Zein satsuki
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zein-satsuki · 2 years ago
Top male reader X Stolas the Goetic Prince of Hell
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Helluva Boss fan fiction contains angst, smut, violence and many many many fluff for my little cute hoppy owlet.
Not my art
"Wonderful, also son you were destined to have a precautionary heir to the goetia family so, you're now engaged. Congratulations! Isn't she charming?"
Living as a member of the royal family of the Ars of Goetia is quite the pressure but happy and fun too with the unlimited knowledge in stored by the father of the family and the spacious palace given lots of places to explore and entertainment to be build. As a bookworm, M/N just love the pure knowledge he could learn from the library. Books being reorganised as new ones replaced the old ones meaning more to read. As he grew up, he is being bullied by his brothers and sisters because of not socializing much but he never cared unless someone dirtied his favourite book or lie to him because they want to benefit by being his friend.
There was one time when it gone too far when his favourite book got snatched from him and stomped to the ground, red covered his mind and before he even realise his sharp nails are at his mean brother's neck and the others are bleeding out cold. He got stopped by F/N who didn't punish him afterwards and just rewarded him a grimoire of animals seeing the potential in his kid for the first time ever. The others got the wind of it and stayed away from him ever since they don't want to get hurt by the H/C haired demon's uncontrolled emotions.
M/N has many exotic creatures in his palace all taken cared by imps he interviewed and hired himself. He didn't care about their attitude against others but animals, definitely requires passion for animals and would never treat them wrong. After all, the creatures in his palace are all his most prized possessions. His father visiting once in a while to know about his progress on the grimoire, nodding and giving him praises every time he test him. Of course, M/N not giving a shit about his opinion since he clearly didn't really care about M/N like still getting his name wrong and such. He's just being himself and trying to steal more books off the demon's hand.
One day F/N feel like M/N is mature enough to meet the other Ars Goetic family's heir, so he dragged him (because M/N refused) to one of the birthday party of the Goetic prince, Stolas. He is really not that interested in socialising, been treated like shit for the past few years until the accident and now he just doesn't trust anyone anymore. And just as he expected, there are tons of people. His dad left him with the royal brats as he went to greet the other royal families trying to find a perfect mate for M/N that can make their family stronger.
M/N didn't bother to introduce himself to the states of the others instead just took out another book and start reading it. The other royalties are curious but didn't want to introduce first too so M/N got his peace as the area around him cleared up. He is enjoying this really much though he preferred to be home but this'll do too. As he think only to get disturbed by a certain birthday boy.
Stolas: Hello there fellow demon, I'm Stolas. I've never seen you around here before.
M/N: Oh, hi. I've just been in my room at all times. By the way, happy birthday.
M/N handed over his books about magical plants and another about the legend and stories of the twelve constellations. Books he liked when he was Stolas's age. He thinks he'll like them too. He was quite troubled at first with the gifts and asked his father for opinion and he gave shitty answers like 18+ stuff getting thrown a pillow to the face afterwards. He even bought it and dares offered it to M/N, M/N had enough of his bullshit and just throwing the book in the trash when his father's gone.
Stolas: Oh! I love plants and stars! Thank you so much! Father hadn't bought me books like those in ages. I just love reading facts about them.
M/N: Hm? Like what?
Stolas: Like the fact about plants can hear. Do you know if you played music to it it would grow really well in the future? I wonder does it listen to us talk too. Oh! Oh! Maybe if someone can get how plants talk we can know about lots of gossip around and...
M/N: Woah woah woah! Stop right there fella. Hehehe, never knew I'd find someone equally as interested in knowledge as me here. Now let me introduce myself properly. I'm M/N, from the L/N family. I would love to talk to you more in a more suitable place.
Stolas: Oh! I'm sorry if I rambled. Of course. Can you give you hell phone number?
M/N: Hehe... Sure. Here's my number.
Stolas: And here's mine.
M/N: I'll contact you once I get back alright. Your father seems to be calling for you, you might wanna go see him.
Stolas: Oh! Coming father. Goodbye M/N, wish to get a call from you later.
M/N: I will.
The owlet happily hopping away as M/N just watch him go. He thinks the blue blood is really cute and angelic unlike any other just caring for status especially Stella the crazy woman with her brother that's a sister loving fanatic. He despise the girl so if she ever gets in the way, he'd be a nightmare. So, his father always tend to keep a close eye to avoid that. M/N had a few snacks before going to look for his father as he's finished with his current book.
Then he overcome Stolas. The owl is just standing confidently beside his father as he introduced him to the rest of the guest, the owlet showing his well learned royal formalities and earning a few cheek pinches from the madams. Then, it was Stella's family, everything gone wrong when they want to match their kid together. Stella is completely disgusted with the cute owl and proceed to torture him with a few pluck out feathers but their family just dismissing it as a sign of love(not).
Stolas was already in the verge of crying when M/N walked over. The owl immediately struggled free going to his first ever friend hiding behind him and clutching his coat. M/N cooed at the cute act but also getting to finally meeting the goose noble that just tortured his friend.
Stella: Hah! Hiding behind the nerd's back like he isn't one pathetically none back boned noble in here, absolutely expected from a useless shit!
M/N: If you didn't learn how to speak properly why not get rid of that useless mouth of yours.
The F/C fur noble starting getting angry with red surrounding him a little meaning he's about to get down dirty just for a big set of arms hoisting him up. M/N turned around to see his father's usual cheerful smile and shaking his head almost unnoticeable to him. Not wanting to wreck the birthday party, he calmed down and F/N put him back down where Stolas immediately went up to him again asking if he was okay.
Stella got freaked out by the demonic eyes M/N showed when he was on the verge of blowing a fuse. She backed off for the rest of the party and later on complained to her parents and brother about the incident making Paimon lose his "perfect" engagement for his heir.
Huffing out annoyed, Paimon called forth F/N to discuss about the problem M/N made only for the male to offer his own child as replacement. This angered Paimon because there's no way two males can have an heir, but when F/N introduced him a magic rune M/N created of mixing two genes together to get a better mutation, he got interested. Then, F/N forced M/N to show his collection of exotic creatures almost making the male bare his fangs at his father before he said it was for Stolas.
It was surprising to see the male so calm showing his treasures to others. What they didn't know is, M/N constantly repeating for the cute owlet in his mind over and over again. After looking around and finding many species Paimon never seen before, he got interested and offered M/N two dark species and for him to perform it in front of him. M/N confidently did so and a baby unicorn hatched. Totally believing F/N now, he agreed to the proposal of him and got up to leave before giving M/N a pat in the shoulder telling him to treat his son well.
The engagement was kept a secret from Stolas till the day he finally can carry his duties meaning getting his grimmoire. But by the mean time, he always asked M/N put to play as they explore each others' garden together and finding their beloved plants and animals. Stolas would listen in on M/N's endless ramble about his collection of animals and the things they do. He found it cute to have the usually stoic and unmoving male so hyped about something. He'd get a few of the newborns too as they took care of them together earning cute little chuckle from the owl prince.
When it was Stolas's turn, he would introduce his exotic plants too. He even gave them funky names that are absolutely adorable to M/N. Seeing Stolas work his blood and sweat for his plants, M/N helped him too. After all the work they'd usually be dirty with the dirt on their hands and faces. And seeing each others' looks just made the cute duo erupt into a laughing mess. Then, M/N got the brilliant idea of smearing more on Stolas's face making the owlet hoot out as he race towards the F/C demon to take his revenge too.
They would also watch the stars together with Stolas telling M/N about each constellation's stories and introducing more and more about the beautiful galaxy. M/N always loved hearing his voice, the owl is just so cute and excited when he shared about his knowledge making M/N want to squish his cute face.
When M/N reached him about more magic showing all of them confidently and perfectly with a significant smile plastered on his face leaves the owl in a dreamy state. He loved watching how M/N would always be so confident in showing his own specialty and teaching him the spells with such gentle voices that just made him want to be embraced by the F/C fur demon. And he did just that.
One day, M/N offered Stolas a trip away from the palace to show him more of his other collection elsewhere. They've set up a place to meet and the time, but what M/N hadn't consider is, how Stolas never gone out before. The owl got lost as expected so M/N got to the place in time without the owl's presence, he immediately knew something's wrong since the blue blood owl was never late. He panicked and went for a searching spree around Stolas's palace ground. After a few minutes, he found the owl bruised up a little with messy fur while carried on the back of a female imp.
Stolas: ...and he's the first ever demon that had the same hobbies as me! He even taught me a lot of magic and showed me a lot more about the stars I don't know about.
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Tilla: It's amazing! I had a boy which had a thing for horses, I think he can get along well with the two of you too.
Stolas: Horses? I love them too! But M/N never let me ride them. He always said I'm too small or something, I can't wait to be older so... Oh oh oh! It's him, hey M/N!
Stolas waved his hand while he was carried on the back by the female imp. M/N was very worried for his friend. Seeing him returning safely, he ran up to them as Stolas is being let down to the ground then get hugged by M/N.
M/N: I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry...
Stolas: M/N, it's nothing. I wanted to come out to play as well.
Tilla: Well, it's time I get back. Goodbye little prince.
Stolas: Goodbye!
M/N: I'll get you back to my place, here.
Stolas: M/N, that imp told me a lot about her son and one of them appears to like horses too! Ain't it such a coincidence!
M/N: Hehehe... Well if we met them in the future we could invite them to play if you want to.
Stolas: Really?
Stolas's eyes gone starry as M/N chuckled through his breath thinking the latter is really really cute right now. He pat the pince's head gently before swinging the owl's arm across his shoulder to support him preventing him from hurting his knee further.
M/N: Of course, Stolas. Your friend is my friend too.
Stolas: Yay! Can't wait for the day we can meet with them!
M/N: Now now don't get too excited, we still need to think up an explanation to your father about your scrapped knee.
Stolas: Oh, right. But what about our trip out?
M/N: Don't worry, we can go out next time, there's plenty of chances don't worry. We need to focus on getting your knee better first. You don't want me worrying about you all day right?
Stolas: Alright then! I'll get better soon.
M/N: Hahahaha, it's not like saying it will make it heal immediately.
Stolas: No, stop laughing at me!
M/N teased the owl more making him flustered and forget all about the pain till they get back to the palace and patched him up with his favourite pictured bandages. He even signed it showing its the work of his making Stolas laugh a lot.
Thank Lucifer Paimon didn't come visit that day, Stolas get to have another sleepover with M/N as they fell asleep to the story telling show. Stolas all curled up comfy in M/N's embrace as the latter wrapped him in his arms with their tails entangled. The TV was soon turned off by the butler as he took another picture of the young masters cute position, ensuring they were covered by the blankets and leaving quietely.
M/N got the album of pictures as a gift from the butler not long after as he himself was thinking about a gift for the owl too. Hi birthday is this upcoming Tuesday and the pictures gave him an idea. He got out one stack of paper and started drawing. Thinking it's an absolute gift he giggled and kept on his work.
Stolas is very hyped for today when the butler woke him. He immediately phoned M/N and kept reminding him it's his day and rambled about the grimmoire he's about to get. The responsibility and power got him more excited as the butler brushed out his feathers. He hang the phone up and tracked up to the hall towards the living room where Paimon was present to give him his gift. At the same time came the arrival of M/N too.
Stolas: M/N! Father!
Paimon: Ah, there is my little owlet.
M/N: He forgot your name again Stolas.
Paimon: No I didn't, I know my own son's name perfectly. And M/N, don't!
M/N: Okay, okay I'll stop.
Paimon: Ehem, as I was saying. Well, my little one, it is finally the day you're becoming the true part of the Goetia family. Well, good for you. Are you ready to do what you meant to do to serve hell?
Stolas: Yes father!
Paimon: You will be entrusted with the studies of earth's stars. Stars that contains prophecies and all that stuff. Ain't that fun? You will be given studies as the grimoire, to grant you access to the human realm to study and observe and you will grow and lead as the prince of hell where you'll live on to pass your knowledge onwards.
Stolas: I will do my best father!
Paimon: Wonderful, also son you were destined to have a precautionary heir to the goetia family so, you're now engaged. Congratulations! Isn't she charming?
The moment Stolas saw the picture of Stella, he started crying. The moment that happened, Paimon started feeling M/N's horrific aura behind him, looking back to see the demonic smile of his. Panicking a little he immediately hid the picture and pat his son on the head a few times.
Paimon: I'm kidding I'm kidding! Calm down Stolas. Your real engagement is with M/N. Got no problem with that now do you?
Stolas: With N/N! Do you knew about this N/N?
M/N: Urmmm... Yeah?
Stolas: Why didn't you tell me?
M/N: I was afraid you won't like it and won't hang out with me anymore...
Stolas: Oh silly, I'd never. I love to be with you ~
The lovebirds(literally) snuggle up each other and start hugging and chuckling while Paimon just stood there. Noticing M/N sly smirk he cursed in his heart and just cut in to disturb their little time together by holding Stolas up and away from M/N. The demon smirking slyly in return just to get a "childish" from the F/C demon making him almost lose himself. Then he said through gritted teeth,
M/N: What. Are. You. Doing.
Paimon: Well, why don't we take a trip to the circus in town! Heard that they're pretty amazing~
Stolas: I'd love to go with you father!
M/N: But Stolas, didn't we already visited them last...
Paimon: Great let's go!
The goetia demon sped away with his son leaving M/N behind as the demon just grumbled and ran to catch up with them. The butler arranged their seats as they sit down accompanied by the few stares from the other demons since it's rare to see blue bloods around here. The circus show started a few minutes later. Stolas is starting to get excited while M/N just sighed and pet the cute owl a few times for the latter to chirp out happily.
Paimon just watched while having a little smile by his face too. He loves his son of course, but there's just too many to remember. Loud awed expressions and laughter spread through the circus as the circus member started performing their own talents on stage then came the lights out and clowns warning.
This made all of the imps surprised as the clowns lashed out with sharp teeth and glowing eyes. M/N received a fluffy little owlet as the clowns scared Stolas. He just rub him gently and kept him in his embrace. Stolas blushing a lot and snuggling into M/N. The imp brothers swinging around ropes throughout the circus as one of them let go trusting the other to catch him and they do it perfectly smiling happily as so. Stolas got so pumped up by the fun as his face went red with excitement while he started hopping a little in M/N's embrace. Paimon seemingly noticing his son's enthusiasm and gave his butler a look. Being a professional butler he pulled out his hellphone and arranged a sudden added show that includes Stolas and M/N with the circus bros.
Suddenly the lights shown on the lovely couple as Stolas felt flustered and crept down from M/N who the torch shining imp received glares from.
Imp: Let's give a round of applause to our beloved princes and welcome them up stage!!!!!
Crowds: YEAH!!!!!!!!!
The crowds were hyped to the fullest at the moment. Stolas and M/N completely stunned by the sudden announce that they just raise theirs arms up per the imps ask as the brothers grabbed onto them soaring through the air, sometimes changing ropes to ropes. M/N and Stolas both laugh their hearts out at the fun and comfortable feeling of wind. Then they had a perfect landing with M/N on the ground first and catching Stolas that was drop down above him. Stolas being too excited kissed his prince charming on the beak smiling sweetly as possible. Almost making the latter faint from such cuteness.
They returned to their seats chattering and talking about the fun they had on stage, especially Stolas that rambled to his father too which Paimon just hear patiently cause today's Stolas's birthday, he doesn't want to make him sad. Then, the little imp making balloon animals. M/N can't stand the awkwardness of Blitzo repeatedly mess up of his job and helped with a little manipulation of shapes with his power just a reward for making his dear so happy. But something gone wrong and the horse had no legs. M/N just buried himself into Stolas embarrassed by the failure of his first ever magic perform in front of people. The considerate owl just rubbing his fiance's head gently. Then, Stolas laughed at the jokes Blitzo made making the male in his embrace groan in jealousy. Stolas laughing even more due to his fiance's childish acts. Paimon totally taking this opportunity to record the embarrassing moment of M/N and sending it to his father.
Fizzarolli totally shoving Blitzo out the window with a perfect balloon horse earning the cheers from the crowd. The circus show ended as the crew bowed to the audience as claps are heard till the curtains closed.
As they were about to leave, Paimon made an excuse to leave, which M/N and Stolas just dismissed it while still being excited from the circus show. About a minute or so, they left the circus. Arriving to the palace as Blitzo and his father just seconds behind them.
Paimon: Here's your new friend my son, happy birthday.
M/N: Buying him a friend? Really, Paimon?
Paimon: Shut up you brat, don't make me send you home!
M/N: Ha, like I'd get...
The duo just straight out fighting in the back as Blitzo introduced himself to Stolas. Stolas bowing to Blitzo seeming to triggered the duo as M/N's hand went straight to Stolas's head to keep him up while his father just outright scold him for it.
Paimon: Don't bow to that one, you bow to us, idiot!
Stolas: Oh right.
M/N: Cut him some slack or I'll...
Paimon: You don't say that here!
Stolas: It's okay, N/N. I'm fine! This is M/N, my best friend and now my fiancé! Isn't that cool?!?!?
Blitzo: Yeah?
M/N: Calm down my darling, let's go inside.
Stolas: Oh yeah right!
Blitzo: Woah!
M/N: Um, careful darling.
The energetic owl pulling both of them in sprinting excited to show his collection. He rambled about the book M/N bought him his last birthday, it was about horses. That spiked Blitzo's attention, as the three of them talked about the different species and what kind of usual needs they have. M/N even took out his own made notebook from studying the magical creatures to show them what he discovered what wasn't in the book.
Apparently hell stallions are pretty easy to tame when you pull the hem of it's fur by the neck, same with all other mammals since their life source and weaknesses are all concentrated there. Then, the watch on M/N's wrist started sounding alerting the trio. Stolas squealed knowing what that means as he yet again drag the duo to his garden and there they saw how the foal is born into the world. M/N and Stolas working together as they helped the mare clean up the blood and patch her up with a few spells from M/N's grimmoire. Then they wrapped the foal in soft towels leaving for Stolas to hold it. Blitzo just staring at the foal with stary eyes as M/N gave him the other foal wrapped in towels.
He always dreamt of seeing a horse and now holding a baby one in hand is just a dream come true. He's so excited he can't form words properly and just started stammering. This made the couple laugh as Blitzo just wanted to dig a hole and hide after realising his mistake.
M/N: Didn't know you would like horses this much. You can keep it if you want?
Blitzo: Really?????
Stolas: Of course! N/N's got loads of them in the barn already.
Blitzo, mind-blown by the generosity of the blue bloods just accepted quick as possible afraid that they'll take the offer back. M/N knew he can take good care of the foal since he know what an animal lovers like. The three of them ran off again to other places in the garden with Stolas showing his amazing garden skills that includes the flowers colour blooming into a beautiful picture of him and M/N. The cheesy feeling just made Blitzo a bit uneasy but he still compliments it as it is quite an amazing work. Then, M/N showing Blitzo and Stolas his collection of favourite magical creatures. One of them being dark ponies that are big and handsome absolutely, Blitzo loving it absolutely too.
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After all of that, they got tired. Stolas pulled them towards the tree where a small table set is there under the shades of it. M/N left to brew some tea up where Stolas was left to keep Blitzo's company. When he came back, they are talking about him.
Blitzo: M/N's so cool! Do you think I can ride thunderstorm if I ask him nice enough?
Stolas: Well, I'm not too sure about that, I think thunderstorm is still out of league. Maybe you can in another few years or so?
Blitzo: Huh? But why? Awww, but Thunderstorm's so cool, I really wanna try it out.
Stolas: Because it's dangerous, Thunderstorm will kick anyone he isn't familiar with. His kick can send you straight to heaven.
Blitzo: Hmph! I want to become closer to the stallion too. Please teach me, M/N~
M/N: Hahahaha! It's not that easy though, since you aren't strong enough. Thunderstorm despise the weak. Maybe in the future when you're strong enough?
Blitzo: Hmph! Fine then.
Stolas: Oh, look at the time. It's pretty late already. Aren't your parents gonna worry about you?
Blitzo: Oh crumbs, I forgot about it!
M/N: About what?
Blitzo: Um...Uh...nothing. I'm gonna go home now, I had a great time with you two.
M/N: How much did Paimon pay your dad for buying you one day?
Blitzo: Um, a condom and a five dollar bill...
M/N: Ugh! Literally can't with that guy! Here.
A huge rainbow amulet was taken out as the shine almost blinding Blitzo's eyes. M/N noticing the shine wrapped in up with some cloth and just placed it in Blitzo's hands closing it up.
M/N: Here, thanks for the company today. Next time, how about you show us what you do on your free time?
Blitzo: Sure! I can introduce you to my best friend too, Fizzarollii will sure be excited to meet you guys too! I'm just sure of it!
Stolas: Till we meet again?
Blitzo: Till we meet again.
The two blue bloods watch as the little imp with his father descend from the road bidding bye to Blitzo happily.
M/N and Stolas: Good-bye Blitzo!
Blitzo: Good-bye!
That concludes their happy first meeting which Blitzo will never forget because of the prize of getting stronger and for the foal gifted. However the promise of meeting again never seemed to happen, as both the goetia demon are busy with their studies and Blitzo is busy with his circus work. The lovers still attending some of his shows when they're off from studies. They even joined in a few times attracting a lot of people so Blitzo's father's not complaining. They eventually got to hang out with Fizzarolli and they play pretend with the balloon animals together. Blitzo as he is always liking a lot of blood spread and gore and shit. Then, Stolas asked about their future dream jobs.
Fizzarolli: I think being a clown's great, I like all the fun and attention I get now.
Blitzo: I want to be the boss of the circus in the future and I'll make the circus greater and bigger than it ever was! I'll even hire you guys when you're broke as hell.
Stolas: You? Hiring us?
M/N: Ha! In your dreams pal, you can't even handle thunderstorm yet.
Blitzo: Just you wait! I'll do it in the future I'm sure of it!
Fizzarolli: What about you guys?
M/N: Hm? Just the usuals I guess but I'll sure bring my darling on vacation all over hell in the future.
Stolas: Oh, N/N~ I love you.
The two started nuzzling against each other making the imps groan having to witness and be envious of their heaven like relationship in such a young age. It's not easy in hell to find a perfect significant other, so Stolas and M/N is really lucky to have found each other. The two imps showing each other a sly smirk as they both ounce onto the avian demons to tickle them. Erupted laughter totally destroying the lovey dovey atmosphere.
M/N: You know, if you guys want, we can nuzzle you too.
Blitzo: Eww, no. Leave that for your husband.
Stolas: Actually, about that. We came here for another reason.
Fizzarolli: Hm?
Stolas: This.
The avian demon taking out a fancy looking invitation from his pockets while M/N hugged him from behind. The feeling of his beak in his neck just made Stolas chuckle slightly. Fizzarolli and Blitzo studied the invitation to let out surprised sighs.
Both: You're getting married!!!
Stolas: Yes! Isn't that exciting?
Blitzo: But, aren't you guys just 18?
M/N: Hahaha, we don't look at age to do things Blitzo. Besides, we're pretty much doing everything a married couple do already.
Stolas: Yeah, mmf.
The two kissed again flushing a bit as the imps just looked away and pretend to puke making the couple laugh.
Fizzarolli: Well, we'll come for sure. But don't expect us to bring some fancy ass gifts for your wedding.
M/N: Nah, your company's enough. We have to go now, Stolas. There's still a mountain stack more to deliver.
Stolas: Oh right! Good bye you guys!
Stolas and M/N waved goodbye as Stolas attempt to open a portal just to open it right below them. Both letting out surprised squeaks disappearing into the unknown. This just made the imps laugh even more. When the two avian demons send all the invitations out, they were exhausted. When they reached Stella's household, Stolas being to tired just hung over M/N's back asleep. The door open to reveal the butler and M/N just shoving the cards to her hand and turn to leave only to be stopped by the obnoxious voice of Adrealphus.
Adrealphus: Oh, there's the sorry of an excuse of a royalty. Total filth playing with imps. Ha!
M/N: Gawk all you want, I'm not giving you the invitation anymore. I'll just tell Paimon your family wants nothing to do with him.
Adrealphus: Wait, give me that.
M/N: Nope, have fun being the culprit of your family's downfall.
Adrealphus: I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Please.
M/N: Just this once, remember, I hate brats!
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Fancy outfits and preparations of the wedding busied by the imps and the caring work of the magical creatures and cannibalistic plants in their conjoined garden falling into their hands. Off from the studies, it was a bit of a mess at the start with the fighting of the plants and animals. Alas, brought to the end by Stolas's crying and M/N's threatening glare.
After all the chaos, they'll have pleasant silence in the library reading books. The owl just sitting in M/N's lap and moving ever so slightly to set in comfortably.
M/N: Um, Stolas.
Stolas: Hm?
M/N: Could you stop moving so much, you're making me a bit excited.
Stolas: Oh, I'm sorry. Do you need help with that.
M/N: No, I don't want to break this atmosphere. I love this comfortable feeling.
Stolas: Hoot hoot, I love this too. Muah~
Stolas continue to read the book and M/N nuzzling on his furry hair drifting off to slumber. And the creepo (M/N's father) taking a picture of this exact scene too.
The wedding came up real quick, M/N kissing Stolas deeply in front of everyone as the priest announce their marriage. M/N went on a rampage with Lucifer and L/N his father when all their private moments pictures got released on their wedding as slideshow. Stolas just hid in pure embarrassment while the whole scene was kind of a mess. After chaos, they read their vows for each other already being fully excited and craving for each other, the two kiss erupting claps and howls from others.
Cheers from the crowd as Stolas threw his flower bouquet back with all his might that Blitzo ended up catching. Of course the ladies wanted the flowers for the blessing rumoured so the fight started. The whole wedding turned out to be a good fight as the married couple got their clothes ruined, but they didn't mind of course.
M/N took Stolas out on a honeymoon to the envy ring that had a underwater hotel with pretty colourful fishes swimming around the hotel. When the lights are out, it'll be even more beautiful with the corals lighting up by themselves. The colourful corse of colours bringing stars to Stolas's eyes. M/N got dragged around a lot by the hyperactive owl as they venture the whole hotel.
Stolas: This is amazing!!!! Thank you so much~
M/N: A promise's a promise. Now, how about we have some fun.
Stolas: Huh? Woah!
The owl got pushed on bed by the lust filled demon as he pin the avian demon on bed. Nibbling around Stolas's neck to find his sensitive spot as Stolas moaned and push into him more. Stolas also preening M/N around his sweet spot getting the H/C feathered demon to groan along. Their groins rubbing against each other, as they kissed and tongues swirl with each other. Kissing till they're almost out of breath but the thrusting of their groins never stopping wanting to get to their high.
Stolas: Ah...ah...AHHHHH!
M/N: Ugh!!!
The most beautiful moan let out as a wet patch covered Stolas's pants. M/N had an orgasm too, but seeing Stolas this sexy totally got him excited again. They kiss hug and preen each other till all their clothes are off. Then they switched position to M/N holding onto Stolas's thigh to keep him steady as the owl is shakily doing up and downs on M/N's face. The long tongue reaching places his own fingers couldn't, as string of moans just stream from his mouth.
Stolas: Ah...ah... it's so....good....slippery and so long...ah! Yes yes...press on that ah...ah
M/N sucked even harder around his sensitive walls, tongue fucking the certain spot that will make Stolas go crazy. Stolas's moans ring through the whole room as his grip on M/N's head grew stronger feeling closer and closer to ecstasy till the sweet release.
Stolas: Aghhhhh~ ha...ha...
M/N laid Stolas down on bed and licked the excess cum from Stolas's cock sexually making the said demon moan and get hard again.
Stolas: Please, N/N. I want... I...
M/N: Tell me, what do you want baby?
Stolas: I want your cock already, please, AH!
While whining needy, he got picked up as M/N complied to Stolas's wishes changing their position to missionary. Both looking at each other lovingly as M/N went down for another messy make out session with his dear owl, a hand guiding the feathered arms to hold onto his shoulders as the other started stroking Stolas's shaft in languid long strokes.
Stolas: Ah...ah....feel so good. Keep going, N/N. Ah...Ah....wha?
Sudden feeling of intrusion just made Stolas went blank as immense pleasure of being attack by the back and front at once just leave his mind blank as he spurt out dirty words and whining more and more. Chuckling, M/N took out his sliick covered fingers and positioned himself in front of Stolas's hole. Looking Stolas deep in the eyes and hands tightening the long legs wrapping around them, tails entangled.
M/N: Are you ready my dear husband?
Stolas: Put it in N/N, please~ ah...AHHH hurts. It hurts. Ah ha no
M/N: I'm sorry baby, I'll go slow I promise.
He inserted bit by bit, seeing his dear owl pained and sweat filled face, he started stroking his shaft again polishing the shaft with the precum making the male below him writhing as the limped dick got excited again.
Stolas: Ugh...ha...yes, I want your big fat cock daddy!
M/N: Baby, stop! You're not ready yet.
Stolas: I don't care, I want it now.
A loud scream came afterwards as Stolas swing his hips forwards engulfing all of M/N. All Stolas feeling right now is pain like his been ripped apart, shaking slightly as tears streamed down his face sobs heard. M/N immediately went to console him, whispering how he was so tight and good for him, such a pretty little bird all for him and how he always look so charming while stroking his shaft and playing with his sensitive spots to get him to calm down.
M/N: I love you baby. Let's just cuddle for the night, I think we're both not ready yet.
Stolas: Wait, no! I want to do this! We went all the way now, just give me some time.
Deep breaths taken as they intertwined their hands again, M/N nibbling softly around Stolas's sweet spot, erupting more erotic moans and proceed to calm him down. Tears drained Stolas's face and his face was all flushed too, M/N wanted to record this moment but well he's busy pleasuring his sweet lover.
Deep and hard thrust in different angles followed after to find that certain spot again. Then M/N flipped Stolas to his side and start fucking him sideways that just seem to rub past his prostate as deep as possible. Screams and uncontrollable writhing until Stolas just came harshly, weakly holding onto M/N. His hole clenching and milking M/N making M/N groan and came buckets into the avian demon. Exhausted from the activities M/N lay down beside Stolas peppering kisses across his face and embracing him. Feeling so loved and worshipped just made the owl hoot happily as tiredness drown him. Seeing his sleepy look, M/N just caress him and hum a little to soothe Stolas down for him to go to sleep.
He got up after hearing the familiar snores of his lover. Grabbing a wet cloth from their luggage, he cleaned up the left over cum on Stolas's body and the sweat too, then lead the cum out of his hole with his fingers making the owl moan gently from his sleep. Sexy as hell but M/N's too tired to continue anyways. Throwing the dirty cloth in the basin, he pick up the large blanket from the floor and wrapped both of them in it, Stolas roll into him right after, the cute snores lulling M/N to sleep too.
A lot of aftercare and sweet talk followed after as they spend their wonderful vacation at the hotel and resorts there. They even went scuba diving to see the beautiful coloured sea creatures. No sea monster dare to disturb their time with the hell's most venomous fish guardian by their side everywhere they go. Sometimes they sat in front of the large underwater window just enjoying cuddle time together, and sometimes they went out to hunt and explore more about the envy ring already planning their first anniversary trip to the other rings.
Yet fun times always went by fast. It was time for then to return to their duties. Their everyday lives still envied by their friends with the constant post of their daily of feeding each other, gardening session, grooming sessions even animal riding and caring activities. The magic they perform also a light to their world. The people were grateful for the couple's effort of serving hell. Their popularity eventually rising higher and higher.
M/N introduced Stolas his experiment about having a child with only the genes of the two of them, and asking if the Stolas can be the host of the egg. Stolas totally excited from the deep of his heart and nodded repeatedly pouncing onto M/N and kissing him again and again. The experiment worked perfectly as the egg grew months by months, Stolas completely cut off from his work since M/N doesn't allow him to do his job not wanting his stressed out. Cravings and bad tempers always cured by the immediate serve of his favourite dishes and the warm hugs and sweet praises.
By the day Octavia was born into the world. Stolas had little to no problem with labours since it's a small egg and he always had M/N prepping him for this exact moment meaning lubing him up and fisting him open at night. The two taking care of their egg by staying in their nest all day giving warmth to the latter till she hatches. Blitzo often came to visit the owlet making the cute owl hoot happily while Stolas just starry eyed all over taking tons of pictures of his precious Starfire.
Laying on M/N's body lazily, Stolas flip through the pages of the book hold by M/N as they were reading a story book in M/N's office. Suddenly a bang of the door in came an intruder getting M/N immediately on guard as Stolas's face got stuffed into his chest before one of his hands with dark red aura aiming at the one.
Blitzo: Wait wait wait!!!! It's just me.
M/N: Oh.
Stolas: N/N! Stop hiding me every time we're in danger! It's not like stuffing me into you're chest is gonna help with anything!
M/N: Aww~ but you said you liked it before.
Stolas: Not unless it's on the bed!
Blitzo: Um, as much as I like to watch my favourite couple drama I have something important to say.
Stolas: Oh hi Blitz, didn't you see you there. Hehe...
Blitzo: Yeah, yeah.
M/N: Stolas, you'd make him upset.
Blitzo: Oh, shut up. I just wanna ask if you guys had anything that can let us access the human world?
This includes Stolas's responsibility as he sat up still comfortably in M/N's embrace getting serious.
Stolas: And what would that be for? You know my dad would be at my neck if anything you let the humans finds out and shit.
M/N: Language my dear. Octavia's starting to learn from you, you know?
Stolas: Is she now? I thought you were the one that was always cursing in front of her.
Blitzo: Ehem!
Stolas: Oh right. M/N give me my grimmoire. Thanks hun, hm.... Aha, there's a crystal called Asmodean crystal that allows succubi and incubi to cross through the living and the dead.
Blitzo: Great! Where's it at? Or do you have it by chance.
M/N: Duh, it's engraved in Stolas's grimmoire, why else would you think he'd had access to the human world.
Blitzo: Great, may I borrow it?
Stolas: What! Of course not! I've got to use it for my jobs.
Blitzo: Your jobs all done by M/N anyway. Just let me borrow it for a few. Please~
Stolas: N/N?
M/N: You know what'll happen if anyone found out. Right my prince?
Blitzo: Please, pretty please!
Stolas: State your purpose then, I'll think about it.
Blitzo: Fine, I've got a crew of assassins and a client gave us an idea of expanding it further.
M/N: It's up to you, Stolas. I personally thinks it'll be fun.
Stolas: Sigh* Fine.
Blitzo: Yes!
Stolas: But, human disguises and no others finding out understood?
Blitzo: Yes, can you hurry... I'm sorry.
M/N: Good.
Stolas: And no getting caught or find out. If so I'll never trust you again.
Blitzo: I promise.
M/N: Return it once a month, I'll get the work done by then.
The fancy book was floated to the imp and the sudden fall of the heavy book just made Blitzo slip and fall making the couple laugh.
M/N: In return, you'll have to tend to our gardens for the entire day too! Good luck.
Before Blitzo complained, he was already teleported out by Stolas as the couple continued with their pleasant morning.
Octavia: Dad? Father?
The sweet call of their daughter got them both up again. Helping each other out with their attires as they walk to their daughter's room.
Stolas: Yes Via?
Octavia: Can I visit Uncle Aster? He phoned me yesterday.
M/N: Of course you can honey. After breakfast.
Octavia: You're the best, father!
Stolas: Awe, what about me?
Octavia: You? Father's baby I guess.
Stolas: Octavia!
Octavia: Hahahaha....
M/N just watched as his husband gone through the hallway chasing their daughter as a smile was brought to his face. Yes, this is everything that he could've wished for. Sudden cries of hunger from the room beside just woke him up form his trance as he went to their son's room. Room decorated with toys and soft plushies as the middle of the crib sat their crying little bird.
M/N: Shhh, Alex. Here, here.
A bottle of milk appeared in his hands as he filled his son's hungry stomach. Coaxing a burp out of him after he finishes then lulling him to sleep again in the crib. The little owl just letting out a cute yawn as he hugged his favourite plushie while he's off to sleep again. They originally didn't want to get another baby, but thinking that their daughter is gonna rule alone isn't an option so another came. They'd sooner or later leave their duties to their children and live together without the bother of others.
A few years went past. While Stolas was watering his plants, M/N gently stalked behind him and hug the owl.
Stolas: Ah!
M/N: I'm back.
Stolas: Ooh, welcome back my dear N/N.
They shared a passionate kiss caressing each other slightly before getting called out by Alex.
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Alex: Ugh, get a room you guys!
The angry owl proceeded to leave as the couple just blush profusely. This happened many time already as you can see, but they still never see others besides each other when they're together.
M/N: Oh, I heard Blitz and his crew got the cheerubs in hell. You said you wanted the lamb right?
Stolas: Oh oh oh! Did you get it for me?
M/N: Yes darling~
Stolas: I love you so much, I'll repay you at night~
M/N: What do you need him for anyway?
Stolas: Oh, it's not me. It's Alex. I see the look on his face when he saw their advertisement. Oh how young loves bloom.
M/N: Beautiful indeed. The full moon festival in the wrath ring is coming up soon, when do you want to get your book back?
Stolas: Hm, maybe tomorrow. I'm sure they'll get their work done by then.
M/N: You sure you're able to walk tomorrow?
Stolas: Oh you're on!
In fact Stolas indeed didn't get up that day so it was still M/N passing onto the news. He even offered the I.M.P s a trip there as a compensate.
Blitzo: Deep breath sucked in* THUNDERSTORM!!!!
M/N: Yes yes, the one you love so much. How's Rosie doing by the way?
Blitzo: Oh, she's doing great! See I even bought her the... oh you got one for him too?
M/N: Yeah, he is my favourite after all.
Stolas: Ehem!
M/N: Okay, second favourite.
Alex: I heard you father!
M/N: Fine, all of you are my favourites. Satisfied my dears?
Octavia: Yes.
M/N: Great let's get moving now before we get late.
Alex: Don't do it with daddy on the car alright.
Stolas: Alex!
Blitzo: Pffft.
M/N: No one encourage him!
The festival was a blast and then came the day where Blitzo and Moxie got in trouble with the humans. This time Blitzo notifying M/N, both startled by the sudden alarm as they came early making Stolas moan from the warmth spurt inside of him. When M/N recollected himself enough to know what just happened, he blew a fuse and wrap his husband tight in the blankets after leaving a note. He left to the living world with his grimmoire and destroyed the whole laboratory in the process almost killing the I.M.Ps too. The cold stone expression scaring them half to death finally able to breathe again after Blitzo reminded him about Stolas.
He rushed home to find the owl curled up like a ball seeming to be in a bad dream. He hum to him softly and pat him gently cooing the latter to return to his good dreams as his eyebrows are soothed out. Getting into the warm bed, he started planning for early retirement. Feeling his lover curling up to him made him snap lots more photos.
The end~
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zein-satsuki · 2 years ago
Anthony (Angel Dust) X Top Male Reader
Hazbin hotel FanFiction contains Hella lot of smut and violence. Little small fluff to dear little Antsy (Anthony).
Not my art
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"Remember little pumpkin pie, whenever I'm not by your side and you need a little company, just call out to me and I'll be there in split seconds."
"Yes my little baby I'll always be by your side."
3rd pov
M/N is always a weird kid. Oddly too quiet unlike the other children, far too obedient and thoughtful for the adults' taste. But when he get thrown the job to take care of the other children while his family is on vacation or some business dinner, he never complained about anything. In fact, he did it perfectly so with the convenience, his parents never thought of anything abnormal.
His younger sisters and brothers are just like any normal kid, annoying and noisy, but when M/N's around with them, they are strangely more quiet. His words has always worked better than his parents.
Well this eventually spiked their interest since it's Italian's most prized possession, their family relationship. So they relieve some of their time off the busy schedule of work and eventually started hanging around the house more. However they never get to be close with M/N since it's already too late and pass his childhood. His attitude's already shaped, peculiarities thrown to the back of his parents mind due to the other children to take care of.
Even with the burden of his schoolwork and family young 'uns he's still happy and optimistic with everything because of a friend he had in school Lorenzo. Lorenzo was a positive influence on him always being hyperactive and kind. However his curiosity always gets the best of him and that's how M/N get to befriend him. He was curious of the quiet boy sitting in the corner and went up to talk to him and get to know him more. Lorenzo always fight against the injustice treatment M/N gets at his household but M/N never blamed his parents for anything so he always dismiss such with some jokes or other things he in-store that's sure to attract the said male's attention.
They would go out and have parties together and have sleepovers at each others, talk on the phone till sleep and talk about love interest. They even tried watching porn together and that's how M/N found out he's more attracted to boys. It's like finding out a whole another world for Lorenzo asking M/N many stupid questions like did M/N secretly has feelings for him or things like does he want to be a girl only to get thrown pillows to the face to shut him up.
But when M/N's alone he thought about all those things and note to himself he definitely has no feelings for his weird ass bestie and doesn't wish to become a girl. Guess he's just attracted to guys more. And because of the low on EQ he told his parents about it. They were totally disgusted and ignored M/N like he doesn't exist secretly contacting mental doctors for him.
When they found one, let's just say it wasn't a good time. A terrifying one that's run by illegal association. M/N's parents just left him there for years only visiting when it's time for the so called medical fees. It was just pure torture having all the needles and pain of testing new stuff on him getting him sick and always strapped onto the bed to avoid him escaping. M/N endured it all, slowly getting a bit crazy in the inside. But he kept himself in, just for the slimmest chance of escaping. Then, he found one, one of the boss's kid, Anthony.
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Remember that the first time they look eye to eye, M/N immediately knowing he's the one and just turn his gaze away afraid of scaring the youngster. While Anthony is just having a fit with his father's homophobic ass and tears hanging a little by his eyes with curses spilling out of his mouth. He is just looking for another sicko to yell at till he saw M/N, the tied up handsome in the cell that's spacing out. He's the type he likes the most, the reverse triangle shaped body and that face, especially that manly ass face definitely his type.
Anthony: Hey, what's a cutie like you doing here~
Then he noticed where he's at.
Anthony: Oh I'm gonna kill those fuckers for messing with ya...
M/N: Don't, you don't want to mess with them. I...I don't want them to hurt you.
The voice and the caring he had for him absolutely nailed Anthony in as he squeezed happily in his heart and just got more determined to save this one outta hell.
Anthony: Don't worry belloissimo, it's no biggie. Besides, I'd rather have you by my side than knowing that fucker (his father) doing something to ya and doing nothing!
M/N: It's fine, really. I don't blame you.
Anthony: No it's not! Okay? End of discussion!
M/N: Listen um...
Anthony: The name's Anthony. What about yours bell'uomo?
M/N: Hehehe... I'm M/N but you're free to call me anything you want.
Anthony: Then I'll keep with the nicknames then muscoli.
M/N: Heh, I'm not that fit.
Anthony: Ya kiddin'? Ya da buffest I seen around!
M/N: You flatter me. I'm not that good.
Anthony: But that you are, I just need to get you out here to look for yourself!
M/N: Yeah about that. I still wish that you don't do something, please.
Anthony: But...
M/N: Believe me, I have a plan...
He got disturbed by the far away yell upstairs as it frightened both of them.
Arackniss: Hurry the fuck up gay bitch! You're getting us late again with your crap!
Anthony: Oh shut the crap up will ya! I'm coming! (In yell) I'll come back to ya when I can sugar (in normal).
With that Anthony left in a hurry not without looking back a few times with worry present on his face. M/N just smiled and mouth to him a "I'll wait for you" as he watch till he completely descend through the door. Thinking back to his plan, he decided to postpone it a little to reconstruct it better so that he can take Anthony with him, since he clearly isn't enjoying it here too. He didn't miss the tears Anthony had when he was coming in.
It is his first objective to keep Anthony safe from every parts of his escapist. He waited patiently and acted numb to all the experiments like a lifeless being for the guards to loosen up. Day by day and finally he had all the things needed. Anthony came by as promised by the 15th of every month and this is the fifth time they're meeting.
M/N broke the straps off with the knife Anthony slipped him and used the identity card he stole from a guard to unlock the bomb he had on his neck. Then he got out the keys from the guards slowly unlocking the doors and closing it. It's night time so no one's really awake on the watch. He walked cautiously to the exit and met up with Anthony by the walls. When he saw him he immediately rush up to hug the guy. Anthony being as emotional too hugged back and they stayed for a few seconds before finally using the rope to climb out. Looking back at the prison one last time before getting called by Anthony.
Anthony: What's keepin ya hun? We gotta roll.
M/N: Coming Antsy!
He proceeded to hop off and opened his arms to catch his falling sweetheart Antsy. Anthony fall straight into his arms with an excited squeal and is starting to be touchy of his other parts too, like the packed chest he dreamt at night and craved to touch for so long.
Anthony: I've always wondered how these pieces of meat feels~
M/N: Well, is it to your expectations?
Anthony: Yup, absolutely muscoli, last time I checked. Hehehe... Come on let's get going mmf...
M/N closed in for a kiss with his tongues reaching in. Angel gone real red after and is just holding onto his burning face and sitting in silence at the back with his eyes seeming to be in a daze. M/N just chuckled and helped him buckle his seatbelt up. He him with his 'prisoner' coat while changing into regular ones himself. Then, he drove all the way to another country which isn't under the influence of Anthony's dad. By the time he reach there he's already tired the hell out, but looking back at Anthony that is chirping happily made him feel all the burden are lift off in a second.
They crash at a hotel nearby. By the time they're done, both are tired from the long journey across country and snuggle up in bed together. This is the first time they've been together without the bars between and yet they are already treating each other like the candy in their eyes. Nicknames is a natural thing along the drive to get here too. So...
M/N: Goodnight my dear Antsy.
Anthony: Good night N/N, (cute yawn)
Anthony's cute yawn just made the H/C haired male chuckle as he go in for another kiss causing another tomato faced blond. Snuggled in each other's arms, they sleep the night away with smiles on their faces.
In a flash it's already the morning. Anthony grunted from the rays of the sun and his hand searching for a certain warmth out of instinct. When he didn't find anything, he shot up straight looking around the room. No sign of M/N and this unfamiliar hotel. He panicked a little think the great escape is just all dream of his. His old habit of hair pulling from distressed started showing before a certain someone came in with a tray of breakfast.
M/N: Good morning sunshine! I brought you breakfast in bed.
Before he had the time to place it down the table side he was jumped and hugged by the blonde but the breakfast is still safely secured by his other hand. Proceeding to place the tray down he hoisted the male up earning a cute yelp from the boy and walk towards the bed. Caressing him gently and whispering sweet things in his ear to calm him down.
M/N: Remember little pumpkin pie, whenever I'm not by your side and you need a little company, just call out to me and I'll be there in split seconds.
Anthony: Really?
M/N: Yes my little baby I'll always be by your side.
Then the cuddly group move to the bed. M/N place the tray in Anthony's knee. He kiss the male on the cheeks again making him chuckle and return the kiss to his lips. It was just a really cute moment both of them enjoy really much.
Anthony: So, what's the plan?
M/N: Well, don't worry your pretty little head about it. Just know that I'll always have enough to support you for anything you want.
Anthony: But N/N, I want to help too! Please please please~
The puppy eyes specialty shone and struck M/N down immediately as he gave in. He never wanted Anthony to come out since gay is something that is still not accepted for this century and Anthony is just not that good at hiding it meaning he'll hurt himself if M/N's not careful enough.
M/N: Hm... How about the dance career you liked so much? And maybe being a model for fashion shows in the mean time?
Anthony: How's that gonna even help?
M/N: Well, there's a lot. You can boost my career ratings and help me advertise my things with your future popularity.
Then M/N just got pounce on again by the clearly excited and happy blonde loving the idea of it. Then just as M/N promised he spent the first bucket of money he got, all on Anthony's career with the dance instructor and the media sosial managing account to prevent any sort of toxic people from the future.
Despite the great development in both their work, they still had some troubles to deal with in certain times. Anthony with the pain and soreness from the practices and M/N from the high pressure of his large amount of work. M/N always helps him apply cream through his sore spots and Anthony offering his warm cuddles and funny jokes to lift M/N's spirit.
Sometimes these soft sessions ended up in steamy and smexy ones even though none of them had experience in this, they both went through some embarrassment of asking someone in the club and Anthony almost getting harassed if it weren't for M/N nearby. So the first sex session went on with a little bit of pain but enjoyable none the less and the other session just get better and better.
Anthony is addicted to the pleasure M/N brought him, the feeling of his hubby's cock snuggled up deeply in his prostate and his bigger and warm hands fisting Anthony's cock just made him feel so blessed to have him as his boyfriend. The cute and erotic face Anthony makes every time they had their little make out session together always makes M/N crazy for him and it'll ended up as a full sex session. Sometimes when both are too tired but still like the warmth of each other close up, cockwarming comes in handy. M/N stuffing his cock in gently to prevent hurting him as they nestle in the big comfy bed together. Or when M/N is busy working on his computer, Angel will be sitting between his feet sucking him off many many times.
Sometimes little harmless pranks played by Anthony with his work outfit gone missing or his breakfast booby trapped by spider candies. Sometimes it'll gone to teasing in bed or work (like dancing on the pole and a lap dance or purposely bending down to show his curves) ending up in an overstimulated Anthony later that requires a break day and a whole lot of aftercare containing cuddles and kisses. M/N never minded his jokes, unless it's cheating with others but knowing Anthony he'll never do something like that. After all, no one is able to overtake M/N in his heart.
Ten years passed and Anthony became the biggest hits of all knowing almost every dance in the world, you name it and he'll show it. M/N got affiliated by the gangs stuff because of Anthony's father finding their presence from the big hit of Anthony. He managed to crash the mafia family and climb to the top of the ring. M/N proposed to Anthony with cute animals around totally drowning him in tears as he squealed yes and yes over and over. The marriage was arranged and they got married with Anthony wearing a pink gown and M/N wearing a pink tuxedo just to suit Anthony's liking.
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They became the happiest couple among their friends and almost every single one of them are envious of them. But do they care, nope!
World war II breaks out and everyone is in panic mode. M/N had to go into hide with Anthony always having armed men around them to prevent any sort of danger. But just as Anthony was having a drink off with his dear husband a gun was aimed at him and terror and agony happened in split second. Let's just say furious M/N is a living demon and no one would wanna mess with him.
M/N: You'll be okay, Antsy. I know you will.
Mumbling it over and over while waiting outside the emergency room. When the news about Anthony needing a heart to survive M/N offered his in instance just hoping he'll be in time to save his sweetheart without thinking if he himself is gonna survive through this. He disbanded his gang and left a large sum of money in Anthony's possession leaving all to his trusted secretary and moving onto the operating table not before leaving a message for his dear baby.
By the time all things have been done, Anthony woke up three days later to find himself unable to get up due to the numbness of the paralysis. Then he realised M/N wasn't beside him and look around to see his secretary standing beside.
Anthony: Tell me, where's my cuddly big bear?
Anthony was sure he could get an answer put of him quick but when he sees the man looking away a pang of insecurity rush up to him as he struggled to get up immediately aided by the secretary and he pulled the collar of the man once again with menace in his eyes.
Anthony: Tell me where the fuck is he!!!!
Secretary: sigh* Was gonna wait till you're better but... Guess boss was right after all.
He gave Anthony the recorder and left the room to give him some privacy. Anthony wanting to know about his husband whereabouts played it and a pang of relief wash over him.
M/N: Test, test one two three. Hehe, never think I'll get to use this. Hello my precious, I'm sorry not being by your side. I just got a little bit of trouble in hand right now. Sorry for not bringing you along, but I promise with the monthly recordings to you alright? Just remember to stay happy like the little ball of sunshine you are. I promise I'll get back to you the second I'm free. And remember, I'll always be by your side physically or mentally. Goodbye my love.
Anthony kissed the recorder and hugged it tightly playing it over and over again already missing his dearie. He went to sleep everyday bathed in the sound of his dear husband and the feeling of missing him grew stronger and stronger every passing time. He got well and left the hospital eventually. Sending a lot of selfies and erotic pics to his husband through his secretary seducing the man and expecting to receive the recordings every month pass by.
But after a year of this, he got tired of just getting to hear his voice, he wanted his husband to be by his side so he started nagging the secretary about his whereabouts only to get avoided and excuses like M/N is still very busy and such. Then he got suspicious so he demanded for his husband and threatened him with a gun. He got his question answered and a box full of recordings. He couldn't believe it breaking down and shaking the man in front of him begging for him to tell him it's a joke only to have the man look away from him.
After that, he locked himself in his room for days without food or water crying himself to sleep and listening to all the recordings over and over again. And he noticed the love and care in the voice and the sorrow hidden so deep that made him into a tear filled mess again. Even though he's dragged out of his room by Molly his sister being fed and watered by her, things are still different from before. His eyes are always empty and sorrow filled getting glum and more glum suddenly falling sick. Then he was introduced to drugs by his dear comrades. It felt like heaven and hallucinations of M/N still by his side made him well again, but after the effects all was gone and he hated it, so his room was always filled with drugs.
In the year of 1945, the famous artist loved by everyone dead by the overdose of angel dust and donated all his money to the charity of animals. People mourned for his death since he is the star of many by heart and they made the death of his day another holiday just out of respect. His sister was devastated the most, blaming herself for Anthony's death. She left the sorrowful mansion after her brother's funeral for a tour around the world to help other depressed ones like Anthony. The secretary buried the married couple together and left the miserable mansion too.
Winding back to when M/N died...
Opening his eyes to feel the radiating heat and red coloured everywhere place and whole lot of scary creatures. Feeling like it was a dream he attempt to close his eyes back up before getting pushed by the one behind him to usher him forwards the line of reception into hell.
From his many experiences, he decided to obey first and look around to absorb more details as possible. When it's finally his turn he got his sins reported to him and a manual about how things go in hell. He was led to a big palace afterwards by an imp that bowed respectfully.
Then he met the fallen angel Lucifer and his respectful wife Lilith. Demonic and wonderful couple may M/N say. Seeing as they are the higher ups, M/N bowed to them and introduce himself.
M/N: Honoured to meet you, your majesty.
Lucifer: Hoho, no need for the formalities M/N, I'm Lucifer and this is my wife Lilith. I've had my eyes on you ever since you've nailed that world war. Just absolutely fascinating!!!
M/N: ...
Still thinking this was a sort of dream, M/N just got shocked by the straightforwardness of the king in his imagination his mind just went blank.
Lilith: Darling, I think you traumatised him a bit too much.
Lucifer: Oh, sorry. Just haven't met someone so strong from the human world for so long after that radio demon.
M/N: 'Hm? Demon world huh? Guess I'm still dreaming. ' What's the purpose of your call, my majesty.
Lucifer: Like I said quit with the formalities, I'm hiring you to be my guard. In exchange for a wish, anything you want dear, you could have it.
M/N: Is there a contract?
Lucifer: Ooh, just as I imagined cautious and charming.
Lilith: Darling~
Lucifer: On it deary.
A snap of a finger a demon fire appeared in the palm of Lucifer's hand as it smile evilly before presenting the piece of parchment with a pen and bottle of ink.
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M/N read through the details and found it exactly respecting his boundaries and just a special condition of appearing whenever Lucifer calls. He nods agreeing to the deal not before scanning through it one last time at the back to prevent scam and signed the contract. Just as he was about to sign one certain blonde came up to his mind and he stopped, causing a frustrated sigh from Lucifer.
Lucifer: What seems to be the problem dear? Is the contract not suiting your taste?
M/N: No, not with the contract, just for the wish. Is the wish not restricted to anything at all?
Lucifer: Not if you wanted a raid to the heavens even if I want to do myself.
M/N: So restricted within hell huh?
Lucifer: Like your words yes darling.
M/N: Since you overlooked my life so much could you just help me lookout for my lover. just if he's in hell. 'I'm sure he will go to heaven, but just in case, I don't want this dirt hole to taint his soul anymore.'
Lucifer: Oh, that ravishing lover of yours! His whole family's down here like a spider colony you know. They'll probably want to recruit him too.
M/N: Then I'll just send them to double hell.
Lucifer: Hahaha, I like your thinking, you're indeed the one I'm looking for. But a certain overlord wants this soul too and he promised me a lot of goodies. You think you can manage enough in time?
M/N: I could help you fend off others that are uncontrollable and you can add in one more condition free as you please.
Lucifer: And that's what I'm looking for. Just another one...hm...done.
Lilith: Are you serious Luci dear? Help out with your paperwork?
Lucifer: Those overlords are too damn stupid giving me lots to sign and it's ruining our date too much!
Lilith: I literally can't with you.
Lucifer: Oh, you know you love me~ Could you sign and get out now, we'll be busy with you know? Time's ticking dear.
M/N signed the contract and and left with a bow while the parchment descend into the flames again sealing the deal off. He exits the palace and already received the large amount of cash by the king of hell.
He settled down and acted innocent from the gazes of the other forces just because he want to concentrate fully on his wrath project against the spider family. About the work with Lucifer, even though he helped with the paperwork (examined by the king a few times before completely leaving him his work) there are still a lot of work needed to be completed by the king himself. Lucifer having a fit with the small amount of work while Lilith eyeing for the H/C haired demon to go.
After enough info about the family he started his 2nd hell project destroying the whole family with his pet spider putting them into another loop. Seeing Stacy gobbled them up I gave her a pat on the head and a tint of my power as a treat for her great work before sending her back to my pocket space. I left before getting noticed by anyone since I made sure to place a sound containing barrier all over the mansion before I started my plan. Some demons caught on to the sudden missing family and decided it's a good chance to raid the empty mansion.
Well, M/N's not the kind of guy to leave goodies behind. He gathered his old followers that died from the world war and recruited them into his new opened company about star business. Yes he's picking up his old career of nourishing stars and dancer groups. M/N only accepted certain amount of people leaving the others for Valentino and Vox for their career too. Getting treated like normal in this hell hole sure isn't easy, but working under M/N, he ensures everything is under his control and none of his workers are harassed by other demons. This leaves some space for the demons to relax and act like how they're when they're alive.
M/N didn't have hell aboriginals working for him since humans know more about human cultures. His movies were a blast and nearly every demon waited in front of the TV just to wait for his show to air. Even the head of the goetia family Paimon pays him a visit to urge for another episode of R/N (random name) movie, with an exchange of a book of enormous knowledge for one day. Which he forgot was even in M/N's possession afterwards so M/N still has it.
M/N's workers are protected with the seal of the contract so whenever it's extermination day, they could still wander about freely without worrying about the exterminators. He made deals with the angels too, airing his movies in heaven only showcasing kids friendly content of course. Then finally come the day the radio demon got bored of his killing, he paid a visit to M/N's wanting to stir up some fun just to get restricted by the black panther demon almost taming him since he is an animal himself.
He got extremely furious and went all out with the shadows and tentacles just to fail miserably since all those are related to living beings and tamed under the power of M/N. Never having such a failure before, made the demon feel agony and fear making him hide into his shadow. M/N calmed him down and promised to make a deal with him only if he will never stir disturbance in his industry. Alastor agreed of course, he doesn't really have a choice to begin with. They started hanging out, M/N even introduced him to Husk the cat demon thinking they'll be great friends.
M/N waited for a very long time, not gaining any trace of Anthony. He's been numbing himself with work and alcohol just to get the hallucinations of having Anthony by his side again. Alastor and Husk were worried about him, but still had no power to do anything about the living world. They could only accompany the guy getting drunk together and having guys' nights out together. Mostly Husk having fun since Alastor is asexual and M/N is only interested in his hubby.
Even though Alastor was handling himself perfectly on the outside, M/N still sees through his mask and proceed to comfort him slowly relieving off his pain and grudge on his dark history.
This enables the scars to finally heal bit by bit enlightening both M/N and Alastor greatly while Alastor give his first ever body contact opportunity to M/N hugging him tightly and thanking him for all the things he did for him. M/N just lets out a relief sigh and rub his back gently as he cared for the demon even more in the future. M/N's care for the demons around him spiked his popularity to the top and this got into the princess's ear stimulating a thought of a certain hotel to pass through her mind.
Even though M/N wishes for the blonde to be my his side, he still wish he could be in heaven. He already made a deal with the angels to let his darling visit him once a month if he did ever went up there.
And finally the year of 1947, the death of the one he cared so much for. However the receptionist didn't get to inform M/N due to the name Anthony used for signing in, Angel Dust. Angel is craving drugs more than ever but he didn't have the money, then Valentino saw his body and the potential of the spider demon becoming a porn star. He baited him into selling his soul to him as he pay all his drug money. Angel still craving the hallucinations of his husband provided by the drug agreed to the contract.
Immediately regretting afterwards with the rough treatment of Valentino at his porn studio but the fame showering him again reminding him about M/N just left him dunked deeper into it until Valentino attempt to rape him. Sure he dances at the studio and gains fame, but he hadn't had sex with anyone other than his husband as he is only cock craved for M/N and M/N only and now this random demon wanting to rape him? No way. He punched Valentino in the face and move to get to the car door just to get slam back by Valentino that's furious by Angel defying his order. He ripped off Angel's stripper outfit and strap him down to the seats, cock placing at the entrance of the virgin hole attempting to go in raw.
Angel filled with despair remembering back to the words of his love and decided to give it a try.
Angel: M/N!!!!!!!!!!!!
He screamed in fear tears streaking his face as Valentino got surprised and frightened by the name of the powerful demon being called upon. He immediately covered Angel's mouth to stop him from summoning the demon. Then he realised something. Taking the picture out from his pocket and aiming at Angel a few times before horror filled his face absolutely. But it was already too late, the moment M/N heard the familiar as hell voice he miss oh so much he immediately apparated to the location to see Val's car? Oh hell no!
The car door torn down as it frightened both the demon in the car. Taking in the familiar scent and hearing the sobs as well as seeing the tears drained face are just as enough to put the man on edge. M/N put on his smile for his dear as he proceed to carry him with his coat wrapped all around his baby putting a small barrier to prevent the violence being seen or heard by the fluffy spider.
M/N: It's okay, deary. Your big bad muscoli is here for you now. Get some sleep my dear baby spider.
Gently ruffling the small fluff to sleep he turned his attention back to the tied up and gagged moth demon with special kind of materials preventing any use of power. Muffled pleases and begging could be heard as cold shine from M/N's eyes while his smile turning into a sinister yet dangerous one.
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M/N: Oh dear little Val, hope you have it in you to endure the heat season of my dear pets. Hahahahhahahaha
Ignoring the pleads and looks from the demon he just threw him straight into the space and activated the strong drug stimulating every one of his pet's sexual desires while placing an undying charm on the moth demon.
Then, he teleported both of them back to his room straight away. He wanted to deal with all the photos and destroy every single demon that ever layed eyes upon his sweetheart before but the the fluff hugging him made him decide against it. He changed Angel into some comfy clothes and spoon him with his long tail wrapping around Angel's legs. Healing all the wounds and sore spots of his pink spider, he leaves a kiss on his forehead finally drifting off to Dreamland with his beloved.
After so many years of not having his beloved by his side, sleep didn't seem to be important unless he's drunk, knocked out by Al or get too exhausted to continue work. Finally getting the usual warmth and scent he craved so fucking much, he was knocked out immediately in deep rest consumed by the warmth Angel provides for him.
Angel must be really stressed from the work he had and he woke up late again. And M/N carried him all the way to the sofa facing the kitchen so he wouldn't panic when he wake up. He'll see M/N straight away. When M/N was done with the Italian breakfast, he felt three sets of fluffy arms wrap around his body engulfing him into more fluff. Taking in a deep breath of his lover's scent, M/N turn around to hug his beloved and clean his eyes off the new formed tears.
M/N: I'm sorry for not finding you earlier. I'm sorry for leaving you so soon. But my angel, I'll always love you forever and ever, even if it means not being beside you.
Angel: You stupid dumb dumb! Leaving me alone on the living world like that! Why can't you just take me... with you....
Sobs broke down as Angel feel the helplessness again but this time getting his hubby to embrace him and shower him with loving kisses.
M/N: I'm sorry, guess I shouldn't assume what's best for you.
Angel: You asshole!
M/N: I'll never do it again, I promise.
Angel: Hmph!
M/N: Aw, Angel! Please baby I said I'm really sorry. Please?
Angel: kiss on forehead* Only for this time, I forgive you, but no next time.
M/N: Yes my little wifey.
Feeding and brushing the spider, he tickles him softly through the same sensitive spot making the latter laugh and snuck his arms up to M/N's body wanting to tickle him back. Then M/N took this opportunity to check him up fully to find his soul... contracted... He was gonna release Valentino after a day but he just proved to him one day wasn't enough.
He didn't mention anything to his lover though having him cuddle with him as they speak on and on about their day without each other and how they miss each other very much embracing each other tightly yet again at the aforementioned. M/N finally took some day off from work to take Angel out on dates and introduce him to his friends.
If it wasn't for Vox paying M/N a visit crying and begging him to return Valentino, he'd forgotten about the moth demon completely. Returning the broke demon back to the TV demon, M/N hinted to take care of him in his vulnerable state and make him unable to leave his side. Vox is furious with the state of the weakened demon but can't help to like the idea of M/N.
Angel: Oh baby~ can you help me with my zipper?
M/N: You can get going now Vox. Oh, wait a second.
M/N walked closer to them making Vox take a step back, M/N just sighed and with a wave of his finger the contract of Angel's soul flew into his hands. A whiff of flame burnt it down to dust and he swipe the dust off his hands. Along with the charm breaking and healing off all the wounds.
Angel: N/N?
M/N: Coming!
He waved for them to get going as he went back inside his room to find Angel in one of the dress gown and a wig he collected for him. Fully pink and showing the curves of his body. Admiring his lover's beauty a little before walking up to him to pull up the zippers carefully not entangling with any of Angel's fur.
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Angel: Well, like what you see big guy?
M/N: Yes absolutely. You're always enticing and ravishing my love.
He wanted to kiss Angel but got stopped by the spider hands holding him back.
Angel: Nuh uh babe, I just had my make up on not having you ruining it again.
M/N: But Angel~
Angel: Nope, not happening. We can smooch and cuddle all we want when we get back.
M/N: Fine then mmf...
Angel: Well a little peck should cool you off a little.
Angel sashayed away leaving the stunned male behind. Their life so far had been amazing, M/N didn't let him go to work anymore since they are already wealthy enough, just taking the spider to all sorts of dancing studios to dance together or going out to have a fun of shooting and destroying things with her bestie Cherry Bomb. But today is a special day. M/N brought him to a fancy restaurant, having all their friends at the back, they ate and flirted for a while before M/N made a toilet break excuse to go to the back. Then all of them started singing happy birthday surprising the male playing with his utensils out of boredom. M/N came from the back of the group of people positioning himself in front of Angel and he got down to one knee taking out an beautifully decorated pink box from his pocket. Opening it and say,
M/N: Will you make me the happiest demon alive by marrying me once again my dear Angel?
Angel still surprised and all from the big group totally broke down in tears nodding over and over again reaching out one of his arm for the panther demon to take his hand. Three rings are slip into the hands of Angel since he has three sets of arms. Patiently waiting for M/N to be done before totally losing his composure and leap into the male's embrace. Their friends and colleagues clapping as the couple engulfed each other in a deep heartfelt kiss.
When they got home, Angel is pushed on to the bed by the panther. M/N undressing teasingly as Angel slip off his dress too. They gone into another heated make out session again as M/N's hands went to the back of Angel to take his bra off. Exchanging kisses while their hands roam around each other hands intertwined as M/N started making hickies all over Angel not enough to hurt him though. The body's quite sensitive to stimulations so a beautiful moan got out and he's dripping pre cum with M/N's hand making it messier.
Getting limp from all the pleasure, Angel attempt weakly to wrap his hands around his lover. M/N getting the emotions he's feeling, helped him wrapped around and pull him in for another make out session tongues swirling around each others'. This time with more experience, M/N brought out lube for Angel inserting slowly when Angel's distracted with the kiss and the hand stroking his shaft.
Getting intruded suddenly made Angel feel slightly discomfort, but the hand teasingly stroking his cock's sensitive head just brought back the pleasure twice.
Angel: Cumming...ugh...cumming...N/N, can I?
M/N: You may do as you like Angel, no need to ask.
Angel: Ugh ah...ah...hah...Ah!
With a panting moan, Angel came thick ropes all over M/N's hand, getting some onto M/N's face too. Noticing Angel's gaze, M/N smirked and lick the cum off showing his long tongue and teasing gaze immediately getting Angel up for him again.
Angel: Please, stop teasing me N/N. Ah, I want you please~ ah-AHHHH no not so suddenly...agh...
M/N poked the prostate that seemed to be at the same angle as before and rubbing it gently making the spider squirm and thrust into his hands moaning out loud. The veins already popping out of M/N's forehead showing that he himself is controlling himself hard to not pound straight into his lover right away. Angel was too drown in pleasure to notice and wanting to be hugged and embrace he pulled M/N down yet again to kiss him hard and passionately. It got too much so M/N started inserting bit by bit.
Angel: Ah! no...too big...no...
M/N: Relax my dear, I promise you'll feel really...ngh... good.
Sucking the sensitive spot of his neck and caressing over his spider thighs distracting him from the pain before moving bit by bit to go in entirely. Relived and satisfied sigh of being filled to the brim make Angel want to hug M/N even more as M/N whispered praises and complements to him, pampered him till he's ready for M/N to move.
The hot cavern clamping down hard on M/N's sensitive organ makes him want to pound straight in but just for his lover, he waited patiently and thrusted in slow pace and gradually picking up the speed when Angel tells him to. He buries himself in Angel's chest fluff and lick the nipple covered underneath making the spider moan even louder as hands were felt pushing his head deeper into the fluff. Servicing and pleasuring his lover is another whole ecstacy for the H/C haired demon. Especially getting to see the lewd face and feeling his legs and hands wrap around him moaning cutely fishing for compliments. How could anyone resist anything like that?
Unfortunately this is the first time they had sex as demons so after one round, Angel needs to rest. One last thrust bringing out the pleasured moan of his lover which soon turned into a surprised and terrified scream when Angel felt spiky things engraving into his walls overstimulating him hard as hot splashes of cum pooled into him made him unconscious being too intensive. M/N feeling his cock growing the spikes too as he shoot buckets of cum into Angel but unable to pull out due to the spikes.
Never meant to exhaust his lover, M/N kiss the sweaty spider lovingly before concentrating hard to make his cock normal again. When it swell down, he pulled out gently as cum ooze out of Angel's abused hole making the latter whimper with tears hanging by his eyes. Kissing them away, he cleaned the cum and cleaned his body with a wet cloth. He checked for any injuries, found none but still used his power to heal him up a little not wanting him to feel any sort of discomfort. Then, helping Angel into one of his T-Shirts knowing it will be gone since Angel will be hogging them later. Hugging him tight, covering both of them in the huge blankets and casting a barrier unless some brain-dead wandering in to disturb them.
The next day, Angel wake up early free from pain and soreness. He immediately knew it was his hubby's doing and snuggle deeper into his embrace looking at his husband's handsome face, thinking they are made for each other after all, with him the beautiful flower and M/N the big powerful man protecting him from everything. Oh he adored the ring so much too! The love shaped diamond ring totally complementing his long slender fingers. The sudden movement around his waist shook him out of his deep thoughts.
M/N: Good morning hubby, sweet dreams?
Angel: Yeah, dreamt of the day of our wedding.
Exchanging a lovely little kiss M/N pull him in closer ears fluffing and tail wagging at the thoughts too.
M/N: I'm looking forward to that day too my love.
Angel: By the way, what's with the spikes at the end of our session last night?
M/N: Oh! I guess animal instincts followed and it ensures the probability of fertilization. I'm sorry I didn't research it through. Sorry for making you unconscious last night.
Angel: Nah, no biggie, I had a lotta fun too.
Angel rub his nose with M/N's showing a cute smile that melt M/N's heart straight away as he hug the spider demon squealing manly on how can his treasure be so cute and another ton of compliments making Angel flush fully getting embarrassed.
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He pushed M/N away shooing him to go prepare breakfast as he got ready for the day. M/N did a simple a bacon and eggs and went to search for his lover. Angel seemed to be having a problem with his tangled fur pain evident as he pulled the brush. M/N rush to his aid lowering Angel's hands that are hurting himself before gently and carefully untangling the mess and smoothing it all out. Trained by professionals he set up Angel's hair perfectly. Gentle purrs heard from the spider as the brush went through his hair again and again.
After the hair, M/N had a bath himself while Angel enjoys the breakfast soon joined by M/N after the bath. Shared kiss before holding hands and going to their work at the same place of course, M/N wouldn't imagine letting Angel leave his sight in this dangerous place.
Just as M/N was about to start with his work, the phone rang attracting the couple's attention. Angel was closer so he answered the phone call.
Angel: Hello, Ant company how can I help you?
Angel: The boss, alright hang on a little.
Angel handed the phone over to M/N and turns out it was Lucifer's butler. He brought a message about Charlotte Lucifer's daughter wanting to start a rehabilitation hotel being encouraged by M/N.
M/N: So, what's the need for this call?
Butler: Assist her.
M/N: I'm...
Butler: Busy as hell with work, you can have someone replacing but the one helping her must be from you.
M/N: Well that's fine by me. I'll send Alastor and Husk over. Is that all?
Butler: That's all, have a good day sir.
Angel: What's all that about?
M/N: Just a soon to be built hotel for rehabilitation.
Angel: Well, that sounds like fun!
M/N: But baby it's dangerous.
Angel: I don't care, you'll be by my side if I call to you, will you not?
M/N: Of course I will baby.
Angel: Hey, I could even bring Cherri along to the hotel, haven't had entertainment for so long in this red filled place!
And that's how Angel join in the gang of the Happy hotel or Hazbin Hotel by Alastor. Being the prankster and the tease, meeting Alastor and his asexual personality spiked Angel's interest to the fullest with constant teasing but nothing too overboard even though Alastor would never harm him because of his bond with M/N. And with Husk the cat demon, that's even more fun with the cat grass, drunken honest talk and laser beam play. However with the princess there are only so much he can do, being prank calling and dildo stash somewhere. And Vagatha that easily angered women, fun just absolute fun.
Some of M/N's workers also volunteered themselves as test subject for the rehabilitation project since they've been wanting to leave this hell hole for ages now, otherwise they won't hide in M/N's company.
After several years, rehabilitation worked with the first purified soul accepted to heaven. Charlie got really emotional laughing and crying in Vaggie's arm. Angel got the rehabilitate opportunity too but he declined because he wanted to stay with M/N. This broke M/N's heart completely and firmed his thoughts about rehabilitating himself and transfer all his work to his trusted second hand with Lucifer's agreement.
The pink door of the room opens to reveal a marriage photo of Angel in tears holding a pink piggy named Nuggets. It was a wedding gift by the animals of M/N.
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He treated Fat Nuggets like his child and spoiled him with all sorts of things. He also likes playing pretend with the piggy as the child him as a wife and M/N as the husband. It was fun for M/N too seeing his Angel squealing cute and taking pictures here and there for Voxgram while unknown that the spider himself is acting really cute too.
There was one time when the hotel members got too annoyed by the harmless but endless prank everyday, this made Alastor planned on a revenge prank with Angel. They snuck Nuggets out from his pink furnished room when M/N took him out on a date. When they arrived back, Husk got assigned to distract M/N away from Angel when the terrible scene happened.
Angel: Fat Nuggets! I'm home!
Getting no reply by the pink piglet made Angel slightly worried as he started panicking while searching around the hotel for his pet.
Angel: Nuggs? Sweetie? Come out to Daddy, Papa is here too, oh please be okay. Please...
Then he turned a corner to see the lights on in the kitchen with sounds of silverware. Door opening to show Alastor eating a midnight snack of unknown animal. At first, Angel didn't think of nothing and was about to ask Alastor about his piglet when he saw the plate of steak in front of him.
Angel: Um, Al?
Alastor: Yes my dear?
Angel: Whatcha eating there.
Alastor: Well you see I was craving meat especially right now and the butcher had already closed up, so I had to help myself to the stock available in this hotel!
Angel: You...you...you must be joking.
Alastor: Well, little warrior put up quite a fight might I say, squealing such music...
Angel: Ahhhhhh!
Angel pounced onto the radio demon making him fall as well tearfully while glaring at the man below him ferociously.
Angel: How dare you! You sick freak, all this for some harmless jokes!!!!!!!
Alastor: Get off of me this instance or I'll make you regret it!
M/N: Angel?
Nuggets: Oink Oink.
Angel: Nuggs? NUGGS!
He ran up to his pet jumping onto his husband again while taking the piglet off of M/N's head.
Angel: You're okay, you're okay, never leave daddy's and Papa's side again ever.
M/N being utmost confused by the situation just saw Angel's tears and Alastor dumfounded face to the plate on the table, then it all got to him split seconds.
M/N: Not cool of you, Al. Are you guys in on this too?
He questioned calmly as he caressed his fluffy husband's back in circles calming him down while Angel buried into him. The sobbing that are still visible pained M/N really much making him really close to snapping if Alastor don't speak up quick enough.
Alastor: I'm sorry M/N. Just wanted him of his own taste.
M/N: You should've get me to do it instead of planning all of these things to hurt my dear Angel.
Alastor: ...
M/N: I'll leave Angel to decide what to deal with you guys tomorrow you sickos. Especially you Al, I know it's your idea. Can't believe I trusted you. You guys better think of an apology tomorrow or I'll wreck you guys apart instead!
Then the angry demon stomped away with his crying husband in his arms. The crew feeling guilty especially Alastor feeling like shit after M/N shattered his heart completely with those words. He never wanted to loose his friend. He just acted what he thinks is best and... maybe... no, he'll have to apologize later.
Angel won't let Nuggs go for the whole night. He didn't even let M/N leave the bed wanting to just cuddle and sleep like that. M/N sighed and helped themselves into PJ's with his power and big spooning his husband along with the piglet.
Angel: You'll never disappear on me right?
M/N: Yes, I promise. If I ever my soul will be obliterated completely my the thunders and I wil...
Angel put his hand on his man's mouth preventing any other courses from coming out.
Angel: No. That's enough for me, I love you so much M/N.
M/N: I love you too, my Angel.
They shared a passionate good night kiss before turning in for the night succumbing in each others' warmth. The next day Charlie offering a cruise trip bring Alastor green to his face as he puked once the cruise started. Brought Angel a lot of laughs as M/N just watched lovingly from the sides. Alastor made up with Angel by the end of the trip as M/N gave the radio demon a temporary charm of preventing sea sickness obeying his darling's wish. Alastor apologized to M/N too, tears evident as the H/C haired demon sighs and forgave him. He engulfed him into another hug before getting pushed away by the furious pink spider saying "This one's mine, get another one you dumb ass strawberry pimp!" Alastor just rolled his eyes to this while M/N chuckled a lot hugging his deary.
Years later, Angel woke up in his man's arms to see the halo on his head too. He squealed happily and shook M/N awake pointing to the top of his head. M/N just woke up a bit confused but notice the glow and he grabbed onto Angel's hands too.
Finally descending to heaven, the couple having a happy smile knowing they will always be by each other, no matter what.
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zein-satsuki · 3 years ago
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Shinichiro Sano x Top male reader
Contains smut and spoilers of the manga. Slight angst but happy ending.
Not my art
"Wha... No no no no no no... Nooooooo. Please, you promised you would stay by my side and grow old with me! No...please wake up...please...
Years ago...
M/N is just walking around the street when he saw a black haired boy getting beaten up by a bunch of uniformed gangsters while his friends are busy beating them down and protecting him. Out of curiosity, he started walking towards them to notice one of the guys flew towards him. Catching him, M/N place the poor guy down, he close in for a better look. They seemed to be ganged up by the other party.
He didn't really wanna dirty up his new attire but not just stand and watch by the sidelines too. So he sounded the alarm of his phone loud enough to scare them away. They got alerted and most ran away leaving their unconscious comrades on the ground. M/N switch off his phone the minute almost everyone's gone.
Not wanting to cause any trouble, he left midway when everything's a mess. Meanwhile, the first gen black dragon's member lost their supposedly saviour in the busy crowd. Shinichiro jumped up suddenly seeming to regret something.
Shinichiro: That's another member we could recruit!!!! Why didn't you guys remind me about it!
Takeomi: Oh shut up shin! Stop recruiting random people into our gang.
Keizo: Yeah, we just met him like seconds ago, you think someone would accept a stranger's invitation to a suspicious little group?
Shinichiro: Hey, black dragon is not suspicious! Black dragon is going to be the biggest biker gang in Tokyo, datte bayo.
Wakasa: Pfft, Shin maybe you should work on your courting skills first.
Shinichiro immediately got upset and went into his emo corner. He glares at the womaniser Wakasa mumbling curses at the guy. And that's the first time they met M/N. A sudden encounter in a fight between gangs.
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By the next time they meet each other, M/N was ganged up on by the former delinquent members that ran away. He was just taking a walk back home with his earphones on when a certain someone pulled his earphones out harshly almost hurting his ears. Holding onto his aching ears subconsciously, he stare up at the group with curiosity and annoyance to notice who they are immediately.
01: The fuck you helping those bags of shit for huh? Is it fun to help out random people now?
02: This is what you get for budging into other people's business.
The delinquent was just about to deliver a punch to M/N's face and M/N braced for the impact but nothing came instead hearing the delinquents annoyed grumbles and scattering footsteps.
???: That's right, scram you guys. Pick fights with guys your own size!
???: Oh shut up, you didn't even do anything idiot.
M/N focus his gaze towards way of the chatting, seemed like the bunch of guys he helped last time. Well, time to go then. Just as M/N was about to slip away, his escape route got blocked off by the giant named Keizo Arashi.
Keizo: Hey Shin, isn't this the guy you wanted to recruit few days ago?
Shinichiro: Oh my god, yes! Can't believe I meeting you here again. Real nice to see you!
Shinichiro then proceeded to shook the H/C haired guys hand overexcited by the coincidental reunion after so long. He really thought he didn't get to see M/N after missing the opportunity last time. Although confused by the overexcited male, M/N still let him hold his hand and smiled gently since this reminds him of his little energetic bro.
Takeomi: Let that poor guy go Shin. You're scaring him with your smile torning face.
Shinichiro: No I'm not! I was just trying to show him..
Then the duo went off to battle on the background. Sighing at the idiot duo, Wakasa walked up to M/N to introduce them and their intentions of pulling him into their gang.
Wakasa: Sorry about those idiots, we're the ones you helped in the alleyway few days ago. My name's Imaushi Wakasa, that hyperactive guy is Shinichiro Sano, the one playing with him is Takeomi Akaashi and the giant is Keizo Arashi.
M/N: My name's M/N L/N, M/N should be fine. Nice to meet you.
Seeing the two almost shaking hands, Shinichiro afraid of being stolen the spotlight break right in the middle of the two and shook M/N's hand instead making Wakasa roll his eyes.
Shinichiro: Real nice to meet you M/N. Care to join in our gang?
M/N: Hm? Why so sudden? I don't remember doing anything.
Shinichiro: Are you kidding? You totally helped our ass out that day and our gang totally need someone like you instead of these idiot.
Keizo: Shut your unnecessary bittering Shin.
Shinichiro: Anyways, I'm gonna build the largest gang in Tokyo, Black Dragon. Named by the absolutely amazing me. Hehehe... Ouch!!! What the hell was that for?
Keizo: Idiot, you named it black pink last time, the three of us had to beat it in you to change it to the proper name.
Shinichiro: Ha! I did not...
M/N: Pft...
The sudded laugh made them turn towards M/N to see him covering his mouth to be polite.
But that already go ignored by the black haired male as he was already jumping and cheering for the positive answer of the male. And they indeed had a great time together, building the gang and expanding one day after the other. Fighting other gangs and recruiting them making black dragon gradually get bigger and bigger might have tainted hearts with the great power now black dragons hold over Tokyo's small region but as Shinichiro being the leader this could never cross as a concern.
M/N: I'm sorry, about the answer... I think I'll go for a yes since you guys seemed really interesting, but don't let me down though.
M/N slowly growing feelings for the black haired male as he's energetic and always funky side brings him happiness without failing every time. He seemed to have the ability to read minds too, giving all of the gang members advices whenever they feel depressed and disappointed in themselves. Gang members treat him like their big bro and have all their faith in him. Even though he can't fight really well, he still suits as a leader with the occasional quotes he made, encouraging everyone to hold on unconsciously. And after M/N made it into the gang day after day, he started taking over all the work of protecting their weak leader ensuring no scratches were left on him in every single fight.
The gang members started naming him the black Knight since he protected their "king" so many times.
Keizo: Hey! Me, Takeomi and Wakasa protects Shin too! Why can't we get cool names like that?
M/N: But didn't you already have one? Soft giant.
Keizo: Stop calling me that or I'll strangle you, really!
M/N: Aw, is the softie being embarrassed, let me give you a big hug. There there~
Keizo: I'll kill you!
Then the both of them started chasing around again. Don't really know why M/N like teasing him so much, but seem to Shin his spotlight was stolen as he jumped to intervene yet only to almost get caught in the crossfire if it wasn't for M/N pulling him out of the way. Smiling at him warmly before showing Keizo a teasing smile making the latter agitated again as they sped off. The leader left alone to watch their leaving back view. He could only smile and leave it at that. Yes, he like M/N too, from the frequent comfort he gave him and the advice given to solve his problems. He always seemed like a big bro to Shin always caring out for him.
However, Shin doesn't want him to be just a bro, he want him to be his lover. Despite being rejected by so many girls, he's still determined about making this particular one an accomplished mission of his.
That's when the sudden bad news coming one after one totally break him apart. His beloved father had passed in a car crash and his mother is sick from a cancer. He held it all in didn't want to seem weak to anyone secretly getting depressed day by day. That was until the news about his mother's pass totally igniting his feelings. He couldn't carry it no more and just went missing on his family and go to a certain person's house.
So M/N happened to find himself waking in the middle of the night with the whimpering male on his door steps. He hugged the male immediately, wiping his tears off gently and bringing him into the warmth of the house. His parents and siblings were all asleep so he had the living room to himself by now.
Shinichiro: She died, M/N... I wanted to end her suffering but I don't want her to leave too...
M/N: Shhh, it's okay. She must've been really happy and proud of the three of you to finally let go.
Shinichiro: But I don't want her to leave, no. I want her to stay with us and finally be a full family again. I want... her to rub my hair again... telling me it's all okay... I want her to take... us all out for an... outing and do... whatever a mom's duty is. I don't want her to leave...
Hugging the fragile man, M/N wiped his tears away as gentle as possible then he cradled him while comforting him with gentle words and promises.
M/N: Do you know a rumour?
Shinuchiro: Hm?
M/N: About the ones that past away didn't leave their loved ones in the world all alone, they are just turned into a star to watch above all of us and to protect us from any harm. I believe your mother will be one of them.
Shinichiro: Hehe, you're sure?
M/N: Absolutely, if it'll make you feel better, I promise to never leave you alone and we'll grow old together to become old buddies doing tai chi in the park.
Shinichiro: Really?
M/N: Only if you want to.
Shinichiro felt on cloud nine with his sadness driven away by the sweetness of M/N and at this exact same moment he knew not to waste this exactly close opportunity of getting M/N to be his.
Shinichiro: Of course I want to!!!
He took the opportunity to kiss the cheek of M/N and flushed all over from the soft touch. M/N was in a trance until he realised the soft and plum surface that touched him seconds ago was his crush's lips. Feeling extremely surprised and happy, he kiss Shinichiro back to reply to his feelings too. And that's how the love flower bloom in that cold snowy night. Full of childish pecks on each other's cheek and feeling embarrassed since this is the first time they ever show this kind of affection towards each other.
The next day, Shinichiro introduce M/N to his close friends as boyfriend. The smug look on their faces showed finally making Shinichiro feel really embarrassed.
Shinichiro: Wait! Did all of you know about the crush I had on him?
Wakasa: It was freaking obvious of course. Don't ever underestimate a player's ability to see through these kind of things.
Takeomi: Even Keizo knew about it, it's just the two of you being oblivious dumbass. Was wondering when you two knuckleheads would get together. Didn't think the two of you could confess your love until 5 years later!
Keizo: Fuck you Takeomi, I'm not that dumb! You wanna go?
Then all break into the war between Keizo and Takeomi. The love between them grew stronger as the bond got stronger along with it. Shinichiro even trusted M/N enough to bring him to visit Izana. The meeting with another man made Izana a little bit unsure of what to do so he acted what he think was best, which is ignoring the man like previous attempt of foster parents. But eventually they got along after he learned that M/N was Shinichiro's lover. "Anyone that can bear with Shinichiro is a great person", he claimed himself before getting smacked in the head by Shinichiro.
Being the gentlest with kids in the black dragons' gang, he was really popular with the kids. He's always thrown the babysitting work of Mikey, Emma, Sanzu and Senju whenever their elders are busy. He never complained about it though. He even bought gifts for them separately to prevent fights. He especially set up a rule before taking care of them that is: they must be kind towards each other, any sort of negative energy shall not be accepted in this household.
The adoption procedures for Izana is pretty challenging with all the confirmatory tests and stuff. Especially required age, which M/N is aged enough to be responsible for the child. Shinichiro and Izana both got really excited for the great news and punched onto M/N making them three fall onto the bed with an "oof" from the H/C haired male. Of course Kakucho was not left alone in the orphanage. Due to the saying of the tsundere Izana of "taking his servant with him to protect him." which just made M/N chuckle and Shinichiro deadpanned at his brother's chuunibyou.
Sanzu loves M/N nii a lot, because of him, he always got to avoid the pressuring gaze of Takeomi and endless blaming. He loves his sister sure but getting blamed for being himself isn't quite a happy experience.
Any love would have diminished into hatred by then, but M/N prevented that from happening and pulled him out of the pressuring burden placed on him. He even helped in scolding his brother. After he beat Takeomi up for unconsciously mentally torturing his little brother, he piggyback Sanzu and zoom to different places while the other kids are just nagging for their turns of ride. Eventually Wakasa, Takeomi and Shinichiro joined in and they had another wonderful time. M/N nii san is definitely the best.
M/N introduced Mikey and Emma to Izana, but by the first glance the two boys are already fighting. Seemed like they are incompatible after all.
But they'll be tamed kitty whenever M/N passed by to have a look. Immediately starting to fight like natural enemies again after M/N had gone. M/N knew about their quarrels (Izana arguing about Kakucho is better and Mikey arguing about Baji is better) but as long as they don't get hurt, he'll leave them to it. Siblings' affection for one another is eventually built up with fights after all.
Shinichiro treasured every moment spent with M/N, not wanting any to go to waste, he retired from the black dragons that had took up most of their youth and pass it onto the young ages. The gang respected his decision as they brought chaos to Tokyo one last time before their leader leave the gang.
M/N: You sure you're leaving your blood and sweat behind?
Shinichiro: Yeah, I was thinking about passing it onto Izana and Mikey but they're still too ignorant for it.
M/N: Heh, fighting all the time behind our backs. Well let's see who'll win over then?
Shinichiro: You wanna bet?
M/N: Yup! I'm betting on Izana.
Shinichiro: Then I'll bet on Mikey. Any punishments losing the bet?
M/N: Hm... how about wearing a dress for the whole day?
Shinichiro: Deal! I'm winning this damn bet for sure, hah!
M/N: No cheating Shin! Oh, he's already gone sigh* such an idiot but so fucking adorable too.
Shinichiro opened up a bike shop called S•S Motors renting a shop and all. He even had a bedroom there in case they stayed there overnight. It was real hard at first with the lack of money and customers but eventually more and more came with the charisma of Shinichiro. M/N helped throughout most of it, emptying his wallet everytime the shop's in shortage. Encouraging Shinichiro every time when it's too hard to bear and making him laugh and chuckle with the ticklish kisses left over his body.
The two never made the actual move on the bed due to the lack of knowledge on that sort of stuff. The most intimate thing they could think of doing was rubbing each others shaft together, dry humping and six nine. But one night Shinichiro was taking extra long in the bath. M/N got worried and knock on the door a few times to see if he was alright only to startle Shinichiro making him slip as a concerning thump sounded. M/N immediately rushed in to find his lovely boyfriend naked in the bath with a bottle of suspicious liquid at the side of the bath. He helped his clumsy boyfriend up and questioned about his safety and everything.
M/N: Are you hurt anywhere, do you feel pain anywhere? I'm really sorry to startle you. It's just you've been in there longer than usual and...
Shinichiro: Relax M/N, it's nothing. I just wanted to try new things out. I'm not hurt anywhere and I'm absolutely fine. It's okay, calm down.
M/N: What are you even doing in there for so long, I miss you already. Let's get you cleaned up and cuddle for the night.
Shinichiro: No wait N/N! I just wanted to try out anal. I've been lubing myself up just now, I'm really sure I can take it, really.
M/N: But, won't it hurt you? I don't want to hurt you or anything.
Shinichiro: We never know unless we try, right?
M/N: ... I'll be gentle.
Shinichiro: I trust you will.
Groans of slight discomfort released from the black haired male as M/N push his shaft inside as gentle as possible. Even with the lube, Shinichiro is still a newbie and M/N is quite a big one too. Stopping every time with the pained expression of his lover, M/N leaned down to kiss his lover rubbing his shaft too to bring pleasure to Shin. Shin moaned immediately as his eyes went glossy and his antic breathing muffled from the kiss they're having. When M/N finally bottomed out, both of them let out relaxed sigh and M/N waited a little while before moving little by little to ensure the comfort of Shinichiro.
Shin: You ...agh...can move now...mmm...
M/N: Take your time Shin. I don't want to hurt you.
Shin: Shit...Fuck...please, I'm fine...just move already... you're hanging me here buddy...ah
With that, M/N finally thrusted in a slow pace hitting every single angle possible until he find a certain bump that made Shinichiro scream out loud.
Shinichiro: Ahhh... Do it again...please ah...ah...ah...yes...fuck....N/N...ah...kiss...kiss
M/N sped up his thrust aiming at the specific spot and upon seeing his amazing boyfriend out stretching his arms for him to cuddle him and kiss him absolutely melt his heart as he picked the male up changing their position to a deeper one but enabling them to hug and kiss each other.
Shinichiro came hard being thrusted so deep and hard at his sensitive spot, made the guy rolled his eyes behind as he was fucked out of his mind. They continued going for two rounds before stopping to finally go to sleep. Shinichiro and M/N were already drenched in sweat while Shin has his stomach covered in his own cum. M/N cleaned the male up as gentle as possible not wanting to wake the exhausted male up. He changed out the bedsheets and placed them in the tub to wash tomorrow as he lay down beside his handsome lover cuddling him and covering both of them in blankets, leaving a goodnight kiss on Shinichiro's forehead before drifting off to sleep.
The next morning waking up before Shinichiro to clean the mess they made and opening the shop for Shin since he probably didn't have the energy to wake up today.
Shin: Ugh... My back feels sore.
M/N: I'm sorry hubby. Here, eat up. I'll cuddle you all afternoon after work, promise.
Shin: Alright.
M/N: Thanks honey. Now, here's all the things you need. Rest more, you need it, baby. I'll go handle Mr. Smores now. I love you.
Shinichiro: I love you too!
Their life just went by as peaceful as that, everything Shinichiro had wished for. Finally in hands, now just left the wedding and the house of their own. They'll achieve it someday with the popularity of the shop right now, Shin always believed in it.
It was Mikey's upcoming birthday this Monday. Shinichiro is having a headache choosing a gift for his little brother until he stumbled upon a dream super sonic air plane Concorde. And that was Mikey's gift. He adores it so much, literally spent the entire day in his room building and not eating if it weren't for M/N dragging the whiny male out. M/N offered his help in the airplane too, which made the progress faster. Finishing the last piece, Manjiro got real excited and invited all his friends over including Izana to make him jealous only to see the car model in his hands too. Then they started a fight again on whose model's better.
M/N just pulling them both in a hug and reminding them the one rule he set up or else they'll never meet him again. Success in shutting them up but also bringing tears to their face as they thought M/N didn't want to hang out with them anymore making the others into sobbing mess too. M/N totally shocked by the sudden crying and immediately console all of them saying if they obeyed to the rules then nothing happens wiping their tears. He brought them all out for some snacks afterwards bring Shinichiro his favourite as well.
One day Kokonoi and Seishu appearing a day in their shop crying with despair and helplessness in their eyes. This freaked the hell out of Shin and M/N as they pull the duo down to a sofa and have them explain. M/N came up with a charity to help Inui Seishu's sister with the doctor fees and she came out safe for the operation on time. Now M/N just had to deal with the stubborn kids kneeling in front of him and begging to let him help with anything.
M/N: I told you it's nothing. You should thank the public for helping you, not me. I just helped you came up with the plan and you guys organised it yourself. You guys saved her, so nothing to thank me about. Now go before you guys wake Shin up or I'll be really angry with you guys.
Scaring them off (definitely not scared just don't wanna bother M/N), M/N sighed and went back to his lover. He layed down in bed again to drift off to sleep before hearing little scraping noises of the locked shop gate. Absolutely pissed with the lack of sleep and warmth of his lover by this late, he walked out to investigate. Thinking it's probably thieves, he took a bat with him just in case and trotted towards the sound. Seeing Baji here was definitely unexpected and on the bike Shin's about to gift Manjiro made him realise what the boy's doing.
Baji: M/N nii? This is your shop?
M/N: Of course it is, didn't you read the sign S•S motors?
Baji: No, wait. KAZUTORA DON'T!!!!
Kazutora: M...M/N?
The sudden impact to the head made the male fell unconscious to the ground with a thump.
The sudden realization just made Kazutora drop his weapon as Baji crawled over to M/N checking up on him shaking a lot from fear himself.
Shinichiro: Don't you guys have any decency being so fucking loud at ni...
Stopping at the scene in front of him, he freaked out and rush up to the unconscious male.
Shinichiro: "Wha... No no no no no no... Nooooooo. Please, you promised you would stay by my side and grow old with me! No...please wake up...please...
Shaking the unconscious body gently, Shin was already in tears thinking back to the death of his mother. Why, just why did it have to be him? No! No! No!
Izana: He's one of the fucking culprit of M/N's condition right now and you're really going to protect him from that!!!!
This seemed to waken the boys up from their trance as they phoned the ambulance immediately. M/N was rushed to the hospital while Shin hold onto his right hand tightly chanting "please be okay, I beg you please" over and over again. Kazutora being the one who landed the hit helped Keisuke out with the questioning of the police while the still shocked filled Baji kept mumble tell Mikey they are sorry and they just didn't know whilst crying his eyes out. Waking up from slumber got Mikey's mind in blur but when he finally caught on to what he meant.
His favourite brother figure, M/N nii, in the hospital because of this stupid reason, are you kidding? But unfortunately it was real, as Izana punched Baji into a bloody pulp just to get stopped by Mikey.
Mikey: They're just trying to give me a birthday surprise, but just chosed the wrong way.
Izana: This is the fuck why I hate you!
With that, the bleached haired male stomped out of the Sano household mounting his bike with Kakucho tagging along to keep him out of trouble. They race towards the hospital along with the ambulance honking away every car blocking the way. He's definitely not going to let his warmth leave him ever again, never! After that, Manjiro just left crying Baji on the floor as he rushed his grandpa and Emma to go to the hospital too to check out M/N. Waiting along side with sobbing Shinichiro outside the emergency room is definitely the most torturing time. Shinichiro buried on his grandpa's shoulder as his grandpa comfort him and telling him it'll be okay and have more trust in M/N.
Hours and hours had passed, Shinichiro's face growing even paler from the long wait. When he doctors finally came out, they immediately rushed to them.
Shinichiro: How is he? Is he okay?
Doctor: He's alright.
Shinichiro fell limp to the floor scaring Manjiro and Emma as they hurried to his side to help him up.
Shinichiro: Thank god. Thank you so much doctor, thank you.
Shinichiro: What do you mean?
Doctor: But he will be in concussion for the damage of his head.
Doctor: He's in coma.
This struck harder for Shinichiro as it was to everyone under M/N' s care before. Being the most mature, Grandpa Sano thanked the doctor for saving M/N and pull the kids to the room M/N was now living in.
Grandpa Sano: It's okay, be thankful that he's alive and well Shin. Now, Shin can stay, you kids have to go back home with me.
Manjiro: But grandpa...
Grandpa Sano: No buts, you too Izana, don't make me smack you guys come on.
The man dragged the Sano siblings and Kurokawa back to the Sano household as Shinichiro stayed to look after M/N. Months passed as M/N finally awaken to see the sleeping black haired male holding his hands tightly. Not wanting to wake the exhausted male seeing the dark circles below his eyes, he petted Shinichiro and studied the male's peaceful face.
Shin woke up to find the male he loved so much looking at him so lovingly, thinking it was a dream he reached his hand out to pinch himself only to get caught by the male's right hand and lead to cup M/N's cheek.
M/N: Is this real enough for you hubby?
Shinichiro just smiled tiredly and pinched on the said make's cheek.
M/N: Ow! ow! ow!
Shinichiro: You promised you won't leave me yet you almost fucking did! You know how worried we are, how fucking worried I am?
M/N could only take Shin into his embrace slightly patting his back to calm him down from his highly negative emotions. He cupped Shinichiro's face and look him straight in the eye.
M/N: Shin, I never break my promises. I survived didn't I. It takes a lot more than that to get me, hehehe. Don't worry, I'm not gonna break this promise any time soon.
Shinichiro: You made me feel pathetic that I can't protect you.
M/N: I was glad to be there. Because if it were you I would've let hell break lose upon those kids.
Shinichiro: Oh shut up you big dumb dumb.
M/N: Here, here. I'm healthy and alive right in front of your eyes. Now we just had to complete your dreams of getting married and having a house of our own. Growing old together and finally passing down your shop to Manjiro and Izana.
Shinichiro: Yeah, you better get well quick, or I'm gonna ditch you.
M/N: I wil I will~
The end~~~
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zein-satsuki · 3 years ago
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New cuties🥰🥰🥰
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zein-satsuki · 3 years ago
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Severus Snape x Seme Male Reader
Not my art
Both of you live in the same neighborhood. The dark and messy neighborhood always filled with unknown dangers and suspicious strangers, the spinner’s end. The awful place filled with crimes, tragedies and dishonesty. Any pure souls shall be tainted by the end of the day or ascend to heaven because of the inability to survive there.
Well, Severus’s life has been quite a mess. Since his mother got her witch identity figured out and the man she's married to blames her witchery for making him a failure in his life. But Severus still loves his mother really much. He in fact, despise his father who only gets drunk on daily basis and come home to abuse his mother. One day, he got hit so hard he almost fell unconscious in the busy street. And that's when he met M/N.
M/N just happened to be passing by the alleyway that time seeing the male almost being bullied by some naughty kids. He shooed them away then went up to check on Severus . Seeing the blood trickling from his head, he picked him up and rushed him to the nearest hospital to get him checked up. He felt his heart aching for the boy he met for the fist time. The little to weightless body just made him even more angry and curious for what he's been through.
Two days passed and it was the day the doctor said Severus should wake up. So, M/N is totally excited to see the male awake he rushed his work to get them done quickly and went to the one and only ward he's been visiting for two whole days. Opening the door to see Severus sitting up straight on the bed looking around confused. Alerted by the sudden voice he shrunk back into the blankets and start eyeing the male full of caution.
Chuckling at his cute behaviour, M/N walk towards the bed to press the bell and notice the doctor about the awaken patient. But Severus who thought he was going to harm him wrap his hands around his head and curl into a ball shaking slightly. Seeing his restless behaviour, the H/C haired male felt sad and went up slowly to embrace him. Showing his intention to comfort, the struggling ravenette calmed down after and just buried himself in the sweet presence.
Both of them start to introduce themselves. Mostly M/N because Severus isn't comfortable talking about himself yet.
M/N was worried about sending him home seeing the wound on his body, he proposed to report to the police but Severus rejected his offer looking dark and gloomy. Heart aching for the cute male, he just decided to bring him home. Small home with a few things here and there brings out the warmth and safety a normal family would have, things Severus would never felt in his own household. But being his mother's baby, he bid goodbye to M/N reluctantly.
Things grew worse, his mother paled more and his father drunk dazed and drugged completely was abusing his mother again. He immediately rush upfront to help, pushing his father to the ground who fell easily being drawn out of energy by the drugs and wine he's been drowning with. His mother Eileen, the love dazed women just scream at her child and pushed him away rushing to check the man.
Completely disappointed with his mother, he ran out once again just to bump into M/N, who followed him out of worry. Being emotionally damaged and tired from the day, Severus just hugs M/N and burry himself onto his shoulder.
Severus: I'm sick of her always doing this to me. Why can't she see how this bastard's hurting her? I can't do this anymore…
M/N: It's okay, it's okay. I'm here now. You can let it all out.
Then, M/N became Severus's friend. Even though Severus said he had enough of his family, he would still go back mainly because of his mother and the warmth they brought him a long time ago. But at least now he had another place to hide from all the violence from his home, M/N’s house.
Then they met Lily Evans, the girl that is as warm as the sun, who's protective of the weak and a warrior herself. Severus was being bullied once by the street kids and M/N was busy working by that time. That's where Lily came to the rescue.
They immediately became friends with the talkative girl and met with her sister Petunia Evans. Severus might have fallen for Lily if M/N hadn't shower him with the warmth he lost long ago. So now he just had mutual feelings for her. In fact, he dislikes Petunia a lot since she's been aiming for the attention of the oblivious H/C haired male since the day she met him. He himself too didn't know he had feelings for the H/C haired male until that very day he dreamed of doing unspeakable stuff to the male and felt the wet patch on his undergarment the next morning.
He avoided M/N for the whole day and refused to look at his face afraid of thinking back to the dream. He eventually got over it when he saw M/N with sadness evident on his face.
About the problems with unstable magic of young wizards, M/N had a room designed for that by his parents. Whenever they feel uncomfortable, thye would lock themselves in there until they're done. M/N forbad Severus from ever locking the door just so he could check up on him. Lily would use the room sometimes for hers too. After the magic gone, M/N carries the sweat soaked ravenette out of there and helped him clean himself up. The cute smile Severus showed just made him leave a kiss on his cheek.
They shared a room throughout their childhood, not having enough money for another or just not wanting to part with each other. Severus helps on M/N's full time job sometimes, the cute duo's face attracting more customers to the cafe. The shop owner is a kind lady. Normally it's too risky to have underage working but she let them work anyways with high salary. Seeing the sparkle in both their eyes after giving them the salary for the day are another sort of entertainment.
Speaking about Severus's constant visit back his old house, he managed to steal some of his mother's potions books and magic books out from the storage. The two wizards study it with awe as they tried out a few as well with the material they could find in the muggle world. Totally charmed by it, Severus rarely comes out of the magic room by now, instead of tagging along with M/N to work and eating together. M/N spent his time researching on how magic works. They would teach each other about what they've learn to absorb knowledge quicker.
M/N's parents are also wizards themselves so they have educational books too. He learned to put a restriction spell on children to prevent them from getting overboard on magic training and drain themselves out. Which had yet happened but they had to be cautious anyway. Severus casted it upon M/N first then vice versa.
Time flew by fast, as they got their envelope about the magical school, Hogwarts. Snape and M/N never knew about the wizarding world, so with the help of a Hogwarts professor, they got their things successfully. M/N provoked by the pervy ruler wrapping around Snape, almost snapped it in half if it wasn't for the tailor.
Then, was the wand shop, testing all the wands until they reach the perfect one, Snape got frustrated by the various testing as M/N pulled him back to keep him from trouble. And just like every other juniors they saw the ghost and used the shakey boat then got split up by the sorting hat. Severus is really scared of getting into a different house as M/N. He wished hard upon the sorting hat to get into the same one as him. The sorting hat seemed to have listened to his wishes and he got in Slytherin along with M/N.
The cute smile evident made M/N leave a small kiss on his nose as Severus just chuckle and kissed back. The girls are absolutely charmed by the cute duo. Squealing at every bit of interaction they have. Lily however got sorted into Gryffindor, she made them promise to come play with her even if they got sorted into different houses. Of course they would agree.
The trio still spend time together and pair with each other during classes taking turns since one group can only have two students. At the same day, James Potter fell in love with Lily at first sight, seeing Severus and M/N so close to her made him jealous and being the obnoxious brat he is, the only way he came up with is to gift Lily flowers and gifts while shouting love proposals to the girl.
Well, this is Lily’s trouble. Severus and M/N's troubles are being in the nest of snakes and future generations of death eaters. Being half blood and the friend of him they got the cold shoulders from Slytherins mostly the top of them Lucius Malfoy. But things changed quickly after the flying colours of Severus in potions class and defence against the dark arts. He even created many effective attack spells studying dark arts. Not wanting to get on the bad side of the future potions master, each family command their heir to communicate with the raven haired male. Only one came back successful being Lucius since he cheated by being friends with M/N first.
Today they bumped into the guy Lily always complain about and three of his lackeys, James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew. James being the troublemaker took out his wand and aimed straight at the one in front chanting the knockback spell and M/N pushed Severus out of the way he himself flying into the black lake. The octopus awoke by the commotion reached out to grab the male and Severus who was crying and worried the hell out went to pull M/N out when the four Gryffindors had already fled the scene.
After they got out from the big octopus with M/N communicating with it, both of them went back to the cellar, drenched completely. M/N had to cuddle and comfort Severus for the whole week to make him forgive him.
M/N: I'm alright now Sevy. Sorry for worrying you so much. But you know I can't stand seeing you get hurt by them.
Severus: Then can I stand seeing you get hurt?
M/N: …No, I'm sorry. I promise not to be so upfront next time.
Severus: There will be no next time for that slime full headed bastard! Lily is gonna dump him for sure this time around.
And in the next year, another Black came into Hogwarts, it was Regulus Black, Sirius's brother. Just when everyone thought he was gonna copy his model brother going to Gryffindor, he got sorted to Slytherin just like his sisters Narcissa and Bellatrix. Worried that his brother will get tainted by the Slytherins, Sirius came to taunt them everyday at the dining table just to take a look at his brother. Regulus afraid for the trouble his brother might cause, tearing their whole family apart, had a fight with his brother purposely. Then, his life in the Slytherin got much better with the help of Malfoy since he's dating his sister.
Then, days went past just as same with the Potter gang always coming wanting to make mischief and cause trouble to the duo only to get outsmarted by M/N. Causing them more errands and works to do being punished by the professor. And when they came as far as to call Snape Snivellus, M/N snapped and made them have stomachaches for the entire week with unnoticeable laxative in their drinks and food. Eventually got stopped by Severus since he's worried he'll get into trouble with that old geezer Dumbledore. Severus pulled M/N into their shared dorms looking into his eyes with seriousness, and M/N immediately spilled all the beans.
M/N: They called you nicknames. And I hate it!
Severus: Well, clever one acting like a Gryfifindor, why don't you think for once and see that the marauders are protected by that stupid bee. And Voldermort is the biggest threat outside. We have to keep it low or else we'll be blast into smithereens even before these two famous wizards fight!
M/N: …You’re right. I'm sorry for not thinking it through. Sorry for making you worry for me.
Hugging the male tightly he took in his sweet aroma gently. Seeing the male that used to be so fragile and weak grew strong day by day absolutely made his day better. That smooth and long hair of his always brushed and cleaned by M/N and tied up into a small ponytail just to avoid getting in potions. Sometimes they even went to the forbidden forest together to search for rare potion materials and have a date together. Still oblivious to each others feeling of course, and Lily just standing beside them fangirling and not helping.
Then, there was one night where M/N and Severus were having their date in the forbidden forest when they saw the Marauders sneaking towards somewhere. Looking at each other and nodding they followed them too to see the ferocious beating willow and a small cottage. After they went in, Severus wanted to follow then too but M/N pulled him back and they decided to watch what was happening first. Hearing the wolf howls and the full moon revealed a lot of things. They rushed back to their dorms and slept in the same bed to comfort each other (mostly M/N comforting Severus while Severus scolding Dumbledore in his heart)
The next day, they immediately told the headmaster and their house teacher about this but nothing got out only the marauders becoming more and more unbearable. Being totally disappointed in Dumbledore, Severus decided to join the death eaters secretly to get the rights he deserved.
Lily finally accepted James Potter after graduating from Hogwarts. M/N proposed to Severus too at the same day. Severus was so happy he almost fainted if it wasn't for M/N holding him. With the smart predicament of Severus, M/N was completely covered from the sight of Voldermort instead he himself is present by the Lord from his death eaters spreading news about his amazing potion skills. M/N always was worried for him, until the very day the news about Lily’s death struck both of them.
Life drained from Severus's face and deep sorrow and regret filled his expression. He never should've told Lucius about the prophecy of the Savior's birth date. And he never should've trusted that wicked bumblebee and the marauders. M/N seeing his mate drained out of power and full blown blaming himself drowning in sorrow, just felt heartbroken. Holding and caressing the male in bed gently to calm him down.
M/N: It's not your fault deary. Please stop blaming yourself. You didn't expose their hiding spot, it's them. They don't trust my dear husband and now that crazy Potter is finally dead. If you have to blame one, then it would be that troll like Sirius Black. Knew you couldn't trust that Slytherin family.
Severus: But if I hadn't tell Lucius about the prophecy, none of this would happen.
M/N: No, it was Dumbledore’s fault. He promised you he would protect Lily but he trust the marauders anyways leading to this situation right here right now.
Severus: But…
M/N: No buts. You need sleep. Please. Look at the dark circles around your eyes. Rest for me, please?
Severus: …Fine. But you'll have to be here when I wake up.
M/N: Alright, my dear prince.
Severus: N/N, don't call me that!?!?!
M/N: Hee hee hee… I'll stop teasing you. Let's go to bed.
M/N open up the blankets to snug in as well as Severus roll over to him testing on his broad arm. M/N pepper kiss along his whole face tickling Severus as he chuckled kissing back.
M/N: I love you, Severus. My prince, one and only.
Severus: N/N, you said you'd stop.
M/N: But don't you love me too?
Severus: I love you, you big dumb dumb. Is that enough?
M/N: Um hum, I'm satisfied now. Sweet dreams my love.
After hearing the calming breaths of the H/C haired male, Severus smiled warmly and kiss M/N on the lips, “I love you too, sweet dreams.”
M/N really hate his lover getting hurt and it's in the safest place for wizards too. First having bite marks on his leg and limping for almost a week then after another opening ceremony, Severus came back with a burnt robe and burn marks. This finally set M/N off once again as he used the human source in the Ministry of Magic to cause troubles for Dumbledore too while their kid Clara also helped by casting a spell on Hermione secretly turning her into a slug vomiting witch. High fiving his daughter, he didn't realise the looming shadow behind him just to get smack on the head.
M/N: Ow! Sevy, what was that for?
Severus: I told you not to act without thinking, you know how Clara and you would get into trouble if you two got figured out.
M/N: I never will stand and watch you get hurt Sevy. Never.
Severus: Sigh* Fine. I promise to take care of myself more and you two must stop your mischief around the school alright?
M/N: Deal. Now, honey. We haven't have fun for so long~
M/N entrap Severus between the bed and him, eyeing him with hungry eyes. He peck him on the lips as his hand start moving towards his hips getting into his pants.
Severus: Wait, N/N! I still have school tomorrow.
M/N: Sevy, please. I miss you so much. I promise to be gentle.
M/N purposely scrap his fingers over the head of Severus's shaft causing a shaky moan from the sexy male. Rubbing their shafts together, Severus let out a moan luring M/N to suck on his collar bone.
Severus: Ngh… Fine. There… agh… there, I want you.
Those three words made M/N go berserk as he started kissing Severus more furiously slipping his finger in his tight hole. Severus body shivered and he let out a loud moan when M/N’s long fingers touched his prostate. Muffled moans and groans from connected lips when M/N started entering feeling that Severus was loose enough.
The feeling of being connected together again after so long almost made the two of them cum. Pushing his legs to cling on his waist M/N’s hands doing wonders all across his body and pistoning his cock at his sensitive spot. Severus screaming and moaning, clawing M/N’s back harshly face flushed all over from the pleasure his husband is giving him. M/N pushed Severus to his climax as another loud shaky moan got pulled out from him. M/N continue to plow the male for his own climax making the overstimulated male whimper. He still helped by moving his hips in sync to make the H/C haired male cum quicker.
Severus: Ah…ah…are you near…yet…please…I can't anymore…ah…Ah! Too deep...ah ha...
M/N: Just a little longer sweetheart. Ugh…I love you so much Sevy. I love you.
Kissing the tears away from Severus's cheek, M/N quicken his pace making the male below him whimper and whine out loud being too fucked out to mumble coherent words. Severus passed out right after the both of them came harshly, M/N cleaned him up gently and they move to another room.
Kissing on Severus's forehead gently, mumbling a small goodnight as he wrap him in his embrace tightly. The next day being kicked off the bed, and the angry sounds of his lover only made him even more lovesick for this guy. He already prepared the potions and breakfast to make him feel better and with a final kiss both part ways to their work.
Everything happened really fast, with Voldermort's return told by the saviour and the Ministry of magic trying to keep everything in control by torturing their saviour, then the prophecy was broken with the death of Sirius Black. M/N was having dinner with his sweetheart when this happened and he cheered that the annoying Black is finally away from the school, means no need for his hubby to endure his nuisance after all the Marauders put them through.
What really broke the peace of the wizarding world is the news about Dumbledore's lost power spreading and Mcgonagall upgrading to be a headmaster. Voldemort started his killing spree on the muggles and what really frightened M/N and set him off was Draco almost letting Voldermort's army in Hogwarts.
He blew a fuse and confronted Dumbledore about it to see the frail old man so weak and looking like death. Dumbledore changed his usual sweet deprived demeanor and call for M/N to come over. Still having respect for the latter, he obliged and went up. Then Dumbledore gave him a two-way mirror.
Dumbledore: Go ahead child.
M/N obliged, the other side was quick to pick up the call and a male's voice sounded through it.
Grindelwald: Never think it will take you this long to respond to me old friend.
Dumbledore: I'm...sorry for...causing you the troubles...all these years...Will you forgive me?
Grindelwald: Wait, where the fuck are you! Dumbledore? Dumbledore!
The great wizard finally succumbing to the curse and fell unconscious making M/N worried and frustrated on what to do next.
M/N: He's at the Black manor. He's unconscious now, if you can do something please be quick.
Then the blast of apparition happen real quick as the fallen old man was hold by the past dark lord. Unfamiliar with the dark lord's fame, M/N didn't freak out or anything and explained everything about Dumbledore's recent. This just made Grindelwald mad, as he appeared with Dumbledore again back to his household. Thinking everything's done, M/N went back home, to greet his worried lover asking him where he's been then to smack him in the head when he explained about the situation. M/N could have been blasted into smithereens if it wasn't for Grindelwald being busy with Dumbledore's situation.
Then came the fall of Voldemort as Grindelwald's much stronger army trampled through them relishing the anger of hurting his lover. Harry Potter getting the last blow of Voldemort finishing him off as the other death eaters scram. Lucius Malfoy got released due to M/N revealing that he had been giving messages about the dark lord too. Everything is in peace yet again as M/N hugging Severus looking at their child marrying a responsible man.
The end~
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zein-satsuki · 3 years ago
Bruno madrigal x Male reader getting married + smexy scene
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Not my art.
The Madrigal family are very thankful for the time and heart for you to take care of their precious Bruno when nobody believe in him and you even talk him into coming here. Now his mother and sisters seem pretty thankful to have him here but you know that if you weren't there for him, he'd lose faith in them long ago, even if they get close again he'd still had that feel of untrust in them. Pain of untrust from your own family over ten years and even your own mother didn't care about your existence are enough to break a person. So, needing time to forgive their failure is not such a bad thing.
Bruno rejected the offer of living in the Casita and continued living in the little comfy cottage you both have been living over ten years. You embrace him and give him lots of kisses slowly calming down as you thought he would leave you. He seem to notice your anxiousness and hold onto you tightly giving you the cute smile you grew to love. This amazing man, is your boyfriend and you still can't believe it till this day. You just want to keep him around you at all times just to make sure no one tries to steal him away. You know since the misunderstanding of his powers had been dissolved, some women in town keep eyeing him like their ideal husband. You blocked off some of those for sure but you're sure there were many others that would find a crack to send him lovey dovey eyes.
It's just plain annoyance. And with his mother too, she's trying to set him up on a marriage with someone else just because he's at his right age. Can't she see how Bruno despise her so much for making decisions for him. You thought this is slowly driving you crazy and you decided to propose to him tonight. Yes! You've prepared everything for the past few days and now you're finally ready and set just need your amazingly fabulous boyfriend to come through this door and~
Bruno: Why is it so dark in here? Where's the candle at… ah here.
And a swish of the fire he light up the room to see roses in a love shape and a bouquet full of his favourite flowers in the middle with a card sticking out. He chuckled slightly and carefully walk to the bouquet and pick the card up. While he was reading, you decided to silently tip toe behind him, holding the box of ring in your hands.
Bruno: …will you be the love of my life till end?
M/N: Of course, honey. Will you marry me?
You said suddenly freaking him out as he spun around quickly, seeing you having the box in your hand and with one knee down, he can't hold himself back no more, squealing yes and jumping up to you when you got up. You two hugged for the longest of time before deciding to let each other go.
The two of you worked out things with his mother. It was hard at first to get his mother to soften up but with Mirabel, the heart of the family around, everything went as planned. Your parents agreed happily since they thought you'll never take interest in anyone, so they agreed almost immediately after hearing the news.
Before getting married, the weds are not supposed to meet because of tradition, but being so attached to each other just made it harder for the two of you.
Y/N: I met you for a long time now. Ever since I met you, my life had never been the same again. You pushed me forward, always bringing a smile to my face, made my life better than it already was. I don't wanna put a time limit for our love but if I have to, then I wish it will be three thousand. I love you, mon amour.
By the time you finished your vows, he's already in tears. You pulled him in by the waist and kiss him deeply wiping his tear away with your other hand while the crowd cheered for the two of you.
The crowd surrounded the both of you for a toast. Your brothers are a lot of help with blocking off the wine. So in the end the both of you weren't that drunk. But after that eventful day it drained all the energy out of both of you.
Kissing and caressing each other in the shower sloppily as you rub his back for him. Then, you change him into his pajamas as he's already blushing all over from you caressing and biting his sensitive spot ever so slightly. His legs are wobbly so he was carried out to the bed instead.
You just love how his face flush in crimson red and cute moans spilling out the moment you twist his rosy nipples and kiss his sensitive spot. He got really flustered when he came with a loud moan and he bury himself onto your shoulder refusing to come out. You hold in you chuckle because you don't want to make him more flustered than he already is.
Softly plopping the both of you in bed you blew the candle out and tuck in comfortably. Just as you are about to continue your usual routine, he said something.
Bruno: Aren't you gonna do it tonight? We're married so we can do it now, right?
Y/N: Baby, we don't need to rush it if you're not ready yet. It's okay.
Bruno: But, don't you want to do it with me? Do you dislike intercourse with me?
Hearing his voice full of doubt and slight crying tone made you panicky as you hold his face and look him in the eyes. (There's still a bit of light through the window of you're wondering.) You wipe the little tears away and show him the most reassuring smile.
Y/N: Of course not. I want to make love to you every time I see your cute face as you blush all over because I kissed you. You're so cute I always wondered how you would sound when I got you in my bed and mm…
He's blushing all over again and he block your mouth from saying anything more to embarrass him.
Bruno: I get it I get it. You can stop now.
Y/N: Hahaha. Well what I'm trying to say is, I love you really really much. So, never doubt yourself or my love for you. Alright?
Bruno: Then why don't you prove it to me, tonight.
Y/N: Are you really sure…
Bruno: Yes I am. If you're such a scaredy cat then I should do you instea…
And that set you off. You push him onto the bed, started making out with him while touching all his sensitive spots to get him in the mood. You stopped momentarily to place the pillow under his waist to get him into the right position and prevent his further pain in the morning, you flop back on top of him after just to continue on his lips hungrily.
He moaned out loud as you teased his shaft going slow languid moved. He whined starting to be impatient for the slow moves and eyed you with plead in his eyes. You started quickening your pace to excite him more. Up and down caressing especially the tip of it making his moans streaming all out.
Bruno: Stop, ha... I'm gonna... I'm gonna cum, ah...ha...N/N it feels so weird...I wanna ahh!
He came as his vision went white his face flushed all over while his mind is long gone. You take this chance to shove your lubed up pointer finger in his hole bit by bit while searching for the one pleasure spot that'll make one go crazy. He groans from the slight discomfort of his lower part and you move to make out with him, swirling you tongues over whispering encouragement in his ears to calm him down. You finally found his prostate after brushing near the upper side of his gummy walls.
Y/N: Are you okay? Do you want me to stop?
He immediately broke the kiss with a erotic moan while ordering you with a lustful expression to touch the same spot again. Chuckling at his cute reaction you open him up adding another finger giving him slight pleasure. Scissoring him open as his body tremble in every slight movement while more delicious moans elicited making it harder for you to calm yourself.
Deciding it was lubed up enough, you pulled your fingers out making the curly male beside you whine out dissatisfied because he was about to cum. Then he notice you hard on and the sweats on your forehead. His gaze soften and he reaches out to you "Come get me big boy" That just made you snap as you push in with a swift thrust making him groan from discomfort. The tight and warm feeling inside of him made you want to just keep thrusting but his pained expression just forced you to stop.
Bruno: No... I just need a minute. Ugh...
Kissing and caressing him sweetly while giving him slight strokes around his body and his shaft to make him calm and relax a bit and after a while he nod for you to go on. The both of you let out satisfied moans as you started thrusting slowly later picking up the pace when Bruno whine for you. You bump straight into his prostate making him scream and scratch your back even more. You were sure you would find your back bleeding when tomorrow comes. Pleasure engulfed the both of you as the two of you make love to each other.
His tight and warm hole made you unable tp stop as you just kept thrusting in a quick pace. He replied with a string of broken moans as his face is starting to drench over the amount of tears streaming down. His constant tightening of his gummy walls made you groan. You didn't forget to pleasure him as much too, stroking his sensitive organ up and down in pace with your thrusting. This just made him thrashed around and his tongue out with a fucked dumb expression. Getting even more excited by his lewd expression, you decided to pull him up to sit on your lap as you thrust as deep as ever.
The feeling of your big cock snuggled to his prostate as deep as ever made him shriek. Getting scared that you'll went through his stomach, he cried and begged for you to slow your pace and not too deep. You caught on pretty quick and slow down complying to his wish. It was the first time for the two of you, you wouldn't wish to break him on the very first night together.
Slow and deep thrust bringing the both of you to the last release for the night. Bruno got so tired by then and was halfway into dreamland. You carried him back to the bathroom to get cleaned up. Pushing your fingers in to get all the white liquid put of him, he shivered at the contact and tried to push you away saying "no more" "can't cum anymore". Even though it's cute, you still blamed yourself for having no self control over your first night together.
After cleaning the bed, you get the both of you up in bed comfily and big spoon your husband. He snuggled into your embrace unconsciously making you smile.
"Sweet dreams, mon amour"
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zein-satsuki · 3 years ago
Bruno Madrigal x seme male reader
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Not my art.
You and him are just like soulmates. Result from all the hard times the two of you have been through and handled together. The history of your meeting is just so funny it made him feel flustered and you bursting out laughter while he hits your chest to shush you when you talk about it again.
Being doubt by your family and friends is the most devastating problem Bruno had to face. He wanted to play with the other kids too, just like his classmates but only to get isolated because of crap like his power of a seer is too creepy.
So he gave up trying and just stay in the corner of the classroom where the other kids would just murmur gossip about him like he can't hear them. He's sick of all of this and if it wasn't for a certain H/C haired boy transferring into his class, he would've ditch school a long time ago.
The first time seeing you totally made his day since he was sulking from the disappointed gaze from his mother in the morning. The way you walked in confidently with the bright glow in your eyes and the large smile on your face just made him envious. He can never smile like that with all this pressure on his family and the angry look his mom gave him. He truly love his family, he love his sisters, he love his mom and he love this town and the villagers and all but he just can't handle another day like this.
He was just about to cover himself back with his cloak as you were introducing yourself, but when the teacher assigned for you to sit next to him, he panicked and almost fall off his chair trying to introduce himself as you ask him for information. It's just so funny it brought a chuckle from you. That's when you decided to stop teasing him and reach out your hand to help him up. “It’s alright, take a breath in and out. I'm not rushing.”
That's how you two first met. Then, the two of you eventually bonded over little things like difficulties in homework and helping around the class. You even helped him with his emotional problems when his mother look down on him. You would comfort him and pull him into a friendly embrace while combing his hair a little. He absolutely love these moments where he can feel your warmth up close.
Both of your families get to know each other the more the two of you bond. You started having little slumber parties at his house and you would show him your pillow fort too. But mostly your room though since his room is full of sand. You guys hung around his room to play and talk mostly you seeing how his amazing magic work. His room bending to his will as the sand morphed into various shape and sizes. He never seize to amaze you.
Even though you've seen it so many times, he always managed to surprise you. You love how he look so confident and beautiful handsome doing all of it. You help him out choosing out a few of the vision which aren't that bad but could warn some of the people that could be endangered if it wasn't foretold. Still some people are stubborn, thought it was Bruno’s fault they're in trouble. But this time with you, Bruno was able to ignore them. Unlike them, some of the villagers were actually greatful for the warning. And that made Bruno so happy that he literally pounced onto you. You catch him of course, didn't want to get scold again for dirtying both of your clothes. This time when you caress his hair softly he just lean closer to you with happy thoughts replacing his once cloud filled mind.
The thing that really broke him was how he saw the vision of his little niece Mirabel standing in front of a cracked Casa and when he turn it to another angle it seemed to become brighter as the Casa was fixed.
And everything went wrong when Bruno decided on a little joke on Pepa's wedding without considering the fear of their family against his power. Pepa got furious with him for ruining her wedding. He grew distant from his family after his mother scold him yet again about him being selfish and always thinking about himself. He was extremely upset that day, he love his family really much and having someone that close to him telling him he's selfish didn't help at all. You had to comfort him the whole week after the fight he had with his madre.
The poor boy was just whimpering and crying in your arms as you kept him close whispering sweetnothings in his ear. The two of you spent days in your comfy pillow fort as you peppered kisses on his face and tickle him, finally making him laugh while telling him you love him repeatedly.
When he finally fell asleep, you carried him to your shared room tugging him in. That's when you noticed all his belongings he brought to your house with him. You just smiled and shook your head a little. Leaving a kiss on his forehead then leaving to take care of the rest of his belongings. You finished with his mittens and pack his things into your closet. Then, you played with his hair feeling him snuggling up to you as he snuggle his head deep in your embrace.
The first time ever seeing something like this, he got excited wanting to tell everyone about it when he remembered his mother and just gave up completely. He broke the green vision into pieces dropping it on the ground. He packed his things and just went up to your house. You live alone now since you're already old enough and it'd be easier to have some alone time with your lover.
You were just sewing up some nice mittens for your beloved when a sudden furry decide to burrow himself into you. You chuckled a little and put down your sewing items to take a look at him. You cuddled and whispered sweet nothings in his ear as you shuffled his hair gently trying to get him to sleep. Seeing the dark bags under his eyes just make your heart ache and prompt you to pamper him more after.
Chuckling at his cute actions, you decided to close the lights and hug him closer. Questions for tomorrow, you think as you fall into slumber. He told you everything the next day and you were impressed with his new vision too. You didn't pressure him, wanting your dearest to feel the utmost comfort from his amazing boyfriend.
After 10 whole years, it's Antonio's fifth birthday. Bruno finally gave up after you nag him for so long. He came to his little nephew's birthday party and when Mirabel scream about the cracks around the Casita, he panicked and almost fall if it wasn't for you standing beside him and holding him up. And when his mother announced that the Casita is fine and Mirabel is just blabbering nonsense you can feel him calming down and the both of you went back home later. You prepared hot chocolate for him and kiss him over and over rewarding him for being so brave.
And when Mirabel somehow found her way to your house, it just made Bruno anxious again. Of course with you and his niece calming his nerves, he decided to do another vision. Both of you sighed when Mirabel showed her anger towards Isabella. But somehow you know they are gonna do just fine as you gave her a warm hug while going back to Bruno.
Both of you were shook to hear the loud crash outside. Rushing out to see the Casita in crumbs just proved Bruno's vision to be correct yet again. But this time Bruno decided to take things in his own hands and told you to stay here while he took Yale, the horse you both took in since it was little, and speed off.
He actually managed to settle his problems on his own. His family welcomed him back hugging him tightly and some wiping little tears off. You decided to stand on the sidelines this time just to let their family have their dear son/uncle/brother back in their arms when suddenly Bruno came up to you and pull you towards them. You could never resist your ball of sunshine so you just walk in pace with him. His mother personally thanked you for letting Bruno stay in your house and you just smile kindly. His mother seemed to change a lot but you just love it.
You helped out with the rebuild of Casita and Bruno with Mirabel and Antonio. Building his relationship with his niece and nephews he miss a lot while he's ‘gone’. Truth is Bruno always spy on them with you just to make sure they're okay. When he sees Luisa with so much burden he just wants to hug her and tell her he's here for her. But all is fine now that the main problem is solved and all there's left to do is the rebuild of Casita.
When the beautiful building is finished with the help of all the people in town, the family gave Mirabel the chance to open the door and miracle splashed them returning Casita to life. You kiss Bruno on the lips and he reacts quickly swirling your tongues together breaking apart when you two felt out of breath. Looking into each others’ eyes deeply as the both of you mutter the same thing:
“I love you”
I'm planning on doing smut and smexy scenes of you and Bruno in bed for the next one. What do you think?
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