [] was not the best friend, more so obsessed with Kyle. He found Kyle's bad luck funny and intriguing. Kyle, never really getting too close to others due to fearing his luck would eventually rub off onto them, stayed by []'s side despite how bad he was treated.
-This was until one night he noticed [] staying behind after school. A teacher had asked to see []. Kyle followed and witnessed [] slamming a chair down onto the teacher's face. Kyle didn't know what happened but all he remembered was the terrifying glee he saw in []'s eyes.
-After that [] claimed he had been defending himself from the teacher and eventually moved away from Jalestone with his family. Kyle was relieved when [] left, not knowing he had come back under a new identity for his own personal reasons in Jalestone. [] recognized Kyle and has not left his side since, unbeknownst to Kyle.
-Kyle is now an adrenaline junkie, mainly sticking to video games and occasionally longboarding (with full protection). He's also somewhat superstitious, dyeing his hair clover green consistently and trying to keep things within the pattern of multiples of 7.
-Though his luck is still horrible, he's gotten better at mitigating the effect. His reflexes are better, his hearing and sight are better (too many times has something dropped onto his head that he didn't hear or see). If he's in an open area he'll scan the surroundings to see what could possible hurt him and plan ahead. Oh is that a soccer ball? Better prepare to catch it if it goes for the face. Campus has a lock down due to a drug deal gone wrong? Time to barricade himself until the threat is over!
-Fun fact though, his horrible luck? The opposite when drunk/intoxicated/unconscious. He has amazing luck during these times. Rarely drinks though for fear his bad luck with catch up to him and his liver will burst. Found out this when he had one too many painkillers and accidently got high as a teen.
-Currently a Bio Graduate student (wants to figure out wth the curse ™ is).
-Is farsighted in one eye and nearsighted in the other, wears contacts.
-Ambidextrous (broke or hurt his dominant arm/hand a few times growing up, learned how to use the other in case it kept happening)
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nms-nomainstreets · 2 years
Ayo which one of you artists on here possessed me today 😫😫
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nms-nomainstreets · 2 years
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Mc canonically a fucking freak and none of the characters know what to say to them. If you make fucking freak choices in game, just know you are doing what mc would've done and be proud
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Everyone @ MC:
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nms-nomainstreets · 2 years
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Nate is baby baby baby baby mijo. Isaac he uh, he's always looked dead inside. His resting bitch face is honestly impressive even as a baby
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nms-nomainstreets · 2 years
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nms-nomainstreets · 2 years
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Current plans for how the relationships may progress over the course of the story
Edit for future reference: the sexualities are vague but the few canon ones are
Zaria: Asexual (she is still romantic, ala Morticia without how horny she is for Gomez)
Teagon: Aromantic (They however are still very hoarney that has not changed. This change was mainly me realizing my own Aromanticism and that the kind of crush I had in mind for them was actually just respect and admiration for MC similar to my own past "crushes")
Everyone else's sexualities will not be specified (though I have my own personal canons)
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nms-nomainstreets · 2 years
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The one basically canon ship in the game. I say basically canon because they can also date MC depending on the choices made but if MC isn't dating either of them, they get together. Tbh even with MC involved they can still all three be poly
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nms-nomainstreets · 2 years
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A few character dynamics from the game, there's more but I haven't fleshed the other ones out yet
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nms-nomainstreets · 2 years
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Vic works as a waiter at his Adopted mother's cafe that Nate, Isaac, and MC frequent. The cafe is relatively new. Vic can be short tempered but is able to hold it together for the most part while working.
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nms-nomainstreets · 2 years
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Benji hates Nate because he thinks they're fake due to his overwhelming positivity in the face of adversity
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nms-nomainstreets · 2 years
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Allen Grimmes
-works in a flower shop
-1st year Grad Student
-Close friends w Victor
-Used to be a fuckboy back in highschool, reformed after entering college
-hung with bad people in highschool, during game will encounter one of them again
-One of the most normal, if not the most normal, love interest in the game
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nms-nomainstreets · 2 years
Extremely fast color reference for my guy
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Victor posting bc he's one of my faves that changed the most from when I first made him in 2014. Also Victor w no brim/braids
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nms-nomainstreets · 2 years
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Victor posting bc he's one of my faves that changed the most from when I first made him in 2014. Also Victor w no brim/braids
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