11 posts
Oh hey, just a brief introduction of who I am: I happen to love male vore, and in order to see the men who I consider as preds with big bellies, I took it upon myself to have art skills, and share my pieces with all of you who enjoy this as much as I do. I'm still in the process of learning, but I believe I can get better as I upload my pieces every now and then.
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zensuk · 1 year ago
Change of plans (Just Food Part 2)
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Y’all, never let Ethan go feasting like this again, the consequences are too big and you can clearly see what I mean. I would think he’d stop at those 3 unfortunate souls who ended up inside his stomach, but no, he just had to eat everyone else present at the beach. His massive belly didn’t even properly fit in the canvas (since I had originally planned on making it even bigger, this is pretty much just like 1/4th or 1/5th of the whole picture), but he sure as hell didn’t care about any of that.
But anyway. I was kinda in the mood when I was doing this, so I’m pretty sure once I’m over the thing I’ll look back into it and say this probably isn’t one of my greatest but if y’all like it you can have it. (And I’m more so talking about his hair and beard part, you see I have this thing where I like to think that the more a pred eats, the more their hair and beard grows, as well as an increase in muscle and everything else, cause yknow manlier men and shit, but I’m guessing not everyone’s into that as much as I am, so much for getting to know the artist a little bit better)
So yeah make of it what you will, the next thing I draw is probably gonna be on the smaller scale so see ya till then.
I wish you all an early merry christmas just in case I don’t make something before then. Byeeee
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zensuk · 2 years ago
Aaaa Adam looks great with that belly on him!! Thanks a bunch for the gift! <3
y'all should go follow him too if you aren't already
a vore drawing of my friend's oc @zensuk (addam)
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please let me marry him!!!! 🛐
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zensuk · 2 years ago
Just food
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Since y’all asked for it on the now deleted poll, here’s Ethan having eaten 3 prey somewhere in the beach.
I didn’t really prepare an actual scenario for the drawing so imma just leave it all up to your imagination and you can go wild with how he went about eating them, maybe the unfortunate souls were staring at him for too long which prompted Ethan to walk up to them? Were they perhaps willing prey right from the start? Was he really just hungry and ate them because why not? In the end though, all they’re ever going to amount to are mere snacks for Ethan to enjoy the evening with. And that’s not all! There’s bound to be a bunch of search parties looking for the missing people, cause after all, everyone in the beach has to volunteer right? So I’m sure Ethan will gladly show all of them where they went :)
So yeah please excuse the lack of background once again but i ain’t drawing water that’s still too much for my arting skills, anyway have a good one and enjoy the piece :D
p.s. i also really appreciate it when y’all reblog my posts it makes me happi to know that my art’s been good enough to actually be going around tumblr even if it’s by a small amount, so thanks y’all it really means a lot, i love you :D
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zensuk · 2 years ago
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Y’all can thank the art gods that I had motivation left in me to make another drawing right after I posted the last one, so this time I bring to you Adam Scott, a 43 year old ex jock that used to be an MMA fighter, who always made sure that his opponents would never see the light of day again.
But now, having retired due to being deemed ‘too dangerous to step foot into the ring again’, spends most of his days at the gym, devouring any and all visible jocks to get the best out of his workouts, cause a man’s gotta eat big in order to be big right? And what good would their muscles be if they can’t even break free from Adam’s grip, when he’s only using just one hand to make them enter submission, and inevitably become his protein boost?
And although most preds enjoy having their prey squirm around inside their guts, Adam prefers (but wouldn’t avoid) having a full and still gut, since it lets him focus on the task at hand, which is getting bigger and stronger, as you can see on the drawing.
So yeah, as usual, I hope y’all enjoy the piece and I shall be back (hopefully) with a new drawing soon, if not, I am once again taking a break.
See ya!
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zensuk · 2 years ago
No escape
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It is I, Zen, with yet another vore drawing but this time without proper shading cause I didn’t feel like it. Might look like trash but I just wanted to be done with it.
Anyway there’s no context for the drawing except for the title, and I would like to introduce you to Christopher Gonzalez, a 27 year old laid back man, who enjoys stuffing himself to the brim with prey that are bigger, larger, and heavier than him, always likes to remind everyone to think twice before boasting that they’re the top pred around town, and that there’s always bigger fish in the tank, cause who knows? The next day they might just end up adding muscle to Chris’s body and a few inches to his waist.
Perhaps I’ll start drawing more often, or not. Depending on how life treats me from here. And I would like to add one more thing, I might not fully shade my drawings anymore since that takes up too much of my time and it always ends with me being stressed out, so I hope the way I drew this one was good for y’all.
In any case, see you all soon?
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zensuk · 2 years ago
Midnight Snack
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What a better way to end a long, hard day than having 3 prey inside your gut while you sleep, right?
I'm sure Ruben would've loved to have eaten more so he could see gains right in the morning, heck maybe even one of them could still be squirming around, but I'm guessing he was afraid to break the bed... again.
He might even be dreaming about enjoying himself while his prey digests, but who knows?
Hey y'all, its been a year since I last posted, and just wanted to say that i've done absolutely nothing during that time span.
I barely even managed to draw this piece, so i want to let you guys know that I might not post so often, and I hope that you'll still be around when I do post, so enjoy this piece for now!
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zensuk · 3 years ago
The boss’ meal
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“Care to join your colleagues?" Had said the boss of the company with a smug look on his face to a shocked employee.
"You know, I still have some room left in me, it would appear as though these pathetic losers can't even do a proper job as a meal"
"N-no sir, I-" The nameless employee couldn't believe what he saw with his own eyes, and trembling with fear, he could only flop to the floor since his legs gave out on him. Not even words could come out of his mouth.
"Well, I guess you wouldn't have any choice anyway, I can see that you're an underperforming employee, and you were fortunate enough to come across me in this state. So eating you would be killing two birds with one stone, wouldn't you say?" The boss said while his stomach grumbled for more.
He got up from his seat, and started heading towards the shaking employee. Soon enough though, his hunger would be satisfied.
Hey y'all, I'm alive :)
This time around I introduce you to Arturo Rodriguez, a 33 year old man who has his own company and usually weeds out the bad buds who only hold back his business. So this means that everyone who produces good results, almost always ends up living a better life.
Anyway, since I don't have a set schedule, I'll make a poll soon and let you guys decide which of the preds that I've drawn you'd like to see next, but pls keep in mind that it'll probably take a while to actually do the drawing
So in the meantime I hope you enjoy this recent drawing I did c:
p.s. i suck at writing why is it so hard
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zensuk · 3 years ago
Tryouts? - Part 2
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"Damn it... I'm way past my limit" - Had said the baseball team's captain, Ruben
He knew that the coach would make him eat at least more than half than the overall amount of rookies trying to join the team, and have mercy on just a small amount, considering that they were looking for 3 on the original team, and at least 11 for a completely new one. So at most, 6 would be spared from the remaining people.
"But to think he made me eat every single one of them?" He complained. "And to top it all off, he ate my mates too so that in the end, he could also force himself down my gullet while I was immobilized? That bastard, I should've known better"
What's done had already been done though. There was no more use in complaining now that they were all inside of his gut.
"Hah... guess I'm gonna be here for a while. You fuckers better not give me indigestion and be put to good use instead" said the man, as he was rubbing what he could of his enlarged belly, hoping that no one else would try to do something funny to him in the meantime.
Well hello there, I'd said that this would come out in "the next few days" and here we are, a month later. I was running low on motivation and had other things happening in life, but hey, at least the drawing's out now, right?
Well anyway, it was rather unfortunate that Ethan could only eat 27 dudes when Ruben had more than 50 inside of him. Maybe now's the perfect excuse for Ethan to eat Ruben while he can't move?
The new pred's name's Ruben Herrera, just like Ethan, he's also a college student, though younger than Ethan by 1 year. They'd both met at one of these events that their institution usually runs at least twice every year, and began their friendship once Ethan saw that Ruben could be on par with him when it came to eating a big amount of people, so, they refrain from trying to eat one another. But if they do, they let each other out after a while, and its just to assert dominance and prove who's the better pred in campus
This drawing will conclude the 'tryouts'. I hope you enjoyed both of them!
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zensuk · 4 years ago
Tryouts? - Part 1
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Tryouts for a sport in college can be rather risky, though its only natural when said establishment has some of the best teams out there.
You either make the cut and join the desired team, or you end up inside the team's captain's gut for your lack of skills.
In this case, only 4 out of the 27 that went for it, looked promising enough to make it. The others? Ended up inside of Ethan.
Anyway, a new pred's arriving in the next few days, so I hope you look forward to it!
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zensuk · 4 years ago
I'll protect you
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Ernesto Ortega
He's actually Ethan's step-brother, and is a 19 year old college student
Leisurely strolling around the school campus, Ernesto was daydreaming of eating fresh new meat that morning. Maybe two would make the perfect starters.
As he starts to drool at the thought of swallowing and savoring the juicy prey, he notices that one of his friends is being harrassed by 3 guys. Margaret was visibly worried and nervous, as no one payed attention to help her.
Here comes in Ernesto rushing in to seperate the people as to not cause harm.
But one of the dudes happened to get aggresive towards him and throws a punch at Ernesto.
Really, it was just a bad move on his part.
His fist had succesfully landed on Ernesto's mouth, and the latter started to suck in the victim to have his first meal of the day. He was skilled enough to swallow fast yet enjoy every flavor the victim had to offer.
The prey's buddies shooked in fear and dropped to the ground as they saw how their leader got eaten up by the pred. There was nothing else they could do at the moment, so they also ended up inside the predator's gut.
"I'll make sure they never mess with you again" Said Ernesto with a grin to his friend and immediately slapped his belly.
"Damn right they won't" She replied and turned away. "Now hurry up because we have class".
"Right right, I think I'll skip school today, the chair will probably break if I sit on it"
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zensuk · 4 years ago
After Party Meal
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Ethan Hernandez
He's a 24 year old college student who discovered that he could devour people whole. It was by accident, but this completely changed his life.
Class was about to end, and one of his classmates shouted: "Let's go for a drink!" - Everyone else agreed and Ethan thought that this would be the best opportunity to have a big delicious meal.
A time was set, and they would soon meet at Locura Bar, where it just so happens that Ethan's friend, Marcus, works there. He knew of Ethan's ability to eat people, and he clearly knew that if he ever came by the bar, he would eat everyone inside.
6:00pm came and Ethan quickly arrived at the location. He headed towards a seat where Marcus would show up and told him of the plan. - Once everyone gets drunk, shut the doors and let no one out.
The party proceeded accordingly to plan, everyone jumped and danced excitedly without a worry, but that would result as a terrible mistake.
Ethan soon ate everyone and they would never show up to class again.
So yeah that's pretty much my 1st drawing for vore, hope you like it!
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