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Berta Fischer (b. 1973).
Talent, synthetic material shaper.
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i hope you get rauschenberg/krasner vibes from this. i usually use moleskines but i couldn’t find one when i started my feb journal so this will have to do
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FANGOR TRIBUTE Motion Designer DOMINIK GREJC: An exhibition called “A Study of Space” took place in 1958 showcasing experimental paintings by Wojciech Fangor. These paintings consisted of undefined shapes with diffused contours on a blank background.
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Rivulets of Red
Installing my work for Bishops Art Prize ran really smoothy and am really happy with the work I've achieved and the way the works displayed. The exhibitions on at the castle between the 2nd June - Saturday 13th!!! We also got our photos and names in the EDP magazine which is really good and exciting and great advertisement - Also this gallery experiences has made me want to do more things like this realised maybe I'm more freelance.
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Going to see the Bishop Art price space and talking about how the work will be shown and displayed whats really exciting - Im gonna make most of the glass display cabinets and light my piece.
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1. LO7: Demonstrate consistent understanding and detailed knowledge of the key characteristics and boundaries of subject practice.
Strengths: Using my blog daily to reflect on what has been successful for example the dying of the plastic has allowed me to create tones which I might not have achieved by buying brought coloured plastic and I feel the thinness of the plastic allow me to be more experimental and push what the material can do and I have found an alternative, successful and practical way around connecting plastic. My blog has also allowed me to engage with the learning outcomes and map my practice through creating tags to show my clear understanding of them. Using mind maps and picture charts to show my journey has allowed me to develop an understanding of what is successful and to show my thoughts clearly and design process.
Weaknesses: Before midterm review I created two week briefs based on different themes and colour stories. However, I found that this did not provide me with enough time to fully explore my ideas. I decided instead to set only one rule to explore, which was not to uses brought jewellery links but to investigate other way of connecting plastic and this how I started to resolve issue in my work.
Opportunities: I feel that BA8 is only the start in what I am finding interesting and I know there a lot of room for more opportunities with it. I am going to continue using methods of recording such as my blog even though I might approach this in a more professional way. I will still keep records and picture charts etc to help me develop work and allow me to reflect on success. I would like to explore further the filming and ways to digital record my work.
2. LO8: Show evidence of sustained critical engagement with an issue or question relevant to your subject, referencing the bodies of knowledge that support and challenge your discipline, and communicating your findings through appropriate written and visual communication presented in the form of a research report.
Strengths: For my research report I feel I engaged with an interesting subject that was inspiring to me and linked to my practical work – my interest lay in the future of textiles design and different materials, process and technology is the future in design. This relates back to my own practice and the uses of the laser cutter. I feel I had a strong range of examples with in my report in order to communicated this idea such as Cuitcircuit and jewellery designer Kate Unworth. I am also was generally proud of my achievement with my research report and attended regular dyslexic tutorials help me overcome my difficulties.
Weaknesses: Sometimes I feel that I do not analysis things as well as possible and I should dig deeper to allow my work to have more breath.
Opportunities: To continue working with things that interested me, if not what’s the point and In order to continue enjoying my practice. Also to continue using research. I understand how important it is to see and learn things in order to develop and give depth to my practice. I must not always look in the obvious places for inspiration.
3. LO9: Demonstrate awareness of debates within and around subject practice, acknowledging pluralistic and open-ended approaches to the development of specialist skills and knowledge.
Strengths: Aspects of work have created problems/ issues that I have had to overcome such as function and practicality. I feel my work is very contemporary in style and I’m using a contemporary techniques and materials which relates back to my research report. Using contemporary techniques has creates contemporary issues that have to be overcome this has included practical challenges and wider issues such as the life span of new materials and sustainability.
Weaknesses: I have examined practicality and wearability and have reached the conclusion that my work has developed to be currently moving towards a sculptural style. This maybe more suited to the gallery setting rather than the retail market. I feel that I should have anticipated this more earlier on in BA8.
Opportunities: To continue being aware of contemporary issues and to keep up to date with latest findings; to have an awareness of how my work fits with in contemporary issues and debates and who my audience is and the message I am communicating through my work.
4. LO10: Demonstrate the capacity to manage your learning, using a range of approaches and resources identified through independent research into your subject.
Strengths: I feel that through BA8 I have been organised and have made the most of the time I had to develop and refine my work. I have been able to do this by planning in the form of charts and diagrams, booking ahead different workshop and recording where I have sourced materials and kept a systematically record. Recording in technical files has made it easier for me to get my final work organised. I have been using my blog daily like a diary, which I feel, is good practice and allows me to keep things with in schedule.
Weaknesses: Mini brief were not as successful as the charts or schedules and I found these difficult to stick to because they were not appropriate for what I was going to achieve.
Opportunities: After University I will keep using chart and diagrams to keep meeting deadlines and keep me organised. This has allowed me to successfully complete other work for outside opportunities such as Bradford, Bishops Art Price, Perfect Placements and the Alpha Care Home project and allowed me to plan time for these opportunities.
5. LO11: Apply subject skills and knowledge to develop and extend projects beyond initial findings and solutions towards resolved outcomes.
Strengths: I feel that this has been achieved I have taken initial ideas I proposed in my learning agreement and reflected on what was working, taking them through to be refined. Looking back at what I achieved before the midterm review I feel that I can clearly see what areas I took forward for examples since then the biggest change I have made within my work was the idea of using links and connections and how the pieces can be practical jewellery. Since then I have been more wild with my design have taken on board research from fashion designer Alexandra McQueen and see his exhibition really inspired me to pushing the bounders of what is wearable.
Weaknesses: Sometimes I can repeat something if I think that it successful and since mid term I can see less in my work that this is happening I feel the spider mapping helped me STOP, REFLECT AND REFINE AND PROBLEM SOLOVING.
Opportunities: I aim to continue challenging my practice after University and allow time to STOP, REFLECTING AND REFINING!! I have learnt the impotence of research and drawing and setting your self-rules and boundaries that I have started to put in place in my practice and this is becoming interesting.
6. LO12: Communicate effectively to a range of specialist and non-specialist audiences using means appropriate to your practice.
Strengths: I feel that I am now more confident and can speak and communicating my practice across to others clearly and am happy to relate back to the learning outcomes. I feel my presentation is generally good. Labelling and annotating working and sign posting learning outcomes through tags on my blog and using coloured labels system in my PDP and practical work shows how I understand the learning outcomes and clearly recognises my learning.
Weaknesses: Sometimes I can take to long organising and this maybe uses time that could be better spent making.
Opportunities: To continue meting people and pushing myself to talk about my practice. Being able to explain what I do in 3 words or a minute. Continue to promote and selling myself and making people aware of whom I am through blogs online profiles etc and pushing my self to getting my work shown in gallery and exhibition and having my work in Bishops art prize is a great starting point for this. Entering thing and making opportunities for myself and continue to be self motivated is the only way to susses!!
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Colourer code, label and signed post learning outcomes
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Ive upload my pecha kucha and am really excited which is a little weird to present it on monday I've tried to address my journey and the future of my practices as well sign posting the learning outcome and where they are found in my work.
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Here is is my plinth order for the degree show - not sure if I will need them but here are the measurement etc and drawing I've sent to 3D to be made
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