zenithrpg · 2 years
just wanted to post a quick update. i have been very sick the past couple days, so things will be delayed some. the plan is now getting the discord link out sometime next week and then going forth with the soft launch shortly after that!
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zenithrpg · 2 years
☽ — update
hello! soon a link to the discord will be posted where the rest of the buzz will take place / soft launch and there on the server members can reserve fcs!
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zenithrpg · 2 years
can we get an intro/the names of the staff?
yes of course! there are currently two of us on our staff team, spanky and eden:
i, spanky (he/him, 28), have been rping for god knows how long now but i do know it's been over 10 years. i'm kind of a chronic university student it's pretty terrible but ykno aiming for next year to finally be done with it. otherwise i'm a novice coder and my only personality trait is "likes hockey" lmao
eden (they/them, 27) says they've been rping since they were 12. pretty laid back and mentioned being a lover of ic telenovelas
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zenithrpg · 2 years
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☽ — playable species
for our playable species here at new zenith, we wanted to keep it simple:
cybernetic implants are available for all, so some of their skills and abilities can be enhanced upon (to an extent) even for those who do not have any supernatural abilities, like humans.
more information on the specifics of each species to be released soon!
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zenithrpg · 2 years
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☽ — site premise
The year is 2322.
100 years ago the city of New Zenith was built on what remained of the post-nuclear ruins of Chicago: one of the few surviving cities of the Third World War. In the time that it has taken society to become semi-civilized in the aftermath of nuclear winter, megacorporations led by the ultra rich have risen into leadership, having their hands in food and agriculture, medical and technological innovation, and even going so far as to place their figureheads into political office, solidifying the marriage between corporate tycoons and the so-called democratic government as walls were erected around the city to keep the citizens in and a force field to keep the radiation out.
Day to day life for citizens of New Zenith can be heaven or hell depending on their position in life. Those with the guts or talent to make their way to the top find themselves able to live a life of luxury in the Elysium Towers amongst the elite of New Zenithian society: celebrities and modern day warlords alike. The elites in society have access to the best food, cyberware, and healthcare, often living a life that can seem completely out of touch from reality. The mass majority though live off of corporate scraps barely making enough to skirt by in life, and oftentimes working multiple jobs to earn enough money to keep a roof over their head and synthfood on the table. All people have access to plastic surgery and cybernetic technology, as body modification has become something of a way of life as industrialism and technology took over. In fact, in New Zenith it is now more uncommon to find an “off-grid and unmodded” person than it is to find someone who is nearly completely cyborg. To pass the time, many people turn to virtual reality, colloquially called “braindances” in order to find some respite from the harshness of their day to day life. Some turn to drugs as well, and with that comes a robust black market through which people can acquire all sorts of contraband, antiques, back-alley cyberware, and procure the services of local mercenaries and private detectives for jobs both big and small.
Between eating synthetic food and the after effects of radiation, it is a common problem for citizens of New Zenith to experience organ failures, especially if they are migrating to the city from bunker communities outside of the city in search of a better life. Transplants are accessible to all as developments in medical technology has enabled the mass production of synthetic organs to be readily available, oftentimes coming as a package with cosmetic surgeries to further drive home the idea that one can conquer their genetics and become the portrait of perfection that they’ve always dreamed of being. However, many find themselves signing contracts before reading the fine print of their loans, and with the unstable economy many of New Zenith’s lower class find themselves falling into debt, placing them in bad standing with the Lazarus Corporation which means that they become candidates for repossession: a barbaric practice that is akin to bounty hunting where the indebted are stalked, tracked down, and butchered to reclaim their organs on behalf of the corporate giant. This is a hot topic of debate amongst the citizens of New Zenith as many have been rallying to get organ repossessions banned for decades now, but with the corruption running rampant in the government, legislation has been slow moving.
Still, New Zenith in true corporate fashion keeps everything all smiles on the surface as much as possible, the shiny new tech and robust entertainment industry helping to keep the majority of the population distracted and content enough with the current environment to avoid too much  conflict as of yet. But as time goes on, cracks just might be beginning to form in the facade of this growing society.
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zenithrpg · 2 years
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☽ — coming to JCINK premium late oct.
NEW ZENITH is an animanga roleplay set in a post-apocalyptic cyberpunk society built atop what was formerly referred to as chicago. both cybernetically modified humans and creatures of the supernatural roam the neon lit steets of the last standing beacon of life, all at the whim of the corporate ruling class.
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zenithrpg · 2 years
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zenithrpg · 2 years
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By: kenzee wee
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zenithrpg · 2 years
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The Ascent (2021) dev. Neon Giant → highStreet: The Node
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