Father Time
52 posts
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
zodiacwheel-blog · 12 years ago
[ I know I disappeared, but im back again omfg im soooooooo sorry but I've been thinking so much about Chronos and have been reading back and forth between ancient writing so i really want to develop some friends for him so hit me up!! ]
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"It's been a while," Chronos chuckled, awaiting a response from anyone who dare approach him.
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zodiacwheel-blog · 12 years ago
See I set out to complete every Assassin's Creed game before the end of the year and I finally completed it!! Now I have all the time in the world to roleplay and draw;;; ]
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zodiacwheel-blog · 12 years ago
[ i am so sorry for being absent!! i've been busy drawing some requests that i had to complete like two months ago!! i'll work on replies right now!! ]
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zodiacwheel-blog · 12 years ago
[ GAH tumblr finally works do I owe anyone any replies??? ]
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zodiacwheel-blog · 12 years ago
Chronos raised his brow. Sucks? He wanted to push further on the topic but he kept quiet for now and made a mental note to ask later.
He nodded at her, noticing her straight gaze at him. He'd wanted to explain that time can't hold onto any friends, time will have you lose everything. But it was a brutal truth he'd rather wait at a later time to speak of. 
He watched her create the snowball in her very hand, smiling at her as he nodded. "I suppose it's about time."
He smiled as she hesitated, placing a hand on the snakes head and gently petting her. Had she wanted to touch him, she could do so but he was glad she didn’t for the cold didn’t do well for her. “Forgive her, she’s a little temperamental when it comes to the frost.”
He wondered on the snow for a moment, looking at Jackie with a gleam in his eyes. “I’ve never been in a snowball fight before.” He chuckled to himself, scratching the back of his neck to hide how awkward he was feeling.
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zodiacwheel-blog · 12 years ago
Chronos pulled back, but held onto his arms with a firm grip. He looked around for a moment, trying to figure out what he could do. An idea... an idea... ah! An idea. "Well, how can we strengthen love?" 
Of course that was easy enough to say, which had him sigh to himself. "Nevermind I.. don't know how to..." 
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zodiacwheel-blog · 12 years ago
He smiled as she hesitated, placing a hand on the snakes head and gently petting her. Had she wanted to touch him, she could do so but he was glad she didn't for the cold didn't do well for her. "Forgive her, she's a little temperamental when it comes to the frost."
He wondered on the snow for a moment, looking at Jackie with a gleam in his eyes. "I've never been in a snowball fight before." He chuckled to himself, scratching the back of his neck to hide how awkward he was feeling.
He nodded, unsure of what to say. He was glad she was in her prime in winter, but he didn’t feel anything for these kind of things. And Christmas? Oh, he had no family he had nothing to give or receive but that was fine by him. “I stayed in my home with Ananke.” He said with a simple smile, pulling up his left sleeve to reveal a gold snake coiled around his arm. She remained completely motionless, as always but her eyes looked about.
“What about you?” He pondered on what exactly Jackie would do, perhaps watch over the children in the snow or frost the windows. 
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zodiacwheel-blog · 12 years ago
He nodded, unsure of what to say. He was glad she was in her prime in winter, but he didn't feel anything for these kind of things. And Christmas? Oh, he had no family he had nothing to give or receive but that was fine by him. "I stayed in my home with Ananke." He said with a simple smile, pulling up his left sleeve to reveal a gold snake coiled around his arm. She remained completely motionless, as always but her eyes looked about.
"What about you?" He pondered on what exactly Jackie would do, perhaps watch over the children in the snow or frost the windows. 
“Hm?” Chronos was suddenly taken back by the question. At first he thought she’d asked what he was doing, but the words slowly adjusted in his mind and he found himself lost, blinking over and over again.
“Ah.. I’m..” He paused for a moment, thinking. He was fine, as always, there was never anything wrong with him so long as time continued to flow. “I’m fine. And, uh, yourself?” He found himself putting his hands together, entwining his fingers as confusion took over once again. When was the last time anyone had asked that question?
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zodiacwheel-blog · 12 years ago
"Hm?" Chronos was suddenly taken back by the question. At first he thought she'd asked what he was doing, but the words slowly adjusted in his mind and he found himself lost, blinking over and over again.
"Ah.. I'm.." He paused for a moment, thinking. He was fine, as always, there was never anything wrong with him so long as time continued to flow. "I'm fine. And, uh, yourself?" He found himself putting his hands together, entwining his fingers as confusion took over once again. When was the last time anyone had asked that question?
There was no persuading her. But an idea had struck him as he took another look at the jumper. “Bunny you say…” he mumbled, contemplating how he would do it. He could use the string of time to sew it, two little rabbit ears for the hood. But where on earth would he get the material? He let go of the hood as he wore a blank expression on his face once again.
“Yes. A bunny.” Was all he could mutter as he felt disappointment. He was to protect younger guardians, but no matter what he found himself holding back.
“Well.. Anyway!”
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zodiacwheel-blog · 12 years ago
[ its okay im really into square enix so double times cooler!!! wha like seriously this is so cool!!!! ]
{{ it escalated quickly from “hm what would a guardian wear” to “LET’S TURN JACKIE INTO A FANTASY RPG CHARACTER”
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zodiacwheel-blog · 12 years ago
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[ tryna colour but COLRING IS SCARY??? btw the art was done by orginally by keruvayim so credits go to her (i just cleaned it)]
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zodiacwheel-blog · 12 years ago
{{ it escalated quickly from “hm what would a guardian wear” to “LET’S TURN JACKIE INTO A FANTASY RPG CHARACTER”
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zodiacwheel-blog · 12 years ago
There was no persuading her. But an idea had struck him as he took another look at the jumper. "Bunny you say..." he mumbled, contemplating how he would do it. He could use the string of time to sew it, two little rabbit ears for the hood. But where on earth would he get the material? He let go of the hood as he wore a blank expression on his face once again.
"Yes. A bunny." Was all he could mutter as he felt disappointment. He was to protect younger guardians, but no matter what he found himself holding back.
"Well.. Anyway!"
Chronos found himself at a loss for words. Bunny, the Easter Bunny. That creature hopping around with nothing but his boomerang pack. But, he wasn’t going to be picky, he was after all just helping out a young spirit. 
“Bunny…” he mumbled, looking off in the corner of his eyes. “What about Tooth?” Surely she liked Tooth, in his own opinion she was one of the most interesting ones. And a jumper beside her was nothing in comparison.
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zodiacwheel-blog · 12 years ago
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zodiacwheel-blog · 12 years ago
Chronos found himself at a loss for words. Bunny, the Easter Bunny. That creature hopping around with nothing but his boomerang pack. But, he wasn't going to be picky, he was after all just helping out a young spirit. 
"Bunny..." he mumbled, looking off in the corner of his eyes. "What about Tooth?" Surely she liked Tooth, in his own opinion she was one of the most interesting ones. And a jumper beside her was nothing in comparison.
Chronos tilted his head as she asked, wondering what he could do. He was just the spirit of Time, although he would have to agree with himself that he’d dressed the best.
“Tell me, which guardian do you find to be the most interesting?”
He’d do all he could, take her from a jumper wearing girl into a beautiful spirit worthy of guardianship.
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zodiacwheel-blog · 12 years ago
Chronos shook his head and lead himself forward, arms wrapped around the god and wings curling in to hide them. In this day and age, Father Time was completely forgotten, yet time flows onwards. Only when he was with another did he feel the necessity of time.
"It's most unusual of me to say but... I'll help you out in any other way I can."
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zodiacwheel-blog · 12 years ago
Chronos tilted his head as she asked, wondering what he could do. He was just the spirit of Time, although he would have to agree with himself that he'd dressed the best.
"Tell me, which guardian do you find to be the most interesting?"
He'd do all he could, take her from a jumper wearing girl into a beautiful spirit worthy of guardianship.
Chronos could only laugh at her pistols and wink, such a childish spirit, it was so wonderful to come across one. Jackie, her name itself just reminded him of precious childhood. “Thank you Child, I do my very best to keep changing.” the pride in himself seemed to beam out as his wings flexed out and his chest out.
But he stopped and dropped his wings at the sight of the hoodie. Was this really what she had chosen to wear? He touched it, an expression of confusion written all over his face.
“This is what you chose? This is what you’ll go with?” He couldn’t help but spin her around, wondering why, just why. A spirit could look so wonderful and yet he couldn’t understand.
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