zolf · 2 hours
Your favorite in Coco litter is also my favorite. May we have more pictures please 🥺
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Since you asked very nicely, here's some pictures I wasn't going to post publicly due to "ugh I hate it when there's a litterbox in the background".
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zolf · 6 hours
Last thing I'm going to post about the "Merica 50 countries on a trenchcoat" discourse for a while lol.
There ARE interesting regional cultures in the USA, and in theory I don't mind yanks talking or even bragging about them. Or I WOULDN'T mind it if they were capable of talking about it without communicating through their tone and choice of words that they on some level think that even the mildest, most basic example of cultural variability or regionalism is going to be a mindblowing alien concept to stupid little foreigners in their tiny culturally monolithic countries. Every time they talk about it they do it like no one else in the world besides america has ever encountered the concept of regional accents or creole languages or linguistic pockets or rural/urban cultural divides because every other country is so small and tiny.
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zolf · 7 hours
Save My Family from the War Nightmare in Gaza
Hello I am Mohammad Tayseer, 34 years old, Palestinian living in Gaza. I am married to Basma Ramez, and we have two children: Jude, who is 4 years old, and yazan, who is 2 and a half years old.
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Our life was normal and full of optimism, and we had big ambitions.I worked in smartphone programming at City Phone. I was happy with my job, and our dreams were focused on building a bright and beautiful future for our children. We had a large, beautiful home that sheltered us, full of many wonderful memories.
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But suddenly, without any warning, war destroyed everything beautiful in our lives. Our home was demolished by a missile, leaving nothing behind, and my company was also damaged. I lost my job, and we became homeless and without income.
Pictures of a house when it is partially destroyed
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Pictures of the house after it was hit by a missile and completely destroyed
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We tried to flee more than five times to safer areas in search of security, but safety in Gaza has become nearly impossible. Death and destruction are everywhere, and our children live in a constant nightmare. Opportunities for education and entertainment have vanished, and basic necessities are scarce. We live in poverty and despair.
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We are now seeking a chance to live in a safe place outside of Gaza. However, our only hope now is to escape this ongoing hell and find a safe haven for our family. This requires significant financial costs, as border crossing fees amount to $5,000 per adult and $2,500 per child, a sum I cannot afford on my own.
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Every donation, no matter the amount, whether $10 or $20, will have a significant impact on our lives. Your contributions will help cover the costs of travel and living in a safe country. We hope to start a new life away from fear and destruction and give our children a new opportunity to dream and hope. Our children deserve to live in safety
My Campaign was Reblog by some and Vetted
vetted by @communistchilchuck 🌹link🌹
vetted by @northgazaupdates2🌹link🌹
Vetted by @mushroomjar 🌹link🌹
Thank you to everyone who supported us❤
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zolf · 10 hours
I feel like a lot of people do not understand the like, basic precondition of the USAmerican Settler Colony's existence, which is being predicated on the historic AND ongoing genocide of the indigenous peoples of turtle island, who are still alive and still resisting. like, there is no possible way for this project to become bloodless. its very nature is saturated in blood. it is not an open wound, which is struggling to heal; rather it is an ongoing act of violence, where new wounds are being made every day. if one is going to have a remotely responsible analysis of the nature of the USAmerican colonial project, one must necessarily contend with and understand this reality.
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zolf · 14 hours
[scrolling through a fandom tag] wrong. wrong. incomprehensibly wrong. wrong but harmless. nice style and color palette but I don't care about that ship. mildly entertaining liveblog update. they whitewashed my girl :( . good joke, reblog. wro--well that's my mutual so I will politely look away. fifteen posts in a row by an innocent rp blog that I don't have the heart to block. take I agree with but op was annoying about it. chapter twenty-eight of a longfic wip. !! GOOD POST !!, instafollowed. bot. technically correctly tagged but uses this acronym for something completely different. museum worthy art piece by a sixteen-year-old from the philippines. wrong. wrong but in a new and exciting way that provokes thought.
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zolf · 18 hours
are there any pieces of satire that you find yourself frequently reminded of?
“They're trying to kill me," Yossarian told him calmly. No one's trying to kill you," Clevinger cried. Then why are they shooting at me?" Yossarian asked. They're shooting at everyone," Clevinger answered. "They're trying to kill everyone." And what difference does that make?”
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zolf · 1 day
im so so so so sick and tired of white americans screaming and crying about how the US akshtually has wide vast differing pockets of culture as if the actual varied cultures and languages and ways of life weren't systemically wiped off nearly every part of this continent by their settling, genociding ancestors. your cousin in boston and your cousin in LA are functionally the same and its disrespectful to the remaining ndns here to act like that's the pockets of culture, and not the concentration camps reservations the US government has shoved us all into. fuck you
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zolf · 1 day
There have been a couple thinkpieces on why multiverses are so popular in movies. Usually they attempt to make some grand theory about society or culture or whatever, maybe imply we're in some new era of post-meta-whatever, but I honestly think there's three things that can explain most of it:
Multiverses make it easy to do the sort of Baskin-Robbins 31 flavors of the same thing that scratches a similar itch to Hogwarts Houses
Fads and Lemming-like follow the leader behavior explain 90% of everything, people and especially executives like what's popular and right now Multiverses are it. They also haven't been mined out for the sort of stories you can tell, at least in mass media.
"Retell and resell the same story again" is the wireheading of studio moviemaking, but usually you have to wait awhile before remaking it; now you can make that the main selling point!
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zolf · 1 day
guy with 60hz monitor: i am enjoying playing this game
guy with 240hz monitor: Honestly if you were to conceive of the most efficient possible torture in terms of purely causing agony for as long as possible and also have your firstborn son killed in front of you during the torture it would not even be a tenth as bad as playing a game at 60 fps
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zolf · 2 days
her royal majesty New Document, (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)th of her name
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zolf · 2 days
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The Third House | Book One
Coronabeth Tridentarius | Ianthe Tridentarius
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zolf · 2 days
buying four things that are about sixteen dollars adds up to over sixty dollars. that doesn't make any sense they are each sixteen dollars (small price) and it is only four (small amount) they should not make over sixty dollars (big cost) this is why the economy is in shambles
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zolf · 2 days
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Thank you from my heart to all your followers
Thank you from my heart
Thank you so much, everyone!!
It doesn't seem like a lot, especially when it's moving slowly. It seems insurmountable, especially when you have nothing to give.
But understand that I've been in contact with Mohammed for only the past couple months, and we've already gotten his campaign from 2k to over 10k.
This is what the consistent effort is for. It's why we keep sharing and asking people to donate. It works.
Well done everyone. We'll keep this momentum up.
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zolf · 2 days
you dumb asshole, you just won $0,000
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zolf · 2 days
Help my life and my future
Welcome My name is Lina. I am 21 years old. I live in my beautiful city of Khan Yunis. I lived my best days there. I had hopes and dreams that I was striving to achieve. I had my beautiful university that built my dreams and I wanted to establish my life with my successes in it until the war began on the 7th of October and our lives were turned upside down. We were displaced from our homes on the 23rd of January, and here our journey began, our torment in the tents, as we were displaced in the winter, and the rain was drowning us and making us wet day and night. We lived with 9 people in one tent with an area of ​​3 in length and 3 and a half in width. It is very narrow because my family is large and we are I do not have the financial capacity to buy a new, larger tent. We remained in the torment of the rain and drowned in the tent until the summer season began and our new journey of torment began with the heat, the chub, the insects and the poisonous snakes.
I was exposed to many diseases during this period to the point that I wished for death from the severity of pain and illness. Throughout this period we had hope of returning to our homes until news came to us that the Israeli occupation had bombed and bulldozed our house, and here despair prevailed and misery and sadness took over us. How could it not, when I had I lost the house that contains my memories, my dreams, my clothes, and my books, and I lost my university, which has always been my second home and a source of my hopes and dreams. Nothing can describe the amount of my pain. Please help me rebuild our house so that our journey of suffering will end and so that I can travel outside Gaza and complete study my university education. Build a decent life for me😭😭😭
Donation link
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zolf · 2 days
Rob Zombie making brownies
EGGS milk and flour BAKE for half an hour and FROST with the back of my SPATULA
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zolf · 3 days
I love how one of the popular American anti-intellectual sentiments is that if you think too much about things you won’t have fun and you’re boring but then the idea of fun that they mean is like watching Netflix shows or listening to the next excruciatingly monotonous album of the month or something. Also it’s genuinely fun to be a hater and pick things apart not even necessarily in an intellectual way. Hating and complaining together is one of the best ways to bond with someone
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