zerogenerator 4 years
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Sorry for the lack of update. Starting my own buisness is really picking up speed and this is day two that I didn't have time for a workout. I think my other job may have to go soon or be reduced in hours. https://www.instagram.com/p/CDPDEIqJu6F/?igshid=15fau7e031qj4
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zerogenerator 4 years
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Hello everyone! After a busy Sunday and a day off from the gym I am back at it! How did you spend your morning? https://www.instagram.com/p/CDKM4MSJBmA/?igshid=1xzkmm7priv58
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zerogenerator 4 years
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A good way to end the week with a good workout. Just some basic pics and a resistant band training today among with Spartacus workout. Hope everyone is having a great weekend. https://www.instagram.com/p/CDE36AvJVuC/?igshid=15z7b5qsi00pu
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zerogenerator 4 years
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Sorry for the late post this was yesterday's pics. A Friday for me is biceps and back day. I of course do the usual 3x Spartacus as well as core. The second half of the week I also do resistant band workouts to work the muscles differently. I hope everyone has a great weekend! https://www.instagram.com/p/CDENTjep4NP/?igshid=a3tmxgk53y24
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zerogenerator 4 years
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Hey everyone! Its Thursday! Another day another hard workout. Feels great and is great for you. Had a small backtrack last night by enjoying a few beers with the Father. However its not about one small cheat. It won't ruin anything as long as I keep pushing forward. I hope all of you keep pushing forward. No matter what the struggle you can do it. Believe in yourself. Have a great day everyone! https://www.instagram.com/p/CC_sKtmpiUl/?igshid=hqxm5nwzmyqy
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zerogenerator 4 years
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Happy hump day everyone! I am going nuts with my workouts. Check out my quick cut I made of me flexing. I am such a nerd lol! https://www.instagram.com/p/CC9vLC-Jn6a/?igshid=mny735g90ipe
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zerogenerator 4 years
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It feels rough starting out. But by the time 2 hours goes by you wonder if you did enough. It does feel great though. I hope everyones Tuesday is going as well as mine. https://www.instagram.com/p/CC6ltyDJPc0/?igshid=16nd5od07u2zg
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zerogenerator 4 years
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Some Monday motivation for everyone out there. I put in a great workout todayband have started a cutting routine for eating. Here is hoping we can see the effects over the next few weeks. https://www.instagram.com/p/CCmbMdpJaYI/?igshid=ufnxkfukzo2t
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zerogenerator 4 years
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Starting to get warm in my gym. Inreally want one of those large industrial fan, but man are they costly. Inalso need clothing these days as all my stuff is from when inwas larger. Looking good. I started a cut eating routine to drop the res to my love handles hopefully. So hopefully in 6 weeks we see a new midsection. https://www.instagram.com/p/CCZC5Irp0yB/?igshid=96sq2lj0fj6a
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zerogenerator 4 years
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I had a great workout today! Back into 3 rounds of Spartacus and a bunch of lifting. Inam also using bands these days to give some resistance training. Yes I went shirtless for some of my pics. Noni am not an Adonis. However I love the progress I've made and am super proud of my accomplishment. I hope everykne else is being safe and happy. https://www.instagram.com/p/CBdZ2nbJQrO/?igshid=19dyf27fomjx0
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zerogenerator 4 years
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Mission 2 complete. Sorry no video. I am at work so I did it as quickly as I could to get back to work lol. The callw acts for no one! https://www.instagram.com/p/B_0N1JSp1tA/?igshid=1pmssv5npy9x7
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zerogenerator 4 years
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I am pushing my workouts to 6 days now. So today was back and Bicep day. Here I am posing again as well as lifting a large peice of wood. #superheros #superxapparel #SpartacusWorkout (at Adrian, Michigan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_i__2jpwFe/?igshid=13qu2yv4u7hiu
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zerogenerator 4 years
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Happy Monday everyone! Another day another fine workout before getting busy. I made a video today showing off my Spartacus workout and talking a little about the track suit company I like SuperX. You can watch my video in the link below. Make fun of it if you will? But remember everyone starts somewhere. https://youtu.be/eZpNilEKd_U (at Adrian, Michigan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_ftVRLJyu-/?igshid=1bmgk336d9b7g
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zerogenerator 4 years
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Happy monday everyone! I still keep track of the days of the week even though I hardly leave the house anymore. Here is me after a great workout. Working on my smoulder look lol. I hope everyone stays healthy and safe. Take care of each other, wash your damn Hands and stay the hell home. https://www.instagram.com/p/B-pWZ4kpETS/?igshid=k8f24b8tq01s
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zerogenerator 4 years
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Just some pics of Sandor from yesterday. Enjoying the warm weather. https://www.instagram.com/p/B-pEAEcJ97J/?igshid=3gjgb97em1f5
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zerogenerator 4 years
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I'm gonna go wolverine for a little bit. I trimmed the sides too short. So let's have fun watching it grow in on a day to day. https://www.instagram.com/p/B-idRBLJul2/?igshid=1q0tfc78kia5u
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zerogenerator 4 years
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First a trim of length. https://www.instagram.com/p/B-ibHkhJObU/?igshid=otjeeche8ltv
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