zengeko · 3 years
Dormitory Distractions
Random things you’ve done with the mha characters while bored in the dorms
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- Deku asked you to help him with combat training once, and for some unidentifiable reason you had agreed. He had asked that you do it in his dorm room (he said something about learning how to control his quirk in claustrophobic environments)...but once you saw the hole he left in the wall with one flick of his fingers it was game over. “Oh hell nah, I’m out” 
- Denki and Mina once convinced you to help them prank Bakugou. “What exactly are you guys planning?” you inquisitively asked. “Well we were thinking about putting hair dye in his shampoo...” Needless to say it didn’t end well. That was evident by the way he stormed into class the day after with pink stained fingers, throwing accusations at everyone and everything that crossed his path. Though I’ll admit it was funny watching him stomp around the dorm with pink hair for the remaining week.
- one time you asked Momo if she had any spare tea lying around, and if she could bring it by your dorm after class. Of course she obliged and knocked on your door with a box of green tea in hand after school. “It’s open!” She twisted the door knob and stepped inside. However, she did not expect to see you sitting around a small coffee table surrounded by tiny stuffed animals. “Um..what exactly is happening right now?” “I’m have a tea party duh” you stated matter of factly. “By yourself?” She questioned. “No with my stuffed animals...the other girls couldn’t make it.” Long story short, she ended up accompanying you and your stuffed animals.
- once you and Sero thought it’d be a great idea to open a dorm “petting zoo” and what better person was there to assist you with your antics rather than Koda. It took a bit of time to convince the rather shy male but eventually the two of you got through to him. Basically you made him call a whole bunch of his animal friends, and stored them in Sero’s dorm. “Attention everyone, I would like to announce that Sero’s pet— oh right, Sero and y/n’s petting zoo is now open!!” It was a disaster to say the least... “I’m definitely not helping you clean up all that shit” you declared walking out of Sero’s dorm.
- you coerced Jirou one weekend into teaching you the ybc intro on the electric guitar. It was a random spur of the moment type thing, but unexpectedly she agreed. Unfortunately you underestimated the obscurity of the electric guitar.. I mean you learned like the first two chords so..it all worked out I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- this one may be a really random one but you previously played hangman with Tokoyami and dark shadow at 3am once (it was pretty swag if you ask me)
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zengeko · 4 years
Eren x Reader
Genre: Fluff
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Iridescent lights peered through the cracks of the bedroom curtains, the air was crisp, and smelled of light citruses. The sheets were tousled, just barely covering the right half of your body, and the frigid temperature of the room bit at your skin causing small goosebumps to form. A heavy feeling rested on the lower half of your body, it seemed to push you down further into the memory foam mattress.
Turning over slightly to assess the situation, you’re met with a sleeping figure. Eren let out soft, even breaths, his arm draped over your stomach. The left side of his face was illuminated by the light prying in. It was nice seeing him in such a peaceful state, cheeks warm, chest proportionately rising and falling, mouth curled into the ghost of a smirk.
After admiring his features for what seemed like an eternity, you flipped over grabbing your phone off the nightstand to check the time. It was no later than eleven, but you’d figured you should get up.
While shaking yourself from under his arm to make your way out of bed Eren tugged at the hem of your shirt, groaning at the sudden disturbance. “why are you moving?” he whined voice groggy, and disoriented. “Eren it’s almost twelve, and we had plans remember?”
The lethargic male sat up a bit, and rubbed his eyes giving you a quizzical look. “Can’t we cuddle for a little bit longer?” he questioned “you’re warm.”
“Nope” you quipped already lifting your leg back onto the bed.
“why not?”
“I already told you why..” you exhaled.
Eren almost always got his way when it came to these kinds of things, and he knew it. There was something about the way he looked at you, or the manner in which he spoke that made it hard to say ‘no.’
There was no response for a few seconds , he just drew you in closer. “I’ll treat you to dinner later...”
With a somewhat over exaggerated sigh you slumped back down into the bed. Eren, somehow moving even closer, buried his face into your neck, and let out a content moan. “See? This is much better isn’t it?” he teased wrapping his arms even tighter around your waist.
Rolling your eyes at his inquiry, you sink further into the bed, questioning why you gave into his charade. “I’ll give you another hour, and then we’re getting up Yeager!” He chuckled taking a whiff of your natural scent “sure thing captain!”
“I guess it was inevitable.” you murmured.
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zengeko · 4 years
Movie nights with the aot characters
Genre: Fluff
Characters: Jean, Connie, Sasha, Levi, Hange, Erwin, Mikasa, Armin, Eren
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One word: Tea
most definitely makes tea for the two of you
he has to pick the movie
says your suggestions are “dumb”
will comment on the characters behavior from time to time (but usually just silently judges them in his mind)
quiet for a majority of the movie,, but it’s comfortable silence
smiles to himself when you fall asleep on his shoulder
will gently stroke your hair when you rest your head on his lap
8/10 experience
would be a 10 if he wasn’t so moody all the time (can’t blame him though)
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Cue loud shouting
they will literally make loud outbursts throughout the movie when something peaks their interest
“Did ya see what just happened (y/n)!!!”
holds onto the side of you for no apparent reason
random forehead kisses
spills popcorn everywhere (like why)
rants about how much they liked/disliked the movie afterwards
you two will probably fall asleep on the couch
7/10 experience
love the quality time,, but why’re you so loud?
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your comfortability is his #1 priority
lots of blankets, and cuddles
will definitely let you choose the movie
talks about what he would do if he were in the characters positions
likes romcoms,, he’s a big softy
for some reason he hates horror movies,, it’s not evident but you can tell
if he likes the movie he will recommend you watch it together again somewhere down the line
might fall asleep ngl
10/10 experience
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like levi she’s quiet for most of the movie
save the occasional “are you ok?” or murmur under her breath
doesn’t really care if you choose the movie or not,, she just likes spending time with you
lowkey touch deprived,, so she craves cuddles during movies but won’t ask
she might lightly nudge your side, or brush her hand against yours to hint at it
literally shows no emotion whatsoever
like you could watch a horror movie and she’d barely flinch
or watch a sad movie and she wouldn’t cry
kinda concerning...but she says she feels it all on the inside
9/10 experience
-1 because she brung up eren again
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vv awkward at first
like erwin he wants to make sure you’re 100% comfortable before starting the movie
will agree to watch literally anything you recommend
he likes watching documentaries
blushing the whole time,, nods feverishly when you ask if he’s ok
super adorable
constantly asks if you’re alright
explains the whole movie night in detail to eren and mikasa the next day
9/10 experience
he thinks too much...it’s cute tho
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if you have a movie night together you best believe he’s not moving a muscle the whole time
he won’t even get up to use the bathroom,, says he doesn’t want to miss anything
he also might fall asleep
it’s unlikely tho because he’ll make you watch an action or thriller movie every time
the types of movies that keep him on the edge of his seat
doesn’t want to stop
you’ll be on the 3rd movie,, and he just sits there like “so....another one?”
it’s like an annual thing btw
he will pull you aside every Saturday to watch movies with him all night
doesn’t take no for an answer
8/10 experience
eren please go use the bathroom
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Did you say pillow fort?
“Are you 5??”
“It’ll be fun!!”
finds every blanket and pillow available,, and makes a fort out of them
makes you recite a password before you can enter
something along the lines of “Jingle-bells, sasha smells, jean looks like a horse”
n e wayss
misses like half the movie due to bathroom breaks
loves comedies, i mean have you seen him
oml...please don’t watch sad movies with him,, he will make jokes at the worst times
holds competitions to see who can stay awake the longest, or who’ll laugh/cry first
he’s a goofball
10/10 experience
he makes you feel like a kid again
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do I even need to explain
you’ll have to do a full fledge shopping spree before hand
Popcorn? check, Candy? check, Soda? check, Nachos? Check
ok we’re good for now
be prepared to feast lol
what can I say? the girl loves to eat
doesn’t really care what movie you watch, as long as she has her popcorn
always leaning on you somehow
like personal space? what’s that??
she’s also kinda loud
sobs during romance movies, screams during horror movies
very spontaneous
will fall asleep after eating everything
7/10 experience
she just doesn’t like to share
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this mf
he’ll be like “oh you wanna watch a movie with me??”
Tries to act nonchalant but his facade doesn’t really hold up
it’s hilarious
encourages you to get closer to him,, then malfunctions when you actually do it
opts for you to choose the movie 90% of the time because he thinks he’ll embarrass himself
will hold you while watching horror movies (even though he’s lowkey scared himself)
likes those corny hallmark romance movies for some reason
really needs the quality time tbh
8/10 experience
stop being so flirty if you can’t handle the reciprocation
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zengeko · 4 years
A Subway Encounter
Warnings: none just some fluff
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The day had taken the same monotonous form as all the others. It consisted of semi-boring classes, and midday coffee runs, and like any other day you found yourself sluggishly boarding the subway. Looking for empty seats, your eyes settled on one next to what appeared to be a middle aged woman, and a guy about your age if you had to judge. Squeezing your way through the crowd of people you stop in front of the empty seat. “Mind if I sit here?” Looking up from his book the blonde haired individual shook his head insinuating that it was ok for you to sit. Something about him intrigued you. Maybe it was his heightened posture, or his nerdy, yet casual style, or it possibly could’ve been the light smile he gave you when he looked up from his book. Whatever it was, it provoked you to speak, “Whatcha reading” you whisper in an almost jokingly manner. With a light blush manifesting on his cheeks he turned to you “Uhh..it’s Moby-Dick” he declared voice slightly heightened. “Oh.. you have exceptional taste” you remarked poking lightly at his arm, he chuckled faintly at the comment. “It seems like a great novel so far.. I’m reading it for college.” His blue eyes seemed to light up with his statement, you thought it was cute. You figured talking to someone would be better than listening to the constant cacophony of the train, so you continued on. A few moments of lighthearted conversation flew by. He would rant about his friends, and his eyes filled with passion whenever he talked about how much he loved the ocean, you admired that. He would blush slightly at open-minded commentary you spewed out every so often, and would snicker every time you made a joke. He wasn’t like other people you’ve met. He was calm yet on edge, shy yet social, passionate yet tentative, and in a way it was refreshing. Soon, the train came to a halt, and he shoved what looked like a place holder into his book while throwing the strap of his bag over his shoulder. He rubbed the back of his neck timidly, “Okay, well I’m off now..sorry for talking your ear off, I hope I wasn’t a bother.” Laughing lightly at his timorous behavior you offered a smile “No not at all.” He gave a soft smile back before swiftly making a beeline towards the exit so you couldn’t see the increasingly reddening blush spreading across his cheeks. His actions pulled a quiet laugh from you. A social butterfly was something you’ve never really been, but you enjoyed his company, and cursed yourself for not getting his number, or name for that matter. You didn’t dwell on the thought for too long though, since you figured you were too busy to make friends anyway. Shifting in your seat, you looked down to find the book he had been reading, “He forgot his book” you murmured to yourself while gently picking it up. Flipping to his bookmarked page you’re met with a note that you had previously assumed was a place holder. It read:
Hey! I was too nervous to actually ask for your number, so I wrote mine on here instead. I hope you call.. or text if that’s what you prefer... well I guess you kinda have to since you have my book. Thanks for the company :)
A smile stretched across your face as you slid your phone out of your pocket to text him.
We should get coffee sometime.. that way I can return your book ;)
I’d like that :))
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zengeko · 4 years
Eren Cuddling Headcanons:
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☮︎︎ Favorite position is when his head rests on your chest
☮︎︎ Doesn’t really care, but he tends to be big spoon
☮︎︎ Isn’t very used to this kind of affection so it takes him a while to relax
☮︎︎ Likes when you scratch the back of his neck
☮︎︎ Will literally fall asleep
☮︎︎ Definitely rants about random things as you cuddle
☮︎︎ Likes the way you smell,, but will never admit it
☮︎︎ Doesn’t ask often, but when he wants cuddles he’ll just walk up to you out of no where and climb into your arms
Laying displayed across the couch you catch Eren walking into the living room. He sauntered up to you stopping at the foot of the couch. Swiftly, he climbed into your arms resting his head in the crook of your neck. Shifting to accommodate the newly added weight you relaxed into the couch. “You ok” you asked comfortingly. “Yeah” Eren whispered sighing into your neck. You lightly scratched the back of his head as he began ranting about his day. It was an assortment of complaints, and open promises. Shortly after his words seemed to drift into meaningless banter. Laughing lightly to yourself as Eren let out a quiet sigh you rested your head on the armrest and began to doze off. You couldn’t think of anywhere else you’d rather be besides there on the couch cuddling with your lover.
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