man I hate this part of texas
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zestyfunfetti · 1 year ago
If you live in Australia, please follow this link to send an email to MPs to get them to do something: https://apan.org.au/mailing-campaigns/
The 2 current ones are:
Demand the Australian Government freezes military support for Israel – not UNRWA aid for Palestinians
Urge the Australian Government to support South Africa’s case against Israel in the International Court of Justice
It is incredibly important to put pressure on government, especially as they suspended UNRWA in the past couple days. It's also so fucking nasty how the government and the media keep pushing zionist rhetoric, and a lack of media literacy/critical thinking leads A Lot of people to believe that.
Which is why it's important for Australians with brains to use their voices for good, and to pressure all the politicians into doing the human, moral thing. The government absolutely sucks, but constant, strong pressure can lead to change.
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zestyfunfetti · 1 year ago
never been so gagged as I am rn rereading the hunger games and seeing miss Suzanne Collins drop that district 13 used to mine graphite
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zestyfunfetti · 1 year ago
What I had left here I just held it tight So someone with your eyes might come in time To hold me like water Or Christ, hold me like
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zestyfunfetti · 1 year ago
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zestyfunfetti · 2 years ago
*clears throat*
I have been meaning to talk about this for a hot minute. I took a course on the history of sexualities last semester and spent at least 50% of my seminars whispering with my friend in the back about how what we were learning could be related to the way sex and gender are depicted in Succession.
The idea that masculinity and femininity can be replaced with ideas of dominance and submission in the show is so spot on and the idea has a very long, deeply rooted history in the way the act of sex has been viewed and given greater precedence by society and legislation than gender. What I mean here in reference particularly to Roman is that Logan’s criticism of him is not to do with his sexuality in the sense of being gay etc. but that the way he acts sexually does not align with the way he is ‘supposed’ to engage in sex as a man regardless of who it’s with.
A pretty well known example of this sort of distinction between sexual acts, sexuality and gender would be Medieval Europe where improper sexual acts were often persecuted in accordance with who performed the active and passive roles. For example, in the Middle Ages if two men were found to have had sex the one that assumed the passive role would be persecuted more harshly than the man performing the active role (topping basically). This was because the man performing the active role still conformed to some extent with the way that society believed men should engage in sex whereas the man in the passive role was assuming the role of the woman and that was a sign of deviance. In these cases the central problem was never that it is two men sleeping together, it was that one of them was not acting as a man should but rather like a woman, the inferior sex (icky ik but that’s how they viewed it). This same concept also translated to sex between men and women. If a woman were to assume the “active” role in a sexual relationship over a man acting in a passive role that was also deemed deviant and inappropriate, it was just a lot fucking harder to prosecute.
Furthermore!! There’s just so much that I could go into about the way that the term “getting fucked” is used in succession because it’s an act of power over another person and it immediate places the person “getting fucked” in the inferior position, which if you compare to basically any society in the pre Victorian era essentially just means the position of a woman. (And definitely is still the implication today which is just so lovely)
I am 100% just repeating what you’ve said which is so spot on but I just think it’s fascinating that this isn’t an elaboration on traditional or conservative ideas of sex and gender from 50 years ago that the writers have incorporated into the show but legitimately how sex, sexuality and gender hierarchies used to be viewed by people at large and I can’t believe that at least someone in the writer’s room wasn’t aware of this to some extent.
While the handling of gender is one of the most interesting things about Succession, I think it can be a bit difficult to talk about it because the characters rarely use words like "masculine" or "feminine." Instead, the characters will talk about weakness and strength, dominance and submission, or seriousness and childishness, often using violent or sexual language that only indirectly references gender. It makes us have to piece together the characters' respective understandings of these concepts. One thing that's extremely notable here is how Logan never outright compares his sons to women. Instead, Logan will use homophobic remarks. This highlights the "deviency" of being "weak" as a man, that this is "unnatural."
I think the most clear demonstration of this is when Logan calls Roman a "faggot" for doing that interview. It was implied that Shiv was supposed to do it which recalls the photoshoot in "Austerlitz" as well. Logan then gets upset at Shiv for not doing it, saying that she's his "only daughter." While Logan would undoubtedly hate it if Shiv were sincerely all "I wuv my daddi!" the way Roman is, this interview was necessary and he would rather his daughter perform that role publicly than his son. This, of course, means that being all "I wuv my daddi!" is understood as feminine so, being a "faggot" is also about femininity. Is this to say that to Logan, being a "faggot" isn't about actual homosexuality at all? Of course not because even when Logan doesn't think this literally about his sons, even when it's a mere taunt or "joke," the "faggot" is someone who wants to "get fucked" rather than "fuck," both literally and metaphorically (business is my fucking). So to Logan, "getting fucked" is feminine and "fucking" is masculine just as it is in cishet PiV sex which of course, ties into his preoccupation with reproduction. Connor, Roman and Kendall's respective issues with their (lack of) virility continue along that line.
That Logan would hate for Shiv to sincerely and openly proclaim her love for him as Roman has (outside that interview), tells us that he generally hates femininity and seems to see femininity as inherently infantile. We never see him humiliate or belittle Shiv for expressing affection in that manner (he does that to her for other reasons) but, we see him praise Shiv for expressing it in a more indirect and perhaps to them, masculine way in "Dundee." She notably never says "I love you" and yet Logan understands from her message that she does. He tells Shiv that she "gets it" and they have this bittersweet moment of bonding. This whole thing about expressing affection is only one example of what we can learn about Logan (and the others' respective) view(s) about masculinity and femininity as well as gender itself. I think that doing this is important to understanding the text and it shouldn't be assumed that they agree with or abide by whatever someone individually assumes the socially normative views about gender are.
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zestyfunfetti · 2 years ago
saw someone on twitter say shiv looked happier when she was with nate. NO!! the only time shiv has ever looked happy was that split second where tom suggested she fuck a woman
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zestyfunfetti · 2 years ago
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Me when I’m witnessing the end of liberal democracy
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zestyfunfetti · 2 years ago
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Matthew Dickman, from “Grass Moon,” in Wonderland [ID in ALT]
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zestyfunfetti · 3 years ago
violet bridgerton after she saw anthony and kate eyefucking at the altar:
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zestyfunfetti · 3 years ago
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zestyfunfetti · 3 years ago
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zestyfunfetti · 3 years ago
blood pressure Ain't even real lol. *stands up and immediately
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zestyfunfetti · 3 years ago
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zestyfunfetti · 3 years ago
god i hope whatever bullshit happens next is funny
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zestyfunfetti · 3 years ago
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zestyfunfetti · 3 years ago
“no way lucy liu can be in her 50s” “Lucy liu didn’t age at all since the 90s” yes she has and she still looks good Why are you so obsessed with equating beauty to youth Why are yall so afraid to admit that you just find an older woman hot?? cowards
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zestyfunfetti · 3 years ago
viva la vida defined 2008 I don’t remember anything else and I refuse to
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