zoiebrown-world · 2 years
Chapter 13, migration
 Zoie Brown 
This interview is provided by a young woman that was born and raised in Chicago and recently moved out of the country to Dubai. She and her husband and three kids left everybody and everything behind besides their clothes. The most difficult part about leaving was the fear of the unknown. Also not being able to have a support system at first was also difficult. The journey to Dubai was fairly simple. It took 14 hours once they arrived and then the rest of their items got shipped. Her husband was here for months before they got there so he already did the legwork in finding us a home to live in and buying furniture. They basically just had to settle in and she had to find a School for them and a network of physicians and figure our way around the community that we lived in. 
The most difficult part of coming to Dubai was getting all of the necessary paperwork for our kids because her husband and she both shared kids with other people so his kid's mother her daughter's father had to agree to allow the kids to move out of the country and sign all kinda court documents and paperwork was completed properly was really very very difficult.  It was a lot of back-and-forth to courthouses and things of that nature. Also mailing off documents, and overnighting documents, was a lot of work but because they both didn’t have the children together and other countries wanna make sure you’re not stealing kids and moving them into the country. When they first arrived it was extremely hot because we came in the middle of the summer. Secondly, it was just a little bit scary but extremely exciting because Dubai is so glamorous everything is lit up all around.
What most surprised her was living in this Muslim country and seeing the culture of the people here. It was surprising to see that every time it was time to pray, the men pulled out their prayer rugs and prayed. It doesn’t matter where they are, they can be on the side of the road, in the bathroom, inside of a store, out in the parking lot, when it’s time to pray they just stop whatever they’re doing whatever they are, and pray if they cannot make it to the mosque. She finds this cool and surprising to see because in America you don’t see people just on their knees anywhere just praying like that. Over There you see it all the time, you hear the call to prayer music playing wherever you are… they even hear it in our house because it’s so loud and there’s a mosque all over. You can be out in the mall at the store and you will hear the call to prayer and everybody knows what that is and what to do. The only barrier she says that she has experienced is not knowing how to speak and understand Arabic however English is a primary language over there but people also speak Arabic.
This interview shows the bridges and barriers of moving to a different country by relating to how “Migration often requires learning a new language and adapting to a new culture. It means leaving family, friends, and religious communities. And it can be expensive, requiring upfront expenditures for passports, visas, and transportation, as well as fees paid to recruitment firms or smugglers”(Norton 471). Because in this interview she explained the difficulties of having to submit a lot of paperwork and getting consent from parents, also the cultural difference between America and Dubai, and the language barrier.
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zoiebrown-world · 2 years
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Karl Marx- believed that in social class there are only two classes. One that is considered the lower class (working class) and high class (ruling class). In this article titled “How You Feel About Your Place on the Social Ladder Can Affect Your Health”. It demonstrates how people in the lower class are more subjective about having poorer health rather than the higher class because they “generally have better overall health for reasons that seem apparent: more money, better access to health care”(AHA News). 
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Pierre Bourdieu- Believed that education was a way to keep people where they are. As if you go to a low poverty school it will keep you in your place and if you go to a school where a high income it will keep you in the high-income class. This is because the school most likely has a higher education than the low poverty school.  In other words, Pierre Bourdieu believed that education was a way to make it into the world and leave your current social class and move up the ladder. This article “HOW DOES EDUCATION AFFECT POVERTY? IT CAN HELP END IT”. Talks about how education can open doors for people and how “most of those living in extreme poverty do lack a basic education”. Quality education supports the devolvement of children by learning simple things such as communication skills. The article explains how  “Children who receive quality primary education are more likely to develop these assets at a higher level. They can then use these abilities and skills to earn higher incomes or further develop other basic assets” (Concern usa). This relates to Bourdieu's Belief that education was a way to make it into the world and leave your current social class and move up the ladder.
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Max Weber- believes that there is more than just the higher and lower class. In society, the higher and lower class are represented more than the middle class. In the article “Seven reasons to worry about the American middle class”. The middle class is becoming more unlikely to be a social class which relates to Weber's theory that the middle class is less represented. The article discusses that “fewer Americans are growing up to be better off than their parents” (Brookings). This quote shows how in today's society children are having a hard time making it into the middle class and living better than their parents. 
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zoiebrown-world · 3 years
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This picture is from a Ku Klux Klan members parade past the U.S. Treasury building in Washington, D.C. in 1925.
This photo represents the term white supremacy. White supremacy is a “belief that the white race is inherently superior to other races and that white people should have control over people of other races”. White supremacy was ended legally during the civil war but white supremacy was still shown in groups such as the KKK which stands for Ku Klux Klan. This group was founded in Tennessee by a group of veterans that were confederate and wanted to form a secret society but it rapidly over time. The group the KKK engaged in terrorist raids against African Americans and white Republicans at night. They engaged in things such as assault, murder, and destruction of property.
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Institutional racism is a form of racism that is embedded in the laws and regulations of a society or an organization. There are different types of Institutional racism some of them are “cultural institutions, policies, and systems. These include education, health, housing, employment, the legal system (legislatures, courts, and prison systems), law enforcement, and the media”. The picture above represents institutional racism because the picture is showing an example of institutional racism in the medical field showing how often in the medical field people of color not getting the same opportunities. Whether that be getting into medical school or having to take more steps and go through more obstacles than other people. Also, it is shown in the way people of color are treated when it comes to healthcare such as worse medical care than other races and the lack of consideration due to their race.
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Miscegenation is the interbreeding of people considered to be of different racial types. In the late 1800s, there were laws that were made by southern states that didn't allow mixed-race relationships such as Whites and Asians that were immigrants. Getting caught could result in time in prison, fines, or even death caused by mobs. In today's society, there are more interracial relationships because it is now more acceptable. If you were to look on social media and view African Americans athletes you would find that most of them are married or dating someone of a different race. In the meme above Kanye West created a song name Gold digger which talks about how a black woman is dating a successful black man but Once the black male is secure he will be the black woman for white women which is often shown in today's society by African American males because some believe that's what makes you feel truly successful in the end.
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Hypodescent is classifying or identifying a biracial or multiracial individual as a member of the lower or lowest socially ranking racial group from which that person has ancestry. Hypodescent also has a rule that is called the “one-drop rule” meaning that if you have one black ancestor you were considered and classified as black. The diagram above shows two groups of grandparents, one of the groups of grandparents are both white and the other group of grandparents there is one white grandparent and one Asian grandparent they are trying to determine the race of the granddaughter. This is an example of Hypodescent because in this example they are trying to see if just because one grandparent out of the two sets is Asian does that mean that the granddaughter is going to be Asian which is an example of the “one-drop rule” containing to the term Hypodescent.
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Jim Crow is a law that was passed that made it legal to have racial segregation against colored people. They were able to be segregated in “housing, education, voting rights, property ownership, and access to public services such as transportation, bathrooms, and water fountains”. This picture shows how there are two separate water fountains, one for whites and one for blacks because blacks weren't allowed to drink from the same water fountain as whites and this was able to happen because of the Jim Crow law. But if you pay attention to the details in the picture the whites have a bigger and more traditional water fountain while the blacks have a more old and small water fountain. This shows how the Jim Crow law was just another part of making black people unequal to Whites.
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Microaggressions are “everyday verbal or behavioral indignities and slights that communicate hostile, derogatory, and negative messages about someone's race, gender, sexual orientation, or religion”. This image shows Microaggressions because in this image a white girl is asking a black girl if that's her real hair implying that black women cant grow their hair as long as white women which gives an example of a verbal hostile statement that refers to race.
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zoiebrown-world · 3 years
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Something I learned about myself after doing this activity is that I have been blessed enough to get and receive items. That I didn't necessarily need such as the MacBook that I own I don't need to have that brand. I just wanted it because it was popular and it's a materialistic thing but if I was to get a cheaper computer such as an HP or windows it would work just as well. The item that I least need is the Hp printer because even though I bought the printer for college. I still have yet to use it and it just has become something that I place things on. The item that I feel is needed most is my computer because in this generation technology is the most important thing. For instance, most of my books for classes are online or the papers we have to type up and submit ,even the way we access our assignments on canvas.
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zoiebrown-world · 3 years
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Red bull energy drink was founded in 1984 by Dietrich Mateschitz although red bull was founded in 1984 it wasn't released until 3 years later. In 1987 Mateshitz had released the product but over those 3 years Mateshitz “worked on the formula for red bull , the positioning of the brand, the packaging and marketing concept”. Due to this Red bull was officially released on April 1, 1987 the Red bull company has over 13,000 employees and sold over 9.8 billion cans in 2021.
Austrian and Swiss Alps are where Red bull is manufactured , Red Bull uses freshly sourced water from a spring that is nearby . Red Bull also uses sugar that is from sugar beet ingredients such as caffeine , vitamins, taurine, which go into making red bull as well. Those ingredients are “synthetically produced” meaning that they are made either artificially or made from chemicals rather than natural sources.
Red bull has an impact on my life because I often drink red bull when I Feel that I need energy.  I also use red bull if it's just a day where I want to stay up late to do work . For me red bull helps me stay focus and feel less nervous and anxious when doing my work. In all red bull helps me become more productive and energized.
The water that is used in the making of Red bull is from Austrian and Swiss Alps, “they use this source for water to ensure the same premium quality around the world”. This spring is “one of the biggest fresh water reservoirs , which is constantly replenished”  it is known that it is safe to drink from the water that comes straight from the falls. The employees that are involved in manufacturing red bull have given an overall A+ rating for the overall culture at red bull. The employees work about 9.7 hours a day and get 20 to 30 days paid vacation and sick days each year.
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zoiebrown-world · 3 years
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Flexible Accumulation - Due to globalization, Corporations using more flexible strategies that increase the profit their bring in.
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Increasing Migration- Due to growth in population, rapid moving with in urbanization etc , caused over 281 million people living in a country that’s not their birth country
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