zekericks-blog · 7 years
Zeus: You know technically im a pikachu!
Hades: The day I finally snap you will be the first to go
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zekericks-blog · 7 years
TEXT: Zeke // Adrian
Adrian: I really am having trouble seeing what the big deal here is. It's property destruction, not a fucking assault!
Adrian: -_- what am I supposed to do just stay in my goddamn apartment and stare at the wall
Zeke: The big deal is not NOW that you're a John Doe but if my investment pays off and you become somebody, can't have skeletons in the closet, understand?
Zeke: Yes if it'll keep you from doing more stupid shit
Zeke: I can't believe this I sound like my father
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zekericks-blog · 7 years
TEXT: Zeke // Adrian
Adrian: It was a verbal argument, god damn i'm not that stupid
Adrian: Maybe on the lawyer. Still waiting to see if the charges get dropped.
Zeke: Are you really? Because I start to question.
Zeke: I'll keep in touch with your coach, don't to anything stupider than that for fucks sake I don't need my name attached to a criminal
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zekericks-blog · 7 years
TEXT: Zeke // Adrian
Adrian: Maybe, don't know yet. I had a fight with a girl.
Zeke: Do you need a lawyer?
Zeke: Please tell me you didn't hit the girl.
Zeke: You're unbelievable
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zekericks-blog · 7 years
TEXT: Zeke // Adrian
Adrian: That's creepy.
Adrian: I threw a few dishes around. Maybe put a hole in a wall. Just some minor property destruction.
Zeke: No, that's normal.
Zeke: Are you going to get sued for it? Also what was it for, dickhead?
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zekericks-blog · 7 years
Adrian: It was a stupid arrest, it doesn't mean anything.
Zeke: You are an investment, of COURSE I keep tabs on you
Zeke: That's a pretty big deal, don't you think???
Zeke: Explanation, NOW.
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zekericks-blog · 7 years
Dick riding IS NOT a form of transportation!!!!!!!! 
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zekericks-blog · 7 years
if someone wanted to really understand you, what would they read, watch, and listen to?
have you ever found a writer who thinks just like you? if so, who?
list your fandoms and one character from each that you identify with.
do you like your name?  is there another name you think would fit you better?
do you think of yourself as a human being or a human doing? do you identify yourself by the things you do?
are you religious/spiritual?
do you care about your ethnicity?
what musical artists have you most felt connected to over your lifetime?
are you an artist?
do you have a creed?
describe your ideal day.
dog person or cat person?
inside or outdoors?
are you a musician?
five most influential books over your lifetime.
if you’d grown up in a different environment, do you think you’d have turned out the same?
would you say your tumblr is a fair representation of the “real you”?
what’s your patronus?
which Harry Potter house would you be in? or are you a muggle?
would you rather be in Middle Earth, Narnia, Hogwarts, or somewhere else?
do you love easily?
list the top five things you spend the most time doing, in order.
how often would you want to see your family every year?
have you ever felt like you had a “mind-meld” with someone?
could you live as a hermit?
how would you describe your gender/sexuality?
do you feel like your outside appearance is a fair representation of the “real you”?
on a scale from 1 to 10, how hard is it for someone to get under your skin?
three songs that you connect with right now.
pick one of your favorite quotes.
identity ask.........oh shit
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zekericks-blog · 7 years
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zekericks-blog · 7 years
He was very laid back about his ruined shirt, although she was sure that if their positions were reversed, she’d be screaming about her ruined clothing. Then again, she loved every piece of her wardrobe, she worked hard for every designer piece she owned or was given. “I suppose it doesn’t matter, but sometimes material goods have meaning,” she shrugged, not exactly disagreeing with him. “No, I’m not really in a hurry, I was just excited because I got a new script for an audition,” she held up the booklet, which was scrawled over with bright red marker [FOR YOUR EYES ONLY]. “I can’t say what it’s for, but trust me when I say it’s worth a celebratory drink!”
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Sure, of course, L.A., it wasn’t all that hard to trip on actors, the place was crawling with them - or with wannabe acting kids as well, but Zebediah had the utmost respect for those who pursued their dreams. He only wished he could do the same. “That’s true but I tend to save the meaningful ones to places where they probably won’t be bathed in coffee.” He laughed with an agreeing nod. He watched her excitedly and genuinely smiled back, it was rare the times he was so true to people, or honest in any way. “Congratulations! That’s definitely worth a celebratory drink and a piece of cheesecake, if I may add?” He offered one arm so they’d walk into the shop, appreciating her giddy excitement. Looking away for a moment, Zeke pondered. “I know some people who act, if you’d like to accompany me to a party one of these days, I’d introduce you.”
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zekericks-blog · 7 years
Those eyes? Glenn’s face went even more red, if that was even possible. His eyes darted side to side briefly - he couldn’t be talking to him. But it seemed so. There was nobody else within speaking distance. Glenn floundered for a moment, unsure on what even to say. “Oh - uh - “ Was he flirting with him? Just being friendly? He had no frame of reference on how to deal with this - compliments, that is. 
Thankfully he was saved from having to reply when the man spoke again. Less thankfully, he was saved specifically by an arm being thrown around his shoulders. Glenn froze, eyes following where the man was gesturing towards. Oh shit, he was someone famous. Just Glenn’s luck. He probably ate people like Glenn for breakfast. “Um… alright?” he agreed tentatively, knowing better than to argue. He let himself be dragged along by the suited man without comment, blinking widely like a deer caught in the headlights. He didn’t even think to mention he had a bus to catch. “I’m Glenn,” he offered quietly as he shook the offered hand. “It’s nice to meet you?” Was it really, though. He was nothing less than confused at the moment.
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He almost, almost felt bad. He almost felt like he was a lion hanging out with an unsuspecting gazelle - well, not entirely unsuspecting because he could sense by the tensing of the shoulders, the kid wasn’t all that unsuspecting of his possible fate. Thinking like that he sounded either like a creep or a serial killer so he pushed it all aside. 
He leaned in just a little closer to the boy’s ear. “I’ll get you an Uber when we’re outta sight, now roll with me.” It was easy, oh so easy to get someone like this kid entrapped in whatever kind of glamorous and definitely unhealthy life Zebediah lived. “Zeke Ricks, nice to meet you Glenn, you have beautiful eyes.” He replied loftily, holding on the other’s hand a little longer than necessary, offering a leery smirk and then simply taking him down the lane, into the nearest coffee shop. 
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zekericks-blog · 7 years
Text Message: [ H ]
Heath: Drink some water. Go to bed.
Zeke: 👍
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zekericks-blog · 7 years
Text @ [Harley]
Harley: Many times but do you think I listen to that? ;)
Harley: how about you bring me food and I'll make this visit worth your while.
Zeke: Naughty boy ;)
Zeke: mhm, i'll count on it, omw
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zekericks-blog · 7 years
Text: [P]
Phil: 🤷🏽‍♂️
[2 hours later] Phil: Jesus don't even say that
Phil: You DON'T actually believe that
Phil: Right?
Zeke: 🙊
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zekericks-blog · 7 years
Phil’s nose wrinkled up in disgust as the warm liquid slowly made it’s way through his clothing and to his skin. To make things worse, the only change of clothing he had with him at the moment was currently covered in sweat. “On a good day, my face has been glued to my phone as of late.” He replied, with an exasperated roll of his eyes at his friend’s horrible attempt at being posh - the complete opposite of someone from the south. “I bet you use that line all the time,” he scoffed, playfully shoving the other’s hand off of his face. “Has it ever actually worked?”
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Zeke raised one eyebrow, a bit amused, a bit baffled and absolutely curious. “Is the demand for marine biologists really that high or is that jus’ a California thing?” Phil was one of the few people Zeke took genuine interest in their life. Maybe he didn’t keep in touch as much as he’d like to but there was the whole thing of actually acknowledging important people in his life, so he’d rather keep a healthy nonchalant distance. He laughed it off and simply linked his arm with Phil’s so as not to let him escape, as if he would like a child. “You’d be surprised at how many times, sugar.” He put an even heavier accent on the last word, then simply held on to Phil for a moment. “You too busy right now?” He sounded uncaring but truth be told, he didn’t have enough friends to actually bother with, coming back to LA had him anxious out of his wits to meet again with Phil.
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zekericks-blog · 7 years
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ZEUS ->  As Background Personality
(Moodboard pt.3)
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zekericks-blog · 7 years
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Zeke ->  Just The Boy
(Moodboard pt.2)
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