zola9612 · 23 hours
Historians will say they’re just friends
Avengers Vol.5 #43
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zola9612 · 1 day
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just really wanted to render some metal ngl
If you like my stuff then check out my sketch requests on Ko-Fi! Link is here -> :3 <-
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zola9612 · 11 days
Atla nation, come get y'all's juice
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zola9612 · 12 days
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The wonderful @vanitasmorgue gave me permission to share her amazing gorgeous marvelous Stony welcome drawing from her Patreon ❣️
What can I say? I've been drowning into the feels for a few hours already. They are perfect. 😍
Check out her content because she is so very talented and such a darling human being ♥️
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zola9612 · 17 days
Oh, she was thisclose to calling him something very impolite. 😂
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zola9612 · 18 days
every time i see those posts like ‘what food from a show did YOU always wanna try’ i go lol none? but i just remembered im a liar
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i always wanted the fucking soup brock made in the pokemon anime
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zola9612 · 18 days
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Original comic by Rasenth
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zola9612 · 27 days
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Can you see the Stony —> Gentlebeard pipeline?
Anyway, SteveTony in the year of the Lord 2024? More likely than you think (retouched an old one)
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zola9612 · 8 months
I am looking forward to one (1) thing for Valentine's Day and it's the one-pound Hershey Kiss my father will be getting me like he does every year. It will sit on my dresser for an indeterminate amount of time.
Then one day I will be struck by such an unholy craving for chocolate that I will sit down and eat every single ounce of that Kiss in one go, gnawing at it like an animal chews at bone to get the last of the meat off.
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zola9612 · 8 months
"Miss Widow, I need you to be my partner in crime," Peter said, dropping from the ceiling. He waited for a beat, expecting a rolling of eyes or an exasperated sigh. When he received nothing but a raised eyebrow, he hesitantly asked, "Aren't you going to correct me, or..."
"It's good that you have some fear of me, Peter," Natasha told him simply. "Has the crime already occurred? If you want a body buried, ask Bruce."
"...Hmm," Peter hummed, deciding he wasn't going to unpack all that. "Mr. Hawkeye said that you're the resident matchmaker."
Natasha sat up straighter. "Oh?" she asked, raising her eyebrows at him.
Peter thrust his phone at her. "I have video evidence of Captain America being totally gone on Mr. Stark."
"Explain," Natasha said, clipped, even as she opened up his phone.
Peter did not ask how she knew his nine-digit code. Instead, he dutifully recounted, "So Mr. Stark decided we should swap playlists, ostensibly so I could listen to 'good music' but I think he wanted to see what the kids are into. I get some of my songs from TikTok and I think one of them is a bit of an ear-worm for him."
Natasha thumbed open his gallery and went directly to his last video, taking only a moment to turn the volume up. In it, she saw Tony in the common kitchen, fixing himself up a cup of coffee. He was swaying slightly like he did when he was humming. Steve was sipping a protein shake at the table, as if he was not glancing at Tony every other shift back-and-forth.
"I, wish I could synthesize, the picture perfect guy," Tony suddenly mumbled out loud, in that way he did when he had no idea his brain-to-mouth filter had stopped working. "Six, feet tall, and super strong--"
Steve perked up, sitting straight from where he'd been leaning on table.
"--We'd always get along--"
Steve flopped back onto the wood surface and took a morose sip from his protein shake.
Natasha felt her mouth drop open in shock as she watched Tony, oblivious, go back to humming and turn to leave the room. Despite Steve's obvious disappointment, it didn't stop him from tipping in his seat to be able to see Tony's ass properly.
"I'm going to kill him," Natasha decided.
"That's not the crime I wanted to be partners for," Peter cut in.
Natasha lifted her gaze to him, scowling. "He will express his feelings for Tony or die."
"...Hmm, " Peter hummed again. If he remembered correctly, both Sam and Bucky had said that Natasha expressed her affection to the people she cared about with cheesy jokes and threats to their lives. Steve would be fine, probably. "He didn't even sing the best part," he sighed instead.
Natasha slanted another sharp look toward him. "Oh yeah?"
"'He'd pick me up at eight, and not a minute later, 'cause I don't like to wait,'" Peter recited. "'Kind, and ain't afraid to cry, or treat his mama right. That's right, that's what I like.' Which, like, Captain America would rather bleed out than cry, but he doesn't sound constipated when he tells other people it's okay. Also I wish he would be less punctual," he added mulishly, crossing his arms over his chest. "Aunt May keeps raising her eyebrows at me when he shows up to pick me up for training and I'm not ready."
Natasha bit back the urge to howl in rage. Of course Tony would get a song basically about Steve stuck in his head and not notice. Of course he wouldn't notice Steve panting after him like a dog. They were both stupid. That's why she was there, though, she supposed. "I will do the actual crimes," she told Peter firmly. "And you will keep your mouth shut."
"There will be actual crime!?" Peter yelped.
Natasha ignored him, instead returning to his phone and scrolling for more blackmail on Steve. He was the weakest link in this chain of idiocy. "Keep that up, Mr. Man."
"Oh boy," Peter sighed, shoulders sagging. There was some regret in his tone.
Good. It would solidify that modicum of fear he should keep about her.
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zola9612 · 8 months
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zola9612 · 8 months
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a very happy year of the dragon! 🐉✨
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zola9612 · 8 months
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Happy Year of the Dragon!
I love the idea of kintsugi so here's a porcelain dragon that highlights the broken seams with gold. Despite all the pains of hardships in life, we are beautiful.
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zola9612 · 8 months
"10 Oregon senators are banned from running for reelection" Yeah we fucking did that on purpose.
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zola9612 · 8 months
This is more AA than MCU but I can't imagine AA Tony doing this lmao.
"Mr. Stark," Peter said, looking up from his phone.
"I'm not doing another TikTok," Tony answered immediately, not looking up from his tablet.
Peter scoffed, as if he wasn't going to suggest just that. "I was just going to ask if you ever wondered what Captain America sees when he looks at you."
Tony lifted his head, preemptively exhausted. "His name is Steve."
"It feels illegal to call him that," Peter said defensively. "Do you know how many times I've had to watch his school specials? 'So. You got detention.'"
Tony turned to look over the couch at him. "Would it make you feel better if I told you that it took him six takes because the first five, he followed it up with 'you fucked up' instead of 'you messed up?'"
"Yes," Peter answered. He began tapping frantically at his phone. Probably trying not to look suspicious as he asked JARVIS for access to the blooper reels. "You didn't answer my question."
Tony sighed, closing his eyes, then turned to look at him again. "I know what Steve sees when he looks at me. I'm out of the bathroom and ready for work by the time he gets back from his runs."
Peter blinked back at him, probably going for innocent and failing, because Tony knew him. "No, I mean how you look from his height. You're five-seven--"
"Five foot eight," Tony cut in. "And Steve's six feet tall. It's not like he's a giant and I'm an oompa loompa."
"Steve's six-foot-three," Peter told him gently.
"Steve is not two thirds of a foot taller than me," Tony sputtered, offended. He was a perfectly respectable five-eight and Steve was a frustrating six-foot brick. He was not three inches taller than that. Tony would not allow it.
"He is," Peter assured him, with that same gentle tone. "JARVIS?"
Tony whipped his head around to glare at one of JARVIS's cameras. There was a long pause, as if he was considering his answer. Finally, though, he replied, "From current measurements, Mr. Parker seems correct in his assertions."
"Not if I take him out at the knees," Tony hissed.
Peter stared at him for a very long time, looking unsure of whether he wanted to continue the conversation. Finally, though, he rallied. "I think we should see what Steve sees."
"My beautiful face," Tony answered sternly, looking back down at his tablet. He poked at some measurements for the engine he was designing for a moment, then turned to scowl at him. "And how do you suggest we do that?"
Peter finally hopped off his stool and walked over to the nearest wall, crawling up so he could fix his phone to it at the proper height with some webbing. He tapped at the camera for a moment, then hopped back down onto the ground and waved up at it. "Ta-da! This should be about the height of Steve's eyes."
Reluctantly, Tony set his tablet aside and got up off the couch. He already didn't like what he was seeing in the camera from a distance.
"Why is there a camera on the wall?" Natasha asked, stepping out of the elevator. She began moving toward the kitchen, circling the camera's main view.
"We're checking to see what we look like to Steve," Peter offered.
Tony grimaced as he looked up into the camera. "Oh my god. Natasha, come here."
"No," Natasha answered. "I'm hungry."
"I look like I should be," Tony began, covering his mouth in horror as he moved from side to side. "Oh my god." He turned back to the camera and lifted his hands up like he would to wrap them around the back of Steve's neck. "I look like I should be saying 'up,'" he finished tearfully.
Natasha appeared beside him a second later, looking horrified in the camera's reflection. "This is what he sees when he looks at me?"
"You're even smaller than I am, what the fu--" Tony covered his mouth again, dropping his gaze down to his feet so he couldn't see the video anymore. He tipped his head up to look through his lashes, unable to help wondering what that looked like to Steve, and let out a howl of dismay. No wonder Steve always teased him about pouting when he was in a sulk or mad.
Natasha took a step closer and looked like she instantly regretted it. She pulled a knife. It didn't look threatening, even to her, and she knew she'd follow through on a stab. "Oh," she said, and then her hands flew to her head, turning away from the camera. "Oh my god Tony."
"This is the worst thing that's ever happened to me," Tony whispered, reaching up to grab the phone down.
"Thor's taller," Natasha choked out.
Tony froze, hand halfway toward the phone, then let out scream and crumpled to the ground as if he'd been shot.
Peter grabbed his phone while Tony and Natasha were recovering and bolted for the elevator. He didn't want them blaming him for this revelation. He passed Steve, Thor, and Clint as he was rushing out of the lobby and managed a short but sincere, "I'm sorry for what's about to happen to you."
"What?" Steve called after him, aghast, but Peter didn't turn.
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zola9612 · 8 months
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Ballet dancer Tony inspired by @saved-by-the-notepad 
This gave my anatomy skills a real workout. Also, I know next to nothing about ballet so references were used.
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zola9612 · 8 months
Hello. I have just started reading Lassos and Lillies and I have a craving to bake Steve's birthday cake. All I know is that there's caramel frosting. What is the cake? Please let me know. Thanks.
I didn’t actually specify a cake for Steve in LAL, but usually when I make caramel frosting I put it on apple cake— which would have been perfect for tony since he loves apples!
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