You write so beautifully, the inside of your mind must be a terrifying place.
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i am pretty much 3% human and 97% stress
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I have forgotten what feels like. Happiness! I have asked many people throughout my life time, What exactly happiness meant to them. Many said it was being in love or being loved, Waking up wrapped in their lovers arms, or getting a first glimpse of their new born. “food makes me happy” said one but most said “I don’t know” Some said it was achieving success would make them happy but would anyone ever be satisfied with what they own? See, happiness is what I’d say children feels. Their pure minds appreciate the art of how their ketchup is sprawled across their plate. How their tiny minds fathom about how beautiful and vibrant the colors are of butterfly’s wings. Their unbroken hearts religiously believes in everything. Like how they’d fly like superman when they grow up, or how one would be a princess and live in a castle I think once we realize that those were lies Happiness starts to leave our minds and souls. The calmness in our heart we use to have as kids starts to disappear. I don’t remember the last time I sat in a quiet room without my mind listing the tasks i had yet to complete or how I’d be a failure with my best efforts. The voices in my head becomes so loud that it physically makes me numb. And in all of the amid of confusion and sadness I try to find beauty in everything I try to find beauty in people’s confidence I try to find beauty in people who are so passionate about their characters. That they resurrect them from fiction in every sentence I try find the beauty in stars and how fascinating the moon looks in the morning skies. I try to find something, maybe not happiness. But something to keep me alive in this world.
It’s not a poem about Happiness. (via lost-moonlight)
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i’m the type of person who will miss you to death but won’t do anything about it because i don’t want to seem like the desperate one
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We look up at the same stars, and see such different things.
George R. R. Martin (via seabois)
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There are as many nights as days, and the one is just as long as the other in the year’s course. Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word ‘happy’ would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness.
Carl Jung (via psych-facts)
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liking a boy is so confusing like… i hate boys. but i like this one. but i must not like him. but he’s alright. no he sucks. hes better than other boys.. no. u must not love the enemy.
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1. Sometimes it’s going to hurt. You’re going to sit on the floor screaming at the ceiling and pulling your hair and trying to tear your skin off your bones. You’re going to fall asleep with tears burning holes in your cheeks and praying that you won’t wake up. But you will. You will always wake up. Be glad. It’s going to stop hurting. 2. Do things you love. Kiss the boy from down the street because he told your best friend that he thinks you have pretty eyes. Sleep on the floor because your bed doesn’t fit right. Cry because you miss him. Smile because you’re gonna be okay but he’s always gonna be a mess. Laugh until your stomach hurts and you can’t breathe. Fall apart and put yourself back together again. 3. When the boy you love gets drunk and kisses another girl and his words hit you right in the heart and knock the wind out of your chest, try to remember that the world isn’t caving in on you even though it feels like it is. 4. Nothing really matters as much as you think it does. 5. The sky is blue because it’s sad, but the clouds are white because there are still little wisps of hope flying around in the air and sometimes they fill the whole damn sky and that’s how you know it’s all going to be alright. 6. When you were born, I put a barbed wire fence around your heart for protection. Any boy who gets in there is gonna have scraped up knees and blood pouring from his hands. If he sticks around, help him clean up the cuts. 7. When you’re convinced that there’s nothing left inside you, remember that you’ve got the entire galaxy under your tongue and the world in your bones. There are flowers growing from your cheeks, sometimes you just need to water them a little, crying helps. 8. When someone says they love you, believe it, chances are they mean it. 9. Don’t waste your time crying over people who hurt you. You’re giving in. You’re letting them win. And baby if they don’t have you then they’ve already lost, so don’t let them have the satisfaction of breaking you. 10. Try not to grow up too fast.
10 things my mother taught me when I turned 13 (via leviathanrose)
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