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You know, I’ve never felt at home. Not really. That sense of happy, and safe, and warm. That feeling of wanted, comforted, close. I would tap my heels three times, saying, sighing, ‘I want to go home’ to the shadows, stars, and moonlight, but no one ever heard me. Not really. Not until you, and that kiss, and those lips. I guess that’s what kissing you feels like. Finding home for the first time.
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zyihzn-blog · 7 years ago
like this for a tiny starter bc i want to get the ball rolling
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zyihzn-blog · 7 years ago
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❖ ⦗steph ⦂ 21 ⦂ gmt-3 ⦂ she/her ⦘– welcome to the bourgeois, ZHOU YIHAN. here, it says that you are TWENTY FIVE & are a MALE that uses HE/HIS pronouns. i’m sure that you’ll fit right in regarding your wealth status. anyone who is anyone is aware that everyone will do anything to keep their lives private, you want to keep THE FACT THAT YOU GET BEATEN BY YOUR PARENTS a secret. though, we’re sure that the fact you look like DENG LUN is already out of the bag.
bullet points style is my way :’) forgive me for how shitty this is i was excited ok
ok so his father owns like............................too much hospitals in china :’) two years ago he bought some in korea as well which boosted his profits tbh like yes he got that $$$$$ in china but adding another country made them even richer
because of that ^ yihan is currently studying to become a surgeon (not that that’s what he really wants to do)
^ he likes to please his parents but, his parents hate him. they think he’s a burden and worrying about a child was the least of their priorities when they wanted to make their business flourish
to make it simple --> anything that he did that wasn’t satisfactory (in his parents eyes so like.................................he never did anything right)
TW: violence, physical abuse - he was beat in places other people couldn’t see almost every day growing up. ever since he was around 5 and even until recently. he had high fevers and slept for a couple days following it sometimes. he’d get hit by anything that had available at the moment, be it a baseball bat or a expensive european ceramic plate.
because of that, he’s become afraid of touching others, doesn’t trust easily and prefers being left alone. THO, even tho all of that happened, his parents still want to keep the image of a happy family who will take care of us, etc when you’re sick so yihan pretty much acts whenever he’s out in the public. it’s like a 180; he becomes friendly, compassionate & approach other people.
anyone who knows him well tho, would notice that after a while, he’d leave because it was too much (he makes anxiety attacks often)
anyway i’ll keep the short but 
ANYWAY why is he in korea? Recently he tried to protect himself while (TW: VIOLENCE) he was being beat by his father, which resulted in him getting EVEN MORE beat up and being shipped to korea to “overlook their hopistals” (really they just didnt want to bother with him anymore)
to make it short, my boy is a fragile boy but it’s hard for anyone to notice that unless yihan got caught when he wasn’t expecting anyone around him
he’s a book lover and would love to eventually have a wall full of books
he’s interested in languages & acting
when someone tries to touch him too quickly or a ball comes close to him, or someone fakes hitting him... he’s gonna freeze for a while and could become a bit aggressive (he wont punch people lol he’s just gonna be like get the fuck away from me? and people are gonna be confused af)
i want someone to crumble of of his walls and discover all his bruises and they can both cry and then they can be cute & like us against the world & shit :’)
like this to plot !
oh yeah also my disc*rd is the multifandom queen#8689
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