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zenvet23 · 7 years ago
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"If that's me. Who am I?" 🐱🐈🐱 #louie #deepthoughts #caturday #cracksmeup #milton (at Greensboro, North Carolina)
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zenvet23 · 7 years ago
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Blast from the past. Boehringer Ingelheim (aka BI) Companion Animal Segment 2005. What a year. Two families formed that year - got married (xoxo to the NC Cary Crew!) and was part of the amazing team pictured here as we expanded the already strong equine team and launched the pet division. Cheers to you all! #vetmed #vetlife #vetfamily #neveradullmoment #innovate #collaborate #dogood #kickarse #havefun #bekind What a ride so far, eh Hubs? (at Greensboro, North Carolina)
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zenvet23 · 7 years ago
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Agreed! #doit #thetimeisnow (at Greensboro, North Carolina)
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zenvet23 · 7 years ago
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I am so grateful to be part of the veterinary profession. What amazing, passionate, fun people. #lgvma #avma #vetmed #vetlife #veterinary #luckyme (at Hilton Orlando)
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zenvet23 · 7 years ago
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A few more booths at #VMX2018 that you definitely need to visit! #22 #63 LGVMA @aaivets @navta_official (at Orange County Convention Center)
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zenvet23 · 7 years ago
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Stop by the @avmavets @avmalife @studentavma @avmfdn booths at #VMX2018 and meet these amazing human beings! #2700 #2703 #2705 #innovate #collaborate #vetmed #vetlife #volunteer #purpose (at Orange County Convention Center)
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zenvet23 · 7 years ago
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5K ✔. 🏃‍♂️🐾🏃‍♀️ I won't be able to join the official race this morning (due to meeting timing and what not) but I just ran the unofficial one and am with you in spirit! 🙌❤🐶 #betterearlythannever #greatcause #wsavafoundation (at Orlando, Florida)
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zenvet23 · 7 years ago
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Happy Birthday to one of the most amazing people in the whole wide world. How lucky I am to have you as my sister 🤗. Love you @bkg06! 🎈🎊❤🥂🎉🎂⚘🍻❤🎊🎈
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zenvet23 · 7 years ago
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#Repost @visitgreensboronc ・・・ #tbt to 1960 when the Greensboro 4 chose to bring change. Pic 📸: Jack Moebes . #visitgso #visitnc #greensborofour #civilrights #blackhistorymonth #moreworktodo #bethechange (at Greensboro, North Carolina)
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zenvet23 · 7 years ago
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Cheers to stepping off the worn path! Sounds like a great way to welcome in the new month. A couple special shout outs: 1. To VetPartners peeps in the throws of our annual meeting - have a blast, learn lots, and share with those of us that couldn't make it. 📚 2. To the fantastic @the_navc team - congratulations in advance for what I'm sure is going to be the best one yet! In case our paths don't cross during the busy upcoming week, consider yourselves hugged. 🤗 #VMX2018 🎉 3. To @grant_cary - good morning! Love you xoxo. ❤ Rock on peeps. 🐈❤🦄🤗🐕 (at Greensboro, North Carolina)
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zenvet23 · 7 years ago
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Super Blue Blood Moon happening now! #lookup #laluna 🌜🌚🌛 https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2018/01/30/581890038/wednesdays-rare-super-blue-blood-moon-how-to-see-it-and-what-we-can-learn (at Greensboro, North Carolina)
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zenvet23 · 7 years ago
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#Repost @melindafrenchgates ・・・ Women have spent the past year campaigning for change, calling out abuse, and reclaiming power. Our country needs more of this. And, to all the women reading this post, it needs more of you in government. If you’re interested in supporting a race or starting your own, @runningstart and the Center for American Women in Politics are two great groups that can help you get involved. As inspiring as it's been to see a march grow into a movement, I know it’s only the beginning. #womensmarch #womensmarch2018
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zenvet23 · 7 years ago
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Well week, that's a wrap! Loved spending time with AVMA colleagues and grateful I'm starting to conquer this nasty head cold. I hope you are all headed towards a warm and wonderful weekend. Come on travel angel, let's do this! #happyfriday #dayquilnyquilrock ❤🦄🤗 (at American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA))
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zenvet23 · 7 years ago
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Ah now that's the question isn't it? Thank you Martin Luther King Jr for making our world a better place. #dowhatyoucan #mlk #dogood #bekind #kickarse #havefun #enthusiast #purpose 🦄❤🌸 Repost @calm Allow support for others to flourish.
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zenvet23 · 7 years ago
See it. @shapeofwatermovie
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zenvet23 · 7 years ago
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The first might be my fave pic of the week. 📸 cred @jollenl00. And of course #airportBuddha. Peace out Vegas and safe travels to all those on the road and in the skies. 🚘✈✌🚀 #happyfriday (at Las Vegas, Nevada)
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zenvet23 · 7 years ago
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Branded storytelling at #ces2018 @cesofficial. Invest up front in idea, solidify story arc, be prepared to pivot during engagement, data and gut not or. Less data more insight. Non linear story with red thread works. #redthread #connect (at ARIA Resort & Casino)
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