zoloft-and-anime · 2 years
Hey y’all. I know I haven’t posted in a while.
Between just starting my first semester in college, color guard practices, and a other complicated things I had left this account on the back burner.
Things are pretty rough rn, it’s probably gonna be a little while before I’m ok.
I might try to reboot the series I was writing, make it better even, but I’m also not very involved in the ST fandom anymore.
I don’t like that I abandoned my series tho.
Thank you all for understanding, I’ll get back to it whenever I can <3
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zoloft-and-anime · 2 years
actually, I like the getting-to-know-each-other stage. where you stay up late just to talk to them. where you ask a ton of questions. where you clearly are smitten by each other but both are too shy to say anything. where you share music and memories with each other. the flirting, the yearning, the silly jokes forming, letting guards down, making plans to meet.
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zoloft-and-anime · 2 years
can I open doors for you?? can I give you kisses on your hand?? can I give you forehead kisses??? can I shower you with presents??? can I cook your favorite foods for you??? can I bake you delicious treats??? can I pay for our dates??? AHHHHHHHHHHHH
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zoloft-and-anime · 2 years
"And sometimes two souls are in love way before they meet each other in flesh."
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zoloft-and-anime · 2 years
I am so sorry that I haven’t updated the series, things got so so busy with moving into college soon. I’ll be working on chapter three really really soon <3
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zoloft-and-anime · 2 years
My Queen - Eddie Munson x Reader
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A/n- Hey y'all! So since I'm working on the third chapter of my Robin fic (which should come out next week) I thought I might feed y'all in the meantime. This comes from a request from a friend @maddiethebanished.
Summary- Eddie re-enacting his nightly fantasies with you on his throne.
Warnings- SMUT, some dom!eddie, reader is afab and uses she/her pronouns. I can't think of much else
When the bell rings at 3:00 signaling the end of the school day, you're immediately making your way to the hellfire club room. You've made a routine of meeting Eddie there every day after school and before his meetings to chat and brainstorm campaign ideas to make the game even more sadistic than before. Your friend loved having you around for your beautifully creative mind as well as your good sense of humor. You kept him company.
And, he had to admit, you weren't all that bad to look at.
However, today the energy in the room felt quite different. When you step lightly into the room you don't see him at first, calling out his name in a soft voice to not alert anyone to the room while the door was open. You aren't meant to be in the club room after school unless participating in club activities, due to some students having used club rooms for more non-school-friendly things in the past.
“Right here, princess. I promise I’m not trying to hide from you.”
Your head whips around to see him sitting on his throne, legs spread apart as he leaned lazily against the throne’s back. His hands grip the ends of the armrests and his weight is shifted to his left arm, head cocked to that side as he inspects your form. 
Usually, his nicknames didn't phase you, he had always enjoyed calling you sweet little titles out of friendly affection. But with how he was looking at you today you can’t help but subtly squeeze your thighs together at his words.
“Oh hey Eds! What’s got you so quiet today? Usually, you're already talking my ear off with your daily frustrations or plans for our meeting.” You search his eyes for something that might be wrong. He’s never like this with you.
“Oh, I don’t know. I’ve just been thinking a lot today I guess. Well, not just today but today in particular.” His tongue runs over his upper lip as his eyes lock onto the edge of your skirt. You find yourself feeling completely bare under his harsh gaze, moving to place your hands in front of your legs, clasped together in an effort to protect your decency. 
“What about? You know you can tell me whatever’s been on your mind.” His eyes darken at your innocent offer to help him with his troubles.
“You, darling. I’ve been thinking about you.”
That nickname, he had never used before. 
You step closer to him until you’re leaning on the edge of the table near his throne, pushing yourself up onto the tabletop and swinging your legs over the edge to face him. 
“What about me?” Your voice quivers slightly upon the delivery of your question, drawing a smirk to his lips.
He’s got you already.
His hands move from his armrests to your thighs, him leaning forward to touch you and deepen the eye contact that hasn't broken the entire time you've been in the room. 
“(y/n) I’m gonna be completely honest with you right now. I haven't been able to get the thought of you off my mind for weeks. Every night ends with me fantasizing about what I’d do to you and every morning starts with me being unbearably hard from dreaming of taking you exactly how I please.’ 
You shiver at his words, cunt clenching at the thought of whatever he might be dreaming of. 
“O-oh really? Me?” Is all you can respond with. His long fingers are toying with the edge of your skirt temptingly before he pulls you by the hips until your ass is on the edge of the table, his arms moving to support your thighs on either side of him. 
“Yes, only you. You don’t even know what you do to me.” You're gasping at the warmth of his touch combined with the tenderness with which he handles your body, ring-clad fingers gliding over your figure.
“Say you want me too, please. Say you want me and that you think of me too and I’ll show you a world of pleasure you won’t be able to reach with anyone else.” His deep brown eyes are looking up at you, blown out with lust.
You cup your hand under his chin, guiding his face up until it’s inches away from yours and, causing him to slot his hips right in between your legs as his figure looms above you. 
“Tell me, baby.” He says lowly, eyes fixed on your lips and hands gripping your thighs.
“I’ve always wanted you. Only you Eddie. Please-” His lips cut you off, your back being laid against the table as he covers your body with his, making as much contact as possible.
Your mouths move in sync as his hips rut against your cunt, covered only by your thin, lacy panties now that your skirt has ridden up your waist. 
“Wrap your legs around me, baby.” He says breathlessly before leaning back in to capture your lips once more.
As soon as you follow his command Eddie is lifting you into his arms. He turns around to gently place you on his beloved throne, reserved only for him to sit in. 
"You know this throne practically makes me the king of this club, right? And what does every king need my love?" 
"A q-queen" his hands are smoothing over the tops of your thighs before he finally gives in. 
"That's it, princes. Gonna make you my queen."
His hands move to gather his hair at the nape of his neck, wrapping the coiled hair band around the fistful of hair and forming a bun. 
He lowers himself to face your cunt, bunching your shirt above your hips and slipping your underwear down your legs before spreading your legs apart. Two fingers run down your slit in-between your folds to gather some of your wetness.
“God, you're soaked for me. Just like I always imagined you’d be.” His fingers are quickly sucked into his mouth and his eyes roll back in pleasure. “You taste so fuckin’ sweet too.”
His tongue trails up your pussy until he reaches your clit, sucking it into his mouth. The moan you let out is absolutely sinful. The feeling of his soft lips exactly where you need him most, so hot and needy and eager to please, is heavenly. 
He’s moaning at the taste of you, beginning to prod at your entrance with a single digit before sliding it past your folds and curling it up into the spot that makes you feel the best. You’re grinding into his face unconsciously, hips bucking into him to feel him deeper inside. Your hands move to tug at the loose bun his curly hair is tied into, drawing moans from his mouth that make you shake.
“God you look so fucking beautiful from here, you can’t even stand the pleasure.” He’s sliding in a second finger to fill you up just right, picking up his pace as you begin to squeeze around him.
His rings are glistening with how wet you are when you look down at him. His messy bun slowly coming loose with how he’s been devouring you in earnest. 
You lock eyes with him, pretty wide brown eyes looking back into yours with a darkness you've never witnessed in him before.
“You love this, don’t you baby? Your dungeon master finally giving you what you've always wanted. Makin’ you feel so fuckin’ good huh? Yeah just like that, good girl.”
“Fu-fuck please gonna cum for you, I-” 
“Not yet honey, not until I get to be inside you.”
He’s removing his fingers and mouth from you and picking you up again to take your previous spot on the throne, you straddling him in his lap, cunt exposed and soaking through the leg of his jeans. He quickly pulls down his jeans and boxers to reveal his cock, already dripping and hard from pleasing you. 
Just seeing it has you clenching around nothing.
“Now baby, you’re gonna ride your king right here, in his throne, prove to me you deserve the title of queen.”
You’re slowly guiding yourself down onto his cock, both of you letting out a guttural groan as he bottoms out inside of you. Your back is arched and your head is buried in Eddie’s neck, one hand finding the bun on his head and the other resting on his chest. His hands are running along your back, sides, hips, and ass as you adjust to his impressive size before he finally grinds up into you. 
“C’mon babydoll, show me.” Your hips start canting against his, and the feeling of him has you keening in pleasure despite the pain of him filling you so well.
You lift yourself off of him almost all the way before bottoming out again, drawing a groan out of his soft lips as he grips your hips so tight that you’re sure they’ll bruise in the morning. 
Your pace picks up, bouncing on his cock, head thrown back in ecstasy as you push against his chest, feeling the desperate rise and fall of it as he gasped in pleasure.
“God dammit, fuck you're good. Good girl. Gonna give it to you now.”
He grabs your hips, thrusting up into you at a mind-breaking pace, moaning loudly as your cunt clenches around him, edging you closer and closer to your release. 
“You like when I'm in control don’t you? Feeling me take whats mine just like this? Fuck you’re squeezing me so damn tight.” 
You’re moaning far too loud for anyone outside the room to not hear you, but you don't care. Giving in to him is so easy, so natural. It’s such a carnal desire that all you can think about is the way he feels inside you and how perfect it is.
“C’mon baby, cum for me, make a mess on my throne. All mine now. All mine. Please-”
You bite down on his neck to stifle your moan. All his. Your mind is completely blank. You’re his, he wants you, he needs you. He’s whining at the feeling of your teeth on his neck, crying out for you, your name spilling out of his mouth and filling the room.
With that, you release harder than you ever have in your life. Him following soon after and spilling deep inside of you with a moan of your name, hands bruising your hips, lips pressing against yours in a hungry, needy kiss. 
You come down together, chests heaving against each other as he leaves kisses on your head and neck.  You’re sweaty and exhausted but neither of you care. His hand runs up your back to rest on the back of your head, carding his finger through your disheveled hair. 
“My queen. Huh. Always thought that’d sound nice for you. Better than any of those sweet names I've called you before.”
“I like it.” You sigh out, leaving a kiss on his neck.
“Yeah, I like being yours finally. I'm your queen, you’re my king. It’s all I've ever wanted.”
“Good, because I'm not letting you go.”
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zoloft-and-anime · 2 years
basically the plot of my robin fic
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zoloft-and-anime · 2 years
Loving the Robin x best friend dynamic!
In the mean time between chapters.
Do you think I’d be able to request a Nancy x fem!reader where Nancy and reader are at some sort of party and Nancy is being her mom friend self and maybe some mutual feelings come out over a couple of drinks?
It’s really specific but I can absolutely see this happening :3
Hiiii I promise i’m getting to your request and i will post it later i’m having very big thoughts 💕
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zoloft-and-anime · 2 years
Applies to any other states being majorly affected by the SCOTUS decision.
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zoloft-and-anime · 2 years
1950 Ch.2- Hellfire
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Not my GIF
A/N- Chapter 2!!!! Our reader is beginning to question herself a bit. Also, to make this accessible to as many wlw readers as I can, I made the reader's sexuality pretty ambiguous, there is just no mention of a genuine interest in guys. As a bisexual person myself, I wouldn't wanna exclude the possibility of male attraction for the reader.
Warnings- MALE FLIRTING, general obliviousness, nerdy shit, Eddie thinks he's real cool, self-deprecation if you squint, lord of the rings slander (I promise I have nothing against LOTR y’all)
In the third grade, Robin just so happened to be in your class again, flashing you a large grin as she sped up to meet you at the short wooden table you had chosen to sit at. You stood up from your chair to allow her to wrap you into a suffocating hug, one that was slightly constricting but not at all unwelcome.
Over summer you had seen each other many times, going to each other's houses or meeting at the local ice cream parlor, even venturing out to play with the other kids on your block due to Robin’s sociable nature. Your mother welcomed the energetic girl into your home easily, simply glad that you had a friend.
Especially since it seemed that Robin was all that you could talk about during the school year once you had taken hold of your mother’s hand to walk down the street to your home.
“She’s always so nice to me! No one ever wanted to play before but she never leaves me out. And she's so pretty too! Just like a princess, or a fairy, or a mermaid, or…”
You could go on and on about your new best friend, in your eyes, she was the greatest person in the whole wide world.
This new school year was gearing up to be great, with Robin now sitting on your left-hand side and a couple of other children you had known from around the block as well as former classmates filling the seats across from you.
Then a new person you had never seen before plopped down into the seat on your right, turning to look at you with a mischievous smirk and a twinkle in his eye before introducing himself. 
“Hi! I’m Ryan, but you can call me Ry!” he smiled at you, staring directly into your eyes. He hadn’t stopped to make an introduction to anyone else at the table, only you. “I like your shoes, where’d you get them?”
Presently, you were facing a similar predicament as you had all those years ago, except this time, Robin wasn’t by your side, and the boy sitting on your right needed no introduction.
“Eddie Munson, but you’ve probably heard of me already, ‘school freak’ status and all.” He gestures to himself before making a snarky face at the title. “Like the jacket by the way, where’d you get it?”
You were stunned at the fact that this boy, one renowned for his supposed cruelty, had taken the time to introduce himself to you. Perhaps it wasn't so surprising, however, due to the fact that you were kind of a loner already. Wiping the ‘deer-in-the-headlights’ expression from your face, you pushed your hands out from where they were hiding inside the sleeves of Robin’s jean jacket that she had let you borrow that day, insisting that it looked amazing with your outfit. 
“Look, if you don’t wear it that's fine, but I think I might die at the missed opportunity for you to look like an absolute badass. Like are you kidding? The Docs with that skirt and the Queen tee?? You’ve gotta wear it I promise you’ll look amazing.”
She had a habit of boosting your confidence in ways that made your heart flutter inexplicably.
You turn back to face Eddie before explaining that you had borrowed the jacket from a friend who had said it fit your outfit.
“That it certainly does, you sure that jacket isn't from a boyfriend though? Sure looks big enough on you to be.” He smirked back at you, raising an eyebrow before scanning your frame.
The idea made you blush. Robin tended to get her jackets oversized, often second-hand from the thrift store, explaining the looseness on you. The mention of it possibly being from a lover put your mind into a place you had been putting off exploring for a while, leading you to quickly push the thought aside. 
“No! I mean I don't have a boyfriend, it’s from my best friend, we’re like, super close.” you quickly replied, sending him a soft smile only to get a raised brow back from him. 
“Alrighty then. You seem like a pretty cool chick, music taste is decent too, I must say I’m a little more drawn to the… Heavier stuff myself though.” He mentions, motioning to your shirt. “You should bring this friend of yours to hellfire tonight. You don't have to play, you could just observe if you’d like. We are always looking for new members though. Also, no offense, but you look like you could use some friends.” He shoots you a wink at the end of his statement in an attempt to ease the burn of his closing words, holding out a hand to you before looking you dead in the eyes. “You in?”
Hesitating, you think about what this decision might mean for you. Now you’d have to explain to Robin that you’d dragged her into an impromptu D&D session just because a guy half charmed and half insulted you into it. It also might put you deeper into the “loser” hole you were already in.
However, you couldn’t exactly resist when he looked so happy to have you aboard. 
So you took his hand and shook it. “I’m in. I'll tell Robin next period. She might think I'm crazy for a second but whatever.”
“Ah, so Robin’s the friend. Band chick right?” You nod in response to his realization. “Seems cool enough. I didn’t catch your name though, you are…?” His eyes searched yours for some sort of recognition. He’d been around Hawkins long enough to know practically everyone in your class, yet your name was escaping him.
“(Y/n)(L/n)” you briefly responded, before the bell rang dismissing you from class “See ya later (Y/n), Looking forward to it.” Eddie responds, sliding out of his chair and exiting the classroom, leaving you to wonder what exactly you had just gotten yourself into.
You had been right about Robin’s potential response, she had looked at you like you had just sprouted an extra head. 
“You talked to Eddie Munson?! He doesn’t just talk to girls like that. Especially ones that aren’t already in his inner circle. Do you even know how to play D&D? I sure don’t. Which brings me to this; why am I now a part of this whole thing? Couldn’t he have just asked you out on a date alone like a normal person?” That last statement made you pause in your tracks as the two of you had been walking to your second period together. 
“Woah Woah Woah it’s totally not a date! That’s actually insane Robin I don't know why you’d ever think that.” Your face was heating up at the thought of your potential obliviousness. Had you gotten yourself into something you hadn’t meant to?
“(Y/n) are you serious? He asked you if your jacket was from a boyfriend. Obviously, he was testing the waters to see if you’re taken! Plus he winked at you. Fucking winked at you!”
Now it was coming together in your mind. It was still sort of absurd to you, the fact that Eddie Munson would want to spend time with you for the purpose of getting closer.
“I just can't believe it! Why would he want to ask me out?” You were incredulous at the idea.
“I don’t know (Y/n), maybe because you’re, like, super pretty? Like gorgeous. And you have that shy girl charm that guys love. Plus just look at you! You’re hot, like the hottest girl I’ve ever seen.” She rattles off compliment after compliment in rapid succession, as all thoughts of Eddie’s intentions leave your head to the sound of her words. Obviously, she had best-friend bias.
But that wasn’t how she saw it. She couldn’t really understand why you hadn’t managed to bag a boyfriend in all four years of high school, being as gorgeous as you were in her eyes. That is, she couldn’t understand until she found out you’d been turning them down. Why wouldn’t you let yourself be with someone? Obviously, it wasn't because you thought you were better than the boys who propositioned you. You just wouldn't allow yourself to open up. 
“Honestly?” Robin continued her thought, “I think you should go for it.”
“No way! I can’t!” you practically shrieked in reply. Thinking about it, Eddie was a nice enough guy, and you guessed, if you thought long and hard about it, you could see yourself with him. But in all honestly, you couldn’t see yourself going very far with him. Or most guys to be truthful. 
“C’mon (Y/n)! Just give it a shot, I’ll be there the whole time tonight.” Robin insisted. “Look, you haven’t even kissed a guy! Or anyone! Not since that sleepover when we were 13.” The mention wasn’t exactly helping your racing mind at the moment. 
“Alright, I’ll go for it I guess.” You conceded. “But I can’t promise you that it’ll go very far.”
Later that night, you and Robin turned up at the classroom that Hellfire was being held wearing the same outfits as you had worn the entire school day. This was despite your insistence that Robin should have her jacket back and you could wear your own. A cold front had swept over Hawkins the night before and the jean garment was her warmest form of outerwear. She insisted that you keep it on anyways, wanting you to look your best for your “little D&D date.”
“Plus, you look stunning in it anyways, and it was the thing he complimented you on first! Obviously, it drew his eye.” 
Eddie opened the door after hearing your soft knock and let you both in with a smile, sending you a warm look before taking your hand and showing you to your seat.
Right next to his.
Robin was definitely right about this. He intended it to be a date. He even sat her next to one of the other senior boys in the club who, by the flustered look on his face, seemed to not have had much interaction with the female species in the past. 
As the game went on, you could catch Eddie stealing glances at you while the party deliberated their next moves. A ringed finger tapped on the side of your knee to get your attention before his hand hovered over said knee. Once he caught your eye he mouthed a small ‘is this okay’ before you nodded and he placed his hand atop your leg, eventually moving to rub small circles into the side of your lower thigh. 
You couldn’t deny the fact that he was charming, and his campaign had been pretty entertaining so far, but the physical contact made you a bit overwhelmed despite your consent. 
You distracted yourself by watching the uncomfortable and downright unimpressed looks Robin was shooting at you from across the table as the boy next to her enthused about his interest in lord of the rings to her. You let out a soft laugh, sending her a sympathetic glance to which she rolled her eyes.
Yeah, she was totally gonna get onto your ass for this later. 
The interaction did well at easing your overwhelmed mind from the burning touch on your thigh.
That is until Eddie leaned into your ear to whisper into it so as to not alert the group.
“Could you maybe stay after for like, two seconds after the guys leave? I promise not to keep your friend waiting, I just wanna ask you something.” 
Now that made your nerves ramp all the way back up.
You nodded silently in response and shot your gaze downward to your occupied thigh, now entirely self-conscious about the length of your skirt.
Once the game ended you informed Robin that she should wait outside for you for a couple of minutes, leading her to respond with a wink and a murmured “good luck.”
The door shut behind her, leaving you and Eddie alone in the club room, with you looking any and everywhere but his eyes.
“Hey, are you sure you were okay earlier? Y’know when I was…”
Your eyes snapped up to his. This was definitely not the conversation you were expecting to have. You hadn’t even really anticipated a conversation at all, thinking he was just about ready to make out with you on the spot if not more.
“Uh, I don’t know. It was fine I guess? I'm not really used to these things.” You replied, fidgeting with Robin’s jacket sleeve on your wrist. 
“You weren’t into it.” He stated. Your eyes widened as you began to stutter out a rebuttal, but he was quick to stop you. “No, it’s really fine I promise. No one said you have to, and I’m not disappointed.” He softened his expression toward you in understanding. “You didn’t seem like the kind of girl to have much experience with that anyways. And I’m assuming you haven’t been in a relationship before. I honestly couldn’t figure out why earlier, you should have guys all over you, but now I think I know.”
This statement thoroughly and utterly confused you. How could he know you better than you do? What is he on about?
“You’re confused. I can tell. Meet me up at my place Wednesday after school. Any time works, I’ll just give you the address. It isn’t a date. I’m not gonna subject you to any more pretend play after tonight. Tell your friend it is one though, and that tonight went great. I’ll explain later.”
You could only nod in response as he handed you a piece of scrap paper with an address, closing your hand in his around it.
“From now on I’m here to help.”
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zoloft-and-anime · 2 years
A Best Friend!Robin Buckley x Reader fic
Song inspo for title: 1950 by King Princess
Ch.1- No Matter What
Ch.2 Hellfire
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zoloft-and-anime · 2 years
Stranger Things
Robin Buckley
Best Friend! Robin x Reader M.list
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zoloft-and-anime · 2 years
1950 Ch.1- No Matter What
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A/N- Hey yall! here's the first chapter in this series! It may be a little packed with info but it has some important points. No real warnings so far! Also if anyone has name suggestions Id love to hear cuz honestly a name is escaping me rn. Enjoy!
Content: reader is kinda shy, gay panic, Steve is confused, brief Eddie appearance
Thinking back, you can’t remember a time when you and Robin Buckley weren't attached at the hip. Since the moment the two of you met in the second grade, life-altering damage had been done to your lives in the form of a new, unbreakable bond. 
Your life had just been completely uprooted at seven years old, all your personal belongings packed into large cardboard boxes as your mother explained to you that the move to Hawkins was essential to your father’s career. Hopping into the back seat of your mother’s 1970 Range Rover, your father manning the wheel or the moving truck just in front of you, memories of your hometown flooded your mind. 
None of those memories, however, included any friends. No playground buddies from your elementary school, no neighborhood children who would come by to play. You had sat alone at lunch and recess, preferring to stay indoors during the summers. Your introverted and shy nature was apparent to those around you, leading them to leave you in your own, secluded world.
Despite the lack of friends, the move was hard to process. Change wasn't something you took easily, even at that age.
Robin Buckley, on the other hand, was a much more extroverted and talkative young girl, often getting herself in trouble for speaking out of turn in class. She immediately introduced herself to you as soon as she noticed that there was a new, unfamiliar face in her class.
“Hi! Are you new here? My name’s Robin and I’m seven years old, but I turn 8 next month!”
She was loudly speaking to you no more than three feet away from your visibly nervous figure, holding up six digits in a failed attempt to express her age. 
“That's six, didn't you say you were seven?” You reply, taking a step back to ease your anxiety.
Never in your life had you met a person as outgoing as this, or rather as interested in you. 
“Oh is it? Sorry, I'm still learning!” she responded, no offense taken to your statement and a grin on her face, missing a couple of teeth that had no doubt been compensated for in cash from the tooth fairy.  “Come on! It's almost recess. You can play cops n’ robbers with us! Don’t worry ill go easy on ya.” 
And with that, she grabbed your hand and led you to the playground. Your first friend, readily introducing you to some of the other children on the playground.
Most of them would fade out of your life, moving away, finding different friends, and growing out of your friendship. But never Robin. That day she had proclaimed you best friends for life, drawing up a picture in crayon of the two of you, hand in hand, with your names above your heads and the words ‘best friend’ plastered above the image. She handed you the paper with the words “You’re my best friend, no matter what.” right before dismissal.
Since then that picture has never left your room. Eleven years of friendship, and it has maintained its place, carefully folded in the bottom of a wooden box containing keepsakes collected by the two of you over the years. Bracelets, letters, random rocks you found walking together, polaroids of you at various ages. 
Now, in your senior year of high school, the two of you remain inseparable. Hitching a ride to school with Robin’s new friend Steve on the first day of the year. 
“Steve, as much as I'm grateful for the lift, don't you have anything better to do than drive high schoolers to class?”  You inquired as Robin playfully elbowed you from the seat next to you. 
“For your information I do, I'm just doing a favor for a friend… and her..friend. You two didn’t have to both sit in the back seat like I'm some sort of chauffeur though.” Steve shoots back, quickly glancing to the back seat to see the two of you giggling like idiots. “Robin, you two are just friends, right? Like I don't know why you wouldn't tell me if..” Robin immediately cuts him off loudly, “NO! No way not at all. We’re just friends. BEST friends! I don't even like girls like that.” 
Steve shoots Robin a confused glance in the rear view mirror as you look out the window, letting out a soft laugh at the idea of you and her in love. She sends him a look that tells him to keep his mouth shut.
The only secret Robin had ever kept from you in your entire friendship was the fact that she was gay. Steve wasn’t even supposed to know, it had just come out in her drugged-up stupor after his awkward confession. She loved you more than anything, you were her best friend, the only one who would always stick by her side, no matter what, but you just couldn't know. 
Sure, she felt guilty for keeping this entirely crucial aspect of her life a secret from you, but she couldn't help but fear your reaction. Deep down she knew it shouldn’t change anything, but something in her said that she’d regret it. So she kept quiet. 
The rest of the car ride consisted of you and robin being utter fools in the back seat, with you laughing at whatever snarky joke she made at the expense of your classmates or Steve’s child friends, as well as steve muttering quiet rebuttals and pondering the reasons as to why Robin’s “best friend” had no idea she was into girls. 
He shoved that to the back of his mind as he pulled into the school parking lot, shouting a quick “goodbye” to you and Robin as she declared that you two would see him after school.
As you two entered the building, her arm linked with yours, you begin to discuss your schedules, noting that you had the same homeroom and lunch, as well as English.
“Finally I get you in English!” Robin sighs, pulling on your arm slightly. “You know how I hate doing those long annoying essays! I just can't stay focused on them. You’re like an English whiz so we could totally be study buddies, yeah?” Her enthusiastic statement makes you chuckle, as well as your heart swell slightly due to the flattery. “Only if you help me with math. I know we don’t share the class but you’re much better with numbers than I am.” You reply with a nudge to her side. “Oh of course ill help you. When have I not?” she responds “I gotta get to class now, see you in homeroom.” She releases your arm as you turn the corner and stop to briefly stand against the wall.
“This year is gonna be great. I promise. Bye (y/n)! Love ya!” 
“Love you too Ro!” You smile at her. Something in the short statement pulls at your heartstrings even after all this time. 
You were forever grateful to have a friend that cared this much for you. That you could tell her anything without judgment. That the two of you would always be by each other’s side.
In fact, you couldn’t begin to imagine being this close with anyone else.
Maybe that's why your heart was beating so fast in your chest. Because she was so special to you.
Sure, thoughts of a deeper bond had crossed your mind before, but those were just that. Thoughts. You weren’t even into girls like that! And she definitely wasn’t either, always being quick to deny accusations of that nature. Plus, she was totally into this new friend she had made at her summer job. Why else would she follow him to her new job at the video store after things, well, fell through with Scoops Ahoy. 
As you turned the corner your heartbeat finally slowed, your thoughts slowing as well as you located your first period history class and took a seat near the back. You werent certain you’d have many friends in this class; you had always been sort of a loner when the company of your best friend was absent.
Just as the bell rang, a taller boy with long dark hair and a t-shirt with words you couldn’t make out slid into the desk right next to you, large rings on his fingers clicking against the wood as he did so. Turning your head, you met his eyes. He shot you an exasperated expression, followed by a mischievous smile before he turned toward the front to pay attention to the lesson that had just begun.
This was sure to be an interesting year if nothing else.
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zoloft-and-anime · 2 years
ALRIGHT YALL!!!! I have one chapter finished!!!! it isn’t very long but it has a substantial amount of backstory. my plan is to add a small flashback at the beginning of each chapter, just to recap the events of a 9 year friendship between the two. I will post it tomorrow afternoon just in case i want to tweak anything.
P.S. Be gentle with me lol i have no awareness of how my writing sounds. I did have someone beta read this but it could still be flawed. constructive criticism will always be welcome tho! i’m hoping to improve across this series and any future ones.
I’m the meantime i take requests for scenarios and imagines (NSFW, fluff, etc.) of stranger things characters (non children) as well as some haikyuu!, MHA (though less than others), euphoria, and a couple characters from genshin impact (ik i’m cringe)
people of stranger things tumblr i have a proposal
how would y’all feel about a childhood best friend!robin x reader fic?
lots of gay panic, occasional angst, hidden feelings, steve trying to be a good wingman, definitely 18+ at some points…
i have so many thoughts
155 notes · View notes
zoloft-and-anime · 2 years
people of stranger things tumblr i have a proposal
how would y’all feel about a childhood best friend!robin x reader fic?
lots of gay panic, occasional angst, hidden feelings, steve trying to be a good wingman, definitely 18+ at some points…
i have so many thoughts
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zoloft-and-anime · 2 years
(THIS GOT REALLY DIRTY CUZ I GOT CARRIED AWAY. 18+, Tsukki is mean at first, Oral f!receiving, fingering)
Lots of Tsukishima thoughts rn
Imagine being Hinatas younger sister, and coming to Karasuno as a first year when he’s a third year. The other guys haven’t really met you before aside from Kageyama, so when you become a manager (at your older brother’s request) it’s a new experience for everyone.
Especially our Kei Tsukishima
When he sees you for the first time he can’t help but think how absolutely adorable you are. Wide eyed and innocent, vaguely reminiscent of your older brother. But you’re different in a few key ways. For one, you’re not such a pest. You’re quieter, more reserved, always polite. He has to stop and wonder, how the hell do these two have the same genetics?
You start as a manager under Yachi and are amazing at your duties. Filling up bottles, returning loose balls to the carts, helping schedule games and attending meetings with coach Ukai, even staying late after practice to clean up. Perfectly and adorably obedient. At least that’s what Tsukki liked to think as he noticed how helpful you’d become.
But Kei was always one to tease.
He’s relentless in the way he needles you. Making fun of your height, your gullibility, your unwavering kindness, anything he could find to see that cute flustered look on your face. The way your cheeks burn red and you shyly look at your feet when he makes an offhand comment.
“You look like you might need some help reaching that, runt.”
He could be so mean, but you still found yourself drawn to him. He was somewhat protective of you, thoroughly disliking the rude or sleazy comments that upperclassmen made toward you in the hallways and always having a quick retort for those occasions.
He was tall, and strong, and didn’t take shit from anyone, and that’s what made him so attractive to you. Despite his chiding you felt safe around him.
You lost touch when he graduated, until you began to go with your older brother to MSBY games as a guest of his. They had a match against Sendai, and you knew that Tsukki would be playing.
Nervous but excited, you accompanied your brother to the court to sit on the sidelines.
After the game ended, (MSBY won, a disappointment for Kei as he, for once, wanted to show off) the whole Sendai team treated MSBY to dinner at the nearby ramen shop as a congratulations for winning.
Kei sits in the seat directly next to you.
Re-introducing himself for the first time in years, he realized that he still thinks of you the same way, but now you’ve grown.
Those same wide wondering eyes are now more mature, your sweetness still remaining yet instead of only striking him as adorable, you were absolutely beautiful in his eyes.
He almost chokes on his noodles just looking at you.
And you return the sentiment, the older boy you new as a tease, yet someone you were drawn to, now gave you a reason to be drawn to him besides his stature. He had grown into his looks, his face more angular, muscles of his arms and legs more defined, a distinct maturity about him you couldn’t place.
Damn, he got hotter.
Deciding that he’d waited too long, Kei turns up the heat, beginning to actually flirt with you and eventually asking for you to spend the night at his hotel room. You agree.
(Very much against Shoyo’s recommendation.)
The ride there is tense, a large hand placed on your thigh the whole way there as Kei uses his other hand to steer his car. You can’t help but notices as the hand travels higher, almost reaching the dip of your pelvis over the smooth fabric of the dress you’ve chosen for dinner.
As soon as the door to the room closes, the tension is completely erased. Lips crash against each other, you with your back pushed against the wall close to the doorway. You don’t care who hears, or how messed up your hair gets from his fingers pulling at it, or how much of your lipstick is taken off by the frantic make out, you’ve waited far too long.
And so has he.
There is a full length mirror hung on the wall of the suite, right across from the king sized bed in the middle of the room.
He lays you down on the bed, finally slowing down his pace to pay attention to what you need.
The hem of your dress is pushed up past your hips, revealing your completely soaked panties. Kei takes in the sight before lowering his head in between your soft thighs. He licks a thick stripe up the center of your clothed folds, stopping at the top to put pressure on your clit with his tongue.
“God. You’re so fuckin wet for me. Can taste you even through these. Have you wanted it just as long as me?”
You can’t deny him. Because you absolutely have. You think back to your high school days, the time he had pressed himself against your back just to whisper in your ear about how you shouldn’t be so needy all the time. The time he had cornered you in the locker room to scold you over not returning balls fast enough. His large frame looming over you each time he teased, his smirk along with it. Each event had spurred your thoughts and left you shaking and moaning each night, your fingers plunged deep into your soaked cunt imagining that it was him instead.
You nod at him, unable to form the words to tell him that yes, you had wanted him since high school.
Luckily he takes the hint.
Your underwear are quickly pulled from your legs, exposing your cunt before his tongue quickly begins to lap at your folds. He focuses on your sensitive bud, sucking and licking as his long, skillful fingers find your entrance.
They push into your tight cunt as you cry out wanton moans of his name. Him hitting the spongy spot inside of you just right spurs on a chain of helpless whines begging for him.
“Please! Don’t stop! Kei I need you, I need it, please!”
He thinks that he’s never heard a more angelic sound in his life. Never will again either. God he’d give anything to stay right here forever.
“Aww, needy as ever aren’t you? Always been such a good girl, now look at you begging for me, wanna cum don’t you?”
And fuck, you did wanna cum.
You did wanna be his good girl, his needy girl, you always have.
And so you continue to beg for him. Beg him to cum, beg him to let you release all over his fingers and mouth, and at last he grants you permission.
“Go ahead, cum for me, wanna feel how needy my good girl is.”
When you release you see stars, your whole body vibrating in in ecstasy, brain going blank from any thought except for him.
Only him.
You spent years longing and now you could never want anything more.
You lay there, spent, panting for him as he brings his fingers up to your mouth.
“Taste yourself angel, want you to clean off my fingers.”
You take the entire length of his two digits into your mouth, sucking off your own juices, and finally opening your eyes to stare into his.
“Fuck that was hot. Always been so good at taking orders, huh?”
You let out a weak giggle, and he chuckles along with you.
“Did so good for me tonight. Don’t worry, next time you’ll get to take all of me. But right now you need to rest.”
He shows you to the bathroom so you can get yourself cleaned up before offering you a shirt of his to sleep in and opening his covers to you. You slip in next to him and are swiftly pulled into his chest, long and muscular arms wrapping around your waist and head buried in your soft hair.
“Night, brat.”
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zoloft-and-anime · 2 years
If my anti depressants were in the shape of PEZ candy and I could take them from cute little dispensers I would never forget to take my meds
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