Sometimes I like to think I can write about stuff...
Last active 4 hours ago
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
here is a carrd for BLM聽
here is a carrd for the crisis happening right now in Yemen
here is a carrd for Hong Kong
here is a carrd for Palestine.
here is a carrd for trans rights聽
here is a carrd for the terror bill in Philippines.聽
here is a carrd with various donation links (for Syria, BLM etc)
here is a carrd for LGBT+ rights
this post is constantly being updated - please send an ask if you find more!
NOTE: There are many more Carrds under the cut. This post would become too long if I added more and for the sake of easier access, I put the rest under cut!!
Keep reading
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if y'all are in the us, the department of education's FAFSA changes are open for public comment
one of the changes requires trans students to misgender themselves and removes the nonbinary option
the public comment period is 60 days (ends on 4/07) and comments are publicly visible
additionally, the library of congress is proposing changing the Gulf of Mexico and Mount Denali subject headings to Gulf of America and Mount McKinley respectively
any comments or opposition regarding them need to be emailed in today, 2/18, to [email protected]
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No, no, don't think of me as "a submissive" or whatever, that's so dehumanizing. Just think of me as a friend! But like, a friend you can kind of boss around and make too-mean jokes about and bully and inconvenience and take advantage of. You know, besties.
Imbalanced, unequal besties.
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Charmed!, I'm sure
There are so many things I want to write about my experience at Charmed, and I may do so at some point, but the thing that stuck with me the most was the sense of community I felt there.
I became more active in the online community back in 2020 and it definitely had its ups and downs. I'm someone who does better talking with people in person, so trying to translate that into an online medium was definitely a bit more difficult than I originally thought. On one hand it was really nice to finally have a way of talking to people who shared an interest in hypnosis but I couldn't help but feel kind of isolated. I lurked for a while before actually talking to people and sometimes I felt like I couldn't interact the way I wanted to because my sex repulsion would make me uncomfortable in certain spaces. Eventually I found places where I felt more comfortable. From there I met people who I've become good friends with through discord and twitter, and I can't imagine still being active online today if it hadn't been for them. It was, and still is at times, really difficult to keep up conversations with people that I couldn't meet up with in person easily which lead to me falling in and out of communications over the years. It was even harder in terms of actually doing hypnosis because I had a hard time feeling involved in the trance. Eventually I was able to meet up with some of my online friends in person for a nice vacay which really was the beginning of me realizing how important it is for me to be in person with my friends and hypno partners. The online community is wonderful and I have had some great experiences because of it but I can't help but sometimes feel that there is something lacking for me.
For the years that I'd been floating around the community I'd heard a lot about the various cons that people have gone to and I was interested for sure. I wasn't sure I'd attend one because that was a big leap for someone who already has a hard time talking to people. I really only went to Charmed because a friend of mine asked me to join them so they didn't go alone. I was actually really glad they asked me because I don't think I would have actually gone to an in-person con without them. I started off really excited to finally be in a space filled with hypno nerds, but as I got closer to the day of my flight the anxiety started kicking it. I was really nervous because I feel like such a novice in this community of people who have been messing with each others brains for years. I wasn't sure I was ready to put myself out there like that so in order to sooth my nerves I told myself that I would just watch and not participate. I would later find out that I couldn't have been more wrong. I had some of the most memorable interactions at the con both hypnotic and just talking to people.
Getting to the actual hotel was absolutely terrifying. I didn't know what to expect. Standing in a room full of people buzzing about this shared interest was intimidating at first because I didn't know where to start. Thankfully I quickly learned that people were EXTREMELY friendly and by the first day I had already talked to way more people than I thought I would. I met some people that I would end up talking to for the entire con and others that were nice to just chat with in passing. I got to do hypnosis with some really cool people and that blew my tiny, terrified mind. I won't go into detail about the actual shenanigans I got up to, but I want to generally talk about the people that I met in two groups. One are the people that I've been following online and the other are the people I met for the first time at the con.
Lurking online for years means that you become aware of a lot of the bigger names in the community. That also means that when you hear you're going to be in a shared space with people who have contributed so much it's hard not to get a little nervous. After I got past the first day nerves I realized how nice it was to be surrounded by people who have more experience than me. I went to classes that were ran by names I had seen everywhere online and I learned so much. The classes I went to not only gave me a better idea of how and why the whole thing works but they also made the idea of exploring and making things fit what I wanted hypnosis to be more attainable. I am still nervous about participating sometimes but I can think back to those classes and realize that I am more in control of the experiences that I want to have than I think. Not only were the classes insightful but just being in rooms filled with people who shared their years of doing hypnosis through small anecdotes between friends was really nice. I loved watching people recount the interactions they've had with such excitement; I could genuinely feel the love people had for the craft when they talked. It made talking to these people who I had held on a small pedestal so much more enjoyable because at their heart they're just people who love doing the same thing I do. It was a very grounding experience that made me feel so much more connected to people that were mini celebrities to me. I still respect all that these people have done for the community but now I feel like I can talk about it from the standpoint of equals and that's an amazing feeling.
There were also so many people who I had never heard of in the community but that I'm so glad that I met. Sometimes the community can feel a lot smaller when you see the same names around you all the time. I know I sometimes forget that there are corners of the hypno community that I have never even heard of let alone touched. Being able to meet so many new people was extremely nice and made me realize that there will always be someone new to meet that I might vibe with. There were people that I'd never heard of that were making their own stories, art, and other contributions to the community that I was extremely surprised to see. I am now friends with so many more people who can share in this weird little corner of the world. Meeting them in person has made talking to them online so much easier too. Now I feel like I can actually connect with the people that I see on the other side of the screen and I am so grateful for that. I really appreciate all the people who made me feel so welcomed and talked to me despite us never having met each other before then. For the people that I met that I talk to more often I can't wait until we get to see each other in person again. For those that I've talked to in passing I'm so glad that our paths crossed and hopefully they will again.
As someone who has been struggling to find community in hypnosis it was really nice to find that in Charmed. People will always be people and at the end of the day you will never get along with everybody, but to be in a place where consent is taken very seriously and everyone is excited over the same nerdy, sexy hobby is an extremely comforting feeling. I'm sure I'm still in the puppy love stages with in-person events and after time I'll be able to view things without rose-colored glasses, but I'm so happy I got to meet people within the community. Overall my first con experience has reinvigorated my love for hypnosis and has made me excited to see everyone at the next one I can attend.
#hypnosis#charmed#charmed 2025#zorimusings#therearedefinitelytyposandstuff#buti'mtoolazytofixthem#i'mtryingtogetoutofmyperfectionism#hadtoresisttheurgetonamedroppeepslol
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i hate when kink blogs do this. do they think it makes it hotter. i feel like i'm playing a mystery vn with this kinda shit
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Fractionate me by bringing me up and making me have an intelligent discussion about something I know a lot about, but put me back under mid sentence and watch me struggle to remember what I was saying until I'm so out of it I can't say anything intelligent at all and my eyes are rolling back into my head as I try in vain to stay awake.
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nonverbal / kinesthetic / touch based trance. here for me when words are not. yay... <3
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The hottest part of hypnosis is the moment right before the subject drops.
They鈥檙e already completely ensnared, whether they know it or not. But their eyes are still open, no matter how heavy and fluttery they are. They still believe (falsely) that there鈥檚 a chance of resistance.
Then the tist starts inching their finger to the subject鈥檚 forehead. Their mind understands what that gentle press on the forehead signifies鈥攊t slows and melts in anticipation of the wonderful, sinking bliss the subject is about to experience.
Then the finger makes contact, and they just
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